07/15/2008 01:19 PM (UTC)
Hey there. I'm glad to see you have read some of it. I can't wait to see your reviews for the other characters.

I want to apologize to all the readers for taking so long with updates and whatnot. We've been occupied with some things in our personal lives, and we still have some more to sort out before we've finished this installment. I realized that revisions had to be made in order to fix some of the problems. We tried to listen to the various comments. I'm not sure if this will necessarily be all of the revisions for this installment, but here are ones that we have now:


Gunge Lance is renamed to Grudge Lance, but the effects are still the same. Take out mention of Kitana except in the part where it says Queen Sindel misses her...take out the "now that she's away all the time" part

My name is Elena, and I am a soldier as well as a witch. I have practiced magic since I was young. The ability to use magic has always run in our family, my mother and her mother before her weere healers in this great realm, before it was taken by Shao Kahn. I was born after he gained control of Edenia and lived in hiding for many years until Edenia was freed. It was then that I saw Edenia for the first time, it was more beautiful then I had ever expected it to be. I then decided that if there is another invasion of this realm, I would become a soldier to learn how to fight and to defend Edenia. No female in our family has ever been in the armed forces before, but my family and friends back me up. As a gift, I was given a family heirloom, a spear passed down to each generation. I completed the exercises with ease and was quite skilled at combat. I was born for this, something that Jade, my commander, tells me anyway.

Jade seemed a little uneasy recently. She told me that something is not right with Queen Sindel, that maybe she misses Kitana too much. But, I do not believe that is the case, because on a few occasions, I have seen a man enter her throne room when no one was around. The other day, I saw him and a female go into the throne room for an audience with the queen. The next day, she had vanished without a trace! I followed the two people who saw the queen to a building standing over the crater where Armageddon occurred. I will go there and under any means necessary, I will find Sindel!


Kitana will not be mentioned in her bio due to certain changes.


I played my part once more in the name of Earthrealm by fighting alongside my allies in Edenia to stop Shao Kahn and anyone else from obtaining the power of Blaze. During the great battle, I noticed Frost had thrown her lot in with Kahn. I had no choice but to fight her myself. My former student held her own and I was saddened to see such a great warrior in the service of evil. Sonya joined the battle, helping me defeat Frost. I had no choice but to kill her as I realized she was simply a lost cause. I soon spotted by brother, Noob Saibot. Near the summit, he ordered Smoke to attack me while he teleported away. I disabled my old ally and chased after my brother. I reached the top just as Blaze had been defeated. In order to protect myself, I encased myself in ice to escape the blast.

I came out of it unscathed. Instead, I found myself feeling stronger. When Sareena found me, she told me that I appeared younger. It seems the blast given off by Blaze has given me greater control of my powers and the Dragon Medallion, so it no longer makes me appear older. After bidding farewell to my allies, Sareena and I went back to the Lin Kuei temple and did all we could to maintain the peace in Earthrealm. This was difficult as even without Sektor, the Tekunin was still a thorn in our side. Recently, I got a message from Kenshi. His comrade, Ermac, told him that some Tekunin cyborgs have been spotted in Outworld. I have decided to go alone to Outworld to help Earthrealm's allies, if only against the Tekunin. We cannot be brought into another conflict.


His Typhoon fatality gets replaced with a fatality called Compressor. He uses his Air Funnel to lift the opponent into the air, with their body in a horizontal position. A second blast of air comes down from above, pushing down on him/her while the blast from the Air Funnel continues to push the opponent up. The opposing forces of wind slowly compress the opponent's body, crushing him/her.


I am the first-born son of the saviors of our once extinct race, Reptile and Khameleon. Our race's maturing process is much shorter then that of other races, although only two years old in human years. I am in fact a young adult in our race. As the first born son, I was the only one trained in combat by my father. From there, I have helped train others, who now train our ever-growing race. I am the protector of this realm, its general, its prince, and it is up to me to make sure that no harm comes to my mother and father. It is difficult at times when mother is away at the congress, but it is needed so that our realm has allies in case Outworld decides to become a threat once again. Father does not trust the Vampires as he has had a history of betrayal with one of them, their speaker, Nitara. However, we have decided to look past this in order for our fragile race to have a chance.

Having acted as an ambassador for my race for a while now, I have come to respect our allies all the more. The vampire Nitara is not as bad as my father believes her to be. She is like much like my mother, doing what she needed to do to free her realm from the fallen emperor, Shao Kahn. I soon learned that Abraxis, one of Reiko's generals, has recently traveled to Edenia. Unfortunately, its queen, Sindel has been missing, much like Prince Vetalas of Vaeternus. Our people are closely allied with the Edenians, and we cannot afford to let their world fall into the hands of Reiko. Whatever he's up to, I must go there to investigate and stop him.

