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02/16/2010 05:13 PM (UTC)
I get the feeling that we might see some varying opinions on Havik. On one hand, I actually really liked his look with the hood. I thought tht was great, even if I really wanted him to be Noob, coming up from the netherealm, unmasked and looking hideous after being twisted by hell, more or less.

To me, that made a lot more sense than simply making him some random dude who love chaos. Sure, it makes him a wild card because I don't think he's evil at all. He's not good either. He doesn't want to fight for one side or the other, he just wants the two sides to fight. That's his mission.

However, having a character like that is inherently useless. Sure, you could make him feel compelled to fight against someone because they want to bring order, but that's been done now thanks to Hotaru. So what else could he do? Someone could feud with him, trying to stop him from bringing chaos.

But he, himself, can't really feud with anyone. He can have goals, similar to attempting a revivification of Shao Khan, but again, he's done that already.

To me, the MK team really painted themselves in to a corner with this character. He basically can't have a story going forward, at least not one that's worthwhile and hasn't already been done.

As for his moves, I freakin hate them with a passion. They're awful. No one who looks that cool should do moves that dumb. To me, they took a character that looked like a complete badass and then made him a joke character with his silly knee cracking fireball, his spining torso etc.

So a cool looking character with no story potential and bad moves?

VERDICT: GONE. Sorry Havik, your look had potential, but you've got too much going against you to be worth bringing back in the future.
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02/16/2010 05:17 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Havik’s appearance is chaotic already. He looks like a mess. And I really don’t quite understand his appearance of looking like a zombie. He goes from a warrior-like character in his first costume to a boxer in the second one. (Of course, this is completely in my perspective, its not like he looks like that to you) If they would explain really on why he should be an undead-type of character that would be perfect.

That's a good point. They never do explain why he appears undead. My memory of MKD's Konquest is fragmented, so I'm not sure if the undead theme was true of everyone in the chaos realm, but I think we have enough data from the endings/bios to say that Havik is mortal. And if that's the case, Havik is probably not undead but just heavily decayed, which seems coherent with the chaos theme. More of a leper than a zombie I guess. But this is all speculation. I can't back this up with anything.

As for the character, I adore Havik. An absolute "stay" in my book. I'd go as far as to say he's the only true neutral character in the entire Mortal Kombat mythology (because Scorpion is about as neutral as Sir fucking Galahad). I know I ragged on the chaos characters previously for having senseless motivations, but Havik is the exception because he doesn't need motivations. He's absolutely insane. The desires of lunancy require no reason.

Havik is a ridiculously fun character. It's a shame his story merged with Kabals, since those two plotlines mixed like gasoline and ass, but by himself, he's a joy. I hope we see a lot of Havik in the upcoming games.
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02/16/2010 05:56 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
As for the character, I adore Havik. An absolute "stay" in my book. I'd go as far as to say he's the only true neutral character in the entire Mortal Kombat mythology (because Scorpion is about as neutral as Sir fucking Galahad). I know I ragged on the chaos characters previously for having senseless motivations, but Havik is the exception because he doesn't need motivations. He's absolutely insane. The desires of lunancy require no reason.

Havik is a ridiculously fun character. It's a shame his story merged with Kabals, since those two plotlines mixed like gasoline and ass, but by himself, he's a joy. I hope we see a lot of Havik in the upcoming games
Is Havik crazy though? I mean, yeah, he wants to cause chaos, but does that make him insane? After all, he's from Chaosrealm. To me, it just seemed like that was his culture, it's what he was, a sower of choas. That's why he brought Khan back. He didn't do it because he's evil or because he's crazy, he did it because doing so would cause chaos.

To me, his story is terrible. He wants chaos. That's it. So sure, he's a "neutral" character, but only because he has so little story and no goals or ends beyond causing chaos that he can't be good or evil.

So yeah, he can stir up the pot, do some things to create issues for both sides, but because his character is basically without his own function, due to a lack in personal motivations, he's left to basically only effect other people, and essentially he just becomes a plot device.

