12/01/2009 11:51 PM (UTC)
So as not to spoil certain scenes for characters who are further down the list, we will be releasing the opening scenes first, followed by the "Rival" fight cutscenes + Final Boss cutscene. Then, finally, the endings.

This is because many endings, and even scenes, contain spoilers for other characters, which we want to avoid as much as possable. Which is also the reason for the line up. The more important/revealing/interesting scenes left till last. By the way, stuff in Italics are character thoughts.

Anyway, for your viewing (reading) pleasure, here are the four opening scenes for our Project!


*Havik and his men are fighting outside the main halls of the Saidan Government against a squad of Seidan troops*

Havik: Destroy everything! Make it burn to the ground! *Havik notices a Seidan Guard charging at him. In retaliation, he prepares to swing his Chaos Flail.* No, you don't! *smacks the Seidan Guard's head, knocking him down*

Seidan Guard: Get out of our realm you filthy swine! *kicks a Chaosrealm warrior in the chest*

Chaosrealm Warrior: We do as we please, Seidan! *He retaliates with a sweep kick, knocking him to the ground. As the guard is on the ground, the Chaosrealm warrior uses his blade to stab the guard's neck.* Who's the swine now? Oink! *makes a snorting sound then cackles*

Seidan Guard 2: Let's get them together, men! *They all charge with their weapons, only to be blown away by Anbar's explosives.*

Anbar: Stupid pricks...*spits on the ground* We're done in this dump so let's get out of here! *The Seidan Resistance fighters leave with her, but Havik and his fellow Chaosrealm warriors stay behind.*

Havik: Now that we have ourselves some dead and dying Seidans, let's have a little extra playtime with them, shall we fellas? *laughs*


*Dairou is in the Living Forest, sitting to the side of one of the trees, when a figure in a hood and cloak approaches*

Dairou: You were not followed, so you can quit with the hiding now, Kira.

Kira: *lowers the hood* Better safe than sorry. You know how it is here.

Dairou: *shrugs* So, have you got the specifics for the mission?

Kira: Yes, though it will take some time... Abraxis is set to go off to some tournament in Edenia so I have had to delay everything... You have some free time before it happens. You remember the rendezvous?

Dairou: Yeah yeah, I know the place, how long?

Kira: Give it an extra 6 hours.

Dairou: *starts walking off* See you there then...


*Kira is sitting in a small room as Reiko walks in.*

Reiko: So, do you understand your mission?

Kira: Yes, Lord Reiko... I am to befriend Li Mei and bring her to the point where Abraxis is to capture her. I am to stay out of sight should she escape so my cover is not blown.

Reiko: Excellent. With your talents at persuasion, that should not be too difficult.

Kira: Of course not, Emperor Reiko... ‘Sorry to put a dent in your plans, but it’ll be me that sits on the throne, not her’

Reiko: Good, now before you go, theres one more thing... *closes the door*

Li Mei

*Li Mei, Kira and Ermac are in a purple tent, Kira is sitting on a table, minding her own business as Li Mei and Ermac talk*

Li Mei: Are you sure you have to go, Ermac? We need you here...

Ermac: It is something we must do... You seem to be doing well for yourself, so you can cope without us now.

Li Mei: *She nods and hugs Ermac, who isnt quite sure how to react* "Then farewell... be safe"

Ermac: *Ermac nods as she lets go* We shall. Goodbye Li Mei and good luck.

*Li Mei watches as Ermac leaves the tent and sighs*

Li Mei: I’m going to miss having him around. We only won some of our battles thanks to him... *Kira, gets up and puts a hand on her shoulder*

Kira: Such a shame... *she claps her hands and smiles* Anyway, I have some reconnaissance work to do. You should join me when you're done here. It may do you some good to get out for a bit, take your mind off your friends departure and all that.

Li Mei: *nods* Alright... I’ll do that!

Kira: *Kira leaves the tent, she looks back and smiles* See you later then.
12/10/2009 11:48 PM (UTC)
I know that it's been rather dead over there, but I'm going to post the next four opening scenes.


*Reiko is sitting on his throne as Abraxis, Kira, and another man walk in. This other warrior has short, spiked, blonde hair, green eyes and a young, yet aged face, wearing a dark grey suit of armor and a black cape with a red trim. He is Enki, another of Reiko's generals.*

Reiko: Enki, you are late...