New Special Moves

Acidic Saliva: Normally a high-hitting projectile, when charged, it becomes a spray that hits mid.

Cold Blood Guile: Anacon's movement temporarily becomes faster, and his recovery time is shorter. After the effects wear off, he becomes a bit slower.


I was sentenced to the Netherrealm because of the bad deeds I committed within my short life on Earth. I look back on the life that I had, but really, I have no regrets. It's just a shame that because of my beliefs, I was not allowed to have a peaceful afterlife, and I dragged into the darkness. But, there is a strange comfort; I always felt I belonged down here anyway. I spent time watching and learning martial arts from people around me. I am forever surrounded by demons, undead, and perverted monsters. I used to live a free and happy life... I guess I shall just have to get used to it.

I have done well to keep myself sane and hopeful in this dark and dreary place by keeping myself busy and away from many of the denizens down here to avoid conflicts. There have been riots going on where a lot of the demons try to attack Shinnok's forces. Rumors have it that he sent two of his top warriors to enter a tournament in Edenia. Apparently, the tournament is supposed to be granted one wish. If I can get the hell out of here and follow the two warriors, they can lead me to where the tournament is. I'll make sure that only I will take the prize for myself.

Noob Saibot & Azazel

We removed mentioning Pandora due to her story change.

Azazel's Negating Void has been modified thanks to the suggestion of a member from MKNexus known as reversemarin.

Another dark portal opens in the ground below the opponent and from it, the projectile sucked in the first portal would come out and it would pop up the opponent allowing Azazel to start a combo. The opponent would have the chance to escape the trap by jumping away from the opening portal in the ground or side stepping it if he/she is quick enough.

Armageddon outcomes

Nightwolf aids Sareena with Drahmin and Moloch, and they both kill Moloch, with Sareena landing the final blow.

Sub-Zero and Sonya team up to fight Frost, and he reluctantly kills his former student, realizing that she's a lost cause and could pose a threat to the Lin Kuei and to Earthrealm if not stopped.

Kitana, Sindel, Reptile, and Khameleon have a 4-1 battle against Shao Kahn. Kitana and Sindel are the main ones to take him down.

Kitana is not seen after the funeral of the fallen heroes, and Sindel helps form the Interrealm Council Alliance along with Vaeternus and New Zaterra.

Tournament Layout

Elena vs. Vetalas
Serrath vs. Scorpion
Anacon vs. Abraxis
Smoke vs. Androna
Nitara vs. Mercurus
Sareena vs. Azazel
Drake vs. Taven
Ermac vs. Xiu Lan


Elena: The renaming of her special came after rethinking the current meaning of the original name. Sticking with a similar spelling but a cooler name. As for her bio change, it was mainly due to changes in future ideas. Same for Nitara.

Sub-Zero: We added Sub-Zero in Frost's downfall mainly due to the fact Sonya seemed to be doing way too much compared to a lot of people. Having Sub-Zero help in her death also brings closure to his ties with her.

Fujin's change came at a majority request from our readers... wish Midway did changes like this with us, their games would be SO much better... :wink :wink

Anacon and Pandora: Both of them needed drastic changes to make them not so bland. Anacon, we brought his attention to an enemy so that he has more ties to his story when it develops. Pandora, I had been rethinking her story from the start. This is was one of FD's random ideas which I took and added to until I saw a much better plot beginning which doesn't effect what I want to do with her story. Because of that, we removed her name from Noob's and Azazel's bios plus with the story change, we switched Anacon and Pandora around, so Anacon is playable and Pandora is unlockable.

Anacons new moves also came at rethinking his character a bit, adding more to his playability to separate him from his predecessors And, at the request of many of you, and FD, we changed the outcome of the Shao Kahn battle, having Reptile and Khameleon join the battle after they finished their fights. This way they don't do a one-shot weakening on Kahn. It builds them up as more then hit-and-run attackers and also doesn't take away from the Edenian women fighting him. In addition, Khameleon did want to take down Shao Kahn afterall, giving her a chance to do a bit of something than just convincing Reptile to join her.
07/17/2008 08:17 PM (UTC)
Nice to see an update. The changes seem cool. I'm glad to see you altered the final battle against Shao Kahn and I'm intrigued by the altering of Kitana's fate.

Hope to see more.
07/17/2008 08:31 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Nice to see an update. The changes seem cool. I'm glad to see you altered the final battle against Shao Kahn and I'm intrigued by the altering of Kitana's fate.

Hope to see more.

Once we get a couple of things sorted out, we'll probably come out with a new post soon...one that we probably should have done from the start. After that, we'll probably do some summaries and then we'll get to the meat and potatoes, so to speak.
07/18/2008 08:16 PM (UTC)
I have finally read all of the first page and I’m still impressed. I’ll make my way to the second shortly.