Why did this happen? Oh, umm, because Havik wants chaos! To me, it seems like a flimsy angle for a character to have. I see him as more annoying than anything else. Like he'd be an internet troll if chaosrealm had the world wide web. He just wants to piss people off and to me, there's no need for that role if the good guys want bad guys both want to win.
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02/16/2010 06:52 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

Is Havik crazy though? I mean, yeah, he wants to cause chaos, but does that make him insane? After all, he's from Chaosrealm. To me, it just seemed like that was his culture, it's what he was, a sower of choas. That's why he brought Khan back. He didn't do it because he's evil or because he's crazy, he did it because doing so would cause chaos.

To me, his story is terrible. He wants chaos. That's it. So sure, he's a "neutral" character, but only because he has so little story and no goals or ends beyond causing chaos that he can't be good or evil.

So yeah, he can stir up the pot, do some things to create issues for both sides, but because his character is basically without his own function, due to a lack in personal motivations, he's left to basically only effect other people, and essentially he just becomes a plot device.

Why did this happen? Oh, umm, because Havik wants chaos! To me, it seems like a flimsy angle for a character to have. I see him as more annoying than anything else. Like he'd be an internet troll if chaosrealm had the world wide web. He just wants to piss people off and to me, there's no need for that role if the good guys want bad guys both want to win.

My case for Havik runs on to two engines. The first is that he's insane. If that ends up being untrue, then yes, the character is without foundation, but I think I can demonstrate that one. The second point is that an Havik can have a continued function beyond moving the plot in MKD.

Havik's thirst for chaos is a symptom of insanity. He treasured chaos so dearly that he congratulated Kabal when he betrayed and murdered him. That's pretty hardcore. A solid love for chaos and lack of regard for preservation... kind of sounds like the Joker to be honest.

But calling Havik insane is a bit vague, so I'll go ahead and elaborate on that. An insane person doesn't have to be completely irrational. He can be rational in all but one aspect, but that one faulty component can completely derail his line of decision. Havik's broken component is that he finds beauty in chaos, probably in the same way we find beauty in sacrifice or selflessness.

If you break it down, it's not so unreasonable. If you asked me why I saw beauty in courage, children's laughter, or sunsets, I couldn't give you an immediate response. It's intuition. Of course there's a reason, but without doing really advanced philosophy, the reason isn't accessible. And with Havik's philosophy, I don't think the reason matters.

Take the orcs in LofR. Many people criticized Tolkien on how an entire race of individuals could be universally evil without any anomalies. The short answer is that there's a distortion in their nature; they're too far separated from their natural function. I think Chaos Realm is similar. There is a bend in the rationale of its occupants, which is why Havik finding natural pleasure in chaos isn't such a stretch. A masochist couldn't explain why he enjoys pain any more than I can explain why I enjoy whiskey or sex. It's just a brute fact.

It looks like I've written a lot so I'll have to keep my last point short, but if your argument is that Havik no longer has function, well yes, he doesn't have a stable function. But the character is naturally reactionary. Once one faction reach a certain level of power, he's going to take arms against it. With so many factions in MK (Lin Kuei, Red Dragon), I think there's plenty of room for Havik.
02/16/2010 07:15 PM (UTC)
i like havik. he should return. his look is cool and he has some interesting moves. the only problem i have with him is why does he use quan chi's skull projectile. he could maybe try to become a god somehow. be a ruler of chaos. try to overthrow the gods by decieving them. also ad 2-3 new moves to his special moves slots.
02/16/2010 07:46 PM (UTC)
I like Havik. The idea of a Joker-like anarchist who goes from realm to realm stirring up trouble and escalating conflicts for no other reason than war is less boring than peace really appeals to me and seems like the kind of character that can have a place in any story, no matter the details.

Oh, and someone asked why Havik looks like a zombie. I have a theory on that.

