01/19/2008 03:39 AM (UTC)
Wow didnt expect the unlockables part =)) =)) =)) I like Smoke's bio even though he aint really one of my favorite characters. I actually thought he was a goner after reading the outcomes. I also like his costume. t kinda gives him the mysterious feel. Anyway, cant wait for the next bio. I hope it's Ashrah =)) =))
01/22/2008 11:12 PM (UTC)
Well, I see some mixed reactions here overall. Anyway, here is our next character:


Origin: Earthrealm

Alignment: Evil

Status: Robot Assassin


Primary Costume: His primary costume is a slightly altered version of Smoke's MKA primary. Instead of being ethereal, Saiba's body is solid and black. He has arm and shoulder pads like Sektor's except dark grey, with a slight hint or purple, and he wears an arm panel on his left arm similar to the one Cyrax had. Saiba has Sektor's chest piece for where his harpoon comes out while his waist and leg designs are similar to Cyrax's. In addition, while his helmet is like Smoke's MKA primary helmet, it's of a dark grey color with a touch of dark red.

Alternate Costume: His alternate costume is a fusion of Smoke's MKA alternate with the costume design from Smoke's MKD concept art. From the concept art, Saiba has the arm, leg, and helmet designs while the rest of the costume is based off of Smoke's MKA alternate costume.

Extra Costume: His extra costume is a mix of Smoke's MK3 costume and Smoke's MK: Annihilation look. He has a chest armor similar to the design of the Dragon Zord Battle Mode, except that it has a place in the chest for opening in order to fire his harpoon. The colors for his costume are mainly black and silver, with a hint of blue.

Fighting Styles: Ti Au Tonglong, Lan Shou Men

Ti Au Tonglong: Ti Au Tonglong (Iron Ox Praying Mantis) is one of the four sub-styles of Naam Tonglong Kuen (Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu). This is a direct, close-ranged style that focuses on more internal power development. Despite the name Southern Praying Mantis, the Southern Praying Mantis styles do not actually imitate the Praying Mantis at all. In fact, they are more similar to styles like Wing Chun. Ti Au Tonglong trains the practitioners body to develop chi and use it to make their bodies strong and hard like iron, hence the name Iron Ox. This style was named after its founder, Iron Ox Choi (a.k.a. Choi Dit-Ngau/Tsai Tie-Niu), one of the people who fought in the Boxer Rebellion in the early 1900s. Saiba's knowledge of Ti Au Tonglong is derived from Smoke's knowledge of the style. We picked Ti Au Tonglong for him since it is a linear style and the toughening methods to be hard like iron made us think of something metallic.

Lan Shou Men: Lan Shou Men (Blocking Hand Fist) is a Chinese martial art founded by Zheng Tianxing between the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. As the name of the style implies, Lan Shou Men focuses on blocking the hands of the opponent, using his/her force to generate power in order to use quick techniques. This art mostly uses hand techniques such as stress pushing, turning, shaking, and drawing while its kicks are focused on attacking the opponent's abdomen and groin. Popular in the areas along both sides of the Yangtze River, this style is characterized by its simplicity and practicality in combat. Saiba obtained knowledge of this style when he used his nanobots to absorb Cyrax's remains into his being. We chose this style for Saiba due to how simple and practical it is.

Special Moves

Robo Punch: Saiba slides forward, doing a chambered thrust punch with his lead fist. It hits high and knocks the opponent down for a plant slide effect.

Missile Blast: A compartment opens from his arm, and he fires a missile at the opponent. It hits high and knocks the opponent down.

Capture Net: He ejects a webbed energy ball out of his arm that expands into an energy net. The net is designed to capture and stun the opponent, allowing Saiba a free hit. Capture Net is unblockable and hits mid, but the set up is longer than the quick set up for the Missile Blast. Also, the net can be sidestepped and jumped over.

Harpoon Shot: Saiba fires a harpoon at the opponent, which hits mid and makes the opponent stumble.

Nanobot Repair: Using his nanotechnology, Saiba recovers some of his health, and some of the damages to him disappear.


Nosebreaker: He does Smoke's MKD throw in which he grabs the opponent and slams his/her face to his knee, which makes him/her dizzy, only to fall down.

Circuit Slammer: He grabs the opponent by the back of the head and smashes his/her face with his forearm. The opponent is holding his/her face, takes two steps back, and falls to the ground.

Mastery Level: 2

Overall Gameplay Style: Saiba's gameplay is mainly based on simplicity and practicality. He's a more close-ranged and linear character in terms of his fighting styles, more so Ti Au Tonglong. His special moves each have a variety of uses and make him a bit difficult to beat if used effectively. Overall, he's a fairly easy character to use and is more for beginners.


Sniper Harpoon Shot: Saiba opens his chest compartment and then the camera goes into 1st person perspective from Saiba's eyes. It shows his tracker and targeting vision, which would show him locking onto the opponents head. The camera cuts out back to the normal cinematic view, and he fires a harpoon which impales the opponent's head.

Nanobot Consumption: Nanobots detach from his body and go across the floor towards and under the opponent. They start consuming the opponent, who tries to struggle. When they are done eating the opponent, the nanobots make their way back to Saiba.

Get Up Animation: The nanobots that make up Saiba's body separate to their individual forms, and then they reform to his whole body.

Victory Pose: He opens up his compartments, showing off all his gadgets and weapons for a few seconds. He closes them and does Cyrax's MK3 victory pose.

Kombat Zone: Pyramid Summit

Description: Located in Edenia, remnants of Argus' pyramid had remained after the battle of Armageddon. Some of the edges have been broken away, and the ground has been charred due to the fires of Blaze. The top of the pyramid has been eviscerated while the lower levels have cracks and potholes that can hinder the stability of the kombatants.

Stage Traps: The player can be knocked off the pyramid and fall to a lower level of it.

Stage Fatality: If the kombatants are on top of the pyramid after one has been victorious, the loser can be knocked off all the way to their doom.


I have existed for many years. I am the built-in program that ran the mind of the cybernetic unit LK-7T2. I am what caused him to do what his programming told him to do, even though his mind constantly rebelled against me. Only once did I begin to lose control. When we were in the Netherrealm with our master, his mind was being dragged away, due to his soul. However, I kept control enough to continue doing his programming. We followed our master into battle in the Edenian crater and did his bidding to the very end. When we were forced to face Sub-Zero, the fool would not even fight back, and he kept trying to bring Smoke back like he did long ago. He is honor-bound not to fight. Smoke may be as well, but I am not. I defeated Sub-Zero and was about to kill him when Smoke rebelled again, causing our shared body to stop. This gave Sub-Zero the opportunity he needed to shut us down.

