07/01/2005 08:51 PM (UTC)
any one like my knight idea confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
coltess Wrote:
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alignment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost too late coltess; was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destroy evil i will restore your health and youth and give you powers
beyond your wildest dreams and i'll teach you eastern fighting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raiden's eyes into coltess's, then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thank you now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and his helmat is straped to his back

fighting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shieldand lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

any one like him????

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
07/01/2005 08:51 PM (UTC)
any one like my knight idea confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
coltess Wrote:
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alignment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost too late coltess; was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destroy evil i will restore your health and youth and give you powers
beyond your wildest dreams and i'll teach you eastern fighting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raiden's eyes into coltess's, then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thank you now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go , ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and his helmat is straped to his back

fighting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shieldand lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

any one like him????

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
07/01/2005 09:12 PM (UTC)
Character Bio: Nail (yeah, I know; naff name!)
Well, I won't do this like a proper bio, I'll just explain as I' go along.
Character Info:
Nail was once the Chief Torturer and Interrogations Officer under the rule of Shao Kahn. He was handed the task of preparing torture for many of the Earthrealm heroes...and Nail always wore heavy armour during his Executions and used many sorcerous powers, as well as instruments, to inflict pain and to extract information. He was a seemingly loyal devotee of Shao Kahn, though this was proven to be not the case...
When the murder of Shao Kahn came to happen at the hands of the Deadly Alliance, He briefly served different masters... They were in turn downcast by an old ruler attempting to return... The Dragon King, Onaga would have had little use for Nail, but this did not matter. Nail hid away and was not heard or seen of again until the defeat of the Dragon King...
He witnessed in turn the events bringing about the defeat of the Deadly Alliance and the rise and fall of the Dragon King...
Nail was not, however a mindless pawn in these events....
His scheming ambition was a match for his evil, vile cruelty. He had exceptional powers, but hid them, becoming a servant under a succession of Masters... And, as the destruction of the Dragon King took place, He knew that it was his time to become a master of Outworld.
His skills were not just those of any simple Torturer or Interrogator, He seemed enabled with a power which allowed him to control the will of others...
He would come to use these powers to gather himself followers, to begin his Konquest...
His overconfidence had not, however allowed him to see that His biggest threat was still alive, and was planning to reclaim their former glory.
THE END (of the info, that is, not of the story...)

Appearance: 1st costume: Nail is a dull, rusty iron armoured figure with metal spikes protruding from his shoulder armour. He has a helmet with thin black eye slits, allowing little glimpse of his face. His helmet is crowned with a circle of Iron horns.
2nd costume: Nail is wearing light armour, but has a long, black cloak and hood about him. He wears a metal faceplate, hiding his features.
A thin purple mist surrounds his feet

Fighting Styles:
(not sure, yet!)
Either a Heavy Full Metal Scythe, or a Huge War Mace to rival Shao Kahn! ...Or, maybe some Wolverine type-claws!

Nail's Fatalities:

Iron Maiden:
When the screen goes dark, an Iron Maiden (You know, one of those metal Sarcophaguses with spikes in, that they used in Medieval Torture) appears behind the opponent with it's door open. Nail grabs and punches them, sending the fighter flying into the Iron Maiden and becoming impaled on the spikes. They struggle horribly on the inner spikes, gushing blood.
Things start to get worse as Nail approaches the still open door.
Nail grasps the door and stares at the Victim as they writhe in seething pain!
...The impaled fighter knows what Nail is planning; "No, No, Don't!" they scream, but to no avail, Nail simply laughs at the opponent and growls at them slowly; "You're Nailed!". On these words, Nail slams the door shut VERY hard. The already impaled victim screams, as a second set of spikes from the door slam into their body!
Blood squirts from the side of the door and runs out of the bottom. In the Iron Maiden there are eye slits and we can see the victims eyes wide open in shock and pain!
Nail steps to the side, pulling the door open. As he takes a victory stance, the Victims gored body slides off the spikes...

The Rack:(I' don't think I' spelled this correctly )-Wrack?
The screen goes black. When everything reappears, the enemy is tied to a Rack by their arms and legs! Even worse, the rack has them over a set of spiked rollers!
.... And worse than that, Nail begins to tighten the Rack wheel, pulling the opponent over the spikes and stretching their limbs!
The victim wails as blood runs from their back....every sinew and muscle popping and ripping...
This frankly, disturbing display goes on for longer.... Until aloud snapping sound signals the dislocation of the opponents limbs.
The poor person's voice rips a scream of torment, but the sickness is not over yet!
The Rack's pressure becomes too great; their arms are ripped clean off!
Screaming and squirting blood, the victim is soon to be dead....
Nail raises his arm and a fire wells up beneath the Rack, torching them to a screaming, rapid incineration!