This is a very interesting character. I like it because it’s original. His fighting styles seem to fit him as well as the costumes. I really like the fatal squeeze fatality, reminds me of a boa constrictor. The concept of him being stretchy is really intriguing, which reminds me of a character from the X-Files. Nice job on the name, very clever.


Good work on this one Sub-Zero_7th. Definitely one of my favorites yet, hell it might be my favorite. This is very original, but it isn’t dull or dry. Every aspect of this character is very imaginative, especially on his costumes. There is a lot of potential for him and I am particularly interested in the dreams he has. Can’t wait to see how he does in the tournament.
07/25/2008 04:25 PM (UTC)
Wow, I had actually read a lot more characters and stuff since my last post, but it was soooooooooooooooo much and sooooooo many that I must admit I didnt think I could write deeply what I think about each one of them as I did with the first 100, lol.

There are some things I've liked that I'll get back to post about very soon.

Once again, good job guys!
07/30/2008 12:48 AM (UTC)
Alright, I've read two characters: Ermac and Li Mei. I'll finish the second page soon.


I’m glad that you think Ermac should return for the future. I think he has a lot of potential considering his new story direction since MKD. Overall, there isn’t much to say about this bio. It looks good all around. I really like his Soul Flash special move. I especially like the idea of having him as a major hero.

Li Mei

Another character that I feel has a place in the future of MK. Her bio explains a lot and adds more comprehension to your story. I felt that Bo Rai Cho should have died as well, and I think that Reiko taking over Shao Kahn’s place was predictable, but better for the storyline. I really liked how this bio was written, and I especially like the Resistance she has created.
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-M K 5.org's ..err.MKOnline's Karakter Tournament Kreator <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v333/brodprod/brodanu.bmp?t=1170999154"
08/08/2008 12:16 AM (UTC)
Hi, I don't usually post on here anymore, so.. here goes

I gotta say, this whole thread is completely insane. Insane, that i enjoyed skimming through all the pages, with brief reading here and there. It was quite something and is still quite razziliant. I love the whole idea, and wonderful effort on all 3 of you guys' side. It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it, right. I'd love to give my feedback, but unfortunately, maybe not so soon. As there is lots of information to be read, and just not enough time for me to spend, especially on the internet nowadays, i hope you understand.
If i even had the proper amount of time, i'd love to help out and setup some tournament fan fiction site for this project of yours, even ask around for people to help draw the characters, and their costumes, and the characters' stages to go along with it. I understand that most of you who are working on this project, are not taking it to the point of the gaming industry, or any serious consideration except that there's a lot of major work put into this and a whole lot of detail. I really think you'll have lots of talent and creativity. Why not pursue this goal and try making it into something bigger than the big project who already have setup that has caught many people's attention.
Maybe even turning it into a fan-fiction comic wouldn't be a bad idea.. Have the drawings/inkage done by someone, i'm sure there are lots of people out here and around deviantart, who are willing to collaborate. I know jax007 on this forum who helped with our tournament which we had going before mk deception came out? i don't remember the precise timeframe atm.
Anyways, From what i read so far, i really enjoyed it, and i can't wait for the rest and the beginning of it. When i get time, i'd like to give some feedback, but looks like you have gotten alot so far. And you'll are much more knowledgeable in your facts. I'm honestly quite surprised.
Like i said, if i had the time like my previous years, i'd help with 3d models and the likes, but.. my skills just aren't the same anymore.. they've been engulfed..into flames.. or something that occupies less air particles.
Keep it up Sub7th, Paragon,(for a secondi thought your name was Pandora lol) and DYNOMITE. I'm assuming he doesn't have an account on here? It's just that i've never seen him post.. so anyways. I hope the best for you guys, and i really think that this project could be better than the idea the mk team puts out. I would have the mk team at least take a look at it, and maybe they can hire you'll out as their character/story development team, haha... it'd be good. But people aren't always the best by themselves, they need help, therefore, the MKO forums and the community within are there to help correct and help with any kind of progress that seems awkward.

That's all i have to say for now. I can't believe this thread existed. Amazing stuff.Keep it going, up and up and up =)
08/08/2008 01:24 AM (UTC)
Hey all. I'm sorry I didn't make any new posts here. Paragon and I are still trying to sort out the last parts for MK: Resurrection. I don't know when we're going to finish them, and we don't really want to give ourselves a particular deadline.

For those of you who have read MK: Resurrection and still have interest in our project, please feel free to have an open discussion here on thoughts and ideas for our project and the various characters.

Now to address some members:

To RaisnCain: I'm glad you've posted some more of your thoughts, and I can't wait to see more from you. I'm glad you really like Kaosu and Mercurus, especially Mercurus. The nightmares and stuff that he has will definitely be elaborated upon as his story progresses.

