02/12/2010 08:09 PM (UTC)
Fujin? I say he should bring back his crossbow and his fatalities involving the weapon from MK4. Otherwise, replace him with a female character who'd posses the wind power. I find that a Goddess should have his powers and not him. I feel that the power of the wind to be sort of feminine. I don't know why but it is.
02/12/2010 08:26 PM (UTC)
hahaha the power of wind is feminine. lol uhh i dont think powers go by what sex you are. i mean wonder woman has super strength, and thats not normal for a woman to have. oh and i didnt know that fujin was not an elder god.
02/12/2010 08:35 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
hahaha the power of wind is feminine. lol uhh i dont think powers go by what sex you are. i mean wonder woman has super strength, and thats not normal for a woman to have. oh and i didnt know that fujin was not an elder god.

I mean, wind would fit a woman more because it would make her hair and dress flow in the air as she floats. You can also add loose long sleeves on the dress like Mileena's primary outfit and have those flowing as well. You get the picture. Look at Storm from X-Men, the wind powers match her more than Fujin.
02/12/2010 08:43 PM (UTC)
strom is a more developed character too but that's another story. i see what you are talking about though!!
02/12/2010 10:25 PM (UTC)
I'm a big Fujin fan, I think he deserves screentime, a chance to actually BE the Protector of Earthrealm now that that's his rank. I was legitimately pissed off he wasn't in either Deadly Alliance or Deception. It's probably the biggest flaw I have with both of those games, even though they're my two favorites in the series.

He just really needs his goddamn crossbow back, or at least the ability to create an energy one as a projectile, like Nightwolf's bow, because his moves are boring without it.

And XD already covered my thoughts on his personality. I look at his face and he always has this sorta grumpy expression, and the first thing that comes to mind is "I bet that guy's a bitter, sarcastic asshole", I don't know why. Fujin as the Gregory House of the gods just seems right to me.
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02/12/2010 10:50 PM (UTC)
Wait a minute Razor, did you just say that your favorite MK games for the ENTIRE series were MK:DA and MK:D?

Wow... That's quite possibly the most "out of left field" statement I've heard someone make on these boards in some time.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not AT ALL faulting you for having that opinion. Maybe I've never thought to ask people what their favorite or least favorite games are in the series.

Who knows, maybe I'm a bit out there for thinking that MK3 has been the worst game in the series so far.

Too each, his own, I guess!!
02/12/2010 11:02 PM (UTC)
Yes, I did just say that. I don't know how this is the first time you're hearing it because I say it all the time. I love MK5 and 6. I don't so much love "the classics".

The story is richer in those games than anywhere else in the series, there's more text, more detail, more exposition and elaboration. Compared to the 2D games, where all you have is bios and endings, the DA and Deception Konquest modes are like jumping from the shallow end of the pool right into the diving area.

Also, the 2D games didn't have alt costumes and concept art galleries. I like that stuff a lot.
I still remember buying and playing Deadly Alliance for the first time as one of the happiest moments of my life. To go from the glitchy disappointments of MK4, have to wait years and years...and then the franchise doesn't just come back, it has like the most elaborate presentation I'd ever seen. There's a FMV opening cinema, a demo mode with bios interspersed like the old games had, AND the characters do katas...you press start and the menu's not just a stack of buttons, it's this hallway with burning torches and you woosh around and open doors and weird shit like that to select the mode...in the extra content, there's a fucking music video and documentary films! The training mode is different for each character and as long as TEN bios, it tells you shit like where the character learned their fighting style, every little detail of everything they've done since, in some cases, MK THREE...
Owning Deadly Alliance is like owning the Extended Edition of Lord of the Fuckin' Rings. There's so much god damned STUFF.
Sure, some of this stuff is standard for all video games now, like the way menus are done all elaborate and animated...but it blew my fucking mind back then.