Enki: My apologies, m’lord.

Abraxis: Your last mission keep you busy...?

Reiko: Enough! *Enki knees down alongside Kira and Abraxis* The time has come to bring all of Outworld to its knees. Kira, I want you to lure Li Mei into the open so that Abraxis can bring her to me. Enki, prepare the army to crush the Resistance. Without their leader to guide them, they'll be finished.

Enki: Without their leader, there is naught they can defend... I shall see to it personally, m’lord.

Reiko: Abraxis, there's something else for you. After you've acquired Li Mei, you are to head to Edenia where you will represent me in the tournament. I expect that you'll make me proud. Help bring a time of tyranny over the realms.

Abraxis: They won't stand a chance...

Reiko: You are now dismissed... get going!

Abraxis, Enki, and Kira: *All three get up.* Yes, Lord Reiko. *They all leave.*


*As Havik and Kaosu arrive with their fellow warriors from Chaosrealm, they are led by one of the Seidan Resistance members to their secret base in Seido. From there, Anbar discusses the plans with them for bringing down Seido’s government.*

Anbar: We’ve been through many battles before, but we have still not been victorious over the oppressive regime. It’s time that we really hit our oppressors where it hurts the most: their loved ones. By holding them hostage, we can use them as leverage to make the officials surrender. Even the Seidan guards can’t stop us as we’ll go after their families too. Kaosu, I need you to handle that.

Kaosu: I can’t wait to get my hands on those hideous fools....When I’m through with them, they’ll know the truth that is chaos! *cackles*

Anbar: *Her eyes squint at Kaosu's comment.* Right...So there will be some of my men to help accompany you. We also need to make sure that our hold on the Seidan Guards and officials is secure. *to Havik* I need you to come with me to the facilities.

Havik: Why's that, hmm?

Anbar: Yeah...if we destroy the facilities, that will greatly damage Seido's infrastructure.

Havik: Excellent...very interesting...You have quite the potential for chaos...Such actions will surely drive the Seidans mad...

Anbar: We need to teach these oppressors that Seido doesn't belong to them! Who is with me?!

*The Seidan Resistance and the warriors from Chaosrealm cheer on Anbar as they set their plans in motion.*


*In Orderrealm, the Seidan Guards are fending off an attack started by the Resistance. Takako is fighting in a squad led by Hotaru.*

Takako: Ugh...there are so many of them...It seems like they get stronger each time we face them.

Hotaru: We can't give up. Order must prevail over chaos, and we won't let these low-lives get the best of us!

*Hotaru, Takako, and the other squad of guards fight off the group of Resistance fighters and Chaosrealm warriors.*

Seidan Guard: *approaches Hotaru* Commander Hotaru, we're having trouble in one of the other sectors. The commander leading the other squad sent me to you so that we can get help against Havik.

Hotaru: Havik? He's there? We must go there right away. *turns attention to Takako and the others* Troops, we must go over there and stop him. If we can take someone like Havik down, Seido will be rid of one of the biggest criminals.


*Anbar travels to Chaosrealm to meet up with Havik in order to seek his aid against the Seidan Guards. As she arrives through the portal, she sees no one around. Suddenly, she is struck from behind.*

Kaosu: Welcome to Chaosrealm, stranger! *examines her* Hmm, aren't you a hideous one....?

Anbar: *She turns around and looks at him with disgust* Hideous? You're one to talk, you creep...I don't have time to waste with you. I need to see Havik.

Kaosu: I don't care! *He slaps Anbar with his stretched arm.*

Anbar: You ugly bastard! I will KILL YOU!!

Kaosu: That's right. Get angry! It's so beautiful!

Anbar: *yells* SHUT UP! *She takes out her laser rifle and fires it at Kaosu.*

Kaosu: *stunned* Ahhh, you little....haha....bitch...You actually got me...*faints*

Anbar: That'll teach you, you son of a bitch! *She puts her laser rifle away.*

*Unbeknownest to her, Havik was watching the entire battle. He soon walks up, clapping his hands as he cackles.*

Havik: Very amusing, Anbar. I see you've shown yourself to be quite the formidable one. You truly have great potential for chaos.