With him in particular, I definitely thought quite far ahead, but things aren't for certain so whatever story direction we have for him may easily be subject to change. I'm glad you like the return of Ermac and Li Mei.

To queve: I'm glad you did more reading, and I know you'll be very busy with things. I hope the very best for you, and whenever you get free time and gather your thoughts for a response, I look forward to reading it.

To Brodeur: Hey there. While I may not have gotten to know you, you do seem vaguely familiar. I guess you were probably one of the veterans from back in the mk5.org days, am I right? I'm really glad you like the project so far. We definitely wanted to go the extra mile or two...(or 10, lol) and put in a lot of effort and detail with each character. That's part of the reason why we're taking a while to get the rest of MKR finished.

I can understand if you don't get into the specific stuff right away. Even if you did have the time, I realize that there's a lot of content for each character, and it can be hard to gather one's thoughts for a response. You may want to note that we did some revamps for some of the characters, which are on the top of this page.

To have people drawing the various characters, stages, etc. would be awesome. I do have a few concept art ideas that could be used for promos or for the kind of stuff seen in MKDA's loading screens. If someone were to do that, it would be great, but at this point, I'm going to have to put it in the "maybe" category and talk it over with Paragon.

Whenever you get another chance to read and post some more, I look forward to seeing it. Btw, DNOMYTE does have an account here, but he has been busy with his personal life and doesn't really come online. It has been me working with Paragon to continue things.

It was DNOMYTE who brought all of us together for trying to come up with a next-gen MK project. If and when he can get some time to come online, we'd like to get back together and continue things. But for now, Paragon and I do what we can.
About Me

The Glasgow Rangers Football Shirt will never shrink to fit inferior players.

May Scorpion Live on.

check out my armageddon video i made:

www.youtube.com/sektorx2007 you will love it i swear, it captures the essence of battle.

08/11/2008 01:13 AM (UTC)
still loving it
12/18/2008 05:29 PM (UTC)
Keep Going Guys!

What you are doing is fantastic.

Keep up the good work! wink
mkdude123 Wrote:
Keep Going Guys!

What you are doing is fantastic.

Keep up the good work! wink
What . . . .the fuck.

This topic was actually good! Why bump?
12/19/2008 01:46 AM (UTC)
Since this thread's been bumped, I just want to go ahead and give an update, which unfortunately is going to be disappointing. Paragon and I have been busy with our personal lives and have not kept in contact that often. We both still want to continue MK: Resurrection, but I don't know if we'll be able to resume anytime soon. I'd like to keep this thread in the first page, and I'd like to get a discussion going on what you think we could do to improve.
12/29/2008 10:46 AM (UTC)
I would really like to know what happened after Armageddon. I want to know who survived, and what new characters are introduced.
12/30/2008 02:51 AM (UTC)
951009 Wrote:
I would really like to know what happened after Armageddon. I want to know who survived, and what new characters are introduced.

If you're referring to what goes on in MK: Resurrection, just read through it. If you're talking about in the actual MK series, we don't know yet. This thread is about the project that DNOMYTE, Paragon, and I have been working on.
12/30/2008 03:42 PM (UTC)
i think there should be an elemental character like a mix between scorpion and sub zerotongue the game sounds really sick so far
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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12/31/2008 09:53 PM (UTC)
There we are...

be back in a bit.
01/01/2009 02:21 AM (UTC)
reptile420 Wrote:
i think there should be an elemental character like a mix between scorpion and sub zerotongue the game sounds really sick so far

Please. NO TROLLING. It gets me very angry...And guess what happens when I get angry....

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

ThePredator151 Wrote:
There we are...

be back in a bit.

Hey there Pred. I don't think that you finished your reviews on all of the characters, have you?

Paragon and I have resumed working on MK: Resurrection, and we're trying to get the characters done slowly but surely. I hope to get MK: Resurrection done at least before the end of 2009. tongue
01/02/2009 02:02 AM (UTC)
I'm impressed with your work. Can you upload a profile about Abaddon? What is he like? I wish my ideas for the next MK would be better if they didn't stink and every member would hate it.
01/02/2009 02:18 AM (UTC)
HenshinSlayer000 Wrote:
I'm impressed with your work. Can you upload a profile about Abaddon? What is he like? I wish my ideas for the next MK would be better if they didn't stink and every member would hate it.

Thanks. What are your thoughts on the different characters?

Regarding a profile for Abaddon, we were thinking about eventually revealing something about him and his past. Right now, we're focused on other things in MK: Resurrection. I don't know when we're going to get them done, but we have quite a bit complete for most of the characters.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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01/02/2009 02:32 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Hey there Pred. I don't think that you finished your reviews on all of the characters, have you?

