02/08/2008 06:11 PM (UTC)
God! where are these creeps coming from.
I'm sorry, I skimmed through your post, but I didn't see constructive crit anywhere?

Pardon me if I am wrong.
02/08/2008 11:02 PM (UTC)
To Vasculio: Thanks for reading. I'm glad you like most of the stuff for Noob Saibot. I personally like the idea of Noob Saibot having more of the wraith look, because that's what he is. I don't want to go too much with the ninja stuff, because he'll easily fall into the stereotype again. For his bio, this was something I had to compromise on. I personally wanted him to separate from Shinnok, but given the stuff we have planned for him, we went with this particular direction. Btw, what are your thoughts on all the other characters? It'd be greatly appreciated if you gave you insights on the others and not just on one character only.

To m@d_gamer: I can't understand what you're saying. Please make your post clear, and please break down your post into paragraphs instead of one big chunk.

Anyway, we've finally gotten around to getting the next update ready, so here we go. This is the last of the super unlockable characters. I know that it's a small number, but streamlining the story and roster was very difficult to do.


Origin: The Heavens

Alignment: Unknown

Status: God of Thunder


Primary Costume: He wears a dark blue and black Samurai yoroi with his MK1-MK4 style Jingasa (military hat), much like the person in this video.

Alternate Costume: His alternate costume is his primary costume from MKD and MKA.

Extra Costume: Raiden wears his MK2 costume, but instead of blue and white, the colors of his costume are dark red and black.

Fighting Styles: Hontai Yoshin Ryu, Lightning Staff

Hontai Yoshin Ryu: Hontai Yoshin Ryu is one of the several branches of a traditional style of Jujutsu founded by Orieumon Shigenobu Takagi in the early Edo period. It is a very close-ranged, combat-oriented style that resembles Judo and Aikido in its techniques. However, it differs in that it has a war-like mentality, performing the techniques in a manner that hopes for the opponent's landing to be most painful. In addition to its Jujutsu, Hontai Yoshin Ryu also teaches Bojutsu and Kenjutsu, utilizing the Rokushakubo (6-ft staff), Kodachi (small sword), and Odachi (large sword). We chose this style for Raiden, because we mainly wanted to stick with a large Japanese-influnced theme to his character in various aspects. It was felt that this style was fitting since it's traditional and has a very brutal, war-like mentality while being refined at the same time.

Lightning Staff: The Lightning Staff is Raiden's trademark weapon. It's a Bo staff that contains power of thunder and lightning and is believed to lead its wielder to the path to immortality. The fighting stance and techniques Raiden uses with his Lightning Staff come from Hontai Yoshin Ryu Bojutsu. Raiden's methods are more direct and linear, and with his Lightning Staff, he has great range and power. We kept this weapon for him, because it's his trademark weapon.

Special Moves

Electric Blast: Raiden charges electricity in his hands and fires a shot of electricity at the opponent. Normally, it is a fast, linear projectile that hits high. However, the move can be charged for greater effects. At full charge, Raiden unleashes a powerful beam of electricity.

Torpedo Dive: With his hands in front of him, Raiden dives forward as if his body were a torpedo. He hits the opponent and pushes him away then flips back to get into his fighting stance. Torpedo Dive hits mid and is relatively unsafe on block. It can also be done when he's in the air.

Lightning Storm: Summoning the power of lightning, Raiden unleashes multiple lightning bolts which hit one after another in a line, traveling half screen distance. While this move is unblockable and has good distance, it is easily telegraphic and can be avoided by sidestepping.

Static Teleport: Raiden turns into electricity and teleports, appearing on the opposite side of the opponent. It has been sped up a bit and makes for a good evasion move if used wisely.

Electric Surge: He charges his body with electricity to protect him from physical attacks. Those who try to use a physical attack against him in this state will get electrocuted.


Shocking Slam: Raiden grabs the opponent, raises him/her up, and he briefly electrocutes him/her. Then he slams the opponent down to the opposite side, much like his MK2 throw.

Shocking Lift Kick: He grabs the opponent with both hands, lifts him/her up, and electrocutes him/her. He drops the opponent and quickly kicks him/her

Mastery Level: 4

Overall Gameplay Style: Raiden is a powerful and advanced character who uses brutal but refined techniques and methods. His styles complement each other in terms of range, with Hontai Yoshin Ryu being for close range fighting and Lightning Staff being for long range fighting. His special moves are powerful and versatile, giving him the edge he needs in different ranges of combat.


Electric Conductor: Raiden takes out his Lightning Staff and charges it with a large amount of electricity. He throws the staff and it impales the ground, releasing an electric dome of energy that electrocutes the opponent, frying him/her until he/she disintegrates.

Disintegration: He uses his lead hand to electrocute the opponent to death, slowly charring him/her to ashes. With his other hand, he charges electricity into a thunderbolt and throws it at the opponent's head, making it explode while the body turns to ash.

Get Up Animation: His get up animation starts like the MKD/MKA version, but after teleporting, he lifts his head up slowly, with his body surging with electricity. He quickly resumes his fighting stance.

Victory Pose: His victory pose starts out like his MKD/MKA victory pose, in which he charges electricity in his hand and slams it down. However, he goes into his MK2 victory pose by raising and extending his arms, with electricity coming down to charge him.

Kombat Zone: Sky Temple Interior

Description: Located in Earthrealm, the Sky Temple is Raiden's personal domain where he goes to meditate. Many stories high, it is located on top of a high mountain where rain, thunder, and lightning often occur. The interior of the Sky Temple is a large circular room where he stores his armor and weapons.

Stage Traps: The opponent can get knocked through a wall to the outside part of the temple.

Stage Fatality: Inside the Sky Temple, the opponent is uppercutted high up and falls down many stories, crashing through the floors until he/she lands on a bed of drilling spikes. In the outside part of the Sky Temple, the opponent can get knocked off. The camera pans to show the character falling through the clouds below.


When I took control of the Forces of Light from Fujin, he tried to get close to me in order to talk, but I kept my distance and told him to keep his mind on the battle at hand. As soon as I heard a roar come from across the side of the crater, I ordered everyone to charge. Even though many of these warriors do not follow me, they fight in order to stop people like Shao Kahn from getting the powers of Blaze. Although I had agreed to help Shao Kahn obtain the power, I did not fulfill the end of my bargain as I was unable to stop Taven, so I do not have to help my enemy. I was surprised to see Shinnok among the warriors charging into the crater, and I focused my efforts and attention onto my nemesis. He thanked me for leading all of these warriors and myself to our doom and revealed to me that all of this was a trap in order to allow him to ascend unopposed. We fought for what seemed like hours, and despite how much power I was putting into my attacks, Shinnok met me with equal force. I grew impatient with how the battle was turning out and channeled my energy into one final attack. Shinnok did the same as we charged at each other and attacked, not caring if anyone near by was hurt or killed by what we were going to do. If Shinnok is right, they would die anyway. The last thing I remember was hearing Blaze roar just as Shinnok and myself collided.

