12/25/2007 12:43 AM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Woah, that's a lot of dead or messed over peeps.
Kahn killing Jarek and Hsu Hao? Good riddens.
Ermac's intervention? Class.
Goro offing Mokap? Fine enough.
Jax saving the Tekunin? Good lord, we've got an issue.
Sonya offing Frost? Unfortunate, but settles a waste of story.
The order 3-way? At least the weakest linj died.

Regarding Jax, I'm going by what was apparently supposed to be his MKA story, in which he makes a deal with Sektor.
I'm just joking. I just called it an issue at a standpoint of the conflict of the SF and the Tekunin.
12/30/2007 11:34 AM (UTC)
Johnny Cage: Johnny Cage had been guided by visions that led him to discover Shinnok's plan to threaten Earthrealm. Determined to prove his worth, he helped lead the heroes into battle against the Forces of Darkness. In the battlefield, he allowed Kitana to help her mother by facing Mileena. But after Baraka intefered, he was free to help his friends. It was then he noticed Kano hiding from Sonya, and he ran to Kano, trying to ambush him. But after Blaze appeared at the top of the pyramid, he noticed Goro had just killed his friend, Mokap. Enraged, he broke from his battle with Kano and attacked Goro but soon found himself on the defense. Nightwolf joined the battle and helped even the odds. The three of them soon got caught in the continuous battle between Raiden and Shinnok. A huge blast of energy came from that battle, and Johnny Cage was saved from this by Nightwolf. When Blaze was killed, Johnny Cage was nullified of his powers. He and the other remaining heroes returned to Earthrealm to pay respects to their allies. Johnny Cage decided to give up his superficial lifestyle and studied with Shaolin monks to find a path to enlightenment and inner peace.

Kabal: Kabal, Kira, and Kobra met with Kano and Jarek before the battle. Kano and Kabal argued who the true leader of the Black Dragon was for a long time. Before their argument was pulled apart, Jarek was holding Kano back while Kobra and Kira held Kabal back. Deciding to settle the issue when the battle was over, the Black Dragon, as one unit, ran into battle with the Forces of Darkness. Kabal and Jarek found themselves facing off against Mavado and Hsu Hao. Kabal and Mavado, both using Hookswords, attacked each other with an array of weapon strikes and special moves. However, Kabal had one advantage, his super speed. After a long and tiresome battle, Kabal slew Mavado and held his head up to confirm his victory to Havik, who stood near by. However, this was shortlived as he, along with other warriors, was engulfed in a large explosion caused by Cyrax, killing him instantly.

Kai: Kai ran into battle and took on the monster, Kintaro. He used the training he got from Liu Kang and all he had learned on his travels through Earth to dodge Kintaro's attacks and counterattack him. However, Kintaro left the battle, which made Kai think that he was running off because of him. He became overconfident and charged at the nearest person, which would be his last choice. Kai ran straight at a charging Shao Kahn, who was brandishing his hammer, and took an upward swing to the chin, flying to the other side of the battlefield. He laid there, broken and battered on the floor at the steps of the pyramid, and he could only watch as his friends fought and died. However, Blaze was defeated, marking the end of the battle. To his surprise, he was able to move a bit, but he looked at his body to see that not all damage had been fixed. The scars on his body and his landing took its toll, making him unable to fight anymore. Despite this, he swore he would still provide a service to those who sought his wisdom.

Kano: Kano met up with Jarek, Kabal, Kobra and Kira. Kano, being the lecherous creep he is, makes a pass at Kira, which she blows off. Kabal and Kano get into a scuffle over the leadership of the Black Dragon, with Jarek pulling Kano away. In the charge, Kano decided to be smart and not get involved in any fighting. Unfortuantely for him, he was spotted by Sonya Blade, who chased him throughout the battlefield. Eventually, Kano lost her, and he bumped into Johnny Cage. They began fighting each other, and Kano was relying on tricks, knowing he couldn't outdo Cage in a martial arts fight. Eventually, Johnny Cage got distracted and ran off to fight Goro. When Kano laughed at Johnny Cage for being a coward, Sonya found him, and he ran up the pyramid to get away from other warriors to have one final battle with his nemesis. It had been many years since their last battle, and he had spent a lot of time thinking about his defeat. He was determined to defeat her once and for all, but deep down, he had secretly missed her, feeling a void inside without her presence. Kano fought well and tried to convince Sonya that deep down, she wants him dead. He was finally defeated, and before he died at Sonya's hands, he gave props to her, feeling a strange sense of pride and joy towards his long-time enemy.

Kenshi: Guided by his ancestors' sword, he was one of the warriors to help lead the Forces of Light in the Edenian crater. Kenshi lurked in the shadows of the war and watched as Shang Tsung tired himself out against the corpse of Liu Kang. Sensing his chance, he ran into battle, determined to slay Shang Tsung for good. He fought well, but Shang Tsung still had plenty of fight left in him. Kenshi began to lose the battle and would have died if it weren't for Kung Lao and Ermac coming to his rescue. With Ermac taking care of Shang Tsung's magic, and with Kung Lao's help, the three of them managed to put down Shang Tsung. Kenshi laid the final blow, cutting the sorcerer in half just before Blaze exploded He was knocked unconscious only for a short while, but Blaze's energy affected him, giving him the power of telepathy. After his return to Earthrealm, he has since been hunting down criminals. He had communicated with Sub-Zero, warning him of some Tekunin cyborgs in Outworld..

Khameleon: Khameleon watched from the sidelines as the Forces of Light fought against the Forces of Darkness. She had no interest in their struggle as she simply wanted Blaze's power in order to use it against Shao Kahn. Fortunately, he was being kept away from the pyramid, and it was then that she noticed Chameleon making his way up the pyramid. Khameleon chased after him, and after a brief struggle, she knocked him off into the battlefield below. Not wanting to leave anything to chance, she jumped down after him and laid the killing blow to the traitor of their race. She looked up, only to see Reptile fighting a vampire. Khameleon got his attention and pursuaded him to switch sides by opposing Shao Kahn instead of serving him. She convinced him that together, they can take down the one who enslaved their people and that someday, they can restore it. Khameleon watched as Reptile turned the tide of the battle Shao Kahn was in, effectively allowing his opponents to defeat him. Upon Blaze's death, she and Reptile left the crater to rebuild their extinct race. Ever since, they have been ruling as King and Queen of New Zaterra.

Kintaro: Kintaro, under Reiko's orders, acted as the scout for the Forces of Darkness. He spotted the Forces of Light and let out a loud roar, signaling his allies to run forward. He charged in with them and took on Kai. The two of them fought hard and fast, with Kintaro slowly gaining the upper hand. However, Kintaro got distracted when he saw Motaro strike down and kill Sheeva from behind. Outraged that Motaro could not put his rivalry with his race aside in the name of the emperor, Kintaro broke from his battle with Kai and rammed Motaro from the side. He laid into Motaro and ripped him apart before he could recover. Kintaro roared with this victory, and when he saw a glow from behind him, he turned around to see a yellow cyborg holding onto a red one before the yellow one let out a huge explosion. He didn't get the chance to move out of the way and was engulfed in the explosion.

