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06/08/2005 08:58 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Binky Uppercut would have the same effect as Smoke's uppercut and Sektor's too,setting his opponent up for a juggle opportunity.

I was thinking of changing Binky's name ot Blonk or Blink or mabey just Bink.What do you think??smile

lol triple post. but nice, hmm Bink sounds cool
06/08/2005 09:14 PM (UTC)
I hate that,my fault man LOL.smile
About Me

Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

06/08/2005 10:15 PM (UTC)
Name: Chloe (prononced K-LO)

Sex: Female

Allignment: Evil (got killed broght back by Mavado) Good(defeated by younger sister Kitana, kind of like what happended with Sindel in Mortal Kombat 3)

Height: 6'1

Race: Cacusion

Realm: Edenia

Status: Evil: Red Dragon, Good: Princess and protecter of Edenia


Allies: Mavado, Sindel, Raiden, Kitana, Sub-Zero, Jax Briggs, Sonya Blade, Jade

Foes: Onaga, Shao Kahn, Hsu Hao, Li Mei,Tanya

Eyes: Jade Green

Hair: Evil: Short black w/ red streaks, Good: Short black w/ dark blue streaks

Chloe was killed in battle with Raiden when she was young she got killed and was morned for a long time. Intill Sindel had Kitana she hated Raiden for killing her daughter. After Kitana joined the White Lotas Sindel forgave Raiden. Many years later Red Dragon leader Mavado brought Chloe bakc to life to fight with him. After Kitana defeted her older sister Chloe, Chloe came back to life as good and as well as Mavado. Sindel decided to give her position as Queen to Chloe and Chloe decided to make Mavado her King(which he accepted). Before Chloe could marry mavado they had many more battles with evil. And also Chloe found out Raiden is her father.

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src=http://tinypic.com/f3hllk.jpg" Oblivion Awaits You...

06/08/2005 10:43 PM (UTC)
Alright heres my character I hope that you think its tight.

Name:Rikumaru(to many unknown)
Race:Sacred Warriors
Weapon:Samurai Sword passed down from ancestors
(contains legendary powers)

Story:Rikumaru's story is very complicated he has powers passed down from his ancestors which were believed to be the gods.When he was nine
his family was slaughtered by Shao Kahn's forces only he Rikumaru was the only to survive. A friend of Rikumaru's father Kojima took him in. He had no other choice but to live him. Rikumaru never attended shcool instead he was trained by his fathers friend. He was trained in the style of ninja and learned very well. When he turned 15 he became a assassin and did is job well. The acient sword that was passed down to him he hardly used until he discovered it's powers. One day he thought about what had happened to his family and he said to himself "I will have my revenge".Inspired by his master Kojima he set off on a journy that would turn his stubborn mind into wiseness. When he finally found Shao Kahn he massacered his forces. Shao Kahn was easily beaten by Rikumaru but all the killing he had done was useless so he spared Shao Kahn for him only to be killed by the Deadly Alliance. He returned home and entered the dojo only to find Kojima dead. Rikumaru stood in shock then rushed to the body. Kojima was beaten to death then neck snapped. He knew that Kojima hadn't been killed so easy and put up a fight. Know with his master dead he journed into to Outworld in hopes of finding the murder. Rikumaru finds his self entering Mortal Kombat 7.

Moves: Shuriken blast: similar to Noob-Smoke's dark assassin
Dark energy:Rikumaru channels energy through his body to regain heath
Transformation: Rikumaru transforms into wolf beast standing on it's back legs(it has its on set of combos and moves transformation only lasts 10 seconds)
Teleport: you can teleport anywhere in the arena
Dark Beam: shoots a lethal blast contained with dark energy
Dark Dragon: Rikumaru's sword strikes the ground and a mass of dark(looks like a dragon) engulfs the player nearly obliterates them
Throw: Face Smash: Rikumaru grabs the opponent and beats their face in and then kick them into the air(great combo possibilities)

Description of Rikumaru: He is black and he wears baggy pants that are tucked into his boots. He wears a jacket or trench coat like kabal but doesn't come all the way down. His jacket is wide open revealing a large tatoo of a dragon on his chest and his muscular body. His hair is always cut like(Blade's hair cut).On his back is his ancient sword he slays enemies with. Rikumaru also has a necklace its platinum that he got for his birth-day before his parents died to remind him of them

Fatality 1: Rikumaru walks up to you then laughs. He grabs your throat and then breaks it in a swift motion as you stand there lifeless. He proceeds to take his sword out and cuts you up so fast that you still stand there. Then he kicks you in the chest and you fall into a million pieces. Rikumaru then does his finishing pose and teleports away from the arena.