I believe that Chaosrealm is, in fact, so chaotic that they can sometimes even ignore the rules of life and death and people from that realm can survive having giant chunks of flesh missing.
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02/16/2010 09:08 PM (UTC)
It's great to see a character like Havik enter the realm of Mortal Kombat. The Chaos aspect was something evil that felt very fresh to me. I think he has tons of potential, and I would like to see him return.
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02/16/2010 11:35 PM (UTC)
I like Havik.
His look is pretty cool.
His bone snapping moves give me the willies but they are still good.
I thought he had good fatalities too.
I'm gonna say STAY.
02/16/2010 11:36 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I like Havik. The idea of a Joker-like anarchist who goes from realm to realm stirring up trouble and escalating conflicts for no other reason than war is less boring than peace really appeals to me and seems like the kind of character that can have a place in any story, no matter the details.

Oh, and someone asked why Havik looks like a zombie. I have a theory on that.

I believe that Chaosrealm is, in fact, so chaotic that they can sometimes even ignore the rules of life and death and people from that realm can survive having giant chunks of flesh missing.

I asked the question, and I see that I got a good answer for it. That would explain why he looks undead.
02/17/2010 12:10 AM (UTC)
i dont like him at all. no. looks very stupid, moves were stupid. story is lame. man i just hated him sooo muchhh, i hate everything about him.
02/17/2010 01:35 AM (UTC)
I like Havik's energy a lot, but the problem I have with him is that he's way too predictable for a guy who's supposed to be all about chaos and anarchy, and with his resurrection of Shao Kahn he borders on being a walking, talking plot device. For him to continue being interesting, he would have to try very hard to avoid the cheap trap Tanya fell into of just becoming the personification of a theme rather than a fully fleshed-out character. His special moves were...a creative application of the chaos philosophy, I guess, but in execution just looked stiff and silly.

I can tolerate this guy somewhat, but if I were told I'd have to give up one semi-sort-of-okay character to never ever have to see or hear from Chaosrealm and Seido again, then I'd throw Havik on the scrap heap with glee.

02/17/2010 02:03 AM (UTC)
Havik's one the definite stays in my book. Loved his look and I love the concept of his character. I like to see a character who truly is neither evil nor good, but has a particular goal and agenda. And his nutty logic on chaos and anarchy just makes him a fun character.
The only thing he really needs is better moves, because his special moves are pretty lackluster.

Story-wise, Havik can be both easy and tricky at the same time. On the one hand, since all he wants is chaos, he can easily factor into virtually any storyline...instigating further trouble. Problem though is that can be very repetitive is he isn't given specific and/or personal goals & conflicts within his chaos agenda. Now for that, it's hard to foretell what he can do or should do without knowing what the overall story will be.
If anything, Havik may just be character who can come back, but doesn't have to return in every game and sit one out from time to time.

As for a personalized individual story, it might be worth remembering that in Deception's Konquest they hinted that there's more to Havik's past than simply being a Cleric from the Chaos Realm. For those who don't remember or didn't notice, they suggested that once upon a time, Havik was not only a Seidan Guardsman, but they greatest Guardsman. And that he had ventured into the Chaos Realm in an attempt to "tame" the people there...building a massive prison in the process...before he was "corrupted" and converted to worshipping chaos.
Not sure exactly how that can be developed into a future storyline...at least not without laying out a detailed and mapped out plot of my own...but I think it's something worth remembering.

But anyway, I vote Havik to stay. Long as they handle his role in future stories carefully and give him better special moves, I think he's a definite keeper.

BTW, I just want to point out, because I've seen this mentioned more than once: Havik didn't resurrect Shao Kahn.
That ending didn't happen. He never got Onaga's heart, never gained the ability to resurrect the dead, and most importantly...that wasn't even the real Kahn.
02/17/2010 02:38 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
BTW, I just want to point out, because I've seen this mentioned more than once: Havik didn't resurrect Shao Kahn.
That ending didn't happen. He never got Onaga's heart, never gained the ability to resurrect the dead, and most importantly...that wasn't even the real Kahn.

It's a little soon to be saying which endings from Deception and Armageddon will or won't be canon yet. Probably the ONLY reason Onaga survived Deception was because every character had to be in Armageddon. If his flesh and bones are really as useful as the Deception endings say, I can definitely see him being offed before MK9 just to be used as a plot device. And, honestly, I don't think Reptile would really be missed, either. He hasn't been all that interesting since he shed his human skin and any air of seriousness or mystery with it.

