01/30/2008 06:03 PM (UTC)
I'm very happy to see this sort of feedback and conversation. I look forward to more of it. It seems to me that the two of you place different things as being significant to Kitana. While Paragon focuses on her strength and abilities, XiahouDun84 focuses on her story importance and the impact Shao Kahn has had on it.

I think the solution here would've been to not give Reptile such a significance by having him blind Shao Kahn. Sure, he would still be using acid, and that's fine, I guess. Maybe we could have just had Sindel use her powers to give Kahn one giant headache. tongue But at the end of the day, not everyone can be pleased, not even me. I've already expressed my dislike for Saiba, but I myself can't really take him out. If I could've, I would've. It's that simple.

Anyway, Paragon and I have been working on some more things, so don't worry, there's more to come. Just be patient and stay tuned. I hope to see more great feedback of this kind as I want to keep this thread going and for it to be enriched. The more and better the feedback, the better it helps us improve.
01/30/2008 07:21 PM (UTC)
Indeed. Anyway, its been long enough, so, heres the next SU!


Origin: The Heavens

Alignment: Evil

Status: Ruler of the Netherrealm


Primary Costume: He wears his MKA alternate costume, but the red and blue colors on his outfit are darker.

Alternate Costume: Shinnok wears a dark red mage robe like the one Palpatine/Sidious wears with gold outlines. It contains the design of his amulet on the chest area, and there are symbols like these that go down the back of the robe. There are blue patterns all over the dark red areas of the costume, and he wears his crown from MK4.

Extra Costume: Shinnok wears his MKA primary costume, but like his MKA alternate, the red and blue colors on the costume are of a darker shade.

Fighting Styles: Wu Ji Quan, Amulet Staff

Wu Ji Quan: Wu Ji Quan (Emptiness/Void Boxing) is an internal Chinese martial art whose origins are attributed to General Yue Fei over 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty. Many styles of Chinese martial arts such as Fan Zi Quan, Chuojiao, Xing Yi Quan, and Ying Jow Pai have been attributed to Yue Fei, but it's more likely that this style is of a relatively more modern creation. This style is based on the concept of "From nothingness, everything came.". It consists of health, self-defense, and weapons training, with the movements being related to the meridians like in Chinese medicine. Wu Ji Quan has similarities to styles like Xing Yi Quan, Ba Gua Zhang, and Tai Chi Chuan, using internal methods and very soft, fluid techniques. We chose this style for Shinnok, because I can see him using something very advanced like this. Also, the name of the style and the concept its based off of made us think about how Shinnok is a former Elder God and that he and the other Elder Gods co-existed with the One Being in the timeless void, before the creation of the realms.

Amulet Staff: The Amulet Staff is Shinnok's trademark weapon. It's a polearm that has two prongs and a design of his amulet in between them. He uses the Amulet Staff to stab and bludgeon his opponents. We kept this weapon for him, because we felt it fit his character. DNOMYTE wanted to give his Amulet Staff more of a magical wand feel, but we ultimately decided to stick with the polearm he has. Instead of going with the MKA design, we based his Amulet Staff off of the one he wields in the high-res pic in MK4.

Special Moves

Judgment Fist: Shinnok fires a skeletal fist at the opponent, which comes out quickly, hits high, and pushes the opponent away.

Summoned Fiend: Raising his rear arm, he summons a skeletal hand, which comes up from the ground, grabs the opponent, shakes him/her and then lets go. Summoned Fiend is an unblockable move that can be avoided by methods of evasion such as sidestepping, teleportation, and jumping over.

Tricky Portal: Shinnok opens a portal behind him, which he quickly enters, only for a portal to appear behind the opponent. He comes out of the portal with his back facing the opponent, and he does a reverse double elbow thrust to the opponent. The attack hits mid and knocks the opponent down. While an unsafe move if blocked, Tricky Portal has been sped up a bit to balance it out, making the move more useful.

Mimic Attack: For each round, Shinnok can mimic one of the opponent's special moves. This is ineffective when fighting against himself.

Godly Barrier: Shinnok surrounds himself in a sphere of energy being given off by the amulet on his staff. He is immune to all attacks, but he is unable to do anything for the small time period that he is within the sphere. Anyone within proximity of the sphere will be knocked back and take minor damage.


Leg Breaker: This is his MKA throw in which he grabs the opponent, kicks him/her in the shin, then kicks the opponent into the air for juggle hits.