I reformed once again in Earthrealm, and I quickly learned of the true nature of Armageddon. Taven and Daegon, the sons of Argus, were set upon a quest to defeat Blaze. One victor would have all around killed, the other would merely make them powerless. I had to admire how Shinnok twisted things and fooled even me into believing there was a chance to obtain true power from the fire elemental. However, all did not go as planned for Shinnok. Unforseeable events lead to only some warriors' deaths and some becoming powerless while others grew stronger. Knowing that I could not face Shinnok in a stand-up fight, I began to look for other ways to rid the realms of this threat. I could concentrate on him after hearing about how Kitana, Sindel, and Reptile vanquished Shao Kahn. I made my home in Seido, knowing Fujin and the others would not think to look for me there. I struck a bargain with their government to help them bring complete Order to the realms if they could help me obtain more power. I can thank Shujinko and Onaga for the idea I conjured up. I would look for powerful artifacts in order to give me more power. In the Seidan archives, I found an interesting document that mentioned many past relics of power. Out of all these, five of them stood out to me: the Dragon Medallion, Shinnok's Amulet, the De Anima gem, the Xenos Crystal, and Kochal's Claw. Word soon came to me of a Mortal Kombat tournament taking place in Edenia. I could use this as a means of gaining allies as well as looking for those who have the artifacts I seek.


Sub-Zero_7th: Raiden is one of those characters we simply had to bring back. He's one of my favorites, and I personally like the new Raiden. Like Shinnok, we had to be careful on how his story was to be done since he's trying to keep a low profile. However, there were times in which I was reluctant to bring him back in this installment as I wasn't sure how much we could do with him personally. Gameplay-wise, we wanted to make him one of the more difficult characters to master without being too advanced.

Paragon: Raiden is like Shinnok in terms of story importance. With his new look and mentality, there was just so much we could do with him. So he, like Shinnok, was a no-brainer when it came to appearing in our project. With his whole darker side unleashed, we really wanted to show how his mind works and how he will use his powers now that he doesn't feel the need to restrict them. Again, like Shinnok, Raiden plays a very important role in our project.
About Me


02/08/2008 11:13 PM (UTC)
i will like the new people if i can know who is in it u know like old people will be backfurious
About Me


02/09/2008 12:12 AM (UTC)
lol think it for real
02/09/2008 02:11 AM (UTC)
How old are you?
02/09/2008 03:34 AM (UTC)
I don't suppose you have any plans to impliment any of the kombatants Midway never included in the final versions of the currently released MK games.

The one character I am interested in being brought back from the unused crypts is Belokk, a character originally mean't to be included in Mortal Kombat Gold. You can read more about him here.

I'd previously done custom endings and bios up over at the official Midway forums and, among my brainstorming and research, I first came across the character and created a kind of backstory for him.

My rendition of his background potrays Belokk as a leader of a nomadic tribe of outcasts from various realms. By outcasts I mean individuals who are deformed or different from others.

Belokk is an outcast because, due to his mix of edenian and netherworld genetics, he has a kind of alien/humanoid appearance as you can see for the pictures found on an external site found on the link I posted above.
02/09/2008 03:03 PM (UTC)
To Hail_Reiko: I don't think we'll put in Belokk, but thanks for your suggestion. What do you think of our story and what do you think of the characters? I mean, this thread IS about our Mortal Kombat: Resurrection fanfic afterall. I'd like to know your thoughts on it.
02/09/2008 04:29 PM (UTC)
Well, I must say, I'm stunned. After hearing about Drahmin's upgrade I was expecting to him somewhere amongst the fighters. I suppose I could hope that he's involved in the netherrealm revolts, but you've probably given that job to Ashrah. Anyway, on to Raiden.

Once again, good styles and moves. I especially like the defensive charge since it's looked like it should have been happening automatically for a long time. Spending his time in Orderrealm now, eh? Seems to be somewhat appropriate given his ideals now. And now we've got someone collecting powerful items from the sidelines instead of as the major threat. I actually think that would make more sense. Can't wait to see what you do with this.
02/09/2008 07:07 PM (UTC)
The story I feel has promise. I myself had, for fun, mentally planned out a story for MK8 in which Armageddon was a false prophecy and served as a means for an even more sinister plot.

I never did even the premise of MK: Armageddon since I felt the whole "too many warriors means the end of the realms" thing was rather ill-written.

Nice to know you made a great little story out of it though.
02/09/2008 08:33 PM (UTC)
To RoninDrake: I'm glad you like the stuff about Raiden. Regarding Drahmin, I like him quite a bit myself, and don't worry. We're not going to leave him out of our entire story, lol. About Raiden's story and the powerful items, I have to admit that I was inspired by XiahouDun84's stories. If you haven't read them before, I suggest you check them out. He has some great stuff, imo.

Raiden's desire to collect items of great power to enhance his own made a lot of sense, and the trick with Raiden's story was how to match the quality that X84 did with his story for Raiden. It's really quite hard to top. There could have been other directions to take Raiden in, but I personally don't like them (e.g. Raiden becoming "good" again). I wanted to stick with Raiden being dark and ruthless. But alas, we'll be sure to make things different with our Raiden story as we want it to have our own "flavor" to it.

To Hail_Reiko: The idea of Armageddon being a false prophecy would be interesting. The problem with Armageddon's story is the lack of real closure. There are all these characters together in one huge all-out brawl, which taps into the forces that make Reality possible. Armageddon's story does have some good qualities to it, but overall, it's really quite half-assed and we did what we could to build from there.

Anyway, I'm glad you like the story and feel that it has promise. What are your thoughts on the various characters?
02/10/2008 01:05 AM (UTC)
I like how you'll be bringing back some old favorites such as Havik (a true role model for all anarchists,) though the background stories for the new characters I enjoy because, like almost all fighters in the kombat universe, they have flaws which affect them in one way or another.

I am curious however as to who you're going to go about making this into a game. I mean, this is going to be a game right?
02/10/2008 01:47 AM (UTC)
I'll post on the last two bios before you guys move one...

Like I said, I'm a little surprised you brought him back. I look forward to seeing what you do with him, and how it might relate to what's happening with Raiden.

Not so much surprised you brought him back, nor am I surprised you're continuing his "dark" storyline. Flattered that you took my story as inspiration and I look forward to the backstory you guys give your Five Relics.
02/10/2008 01:56 AM (UTC)
Hail_Reiko Wrote:
I like how you'll be bringing back some old favorites such as Havik (a true role model for all anarchists,) though the background stories for the new characters I enjoy because, like almost all fighters in the kombat universe, they have flaws which affect them in one way or another.