And if anyone were going to be willing to eat Onaga's beating heart to get super healing powers in canon...it'd be Havik.
02/17/2010 02:42 AM (UTC)
CyanFan Wrote:
I's a little soon to be saying which endings from Deception and Armageddon will or won't be canon yet. Probably the ONLY reason Onaga survived Deception was because every character had to be in Armageddon. If his flesh and bones are really as useful as the Deception endings say, I can definitely see him being offed before MK9 just to be used as a plot device. And, honestly, I don't think Reptile would really be missed, either. He hasn't been all that interesting since he shed his human skin and any air of seriousness or mystery with it.

And if anyone were going to be willing to eat Onaga's beating heart to get super healing powers in canon...it'd be Havik.

Between Shujinko and Nightwolf's Armageddon bios, we've got a fairly clear picture how Deception ended....or rather, how the final battle with Onaga went down. And Onaga's Armageddon bio also explained how he came back.
There's no way Havik could've gotten the heart.
02/17/2010 02:49 AM (UTC)
Naturally it would be in the bios. *sigh* I swear, Mortal Kombat has to be about the most obnoxious and inefficient storytelling medium ever. Are those even hosted online anymore?
02/17/2010 03:01 AM (UTC)
I don't think so. mortalkombatwarehouse.com has them written out though.

In a nutshell...
Onaga was defeated. I had absorbed the fighting styles of scores of warriors and unleashed an assault on the Dragon King, purging his soul from this existence. His body collapsed - but after a moment of horrific cracking and twisting, it was the lifeless shape of Reptile that lay before me.

For a time I was revered as a hero blah, blah, blah...

After imprisoning Onaga's corrupt soul, I was released from the Netherrealm. I passed through the spirit world before emerging in Earthrealm, surrounded by a pack of wolves, my spirit guides. I had only faint memories of that brief journey... or did it last an eternity?

The Ancients spoke to me of blah, blah, blah...

Basically, it seems Shujinko and Nightwolf's Deception's endings did indeed happen. And as for Onaga...

I had nearly regained my throne as Emperor of Outworld when my plans were undone. My pawn Shujinko had grown more powerful than I ever anticipated. Rallying warriors to his cause, he absorbed their fighting abilities and shattered the six Kamidogu, rendering me vulnerable. Only the amulet I had retrieved from the sorcerer Quan Chi gave me protection.

But as Shujinko landed his final blow, an outside force simultaneously ensnared my soul and expelled me from my host body. I found myself bound to a rune in the Netherrealm. I languished there until I was found by Shinnok, a fallen Elder God. Like me he was trapped in that accursed place, denied domination of the realms by lesser beings. Shinnok offered me a chance at revenge: I would regain my rightful place as ruler of Outworld in return for my unquestioned servitude. I bow to no one, but I considered his offer.

Shinnok was nearing his ascension from the Netherrealm, but he feared another defeat -- either by his enemies or his allies. He would emerge unchallenged if they were all eliminated. To achieve this, he needed an Edenian half-god named Daegon to defeat a fire elemental. The godlike energy Daegon would receive from that victory would bring about this slaughter. However, many other warriors also sought that power. Should Daegon fail, should some other warrior defeat Blaze, Shinnok's plans would go unfulfilled.

Shinnok was most concerned with Shao Kahn, my most hated enemy. He proposed that I feign reluctance, but join Quan Chi's new alliance in order to stay close to the traitor. I would then follow him to the final battleground and prevent him from reaching Blaze. When Daegon finally won the prize, the kombatants would all be slain and I would be given Outworld to rule once more. As an added incentive, Shujinko, languishing in Shao Kahn's dungeon, would be mine to do with as I pleased.