Guillotine: Shinnok grabs the opponent and knees him/her in the gut. While the opponent tries to cover, Shinnok takes out his Amulet Staff and whacks him/her in the gut like a baseball bat, making him/her fall to his/her knees. He brings the staff around behind him and does an overhead swing on the opponent's neck. This throw takes him to his Amulet Staff style, but if he's already in it, he won't have to take it out.

Mastery Level: 5

Overall Gameplay Style: Shinnok is one of the most advanced characters in the game, utilizing complex methods of combat and very powerful techniques. His Wu Ji Quan style uses a lot of neutralization techniques and is a more close-mid ranged style while Amulet Staff is long-ranged and has fluid and powerful moves. Shinnok's specials are powerful, but they must be used wisely or he'll be quite vulnerable.


Hand Clap: Shinnok disappears and two large skeletal hands appear to both sides of the opponent. They pull back away from the opponent before clapping together, squashing the opponent between each other. The hands then sink back into the floor, taking the squashed opponent with them. Shinnok reappears where the hands went down, floating in mid air. This is a remake of his MK:4 fatality.

Evil Eyes: Shinnok summons a skeletal hand to grab the opponent. While he/she is struggling to get out, Shinnok fires a green energy blast from his eyes to blow up his opponent, much like in Tanya's MK4 ending.

Get Up Animation: A giant skeletal hand picks up him from underneath, and he gets off, going into his fighting stance.

Victory Pose: A giant skeletal hand lifts him up and acts as a seat for him.

Kombat Zone: Shinnok's Throne Room

Description: Located in the Netherrealm within Shinnok's Spire, Shinnok rests and contemplates in his throne room. The spire is high above a sea of lava

Stage Traps: A kombatant can be knocked into either one of the two flaming pots.

Stage Fatality: The losing kombatant is uppercutted and lands in the center of the room. The large circular area in the center of the room opens and the opponent falls many stories down from the spire, crashing through the bottom level into the sea of lava.


After my defeat at the hands of Liu Kang and Raiden, I was once again banished to the Netherrealm. I decided that it would be best for me to to bide my time and break free from here when it is to my advantage. I recalled a time before my banishment that a sorceress from Edenia predicted Armageddon, and that her husband, the Edenian protector, Argus, had made a plan to stop this. He put his two sons, Taven and Daegon, into hibernation and would set them on a quest to defeat a creation of Delia’s. If one of them killed Blaze, all those fighting below would be killed, and the other would cause them to lose their powers forever. It just so happened that many years ago, Daegon, the younger son of Argus, was prematurely awakened by his dragon. I came into contact with him, and he became interested in my idea. I told him that there was more to the quest than what his parents told him. If I were to help him be the victor and become Argus’s replacment, then I can make my return to the upper realms unopposed. Daegon agreed to my terms, and with him on my side, all I need to do is get all my enemies to the Edenian crater. I created a copy of myself and had it ally with Quan Chi and his Dark Alliance. I then had Johnny Cage, one of the Earthrealm mortals, have ‘visions’ of myself speaking with my ‘allies’ in order for him to draw his allies to the crater. With all the pawns in place, I watched as Armageddon commenced.

Daegon was successful in slaying Blaze, but due to Taven's presence and a corruption within Blaze himself, my plans were in vain as some of my enemies survived. In fact some, like Sub-Zero, had grown stronger because of it. But because my copy was destroyed in an attack by Raiden, my enemies believe I am actually gone, which gives me the element of surprise. Before I could contemplate on my ascension, the denizens of the Netherrealm revolted, and I had to concentrate on not losing my place here. It has been two years since this started. The revolts are becoming more frequent, and I am starting to lose my patience. I soon heard of a tournament being held in Edenia in which the winner receives one wish that will be fulfilled. I know that there has to be more to this... but as for what exactly, I do not know. I have sent Azazel to participate in the tournament while sending Pandora to watch him and to report back what else happens in the tournament. I have also sent Noob Saibot to watch for Taven, who I know will be participating. It is in my best interest to find out what is going on here.