That's what I want Mortal Kombat to be. It's what I now expect Mortal Kombat to be. They set the bar so high that by giving us JUST a fighting game with Armageddon and MKvsDCU, I couldn't help but think they were being lazy and stiffing us out of stuff we're owed.
02/12/2010 11:56 PM (UTC)
iv NEVER seen a person judge a FIGHTING game on how much they liked the story, but everyone has their own opinion. not trying to start anything!!!! lol
02/13/2010 04:22 AM (UTC)
i can't say i like Fujin but I can not say i don't like him either...he should probably stay for story reasons but he seems like a mediocre character to me. i think he needs new moves or something. if he was not suppose to be the earth realm protector i would say gone...but they need to stick to the story and play it through so i think he should stay.
02/13/2010 05:03 PM (UTC)
fujin should stay. he is a badass god and for some reason i like him more than raiden. maybe it's his looks or his moves. i loved playing as him in mk4 but in mka he lacked in some areas. i'd love to see him take on dark raiden. maybe have quan chi assist dark raiden for his own pupose. then try to betray him.
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02/13/2010 07:23 PM (UTC)
I liked in Mythologies, Mortal Kombat 4, and Armageddon. I think he should come back. Cool character with good moves, styles, and story.
02/13/2010 10:26 PM (UTC)
I never really played the MK4 saga much, so maybe I missed out on the Fujin craze, but from afar, he seems like a really weak character. In design, he's very bland. Even in the story, he's essentially "Raiden's replacement" and is such a passive entity.

For some reason, I get the feeling the MK Team are not too big on the character. After MK4, in what should have been a given slot for him, Fujin did not return, and protecting Earthrealm was once again the chore of Raiden. What was Fujin doing? Nothing to warrant mention in the story, that's what.

If he were to return, I'd like to see him with a much grander look. I think they were going with something humble for Fujin, but the dude is a god -- his wisdom can be great while his costume flamboyant. He needs something to set him apart. I'd also like to see some actual personality for him. I've seen a few good ideas for him. I don't like the idea that Fujin should be feuding with Raiden right out the gate or something. This is Mortal Kombat; not Immortal Kombat. I'd like to see Fujin guide some Earthrealm warriors, and maybe even look at Raiden's actions, and wonder if there is something to value in them. So far, Fujin has seemed like a follower, so I think there should be some curve for him to overcome in becoming a proper leader.

Fujin returning could be very, very cool, don't get me wrong. For his popularity levels, I also think he is one of the most underused characters in the entire MK saga. Perhaps even the most underexposed. But my personal wishes would be to cut down on having gods everywhere. I'd personally like to see Fujin replace Raiden as an Elder God, and move forward with the story.
02/13/2010 11:57 PM (UTC)
I would like him back. He got that old asian mythology feel that MK had back in the days. Furthermore I like his story as Raiden's successor. If MK plans a new beginning he would fit just fine.
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02/14/2010 02:42 AM (UTC)
What the hell I don't come on for a week and I miss 5 fucking chracters. furious

Since i can't catch up with the characters I'm not gonna waste my time trying to say how I feel about them all :/

Anyways FUJIN I freakin love this character. Everything his looks to his style. Just awesome. BUT where has he been! He came back in armaggedon which was great but me personally not the best game to back for. Even if it was supposed to bring back EVERY fighter back.

But MK9 is his chance to shine. Raiden has gone complete apeshit and is using Lui Kang as his pawn. They were the origanal heroes of the series. With them gone who's gonna fit there place? I'll tell you who FUJIN!

He can fill in his place as the heroic god. And for Lui Kang Kung Lao will fill his place. This is ME personally who i think should be the new leader of Edenia. And Fujin is seriously the only fighter i think that's reasonable to take on Raiden. Fujins a god and so is Raiden. PERFECT MATCH.

Ok I'm getting too off topic overall i think he should stay as the new heroic god to fill Raidens place.


grin grin grin
02/14/2010 07:48 PM (UTC)
Chalk me up as another Fujin fan, but I definitely agree that he needs a serious personality infusion of some kind. Getting a joke character almost identical in appearance to Fujin in Deception (Hotaru) without actually having him playable was a major disappointment. I totally forgot that he originally had a crossbow as a weapon, but man, that would have been so much more preferable to his tree branch in MKA. Giving him something more streamlined like Rinoa's wrist bow in FF8 would have been even better. Though, he has GOT to get some better-looking special moves (too bad Raiden stole the Torpedo).