I am curious however as to who you're going to go about making this into a game. I mean, this is going to be a game right?

lol, no. This is just a fanfic. If we had the ability to work with the MK Team themselves into making MK8, I would go hardcore on all that. We just want to do our own stories to entertain people while sharing ideas and all that. I am glad that you do like things so far, and it's nice to have more readers and more feedback.

Which of the new characters do you like? Which ones don't you like? What do you think we could do to improve?

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I'll post on the last two bios before you guys move one...

Like I said, I'm a little surprised you brought him back. I look forward to seeing what you do with him, and how it might relate to what's happening with Raiden.

DNOMYTE really likes Shinnok a lot and wanted to have him in the story. I personally like how much Shinnok has improved, and we decided to give him a second chance. As I said before, we wanted to give him some conflict within the Netherrealm itself and not just have him order his minions to do this and that.
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Not so much surprised you brought him back, nor am I surprised you're continuing his "dark" storyline. Flattered that you took my story as inspiration and I look forward to the backstory you guys give your Five Relics.

lol. Yeah, what can I say? As I said earlier, the trick here was trying to match or come close to matching the quality that you have without making it like it's a carbon copy of your Raiden story. So obviously, one of the things we had to do was to have some different relics but still have the Dragon Medallion and Shinnok's Amulet. I did think of the fifth relic as being a gauntlet, but we eventually went with the Xenos Crystal. Basically, it was simply a matter of coming up with the other relics along with names, backstories, and functions for them.

Btw, did you notice the name of the mask that I have for Mercurus' primary costume? I'm not sure if you caught onto it, but I figured you'd have a chuckle. It wasn't exactly intentional at first, but I decided to go with it just because I thought it'd be funny. Anyway, I hope you'll come back for when we get the endings and other stuff done and posted. In the mean time, I'll be keeping an eye on your thread for more of your endings, lol.
Was bound to happen that Raiden joined forces with Seido. Might as well. What I'm wondering is what importance do each of these items Raiden searches for hold.

Overall cool job.
02/10/2008 09:34 PM (UTC)
It was just okay for me, to be honest.
I think it's going to be a bit of a challenge to diffrenciate between Raiden and Hotaru, for both have little patience. I trust you guys will be successful.
The items interests me however.
02/11/2008 12:10 AM (UTC)
Out of all the new characters, Drake I feel should be improved upon because I feel that whole "turning into a dragon" storyline should be evolved to the point that Drake can be identified as a tragic villian.

Rather than simply turning into a dragon physically, why not have him turn into one mentally. The more he transforms, the more he begins to become a real dragon as well.
02/11/2008 12:50 AM (UTC)
That would kinda be putting him to the likes of a character like Sareena.
I feel that Drake stands out more the way how he is. He's one that embraces his transformation, he doesn't fear or hate it. It wouldn't really suit him if he were to be a tragic villain.
02/11/2008 01:44 PM (UTC)
Ah, you guys are starting to see the potential Drake has, good. I didnt plan on him to be a 'wow' character. He has the keys to be anything in this story, its just building him up to become what he is destined to be, whatever that may be. He and a few other characters, will only get better as the story progresses.
02/17/2008 11:27 PM (UTC)
I'm back for a few more! SBT7th, Paragon, and everyone involved, amazing as always. Here goes a few more of my thoughts before answering some other things:


I love her special moves. Her black magic powers are fantastic! And her fading fatality with the Kali sticks rock! Simple, yet very deadly.

While her bio isn’t as interesting as I thought it would be, I do LOVE the way you made her personality. Very cool. She reminds me of Sonya actually, not the crazy-killer part, the part where it seems that she is really indifferent towards many things that could do her bad. She seems to be very cold and smart. I like her.

Btw, her looks seems beautiful! I love the corset bit: Sexy!


Its about time to see Fujin with some serious butt-kicking wind powers like Storm. I love every single special move he was given. Excellent job!

I love his Typhoon fatality, and while his second Fatality is cool, I feel there are much more original wind-power-alities ideas that could had been used. Wind is practically unlimited! Great stuff.

I do find interesting his connection with Rain and his quest to find Rayden. I guess he is not really doing much but finding heroes, right? Kind of sad considering it seems to be playing a minor role in Raydens shoes. Maybe I missed something though. I feel Fujin is capable of much more. He seems to still be lying under the shadow of a more popular god.

PS: The outfit looks cool.

Words of Abaddon

Hmmm, reminds me a bit of MK1+2. I'm still not convinced with the main plot. *sigh* But that’s just me. I guess I don’t like the way the prize reminds me of Blaze, and the tournament of Mk1 and Mk2. I wanted something epic! This is wayyyyy to smiliar to Blaze’s role in MKA. And I hated MKA.


I like Dragons rage, but I don’t like the earthquake move. I guess this is because I'm one of those who feels that certain trademark moves of certain characters should never be recycled, and specially for new characters because its kind of sad to see a classic move given to someone new who should be entirely new. That’s just my opinion. That move will always be Jax for me. I hated how in the MK games they started given new characters classic moves of others, it really ruins the “feeling”.

Great Wyrm breath is an awesome fatality! Very very cool. But I really don’t like (again, just my opinion) that this new character has a trademark fatality from another cool classic: Kano. I'm aware they are slightly different, but still, it’s a heart rip. And the fact that he is involved in someway with these clans makes it even worse! Red/black dragon characters must have more original fatalities that don’t scream KANO to us.

Drake isn’t one of my faves to be honest. I really feel he isn’t original. His bio also screams KANO and KOBRA. We know Kano was used for experiments, and his “goals” and happiness for killing is just like Kobra.

The only thing I do like about his bio is that he seems to be one of the cool typical guys/kids that get abused for being a certain way and later get revenge. Simple, yet cool.

Aside form that, I dislike Drake. He is too much like Kano and Kobra, and that is an annoying mistake that even the mk team keeps doing: They create new black/red dragon characters that are just like Kano, or other rip-offs.

Btw, the pictures are fantastic! Excellent drawings! Very talented. But I still feel that it’s a slightly younger Kobra.


I like her name and I LOVE all her special moves (specially the Magnetic field) but I truly hate that you guys gave her Sektors teleport. Same thing as Drake, I hate that new characters who are connected in some way to other classics have those classic moves. Just because she is with Sektor doesn’t mean she needs to learn his techniques. Oh well, that’s just me. I hate that.

But I really really like all her other special moves!

BOTH of her fatalities are fantastic!! I really like the first one more because it feels very simple and original imo. I love the simplicity of that death! The second one is pure awesomeness, but it reminds me slightly of Sonya’s awesome Mk3 kiss of death crush, as well as Sektors crushing machine (Sonya mostly).

I like the idea of her primary costume. Would look cool! Though without the hair, lol, that just looks silly.


WOW!!!! Shocking news!!! I love the idea of Sektor being “alive” through a Computer. Though it feels too “sci-fic fantastic” for me to totally enjoy, I do admit I like it. And awww, Cyrax killed himself and Sektor, very nice touch.