...The preceding were two incredibly violent texts, which should not have been read by anyone with a nervous disposition or no. Thank you, have a Vomiterfic day!
...I'm a good person really, just got a sick mind!
Sorry, about the double posting.

This Character idea of mine, comes from the Fatality thread. Now, I think back on it; it’s a pretty awful Character idea with low story potential.

I also had an idea for a Character that would use a weapon like that Saw-Yoyo from “Octopussy”, but I didn’t create a story idea for that one.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

BTW, some good ideas in this thread!
About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/03/2005 10:14 PM (UTC)
Well, Nail sounds like a character I would excpect to see in MK, meaning that his overall concept fits in perfectley with the game. What you need to work on is developing him a bit more interms of visualization. His outfits give me a decent idea of what he looks like, but I'm still drawing blanks on his overall appearance. I rule of thumb for me was to always put myself in a postion where those who read the description wouldn't have any questions after. Some physical trait would be nice, like height, wieght, the generic stuff. Other then that, some actual moves and fighting styles would be nice.
07/05/2005 12:54 AM (UTC)
I've got one!


Origin~Planet Boston Market.

Alignment: Neutral

Family~Brother:Meat, Sister:Bacon, Father:Pork, Mother:Chicken

Beef is the brother of the infamously known Meat. Unlike his brother Meat, Beef had no interest in participating in any of the Mortal Kombat tournaments although he was an excellent fighter in the fighting styles of Brekfast, Lunch and dinner until his brother and family were killed by the ninja specter Scorpion, Beef planned on entering the tournament planning to kill Scorpion with the help of Sub-Zero and Quan Chi. We will learn more on Beef in later MK games.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/05/2005 03:40 AM (UTC)
Name: Zetsui
Former Name: Koji Funoshiwa
Unit No. Tk- Nc01
Project Name: Classified
Height: 6'6
Weight: 237 lbs
Eye color: Violet
Hair Color: Violet
Ability: Matter condensation
Alliance: Tekunin
Primary Colors: White, black
Fighting Styles: Shotokan Karate, Self taught, 8 Treasures
Quote: Futile, I will end your suffering.
Winning Quote: Your flesh is a design flaw, stay down before you truely get hurt
Losing Quote: Total system shutdown in 3, 2, 1...................

Zetsui wears a frontal visor over the top portion of his face. The visor slides down from the top of his head, and down into place over his eyes. It cover his entire forehead, and goes just past his eyes, triangulating a bit at the very bottom to match up with the face plate. He has his unit no. written in the center of his visor. The bottom of his jaw is metal, which risies a bit over his chin. From here, his face mask is constructed. The metal goes up along the sides of his head, connecting to the visor hinges. The metal is a polished black color. the face plate folds into place from the sides. (Kind of like in the RAZR commercial). It stops just short of the center leaving the mouth open. Then the center of the face plate would shoot up from where the chin is located, finishing the gaurd, as it would connect to the visor. The visor has two small lights on the top that act as a 360 degree radar.
Zetsui has a fully plated torso, colored white with black in between the plates. The plating itself represents what the normal anotomical portions of the body look like, being the chest, and abdomen. He also has white armor outlining the ribs as well. He has a black under layer to make the plates pop out more. The black under layer also covers his entire backside from his neck, down to his knees. The black underlayer in the back always glows with neon pathways, that extend from his spine. The spine is signified by a series of 60 small razor sharp plates, protuding a quarter of an inch out of his back, all angled perfectly to look like a normal spine.
Zetsui doesn't have a cod piece since his body is one single unit, so his armoring from the chest extends to his crotch as well.
His upper arms are just like his torso, covered with white armor on the front, and black in the back. His forearms are a bit different. They are completely armored all the way around. HIs wrists however are replaced with ball joints, allowing for full 360 rotation. His shoulders are also fully covered in armor. His hands have two orbs imbeded in the center that concentrate energy and convert it on an automic level into a solid form.
Zetsui's legs are covered in armor on the sides, but the inner thighs are the black underlayered armor. His legs are covered in layered armor, resembling some that of a samurai. Past his knees, his entire shins and feet are armored as well, front to back, but just like his wrists, his ankles have been replaced with ball joints.
Zetsui has several ion jets implanted on his back. There are two implanted in his soulders, to provided the forward thrust. They are shaped like to fins with the jets at the tips, and he has two more on his calves which are are actually hidden inside his legs until they open up. These provide the upward thrust. The bottoms of his feet have retro rockets to slow his descent when he needs to land.