Anbar: *She turns around to face Havik.* What the hell was that all about?

Havik: I wanted to see just what you were made out of, so I had Kaosu over here to have some fun with you, isn't that right, Kaosu?

Kaosu: *He gets up, brushing himself off.* You betcha! For an ugly wench, you sure got me excited. The women of your disgusting realm sure could learn from you, even though you all could use a makeover...

Anbar: Asshole...*She turns her attention back to Havik.* That was pretty damn unnecessary.

Havik: If you are to help bring anarchy to Seidō, one must expect the unexpected. This is simply part of the ways of Chaos. That is what you want, isn't it?

Anbar: *defensively* Yes, of course it is! *She briefly looks at Kaosu.* So this is Kaosu? Yuck! I just want to barf looking at this guy... You said he's one of the best warriors in Chaosrealm, but he couldn't even stand up to me. How the hell is he going to be able to help us?!

Kaosu: Oh...so now you underestimate me? *to Havik* We have a real live one here, Havik! *chuckles* I think she could be a lot better than Darrius. Just look at how easily she radiates the nature of magnificent chaos!

Anbar: Right....So, Havik...

Kaosu: *interrupts* Yeah, listen...I can really help bring chaos to Orderrealm....and I have just the skills for it...I have aided the Resistance before, and I can do it again...With your leadership (Ugh....) of the Resistance, and our forces, Seidō will no longer be the "Realm of Order".

Anbar: *sighs* You know what? Fine...You can come along and help us...Just don't get in the way of my plans, got it?! I'm outta here! *She walks back to the portal to Seidō.*

Kaosu: Heh...It looks like you still have much to learn about the ways of Chaos. We'll just have to teach you...Just you wait....
12/12/2009 10:33 PM (UTC)
Although a little early, i thoughtd id give a weekend treat and show you all the next four scenes. With some old favorites in here, this hopefuly will not only get peoples attention, but get you all posting! *Hint!*

So, i give you, Saiba, Noob Saibot, Fujin and, wait for it... Sub Zero!


*The sun is setting over the Edenian crater where the battle of Armageddon had taken place* “When the fires of Blaze made contact with Smoke, he was finally freed from his cybernetic imprisonment. But little did he know, his cybernetic nightmare was not quite over just yet...”.

*Smoke's cyber form lies in a badly damaged state. Slowly, small spark appear throughout its body. Suddenly, the body begins to break down into small nanobots, which spread down the pyramid.*

"Cyrax and Sektor may be gone, but the nanobots that made up Smoke's body still have some life left in them. The nanobots find the scattered remains of their bodies and absorb them. They then form together, shaping themselves into a new, more powerful entity."

Saiba: Error...error...system malfunction....must reboot....

*As its body begins to break down and it reaches out, absorbing some of the broken remains of the pyramid itself. The slight residual energy left from Blaze that was left on the pyramid helped give it what it needed to reanimate itself*

Saiba: Rebooting systems.....systems...functional...setting objectives....

-Find the master....

-Raise an army of shadow warriors in his name....

-Eliminate all opposition....

*Saiba's eyes glow red as it seperates into nanobots and slithers down the side of the pyramid, going into the cracks in the ground, dissapearing*

Noob Saibot

*In the Netherealm, an Oni is lying on the floor, beaten, shurikens sticking out of its body. Noob's hand grabs it by the back of the head as a black aura comes off his arm and surrounds the Oni in darkness. Slowly, it transforms, becoming a shadow demon.*

Noob Saibot: 'I'm slowly getting there... Soon, I can take my rightful place...' *The shadow demon disappears as Azazel approaches Noob.*

Azazel: Orders from Lord Shinnok: We are to report to him immediately.

*Noob simply nods, they teleport away, reappearing in Shinnoks Throne room. Shinnok is sitting on his throne as the noise of a riot outside gets louder*

Shinnok: Noob, Azazel... I have a mission for the two of you.

Azazel: Anything my lord... *Azazel bows*

Noob: 'What a suck-up... '

Shinnok: My sources have informed me of a tournament that will allow the winner one wish. I am skeptical about this, but it is worth investigating.

Noob: You wish us both to enter? ‘Perfect... my chance to overthrow Shinnok and take this place for my own...’

Shinnok: No Noob, i do not.