I dislike how all characters seem to be drawn to this tournament, but in her case, I love the fact that she is doing something slightly different and evil. Seraching for missing parts and hoping to find “new ones” really rocks! I'm very interested to discover whatever happened to Ketchup and Mustard. Great character!

A cyborg female rocks.


Omg, what a BITCH! Poor Bo Rai Cho! But I have to say I take my hat off for doing what he did to Kahn, in one word: AWESOME!

I truly loved reading that part: “I began to help him when I realized the situation. Taking my hammer, I laid down the final blow on Shao Kahn, ending his reign as Emperor... and starting mine!” WICKED!

His storyline was really interesting. While I find his desire to have Li Mei as his queen quite shallow/empty, I like the situation it creates for her and the involvement of this Abraxis and the others. Great job! One of the coolest bios!


His special moves are cool. It feels to me that he is a very strong brutal and slow character. Kind of like the big monsters of Mk. I'm not a fan of his fatalities though.

I like the idea of giving spiked hair btw. Sheeva and Nightwolf had a great sense of hairstyles, lol, so its nice to see another crazy hair style around.

Though his character (in the bio) seems to be simple and not really important, just another servant of another emperor, I do like the fact that this servant seems to be loyal and honest about his love for Reiko.

Er....could be possibly be in real LOVE with the new emperor? I was expecting to read something alone the lines “once I win I will get my wish and rule as the new emperor whahahaha”, which is stupid, but I was glad to see he actually feels honest and cares about Reiko. Awesome! He is not among the best new guys created, but his loyalty sets him apart from the rest.


One of my definite super fave characters of Mk. I thought the entire Order/chaos storyline really brought some awesome new light in the overall story of MK. I loved the characters of both realms and truly hope they don’t waste them away in MK8 (as they were in MKA).

No new special moves? Why?

LOL at his fatalities! I like them both! I truly love how crazy this guy is. Awesome!

I cant believe the red-haired bitch survived!!! You have no soul! POOR Kabal! And too bad Mavado is gone as well. sad They rocked. I cant see how the Sonya/Kano clone survived and the others didnt.

His storyline doesn’t seem to have the spark it had in MKD, maybe its because I don’t think he is doing anything new. Still, I enjoyed the other bits of info in his bio. I hope to see more of him!

I definitely agree with QueenSindel(the bitch) on this.


I like the new special moves she was given, cool! It was also a very very good idea to take away the cloned moves from Sonya and Kano, makes her more unique I guess. I also like the first fatality but dislike the “last request” one. She doesn’t need to copy any sort of “kiss” things.

Awesome! So Sonya killed someone, could it had been Kano? Maybe Frost? Anyway, Kira has a lot of potential, and she was (when I first saw her pics) a fave of mine during mkd, but after we were told she was just another rip-off I lost love for her, though I love her look and think that she can do wonders storywise.

As for the twist you gave her....one word: AWESOME! So this is the girl who is supposed to capture Li Mei. I truly love the possibility of these two chicks battling for a man they feel very different towards to. I like the way you made her sound sluttish yet elegant with her bitch-attitude turned on. The last lines of her are priceless!!! “Little betrayal” LOL! Awesome!!!!

I really like her mission and personality. Hopefully Sonya or someone else gets rid of her in MKA though.


I'm not really that hyped with his fatalities, but I do adore the style you gave his costume! Greco-roman rocks! And it definitely suits his character.

I have mixed feelings about his bio. I do like his victory, though I admit a better approach would had been to have him sacrifice himself for the lives of others. I do like the “missing Sindel” bits (I'm not sure if I posted of that in my last huge post, its been ages since that post!), though I hope we don’t have Jade or other Edenians doing the whole “lets find and save the queen” story again.

I guess its interesting to know that there is something wrong with this tournament by having him invited, hopefully it turns out to be something original!


Awesome fatalities! I like them and his special moves are pretty cool as well. Light Pillar is very cool.

As for his bio. When I read he was the “new champion” of the Elder gods, I was like: “Oh crap, another one????” (I really hope they drop that story for Mk8), but after I continued reading, I absolutely loved the information he provided! Very very interesting. I like the way he thinks he has become more sensible even though he has no soul, and the mention of Shinnok, Rayden, Quan Chi and the concerns of the elder gods.

While I like this characters mission and the info he provided, I'm still hoping the drop the “new champion” story for Mk8.

Also, if his look is anything like the picture: AWESOME!

I don’t like that there is another new character with recycled moves...too many. Though I do admit that in his case it seemed obvious to do so because of his reptilian blood, etc. Still, it wasn’t necessary, some original moves like the acid spray would had made him cooler. He is just a new reptile with all those moves!

As for his bio: AWESOME!!!! I actually love his character. Let me start by saying that being the son of Reptile and Khameleon is a nice new addition to the story. What truly made me like his character is his personality. A warrior, yet he seems to be down-to-earth and loyal, and is it me or does he have a big heart? The fact he cares about his parents, speaks highly of his mother and disagrees with reptiles vision of Nitara and the vampires rock! I like how he feels about Nitara, awesome.

On the down-side, I dislike the “he is busy controlling our realm to leave, so, he asked that I go in his place. I go now to the tournament with the hopes of bringing glory to our race once again!”.

Excellent character, I hope he brings something more original and new. So far, he just has an interesting personality (and name, inspired by anaconda I assume?).
02/17/2008 11:29 PM (UTC)

I like his hypnosis move. And both of his fatalities are very gory: Awesome!

I honestly don’t really like this character. While I loved the part where he “charmed” Sindel, and that he seems to be an arrogant bastard, he just feels very simple.

Still, I guess he can grow to become more interesting in the future. I'm also not sure how I feel about the “no wings super ultra mega powerful vampire” bit.


I adore all her special moves and fatalities. Very very cool!

As for her bio, LOL! I really like it! The fact that she was teamed up with that annoying vampire prince and that she dislikes him rocks. I actually enjoyed the way she seems to be annoyed by his mere presence. Awesome stuff indeed!

As for her mission, it sounds awfully familiar to someone else I read who is supposed to look for new great warriors, that I don’t like. Still, I like her character.

She seems to be spoiled and kind of immature, and that sort of character, mixed with another annoying one, rocks!

The illusion powers and the Altus Umbra sound very interesting indeed.

Xiu Lan

I'm not a fan of her name, sounds too Tekken/SF imo.

WOW! I love her twirling fabric special move, who came up with that? Its very cool imo. Reminds me of “house of the flying daggers” for some reason. Awesome!

Skin Deep is definitely one of the best fatalities you guys have created, I love it! So evil, so elegant, so sexy. Very good.

Very cool bio, lol at the “happy family” part. I really like her attitude, and she does seem to have a lot of potential. I do hope to see more of her then just an obsession with an amulet or search for more power/warriors. I really like this witch!