Shotokan Karate:
The meaning of karate-do is to incorperate it into the daily lifestyle strengthening the body and mind. Zetsui, being a former instructor has taken this principle to heart and has implemented it into his training even after being automated. Karate emphasises low and solid stances, coupled with solid strikes and kicks.

Self Taught:
After being automated, Zetsui refused to abandone his style of Shotokan, but instead developed his own style. Because of his frictionless ball joints in his wrists, shoulders, hips, and ankles, Zetsui has perfected a new style of fighting, similar to Capoeira. A very free flowing figthing style, he reforce to as Zero-Gravity, one reason being is that he can strike and anotomically impossible angles thanks to his joints. He can go into moves that for a normal human would be exhausting to pull, but considering that he is a cyborg, he is able to stay in those types of movements for hours at a time, even to the point where he increases the speed of his attacks, wearing out his opponent.

8 Treassures:
A conventional weapon would not satisfy Zetsui's taste, even the state of the art weapons that Tekunin offered it's soldiers seemed futile and too limited for Zetsui's use. By using his ability to condense matter, Zetsui creates 8 solid balls, perfectley synced to act as one unit. The balls are used as projectiles, shields, traps and conventional weapons. The 8 Treassures float around Zetsui in a gyroscopic motion, when this style is usually equipped, Zetsui hovers several inches above the ground with his arms crossed.

Special Strikes:
Zetsui alignes all of his 8 Treasures into one long sword and extends it striking the opponent in the chest, shooting them backwards.

Orbital Smash:
Zetsui surrounds his opponent with the 8 Treasures and lifts them into the air, then slams them into the ground with full force.

Nebula Shield:
An offensive and defensive move, Zetsui first surrounds himself with the 8 balls, as a defense with them spinning at a high rate, any projectile will be defelected, and any attack will be countered. After the balls spin for about 2 seconds, they launch at the opponent like a shotgun blast

Matter Condensor:
Zetsui is able to condense the air around the opponent's body, trapping them in a metal shell, imobilizing them for a short period of time. It's only warning is a brief spark across the opponent's body as the matter starts to condense, if it's not blocked the opponent is instantly traped inside of a steal statuet.

Treasure Wheel:
Zetsui flings his hand upward while facing the opponent, causing the 8 steal orbs to come at them like a buzzsaw across the ground before returning to their surrounding base around Zetsui.

Steal Storm:
Zetsui lifts the opponent into the air like in his Orbital Smash, then lets them drop to the ground, as the opponent falls, they are pounded by the 8 steal balls from all corners, rattling their frame high in the air, smashing their frame in mid air, before finally lining them all up underneath the opponent in a straight line and shooting them through the mid section of the opponent, splitting them in half.

Megaton Crush:
If anybody has played Golden Axe 2, this will look familiar.
Zetsui raises his hand into the air, and creates a multitude of steal orbs in the air above the opponent, all about the size of a basket ball, but each weighing about half a ton. Zetsui then drops his hand back is if pulling something away from the suspended balls, and they drop on top of the opponent smashing their body under their weight.

Orb Smash:
The 8 Treasures surround Zetsui and rest on his frame, then with one swift motion they all converge towards the center, crushing his frame in an instant.
07/05/2005 06:33 PM (UTC)
Nail's Special Mooves
: Note: Nail is actually an unlockable boss Character, hence the powerful special moves.

Shot Putt: B,B+4
Nail hurls a morning star style spiked shot putt at the opponent;
The trajectory of which, can be altered, ala; Mk2 Kung Lao.
The spiked ball hits the adjacent fighter in the face causing a large blood splat. The projectile has a similar effect to an eye jab; when it connects, the opponent is stunned for a short period of time. Of course, delay rates prevent immediate reimmobilization. Medium damage.

Impalement Iron: F,D,B,B+2
Nail hurls a short, iron spear(no rope; this isn't Scorpion), which impales the opponent through the chest. This move can only be used once, and the catch, is that once it hits the enemy(providing they didn't block), it acts like the impalement feature from Deadly Alliance; slowly lowering their health. To counteract the annoyance of this move, it has been designed with a similar drawing out speed as Scorpion's spear, but if you're not careful, you will get stabbed. Pressing block(Nail; not opponent) during this move, initiates a taunt from Nail; "You're Nailed!" ...Medium initial damage; very low impalement damage.