Fatality 2:Remember the transformation that Rikumaru could do in the fights? Well this is his second fatality but sort of a animality but only for him.
Rikumaru transforms into the wolf beast and roars then he bites the opponents head off eats it and then picks up the headless body and rips it in half(tight!!!!)and throws it somewhere off screen. After the fatality he roars as loud as he cans.

Hara Kiri: Rikumaru has no hara kiri he dies an honorable death knowing he did his best(if he even is beatable)

Conclusion: Thats my character I hoped that he is liked and known very well.
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art by fear-sAs
06/09/2005 02:01 AM (UTC)
Rikimaru sounds like a character with a lot of potential. Just a couple of things, His Dark Dragon shouldn't be as powerful as you say because it makes it a buffer, also, a ninja would never use a samurai sword, he can use a standard ninja sword instead. Because he's an earthling, I don't think that he'd easily take out somebody like Kahn. I'm not saying he couldn't beat him, but to annihlate him is a bit far fetched for his age. The only other thing is that you shouldn't use such recognizable names like "Kojima" and "Rikimaru". Other then that it's a character with alot of potential.
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src=http://tinypic.com/f3hllk.jpg" Oblivion Awaits You...

06/09/2005 07:44 AM (UTC)
Thanks for the advice I appreciate it that someone looked over my creation I will go back and make some changes. When Im finished he will be perfect.
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src=http://tinypic.com/f3hllk.jpg" Oblivion Awaits You...

06/09/2005 08:04 AM (UTC)
What did u think of tgrant's fighter? I dont mean to be rude but doesn't that seem like too many moves. If you actually put her in a game she would be impossible to beat. The character is cold but I think even a goddess of light has a limit.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/09/2005 05:11 PM (UTC)
YoungCam Wrote:
What did u think of tgrant's fighter? I dont mean to be rude but doesn't that seem like too many moves. If you actually put her in a game she would be impossible to beat. The character is cold but I think even a goddess of light has a limit.

I am aware of such flaws, but the fact is she's just a fan made character and nothing more. For this reason I wouldn't limit her to just a few moves. Besides, if she did get into a game, she obviously wouldn't have all these moves. Anyway, I may end up editing Ryokos full concept. Though i'm working on another at this time. Thanks for the comments.
06/09/2005 06:14 PM (UTC)
Isn't it time to see a dark or black female in MK7?

See the pic in my sig, an Egyptian brunette or black female character. Her name is Nefertiti, the 'Goddess of Beauty' in Egyptian history during the Pharaon epoch and the creation of the mysterious Egyptian Pyramids. Nefertiti means“The Beautiful Has Come".

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06/09/2005 07:24 PM (UTC)
MK2US Wrote:
Isn't it time to see a dark or black female in MK7?

Hmm i agree there hasnt been any so far. that egyptian one sounds cool!
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/09/2005 07:30 PM (UTC)
MK2US Wrote:
Isn't it time to see a dark or black female in MK7?

Jade or Tanya anyone?

I'd like both of them in MK7. I like the Egyptian idea. Some Egyptian influence wouldn't hurt given its mythology which I love. An Egyptian like character would be very welcome in my eyes.
06/09/2005 09:07 PM (UTC)
Jade looks latino,tanya looks black.My character Rust i would want him to be latino,slightly darker than all the other ninjas but not black like Darrius or Jax.

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06/09/2005 09:24 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
MK2US Wrote:
Isn't it time to see a dark or black female in MK7?

Jade or Tanya anyone?

I'd like both of them in MK7. I like the Egyptian idea. Some Egyptian influence wouldn't hurt given its mythology which I love. An Egyptian like character would be very welcome in my eyes.