Noob Saibot

Shadow consuming is definitely an awesome fatality. Good job!

As for his bio, well, I don’t really find him that interesting. He must be developed.


I really like his special moves and his fatalities (gory!). Btw, I though he was a female when I first read the name, lol.

He sounds more interesting then Noob, but for some reason I didn’t see much going on for him. Are you planning to reveal what presence he felt and any other new missions?

MKA: OUTCOMES: (My fave part!!! grin grin)


Great ending to a great character. The only thing I dislike is the fact that she didn’t kill Noob Saibot. Honestly, I didn’t see anything special in his bio. Would had been better to give her the satisfaction of killing subby 1.


Awww...I like this mutant, and his “love” story with Mileena rocked...But I'm also a fan of the bitch killing him, so, R.I.P. Baraka!


Bye bye!

Bo rai Cho

AWWWW!!!!! *removes tears sad* Such a loyal and kind man! I will always say this: He and Li Mei were both having a secret affair! Reiko....that bitch better die!


Good to see him get what he dissereved.


AWWWW!!!! *removes tears sad* Poor Cyrax. He was such a great member, the robot who got his soul!!!! Another tragic loss to add to Sonya.


Oh well, he disserved it. Poor Dalia and Argus.


The only good thing is that he killed that boring Darrius.




HOW COULD YOU!!!! LOL, that part of “he has been searching for food ever since” was hilarious. I think Drahmin has huge potential and disserved more.


AWWWW!!!! *removes yet another tear...again sad* Poor Tsung, but yes, he had to go.


I love Frost, and would definitely love for her rivalry with Sonya to expand in MK8 or the future if possible. But in this bio, I'm really glad Miss ass-kicking tough Blade nailed the bitch down. Go Sonya!


LOL. Poor Mokap....And seriously, Johnny Cage could had kicked his butt! Good stuff though. Like it or not, their “rivalry” has grown to become more then just some random fun fact.

Hsu Hao

LOL! That was really hilarious and kind of pathetic.


Poor Tanya, I like her more. And LOL at the “whacking Rains head” part.


AWWWWW!!!!! *how many more tears will I shed?* Poor Poor Jax...such a sad and terrible ending. At least he died with honor. Poor Sonya too, how much more will she have to take? R.I.P Jax!

Johnny Cage

Awesome ending to a character who became an awesome god-powerful-important-significant-hero in MKA. He was also one of the few to get an awesome ending- Long Live Mr. Cage! I would had liked to see some link with Sonya though.


Yay for killing Mavado (who I actually like very much)....too bad his death was rather annoying. Poor guy!


Hmmm, I like it.


AWESOME!!! I really like the way this ending was developed. Very cool indeed. I love Kano, but I have always said that its time for him to go, it was great to see awesome Sonya Blade kiss him off once and for all. I really really like the way you wrote his final words/thoughts. Kind of scary actually (he even took some hair from her in MKDA), considering she was also obsessed with him (though differently).

Bye bye Kano!


Glad he helped get rid of awesome Mr. Tsung.


WHAT!!!? Motaro killed Sheeva???? No way!!! I'm glad this guy killed Motaro in revenge (even though I like Motaro much more). I'm glad Cyrax took him down as well.


LOL at the whole Kitana discussion.

Great to see her and awesome Queen Sindel kicking some serious butt! And also, I never thought Kitana had any sort of “magic/special powers” to get "stripped off" What did she loose? Kind of confusing. She does seem to have some magical fans though, but no more then that. (????)


Hmmm, seems to me like you all hate him so its pretty unfair. I always thought he had more potential then Kira anyways.

But he got what he disserved.

Kung lao


Li Mei

Awww....sad ending. Cool stuff for Li mei! She rocks!

Liu Kang

Nice, I like it. Kind of sad to say good bye though.
02/17/2008 11:36 PM (UTC)

Awwww....I love his character. Oh well. R.I.P mavado.


Hehe, poor Meat.


Yay! She is still lurking around!


Wait...what happened to poor Stryker?????

R.I.P Moloch. For some reason, I liked him.


Cool twist! I like the whole betrayal story with Kahn-Tsung.

R.I.P Motaro, but you did disserve to be killed for getting rid of poor sexy Sheeva.


Very cool.


Oh well. Too bad for him.

Quan Chi

Scorpion.....what a bitch!

R.I.P Quan Chi.


Very interesting. Kind of sad if we don’t find out about him.

Oh, so his blast killed Goro? Cool.


Very interesting.


Very cool!


Very cool!


I remember his bio/goal was horrible in this story.


VERY very cool. I would definitely love for Sonya to go searching for his red metallic butt. Good job!

R.I.P. Jax/Cyrax. Poor poor Jax/Cyrax.

Shang Tsung

I love him, but he had to go. Poor Tsung. R.I.P

Shao Kahn

VERY NICE! I loved the way you made Reikos bio killing Kahn. Awesome!

I love Kahn, but like Tsung...he needs to R.I.P.


Awwww, poor sexy Sheeva. Not fair she was killed by silly-taro.




Awww, kind of sad actually. R.I.P.


But, isn’t she missing or something?


Ok I guess. Good for him.

I'm not really a fan of his bio. Him being human again...not my cup of tea.


Sonya sure kicked a lot of butt in this story, great! Awesome ending to an awesome character, though a bit sad I must say, the final words seem like an “epic” ending for this tough sarcastic female. Poor Sonya, its sad to see her loose more friends (specially her best friend). And btw, the whole weird scary Kano bit: AWESOME! Well done people, that bit added an interesting spark. Bye bye Kano/Frost/etc. (so, did she break his neck or do a kiss of death?).


AWWWW! That was really mean of you guys! Poor stryker, not fair he had to die like that. He has a lot to offer when compared to some of the classic “superheroes” you guys left alive for this story (Noob, etc.).


Well, my thoughts are still the ones I posted when I read his bio.

Rayden SU info

Very interesting stuff! Im liking all those weird objects being important to him. Cool!

Saiba SU info

It could be inteersting I guess, but Im not a fan of this idea. Good job with the other stuff though!

Shinnok SU info

Not really a fan either. Good job with the other stuff though!

Special Powers for Earth Heroes

Someone posted something about earth heroes not having “special powers”, I disagree. It is more then obvious that since MK1 we have seen that some of the earth heroes/villains DO have those kind of magical “special powers”, they are not sorcery nor black magic like Shang Tsung or Quan Chi’s, but they are still most definitely “magical”:

* Sonya’s Rings, fireballs and various “kisses of death” special powers.
* Liu Kangs fireballs.
* Johnny Cage’s green fireballs, shadow attacks, etc?
Etc etc etc

They do have some sort of special “magic” that makes them special.

Other human heroes like Stryker don’t seem to have any of this kind of special powers, and even some other-world fighters don’t seem to have that “magic” like Kitana and Mileena (though both seem to have “magical” weapons), Moloch, Drahmin, etc.
WOW! I think I did them all, awesome! Now, I would very much like to read your thoughts about my thoughts. Do respond!