I awoke sometime later, only to discover Smoke was gone, his human presence separated from me. Yet because of my consciousness, developed from the years of following my programming when his human mind would not, I remained. To use the human analogy, I was...‘alive’. However, without a human host, I was incomplete. It was then that I detected the deceased bodies of Cyrax and Sektor. My nanobots absorbed their remains into my own being. I am now more powerful than before, and without the human consciousness holding me back, I can finally do my master's bidding without hindrance. However, my master is not here to give me orders, so I shall do his last order left incomplete: Raise an army of shadow warriors to fight in his name!


Sub-Zero_7th: I'm sure some of you might be thinking "WTF?". Originally called Syber, Saiba was a character that DNOMYTE wanted. He envisioned a super-powerful cyborg killing machine type character. Saiba is basically one of those novelty characters that doesn't have too much nutritional value. I personally don't care for him too much, but the way I see it, he's someone that I imagine would be fun to pick up and play as. Like Smoke, he was a character whose mastery level I wanted to tone down, namely because we had so many characters with 3's, 4's, and 5's as their mastery levels.

Paragon: Originally, Saiba was going to be some sort of sub-boss and play a more pivotal role in the story, but we had no where to fit him. He is, however, still involved in a few major stories. He was created after DNOMYTE and I discussed what we were going to do for Smoke's story. This was the result of our discussion. A... robot, I think is the proper word to use, since there is no human left in him anymore. He's a robot with Smoke's memories, now a completely warped and evil machine, who, unlike Sektor, is completely emotionless. He is, unfortunately, somewhat one-dimensional in the sense that he is just a follower. But the parts he plays and his contribution to the story make him somewhat better than those one-dimensional characters of the past. He is, like SZ7 said, more of someone people would pick, because he is fun to play as.
01/22/2008 11:30 PM (UTC)
Well if you put it that way, then I guess I have no beef with him.

I understand that he is one of those characters, that are fun to play as, but I for one think that he should be more. I really can't put my finger on why I dislike him so, but I hope to think about it more, and when I find out I will tell you.

Btw, I am a bit curious... are you guys planning on posting more bios of the characters?
01/22/2008 11:38 PM (UTC)
-storyteller- Wrote:
Well if you put it that way, then I guess I have no beef with him.

I understand that he is one of those characters, that are fun to play as, but I for one think that he should be more. I really can't put my finger on why I dislike him so, but I hope to think about it more, and when I find out I will tell you.

Btw, I am a bit curious... are you guys planning on posting more bios of the characters?

I don't really care for him all that much myself. Personally, I would've scrapped him, but that's just me. As for doing more bios of the characters, well, you'll just have to wait and see.
01/23/2008 04:34 PM (UTC)
Curse you SZ7, getting me all anxious.

I can't wait for the outcomes of the tournament. To see this demon lord in action. And what happened to darling Pandora? This is quite absurd.
01/23/2008 05:29 PM (UTC)
-storyteller- Wrote:
Curse you SZ7, getting me all anxious.

I can't wait for the outcomes of the tournament. To see this demon lord in action. And what happened to darling Pandora? This is quite absurd.

lol. What is absurd? As for the outcomes of the tournament, that will definitely be in the various endings. Pandora is still in the story if that's what you're wondering. We'll get to her ending when the time comes. Just to spoil things a bit, Paragon and I haven't gotten to the endings yet. There are still many other issues we need to sort out. Now as for Abaddon, the boss of the game, all I can say is that you'll learn more about him, and hopefully it'll make sense to you and the other readers.
01/23/2008 05:44 PM (UTC)
Finally getting arond to responding to this...

Sounds like it'd be entertaining to watch and but that's about all I can say about it. It seems more like a vague teaser than an actual intro scene. I understand not wanting to reveal everything all at once, but I do think it would've been helpful for there to be more of an "overall plot" thing to give some frame of reference. I gather there's some sort of tournament which I suspect has some sinister purpose...but just going to the bios "cold" kind of makes the overall story feel abstract.

I think it's wise to do away with the Dairou/Darrius "feud" since the last thing we need is another character seeking to avenge his lost family. It took a while for me to swallow the idea of Hotaru and Seidan Guard hiding the truth from Dairou the whole time. Just seemed odd to me they would have kept that a secret...but I suppose it plays along with their devotion to law. I guess it seemed weird since in Deception we're given the impression Darrius was a kind of a fugitive and they didn't really need proof. In my opinion, Dairou's bio works better after reading Reiko's...or knowing he's after Li Mei. The suspence works better with more information IMO, because by itself, it kind of just reads like "Dairou was hired by someone to find someone."

She seems like an okay character. I like her concept of being this good Edenian witch. I'm interested in the situation with Sindel. I hope that we get some more insight or development in her character so she doesn't just be "another female soldier fighting to defend Edenia."

I like Takako. She seems like a good candidate to be a protagonist for the Seidan sub-plot....being a Seidan Guard, but beginning to question their ways, and wanting a balance. I didn't find her to be derivitive of Hotaru, because although they're both Seidan Guards, she seems like more of POV character.

I liked how you tied her backstory into joining the Resistance. I don't know if it was your intent, but I like the suggestion that the majority of Resistance fighters are/were lower class people in Seido. It fleshes out the realm and grounds it more, IMO.

Kaosu seems cool. I like how he takes to most fun in causing trouble in Seido and he bizarre obsession with making things "beautiful." He kind of seems like a more twisted Vega.

I like Mercurus and I like his concept of being this sort of schizo. I can kind of imagine him having a dynamic like Nikki/Jessica from Heroes...two personalities arguing with each other. I look forward to seeing what you do with him.

It occurred to me that so far Mercurus seems to be the only character so far tied to this tournament mentioned in the main plot. Are any of the Seidan characters or Elena involved or tied to it...or are they completely separate in their own sub-plots? This kind of goes back to what I mentioned earlier about feeling abstract. I'm kind of missing there being a central starting point that I can see the bios in relation to.

We always agreed that Ermac's a good choice for future generation characters. It seems kind of weird to me though that he's seeking to bring the souls within him to peace, when he IS those souls. But I imagine this long-term goal is a means to tie him into the grander scheme of things...whatever that may be.

Li Mei is another good future character. Developing her desire to defend/save Outworld from evil is a good direction. Tying her to Reiko and having them be rivals of sorts is an interesting direction. I imagine you're saving her struggle against the Dragon King's taint for later...I'm interested in how it might come into play in regard to Reiko.

I'm glad you guys brought Nitara back. I like the idea of her ending up being sort of the Vampire realm's Kitana...diplomaticly, I mean. I hope theough you guys keep her aloof and manipulative qualities...I like that about her. I do like the idea of her being aggravated about having babysit this "brat prince" of the Vampires.

Obviously, I'm glad to see Sareena. Can't say too much, since her bio sets up her being in the tournament. I look forward to seeing what you guys do with her. I like the little touches with her get up animation and victory pose involving her having trouble controlling her Demon side.