Kira: Kira was present at the reunion of the Black Dragon. She had little interest in Kano's advances and Jarek had remained mostly silent. She and Kobra held Kabal back when he and Kano were arguing over the leadership of the Black Dragon. When going into battle, Kobra tried to attack Kira, but she easily defeated him and left him dying on the floor. She targeted Sonya Blade, one of the Black Dragon's enemies. While they were fighting, Kira was knocked out by Jax. Havik found her body and tried to take her to safety, but when Blaze died, the energy released from his death made contact with both of them. Kira is currently in Outworld, trying to win Reiko's favor.

Kitana: Kitana ran into battle and confronted her twin sister, Mileena. The two of them fought each other, neither one getting the upper hand. It wasn't until Johnny Cage interrupted on her behalf that Kitana was able to get out of the battle with Mileena. Kitana noticed her mother taking on Shao Kahn. Knowing by herself that Sindel didn't have a chance, Kitana ran to help her mother and tried to even the odds against Shao Kahn. However, he was too powerful, even for the two of them. He was about to strike her down before he roared out in pain. She looked behind to see Reptile, of all people, helping them out by spitting acid in Kahn's face. Using this opening, Kitana and Sindel found the strength to finally put down the one who had ruined their lives. They watched as an explosion at the top of the pyramid rained down energy to the battlefield. She, along with the other heroes, attended Bo' Rai Cho's funeral and paid respects to him. Liu Kang's spirit finally ascended to the Heavens, and she reluctantly said her goodbye to the one she wanted to be with. After returning to Edenia, she found that her powers had gone, with this and her state of mind, Kitana gave up on fighting all together and began spending more of her time as Edenia's ambassador, often going to other realms for diplomatic matters.

Kobra: Kobra was present at the Black Dragons little runion, though he did not say much, he never really cared for the two strangers who claimed higher rank then Kabal. He helped Kira pull an enraged Kabal off the one called Kano. Kobra felt that if these two were to rejoin, he would have to prove himself somehow. But Kobra was never the brightest person. When the rush towards the pyramid first started, he quickly turned on his ally, Kira. He attempted to kill her, believing that she was Kabal's favorite and that killing her would prove he is superior to her. He was quickly slain by Kira, who left him dying in a pool of his own blood.
12/30/2007 02:09 PM (UTC)
i dont think it has any thing to do with the real mk.furioussadsadsad
12/30/2007 03:52 PM (UTC)
kinnegad-rulz Wrote:
i dont think it has any thing to do with the real mk.furioussadsadsad

I know you're new here, so please read the rules, which can be found here. One thing to keep in mind is to not post so many emoticons like that.

Also, if you looked at the first post in this thread, you'd know that this is FAN FICTION. If you're going to post in here, please make it constructive and relevant to the topic or I'm going to have a big problem.
I keep my screwed over generalization to here.

Cage no longer a jackass with superpowers? OK!
Kintaro offing Motaro before getting offed himself? Ouch.
Kano's secret emptiness that was revealed before getting offed? Yikes, that's scary deep.
Khameleon offing Chameleon? Saves a waste of space.
Kabal offing Mavado (again)? Good for him.
Kai's presumed paralysis? Sad, but at least he lives.

Can't wait for the rest.
12/30/2007 10:50 PM (UTC)
Love Kano's it was a lil pleasant twist. Good job to the both of you.
The others were just alright for me. Nothing special. I await the rest and hopefully more of Tanya gets revealed.

I really hope you guys didn't kill her off. *pouts*
About Me


12/30/2007 11:10 PM (UTC)
Im glad Im not the only one who likes Tanya. But yeah you guys are doing a good job with all of this.
12/30/2007 11:45 PM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
I keep my screwed over generalization to here.

Cage no longer a jackass with superpowers? OK!
Kintaro offing Motaro before getting offed himself? Ouch.
Kano's secret emptiness that was revealed before getting offed? Yikes, that's scary deep.
Khameleon offing Chameleon? Saves a waste of space.
Kabal offing Mavado (again)? Good for him.
Kai's presumed paralysis? Sad, but at least he lives.

Can't wait for the rest.

Believe or not, Johnny Cage's MKA ending was actually one of the ones I kind of liked. We gave him quite a bit to do, and we closed his story by taking his life in a new path.

With characters like Kintaro and Motaro, they were ones that we had to figure out some way to off as we don't want them back. I was tempted to put in jokes about the two of them. The same goes for offing Chameleon, who I despise. Mavado and the Red Dragon story was something that had great potential, but it went to waste thanks to MKD. For Kai, well, that's Paragon's idea.

Now going into Kano, he's not a character I particularly like, but I wanted to add something special for him, because him thinking of Sonya interested me. The rivalry between the two is fairly shallow and underdeveloped, so I wanted to make it so that Kano secretly has a "thing" for Sonya. I'm talking about a kind of love-hate relationship with a sexual attraction to her. So even though she is his enemy, he can't live without her.

To storyteller and colt: Unfortunately for you two, we're definitely offing Tanya.
12/31/2007 07:15 PM (UTC)
I know this is double posting, but for the sake of bumping the thread up and not making a messy post, I have to do it. Anyway, here is the 4th batch of outcomes:

Kung Lao: Kung Lao faced off against Baraka, having a large scale one-on-one battle with the Tarkatan who had once slain many of his fellow monks. Later in the battle, he witnessed Shang Tsung knock down Kenshi. Along with Ermac, he ran to help his ally, and the three of them proceeded to pick Shang Tsung apart. As Shang Tsung laid on the floor, Kung Lao struggled with himself to finish off the sorcerer. However, he never got the chance to make a decision as Kenshi made it for him by cutting the sorcerer in two. After Shang Tsung was slain, Kung Lao was knocked unconscious by the explosion on top of the pyramid given off upon Blaze's defeat. When he gained consciousness and returned to Earthrealm, he attended Bo' Rai Cho's funeral. Later, he found that the fires of Blaze had given him a psychic connection with the gods. Kung Lao resumed his teaching at the Wu Shi Academy.

Li Mei: Li Mei had fought with the Edenian/Outworld aligned forces against Onaga's Tarkatan hordes. She and the others were successful in slaying most of them, and after Onaga's defeat, she joined up with the Forces of Light. Learning of Blaze's power, she hoped to be successful in order to get back at the Deadly Alliance for what they did to her and the people of her village. Siding alongside the heroes, she went into battle against Reiko, but she had a hard time beating him. Reiko was about to kill her when Bo' Rai Cho intervened to save her. With Bo' Rai Cho dead and Reiko distracted, she took Bo' Rai Cho's body and escaped the battlefield. She and the other heroes attended his funeral after Armageddon. After Reiko's rise to power, she started the Outworld Resistance to fight Reiko's forces in hopes of overthrowing him and bringing justice to her realm.