Once again guys, excellent job, this was a fun thread to read and reply to. Excellent stuff. I really enjoyed most of the characters and most of the outcomes of the story were great.

There are many things I would definitely change and that I really dislike, but this is your story, so keep it going and improve what needs to be improved. Great job!
02/18/2008 01:03 AM (UTC)
Hey there queve. Here's a response to your feedback (WARNING: LONG POST):


I'm glad you like Pandora. She's definitely a beauty in her own right. We'll be sure to explore her story and all that if and when we get to later installments.


The thing about Fujin is that he's trying to keep an eye on the tournament. We hope to make him a prominent character in the story as we feel that he deserves to have his potential explored.

Words of Abaddon

I can't say too much here. The thing with MKA's story is that the prize was meant for Taven or Daegon, not for the other kombatants. With MKR, Abaddon is truly willing to reward the victor.


Regarding Drake killing others, it's to vent his anger at those who tick him off. I can understand that some are going to compare him to the likes of Kobra. I'm glad you like the drawings at least. Paragon is definitely a good artist.


I'm surprised you like this character. I personally don't care for her too much, but I'm doing what I can to make her more interesting. For her special moves, we wanted to make her different from Sektor, hence the magnetic and gravitational powers. However, we also wanted to give a slight touch of connection to Sektor.

For her story, well, the tournament is the main story and has a significance to it. I know you don't like it, but hopefully you'll appreciate it a bit when we go further into the story.


Reiko was somewhat of a challenge, because we didn't want him to feel like a Shao Kahn clone or whatever, especially with him becoming the new Emperor of Outworld. I'm glad you like the story he has, and we hope to do more with him.


lol! Ok. Um, first off, Abraxis is not gay for Reiko. He basically respects Reiko and sees him as a worthy leader, hence why he's loyal to him. Abraxis wants to get his wish fulfilled of being able to plunder and all that. One thing you didn't seem to catch on is that Abraxis is NOT meant to be the stereotypical "big, strong, slow" character. In fact, he's supposed to be flexible and agile. But yeah, he's not too important of a character, but I kind of like him anyway.


Havik is one of my favorites as well. If you read my comments for Havik, it basically says that we had a hard time coming up with new specials for him. I really wanted him to have new special moves, but we just couldn't fully agree with each other, so we ended up with no new specials. Hopefully we can fix this in the sequels. Although I like Kabal and Mavado, we felt it was best to end their story.

Going into his story, well, he's trying to set things up in motion so that his plans of anarchy and chaos can unfold.


Kira's bio is one of my favorites, and I've grown to like her quite a bit. Yes, Sonya has killed, which has kind of gotten a bit of criticism for certain other reasons. For her bio, yeah, you could say that she is kind of sluttish. If you read the bio in a certain way, reading between the lines, you'll probably get certain ideas as to the Reiko/Kira relationship. But yeah, Kira is also a conniving bitch. She's definitely someone we want to keep bringing back.


For Taven, he suspects that something is wrong with the tournament, so he accepts the invitation so that he can investigate it. For the stuff with Sindel missing, we'll get to that later in the story. I'm glad you like the Greco-Roman touches to his costumes. It's a nice contrast from the typical Asian stuff that MK generally has.


It would be logical for the Elder Gods to have another champion should something go wrong with the continued existence of the realms. I'm sure the readers get the idea that he's going to be a prominent character in the story.


Anacon's name is inspired by "anaconda". I personally don't like him too much. What Paragon wanted to do was to make him different from Reptile. I'm surprised you still like him though.


Sorry that you don't like this character. I had thought that he would be more popular, but it turns out that characters like Mercurus are more popular. He's not as simple as you might be making him out to be. He has another dynamic or two with his character. While he's apathetic and kind of lazy, he does care about his realm, hence why he joined the Atlus Umbra.


I'm glad you like her. She seems to be pretty underrated so far. Yeah, she definitely does not like Vetalas and feels that he is not worthy of being in the Atlus Umbra. I guess you could say she's spoiled, and with all that the Atlus Umbra has provided for her and her family for generations, she feels indebted to them, hence her loyalty and servitude. I can understand the criticism with her bio in regards to the tournament thing, especially with recruiting others. We plan on diverging her from the others a bit, and you'll see what we mean by that.

Xiu Lan

I'm sorry you don't like her name. It wasn't intentional to go for a Tekken/SF feel. I came up with most/all of her special moves, including the twirling fabric. The idea behind that move was the basis of her character, namely the martial arts sorceress concept from MKDA's Krypt.

Regarding the amulet, she is trying to learn about its uses and all that. We probably should have had the "happy family" part with the end of Kaylie's bio instead of Xiu Lan's. But anyway, I'm glad you like her. She's one of the characters I created, and I'm glad I was able to get her in.

Noob Saibot

Well, all I can say here is to refer to our comments on him.


I'm glad you like his special moves and fatalities. Yes, we plan to reveal what presence he felt, and we hope to do more with him. I'm not sure how you thought he was a female with his name. Azazel is male. We probably should have used the Arabic equivalent, which is "Azazil". But yeah, we are going to try and do more with him.

Now onto the MKA outcomes. I won't get into all of them.


Although you like him, I don't like him too much. His story is one of the most redundant and 1-dimensional stories in MK, and he's had his run, imo.

Bo' Rai Cho

lol...well, although I like him, I feel it's best that he dies as it would have a better impact on the story.


Yeah, I hate him too. Paragon had suggested an idea of bringing him back and having him be an antagonist to Anacon, but I really hate Chameleon.


His loss is similar in impact to the loss of Bo' Rai Cho.


I do think Drahmin has potential as well, but we didn't want to oversaturate the roster.


Although I like Frost, I don't think her rivalry with Sonya would go too far and too deep.


I felt he had to die as his return was a huge mistake, imo. I didn't want Johnny Cage to defeat Goro, because it would be bullshit. In fact, I remember expressing my hatred at such a thing.

Johnny Cage

I didn't want a link to Sonya, because I don't want to go with the predictable ending of the two getting hitched or whatever. Their supposed romance was only slightly hinted at in the games, nothing more.


I'm glad you appreciated his outcome. I feel that Kano's time has long been up, and I really want him offed. However, I wanted to add some kind of dynamic to the otherwise shallow rivalry between him and Sonya. So yeah, he has kind of a love/hate or lust/hate feeling towards Sonya, in a way.


Well, Kitana can kind of fly in the air. Her powers weren't really taken away. They were "surpressed". Her outcome is one of the more controversial ones, and I personally wanted her to be more significant. It's hard sometimes to compromise with Paragon.


At the end of the day, all of us have some bias when it comes to the characters. I actually feel that Kira has more and better potential than Kobra.