I did not trust this fallen Elder God. I suspected treachery. If all went as he had planned, I would most likely be among the dead. But I accepted his offer in order to free myself from that accursed Netherrealm. Satisfied, Shinnok conjured a portal and spoke through it. He then raised his hands and clenched his fists. With a demonic shout, my soul was freed from the binding symbol and I was released from the Netherrealm. I awoke in my original body, covered in dragon's blood. Before me stood Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and my hated enemy, Shao Kahn.

I will pose as Shinnok's pawn and join Quan Chi's alliance. Shao Kahn will never reach Blaze. But I would be a fool to allow Daegon victory. Once I have slain the fire elemental and have taken the prize for myself, I will have Shinnok's head. Onaga serves NO ONE!

...freed by Shinnok and resurrected in his old body that was mentioned in Sindel's Deception ending.
02/17/2010 03:14 AM (UTC)
Much obliged, sir. Well, it's nice that we can now have both Onaga and Reptile alive and running around at the same time and have it make sense....doesn't mean Havik can't kill him off again and eat his heart, though. Even if his old body didn't have any special powers, it'd be a nice send-off. grin
02/17/2010 04:51 AM (UTC)
Well, if Shujinko and Nightwolf's endings made it possible to where Havik's ending did not occur, then that's stupid. Have another character with a fucked up ending that never happened.

God I just hope Boon and the team take a serious look at the story for once... But I am ending this topic because I've been seeing a heck of a lot of off-topic conversations...
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02/17/2010 05:09 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
God I just hope Boon and the team take a serious look at the story for once... But I am ending this topic because I've been seeing a heck of a lot of off-topic conversations...

Ending the topic discussion on Havik, or the whole character topic?
02/17/2010 05:47 AM (UTC)
Come on, Icebaby. A discussion leads to other points of interest. In the end, when you bring up a new character, people do talk about it.

Anyway, Havik is a definite stay, in my books. One of the best characters in the HISTORY of Mortal Kombat, in my opinion. MK's equivalent to The Joker. People are trying to understand what Havik is all about, and while him having some grand agenda, or a history and such would be nice touches, Havik is hard to understand because HE DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! He thrives on chaos. He causes chaos. He'd kill his own mother and then save an orphan from thugs and raise it to be a vigilante in the same day if it so tickled his fancy.

On the lowest level, Havik works as an excellent plot device. "Why are these two characters fighting? Hmm. Oh, we can just have Havik fuck shit up for them." But beyond that, Havik can have his own impact on the story and perhaps his own rivalries and goals (beyond causing anarchy).

Havik for President.

Now, just to say something about Goro:

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I once had a thought that maybe the different Shokan ethnicities should follow the Chinese Zodiac since Dragon (Goro/Sheeva), Tiger (Kintaro), and Horse (the Centaurs) are all on there. But upon review of the animals available, the only one that'd be any good in a fight is Ox, just give a Shokan giant horns, or maybe Dog if you went for kind of a werewolf look.

I've also wanted to see a human/spider type character, but I don't think it would fit as a Shokan, they're all very tall and bulky and spiders are small, thin, agile creatures. It'd have to be either a female like Sheeva or a new race altogether.

I imagine, since spider legs are covered in tiny spikes, you'd end up with something that looks like more horrific Tarkatan covered in black fuzz. And with extra arms, of course. Maybe the creature could be one of Shang's cloning/crossbreeding experiments, escaped from the Flesh Pits.

Now that is an interesting concept -- the Zodiac idea. The thing about the Shokan, is that there is some sort of mysticism involved. I mean, a dragon and tiger are nothing alike, but somehow they create two very similar creates build-wise. A spider/human hybrid for the Shokan could still be larger than many other fighters -- but would just have one or two traits that Goro and Kintaro didn't have. For example -- maybe they could give this new Shokan some "venomous" traits? As it makes little sense for Reptile to be back (from my perspective, anyway), perhaps this Shokan could take on the Acid Spit ability?

If you made him a bit more spindly than other Shokan, it could be used to create an interesting story for him. You suggested one of Shang Tsung's experiments, which is good. Perhaps he could be a low-caste Shokan? Or one that uses his brains more than his brawn, and is looking to restore the Shokan to honour and take them into a new age?
02/17/2010 02:28 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
God I just hope Boon and the team take a serious look at the story for once... But I am ending this topic because I've been seeing a heck of a lot of off-topic conversations...