Liu Kang: The corpse of Liu Kang waited at the base of the pyramid to stop anyone who tried to make it up when it rises. But when he saw Shang Tsung throwing fireballs at everyone in sight, something clicked in his dead mind, and he slowly made his way toward the sorcerer. Shang Tsung turned around to see him and was shocked to see what was before him, though it did not stop him from attacking. Liu Kang swung his chains around in a wild fashion and proceeded to use the techniques he used in his lifetime. However, Shang Tsung had grown stronger, and Liu Kang was not what he used to be. When Shang Tsung had the chance, he blew up the corpse. Liu Kang's spirit remained with Nightwolf until the end of Bo' Rai Cho's funeral. He bid farewell to his allies, especially Kitana. A statue in the Wu Shi Academy was made to honor him.

Mavado: Mavado was revived for Daegon by Shinnok, along with Hsu Hao. Mavado failed to stop Taven, though both he and Daegon expected this. Mavado was then ordered to keep anyone from heading up the pyramid. He and Hsu Hao drew their weapons and ran into combat against two of their enemies, Jarek and Kabal. Mavado and Kabal traded attacks with their Hookswords, neither gaining the advantage. Mavado tried to trick Kabal using his grappling hooks to evade him, but Kabal's super speed stopped him from doing this and quickly overwhelmed him. Kabal quickly cut down Mavado and severed his head from his shoulders.

Meat: Meat was under orders from Shang Tsung, who told him that if he helped him get to the top of the pyramid, he promised to complete him and never feel the pain he endures anymore. As skeptical as he was, Meat accepted and ran into battle against Sindel. Using his cleavers, he kept the Edenian queen on the defense. As she began to fight back, he was hit from behind by a massive blow to the back, sending him hurling across the battlefield. Shao Kahn had just ran into battle and attacked anything in sight. Meat was just another one of his victims.

Mileena: Mileena fought alongside the Forces of Darkness. She wanted to gain Blaze's power for herself in order to rule and eliminate her enemies. She set her sight on Kitana, wanting to finish their rivalry for good. Johnny Cage soon took Kitana's place and fought off Mileena before she was ambushed by Baraka. She fought against Baraka, who was angry that she killed the body double he had sent, knowing that she would have done away with him had he gone in person. Mileena was too smart for Baraka and she cut down her former lover. However, before she could do anything else, Blaze was slain. Seeing her chance of power go to waste, she ran from the battlefield and has been wandering Outworld ever since.

Mokap: Mokap joined his friend Johnny Cage in battle, though he wondered himself what use he could be. Even with self-doubt eating away at him, he charged into battle, and he cursed his luck when he was being targeted by Goro. He did what he could to fight him, but it wasn't enough. Goro grabbed Mokap and ripped him in half with his pure power.

Moloch: On the battlefield, Moloch was determined to wipe out the Forces of Light for the sake of destruction. He found himself facing off against Stryker. At first, Moloch seemed to gain the upper hand on him, but he underestimated the Earthrealm warrior. Stryker was holding his own for a while, but Moloch was gaining the advantage. After Stryker was knocked away by Shao Kahn, Moloch teamed up with Drahmin to take down Sareena. Although powerful, she was able to kill him.

Motaro: Motaro had been resurrected by Shinnok as a good-will gesture to Shao Kahn. He had been ordered to assist the Forces of Darkness, but he refused, feeling betrayed when he learned that Shao Kahn had returned his favor to Goro and the Shokan. Enraged, Shao Kahn decided to use the Centaurs' hatred of the Shokan by ordering Shang Tsung to place a curse on them, one that would turn them into Minotaurs. Motaro and his people were affected by the curse, and they put the blame on the Shokan. He agreed to help the Forces of Darkness if the Shokan would be destroyed. In the battlefield, Motaro was outraged when Sheeva made fun of him for this and swore he would make her pay. Motaro ran into battle alongside his enemies and fought against Bo' Rai Cho for a small while before deciding to kill his enemies in the confusion. He was successful in striking Sheeva from behind, and he was then intent on taking down their prince, Goro. However, he did not notice that Kintaro had seen his treachery and had tackled him in the side. Motaro did not get the chance to get to his feet and defend himself as Kintaro pummeled and ripped him apart.

Nightwolf: Nightwolf fought Drahmin, the Oni Tormentor. He went to help Johnny Cage fight Goro while Drahmin turned his attention to Sareena. Liu Kang's spirit warned Nightwolf of the battle between Raiden and Shinnok. When they were attempting to destroy each other, Nightwolf saved Johnny Cage from the blast of energy while Goro was killed by it. When Blaze was killed, the energy released gave Nightwolf the power to summon spirits. After Liu Kang's spirit ascended to the Heavens, Nightwolf has been spending his time as a mentor to his people.

Nitara: Nitara did her best to lure Ashrah away from the rest of her recovering race. However, she put herself right into the middle of a warzone. Thankfully, Ashrah was being held at bay by two warriors. Before Nitara could contemplate getting away, she was attacked by Reptile, who was still angry at her deception and for making him fall out of favor with Shao Kahn. The two of them fought like animals until another warrior fell between them. A female who looked like him dove down on top the warrior, killing him. She and Reptile began talking, which made Reptile turn around and bow to Nitara before both he and the female disappeared. Nitara decided to make her escape, only to be cut off by a beaten Ashrah. Although powerful and in possession of the Datusha, Ashrah had been beaten badly by the two warriors she faced, enabling Nitara to easily put her down. Before she could kill her, Blaze had been defeated and he exploded. By the time Nitara recovered from the shockwave, Ashrah had gone away. With her job done, Nitara made her way back home where she has since been trying to improve its foundations.
Round 3. . .

Shang offing Liu's corpse? Pity he didn't last long enough to enjoy it.

Shang being the real cause of the Minotaur curse? Ouch.

Kung Lao can talk to gods? Good enough an end for a hero.

Kahn mowing down Meat? Shame, I was betting on Drahmin or Mileena eating him.

Motaro offing Sheeva? Ah well. Might as well, since none of these Shokan were well developed in story. Neither was Mo.
01/01/2008 02:11 AM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Round 3. . .

Shang offing Liu's corpse? Pity he didn't last long enough to enjoy it.

Shang being the real cause of the Minotaur curse? Ouch.

Kung Lao can talk to gods? Good enough an end for a hero.

Kahn mowing down Meat? Shame, I was betting on Drahmin or Mileena eating him.