Liu Kang

I'm not sad at all with him going away. To me, he should have stayed dead and not returned to the story.


With Mileena's story, we wanted to leave the possibility of her returning.


Stryker is dead. I hate Moloch, and I hope he dies. I find him to be very annoying and 1-dimensional.


lol, right. I still wanted to throw in a joke about him not finding his dick. If you want to know what I'm talking about, listen real carefully when he does his victory pose. He either says "I'm gonna laugh!" or "Have you seen my dick?!"


Yes, his blast killed Goro, namely because I didn't want Johnny Cage to be the one of beating him.


You have to understand why we did what we did. Instead of retconning his MKA story like XiahouDun84 did for his next-gen fanfics, we are trying to fix his story from the HORRIBLE state it is in now.


I think it was kind of a mistake to have Sonya be involved with the Tekunin. I would have rather had Cyrax or Sub-Zero be more invovled with it.


Well, I hate Sheeva, and whatever potential she may have, if anything, doesn't make me want to bring her back.


For a character whose debut was shoved down our throats, we wanted to give him a good ending, having him accomplish something even if he didn't quite cause the downfall of the major villains. In the end, he died as a hero, nonetheless.


Yes, she's missing. However, this outcome is talking about events before all that.


I would've had him die and not bring him back, but I kind of see some potential in him.


I'm glad you like the stuff between her and Kano. I don't think we really talked about how Sonya killed them. She just beat them to death or whatever.


Although I like his revamp, I'm not interested enough in wanting him back.

And lastly, for the other stuff...


All I can say here is that he's trying to do whatever he can for his goals.


I'm not a fan either. I would've scrapped him before he got released, but there we go...



I would've changed quite a few things myself. I'll get more into that when we wrap up this installment. Some of the things I'll be saying are rehashes of stuff I've said before. Thanks for getting around to reading it all and replying. I know it's a long read.

To all the readers: Don't worry. We have more planned for this installment, but it's going to take us a little while until we get new material out. In the mean time, please try to keep this thread up with good discussions that are relevant to the topic. So I'd like to hear more thoughts, ideas, suggestions, etc. for the characters, stories, etc. It would be of great help to us.
02/25/2008 05:10 PM (UTC)
All right what's up people?!

Here's some of my thoughts and feelings.

I didn't want him back. He was a poorly developed character and not interesting. So the revampment didn't help him.

Good combination to witch/solider. I don't like the dissapearance uneasy situation in her bio. Her staying in hiding was very similar to Rain's bio.

I don't like that we need more women things such as guards, cyborgs,etc. Doesn't seem interesting. Her bio greatly shows another Hotaru/Darrius struggle.

I don't like the atmosphere of the character. The apprentice and learnig skills from Darrius isn't interesting. The whole revolution and anarchy doesn't make sense.

Nice. We need another Chaosrealm character. I would like to see his stretching limbs in combos. Very well developed.

Very strong storyline. A well reflected character. Nice struggle for the good/bad in him.

I wanted him to come back. Not a good Twisted Metal tournament referance in his bio. I don't like the revampment.

Li Mei
I didn't like Li Mei. She was a traitor and very whiny. A poor character at best.

I didn't want her back but the boy version I wanted to see. She opens up a great storyline for vampires but shouldn't be a returning character.

I'm glad she is back. I want to get more into her character . But I didn't want her in charge of the Lin Kuei but to see her go deeper with Sub-Zero.

Who doesn't want him back? I don't like Quan Chi dying so easily. I wanted to go deeper in his family. Again the greatest desire is not what Mortal Kombat is about.

I don't like him going into a Tekunin storyline. Glad to have him back. I wanted to see him go into a deeper with Noob Saibot fighting the old Sub-Zero within Noob Saibot.

We don't need anymore assassins. She's not very intersting as she takes after some other chracters and isn't necassary.

I'll say more later. Gotta go. See ya, guys
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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03/25/2008 04:24 PM (UTC)

Lost my post....my massive massive post. lol got-damnit.

Well...um, I guess I'll have to summarize:

I'll start with Raiden and catch up from there

Basically, I'm let down. Not because you went with Dark Raiden either, cuz I like dark Raiden too.

But there are some things I just can't understand. Things that don't line up right.

1. Raiden Banished the Elder God Shinnok to the Nether before...when he was "nice." What's making them equal now? Shouldn't it be an advantage for Raiden since Shinnok is now...reduced?

I understand that every fight is capable of a different outcome....but what?

2. If they both exerted some crazy amount of power at once, nobody but the immortals should be left right? Because theoretically, and radius-wise, if Raiden sacrifices again, he could take anything in relative distance to the pyramid site down...all by himself.

And you're telling me that PEOPLE//mortals lived through two Gods' explosions? Nu uh...

3. What could a God need with any mortal contrived...thing? Much less, how could it make a God more powerful? It's pretty much a ridiculous notion.

What I think would make more sense, is if Raiden did die again, that his power matured..but in the "wrong" way on re-constitution..back on Earth.

That's where the change happened before...do it again if you wanna make him evil.

It's also an opportunity, if un-obstructed, to turn him back "light" again. Cuz when he reconstitutes..."refresh"- reboot...or whatever.

4. Doesn't make sense that Raiden finds residence in OrderRealm....or that he bargains with the gov. there. If I were Fujin, that's one of the very first places I'd go to get help for dealing with Raiden....because to me as Fujin, Raiden is out of control in his decision making right now. Contradicts Order.

He resurrected a corpse man...come on. Gods ain't supposed to do that. Not for their own gain at least.

What I think would make more sense, is if he found an unusual residence in the Nether....had conflict with Shinnok....and eventually one that battle. Look at the irony. He'd mind as well....stay there, rule THAT realm, and be..evil. Right? You gotta have taint to be there in the first place, and it's a deterrent for other "good guys"...

To that point, #3 could be changed to add a twist. What if constituted on NetherRealm? Taint developed too much for him to respawn on Earth anymore....dig?

Either that, or Chaos Realm. There's no real threat to Earth from that realm besides Havik...a push over for Raiden. And besides, the citizens of that realm wouldn't even care that he's there. Perfect for motive and planning purposes.

5. How does he quickly learn of the Brothers' purposes? Somebody tell him? Can't see Raiden "reaching out" to anybody right now....so how'd he do it? Contact with Shinnok after they exploded each other? How's that make sense?

Cuz when he reconstitutes, he doesn't remember anything...or he's not supposed to anyway.


I like the moves and style and all that you have there...but I'll just say that it could have been more defining. Less restricted in terms of what element he has power over, years he's been around, and personality traits past and present.

Like for his overall fighting style....there should be no restrictions what so ever. There is no "distance" that he should not be within "perfect" striking range. The character is supposed to be millions of years old. lol In millions of years, don't you think he should be the reason earth mortals know martial arts in the first place? Maybe he trained the first human champion and then from there >> "Order of Light----ning", Shaolin Monks, ect ect. ??