...hurm....I understand that you guys are approaching the fixing of Scorpion by making something out what's currently there (as oppose to what I did...pretending his Armageddon story didn't happen). But still....post-retcon Scorpion is such a schmuck. I did like how he comes across that way in his bio with his constant yelling(bitching). "Curse them! Why don't I know peace?! I spilled my milk!" Ah well, good luck in fixing the jackass.

I'm glad you guys are focusing him on Sektor and the Tekunin. I wonder if you intend to build them as each other antitheses...which I think you know I support.

She seems interesting. I'd like to know more about her past and the "bad deeds" she commited. I'm surprised you guys still having Shinnok around. Her purpose seems kind of dull...just watching some guy...but I suspect you have something in store for her ending.

I liked the fight with Rain. And I like the direction you gys are taking with him being a more no-nonsense protector who's not going to get too attached to mortals. I'd especially find this interesting in relation to Raiden...if you decide to bring him back.

I like Drake's character. Personality-wise, he kind of reminds me of Kagato. I like the tie between his name and his being half-dragon. I noted you compared him with Mercurus...I'm curious if you have a rivalry in mind? I think that'd be interesting. Drake, who seems like kind of a dick, against Mercurus, who's kind of nuts. I may be getting ahead of myself, but he also kind of reminds me of an anti-Sareena...in he embraces the monster inside him while she hates it. Two potential feuds there. I like Drake.

Sektor being around...but having no body, is an interesting angle. It kind of reminds me of SkyNet from Terminator. As for Androna, she seems okay. I hope you do more with her than simply helping Sektor. One thing though is find her bio too human sounding. This is actually something I didn't care for about Sektor's portrayal in Armageddon's Konquest. I don't think the cyborg characters, except for Cyrax who'd regained his soul, should talk that much. And when they do, it's in simple/blunt computer-esque phrases. That's just me though.

Well, I wondered if Li Mei's taint would be a factor...and there we go. Although I'm not fond of the idea of Reiko simply taking Kahn's place, I can tolerate it. I hope you guys do more to make him not just a mini-Kahn. I like the idea of him wanting Li Mei as his bride. I look forward to see how this turns out.

He seems okay. Sounds like he'd be impressive looking. Can't say much about his story, since he's pretty much evil muscle...which was done intentionally.

That's as far as I've gotten thus far. I'll get to the rest in due time.
01/23/2008 07:00 PM (UTC)
Hey there X. It's good to finally see some feedback from you. In response to your thoughts:


I understand how you feel about this, and that's something I want to rectify if we ever get to a sequel. About Abaddon and the tournament, we'll get to more of that story later.


You have an interesting point about Dairou's bio, but then again, we didn't want to quite give away Reiko being the new Emperor of Outworld until we get to Li Mei's bio.


I kind of see what you're saying. When looking back, I realize that we have all of these female Edenian protagonists. We would like to do more with her, but I'm not entirely sure what Paragon has in mind. As for Sindel, you'll understand more as the story progresses.


I'm glad you like her. I'm a little bit surprised here. Both of us are not entirely sure what other sorts of dynamics we'll be playing with her aside from one or two things. But we do hope to do more with her.


Her bio was one of the few that I worked on. I'm not sure myself as to whether we intended to make the Resistance fighters mainly come from the lower class, but it's not a bad idea.


I'm glad you like Kaosu. His bio was another one I worked on, and I was the one who implemented his twisted sense of beauty. There really wasn't much to work with when it came to DNOMYTE's concept of the "stretchy skin dude", so Paragon and I had to make the most out of him. Given the final result, we'd love to bring him back for more. I hope that we can make sure to keep him unique, especially from Havik.


I'm glad you like him. He's very special to me since he's a reflection of myself through a warped lens, so to speak. The Seidan characters are not involved with the tournament, but Elena is. Btw, did you catch on to the name of the mask I put for his primary costume? I wonder if you at least had a chuckle at it. And no, it wasn't intentional to choose that particular name, or maybe it was. I don't know. But yeah, more will be revealed about Mercurus, and we're definitely going to do more with him. I hope that the positive feeling towards his character will either grow or at least stay consistent throughout his story. I really don't want to screw him up. There's a lot to say about him, but I don't want to give too much away. One thing with this internal struggle is that I didn't want it to be the typical "good vs. evil" struggle.


I can't say much here. I suppose you have the right idea. The soul story idea is Paragon's, and he wanted to bring in a dynamic with Ermac's character. We'd like to do more with him and step up his story.

Li Mei

lol. Well, I'm glad you like what we did for her. I personally love the dynamic with Reiko myself. Her struggle is something we don't want to ignore, but at the same time, it's not something we want to overplay. She's a character we haven't fully sorted out yet, but at the same time, none of the characters are fully sorted out anyway. tongue I will say that you should expect to see more of her.


Nitara is a favorite for both of us. We'll try to work her manipulative qualities in somehow. Just to spoil things, she'll also be in the tournament.


I can't say too much here either. She's an interesting character with good potential, potential that we want to explore.


Yeah, post-retcon Scorpion is definitely an annoying son of a bitch. However, we wanted to keep with MKA's story and to take his story in a different direction from the one you gave him. This will be even more apparent as his story progresses.


To be honest, he's very difficult to sort out since there's a lot that could be done with him. In fact, we still need to work on him. Being my favorite character, I don't want to mess him up.


We'll be sure to reveal more about her past. Yeah, we're still having Shinnok around. I understand what you mean when it comes to her bio, but we will do more with her, especially as a means of separating her from Noob Saibot and Azazel.


One key thing we want to do with Fujin is to compare and contrast him with Raiden and how he handles his duties as Earthrealm's protector god. He's definitely going to be one of the main protagonists of the story.


You have an interesting take on the "anti-Sareena" thing. Are we going to have a rivalry between Drake and Mercurus? It's definitely a possibility. More will be revealed about him.


I don't know what to say here except that she's a character that I don't care for too much. Yeah, I really can't say all that much...


I understand your concern about Reiko's role as the new emperor, but rest assured, we do want to make him different from Shao Kahn. Like I said before, the dynamic between Li Mei and Reiko is one of my favorites.


lol, well, not everyone can be a major character.

Once again, thanks for replying. I'm glad you got around to it, and I look forward to more of your responses along with your stuff for MK: Legacy.
01/23/2008 09:58 PM (UTC)
Ah, good to see another person posting. =)

The intro itself is mainly a teaser. Its just really showing that even after what was supposed to be the end, Mortal Kombat lives on.The whole thing is basically showing the renewed battle between good and evil.

Neither me not SZ7th were fans of Darrius and i figured if he is going to die, Dairou may as well tir up that knot in his story before we start anew with him. It would have been better to have more info, but at the time, we didnt show who we had in out project and didnt want to give away one of the suprises (Reiko as emperor)

Well, not much to say about Elena. With all characters, we are trying to keep them out of the current trend they seem to go down.

Exactly what i was aiming for with her =)

Same as Takako.