Noob: ‘Curses, foiled again...’

Shinnok: Azazel will be competing. You, Noob, are to keep watch where he cannot. In particular, I hear Taven is entering. Keep an eye on him.

Noob and Azazel: Yes my lord

*Shinnok creates a portal*

Shinnok: Go, now, to Edenia... and don't come back untill you have something to report

Noob: And what about these riots outseide?

Shinnok: Leave that to me...

*Both Azazel and Noob make their way to the portal as Shinnok gets up off his throne*


*Fujin is sitting on the top of a mountain above the clouds as the sun begins to set. He thinks back to Armageddon, flashes of his battle with Rain and Reiko, the chaos of the battle, then he thought about Raiden, how he used to be, then thought about how Raiden was at Armageddon, how much he had changed*

Fujin: *sighs* 'It's been two years since Armageddon has passed. The realms may still be intact for now, but I fear that things may get worse in the future. With the allies that we've lost in battle, we'll need to gain new ones. Perhaps I should gather the remaining allies to get them to help bring in new recruits.' *teleports to the Shaolin Temple* “Kung Lao, I....” *looks around* “What happened to your students?”

Kung Lao: “Lord Fujin!” *goes up to him and bows* “They were attacked by one of my students, one who expressed an inner strength through his rage as if he was possessed...I tried to subdue him, but it was even tough for me. He eventually snapped out of it, and I told him to leave in the morning.”

Fujin: “Possessed...? Who is this student?”

Kung Lao: “He was someone that came to us from one of the opera theaters, expressing a great interest in studying martial arts. I didn't think he could handle the training, but surprisingly, he turned out to be quite apt at it. He did act a bit...strange at times, but other than that, he was fine. He left the temple, probably during the night. I haven't seen him since.”

Fujin: “Hmm...With him out there, he could cause harm to innocent people, so we have to find him soon. I'll try to look around the area. He couldn't have gone too far. If I find him, I'll try to talk some sense into him. Perhaps if guided in the right direction, he could have potential to become a defender of Earthrealm in the next generation.”

Kung Lao: “That's true, but I'm not so sure about him...He “could become reckless and bring more harm than good.

Fujin: “I know....but right now, we need all the help we can get....”

Sub Zero

*A portal opens in Outworld, two Outworld soldiers who were on patrol quickly rush over and examin it*

Guard 1: Where do you think this leads?

Guard 2: I dont know...

Guard 1: Think we should report this to General Enki?

Guard 2: We should. But he has had his hands full with those robots that appeared earlier this week... perhaps General Abraxis would be better to-

*Suddenly, Sub Zero leaps through the portal, roundhouse kicking the guard as he was speaking before landing and freezing the other one*

Guard 2: No one messes with the army of Outworld! *He charges Sub Zero with his sword, Sub Zero freezes the sword and the mans arms and shtters them with a punch as he got closer, he then spun around and kicked the guard into the frozen one, shattering him. Sub Zero then got on top of the other one, grabbing him by his armour, he pulls him closer to him*

Sub-Zero: You said something about the Tekunin... where are they?

Guard 2: My arms! My arms!

Sub Zero: *back hands him* Where are the cyborgs?

Guard 2: Th-th-they were last seen in the western ruins...

Sub Zero: Which way!

Guard 2: *The guard franticly moves his head to his left* That way...

Sub Zero: *Gets up and freezes the guard, stomping on him, shattering him as well* 'It's times like these that I'm glad the Outworld Investigation Agency is still up and running... otherwise getting here would be more difficult' *looks around* 'Though i wish they could be more precise with their location... According to Kenshi, Ermac spotted Tekunin cyborgs in the mountain regions of Outworld...' *takes out a map* 'The guards directions confirm those reports... But that puts them at the Ice Caves. What are they doing there?' *He shakes his head* 'I guess it's time to go and find out for myself...'