Motaro offing Sheeva? Ah well. Might as well, since none of these Shokan were well developed in story. Neither was Mo.

I know it sounds like a rather quick explanation, but we just wanted to have Liu Kang's body get offed. We both feel that he needed closure, even if it was sort of lacking. Then again, it's not entirely our fault, because the MK team shouldn't have brought him back. He was better off staying gone.

It was Paragon's idea to have Shang Tsung being the one to curse the Centaurs, because he found it bizarre for the Shokan to use magical powers. I do have to admit that the Minotaur thing was poorly done, because I too couldn't really imagine the Shokan using magic. Another thing is that technically, the Centaurs would've become Satyrs, not Minotaurs, so that creates a problem.

Kung Lao's outcome was tough to do. Originally, it was rather thin, but we wanted to flesh it out some more. The same goes for Li Mei's outcome. Since Ermac, Kenshi, and Kung Lao were near each other and that Ermac was affected by Blaze's energy, I didn't want to neglect an effect for Kenshi and Kung Lao. It was tough to come up with effects for them, much more so Kung Lao. So while I came up with the telepathy idea for Kenshi, which he uses to communicate to Sub-Zero with, Paragon came up with the idea for Kung Lao's effect.

With Meat's demise, Paragon wanted to have several casualties at the hands of Shao Kahn's hammering frenzy. I probably would've used an idea similar to yours, especially since I'm crazy in the idea. grin

As for Motaro offing Sheeva, well, yeah, I just don't like her. We definitely wanted both of them to go. I was tempted to put in a joke about Motaro never finding his dick, but I wasn't allowed to do that for the sake of seriousness. tongue

The next batch of outcomes will probably be out tomorrow or Wednesday. So until then, Happy New Year everyone!
01/05/2008 10:41 AM (UTC)
Noob Saibot: Noob Saibot was there by orders of Shinnok to aid him in 'aiding' Shao Kahn, but really preventing him or anyone else to get up the pyramid. In actuality, Noob sought the power himself. With Smoke by his side, he was sure he could otain Blaze's power and finally overthrow Shinnok to become ruler of the Netherrealm himself. The first person to get in his way was Ashrah, a demon huntress who had previously been after him. He and Smoke mercilessly beat down Ashrah. It wasn't untill Sub-Zero appeared that Noob decided he had enough fun. They teleported up the pyramid, with Sub-Zero following behind. Somehow, Sub-Zero was gaining on them, so Noob ordered Smoke to hold him off while he obtained the power for himself. Noob made it to the top of the pyramid, only to see Taven and Daegon there as Blaze roared out in pain before exploding. Not knowing what this meant, Noob teleported out of the way of the explosion to a safe distance. Knowing that this meant his failure, he was called back to the Netherrealm by Shinnok, who for some reason, was not happy with the outcome.

Onaga: Onaga had no intention of serving under Shinnok or Shao Kahn due to his pride as the Dragon King. He charged into battle and confronted Ermac and Shujinko. He was not in his original body and was still not used to the one Shinnok had given him. Onaga became furious, thinking that Shinnok did this on purpose since he could not break through Ermac's or Shujinko's defense and kept falling for their counter attacks. However, he got lucky when Ermac left the battle, leaving him and Shujinko alone. Onaga and Shujinko kept one-upping each other to the point where Onaga finally landed a blow which kept Shujinko down. Before he could amass the final blow, he was struck from behind by Shao Kahn, who laughed at Onaga for being so weak. Onaga cursed Shao Kahn as the final blow was made.

Quan Chi: Quan Chi ran into battle, planning on taking Blaze's energy to the realms himself. However, he was stopped by Sareena, his former assassin. She actually believed she could beat him, and he entertained that thought for a while before he mercilessly becan to pick her apart. Before he could do any substantial damage, he heard someone call his name. Quan Chi looked, only to see Scorpion pacing towards him with anger and fire in his eyes. He tossed an energy skull at the spectre and ran for his life. This time, Scorpion was prepared for the sorcerer to try and escape. Quan Chi took every possible route he could find, only to find it blocked by a wall of fire he could not put out. He took the one route out that wasn't blocked, a small forest. He believed he had escaped when he came face to face with Scorpion once more, who began to beat down Quan Chi. He tried to fight back, but Scorpion seemed impervious to all of his attacks. Quan Chi, after being forced to his knees, begged once for Scorpion to spare him. He looked up at Scorpion, who looked like he was actually considering it. However, the last thing he saw was Scorpion's spear headed straight for him.

Raiden: Raiden had Liu Kang's body hide where the pyramid would rise. He then took control of the Forces of Light from Fujin, making sure to leep his distance from Fujin, because he would ask questions. He saw Shinnok and went straight for him. Their battle was long and dangerous, and they decided to destroy each other for good by channeling energy for one big attack. This attacked destroyed warriors such as Goro. When the blast was over, Raiden and Shinnok were nowhere to be seen.

Rain: Rain fought alongside his former allies with the Forces of Darkness, intending to use his newly found god-like powers to their full potential in order to become a full god by defeating Blaze. He believed this to be his birth-right, and on the battlefield he tested his powers against Fujin, surprising the wind god with his powers. Both of them gave each other a hard time, neither getting the upper hand on one another. Their battle began to affect other battles around them. Jade interfered, knowing that their intense battle would kill everyone before Blaze's appearance. She sneak attacked Rain, who didn't recover enough from that blow to gain an upper hand on her. Rain fought back, but once Blaze was defeated, he disappeared quickly and hasn't been heard from since.

Reiko: Reiko was in charge of the main assault, which would weaken the Forces of Light so that Shao Kahn could charge through to the pyramid. Li Mei was his first target, and after a long fight, he mercilessly beat her down before attempting to finish her. Bo' Rai Cho took the blow meant for his target, but before he could kill Li Mei, he noticed Shao Kahn facing off against Kitana and Sindel. He ran to help his emperor before being stopped by Fujin, who drew him into combat before Blaze fell. Reiko hid during the commotion and waited to check on Shao Kahn. Kahn had been badly beaten, and Reiko took this opportunity to kill the emperor with his own hammer. He took Kahn's helmet and left, limping off of the battlefield.

Reptile: After Onaga's soul was drawn to the Netherrealm, Reptile had been freed, finding himself in a more evolved state. He later acted as Quan Chi's bodyguard in the Red Dragon HQ and worked directly for Shao Kahn once again. He was ordered to help Reiko to clear a path for him so he could make his way up the pyramid unchallenged. Reptile charged into battle and homed straight in on the one who made him fall out of favor with his emperor in the first place, Nitara. The two of them fought for a long time until their battle was disrupted by another male Saurian he did not recognize. This Saurian fell between them, and Khameleon jumped down nearby, killing the fallen one. She then explained to Reptile what was going on, and he agreed to help Khameleon by switching sides. As penance for his crimes, he decided to do the one thing he could to show his change: attack his former emperor. He turned invisible and snuck up on Shao Kahn, who was slowly beating Sindel and Kitana. As he held his hammer up to lay the final blow on one of them, Reptile spat acid at his back, then at his face when he turned around. He then turned invisible again and fled the battlefield with Khameleon. They found a way to separate the remains of Zaterra and set the foundations for New Zaterra, becoming its King and Queen. With help from Khameleon, they helped repopulate their race and have formed an alliance with Edenia and Vaeternus.