Same as above, lol

Well, i think that is what SZ7th was aiming for.

Oh there are plenty invilved in this, in fact, some people said too many seem to be involoved in this... lol

Ermac is my favorite character. Basically everything i typed in my input for him still stands.

Her storyline revolving around Outworld is an interesting one to say the least with all thats going on there.

Nitara is another that i wanted to use. Im a fan of vamps. =) As for her being... aggravated, its mainly due to her disliking his aloof nature. For someone of importance, he doesnt act accordingly, which annoys her. When you get to him, you'll see what i mean

Well, not much i can say here, SZ7th said it all

Fixing him is a challenege, but i think we have it all planned out right =)

the tekunin are going to play a larger part, but really, Sub Zero has a lot of things to do and so many parts of his story that needs bringing forward. getting it all in was the main challenge

Her past has a big tie to the story and some of its characters, which is why thats going to be revealed at another time. As for her ending, its that that is going to be the start of her story flourishing ;)

It was my idea to have the Fujin and Rain fight. I thought it'd be a nice touch, seems that a lot of people enjoyed it. As for his personality, that is mainly to show a diffrence between Fujin and Raiden. Fujin will play it more 'by the book'

Im not familiar with this Kagato. Basically, i based him of the more negative sides of my own personality. His name is more of a nickname he went under before what happened to him... which is ironic in a way, lol! Well, thinking about it, i could see something like Drake and Mercurus having some sort of mutual hate for eachother. Drake comes across (or is supposed to) as quite an impaitent person and probably wouldn't have the tolerance for Mercurus's antics... ill have to think on this. As for an Anti-Sareena... well, in a way he is, but in a way he isnt. He is self-absorbed in his own hatred and anger to show any other traits. These will be shown throughout his story though, when they get a chance to show themselves, lol! Im glad you like him.

The angle was my idea, i thought it'd be too soon to have Sektor killed off completely. As for Androna, dont worry, there is a few things with her i think people will be surpsied with. Wether they like it or not is another matter.

Reiko is someone who i thought needed a chance. I dislike the whole 'Reiko is Kahn' thing, which is why i took away the headbut and gave him the thrust kick. Gives him is own individuality. His personality is much diffrent from kahn and because he isnt so 'unstoppable' he would have to be smarter about how he goes around doing things. Which is what i like about him, hes not unstoppable, but he is still able to maintain himself as a threat to other realms.

Abraxis... in so many ways, he screams out "big bad sub-boss!" but i didnt want that. As you said, he is supposed to be the 'big bad muscle' of the game. But unlike other ones before him, he actually has a brain.
Oh shit. . . Well, actually Human Smoke's bio kinda foretold the separation of the human and mechanical factions of Smoke.

Ironicallly enough, I have a character whose name is allmost like Saiba. Her name was Cyva. I've still got a bit to flesh outta her, the other brawlers and the whole fanfic story before I start up anything.

This seems to be a whole interesting idea, making a seperate faction of Smoke do as programmed. Makes the real Smoke look more sane and human.
01/24/2008 09:17 PM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Oh shit. . . Well, actually Human Smoke's bio kinda foretold the separation of the human and mechanical factions of Smoke.

Ironicallly enough, I have a character whose name is allmost like Saiba. Her name was Cyva. I've still got a bit to flesh outta her, the other brawlers and the whole fanfic story before I start up anything.

This seems to be a whole interesting idea, making a seperate faction of Smoke do as programmed. Makes the real Smoke look more sane and human.


I guess the showing of both the human and robot sides in two different characters is what Paragon and DNOMYTE were going for. I look forward to reading your fanfic. It'd be nice to see more of them around here besides the one that we're doing and the one that XiahouDun84 is doing. I wonder what happened to You-Know-Who. I wanted to read more of his fanfic.

Anyway, Paragon and I will be working more on our project, and we'll try to get some more things released soon enough.
01/25/2008 12:08 AM (UTC)
And the rest....

I like the little touch of "chaos" being capitalized when Havik speaks. I do the same thing in my bios as well as Hotaru always capitalizing "order." Can't say much since Havik's doing pretty much one expects from him...trouble-making.

I liked Kira's bio. Doing away with th Black Dragon was a good call. Little surprised she grieved for her allies...Kabal maybe, I don't see her caring so much about the others...but I like the way she's feigning friendship with Li Mei because she's feigning loyalty to Reiko. And I like how she rationalizes how Havik might encourage her betrayal.

I'm not that into Taven, but I am getting intrigued about the true purpose of this tournament.

I like the idea of the Elder Gods deciding using "sentient beings" were untrustworthy after the Scorpion debacle. The first that struck me was his claim that he is "all powerful." I immediately thought what an ego this guy has. I wonder if we'll be seeing it trampled soon enough?

Curious...how is it possible for Reptile and Khameleon to repopulate the entire Zaterran race themselves? How are they counteracting inbreeding? I have to admit, I'm having troube picturing Reptile as a king. Now as for Anacon himself, he seems like an okay character. He seems a little naive...I wonder if that will come into play in the story. I hope to see more to him rather than he being simply another "realm defender."

Found it kind of funny how he flat-out says right in his bio how lazy he is and prefers not to do anything. He certainly sounds like a pompous little prick. The plot thickens with Sindel. I wonder if she was really seduced by him...or if she's indulging his ego to get whatever it is she's after.

Seems okay. Concept-wise, somewhat reminds me of my Livia Thorne. I intrigued by who these masters Kaylie serves are and what has drawn Sindel into them. Her purpose in the tournament seems somehwta redundant though...another character helping/watching another character. I hope you can rectify that with her ending.

Seems cool. I like that she secretly has the Amulet and learning to use it. I'd be interested in seeing a fight between her and Elena down the line. Good witch....bad witch.

Good to see Noob back. Little disappointed he's a servant again...even if he is biding his time. My main concern here is I wouldn't portray Noob as another conniving villain, like Shang Tsung...whom you compared him to. I'd prefer if you maintained his lack of emotion and cold ruthlessness in his personality. He comes across as too megalomaniacal in his bio, IMO.

He's cool. I like his backstory, tying him to the history of the Netherealm. Interested in this familiar presence he remembers. Although Azazel has more meaning, I think I preferred the name Denrei. Sounds better, IMO and I look at Azazel & keep thinking Azrael.

I'll only respond to the ones that stood out for me...

I'm glad to see Ashrah and Drahmin are still around. If you guys continue this story, I look forward to see them return. Jade gaining the power to find people is clever...she being a tracker/spy character. I've noticed some characters were made stronger by Blaze's demise...but some flat-out lost theirs. I'm not following that logic. I don't really buy Kano deep down respecting Sonya. I guess it was an attempt to add some semblance of depth to their rivalry....but I don't really buy it.