Tanya and Jade arent really black they just look black if u look closely they aint black like jax or darrius.

Btw. Raiden was totally cool in MKD but in MKSM trailer he face is like a doll!! lol ugly!
06/10/2005 01:43 AM (UTC)
True, Tanya and Jade looked tanned more than black.
Hell yeah! My character's name is Crow. She is a ninja spectre, like Scorpion is! She is in love with Scorpion... I know... I am a freak...
She wears all black, and usually wears a hood to cover up a scar she recieved when she died. She can call upon her pet crow. To do this, she closes her eyes, which soon after snap open. Her eyes now are the eyes of a crow, and she makes a caw/cry to the bird. When the bird arrives, she again closes her eyes, which then come back to normal.

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140lbs
Age: 26
Hair color: black
Eye color: silver
End move/stance: slits right wrist, bird comes to drink the blood
Fatality: calls bird, bird pecks out victims eyes and throat

Her original name is Moriwara Maiya
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06/10/2005 07:13 PM (UTC)
hmm Crow is more of a guys name and lol in love with scorpion. He would prolly never luv her back. nice tho.
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art by fear-sAs
06/10/2005 11:18 PM (UTC)
This isn't as much a new character as much as it trying to flush out an older one. It's a quick rehash so it's not really detailed.

Name: Lin Ku
Age: 43
Hair: Black, shoulder length with the back tied in a samurai tail
Eyes: White
Skin tone: Pale
Alliance: Formerly the Lin Kuie
Hieght: 6'1
Uniform Color: Black and white
Power Specialty: Morphs into animals
Fighting Styles: Jaguar, Dragon, Grizzley

Back story:
Lin Ku was a loyal servant of the Lin Kuie back when the old order still ruled. He was their top assassin, suprassing the ranks of Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke and Sub-Zero. His power to change his form in an instant made him an irreplaceable member of the clan. His loyalty was unmatched, when the Lin Kuie started to automate their fighters into killing machines he was behind them all the way. But because of his power, the elders saw no need to fully automate him, instead they only inhanced his hands with state of the art nano tachnology, in the form of two retractable talon gauntlets. When Smoke and Sub-Zero tried to escape the Lin Kuie, Lin Ku was put in command of it's soldiers to bring them back. And while Sub-Zero escaped from his grasp, Smoke fell at his feet. Lin Ku was praised by his clan for reclaiming the desserter.

After the dissapearance of Sektor, Cyrax and Smoke, Lin Ku was soon going to assigned to lead a team of warriors and find the cyborgs. However the Lin Kuie headquarters fell under attack by the Tekunin clan. In the battle Lin Ku was thought lost when he was caught in an explosion in one of the main buildings. Unbeknownst to all however he survived the explosion by morphing into a falcon and fleeing from an opening in the roof. As he circled from above he could see that the old order was lost. He departed his home in search of solitude and mourning, vowing to get revenge on the traitor Sektor.

After the old order fell, Sub-Zero took up the throne as head sifu, rebuilding the Lin Kuie in his own vision. Having heard of this, Lin Ku is now at a cross roads. Does he join the newly restablished Lin Kuie or does he challange Sub-Zero for the throne and rebuild the Lin Kuie as it once was?

TIger Scream: Lin Ku launches a mighty roar which defens the opponent, bring them to their knees and imoblizing them for a short time.

Earth Ripper: With his augmented talons, Lin Ku reaches into the ground, and tearing of a huge chunk and throwing it at the opponent.

Dragon Tail: Lin Ku digs his talons into the ground and grabs the opponent with his legs, spinning them in the air before smashing them onto the ground.

Jaguar Shoulder: A quick dash across the screen ending at his opponent ending with a strong shoulder tackle.

Pounce: A long distance jump onto the opponent's torso, after which Lin Ku slashes the opponent four times across their face with the talons.

Hunger: Lin Ku turns into a rabid grizzely bear for a short time where his grabs are replaced by the "feed" command. If he is succesful in "feeding" while in Grizzely form, he can restore some life.

Power Slash: Lin Ku charges up his right talons with a huge amount of energy. His arm begins to tremble and then he unleashes his power in one slash at his opponent, cleaving off the opponent's entire left side of their torso in one quick blow.