Ending the topic discussion on Havik, or the whole character topic?

Nah, ending the topic of Ed Boon looking at stories. It's a completely different topic than talking about Havik. That's what I meant, I'm not closing this thread down, it's like one of the most active ones on this form so far. grin
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02/17/2010 05:47 PM (UTC)
Wow, I'm REALLY surprised by all the Havik love on here! I'm not faulting anyone for their beliefs on this, but I'm just amazed. I dunno, I just don't see it.

1) His name is Havik. As in... Havoc, but with MK twist. By naming standards, he's the Limp Bizkit of Mortal Kombat. Yeah boyz!

2) His look should've been Noob Saibot. It was a perfect fit for Noob and it makes a whole lot more sense than "the Chaosrealm causes skin to chafe" No offense at all there, Razor. I also think that's the best explanation for why Havik's rotting.

3) His moves are horrendous. Does anyone know WHY he can actually do the moves that he can? Don't get me wrong, I know that MK has teleports, projectiles, flying kicks etc. I get that. But Havik bends his legs the wrong way, spins his torso around etc. Last I checked, he was from Seido and now he's from Chaosrealm.

Since when does that make you a rottting, whatever the hell he is, that can do these types of moves? They make no sense.

4) His story is nonexistent. He was from Seido, then he converted to Chaos. That's it. Now, he exists to bring chaos. Again, that's all he's got going for him. That's all his plot can be.

I guess that I can see why people dig the "wild card" nature of this character because he's neither good nor bad. I get that. But if he has no other goal then causing chaos, then to me, he ceases being a character and only becomes a function or an action.

Anything he does, you could pretty much substitute for anyone else that has an actual reason or motivation behind what's been done and to me, it would sound better, make a lot more sense, and hold alot more water than simply saying "he did it because he wanted to cause chaos..."

To me, and again, this is just my own opinion, but I just can't wrap my head around why people would prefer that to a character that does have realistic motivations and rationale.

As far as endings go, I'd rather see Baraka and a few Tarkatans turn their backs on the Dragon King, kill him and use his heart to bring back their true master, Shao Khan. To me, that makes a heck of a lot more sense as far as plot continuity, it advances Baraka's character and it also holds a lot more weight than simply saying, Havik killed the Dragon King so that he could ressurect Shao Khan because Khan would cause chaos.

You know what, so would the freakin destruction of the Outworld Postal Delivery System. Is Havik going to use the Dragon King's heart to destroy the OPDS to "cause chaos?" I'm sorry, but that motivation to me is just stupid and it does nothing to advance his character.

At best, he's a plot device. At worst, he stole the look that should've been Noobs and now he's got terrible moves and no story. His ending, the one thing he did in Deception, was even negated by other characters, so what does this guy even do?
02/17/2010 06:26 PM (UTC)
Havik is a theme. Basically think Joker. Did you like the movie The Dark Knight? I felt it was a brilliant film, and The Joker is one of the most beloved fictional characters out there. While there have been many incarnations of him, let's take a look at The Joker from The Dark Knight. Why did he do what he did? What's his backstory. Hell, he tells conflicting backstories throughout the film. Does that make him a crappy character?

There's something so pure about Havik that I love. He's not some mindless thug for the big boss. Despite looking like a nasty piece of work, he's actually against the big boss in Deception. He's beyond "I hate this guy, and now I hate that guy." He hates a state of being. He hates a level of existence. He hates order. Someone obviously never explained to this guy that from chaos you will occasionally get a semblence of order.

The difference between a character like Havik and a character like, no offence (sincerely), Baraka, is that one is a pawn, and the other is a chess master. If Baraka wanted Onaga's heart to ressurrect his people, it is ultimately a petty, mortal goal. Havik would dream of altering consciousness itself so that predictability was erased.