Sub-Zero_7th: I'm sure that you were all expecting Shinnok to return since he was mentioned in some of the previous bios. Being his favorite character, DNOMYTE wanted to make sure he'd be in the story. I will say that while I didn't like him back in MK4, Shinnok really improved in MKA. With MK: Resurrection, we wanted to be smart in how we'd pull off his story, especially since he's still confined in the Netherrealm. Gameplay-wise, we definitely had to make him quite advanced, hence his mastery level and fighting styles. We wanted to show that he's very powerful but very hard to master. Coming up with a bio for him was tough as there was so much to say. The rough draft of his bio was actually a three-parter, but we managed to bring it down to two parts. Overall, we hope to explore his potential and make him a worthwhile villain.

Paragon: Shinnok really opened a lot of eyes in MK:A. Not only did he mastermind the whole fight between the two sides, in game itself, he was someone people picked because of how easy it was to win with him, because most of his moves lead to Summoned Fiend. Shinnok was one of the first characters we chose to bring back, mainly because he wasn't even at the crater, so we can't say that he was killed off. Shinnok, in my point of view, would be a very hard person to kill, being a former Elder God, so the inclusion of him in our story was really a no-brainer.
Shiinok=Palpatine? Works for me.

I'm kinda interested on who's behind these revots. Noob? Lucifer? Belokk (Psyche)?

Quite interesting how you gave Shinny back his mimic powers. Thankfully, there was a presence in mnd as you kept it from being his only move and almost acting like a style swap with the enemy.
01/30/2008 10:53 PM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Shiinok=Palpatine? Works for me.

I'm kinda interested on who's behind these revots. Noob? Lucifer? Belokk (Psyche)?

Quite interesting how you gave Shinny back his mimic powers. Thankfully, there was a presence in mnd as you kept it from being his only move and almost acting like a style swap with the enemy.

lol, yeah, he sort of has some parallels with Palpatine/Sidious.

As for the ones behind the riots, they are various denizens of the Netherrealm. We wanted to throw that move in as a homage to his MK4 gameplay style without copying it.
01/31/2008 01:23 PM (UTC)
Well I am sure everyone can agree that Shinnok was one of the characters with best improvement. It's funny how he wasn't that fancied, and how he became so many people's personal fav's.

LOL, I'm speaking as if this is a discussion. Well I am glad you guys brought Shinnok back, I plan on doing something with him in my later stories. Kinda similar to the whole, using minions as his eyes and ears.

His bio was good, it gave a good sense as to wats happening in the Netherrealm.

Quick question though. When someone dies in the netherrealm where do they go? For if someone died in the realms of the living (Edenia, Earthrealm) they are sent to the Netherrealm, or the heavens.
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01/31/2008 08:30 PM (UTC)
I think if lucifer is up to all of this, Lucifer should be a female character. I think she should be beautiful and tempting, maybe even a shapeshifter. Maybe she set up a tournament to find Shinnok, destroy him, reclaim the throne of the Netherrealm. In which she would seal up all the portals in and out of the netherrealm, and make it the torturous hell it used to be before Shinnok took over and devised a way to make the Netherrealm a center for realm domination.
Maybe the Gods let her out, because they are tired of people escaping from hell. They devise a plan to find Shinnok by giving Lucifer the power to create this new tournament.
02/01/2008 12:05 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
I think if lucifer is up to all of this, Lucifer should be a female character. I think she should be beautiful and tempting, maybe even a shapeshifter. Maybe she set up a tournament to find Shinnok, destroy him, reclaim the throne of the Netherrealm. In which she would seal up all the portals in and out of the netherrealm, and make it the torturous hell it used to be before Shinnok took over and devised a way to make the Netherrealm a center for realm domination.
Maybe the Gods let her out, because they are tired of people escaping from hell. They devise a plan to find Shinnok by giving Lucifer the power to create this new tournament.

Well setting up a tournament in edenia would be a rather silly way of trapping Shinnok since he can't leave the netherrealm. You might be able to set it up as a means of drawing away his most powerful minions, but beyond that you can't use it as a means of trapping the former elder god.

As for his current state and what is given to us, I'd have to say we get a good view of what he's doing now and has been doing. The revolts add a nice touch, something for him to do on the home front while his minions deal with the tournament. I wouldn't have thought of keeping tabs on Taven, but it makes sense to make sure he doesn't become a problem yet again.

I only vaguely remember playing MK4 so I never had that much against him (it was so long ago, I don't remember him shapeshifting). Barring a strange choice of hats, I always thought he had a nice design (which I guess is a shame considering he kept using other people's). You've got a nice choice of styles and throws for him. I don't know that much about them, but your descriptions make it seem so (possibly by intention).