I have to be honest...I'm disappointed with Kitana's ending. I understand you guys chose to retire her...but I don't think that was a worthy ending to her story. She got no closure. She fought Mileena briefly...but neither resolved their issues. She attacked Kahn...and lost. Then Reptile saved the day...and she sort of helped beat up Kahn......who was then killed by Reiko. Then she loses her powers and just sort of stops fighting. She being my favorite character, I have to take issue here. This ending...it feels like her story just fizzled rather than got proper closure.

Moving on....I'm amused by how guys make no secret of contempt for Kobra. I think there should've been more to the final fight between Kabal and Mavado. I mean, when they first fought, Mavado did nearly kill him. Yet here, it seems like Kabal got a quick and easy victory. I hope you guys have more in store for Mileena. I'm hesitant about Quan Chi being so terrified of Scorpion...seeing as when they escaped the Netherealm in MK:DA, Quan Chi handed Scorpion his ass. Was Quan Chi weakened since then? Reptile certainly got a good ending...but I addressed my questions with me comments on Anacon. I understand playing the irony angle with Kahn's death....he was betrayed, just as Onaga was....but I'm still disappointed by Kitana's lackluster finish. Funny how out of everyone, Sindel got stuck with Meat. Don't know why...I just find that amusing.

That's about all I can say.

Interesting you brought Smoke back. I'm a little hesitant about his being human again. Can't say much...since the bio is mostly explaing where he's been and since Armageddon. I look forward to seeing what you do with him.

This is silly. That's all I can say.

That pretty much catches me up. I look forward to whatever remaining bios there are more detail on what exactly the overall main plot is.
01/25/2008 02:54 AM (UTC)
I'm glad you caught up with the rest. Here is my response to your comments:


Well, I'm glad you like the bio. We just wanted to enhance his chaoticness and have him spread as much trouble as possible.


Kira's bio is one of my personal favorites. As I said in my comments, I had to make a lot of changes to her bio for it to make sense with what's going on in the timeline and to stay consistent with her character.


We're not really into Taven all that much either, but as mentioned in our comments, we wanted to give him a chance instead of putting him to waste. More about the tournament will be explained later.


When Serrath claims himself as "all-powerful", this is not him being egotistical. Paragon wanted to go for a rather "mild-mannered" personality for him. Personally, he's a character that I had certain problems with due to his concept of being soulless yet developing a personality. I'll leave the rest up to Paragon to explain since he came up with him.


I'm not really much into Anacon myself. As for Reptile and Khameleon repopulating the entire race themselves, well, I guess you could say they were very horny and Reptile needed A LOT of Viagra. tongue As for the inbreeding, I don't know. I'll leave that up to Paragon. We'll try to expand on him.


lol. Yeah, he's definitely a lazy prick. As for the bit with Sindel, well, it's hard to explain....Kaylie was with Vetalas as she is sort of like a key propagator for the Atlus Umbra.


It's funny that you bring up Livia Thorne, because when we were trying to sort out Kaylie's costumes, I thought a bit about her. Kaylie does seem like a mysterious character, and you'll definitely learn more about her. She's someone that I came up with, and she was derived from a very early concept that I thought of. As her story progresses, I hope to show that I'm trying to go for a unique dynamic with the kind of character she is, at least unique for MK. It's difficult to explain, but hopefully you'll understand later on. I understand your concern about her purpose in the tournament, and this was an issue for us as well. She's taking a back seat and watching from the shadows, so to speak. Her goal is to look out for any fighters who look like they have potential to join the Atlus Umbra. Btw, isn't she hot or what? tongue

Xiu Lan

Yeah, I really wanted to have a martial arts sorceress, and here's Xiu Lan. It's interesting that you suggested the idea of her fighting Elena, because I had thought of that myself. I'm not sure if we're going to have that, but it is a cool idea, imo.

Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot returning to the role of servant was difficult for me to swallow as well. A problem that added to this was the implication in Sareena's MKA bio where she says that he, Smoke, and Quan Chi ambushed her. So I figured that he somehow returned to serving Quan Chi and Shinnok. I understand your concern about the way he talks in his bio. We'll try to work on that, and we'll make sure to make the best out of him as possible.


I really didn't think too much of this character due to how little he had to his concept. Like Kaosu, another character that DNOMYTE created, we had to really flesh out the concept and add to it so that he'll be more wholesome. The familiar presence he senses/sees/detects will be explained in his ending. I was afraid that Denrei would sound too bland and would not capture his character since Denrei means "messenger". Instead, he's basically an "emissary".

Armageddon Outcomes

Yeah, Ashrah and Drahmin are two characters that I like myself. We'll see if we can do anything with them. Coming up with the ability for Jade was tough. The logic behind the various effects has to do with the corruption of the quest, the corruption of Blaze's design, and the energy flowing through both Taven's and Daegon's armors. We sort of went with that "third, unforseen outcome".

I had a feeling that you wouldn't be too fond with Kitana's outcome, and she was a character that I argued about when talking to Paragon. I actually wanted to make Kitana more significant, especially in her taking down Shao Kahn. For more explanation on this, I'll let Paragon handle it, lol...

Moving on, we definitely have contempt for Kobra and certain other characters. Paragon actually thought of some story concept to bring back Chameleon and to have him be an antagonist for Anacon. However, I personally despise Chameleon, and I feel that he doesn't deserve a chance. For the Kabal vs. Mavado battle, I'll just shrug on that one. Quan Chi was afraid, because he was weakened and cornered at the same time. lol @ Sindel vs. Meat. That was pretty goofy, but oh well. Maybe we should've had him fight Drahmin and/or Moloch instead and get eaten by them.


As I said before, I'm kind of in the middle when it comes to Smoke, and I would've had someone else in his place such as Ashrah, Drahmin, or Hotaru. We just have to make the most out of him.


LOL! Well, you know, I don't like him either, and I personally would've had another character in his place.


Well, thanks for reading. Be sure to stay tuned for more. We aren't sure when we'll be posting more content, but there certainly will be more content.
01/26/2008 04:32 AM (UTC)
Oh secret characters!!! Nice.

Reading the MKA outcomes, well i msut say that despite your grand effort, i was rather disappointed. I persoanlyl think you ahve shown a lot of bias in you endings. Of course, this who fanfic if you interpretation and ideas, but still i think that some of the outcomes are biast. Obviously you had to make those for your returning characters come out with them alive etc, but in general i was disappointed with the others.

like XiahouDun I didnt find any closure in Kitanas story. Whether Kitana could defeat Shao Kahn alone is debatable, i think she could perhaps pull it off. Same with Sindel vs Kahn. But the two of them together I think would be mroe than a match for Kahn, without Reptiles intervention.

Also Reptile was built up in the true MK story as a very loyal servant to Kahn, and had an obsessive personality IMO. He turned too easily for me.

The Kano-Sonya thing I personally dont like, and I think you had the wrong outcome, especially since Sonya had to fight Frost before hand. Also, you have Sonya kill/defeat like what three people, while some other characters who are stronger dont even get a look in at times. Very unbalanced IMO. I also feel that some of the Earth Warriors could have taken down Shang Tsung alone.