Animal Kingdom:
Lin Ku walks up to the opponent and unloads with a huge combo on them, morphing into a different animal for every hit, 20 in all. The last hit he morphs back into a human and plunges his talons through the opponent's rib cage and tearing them vertically in half.
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06/11/2005 07:09 PM (UTC)
Lin Ku sounds really cool. Would be nice to see him in the game. And by "Lin Kuie" do you mean "Lin Kuei"? And is he a freeze guy like sub and frost? Cool guy doesnt have any bad things in him.
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art by fear-sAs
06/11/2005 07:26 PM (UTC)
Yeah, Lin Kuei.
He's not a cryomancer like Sub-Zero or Frost. Instead his power is shape shifting into different animals for different fighting styles and attacks besides his own.
About Me

06/11/2005 07:26 PM (UTC)


True age: 1690
Age: seemingly 32
Aliases: The templar, Sword of the Setting Sun, Koshaku
Weight: 98 kilogramms
Height: 2 meters 12 centimeters
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Nationality: formerly teutonic/ now known
Allies: Shang Tsung, Kenshi, Hotaru, Warrior Kings
Foes: Shao Khan, Drahmin, Quan Chi, Seudos enemies, sometimes Seudo itself.
Friends: none known
Fighting styles: goshindo self-defense jiu jitsu/greco-roman pankratión
Weapon style: claymore

Alignment: neutral, and won't hesitate to fight anyone who opposes his journey. However he may never harm a child or an old man/woman with intention.

Intentions: seeking answers for his past, while he tries to find Tsung so that he may fulfill his last command. Somewhere in Outworld Shang Tsungs presence is getting stronger and stronger. How can that be possible if the most powerful sorcerer lies dead?


Innocents, children, women and old ones get out of my path. The rest of you ... pray to your Gods to show mercy, becouse you will receive none from me!


PRIMARY COSTUME: Templar is heavily armored. HIs plating consists from a massive chain mail hanging from his shoulders down to his knees. The mail is enforced by a breastplate with an ornamental lion face on it. The shoulders are also covered by large pauldrons, and the forearm is defended by steel gloves, gauntlets.
No bodily surface is left uncovered except for the head. A ripped and torn remnant of a once red cape hang from his shoulders. As templar moves, the light shines on the ornamental lion and the gems enbedded in the armor. On the hanging leather curtain before his legs is an oriental symbol. The whole armor is a little oriental in it's style.

ALTERNATIVE COSTUME: pretty much the same, but his head is entirely covered by a helm. The breast plate is gone, replaced by a leather cover with a draconic gold symbol on it alongside with it's herald. The pauldrons slightly change, they are more decorated, and on the left one there is a miniature dragon statue incorporated. Everything else applies as above, except that this costume shows more europe-an medieval feeling.

Templar has long black hair and glowing gold eyes. A thinner mustache and a goatie is his trademark. He has a circle like dragon symbol on his back, this signs that he is one of the best of Seudo. Hotaru has this tattoo as well.



An arena built high in Outworlds rarest mountains, whrer wildlife and nature preserved. The arena is circular at the main stage of wrestling (it is outside , no boundaries are signed, except that you can be tossed off from the cliffside or be cough in a small spring water flow), however a small corridor leads to the inner sanctum in the main buil-ding. The flowing waterbed comes from here ending in the outer are-na as a waterfall. The corridors walls are thick and unlighted. The inner arena is also circular, and made like an ancient amphitheatre. The roof is held by large wooden pillars (which ones naturaly can be destroyed with proper strenght) what are based in the arena itself. around the fighters is a high fence that is covered by a steel enforcement and small spikes.