Paragon and I have resumed working on MK: Resurrection, and we're trying to get the characters done slowly but surely. I hope to get MK: Resurrection done at least before the end of 2009. tongue

Nope I didn't finish, I think I stopped around um....Pandora. Yea, so I'm working on the next couple characters along side my recording thread.

I'll update here, there, and everywhere pretty soon. lol Sit tight.
01/02/2009 02:36 AM (UTC)
Well let's see. And before I tell you my suggesstions, let you know I'm an autistic guy. Understand?

Sub-Zero: I'm surprised Sub-Zero would turn young by Blaze's death. A battle with the Tekunin is very interesting.

Scorpion: Scorpion is still there. But it won't be good to bring back his son as a spectre.

Kira: Kira's the only black dragon left. interesting. What'll be like if she can possess black dragon powers like the one on conquest? But still one thing is missing... I miss Kabal. I want Kabal to be a good guy again.

Havik: Havik is a good character. Siding with Shao Kahn and taking Kira with him to make sure she's safe is interesting.

Kaosu: Finally another chaosrealm warrior. Someone with and elastic body is such a stretch. What kind of other chaosrealm warriors can anyone make?

Noob Saibot: Noob still remains shadow. I'm impressed with him being a shadow stalker. What about the ending of when he meets his old counterpart. Noob Zero won't be good for the fans. But I'll have that idea of mine my way.

Smoke: I'm glad Smoke is no longer in the cyber suit. Phew! Journeying to Edenia is a good thing. Smoke being rogue would be fun. I wish he saw Sub-Zero having a reunion. Glad he's got new attacks

Reiko: Finally Shao Kahn is gone for good! I'm glad Reiko will be Emperor of Outworld. I just wished Kai was in the game. Reiko and Li Mei do make a good rivalry, but wish it would've been like Kai vs Reiko.

Dairou: Dairou's still alive. That's good. He is now a mercenary in outworld,
I'm surprised that he did. But its too bad he doesn't have hi Autumn dao
with him.

Anacon: I agree with some people. I'm not certain if he'll be the next Reptile. I'm impressed the Reptile is now a good guy. Wish there were more Zaterran weapons. What does Kirehashi mean?

Azazel: An emissary is interesting with Shinnok. Sounds like a grim reaper to me, but Azazel is an angel isn't it?

Pandora: Sounds like Pandora's box to me.

Anbar: I like the new Seidan resistance leader. Using foam is kinda funny. I hope she won't be bad as Darrius was. After some fans did hate him.

Anbraxis: Finally someone wielding a Zweihander! I'm impressed with him being called behemoth or golem. But I have a question: what'll be like if there is a golem warrior?
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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01/03/2009 08:35 AM (UTC)

Overall she seems to make sense, but at the same time she seems really useless. This, just based on her bio. Her moves seem alot like some ideas I had for Noob Saibot too, but I'm not sure if those fit this character well. Hm..I like the moves and the fatalities, but I'm not sure they should be for this character.

I'd expect someone named pandora to be less forthcoming about things that she had done to get put on the Nether. I'd expect to have to find these things out from her character, but with some grand scheme attatched to it somehow (maybe even trickory). Making her a necromancer works, but I think I rather see that come from other characters. I'd pour stuff like that into the existing necromancers(Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Shang Tsung, or even Shinnok to name just a few) , or create a Voodoo Doctor character.

EarthRealm//NetherRealm, Portals, and the Souls fit a Voodoo Doctor. As a matter of fact, I have one of these types in a game story that I am still writing, and he's got some of these qualities.

On the design choices, I get it, but again, I'm not sure they should be for a character named Pandora, and that also happens to be an assassin. There was something quite odd about her having any kind of flare to her. I'd think that she'd blend in more with her surroundings. Regardless of her motives, objectives, orders, or true state of mind.

Yea, I think that this is an intriguing direction to take this character, but I disagree with the infrastructure. Oh, I liked the Filipino thing alot btw. I had a Filipino girlfriend at one point, and their culture is pretty interesting, so I liked seeing those references.


I like the fighting style you chose for him, but I don't like the moves you gave him. None of them almost. I realize that it old type, so I don't wanna sound unreasonable about it. But I'd like to see more creativity go into Fujin before I'd approve.

Specials that see him temporarily suffocate his opponent, or screw up their respiratory system could work like a stun. Tornadoes and all that is cool, but it's dated ideology. I'd like to see him do stuff like....blow on, or at an opponent, but with some kind of catastrophic affect.

I've also been a fan for some time now, of Fujin really using centrifugal force alot more, and especially in these special moves. That or like pressure and balance. Something simple could be seen in his throw, to where he's kick the legs from underneath opponent, use that opportunity to get underneath the opponent, and use wind to toss the opponent across up and away from him.