Those are the main things i can remember that jump out at me.

I also dont see the Earth fighters and people like Kitana as having 'special powers' they are expertly trained or exceptionalyl skilled individuals. 'powers' gives the impression of something like the X-Men or Superman or something. Things like Shang Tsung or Quan Chis sorcery would be 'powers' but fighting skills wouldnt be, IMO.


Anyway sorry for ranting lol.

I also like Xiu Lins concept. She sounds interesting and somewhat mysterious also. Expansion of her would be beter.


I like Smoke, the ebst of the cyborgs. I hated him being with noob Saibot and felt Cyrax somewhat stole his story of becoming partically human again, leaving Smoke in Limbo. What you guys ahve done is good tho I wait to see how it progresse before saying much else.


Sorry, but a bad idea IMO. Bump this character for Kitana tongue
01/26/2008 02:33 PM (UTC)
Well, I think there'll always be bias when it comes to this. I understand the concern about Kitana's outcome, but this was an issue of compromise here. Like I said, I wanted Kitana and Sindel to just be the ones to take Kahn down, but Paragon felt that their combined might wouldn't be enough. You might have a point with Reptile. I personally would've just concluded Reptile's and Khameleon's stories right there instead of having them with their kingdom or whatever.

Going into the Kano-Sonya outcome, I forgot to bring this up in my response to XiahouDun84 so I'll bring it up now. To me, their rivalry is fairly shallow, and I wanted to add a bit of something to make it juicier, namely in the form of a "love-hate" relationship, at least on Kano's side of things.

As for the "special powers" thing, that's MK for you. I mean, I couldn't imagine someone like Stryker having special powers, which he really doesn't. But yet, he gets grouped along with everyone else.

Hopefully Paragon will make a reply here to give his 2 cents on the Armageddon outcomes.

I'm glad you like Xiu Lan's concept, and we hope to do more with her. Did you read the bios for Vetalas, Kaylie, Noob Saibot, and Azazel? If so, what did you think of them?

For Smoke, I can't say much here as I've already expressed my feelings for him earlier. The same applies to Saiba, who I hate more than you do. Like I said in my comments for him, he pretty much has no "nutritional value" but would likely be fun to play as. Again, I'll just leave that up to Paragon. I think it was DNOMYTE who suggested the idea of this character, and Paragon liked it. I don't think I really thought too much of it so I just sort of went along with it. Earlier on, it was suggested for him to eventually interact with a certain character, but instead, we changed that to something else.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback. I'd like to see some feedback from you on the characters I mentioned unless you've already mentioned them.
01/28/2008 05:08 AM (UTC)
which character do you think should return in mk8?
01/28/2008 02:14 PM (UTC)
When it comes to the outcome,s i was aware that some of them wouldnt be ot everyones liking, but there is no pleasing everyone...

To me, there are so many other people in the MK universe who had 'the right' to kill Shao Kahn. And out of all of them, Sindel and Kitana, although having good rwasons to, just didnt fit how i saw Shao Kahn ending. I had envisioned someone like Kung Lao, Sub Zero, Onaga, Shang Tsung, raiden or Shinnok doing it. Compared to the likes of these, Kitana or Sindel really dont quite measure up. Thats my oppinion though. Why did i choose Reptile to have a hand in Kahns defeat? Simple. Kitana and Sindel see that he no longer serves Kahn and over the two years has evolved out of his 'blind follower' role and become more independant. I mean, Reptile was never happy serving. Look at his MK4 ending for an example of that. He had the chance to rebuild his race without serving anyone, and in this choas of a war, it would be easy for him to have a little 'pay back'.

Does Reiko actually landing the killing blow on kahn take anything away from Kitana and SIndels victory? I dont think so. Like i said, i didnt see the two of them killing him. I went along with the two of them defeating him and thinking they killed him, and as far as everyone else knows, they did. However, only Reiko and the soilders of Outworld know that Reiko killed him. All anyone else knows is that Reiko took the throne after Kahns death. So Edenia, Seidou and Earthrealm denizens all credit Kitana and Sindel for Kahns demise. So id say no, it doesnt take anything away. If anything, it adds just a little more to Reikos story.

The fact Mileena is alive and kicking still means that their issues will never be resolved, they still hate eachother and probably will untill one dies. Does that mean we are bringing Mileena and Kitana back? possably, we havnt decided. The fact she stops fighting was because she got tired of it all, like in her MK:U ending. She now doesnt have to fight, so she chooses not to. She seems one to be more of a 'fight as a last resort kind of person' to me.

When it comes to Kabal vs Mavado. It would have been a long and grueling battle, but i didnt fancy going into too much detail with each fight in these outcomes. As i said in the past, one of the unlockable things in the krypt would be a video of each character and what they did in MK:A. So it would show the fights in full. Shame this isnt being made... such nice ideas...

As for Sindel vs Meat. Well, some people there just didnt have any rivalries what so ever, we had to find something for them to do. We planned on Sindel facing Kahn first, but Kahn himself didnt join until atleast after the beginning, so she had to do something, lol!
01/28/2008 04:43 PM (UTC)
I have to disagree. I just want to point out, I'm not saying this simply because Kitana's my favorite character. I'm making a big deal out of it because of that....but my thoughts in regard to Kitana & Shao Kahn are my objective opinion.

I don't see how Kung Lao, Sub-Zero, or Shinnok deserve to kill Shao Kahn. At all. Whatever grudges or hatred they feel towards Kahn or he towards them are general "He's my enemy," nothing more. Key thinking is Armageddon is meant to be the grand finale of the current era of the storyline. Obviously, not every character can get grand fitting ends and closure, but there are some characters who should most definitely get what they "deserve." I think we can agree, Shao Kahn is one of those characters. But like Kitana or not, she is also one of those characters. She's certianly an iconic character to the series. She has one of the better stories. She's one of the most developed characters and one of the few who's evolved throughout the series.

Sure many characters have their grudges against Kahn....but how has Kitana in paticular been screwed over by him? Let's see...
- he conquered her realm
- killed her father
- drove her mother to suicide
- raised her as his own daughter...effectively lying to her her whole life
- turned her into a killer...using her as a weapon
- tried to replace her with a clone despite years of loyal service
- resurrected her mother as his loyal bride
- sent assassins to kill her...including Jade, therefore trying to turn her best friend against her
- convinced Goro to turn against her
- as long as he lives, Edenia will never be safe
Now, in my opinion, no other character can touch that. Not just in physical, but psycholagical damage. The closest would be Reptile (I just want to point out, I don't deny Reptile deserved a shot in), Sindel, and Mileena. Even further, there's poetic justice in the situation with Shao Kahn being taken down by the women he used as his family. In my opinion, better irony than Kahn being betrayed by a servant as he had betrayed Onaga.