Sareena: After gaining her senses, Sareena was determined to redeem herself by fighting in the Edenian crater. At the beginning of battle, she immediately goes after Quan Chi. While she puts up a good fight, Quan Chi overpowers her. She is saved from death by Scorpion, and she faces off against Moloch and Drahmin. Sareena was able to kill Moloch, and she continued to fight Drahmin. When Blaze was killed, she knocked out Drahmin, only to be affected by the energy released from Blaze's death. Sareena returned to the Lin Kuei temple with Sub-Zero, and she soon learned that she can willingly switch between her human and demonic forms. However, she found herself having a harder time controlling her instincts, as if the human and demon instincts merged together.

Scorpion: Scorpion watched as everyone fought over the power Blaze could give them. Power was not what Scorpion wanted. Instead, what he desired was revenge, intent on killing Taven and Daegon to ensure the Elder Gods' plan would fail. However, when he saw Quan Chi down in the crater, his initial anger flared. But he knew if he went right away, Quan Chi would just escape, so he needed to be smart. Scorpion noted all exits from the crater and blocked all of them off with a wall of fire except for one that he would use to ambush Quan Chi. With the traps set, Scorpion confronted Quan Chi as he fought Sareena. As expected, Quan Chi tried to distract him and escape, but Scorpion smirked and teleported to the forest, waiting for Quan Chi to come. Sure enough, Quan Chi came, running head on and looking over his shoulder for him. Scorpion jumped down and attacked Quan Chi without mercy. The sorcerer begged Scorpion not to kill him, but Scorpion soaked in the moment, with his revenge finally being complete. He launched his spear into Quan Chi's head, pulled his prone body towards him and severed his head.

Sektor: Sektor had improved his technology to unprecedented levels, making him a threat to everyone, even his own allies. Upon entering the battle, he singled out Jax, whom he had made a deal with after his airship was destroyed by Sonya. He tried to convince Jax to join the Tekunin, but he refused. Sektor went into battle knowing Jax could not attack him back. Jax got over this by ripping off his cybernetic arms. However, Jax, as strong as he was, was no match for Sektor's skill and technology. Disappointed and angry at Jax, Sektor plunged his Pulse Blades into Jax's back just as Cyrax came. Sektor and Cyrax went into battle, but like their training matches so long ago in the Lin Kuei temple, neither could out do one another, because they knew each others' moves by heart. Sektor knew it was just a matter of time before his superior technology outdid Cyrax's. Being held in place, Sektor could not free himself from Cyrax's grip as he pulled his trump card, his self-destruct mechanism. Cyrax had exploded, taking him, Sektor, and some other warriors out, but Sektor calculated that he may not make it out alive. To take a precaution, he downloaded a copy of his mind into the Tekunin main computer at their HQ. Upon his death, his mind took over the computer, allowing him to live on in a virtual world. Ever since, he has been trying to restore the Tekunin in secret, waiting for the time in which he'll be more powerful than ever.

Shang Tsung: Using his magic, Shang Tsung reigned terror on the entire battlefield by disrupting many battles with his attacks. However, he soon had to defend himself as he was confronted by the corpse of Liu Kang. The two rivals fought on for a long time, but in his zombified state, Liu Kang did not possess the inner fire he had when he beat Shang Tsung all those years ago. Shang Tsung blew up the corpse with a powerful blast, but before he could rest, he was attacked by Kenshi. The blind swordsman did not fall for any of Shang Tsung's tricks, and his minor spells did not work on Kenshi due to the magical sword he was using. However, using his more advanced techniques and an array of hard hitting and sneaky moves, Shang Tsung had Kenshi backed into a corner. It wasn't untill Ermac's interruption that the sorcerer had to divert his attention. Shang Tsung then thought of a wicked idea in which he could consume the souls within Ermac, greatly surpassing his power, even by the likes of Shao Kahn. As if fate predicted this idea, Kung Lao entered the battle and with Kenshi recovering, he received a three-on-one beat down of which he stood no chance. Ermac's powers rivaled his, stopping the sorcerer's attempt to use of magic. Kung Lao and Kenshi attacked, beating Shang Tsung to the floor. He looked up at them, only to see Kenshi bringing his sword down upon him, ending the sorcerer's life once and for all.
01/05/2008 07:35 PM (UTC)
NO NO NO.... my dear dear Shang Tsung.
I loved Quan Chi's the best, simply because it was amazing and a bit surprising when I read the part where Scorpion paused as if he was considering it. That was pure gold.
Rain was just okay for me, It didn't make me go wow.
Shang Tsung was a nice detailed one, it was a WOWer < I know it is not a real word.

Anyway, I wasn't too thrilled with Sareena, Rain, Shinnok's, or Noob's, but Noob's was the better out of those 4.
Reiko and Sektor's were decent though.
01/07/2008 12:10 AM (UTC)
Shao Kahn: Shao Kahn sent Onaga, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi ahead while having Reiko and Reptile act as their forward men to weaken the Forces of Light. He hoped to use this strategy as a means of getting a better chance to obtain Blaze's power. He knew he would get there himself first and waited for the right time to fight. He charged into the warzone and swung his hammer at anyone who dared to stand in his way, whether they were his enemy or not, including Onaga. He stopped in front of Sindel, and he laughed, saying "You should never have turned against me." before he lunged at her. She went on the defense, but she could not match with his raw power.

Kitana stepped in before he could finish Sindel, and the two of them attacked him. Even with Kitana at her side, the two of them could not beat him. He picked up his Wrath Hammer and was about to kill them when he felt a searing pain down his back. His helmet had fallen off as he stumbled, and he turned around to see Reptile appear out of thin air to spit acid in his face. That was the last clear thing he saw. Blinded, he could not withstand Kitana's and Sindel's final attacks. He looked up at them, seeing the two of them stand over him for a second before he dove into darkness. He was sure he died then until he heard a voice calling to him. It was Reiko, who helped Kahn get to his feet. Kahn told him he couldn't see, that he needs to get back to his fortress and have the Shadow Priests help him. He then felt a crushing blow to his back, and he knew then that Reiko had betrayed him. He let out one last roar before he felt another crushing blow to his head. Shao Kahn had been slain by betrayal, just like how he took down Onaga, his former master.