Mind Control: B, F+3
Nail sends out dark, purple energy, that stuns the opponent into a 5 second zombified state, in which they shuffle towards Nail, allowing him a free hit.
No damage.

Klaws: F, F+3
Nail uses his "Wolverine esque" klaws and jumps forwards a short distance, and slashes at a fast speed, about 8 times, knocking the victim down. High damage.

Sliding Iron: B, B+Block+1
The old Ninja slide kick(Sub-Zero, Reptile...)
Medium damage.

Martial Arts Styles:
Outworld Grappling

Retractable Wolverine rip-off klaws.
Yeah, I know it's a stolen idea, but they could look quite different than Wolverines... And personally, I'd like to see this weapon in Mk(especially on my Character)


Place of Origin: Unknown, but he has spent the last one hundred years in Outworld, as an Advisor and a Torture & Interrogations officer to Kahn.

Alignment: Evil.

Allies: Anyone weak willed enough to be bent to his will...
Volunteers, however, include; Baraka(Always ready to serve a new master; especially now, that he has witnessed the vulnerabilities of the Dragon King), Reptile(Not the original Reptile, actually a magically induced clone), Havik(Although, Nail dosen't realise that Havik may actually be controlling him, and that Havik has a natural will controlling influence that is possibly greater than Nails. Havik, also possess the heart of Onaga, which he will use to create further Havok.)... And a new Character; ?(Haven't thought of this, yet!)

Foes: Anyone strong willed enough to get in his way; The Earthrealm Heroes, Multiple Villains and... Shao Kahn!*hint, hint*

I've already explained the story, but sometime I will have to condense in into a Bio and sort out the errors(if any?)

About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/05/2005 11:23 PM (UTC)

This is Grave's alt. Since I have some of his bio and his first outfit on the same thread, it makes sense posting it here as well.
07/06/2005 08:09 PM (UTC)
does any one like coltess be onest confused.gif>confusedconfusedconfusedconfused
coltess Wrote:
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alignment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost too late coltess; was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destroy evil i will restore your health and youth and give you powers
beyond your wildest dreams and i'll teach you eastern fighting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raiden's eyes into coltess's, then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thank you now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go , ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and his helmat is straped to his back

fighting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shieldand lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

any one like him????

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
07/06/2005 08:09 PM (UTC)
does any one like coltess be onest confused.gif>confusedconfusedconfusedconfused
coltess Wrote:
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alignment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost too late coltess; was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destroy evil i will restore your health and youth and give you powers
beyond your wildest dreams and i'll teach you eastern fighting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raiden's eyes into coltess's, then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thank you now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go , ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and his helmat is straped to his back

fighting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shieldand lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

any one like him????

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
07/06/2005 10:42 PM (UTC)
i got another 1 name: lizarn status:son of reptile and nitara alignment:good story: while being nitaras sevent reptile never spoke much until him and nitara fell in love with each other .one year later nitara had twins a boy and a girl they looked like thier father exept they had nitaras fangs.the boy name is lizarn and the girls name is gizlin.But one day 5 of shao khauns soldiers kidnapped gizlin reptile killed 2 and nitara killed 2 the last soldier got away with gizlin in his arms. no one is sure why they kidnapped gizlin. for 16 years reptile has lizarn to fight now he must find his sister.

costume: he looks like a young mk2 reptile with fangs and he wears a darker green.

alternate costume: hes in lizard form like reptile in mkda.

spiecial moves: acid spit: he spits acid ,like his father.
camo:he turns invisible ,like his father.
blood suck: he sucks his oponents blood untill they break free ,like his mother blood spit: he spits his oponents own blood in his or her eyes and blinds them , like his mother

fatality 1 his tounge raps around the oponents head then he breaks of the head and eats it , like his father

fatality 2 he suck all of the oponents blood out ,like his mother

07/06/2005 10:42 PM (UTC)
i got another 1 name: lizarn status:son of reptile and nitara alignment:good story: while being nitaras sevent reptile never spoke much until him and nitara fell in love with each other .one year later nitara had twins a boy and a girl they looked like thier father exept they had nitaras fangs.the boy name is lizarn and the girls name is gizlin.But one day 5 of shao khauns soldiers kidnapped gizlin reptile killed 2 and nitara killed 2 the last soldier got away with gizlin in his arms. no one is sure why they kidnapped gizlin. for 16 years reptile taught lizarn to fight now he must find his sister.

costume: he looks like a young mk2 reptile with fangs and he wears a darker green.

alternate costume: hes in lizard form like reptile in mkda.

spiecial moves: acid spit: he spits acid ,like his father.
camo:he turns invisible ,like his father.
blood suck: he sucks his oponents blood untill they break free ,like his mother blood spit: he spits his oponents own blood in his or her eyes and blinds them , like his mother

fatality 1 his tounge raps around the oponents head then he breaks of the head and eats it , like his father
fighting styles: crab, goju ryu, wepon: his fathers sword

fatality 2 he sucks all of the oponents blood out ,like his mother

About Me

07/07/2005 12:12 AM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:

This is Grave's alt. Since I have some of his bio and his first outfit on the same thread, it makes sense posting it here as well.