BUT as much as I like Fujin as a character, I think he is a damper on any urgency present in the storyline, as far as Earth is concerned. Having a back-up Protector of Earth in case Raiden goes off the deep end just makes already ineffectual characters like the Special Forces members even MORE pointless and impotent in the grand scheme of things and you lose the "last line of defense" atmosphere that is so important to just about every MK game. The reason we probably haven't seen so much of Fujin lately is that the creators seem to know this, as evidenced by all the instances of Raiden being forced to give up his immortality or being sidelined altogether throughout the series.

I feel like Fujin would have made a more appropriate fit as Protector of Edenia rather than Earth. As cool as they are, introducing the existence of other Earth gods in MK:M was a bad move; it would have been a much better idea to instead have one Protector for each realm. The fact that for awhile only Earth seemed to have any gods also introduced the lame idea that they can also travel willy-nilly between realms like Seido and Earth without any restrictions or consequences, further sidelining the mortal heroes of all the realms. There are some good things to say about Mortal Kombat 4 and MK: Mythologies, but the shift of focus from Mortal to Immortal Kombat was one of the more damaging ones to the series from that point on in making former star characters like Sonya and Kitana just seem downright irrelevant (a situation they still have yet to recover from). And the concept that a battle between only one god and Elder God can snuff out virtually all life on Earth is Superman levels of ridiculous and just makes it that much harder to have these characters fit reasonably into a fighting game series.

I think the right plot could make Fujin work, but it would almost invariably include making him spend some time as a mortal. This could definitely work with the whole "cantankerous snob" persona.

Damn I wish MK had some better in-game characterization. They really need to hire somebody whose sole job is to breathe life into the cutscenes.

Anyway, my verdict is STAY, but only with some serious alterations.
02/15/2010 03:06 AM (UTC)
So, I'm a day early in when I was going to post the next character in debate. Only because I didn't think I was going to bring my computer where I was heading off to for the weekend, but, because I have a paper that is due this Wednesday, I brought my laptop with me.

Introduced as a sub-boss in MK1 as a character we all went “WTF is that thing?” Goro had a story in MK1...

He’s a 2,000 year old half human and dragon who has been undefeated for the past 500 years by defeating a Shaolin fighting monk, Kung Lao. During this time, the tournament fell into the hands of good ole Shang Tsung and was now corrupted.

He did not return until MK4, where we found out that he was defeated by Liu Kang and wants revenge.

He then showed up in Deception (Gamecube that is and Unchained) During this time, he allied up with Kitana and her forces to destroy Kahn. (For some strange reason) He was battling against Kano’s militia and was attacked by Noob Saibot. He laid dying on the battleground and was greeted by someone he did not expected to see. Kahn found him and used the left of his power to revive him. He granted Goro a favored status and banish the Centaurs. He accepted his offer and aided him for the battle.

In the end, his Shokan arm clensed Outworld and defeated Baraka and his troops. Goro felt that there was needed a gift after everything he has done, and captured Kitana. He sacrificed her as an offering to the future emperor of Outworld.

Oh my, my there is so much to do with this character as he’s now a playable one. Since there’s an actual story to have with him rather than having him as some undefeated, four armed beast, what is there actually to do with this guy? Continue serving under Kahn’s orders or actually be something to fear? Many feared this guy when MK first came out, now, he has lost his touch as a feared, undefeated beast.

This guy should have deadly moves if returning and is actually a playable character. He should have his fire bolt back... But there’s been twists to this move. In MK1, he blasts it from his hands, in MK4, he shoots it from his mouth. Make up your mind on where this guy shoots it, because there’s big differences between hands and mouth. (For some reason I find a sex joke that could be made from that last part) I liked how they gave him the Stomp move, fits swell with his character.

And for a fatality concept, please, one of his fatalities that he had in Deception where he stabs you a few times with daggers was HORRIBLE. Just HORRIBLE... I liked the second one where he tears you limb from limb with his hands, now THAT is what kind of fatality Goro should have. I don’t know, maybe for another fatality, he should use his fire bolt and blast his opponent into pieces or flatten them up like a bloody pancake by stomping on them.