Sheeva: Sheeva was one of the various warriors resurrected by Shinnok. Although she learned of Shao Kahn's returned favor to the Shokan, she was still skeptical to trust him. However, she sided with the Forces of the Darkness for the sake of Goro and her people. She charged into battle with Cyrax, attacking the yellow cyborg. Her strength was matched with his hard, metallic body and quickness. Before she could find a way to defeat him, she was struck from behind by Motaro, who laughed at her and killed her in revenge for not only killing him in the past, but for also insulting him about being made a biped. She laid dying as Kintaro ripped Motaro apart for this. Her body was incinerated by an explosion caused by Cyrax.

Shinnok: Shinnok had created a doppelganger to manipulate the Forces of Light and Darkness, bringing them to their doom. It was part of his master plan to eliminate his enemies and take the power he needed to escape the Netherrealm and take down the Elder Gods. He sent the doppelganger with Daegon, and in the battlefield the doppelganger fought Raiden. They tried destroying each other in a powerful blast. Once the blast was finished, neither of them were there. Shinnok's plans failed due to the unforseen outcome after Blaze's death. He still resides in the Netherrealm, hoping to find another way to achieve his goals.

Shujinko: Shujinko had purposely fallen into Mileena's trap in order to learn what he could about the Dark Alliance's plans. He felt that despite his victory against Onaga, he somehow returned. Also, Shujinko felt that he needed to do more to prove his worth and to redeem himself to the people of Outworld and Earthrealm. He was eventually freed by Taven, and he soon learned of a great power in Edenia, one that the Forces of Darkness were after. Shujinko thought that if he could obtain this power, he would use it to destroy the Forces of Darkness and bring peace to the realms. In the battlefield, Shujinko, with Ermac at his side, went for Onaga and had a long battle with him, continuing to top one another. Part way through the battle, Ermac left to face someone else, leaving Shujinko alone with Onaga. With no one to help him, Onaga managed to beat Shujinko down and was about to successfully kill him. However, Onaga was attacked by Shao Kahn. Shujinko died in the crater from the injuries he sustained and was buried alongside many other of his allies, one of which was Bo' Rai Cho, his martial arts teacher.

Sindel: Sindel knew exactly what she planned to do during the battle. She knew that Shao Kahn would not enter the battle right away and waited for the time he entered the battle. However, she was attacked by one of his allies, a grotesque, skinless man known as Meat. The man dripped blood everywhere as he swung at her with his two large cleavers. Before she could get in an attack, she saw Shao Kahn charging into the fray, brandishing his hammer to swat away anyone who stood in his path. He took out some of his own allies, even the man she was facing. He stopped in front of her and looked down at her. He laughed as he said something she couldn't hear over the shouting and screaming. Kahn began to attack her, and she ended up being on the defense for a long time, though he eventually caught her. However, Kitana intervened, and the two of them attacked him. Even their combined effort could not match his strength and skill, and it was not until they got an unlikely assistance from Reptile that the two of them were finally able to put Kahn down for good. When Blaze died, Sindel was nullified of her powers. She went with Kitana and the other allies to attend the funerals of the heroes that had fallen. Sindel, Kitana, and Jade returned to Edenia afterwards, and since then, she has resumed her duties as its queen.

Smoke: Smoke was an unwilling ally to the Forces of Darkness, forced by his programming to serve Noob Saibot. Smoke helped Noob defeat Ashrah before joining his master in a race to the top of the pyramid, with Sub-Zero right behind them. Smoke was ordered to fight Sub-Zero, who did not fight back, as he didn't to harm his friend. Smoke beat down and was about to kill Sub-Zero before his human side stopped him. Regretfully, Sub-Zero made a blow to Smoke's system, disabling his friend.

Sonya: Sonya ran into the crater and saw Kano. She began chasing him, but she lost sight of him. She saw Sub-Zero break from his fight with Frost to chase after Noob. Frost and Sonya had battled each other, with Sonya coming out as the victory. After that, she began searching for Kano again, but was ambushed by Kira. Before the battle could get heated, Kira was knocked out by Jax as he fought against Sektor. She watched in horror as Sektor killed Jax. Cyrax shouted to her to stay out of the fight as he jumped into battle with his former ally. Sonya was about to help when she saw Kano nearby and went up the pyramid to further pursue him. The two of them had one last battle, in which Sonya was victorious once more. She listened to Kano's last words before the top of the pyramid exploded, and she became disheartened after the battle, losing two of her closest allies. With the Black Dragon and Tekunin gone, she finds herself uncertain of what life has ahead for her.

Stryker: Stryker learned that he was spared during Shao Kahn's invasion to become a defender of his home world. He teamed up with the other heroes to fight the Forces of Darkness, and he faced Moloch, the Oni-Destroyer. Though he fought well, he was no match for him, and Moloch was gaining the upper hand. Stryker was knocked away by Shao Kahn's Wrath Hammer. Badly injured, he was unable to escape the energy blast created by Raiden and Shinnok.

Sub-Zero: Sub-Zero hoped to use Blaze's power to defeat the Forces of Darkness and save his brother, Noob Saibot. In the battlefield, he discovered Frost was on the other side and figured she somehow escaped her icy encasing. They fight each other until Sonya intervened. He chased Noob Saibot and Smoke and was drawn into battle with them. He was almost beaten by Smoke, whom he didn't want to harm. When Smoke stopped for a second, Sub-Zero used that time to disable him. In an attempt to protect himself from Blaze's energy, Sub-Zero encased himself in ice. When he broke free, he soon found himself younger and felt more powerful. He and Sareena returned to the Lin Kuei temple after attending the funerals. He has been training his students before he went to Outworld.

Tanya: Tanya ran into battle alongside the Forces of Darkness, hoping to gain the powers of Blaze to enslave them all and rule the realms herself. She was confronted by her bitter enemy, Jade, and used every trick she knew to try and put down the Edenian warrior. However, Jade was quick to notice Tanya's deceptions, and she caught her while she was weak. Tanya didn't even get to scream as Jade shoved her staff through her head.

Taven: Taven took one of the Drakeswords and fought Blaze atop the pyramid. While he was able to defeat him, Daegon snuck in for the kill. The energy released from Blaze's death flowed through both their armors and dispersed throughout the crater. Taven had completed his quest, but unfortunately, the quest did not bring peace and stability to the realms. A third, unforseen outcome emerged, with various effects toward the different kombatants that were still alive. However, Argus and Delia appeared and imprisoned Daegon in the Void. They knew that Taven was the one worthy of taking up Argus' old position as the Protector God of Edenia. Since then, Taven has been doing what he can to protect Edenia and has been trying to find a way to bring stability to the realms.
Okay. . . Final list. . .

Kahn offing Onaga. Well, it was gonna end one way or another.

Sindel still alive? Not bad, kinda interesting.