Just saying, that you've basically described a regular joe with some special moves and some martial arts skills. Which is not as awe-ing as a God should be....Which is not Raiden. Even if he is a ruthless dirty, character right now, there's still a supremacy to his persona.

It's why I don't buy that Taven fight....even if it is cannon. It's illogical...bullshit.

And btw, when was the last time he swapped his immortal form, for mortal?
Nothing makes sense.

No definitive power scale to judge, no definitive personality traits, and almost no logical fighting style, or costume characteristics.

What I did like however, is how close to the battle itself, and how face to face you wrote everything. It's a new "camera angle" for me to read.

Uuum..yep, that's summary. I had links, and whole bunch of alternate or addition-type ideas in there. sorry this reads so bias and closed minded...It wasn't initially like that.
03/25/2008 07:57 PM (UTC)
To Vapor:

I'm sorry it took me a month to get to this. Your response was a bit disappointing as it was fairly vague overall. But anyway, here goes my response:

Dairou: Well, I guess you just don't like him. However, I don't fully understand your logic about the revampment not helping him just because he wasn't that well-developed. One thing about his return is so that we can develop him. It may not seem like he's developing right away, but that doesn't mean that he's not going to develop in our story.

Elena: I'm glad you like the concept, but you didn't really say much here to help. What don't you like about the disappearance story with Sindel?

Takako: What you're missing here is the point that Takako isn't exactly supposed to be a "female Hotaru". Her battle with Anbar and the Resistance isn't quite the same as with Hotaru and Darrius.

Anbar: Why don't her goals make sense to you?

Kaosu: I'm glad you like him. I wouldn't say that he's "well-developed" as he was just introduced here. But we'd like to do more with him.

Mercurus: I'm glad you like him as well. His struggle is a bit more complex than just "good and bad". Hopefully his story will explain that when the time comes.

Ermac: What Twisted Metal reference are you talking about? Why do you not like his revampment and what don't you like about it?

Li Mei: How is she very whiny? How is she a traitor? I don't think you seem to understand her character.

Nitara: Why didn't you want her back?

Sareena: Well, Sub-Zero left her in charge in the mean time. It's not a permanent position of power or something. What do you mean by "go deeper with Sub-Zero"?

Scorpion: It's kind of funny that you asked the question "Who doesn't want him back?". There are actually people who don't want to see him back, because he's very overrated and lacks substance. Honestly, bringing him back and trying to fix his story and character from the sham that it is now is us being very nice. If we really went with streamlining the roster, I would have likely gotten rid of him. He's just been ruined so much, and if he continues to be the way he is now, there's no point in trying to salvage him.

Now about Quan Chi dying "so easily", it's not like that. He and Scorpion had a tough battle, but in the end, Scorpion came out victorious. If we had both characters return, it would only make Scorpion's story out to be about revenge once again. There's no point in having Scorpion "go deeper in his family", because it doesn't do anything positive for his character and story. That's something he should put behind him. However, in our story, his desire to be reunited with his family kind of makes sense.

Sub-Zero: I don't think we'd neglect his conflict with Noob Saibot, but we have to be careful in how we do it. If we're not careful, then it would be predictable and flat. As for the old Sub-Zero within Noob Saibot, technically, he should have been gone though Noob's MKA ending has a contradiction. Sub-Zero's story will be one of the toughest for us to sort out, because he has a lot going on.

Pandora: Maybe we should have saved her for later, but other than that, I can't say much.

To ThePredator151:

lol, well, it's interesting seeing you here. I'm glad to see feedback from you, and I'll address another message to you later. Anyway, to address the stuff here:

1. Even though Raiden's fighting Shinnok's doppelganger, it can be assumed that it's still pretty powerful. I don't think we were trying to imply equality in their power level, but the doppelganger should be somewhat of a challenge for Raiden.

2. I suppose, but the crater is pretty huge. As far as I know, we didn't have anyone survive that got hit by the blast. Characters like Goro got killed.

3. I don't think it's really that ridiculous that he wants artifacts that could increase his power. He has a particular goal in mind. Just because he is a god doesn't make him "all-powerful".

I don't think it would make sense for Raiden to grow stronger by dying again. It's not our intention to make him "evil".

4. Actually, I think it kind of makes sense that Raiden would take refuge in Orderrealm, because his mentality would probably be similar to theirs. Remember that the Seidans have that "ends justify the means" type mentality in their goal to spread and establish order. Seido is basically how Raiden would envision Earthrealm. So with the combined forces of Raiden and the Seidans, he would want Earthrealm to be another Seido.

I don't like the idea of Raiden finding residence in the Netherrealm, especially to take control of it. We don't really want him to be involved with the Netherrealm side of the story. That's where other characters come in.

I do think that the Chaosrealmers (I'm just going to use that term to refer to the denizens there.) would care that he's there if he were to try and establish control.

5. The same question could be asked about his knowledge of Onaga's return during his reformation in Earthrealm. Considering that Raiden likely knows some things about the quest, and given Taven's ascension to full godhood, he probably figured it out or something.


Ok, now getting into the gameplay stuff, I don't know what you mean when you bring up the element that he has power over. He has powers of electricity with thunder and lightning, right?

About his fighting styles, it's stated in his story that he's mastered the 750+ styles of Jujutsu and has trained in other styles like Nan Chuan. What you're missing here is that our gameplay system has 2 styles in it. Originally, I was going to have him a made up style called Raijinken (Japanese for "Thunder God Fist"), which would comprise of elements from various styles. However, that would be an obstacle for later on if we were to introduce new styles for him.

The first human champion of Mortal Kombat was the Original Kung Lao, wasn't it? He likely trained under Bo' Rai Cho, though perhaps he may have had some training from Raiden as well.

Maybe if and when we get to sequels and change the way we do our fighting system, you could possibly see something of the sort that Raiden has. I don't think his fighting style is illogical on the basis that he's just using one for this game.

I'm not sure what you were getting at with the distance thing. Hontai Yoshin Ryu is designed to be a close-ranged style, because it utilizes very close-quarters grappling techniques. His weapon is more long-ranged, because of its length. If we didn't have a limit to his distance, wouldn't that make him broken? Wouldn't that make movement pointless as he could just hit from any place he's in? It just doesn't make sense.

I don't see how he has no definitive personality traits or a lack of costume characteristics. For the power scale thing, you'll have to elaborate.

Overall, I'm sorry you weren't too pleased with what we did for Raiden. I hope my response will be able to at least clear things up for you. We don't want him to be evil, per se, and we have a certain way of implementing the styles. Again, if we were to go for more of a Tekken style with a fusion of various styles into one, then we'd go for the Raijinken idea. But for now, we're sticking a bit with the MKA style in the sense that the characters have two styles.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to more of your feedback, and again, I'll try to address your other message.
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