I juse figure, that any God has to have an arsenal of really clever and practically genius ways to get rid of an opponent that they must fight. I'd imagine Fujin should probably be able to "force-wind" opponents around. Or slap the shit out of opponent from a distance with wind. Trip, pull, or push people around with out a whole lot of effort. He should be the main character flying around...ect I like the Gale Blast for this fact, and I wouldn't be the slightest surprised.....in fact, I'd be releived to see him with a move that kinda sorta looked like Gile's (from Street Fighter) main special move agenda. Circular kicks, and flash gusts of wind that smack the opponent around.

More clear, I actually liked what they did with him in MKA as far as his moves. Because that ideology really personified that generation of gaming's conceptual capability. But now I think it's time to step forward in the big way. Expanding on these character's concepts are the only options.


For his story stuff, I'm not too sure. I know I'm not impressed though. Fujin should overcome Rain with ease. There shouldn't be much of a fight to speak of. I think it should probably read more like; "He was a surprise, but when he tried to fight....."
Saying that he got into a power struggle with Rain rips tons of weight away from every aspect of Fujin as a god, but mainly it's age. The way I see it, is unless they're fighting against another actual god on the field, the ratio vs a regular human should be something like 3-5:1.

Fujin could take out something like 3-5 mortals // semi-gods (no matter the orientation or dispotition), compared to one mortal vs mortal fight. I'm simply saying that I absolutely despise humanizing gods. They deserve better. The ideology here, I feel is screwed up. I feel like, if there is a god on the premises, you better behave. All mortals. Because the consequence of actually fighting a god is absolute....UNLESS you are an unequivocal match in the bout. Other than that, you have conditions and circumstances....And other than that? You loose.

I'm looking at it from an age and vitality standpoint man. They're typically too old, too knowledgeable, and too skilled to really "fight" with anyone. And I mean, take away god rites....This stuff still applies. *shrugs* Think of the typical master of martial arts... They don't tussle around with "a-belts", they smack the shit out of you, tell you what you did wrong, and once you get over it....then they teach you how to do it right. lol The gods are the absolute masters in MK. We//They//You//Me need to stop humanizing them frivolously.

Anyway, this bio travels too much. And what I mean is, he does too much in the thing without an adequate explanation as to the sequence of events. There should be an extra sentence or two, here and there to complete the thought process.

I think I remember replying to this before, but I'll throw it out there again since it's been a while; "Since when does Raiden sacrifice himself over a conflict with Shinnok?" I remember it, but not completely.

Last thing - I don't like EarthRealm Gods, searching elsewhere in the universe to find help. They have all these secret societies already on Earth so, I believe they should be pulling from those pools first. They should be the hosts, or sponsors of consequential Mortal Kombat contest in a time like right after MKA.

Also, Fujins role is still pretty unclear after this, I'd like to see him take charge of a group of people, and deal with them differently than Raiden would, for starters. This would give me an understanding of the kind of character he is, the same way Raiden was kinda developed into the mentor thing. Fujin can't just start doing stuff in his story, I need a definite divide from Raiden first, and I think a good place to start is with other characters consulting him for guidance. From there, how he deals with them, and how he handles threats on behalf of them will give him some good weight.

Tell you the truth, I think a good turtling method would be good for Fujin's character. To where he might take these few individuals, calm everything down first, and then go forth with some definite course of action the way he'd see it fit. That'd be good for interaction and everything.

Remember how Raiden would go off, and consult with the Elder Gods, how Raiden would pop up all over the place with hints and clues, how Raiden would guide these characters in whatever direction? Well, what does Fujin do? What's his job on Earth anyway? To blow wind around?

Some of this stuff isn't for you to worry about, but I think it would make your story better if you put some of these little things in there for characters like this Fujin experience.


This is a good one. I like Drake pretty much though and through. Seems to be a trend here...hm? I think I like you guys' characters more when you base them off yourselves. The way they read is more authentic somehow.

The drawings are very good as well, and the characteristics make sense to be the way they are. The only qualities about him that I don't like, is that he seems like a flat character. Something like Kobra, or Kira. The other thing is that the drawings have him more anime than I would have liked.

Hm...other than than? Idk, something subtle I might have done instead, is have him accidentally fight with some nobody from the Black Dragon first. Maybe have had him fooled by "soon to be friends", and then ambushed in some particular way. But all and all though, I like him. He's good.


This one is the best of the day. I don't have much to say about this one except:

Why is Androna an android? What happened to make her that way?

Everything else was really Really cool.


This one is alright I guess. I like Reiko too but, I feel like he might be being underplayed here. There should be a contrast between Shao Kahn and Reiko the becomes absolutely apparent once Reiko finishes Shao Kahn off. A sort of "switch in camera view". But I don't feel it.