Can't wait to see what else is in store.
02/01/2008 01:25 AM (UTC)
I think I have it all. It would make you change this next project, so It would end up being story for the ones after this. I'll keep you posted.wow
02/01/2008 06:50 AM (UTC)
It's nice to see some more responses. I'm going to address them as best as I can.

To -storyteller-: I'm glad you like the bio and the stuff we're doing with Shinnok. You bring up a very good question about those who die in the Netherrealm, in which I assume you mean even more so those who are already dead. I honestly can't give you too solid of an answer, but from what I think, those who are already dead and die in the Netherrealm lose their coporeal forms and are just in spirit..

To colt1107: Nope, Lucifer is not behind the riots. He was destroyed by Shinnok and/or Quan Chi long ago, if I'm not mistaken. I know that Shinnok and his forces did indeed fight against Lucifer and his forces, which led up to Shinnok's victory and rise to power in the Netherrealm. Since Lucifer seems to have been depicted as male, we wouldn't be able to make him female. As RoninDrake pointed out, the idea you suggested wouldn't work since the real Shinnok is still trapped in the Netherrealm.

To RoninDrake: I'm glad you like the way we pulled off Shinnok. Wuji Quan is not a common style, especially since it's one of the styles from Wudang, which are rooted in Taoist philosophy. Please do indeed stay tuned for more as there will be more to show.

To Thunder88: I see that you're new here, so welcome to the forums. Please read the rules and FAQ if you haven't already done so. Going into your post, I don't understand what you're trying to say, so please clarify for me. Since you're posting in here, please stay on topic by talking about the story, namely your thoughts on it. We'd like constructive criticism, so if there's something you don't like, please explain why in a constructive manner. It would be appreciated.
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02/02/2008 12:34 AM (UTC)
I understand. I just think my idea is a cool one. A lot of people seem to want a female character boss. No where does it say that lucifer is a male in mortal kombat anyway, and I am pretty sure it doesnt say he or she is dead. But now I have come to understand Shinnok cannot be released from the netherealm, so maybe lucifer would find a netherealm participant in the tournament and try to find the whereabouts of Shinnok which should be easy, because she is a temptor.

I know that lucifer isnt a part of your story, but If she was to take the netherealm she would keep death forever, she would add a new additional character, and I think she would be pretty cool
02/02/2008 01:50 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
I understand. I just think my idea is a cool one. A lot of people seem to want a female character boss. No where does it say that lucifer is a male in mortal kombat anyway, and I am pretty sure it doesnt say he or she is dead. But now I have come to understand Shinnok cannot be released from the netherealm, so maybe lucifer would find a netherealm participant in the tournament and try to find the whereabouts of Shinnok which should be easy, because she is a temptor.

I know that lucifer isnt a part of your story, but If she was to take the netherealm she would keep death forever, she would add a new additional character, and I think she would be pretty cool

It's just that from a logical point of view, it wouldn't work. Actually, Lucifer is referred to as being male according to the backstory in MKM: SZ's website, which can be found here. I'm referring to the line where Quan Chi makes an offer to Shinnok. A bit further down, it does state that Shinnok slayed Lucifer and it also states that he imprisoned Lucifer's remaining essence.

Lucifer is mentioned in Azazel's bio if you want to look for a mention/reference of him.
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02/02/2008 02:00 AM (UTC)
MK isnt logical, but big ups to you is MK finally goes to a logical storyline
02/02/2008 02:53 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
MK isnt logical, but big ups to you is MK finally goes to a logical storyline

I think you misunderstand. MK is of course fiction, and it has a lot of supernatural elements. But what I meant about the illogic to your idea of Lucifer setting up a tournament to find and destroy Shinnok is that such an idea would contradict established story elements in MK, ones that are pretty major actually. As I showed before, Lucifer is male, Shinnok destroyed him, and Shinnok is still confined to the Netherrealm. So bottom line, the ideas you suggested simply do not work. I appreciate you coming back to respond and to give some ideas. I just wanted to point out why your ideas would not work.
02/02/2008 03:00 PM (UTC)
This seems like some up-class, university debate.