Now, I'm not saying that I want Havik to be the star of the MK games or anything like that. But as a hidden character, or someone in the shadows looking to cause trouble wherever he can, he would make a beautiful permanent factor in Mortal Kombat. "What is Havik going to get up this this time?" "I don't know, man! That guy is fucking crazy!" He is just as likely to find an ally in Li Mei as he is in Quan Chi. Good and evil go out the window with him, as absolutes and certainties petrify Havik for whatever reason.

As for why he is decaying, I truthfully don't see the big problem about it. Who says that he is? Why can't that just be the way people develop in Chaosrealm? Maybe he stapled some guy's face onto his? Maybe he is headless, and he just puts someone else's on top of his? You don't know with the H-Bomb. Why does Baraka have huge teeth? Why is every single Edenian female attractive? Why do they all speak English? Havik is just Havik.

I can understand why his special moves annoy some people. They are a bit cutesy. Basically, because he is from Chaosrealm, he doesn't shoot fireballs from his hands -- he shoots them from his knees. His moves just take inspiration of chaos and the unexpected. It doesn't bother me at all, really. It's just his thing.

But to me, Havik represents a philosophy. He represents the hippie movement, rebellion against the established, and things that go beyond that into what we truly believe. You just know that Havik doesn't answer to any sort of god; he forges his own destiny, and tries to manipulate others to do the same.

The part of his story that I would like to see explored is "WHY." Not so much when, who or where; but just the why of Havik's obsession with chaos. Why does he feel the need to plunge the world -- well, not into darkness, because that itself would be order -- but into complete and utter Picasso-like distortion? How does someone go from serving (which such vigor) such a totalarian order, only to decide "you know what, I'm going to passionately stand for the OPPOSITE of that." Havik went from the Yin to the Yang, and the why has got so much potential for richness there. It'd be like seeing Sub-Zero in one story fighting for earth and the Lin Kuei, and then in another he is living on a sunny beach, trying to master pyrokinesis. Um, what are you doing, Subby? The journey Havik has taken has obviously been epic and taxing, but even if it is never explored, the purity of the character ultimately pulls him through for me.
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02/17/2010 10:52 PM (UTC)
I personally like Havik he reminds of that blonde chick from Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy.

So yes he is a very conterversial character people liking and disliking him. His "zombie" look kinda fits him.
His story is pretty plain when you pay attention to it closely. He wants to wreak hell over the realms. That's it.
Pretty lame.
But that working well not technically working more like fucking around with both sides can effect him. One side can realize that he's just trying to fuck with them so he can do something unimaginably stupid and evil that it can come back and bite him in the ass. I'm just saying karmas a bitch. wink

I really think he should stay. But if he stays you know he going to stay as a servant for choas. He always will.

You can't change a Mortal Kombat fighter look at Scorpion.
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02/17/2010 10:58 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Havik is a theme. Basically think Joker. Did you like the movie The Dark Knight? I felt it was a brilliant film, and The Joker is one of the most beloved fictional characters out there. While there have been many incarnations of him, let's take a look at The Joker from The Dark Knight. Why did he do what he did? What's his backstory. Hell, he tells conflicting backstories throughout the film. Does that make him a crappy character?

There's something so pure about Havik that I love. He's not some mindless thug for the big boss. Despite looking like a nasty piece of work, he's actually against the big boss in Deception. He's beyond "I hate this guy, and now I hate that guy." He hates a state of being. He hates a level of existence. He hates order. Someone obviously never explained to this guy that from chaos you will occasionally get a semblence of order.

The difference between a character like Havik and a character like, no offence (sincerely), Baraka, is that one is a pawn, and the other is a chess master. If Baraka wanted Onaga's heart to ressurrect his people, it is ultimately a petty, mortal goal. Havik would dream of altering consciousness itself so that predictability was erased.

Now, I'm not saying that I want Havik to be the star of the MK games or anything like that. But as a hidden character, or someone in the shadows looking to cause trouble wherever he can, he would make a beautiful permanent factor in Mortal Kombat. "What is Havik going to get up this this time?" "I don't know, man! That guy is fucking crazy!" He is just as likely to find an ally in Li Mei as he is in Quan Chi. Good and evil go out the window with him, as absolutes and certainties petrify Havik for whatever reason.