Another thing, Kitana's taking down Shao Kahn is not JUST simple revenge. It's not just she has a grudge and deserves pay-back. The theme of Kitana's story is/was redemption. She's undoing the damage/evil wrecked upon Edenia...that SHE HERSELF helped cause by serving Shao Kahn. Killing Kahn is closure for Kitana because, by doing so, she would have enabled all the souls he had taken...some of which, souls of people she had killed as an assassin...to finally rest in peace. She would then make peace with herself THEN would be be able to retire from fighting because she's sick of it.

That's what I meant by there being no closure in Kitana's ending. Did she make peace with herself? Has she finally come to terms with the years she spent serving Shao Kahn and believing he was her real father? I found none of this in her outcome because when she attacked Kahn, she failed miserably. Reptile comes across as the great hero of the battle. He the one who delivered the crucial blow that brought about Kahn's downfall...leading to his death at Reiko's hand. To me, it reads like Kitana's only contribution to the battle was to fail.
To me, it feels like at the end of Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker losing against Darth Vader...then suddenly Boba Fett pops up and kills him.

I do think how things turned out takes a lot away from Kitana and Sindel. They're getting/taking credit for something that failed miserably in? Reptile was the hero.

Also, in the question of power...is Kitana strong enough to fight Kahn....that's the whole point of closure. In the great grand finale, the character finally overcomes their greatest obstacle/inner conflict that they previously weren't a match for. Yes, even weakened, Shao Kahn is more powerful than Kitana. She's the underdog. MORE reason for her to win, from where I'm standing. And I'm not even saying she should've fought Kahn alone. Like I said...Reptile, Sindel, and Mileena deserved their shot in.

Reason I'm not making as big a deal about Mileena is because, judging from her outcome, she has a good chance of returning. So I'm a little more forgiving that she didn't get closure....finally realizing Shao Kahn is the source of all her misery; not Kitana.

It's your story and I won't tell you how to do it. I'm just explaining that I think Kitana...after all she'd been through and all she'd accomplished throughout the story....didn't get a worthy ending to her story. And I believe she is a character who should've gotten one.
01/28/2008 05:16 PM (UTC)
WOW. Good point X.

I understand why they chose to give Reptile the chance to be the 'hero', but in all honesty, it didn't feel quite right. Reptile was always that character to be screwed over, but never did he deserve the chance to destroy Kahn; the greatest villain in mk.
I felt that Kitana was still not at the place to destroy Shao Kahn. Yes she deserves it, but if they were to let that happen, Kahn wouldn't be as tyrannical as he was said to be. Kahn was one of those characters that were to be slain by the combination of many characters.

Think of Scar in the Lion King. I know this may sound lame, but i admire that character, for in the ending he died by his own people. Reiko didn't quite deserve the chance to kill Kahn, but if he did, then the story would have still played out well.
As far as I see it, Kitana and Mileena's team effort would have been the best option here... or they could have just went by the opening cinema and allow Kahn to be raped by Onaga. LMFAO.


But moving on to Tanya, I still don't understand why she had to go out in such a boring way. Yes I know I am a Tanya fan, but come on!
She didn't even get a chance to fight back or so.

Look, I know Tanya is hated, but believe it or not... she is one of those characters with the better story. I actually felt that you guys made a big mistake, taking her out of your story, for to me she had a lot of potential.

And let's say you guys didn't care for her, at least give her an outstanding ending. Throughout the mk story, Tanya has had the upper hand against Edenia and namely Jade. Tanya was never punished, she was just wanted... but never captured. If Jade were to finally annihilate her, shouldn't it have been more than that. And if Tanya had always had the upperhand, why didn't she go out with a bang.
01/28/2008 07:37 PM (UTC)
Like i said at the beginning of my post, we cant please everyone. Its a war, some people are going to die quite early, despite their skill. Look at the likes of Bo' Rai Cho and Chameleon. Two favorites of mine, yet they did very little in the way of fighting.I say them because i wasnt going to compare Tanya to the likes of Moloch, Mokap or Stryker.

And i have to disagree with you about Kung Lao. If you think about it, kahns plans for Earthrealm has effected his entire life. the death of his ancestor, the death of his fellow monks, the fact he almost killed him in MK3. So his hatred for Kahn would have been since his birth. Shinnok, yeah, i agree with you that he is just their enemy. But, like i said before, i just didnt see Kitana or Sindel, even together being the one to kill Kahn. The way Kahn has been built up, he is damn near impossable to stop. So much so that raiden is forced to ally with him instead of just out-right killing him. And if a former elder god with the power of thunder and lightning cant kill him, what chance does an assassin/princess have? those where the questions in my mind when i was writing out these outcomes.

I settled for having them defeat him, because it made sense. But it also made sense for Reiko to kill him so that he had claim to the throne of Outworld. Sub Zero is a little iffy, we dont know what happened to the cryomancers and wether they just died out, wether Kahn had anything to do with it, or Onaga or Shinnok or another force al together. It depends how you play the story. So in the end, although Kitana and Sindel (and Reptile) have more reason then anyone to kill him, there are others too. people who see him as an obsitcal, like Shang Tsung, who has plotted against him since Kahn was introduced. Ermac, because i doubt, even as strong as Shang tsung is, that he could have created him by himself. So Ermacs souls could place the blame squarly on the emperor himself. Sheeva for the shit Kahn put her race through as well as killing her. It just seems that compared to all these others, that Kitana is, as good of an assassin she is, not able to take on the emperor.

Like i said, thats just my oppinion, others may see it diffrently, but thats the great things about all of these. We get to see eachothers ideas. Wether we agree with them or not is another matter.

btw, i dont just think your saying this because your fans, if you where, you wouldnt back up what you say with valid claims. You do make some good points. grin
01/29/2008 03:08 AM (UTC)
What X means is that with Kitana, it's far deeper and more personal than with Ermac, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, or even Shang Tsung. Like he said, Shao Kahn ruined her life in so many ways, and Kitana is one of the more developed characters afterall. I personally would've gone with Kitana and Sindel defeating Shao Kahn, possibly even killing him to have the "underdogs" win against the "top dog".
01/29/2008 12:03 PM (UTC)
She is the more developed in story. But she couldn't take on Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. Although details are scarce about who died against who when the good guys failed in Deadly Alliance, it is common belief (as far as i have looked into this) that Kitana died at the hands of Quan Chi. Now, if that is the case, if she couldn't kill Quan Chi. What hope is there of killing Shao Kahn?