As you know, I hate Li Mei, so I definitely have a bias towards Reiko seeking a queen in her. I think he should be more focused on ruling than anything. He should be finding out what it's like to sit in the place of Shao Kahn.

Way I figure it, the second in command is always more callus and ruthless than the leader. Maybe even more calculating....but always missing that key leadership skill. "Damaged" would be an adequate description of what I'm talking about here. Reiko shouldn't be thinking about a wife, nor using up resources, or making moves towards one......but then again, maybe that fits in a weird way.

Mainly though, I just wanna see them separate. Hm...I'll leave this one at that.

ah crap, hit the post button on accident....I'll get that last one later.
09/21/2009 10:07 PM (UTC)
I like the general story and the characters used, you've heard what needed to be heard by other people. Is there a sub-boss characteror just one boss Abaddon? Any possible ending results of these characters you've used?
09/21/2009 11:44 PM (UTC)
fire_fatality Wrote:
I like the general story and the characters used, you've heard what needed to be heard by other people. Is there a sub-boss characteror just one boss Abaddon? Any possible ending results of these characters you've used?

Hey there. Thanks for reading the story. I'm glad you like it. As for the sub-boss, we're not really having an official sub-boss. It's probably more along the lines of fighting a rival or something. I don't really want to give away important story details, because Konquest mode is being worked on. We kind of do in a sort of Tekken 5 story mode format mixed in with some other elements.

To all the readers in general: Hey everybody. I know it's been a while since this thread has been active, and I have been meaning to bring it back up. Paragon and I are still trying to work out MK: Resurrection. We are mostly done, but we haven't been in contact for a little while.

I've been busy with work, which has been tiring me out, so I haven't really been able to focus on working more on MK: Resurrection. But don't worry. we hope to at least finish this installment. We really want to do more. Paragon and I have done quite a bit of thinking ahead, so hopefully, if we are to do more installments, it should be easier to get it done faster.
12/01/2009 03:54 AM (UTC)
Hey everyone. I know it's been a long while since we've had any real updates. Paragon and I have been busy with our personal lives as usual. However, we managed to complete Mortal Kombat: Resurrection and will be posting our scenes for Konquest mode. I'm sorry to the moderators for double posting and bumping this old thread, but I don't want to bother creating a new one. Anyway, the first four characters whose scenes we will release are Havik, Dairou, Kira, and Li Mei.

In the mean time, here are the summaries of each character to re-familiarize all of you:

Fujin: The protector of Earthrealm, Fujin has gone to great lengths to protect his realm. More stern and militaristic than his predecessor, he now searches for new Warriors of Light, to help protect Earthrealm.

Serrath: A creation of the Elder Gods, Serrath acts as their eyes and ears throughout the realms. As their champion, it is his job to destroy their enemies, and bring those accountable to justice.

Taven: Promoted to full god status, Taven has become the new Protector God of Edenia. He receives an invitation to Abaddon's tournament. Despite his suspicions about it, he decides to compete in order to investigate.

Elena: Elena is a young Edenian soldier descended from a line of Edenian witches. She goes to Abaddon's tournament to track down the missing Queen Sindel.

Anacon: First-born of Reptile and Khameleon, Anacon often goes to their political meetings, making new allies with the different realms. When Nitara goes missing and his father given an invitation to a tournament in Edenia, he takes the opportunity to go in his place to prove himself.

Nitara: After Armageddon, Nitara became the Ambassador of Vaeternus and a member of the Interrealm Council. She has been ordered by Emperor Vrykolas to track down his son, Vetalas. As she goes on her search, she tracks Vetalas down to Edenia, taking part in Abaddon's tournament.

Vetalas: Heir to the throne of Vaetenerus, Vetalas is one of the most powerful vampires in existence. He has recently joined the Atlus Umbra, though his reasons are shrouded behind his cool and unemotional demeanour.

Xiu Lan: A martial arts sorceress, Xiu Lan is a veteran member of the Atlus Umbra and mentor to Kaylie. Desiring eternal youth, she studies the dark arts for answers. She acquired Shinnok's Amulet and studies it to discover its secrets. Xiu Lan is ordered to take part in Abaddon's tournament to find recruits.

Kaylie: Kaylie is a young and very attractive member of the Atlus Umbra, a mysterious organization she believes has helped her family for many generations. Swearing her alleigance to them, she has become one of the most loyal and valued members. She is ordered to observe the events of Abaddon's tournament in search of new recruits for the Atlus Umbra.

Mercurus: A mysterious young man, Mercurus was a student of Kung Lao at the Wu Shi Academy. Out of mental instability, he attacks his fellow students and was kicked out from the academy. Learning of Abaddon's tournament, he makes his way to Edenia in hopes of controlling his inner darkness.