Smoke nonfunctional?
"OH NOO! You'll pay for that!"
-The Shredder in the episode "A Thing About Rats"

Tanya gutted for good? Justice does arrive to strike down the wicked.

Shinnok still alive? Now nobody's safe (psyche).

A good number of people gone but not dead (yet)? Not pretty, yet saves space.
01/08/2008 07:50 PM (UTC)
No!!!!!!!!!!! Tanya!!!!!!! NO!!!

I actually like this batch believe it or not, I would say it is one of the better, even though my precious Tanya died.
About Me

Sig made by Prodigy004
01/13/2008 08:32 PM (UTC)
01/18/2008 05:38 PM (UTC)
Thought that that was it? That we got some character ideas and story dieas down and would finish there and go on? Think again! We have some characters who will be MUCH harder to unlock, and here is the first of them!


Origin: Earthrealm

Alignment: Good

Status: Rogue Warrior


Primary Costume: Smoke is unmasked, having messy black hair and hazel eyes. He wears a dark grey tunic with a black under shirt and a long, slightly dark grey robe. Also, he wears black trousers with three silver lines going down the sides and black tabi shoes with a silver trim. In addition, Smoke wears a light grey scarf with a black outline, and the ends of the scarf drape down over the back of his shoulders.

Alternate Costume: Smoke's wears his costume from MK: Shaolin Monks.

Extra Costume: none

Fighting Styles: Liu He Tanglang, Pangai Noon

Liu He Tanglang: Liu He Tanglangquan (Six Harmony Praying Mantis Fist) is one of the youngest sub-styles of Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu. Created by Lin Shichun, it is derived from a combination of Liu He Quan (Six Harmonies Fist) and Qixing Tanglangquan (Seven Star Praying Mantis). While Qixing Tanglangquan starts out more external, having a hard exterior and soft interior, Liu He Tanglangquan starts out more internal, having a soft exterior and a hard interior. It is the initial focus on the type of power issuing that makes these two particular sub-styles each others' opposites. We decided to go with this style, because it uses very fast and agile movements with attacks to vital areas.

Pangai Noon: Pangai Noon (Half-Hard, Half-Soft) is a Southern Chinese martial art that was taught to Kanbun Uechi, who developed Uechi Ryu Karate from it. Using both hard and soft techniques, this is a close-ranged style that uses the animal techniques of the dragon, tiger, and crane. Pangai Noon in its original form no longer exists so this Pangai Noon is a modified form of Uechi Ryu that contains more of a Chinese aesthetic to it. We chose Pangai Noon for Smoke as we wanted to give him a rare and well-rounded style that had some sort of similarity to Sub-Zero's Lung Jop Pai in its use of dragon techniques.

Special Moves

Smokycut: Smoke sinks to the ground and rises up from beneath the opponent, uppercutting him/her to the air for juggle hits. Smokycut hits mid, and it can also be done when Smoke is in the air.

Smoky Cloud: Smoke slides back and releases a cloud of smoke in front of him. If the opponent steps in the cloud, he/she is stunned, allowing Smoke for a free hit. Smoky Cloud cannot be done if Smoke is too close to the opponent.

Caltrop Trap: He throws a few caltrops to the ground, acting as a trap and distance maker. These do not disappear until the opponent steps on them or until the end of the round.

Translucene: Smoke is surrounded by larger puffs of smoke, which lasts for a short while. Any physical attack made on him during this will not hit him.

Smoke Bomb Teleport: In an animation similar to Reptile's invisibility, Smoke drops down a smoke bomb, making him teleport. However, Smoke has an additional attack, much like Reiko's and Noob's teleport attacks. If either of the kick buttons are pressed, he does a dive kick, much like the one he and Noob did as Noob-Smoke.


Double Leg Sweep: Smoke grabs the opponent and does a low hook kick with his left leg, whipping up one of the opponent's legs. Using the momentum of the turn on the kick, he jumps down and performs a spinning sweep kick with his right leg, taking out the opponent's other leg. This throw is very quick, and it puts Smoke a fair distance away from the opponent.

Spinning Neck Wrench: Smoke grabs the opponent and ducks, hooking one of his arms over the opponent's far shoulder. He swings himself under the opponent's armpit then around and over the opponent's back so that he is behind the opponent. Then he jumps forward and grabs his/her head with his hands. Using his bodyweight, he takes down the opponent, face first.

Mastery Level: 2

Overall Gameplay Style: Smoke is a fairly easy character to play as. He is someone who relies on tricks and speed to win. While his fighting styles are more for close-ranged combat, his special moves give him the edge at longer ranges.


Smoky Possession: Smoke grabs the opponent then drops a smoke bomb. This one clouds the screen, but the player can see a sillouette of the opponent choking as it dies down. Smoke has gone, and the opponent is still choking. They fall to their knees, holding their throat as bits of smoke trail from their ears, nose and mouth. The opponent throws up puke then blood before falling face first, dying. More smoke comes from his/her body as Smoke rematerializes.

Stealthy Assassin: Smoke becomes invisible and strikes the opponent's body. Next, he moves around and punches the opponent's face. Then he does a hard kick to the back of the opponent's leg, knocking him/her down a bit. Lastly, Smoke decapitates the opponent by grabbing it and ripping it of. He returns to being visible and does his victory pose from his MKD fatality.

Get Up Animation: His get up animation is similar to Raiden's but with smoky effects. He teleports and goes into Lin Kuei pose then does a simultaneous punch/kick, flowing into his fighting stance.

Victory Pose: He raises his arm and drops down a smoke bomb, disappearing when the smoke clears.

Kombat Zone: White Seers Village

Description: Located in Edenia, the White Seers Village is a small, quiet village that gets its name from Edenians of other areas since it's a place that's more in-tune with magic and that many of its inhabitants are pacifists. The village is in a large clearing in a small forest located in the mountains, not too far from the main castle. Smoke found refuge in a village where he recovered his health with the help of the villagers, one of which was Elena.

Stage Traps: none

Stage Fatality: none


I am one of the last surviving members of the old Lin Kuei. My soul had been in a cybernetic hell for so many years and could only watch as my body was forced to commit terrible crimes. Upon my reactivation, I was forced to serve Noob Saibot and was taken to the Netherrealm to begin amassing an army in which I would be the seed for his cyborg demons. However, despite being programmed for evil, my soul was not, and I began to malfunction. Noob Saibot had returned to serving Quan Chi and Shinnok, who to Noob's surprise, had returned. Later on in the Netherrealm, Noob and I encountered Sub-Zero, the only one I considered a friend. The two of us overpowered him, but we were warded off by Sareena. I soon found myself fighting alongside Noob Saibot in the Edenian crater, and we attacked Ashrah, the demon huntress, before being chased by Sub-Zero. I was then forced to fight my friend. He was hesitant, and I almost killed him, but I managed for one moment to stop my body, a moment that Sub-Zero used to shut me down.