-outer stage: circular arena where watchers enjoy the first round. The cliffside and the waterfall offer the only dangers here. The side of the arena and the inner circle within the outer stage is decorated by small bushes. Golden sand and smal white rocks are organized into the traditional dragon symbol. (the waterfall and the edge is the stage fatality here)

-corridor: only the small stone pillars that hold the heavy roof are worth mentioning. The sunlight penetrates the thick darkness in thin beams. (Kenshi is the only one whop can get unaffected by the blinding light, should someone fight too much in the darkness)

-inner stage: the pillars can be broken down, allowing the start of the collapse. The falling pieces will hit hard anyone who gets in their path. The fences spikes are also deadly, but they can be avoided, becouse there are only four sections in front of each other where an opponent may get him/her/itself impaled. The only weapon in the arena is a cleaveaxe left somewhere in the sand of the inner stage. This was the weapon of the squire of the long forgotten Death Knight. (the spikes are the stage fatalities here, and the opponent can be killed with the falling parts of the roof, should three pillars get to be smashed down)

Observers are present within both parts of the arena. obviously the rich and important are inside, while the poor folk watch and enjoy the battles outside. There are no spectators in the corridor section of this arena.

Templars benefit from this arena is that he cannot be tssed on the small spikes becouse of his thick armors resilient powers. However others on the other hand can end with a gruesome death when the small spikes shred them to bits.



Seijin power-up: R1
One hand strike: 1
Grisly claw Chop: B+1
Low Palm Strike: D+1
Palm side manouver: F+1
Upper neck attack palm: D+1+throw
Onward chest strike palm: F+1+throw
Ground combat commence: D+2+throw
Bent Wrist Strike: 2
Hakko Palm: F+2
Diagonal Fist: D+2
Downward bent strike: U+2
Sweeping hand throw: F+2+throw
Downward double fist: D+1+2
Front Snap Kick: 3
Tenshin Shinyio Kick: F+3
Sweep: B+3
Back Sweep: D+3
Hidden assault stance: F+3+throw
Koppuju break kick: D+3+throw
Chudan assault stance: B+3+throw
Front Thrusting Kick: 4
Front Sweep: D+4
Roundhouse: B+4
Mae geri pull reverse: B+reverse
Mae geri in shiko dachi: B+2+reverse
Uraken reverse: 2+reverse
Neko ashi dachi reverse kick: 3+reverse
Shuto uchi cuonterstrike: 1+F+reverse
Water flow reverse power: 1+3+reverse
Eisaburo overthrow hurl: F+1+2+throw
Heavenly Strikes: 3, 4
Essence of Strength: 1, 1, 3, 4
Punishment pawn: 1, B+1, 1, D+1
Rib breaker combo: 1, B+1, 1, F+1+throw
Eat the ground: 1, B+1, 1, D+1+throw
Seidan exercise: 1, 1, B+1
They never seen it coming: 2, 2, D+2
Chained bestiality: 2, 1, F+1, D+2
Swirling twister: 2, 2, U+2, F+2+throw
Double Confusion: F+3, B+3
Melting pot: 1, 1, 3, L1, 4, 4
High temperature: 1, 1, 3, L1, 4, B+2
Enervate: 3, 1, F+3, B+3
No place to hide: 1, 1, 3, 1, F+3
Without remorse: 1, 1, 3, L1, F+3, B+3


Forward fist: 1
Forearm bash: F+1
Elbow strike: B+1
Palms edge: 2
Downward thrusting bash: D+2
Twisted uppercut: U+2
Head bang: F+2
Swing kick: 3
Divider kick: F+3
Knee breaker: D+3
Sweep: B+3
Stomp kick: 4
Sidewind kick: F+4
Stomach kick: U+4
Roman roundhouse: B+4
Shadow fist attack: F+1+2
Lower hikkarikos: D+2+3
Upper hikarikos: U+2+4
Lower grappling throw: F+throw
Neck grappling throw: D+throw
Throw incorporated stomp: D+3 during a throw
Shoulder stadion slam: D+1+throw
Shoulder falling smash: D+2+throw
Sidestep grapple and throw: during sidestep F+1+throw
Backward graplpe pusher: during sidestep B+2+throw
Battlebringer: 3, 4
Nessus: 3+2
Eagle feathers: 3, 4, B+4
Heracleian strenght: 1, F+1
Murmuring assault: 1, F+1, F+2
Aegis: 2, D+2, U+2
Icarus flight: 1, F+1, F+2, U+2
Icarian fall: 1, F+1, F+2, D+throw / D+1+throw / D+2+throw
Ares torch: 1, F+1, F+2, 3, D+3
Charon takes you: 3, F+3, D+3, B+4
Going down: 3, F+3, 4, B+4, F+throw / other throws
Hydra: 1, F+1, F+2, U+2, 3, 4
Devoured by Charubdis: 1, F+1, F+2, U+2, 3, F+3
Apollons arrows: 1, F+1, F+2, U+2, 3, D+3
Heavens fist: 1, F+1, F+2, U+2, F+throw / other throws
Zeus is angry: 1, F+1, F+2, U+2, 4, B+4, 3, D+3,