I await whatever comes next.
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02/03/2008 11:21 PM (UTC)
i beat all of Armageddon and mkda mkdfurious
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02/03/2008 11:23 PM (UTC)
i baet all of armageddon and mkda it was hardfurious
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02/06/2008 10:49 PM (UTC)
well i beat every single one it wons't easy a lot will happen it will be goodfurious
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02/06/2008 10:54 PM (UTC)
well what the story will be i think it needs fighting what do u think sub-zero
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02/06/2008 10:58 PM (UTC)
i think the people going to love it more moves more places don't u think sub zerofurious
02/07/2008 12:31 AM (UTC)
To perez78: Spam is not appreciated here. If you're going to post in the thread, make it intelligible, constructive, and relevant to the topic. You made four consecutive posts so far. Being new here, it's important for you to read the rules, which can be found here. So please, either post something constructive and relevant or don't bother posting at all.
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02/07/2008 09:45 PM (UTC)
well what are the fatatilys sub-zero 7th are they easy because this is awsomefurious
02/07/2008 10:28 PM (UTC)
LOL. Excuse me for interrupting, but are you fucking kidding me Perez. Did you not just read SZ7's message.

That means, only post feedback to his story, that makes sense.

Did you get that ^, or do you want me to type slower.
02/08/2008 08:25 AM (UTC)
I like most of the stuff that was thought up for Noob Saibot. Except for two things!

1. The primary costume.
I'm just not diggin the idea of a Wraith Look.

2. The second part of the bio
I'm tired of Noob Saibot re-siding with fallen leaders. Its his time to reign as a assassin guild leader of the netherealm. Only loyal to himself. Maybe there could be a truce with Shao Kahn, Shinnok and Quan Chi.

But overall, good job!
02/08/2008 02:15 PM (UTC)
Well, myself and SZ7th had to compramise, as i put in my input, i wanted to stick to what he is shown and knwon to be, a cold hearted dark assassin. SZ7th on the other hand wanted to show the more demonic side to him, in the end, we compramised.

As for Noobs story, well, he doesnt seem the type to openly betray his former masters and those he knows to be powerfuller then him unless he has a plan, hes a smart one. He knows he cannot beat Shinnok one on one, so he has to bide his time.

TBH, MK: A fucked up badly having him go back to Shinnok. If it wasnt for that, we probably would have went a completely diffrent route from the one we have now, but alas, we have to make do with what we know to be canon. For instance, Shinnok wasnt at the cartor, so it would be, frankly, stupid to have him die, since he wasnt even there. Turning Raiden good again would only make what he became in MK: D and MK: A seem worthless, that it ment nothing. Turning Noob back into Sub Zero makes no sense what so ever, considering that his endeing stated everything good about him had died, he is the evil what is left. Having Liu Kang brought fully to lie meakes his death in MK: DA seem worthless.

Some good things came from it, if it wasnt for Ashrahs MK: A story, i would hate her as much as i do Quan Chi (oh how i despise him), Rain would be worthless, Sektors tekunin would be presumed a small insignificant force not worthy of anyones time, Shujinko wouldnt have developed a brain ect ect.

You see my point here? There are a lot of things which, thanks to MK: A, can or cannot happen. We just have to make do with what the story gave us and go from there...

Anyway, thanks for you post. Please, do look back at other bios and give your oppinion.
02/08/2008 03:26 PM (UTC)
listen i agree completly with the first guy but i think is , the game mksm was , descent. Because well not that much classic head to head fighting. we should make it like, the tournement is held by that demon loard the first guy mentioned but it should be like the places you fight should be arenas scatered through the realms in awsome places that we all love and know. But insted of making you play as 1 or 2 characters cause when you play as scorpion or sub zero in shaolin munks your thinkin "WTF!" so you should have only our favorite classic characters and some ******* awsome new characters "see RE; post your fantasy characters here" and you should 1 or 2 characters that are real but never seen before . like tremor . and have the gameplay like shaolin monks butt when you reach the arenas you go classic head to head that you can replay in the main menu.you should pick your character storymode. and human smoke should be AFICIALY (did i spell that right?)be back in like you play through robot smokes story line and he turns back to normal.somehow i dont know how. you sould not have as much characters as mka because most are dead and in this mortal kombat tournement it should have a safe gaurd that no allies die. now foes yeah that different they die . im thinkin there should be like what 12 and some secret charactors but the normal characters should be like "noob,scorpion,subzero , robo smoke , reptile,jax , johney cagegood raiden , kitana , jade , millina , shujinko" the secret characters should be "human smoke , phantom possibly , my creation see post fantasy kharacters here forum , ermac , cyrax , and sektor , and one or two new charactersgringringringringrin
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