There’s nothing really to do with his appearance since majority of the time we’ve seen him, he’s just in some sort of odd black speedo with a yin-yang belt. Intimidating? Possibly, but Goro has just lost his scariness ever since he was brought back into the series with MK4. For shame too, because Goro scared the shit out of me back when I first played this game, now he’s just a rubber duck.

I think Goro should stay if he’s put to good use. Have us go more into depth with the Shokans and the Centaur war if they could. That war just came out of the blue, and I had no idea what was really going on but, if Goro stays, I think that should be his story because the only thing we have seen this character actually do is be loyal to his master, which was Shang Tsung and Kahn. Yeah, let’s see no more characters who have to be loyal to their master.

So I vote that Goro should stay, just with a lot of touch ups to do.

So, let’s debate. Should Goro stay or leave?
02/15/2010 03:29 AM (UTC)
Hell yeah he should stay. He is one of the most iconic characters from MK. I say he stays by far, but I would also want him to be a playable character.
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

02/15/2010 03:39 AM (UTC)
Goro is bad ass. I say keep him around!
02/15/2010 04:04 AM (UTC)

Goro is a sad example of how misplaced nostalgia can totally sabotage an otherwise good character. He got nice, solid, and fitting closure in Deadly Alliance...then they go a drag him back to life with a ludicrous storyline that completely ruined him. And why? Because he's an "icon" and everyone loves a fucking icon, right? Makes me sick.

So storywise, Goro's fucked. Is there a need to bring him back for gameplay purposes? He's an overpowered sub-boss. Doesn't exactly contribute to balanced gameplay. And even if they want a playable sub-boss character...why not use someone who hasn't been reduced to a pathetic joke? Do they make a him a sub-boss again? Wait...what year is it? Oh that's right, 2010....not 1992.

Poor Goro should've stayed dead after Deadly Alliance. The more they bring him back, the more they piss all over his legacy.

02/15/2010 05:17 AM (UTC)
i say have goro never come back. he is a really cheap character. plus i'd rather have kintaro instead, he's bigger and badder.
02/15/2010 05:27 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Yes, I did just say that. I don't know how this is the first time you're hearing it because I say it all the time. I love MK5 and 6. I don't so much love "the classics".

The story is richer in those games than anywhere else in the series, there's more text, more detail, more exposition and elaboration. Compared to the 2D games, where all you have is bios and endings, the DA and Deception Konquest modes are like jumping from the shallow end of the pool right into the diving area.

Also, the 2D games didn't have alt costumes and concept art galleries. I like that stuff a lot.

I still remember buying and playing Deadly Alliance for the first time as one of the happiest moments of my life. To go from the glitchy disappointments of MK4, have to wait years and years...and then the franchise doesn't just come back, it has like the most elaborate presentation I'd ever seen. There's a FMV opening cinema, a demo mode with bios interspersed like the old games had, AND the characters do katas...you press start and the menu's not just a stack of buttons, it's this hallway with burning torches and you woosh around and open doors and weird shit like that to select the mode...in the extra content, there's a fucking music video and documentary films! The training mode is different for each character and as long as TEN bios, it tells you shit like where the character learned their fighting style, every little detail of everything they've done since, in some cases, MK THREE...

Owning Deadly Alliance is like owning the Extended Edition of Lord of the Fuckin' Rings. There's so much god damned STUFF.

Sure, some of this stuff is standard for all video games now, like the way menus are done all elaborate and animated...but it blew my fucking mind back then.

That's what I want Mortal Kombat to be. It's what I now expect Mortal Kombat to be. They set the bar so high that by giving us JUST a fighting game with Armageddon and MKvsDCU, I couldn't help but think they were being lazy and stiffing us out of stuff we're owed.

None of this has anything to do with gameplay.
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02/15/2010 05:42 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:

Goro is a sad example of how misplaced nostalgia can totally sabotage an otherwise good character. He got nice, solid, and fitting closure in Deadly Alliance...then they go a drag him back to life with a ludicrous storyline that completely ruined him. And why? Because he's an "icon" and everyone loves a fucking icon, right? Makes me sick.