Iron door stance attack: 1
Iron door side slice: F+1
Upward swing attack: U+1
Downward swing attack: D+1
Hawk stance strike: 2
Hawk long swipe: B+2
Onward thrust punch: F+2
Sidewinder: U+2
Boar punch: 3
Runner slice kick: D+3
Backing stab: B+3
Gateway swing: F+3
Straightforward: 4
Jump thrust kick: U+4
Mega heel: D+4
Bell roundhouse: F+4
Opening gate: 1+3
Closing path: 2+3
Backstab attack: F+throw
Capture slice: B+throw
Capture head bash: B+1+throw
Gripper: D+3+throw
Iron grasp: F+throw (doesn't damage, but grabs)
Sidestep decapitation: during sidestep F+1+2
Utmost power: F+D+1+2
Insignificant: 1, F+1
Merit: U+1, D+1
Forge the pain: 1, F+1, 2
Heat illusion: 2, B+2, F+2
Mirage cape: 2, F+2, U+2
Death yell: U+2, 2, F+2,
Combined faint: 2, B+2, D+1, F+2
Sunrise: 1, F+1, 2, B+2, F+2
Capital mistake: 3, B+3, 4
Edge and heel: 3, F+3, D+3
Knee deep in hell: F+3, D+3, B+3
Crazy rush: 4, F+3, D+3
Frozen storm: 4, U+4, D+4
Keep at bay: 4, B+3
Running spring: 4, F+3, D+3, 4, B+3
Judicator: 2, B+2, D+1, F+2, U+2
Engagement shield: 2, B+2, D+1, F+2, B+3
Visible crusher: 3, B+3, 4, F+3, D+3, B+3
End of days: 1, F+1, 2, 3, F+3, D+3, B+3
Inquisiton: 3, B+3, 4, F+3, D+3, 4, B+3
Tricky Mischief: 1, F+1, 2, B+2, F+2, F+3
Judgement day: 1, F+1, 2, 3, B+3, 4, F+3, D+3, 4, B+3



Each Seidan guard can develop a tie to the five elements of the seidan alchemy: fire (Hotaru), water, wind, metal (Templar), and tree.
Each of the selected elements have different aspects making each Seidan High-Guard a formidable opponent in any way.

Flameflood: his first immobilizing move, this temportarely paralyzes templar for a great cost. He releases molten metal fluid around him. The ever growing puddle burns hard for damage and quite hard to e-vade since it's is constantly growing. the duration is however short.
B, B, 2

Face marker: by getting a hold on his enemy by a quick and unexpected grab, Templar pushes his palm into the opponents face burning it with a small amount of molten iron fluid. This also immobilizes the opponent, as the heat cooks the victims face, while not blinding him forever, just disabling any action he might take.
F, D, 3

Knight charge: a dash towards the enemy with opened grasp. Should the target not succeeed in defending, Templars shoulder slam rends him unconcious for a time. his sliding steps leave a trail of molten metal behind.
F, B, 1

Molten Metal: by making his body completely fluid, Templar can melt his own equipment and himself into a puddle of iron, quiclky separating himself into small snakes made of the hot fluid. This method is for two purposes: eaither to suprise an enemy whith an attack from the behind (similar to teleport) or to escape deadly situations. Templar favores this as an all time supriser assault starter. This attack is to balance his immobolizing moves.
U, D, U, 1

Devourer shield: immobilizing himself for a few seconds, templar is capable to absorb other projectiles. This applies only to incorporeal projectiles, such as Sub-Zeros freezing, Scorpions hellfire, Shang Tsungs fireballs, Li Meis spark blast, but is unefective against most of the material components such as Scorpions spear and Barakas blade launch.
B, D, F, 2


FATALITY 1 Heart in hand: Templar snaps at the throat of his enemy and forces him/her to yell out in pain as the grasp tinghtens. His other hand becomes fluid and so hot, that it begins to drip. With his fist, he punches it through the mouth of the victim, cousing instant burning and devastating within the organs. He twists his arm again and again in the intestines of the body, grabing the heart and melting it, and he pulls it out with a victorious yell.