Graves alt looks really really cool. Nice drawing but umm, i gotta ask, did you draw that on the computer or in a paper?
About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/07/2005 02:34 AM (UTC)
Hand drawn...why?
07/07/2005 08:06 AM (UTC)
what does graves do??confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
07/07/2005 08:06 AM (UTC)
what does graves do??confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
07/07/2005 08:07 AM (UTC)
what does graves do??confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
07/07/2005 06:46 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alignment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost too late coltess; was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destroy evil i will restore your health and youth and give you powers
beyond your wildest dreams and i'll teach you eastern fighting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raiden's eyes into coltess's, then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thank you now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go , ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and his helmat is straped to his back

fighting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shield and lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

DOES ANY ONE LIKE HIM BE ONEST PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/07/2005 07:58 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
what does graves do??confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused

HIs bio is on the first page if you want to check it out.
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src=http://tinypic.com/f3hllk.jpg" Oblivion Awaits You...

07/07/2005 08:54 PM (UTC)
i like the grave idea like hes brought back by necrolization
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07/10/2005 12:11 PM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
Hand drawn...why?

Just wondering cuz it would be impossible to draw that on the computer. His head looks a bit Shang Tsung-ish.
07/10/2005 09:48 PM (UTC)
YoungCam Wrote:

Did you just make that word up?

Anyways, Grave looks nice, but I expected him to look way different...

He looks like a racecar driver...
About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/11/2005 03:27 AM (UTC)
He got that from watching GunGrave.
07/11/2005 05:19 AM (UTC)
any one like him coltess Wrote:
i got another 1 name: lizarn status:son of reptile and nitara alignment:good story: while being nitaras sevent reptile never spoke much until him and nitara fell in love with each other .one year later nitara had twins a boy and a girl they looked like thier father exept they had nitaras fangs.the boy name is lizarn and the girls name is gizlin.But one day 5 of shao khauns soldiers kidnapped gizlin reptile killed 2 and nitara killed 2 the last soldier got away with gizlin in his arms. no one is sure why they kidnapped gizlin. for 16 years reptile taught lizarn to fight now he must find his sister.

costume: he looks like a young mk2 reptile with fangs and he wears a darker green.

alternate costume: hes in lizard form like reptile in mkda.

spiecial moves: acid spit: he spits acid ,like his father.
camo:he turns invisible ,like his father.
blood suck: he sucks his oponents blood untill they break free ,like his mother blood spit: he spits his oponents own blood in his or her eyes and blinds them , like his mother

fatality 1 his tounge raps around the oponents head then he breaks of the head and eats it , like his father

fighting styles: crab, goju ryu, wepon: his fathers sword

fatality 2 he sucks all of the oponents blood out ,like his mother

07/11/2005 05:19 AM (UTC)
any one like him coltess Wrote:
i got another 1 name: lizarn status:son of reptile and nitara alignment:good story: while being nitaras sevent reptile never spoke much until him and nitara fell in love with each other .one year later nitara had twins a boy and a girl they looked like thier father exept they had nitaras fangs.the boy name is lizarn and the girls name is gizlin.But one day 5 of shao khauns soldiers kidnapped gizlin reptile killed 2 and nitara killed 2 the last soldier got away with gizlin in his arms. no one is sure why they kidnapped gizlin. for 16 years reptile taught lizarn to fight now he must find his sister.

costume: he looks like a young mk2 reptile with fangs and he wears a darker green.

alternate costume: hes in lizard form like reptile in mkda.

spiecial moves: acid spit: he spits acid ,like his father.
camo:he turns invisible ,like his father.
blood suck: he sucks his oponents blood untill they break free ,like his mother blood spit: he spits his oponents own blood in his or her eyes and blinds them , like his mother

fatality 1 his tounge raps around the oponents head then he breaks of the head and eats it , like his father

fighting styles: crab, goju ryu, wepon: his fathers sword

fatality 2 he sucks all of the oponents blood out ,like his mother

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