As for why he is decaying, I truthfully don't see the big problem about it. Who says that he is? Why can't that just be the way people develop in Chaosrealm? Maybe he stapled some guy's face onto his? Maybe he is headless, and he just puts someone else's on top of his? You don't know with the H-Bomb. Why does Baraka have huge teeth? Why is every single Edenian female attractive? Why do they all speak English? Havik is just Havik.

I can understand why his special moves annoy some people. They are a bit cutesy. Basically, because he is from Chaosrealm, he doesn't shoot fireballs from his hands -- he shoots them from his knees. His moves just take inspiration of chaos and the unexpected. It doesn't bother me at all, really. It's just his thing.

But to me, Havik represents a philosophy. He represents the hippie movement, rebellion against the established, and things that go beyond that into what we truly believe. You just know that Havik doesn't answer to any sort of god; he forges his own destiny, and tries to manipulate others to do the same.

The part of his story that I would like to see explored is "WHY." Not so much when, who or where; but just the why of Havik's obsession with chaos. Why does he feel the need to plunge the world -- well, not into darkness, because that itself would be order -- but into complete and utter Picasso-like distortion? How does someone go from serving (which such vigor) such a totalarian order, only to decide "you know what, I'm going to passionately stand for the OPPOSITE of that." Havik went from the Yin to the Yang, and the why has got so much potential for richness there. It'd be like seeing Sub-Zero in one story fighting for earth and the Lin Kuei, and then in another he is living on a sunny beach, trying to master pyrokinesis. Um, what are you doing, Subby? The journey Havik has taken has obviously been epic and taxing, but even if it is never explored, the purity of the character ultimately pulls him through for me.

I get alot of what you're saying here and I appreciate your taking the time to lay it out for me.

As you describe it, I get his appeal now, at least a lot more than I did before. As a hidden character, or someone that's in the shadows in each game, I agree, he'd be perfect. Especially given the fact that I still think his hooded look is awesome. I still think that he should've been Noob Saibot, as far as his look is concerned, but that's a moot point now anyways.

But beyond that, I still don't really see the appeal. The comparison with the Joker makes sense. Both seem to simply revel in chaos. I guess that version of the Joker comes off as more believable as a twisted psycho, while Havik almost uses chaos like it's a religion to him.

That's sort of what separates the two for me, well, that and the fact that Havik's moves in the game are just awful.

But I would also like to get the history behind his change from order to chaos. I'd like to see that explored, but how do they even do that in the context of the next game? Unless there's a new character that's the reason behind his conversion... I dunno, it's possible I suppose.

As a hidden character, I'd be fine with him returning, I suppose, just flesh his story out and give him a completely different move set. Arg, yeah, I know they won't do the latter, that alone is enough for me to not want him back.

Still, you made me like him just a little bit more, so major props for that!! Oh, and no offense taken on the Baraka comparison. Baraka's a henchmen, pure and simple. He's Kano with big, pointy teeth. That's why I'd almost prefer to see someone like Baraka, who has been an "assist" character more or less for so long, actually get a plotline of his own where he does something.

Which kind of brings me back to the whole "I'd rather see a character with a real, tangible motivation do something as opposed to the guy that just likes starting stuff." To me, it's just more plausible, it's more believable, and it adds real depth to a character if they do something like steal the DK's heart and revive Shao Khan.

That's sort of Havik's curse (well, that and having a misspelled name). Even if we learned his origin story, what possible depth can he have beyond causing chaos? I agree, he's a wild card and he's like the joker etc, but also remember that the joker is based on a very old school comic where you had good guys and bad guys etc.

Personally, I'd like to see MK advance beyond the cookie cutter models for characters, motivations and ideas. In this regards, Havik's a step back, not a step forward. But again, I do see why you dig him and your explanation certainly makes me hate him less.

I think that I've spent a long time hating him for stealing what should've been Noob's outfit, having a silly name and terrible moves. That's my issue though.

Thanks again!

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