If Shao Kahn was so easy to kill, he wouldnt have lasted as long as he has as Emperor of Outworld. If Kitana could have killed him, then its feeasble to say that someone with more power and/or skill could do the same. All im pointing out is that Shao Kahn is meant to basically be this inhuman unstoppable force and to him to lose to someone who, compared to others who hate him, makes him look weaker. Not taking anything away from Kitana, but I dont hold her in the same regards of power as i do with the likes of Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Raiden or Onaga. If Kitana could kill him, then one of these could do it and probably have an easier time of it. Which goes against the whole point of him being the bane of almost everyones existance, even the Elder Gods. If he could so easily stopped, why bother having the Mortal Kombat tournoments to stop him taking realms when you could just throw a few reknown warriors at him and be done with it?

In the end, the underdogs did win in out project, Kitana and Sindel fought, defeated and believed to have killed Shao Kahn. With some help from another whom Shao Kahn had ruined (Reptile). But in the end, i couldnt see any one of those three beating him one on one, two on one or even three on one if he was at full strenght. Which was why I had Reptile blind him, he couldnt see, so he would not be able to over power the edenian royalty. They would just be happy he is down and dead. They wasn't to know that he would survive their beating. the fact that he is reported dead when Reiko takes the throne too adds to that fact. but if they were to hear that Reiko claims to have killed Kahn. its their word against his, and they had witnesses, while Reiko doesnt.

It seemed the best way to do things to satisfy both myself and SZ7th. He wanted Kitana and Sindel to finish him. And while it was his last 'battle', because i dont hold Kitana and Sindel at the same level as him, i thought it would have been a lowsey way to go for such a well built bad guy. Does that mean i hold Reiko up there? No. He was just kicking him while he is down. Like any underling who wanted to rule would do if the one in charge was on the floor in need of their help.

Anyway, we should be posting the next update within the next few days. I must say that i found this discussion to be quite refreshing. glasses Its been interesting to say the least to see what you all think. Critisism is good grin
01/29/2008 12:37 PM (UTC)
I think the fundamental difference here is we see Kitana's role in the story differently. You seem to see her as another character of some importance. I see her as a heroine on a journey.

You mention Quan Chi and her death at his hands. This is something I pressed upon in my discussions leading up to Armageddon and in my Story Analysis thread. Kitana should rebound from her defeat at Quan Chi's hands...learning from her mistakes, and emerge stronger from it. An initial defeat paving way for a greater victory when the protagonist recovers. For instance, Johnny Cage suddenly trying to prove himself as a leader and true warrior....after he was defeated, killed, and enslaved by Onaga.

If you want to really look into Kitana's defeat, there are other factors to consider beyond simply Quan Chi was more powerful than her. Bear in mind, she didn't finish her training with Bo' Rai Cho. The Earth heroes apparently rushed into the battle with the Deadly Alliance without much of a strategy. And Kitana herself was going through a great deal of stress at the time...something I'm sure Quan Chi was all to happy to exploit.
If they were to ever post Kitana's Armageddon bio, they should have her acknowledge her defeat and the mistakes she made....and have her determined not to make them again. She should emerge from her defeat stronger than before and more determined...in spite of her steadily rising stress mentioned in MK:DA and Unchained.

Once again...like I alluded to earlier...in the past, Kitana was no match for Shao Kahn. In her years serving him, when she first rebelled against him, and so on...she wouldn't be able to beat him. But in the grand finale, when everything at stake, and only after everything she'd been through, gone through, and survived, THEN she would find the strength to face Kahn and prove a match for him. The whole premise of closure. The culmination of her journey. Her destiny, if you will.

Looking at it simply of the face of it, there's no reason Liu Kang should've beaten Kahn in Mortal Kombat III.....yet he did. Obviously didn't kill him, but it certainly pushed him to the brink of death. And again, I'm not even saying Kitana should've defeated Shao Kahn alone. I agree, Sindel and Reptile should've been there to help her. Like I said, I think Mileena shoud've been involved as well. And I'm not saying they should've beaten him easily. I think it should've been a great battle. Story-wise, I think it should've been epic. On the outside, a small group of underdogs facing a tremendous power....with all this subtext and internal conflict going on inside.

As a small footnote, another reason I was so into Kitana facing Shao Kahn was because I felt that all the internal conflict she would be experiencing...her stress, recovering from her defeat/death/enslavement, haunted by her actions as Onaga's slave which would parallel her hatred of Kahn who turned her into a killer in the first place, and also the possibility that she might be terrified of him...made the prospective battle more compelling. And further, her possible victory more worth-while.
Meanwhile, there'd be Reptile, also having to finally stand up to the man who'd long been his master and treated him like a dog. For Mileena, finally having to put aside her hatred for Kitana and standing up to Kahn as well.

But even if you still don't think agree....I still believe Kitana and Sindel's role in Kahn's downfall was unsatisfying and made them look completely weak and useless. Even if you didn't want them to be the primary cause of his downfall, I think they should've at least done more than merely attack Kahn and lose so Reptile could pop up and blind him. And I don't think them getting/taking credit for Kahn's demise when they clearly failed miserably in the attempt is a good thing. It makes them look even more pathetic, IMO.
01/29/2008 02:35 PM (UTC)
Hey what about Tanya? No Tanya? ROFLMFAO.
01/29/2008 03:39 PM (UTC)
I mentionned Tanya when comparing her with Bo' Rai Cho and Chameleon when showing that not everyone can have a starring role tongue

I can see what your saying about Kitana. But in the end, you are right, we do see her in diffrent ways. I see her as a skilled assassin, important to the storyline. But in terms of 'power' and her abilities. She just doesnt compare to the likes of the more 'brutal' characters or those who have 'special abilities'. I mean, I could see her defeating the majority of the kombatants in the MK franchise, but people like Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi (why am i giving credit to him? hes one of my most hated characters), Sub Zero, Noob Saibot, Raiden, Ermac, Scorpion, Shinnok. When you compare her to the likes of them, you have to admit that she would find it difficult, if not impossable to defeat any one of these. I mean, others who are in this list, but on a lesser scale, like Goro, Reptile, Baraka, Rain (before he was known to be a lieteal half-god), Drahmin and Sektor, it is feasable to believe she could outmatch them.

You mention on how she is on a 'journey'. but not all journeys end in a happy ending. She could go into the battle, learnt from her past mistakes, but that doesnt stop Shao Kahn from cleaving her with a hammer like it wouldnt stop Noob Saibot killing Sub Zero despite the fact all he wants is his brother back. It just seems too 'fairy tale' like to have her simply beat Kahn because of all he did to her.

Shao Kahn is up there due to the fact that he could beat just about anyone. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi because, despite how diffrent they are, have the same qualities, both powerful sorcerers, excellent fighters and could beat you using their mind and tricking you. Raiden and Shinnok, obviously, they are gods. Scorp,Sub, Noob and Ermac, because they have 'inhuman' powers and them alone tip the balance in their favor because the four of them are reknown fighters as well. I guess in the end, i dont hold her in the same regard as those who are obviously more powerful, cunning, deceptive or down right brutal then her.

Btw, we didnt have Mileena 'get over' her hate for kitana because there may still be something there for use. wink
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