Drake: Drake is a street fighter who underwent genetic experiments conducted by the Red Dragon. He lives only to fight, thinking it his reason to live, he makes his way to the Edenian tournament in order to feel alive again.

Pandora: Pandora is a lost soul who escaped the Netherealm. Now, back in the land of the living, and in a physical body, she searches to regain the life that was taken away from her.

Sareena: Joining Sub-Zero and becoming advisor to the Lin Kuei, Sareena is ordered by Sub-Zero to take charge of the Lin Kuei during his absence. Later finding an invitation to Abaddon's tournament, she is taken by Fujin to compete in hopes of becoming fully human.

Noob Saibot: Sub-Zero's older brother, Noob Saibot plots to take over the Netherealm and kill his sibling. Noob carries out Shinnoks order, feigning his allegiance until the day he can kill the fallen Elder God.

Azazel: One of Shinnok's trusted demons, Azazel is trusted with Shinnok's most important missions. He is sent to the Edenian tournament to find out what is going on, and to claim the prize, if what is for offer is real.

Havik: Evolved and more deformed, Havik had become even more chaotic since Armageddon. He sent Kira to infiltrate Reiko in hopes of bringing down his reign in Outworld. Later, Havik joins forces with Anbar and the Seidan Resistance to finally bring chaos and anarchy to Seido.

Kaosu: One of Chaosrealm's finest warriors, Kaosu is a deformed monster with a twisted sense of beauty. Aside from creating chaos, he joins Havik and the others in battling the Seidan Guards in hopes of "beautifying" the citizens, especially those related to the Seidan Guards and government officials.

Anbar: After Darrius' death, Anbar became the new leader of the Seidan Resistance. Unlike her predecessor, she envisions her realm consumed by anarchy. Gaining help from Havik and the warriors of Chaosrealm, she devises a plan to bring down the Seidan rule, once and for all.

Takako: A young and idealistic Seidan Guard, Takako sees the extremes of both the Seidan rule and the ways of Chaosrealm's citizens. Secretly desiring a balance, she hopes to one day convince her people to see her side. Takako aids her fellow Seidan Guards in the war against the Seidan Resistance and the forces of Chaosrealm.

Dairou: After killing Darrius, he moves to Outworld and continues his job as a mercenary assassin. He is hired by Kira to find and assassinate Li Mei before Abraxis gets to her.

Li Mei: Bo’ Rai Cho’s last pupil, Li Mei has used her masters death as the beginning of a Resistance against tyranny in Outworld. With Ermac’s help, she has succeeded in building a force that rivals Reiko’s army. She fights now, in order to free her realm from his tyrannical rule.

Reiko: The new ruler of Outworld, Reiko has regrouped Shao Kahn's forces into an even more tactical, systematic and brutal army. He plans to usurp the Resistance's leadership by taking Li Mei as his bride and watch his enemies crumble, bringing Outworld completely under his rule.

Abraxis: Abraxis is one of Reiko's most trusted generals. A large man born and raised in Outworld, he loyally serves his emperor, carrying out his wishes without any second thought.

Kira: The last surviving Black Dragon member, Kira has pledged her aliegence to Emperor Reiko. She is attempting to earn his trust, while also trying to better her position in the Outworld hierarchy.

Androna: One of the Tekunin's newest, most advanced cyborgs, Androna has been entrusted by Sektor to carry out some of the Tekunin's more delicate missions. She has been ordered from Outworld to discover what is going on at a tournament being held in Edenia.

Sub-Zero: The Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, Sub-Zero’s powers have grown since Armageddon, as has his control over them. He travels to Outworld in order to stop the Tekunin and find out who has disturbed his ancestors' burial chambers.

Smoke: Free from his cybernetic hell, Smoke has begun settling back into life as a human, helping those who helped him before planning on going back home. News of a cyborg in Edenia puts those plans on hold as he tracks down the cybernetic menace.

Saiba: Smoke’s alter ego, his cybernetic form continues to live on without its former host. It searches for its master while carrying out its last orders.

Scorpion: After slaying Quan Chi, Scorpion continues to exist in the living world without finding inner peace for his soul. He learns of Abaddon's tournament and hopes to win in order to find the peace he has long desired for.

Ermac: After surviving Armageddon, Ermac helped Li Mei set up the Outworld resistance. He now attends the Edenian tournament in order to wish for a way for the souls that make up his body to finally rest.

Raiden: The outcast God of Thunder, Raiden has distanced himself from his former allies, plotting and planning carefully to find a way to bring Earthrealm to order and keep it safe, by any means necessary.

Shinnok: Unable to return to power, Shinnok has been dealing with growing riots in the Netherrealm. He creates a doppelganger, sending it to the living realms while his minions report the events of the tournament.
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