So storywise, Goro's fucked. Is there a need to bring him back for gameplay purposes? He's an overpowered sub-boss. Doesn't exactly contribute to balanced gameplay. And even if they want a playable sub-boss character...why not use someone who hasn't been reduced to a pathetic joke? Do they make a him a sub-boss again? Wait...what year is it? Oh that's right, 2010....not 1992.

Poor Goro should've stayed dead after Deadly Alliance. The more they bring him back, the more they piss all over his legacy.


I'm trying to remember the last time I disagreed with you, but it seems as though it's been a while.

I mean really? You guys want Goro back? For what? Because he's a big claymation cartoony looking dude in a speedo?

I'll say this, I liked Goro and Kintaro back in the day, but were they really integral to the plot past the games they were sub bosses in? I'd say no. So then what's the point of having any of them come back? Goro, Kintaro, Motaro, Moloch etc... They're all just big, dumb monsters.

See, that's the difference between the sub bosses and all of the normal characters. The sole purpose of a sub boss is to simply provide a big character to beat before the boss. That's it. That's their entire function. They're not even characters really, they're just a stepping stone on the way to the top.

Because of that, I'd say new game, new sub boss. I'd personally prefer that it wasn't a half human/dragon, a centaur, an oni, a unicorn, a giant, a lizard man, a half donkey half dove, or any other lame monster, but a human character that's not playable until the following game. Someone that's freakin awesome, that has fantastic moves and poses a tough challenge. Someone you'll click on immediately when the following game comes out, just so you can finally have the pleasure of kicking ass with that character.

But yeah, no more monsters, unless of course it's ZEBRON. tongue

VERDICT: GONE, he was great back in the day, but his day is over.
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02/15/2010 05:59 AM (UTC)
Damn, I missed a lot of significant characters... mostly. I'll try to keep this short.

Ermac: Stay! Dear all that is holy, let Ermac stay! Although not my favorite, he easily takes the trophy for most developed and fleshed out character since MK3. Ermac is a gem of the mk story. I am just so ridiculously gay for this character.

Frost: Gone. Frost is one of those parts of MK which I'd like to bury in the desert and never speak of again. A female apprentice of Subzero isn't a terrible idea in itself, but the design was so blatantly a cross reference that the attempt fell flat on it's face.

Fujin: Another underrated character, though his design needs a little adjustment. Not necessarily a change, but a more characteristic look. His MKA alt was rather impressive, so that's a working template. Nothing would rock my world more if they tied Fujin into Smoke's storyline, particularly as an explanation for Smoke's ability.

Goro: Unlike the above, Goro is overrated. He's justifiably nostalgic, and therefore he'll probably never go away for too long. All that said, I actually don't mind him. If he's balanced and plays well (and they get rid of those disgusting warts) I might enjoy another run with Goro... but, not at the cost of a perfectly good roster slot. Sorry. Gone.
02/15/2010 06:12 AM (UTC)
I think we can still have Shokan and Centaurs without them necessarily being Goro or Motaro. I was personally pretty impressed with how well Sheeva meshed as a playable character in MK3, although I think I may be in the distinct minority in being a fan of that character. I also DISagree that the sub-boss characters should be one-dimensional goons. Though it was probably a bad idea bringing Goro back to drive the point home, I appreciated the effort to flesh out the Shokan as three-dimensional beings with their own interests and code of ethics rather than pay lip-service to some shady notion that you're proportionally as brutish and evil as you look inhuman. I wouldn't object at all to seeing a brand new playable Shokan, as long as he or she was relevant to the storyline.

Goro himself has the personality of a rock, though, and has run his course. I vote GONE. Bring in some new blood.
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02/15/2010 06:19 AM (UTC)
CyanFan Wrote:
it was probably a bad idea bringing Goro back to drive the point home

Goro was doing okay for a while when he was at peace with Kung Lao and working with Kitana in MKDA, but then he met with Kahn in MKD and was like "I is Evilz again!1!1!! He@r meh RAWR!!1!"

Now he's only one notch above Kintaro in story, but only because Kintaro never fucking learned how to talk.
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