*Sub Zero puts the map away, looking around, he is in the wastelands, surrounded by mountainous terrain, he travels west, towards his ancestral buerial grounds*

12/16/2009 02:27 AM (UTC)
Alright everyone. Here are the next four cutscenes:


*As the riots continue in the Netherrealm, Pandora manages to sneak into Shinnok's fortress. While the guards are fighting outside, she runs up the stairs to the throne room as Shinnok opens a portal. Two beings, Noob Saibot and Azazel, walk through the portal as Shinnok walks to the balcony, overlooking the riots.*

Pandora: ’Now's my chance...’ *Pandora runs through the throne room and dives into the portal before Shinnok even notices.*

*Noob and Azazel come through the portal in Edenia. They make their way separately to the tournament grounds. Just before the portal closes, Pandora comes through as well*

Pandora: 'I'm finally out of there...' *She looks around the Edenian wastelands.* 'Where the hell am I?' *She sighs and sees Noob and Azazel.* 'Maybe if I follow one those two, I can find some town or something...'

*She follows Azazel, making sure to stay far enough behind so that they don’t notice her.*



*Sindel arrives at the Atlus Umbra headquarters where she is greeted and taken in by Kaylie.*

Kaylie: Welcome Queen Sindel. We are glad you could make it.

Sindel: Thank you. I hope that the Atlus Umbra will be able to help my people.

Kaylie: We'll most certainly do that. My masters will provide for your realm just as they have for me and my family. Let me show you around.

*Kaylie shows Sindel around the area and introduces her to some influential people. Later, they dine together for a gourmet feast.*

Kaylie: So what do you think so far? Will you be joining the Atlus Umbra to make a change in the world?

Sindel: I must say that it has been quite wonderful being here. Joining seems most promising, and we could use all the help we can get against whatever threats may come to Edenia. However, I...

Vetalas: *He walks up to Kaylie and Sindel.* Ah, it's a pleasure to see you again, Queen Sindel. *He takes her hand and kisses it then turns to face Kaylie.* Kaylie, you're needed for an important meeting.

Kaylie: Ugh! He just had to show up at this time. I was close to getting her to join us... Please excuse us. Feel free to enjoy yourself here. I do hope you'll make a decision soon. *Kaylie leaves with Vetalas to go to the meeting.*



*In New Zaterra, Anacon is in the throne room, speaking to his parents. The throne room is dark and full of grass and trees as part of the Zaterran habitat. He is informed of the invitation to Abaddon's tournament and accepts on Reptile's behalf.*

Anacon: Father... I won’t let you down. .....I’ll win this tournament and bring honor to our race.

Reptile: Good. Now, go. I have your brothers and sisters to train in casse anything happens. *Reptile walks off into the castle.*

Anacon: .....Iss father mad that he cannot go, mother?

Khameleon: No, my ssson. He just has a lot on hisss mind. Be careful, sson. *Khameleon hugs Anacon.* I have to go to the meeting. Farewell. *She opens a portal using a crystal necklace, and Anacon enters it.*

Anacon: So, this is Edenia... *Anacon approaches the edge of a cliff and looks down. He sees a portal close and Abraxis walking forward.* 'Him! What is he doing here?!' *He turns invisible.* 'I’ll get to the bottom of this... and rip his head...' *He notices the colliseum.* 'So.. he is entering it too?'

*Abraxis enters the tournament grounds, as he does, Anacon appears out of invisibility.*

Anacon: So... you came for the wish too... Well, sorry big man, I can't let you have it... and killing you will be a bonus... *He looks at his invitation I wonder who else is going to be here... *He walks into the tournament grounds.*



*Ermac stands inside a tent with Li Mei, and she turns to him.*

Li Mei: Are you sure you have to go, Ermac? We need you here...

Ermac: It is something we must do... You seem to be doing well for yourself, so you can cope without us now.

Li Mei: *She nods and hugs Ermac, who isnt quite sure how to react* "Then farewell... be safe" *Ermac nods as she lets go*

Ermac: We shall. Goodbye Li Mei and good luck. *He leaves the tent.* This is the way things must be... Hopefully Kenshi got our message about those cyborgs... at least something significant has been done before... *He looks down and sighs, then shakes his head and gets going.* We can't delay, otherwise we may reconsider...

05/13/2012 09:06 PM (UTC)
Wonder if there are some abilities NRS can use out of this one.
05/18/2012 12:49 AM (UTC)
Thanks for reading it. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't know if Paragon and I will ever to finishing our story. We were actually thinking about reworking it to fit more of a fanfic format instead of talking about all of those gameplay elements we mentioned before. We both still have lots of ideas, but we have a difficult time executing them.
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