I was sure that would have been my last memory, and I would be left forgotten in that barren wasteland. But the fires of Blaze showered down on me and separated me from my cybernetics, granting me my human body. Clueless as to where my life would go from here, I wandered Edenia for some time, finding shelter in a mountanous village. They helped me get back on my feet, and as payment for that, I offered my services to help them if they ever needed it. One day, a scout came and said he saw a cyborg in the crater where Armageddon had occured. I soon received an invitation to a tournament in an area near the crater. Maybe the cyborg will be there, and if so, I must find out if more were made during my time away from Earth.


Sub-Zero_7th: Smoke is one of those characters that LP wanted back. Personally, he's a character that I feel almost indifferent towards. I would've rather had someone else take his place, but we decided to bring him back. One thing that bugged me was that we were giving 3's, 4's, and 5's as mastery levels to many characters, so I argued that we should make Smoke's mastery level 2 instead of 3. Story-wise, he's sort of trying to rebuild his life and slowly forge a new path for himself, sort of like the next-gen Sub-Zero or Ermac. We want to be careful of how we do him, because we don't want him to seem too similar to Ermac in terms of his story, goals, etc. LP and I really wanted to give him Mi Tzu Chuan as his primary fighting style, but Lucifer was really against it for some reason. Although he's not here, we still agreed to not give him Mi Tzu Chuan for this installment at least. Overall, we decided to give him a second chance and make something out of him.

Paragon: When we were thinking of more people to bring back, Smoke was one of the characters that I wanted to use. To me, his story felt incomplete, and his history and personality are not known as well as his counter parts, Cyrax and Sektor. I was unsure if Smoke would be a cyborg or a human at first, but i eventually went with him being human, separated from his cybernetic shell thanks to Blaze. There was also the problem with his look as all we know of his human form is that he wears the usual 'MK ninja garb'. We wanted to change this for a less ninja-like look, though I still wanted his MK: SM costume just because in the few frames I saw it close, I thought it looked good.

The use of caltrops was originally an idea SZ7 wanted to use for Noob, but I convinced him otherwise and used them with Smoke. I did this mainly because although he has his powers, other then choking opponents, it's not really a harmful power. So having some sort of projectile weapon worked well with the idea I have of Smoke in my head. He's one of the Lin Kuei's best, because he could disappear on command and kill an opponent hundreds of ways while they can't see. I didn't want Smoke to end, looking back with regret, had he died in the crater. Instead, I wanted to bring out his personality more and show more of the man behind the cyborg mask.
01/18/2008 06:48 PM (UTC)
dude this is great the only bad thing is kabal and baraka dieing
Ho-ly Shit. I never thought Smoke would be back. Yipes. Now I must find La luna. . .(Searches, leaving all positive comments. Returns after finding jack squat.) Kinda interesting that you chose to revert Smoke to humanity. I would've thought that he was a goner by how you stated his fate.
01/18/2008 09:47 PM (UTC)
I personally never liked smoke, and his bio doesn't really do much to make me change my mind. Sure, the cyborg that we heard about is somewhat interesting, but Smoke himself just doesn't cut it for me. Sorry.

Like his costume though, it kind of reminds me of Maxi from SC3. Don't ask why.
01/19/2008 12:49 AM (UTC)
undertaker15-0 Wrote:
dude this is great the only bad thing is kabal and baraka dieing

Hi there, and welcome to the forums. I hope you've read and understood the rules and such. Thanks for reading. How much have you read and what do you think about the different characters and stories? One thing that we want from the readers is for them to give us constructive feedback. It helps us better the quality of our storytelling.

Although I kind of like Kabal, it was felt that it's better to wrap up his story instead of continuing it. I personally don't like the Neo Black Dragon story as it drags that sub-plot and wasn't too well done. As for Baraka, he's a character that has been redundant and shallow throughout the series. He's pretty much expendable, because he has no real depth to him, and the other Tarkata seem to be just like him.

BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Ho-ly Shit. I never thought Smoke would be back. Yipes. Now I must find La luna. . .(Searches, leaving all positive comments. Returns after finding jack squat.) Kinda interesting that you chose to revert Smoke to humanity. I would've thought that he was a goner by how you stated his fate.

lol. Well, we purposely had the outcome written that way to make it seem like he's gone for good. He's just one of those characters that can have a second chance and develop into something more. He's probably one of the most tragic characters in MK.

-storyteller- Wrote:
I personally never liked smoke, and his bio doesn't really do much to make me change my mind. Sure, the cyborg that we heard about is somewhat interesting, but Smoke himself just doesn't cut it for me. Sorry.

Like his costume though, it kind of reminds me of Maxi from SC3. Don't ask why.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Like I said in my comments for Smoke, I'm somewhat in the middle when it comes to him. There isn't too much to Smoke, and I was iffy on whether or not he should return, especially since I didn't want an over-saturation of ninja-type characters. I personally would've had another character in his place.
01/19/2008 02:40 AM (UTC)
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that Drahmin is coming up soon, otherwise you wouldn't have made so much mention of the claw he got from Blaze. It'd be interesting to see him, as there is that mystery to him (I still don't entirely get what happened to him in his DA ending)

Anyways, amazing story that you have here. I like some of the new characters that you've got (Vaeternus, Anacon, etc) while others are gonna have to prove themselves (this space is intentionally left blank) before I invest in them.

Your choice of returning characters is strange at times, but if you've got a plan for how it all works out then I have no objections.

Overall, a great description of the people with some nice detail on styles, throws, fatalities, etc.

I'm not entirely sure what to expect to happen with this group of people (I lost count somewhere in the middle) but I'm a sucker for a story and will likely be happy with whatever turns out.
01/19/2008 02:53 AM (UTC)
RoninDrake Wrote:
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that Drahmin is coming up soon, otherwise you wouldn't have made so much mention of the claw he got from Blaze. It'd be interesting to see him, as there is that mystery to him (I still don't entirely get what happened to him in his DA ending)

Anyways, amazing story that you have here. I like some of the new characters that you've got (Vaeternus, Anacon, etc) while others are gonna have to prove themselves (this space is intentionally left blank) before I invest in them.

Your choice of returning characters is strange at times, but if you've got a plan for how it all works out then I have no objections.

Overall, a great description of the people with some nice detail on styles, throws, fatalities, etc.

I'm not entirely sure what to expect to happen with this group of people (I lost count somewhere in the middle) but I'm a sucker for a story and will likely be happy with whatever turns out.

Hey there RoninDrake. Thanks for reading. Vaeternus is the realm of the Vampire race. I'm pretty sure you're referring to Vetalas, whose name is derived from the term "vetala", a vampiric-like being from Hindu mythology.

Could you provide some bits on what you think of each character? Which choices of returning characters did you find to be strange and why?
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