FATALITY 2 Knighted: Breaking the leg of his opponent he forces him/her to go down. (look at Hotarus neckbreaker) He raises his hand and bashes into the skull from the behind. The opponent stunned by severe brain damage. Templar pulls his claymore out and cuts the arms off first. When the opponent is at his/her end, he smashes the blade into the head. In such way he makes his opponent knighted. (the ritual when squires were announced to become real knights)

HARA KIRI Spiral meltdown: Templar stabs his fingers into his stomach and quickly transforms them into long spikes made of molten metal. The ten fingers acting as spears penetrate his body in a twisted spiral-like manner, and while Templar is agonizing in pain,
they pull back, tearing the body to shreds and melting it from the inside.


Chapter one: Decision
The Council was silent. they ain't had the spine to say it out loud. They sacrificed one of their blood to ensure the order and the rule of their realm. One death, one promising fate destroyed. The plan has already been set in motion. Silence. One of them stood up. HIs crowned forehe-ad shining with sweat. The jade light that penetrated through the windows was burning his eyes.
He had to say something, he had to do something, he had to...or should have brought up ano-ther solution. Sure, that one would have cost them dearly, but the Council was straight and strict about questions connecting to their unquestioned rule.
-This was a big mistake. I hope that the child will forgive us this act of ...order.
He remembered. He remembered the battles they fought against that force in the Saphire Fortress. That thing was nothing alike what they suspected it to be. It was something uncom-prehensible. A dark, vague force, that tormented anything, and bent anything to it’s will. He knew what it was, and what it wanted to do. It has circulated through him when he began the spell that blocked it’s entry to the prime Material Plane. It has however weak in that moment, and he had the luck of resisting it’s tentacles, that had the intention of digging themselves into his mind, perverting his thoughts, and turning him on his comrades. It was ambitius. It sensed his potential in seconds. Whatever that was, it was followed by those death cultists they eradicated not long ago. What was the tie? Where, why, how, when, with who?
He felt old. But he still had a duty to do. He was going to give a speech for the public. To ensure the piece and calmness of the perfect society. However he could not get rid of the feeling that they missed something there. Bah, there was nothing wrong nor left behind. The beast was sent back to the depth of that hell-hole, the temples dungeons were sealed off by powerfull means, later it’s entryway collapsed becouse of his own personal spell. What could have gone wrong?
-So this case is sealed. I’m going to give a speech for our people. Hei’gana Council members. -Hei’gana High Councelor. You may go. – answered the Seat of Archons. -Hei’gana yakusha, High Councilor, walk with piece. – replied the representatives from the lower castes. He took off. He had to calm the people. Hmm, so easily manipulated, so...ready to obey everytime we command them. No one noticed the alien, red flash in his eyes.
The Councelor was murdered silently after two nights. He was dealt with accordingly. The assassin guilds were also needed when the rule was unquestionable. The elder disappeared and noone noticed. His records, his entire life was erased on Council Command. This was Seudo, the Throne of Order.
The inuguration of the Guards happened when a student became at least 60 years old. They were greeted by the Councelors and they bestoved their wishes and spoke some wisdoms that probably helped the young students on their way to become a High Guard.
The High Councelor placed his palm on their foreheads while bestowing those specific good luck wishes, but meanwhile stricktly sticking to the ceremonial rundown. All of the youth was standing in a row, like good soldiers, they fixed their gaze straightforward. The first one in the row, while the High Guard mentioned his exeptional resourcefullnes and ambition, was a silver haired kid, with clear white eyes. Koshaku knew him from sight. He was a very good student particularly a deadly adversary, for he was the first who actually unlocked his mystic ability to harvest his elemental heritage of fire from the depths of the earth. The fifth was a black haired youngster, with a high forehead, his long, luxurious black hair flew in the air as a black tail. His grasp was sdhaking as Koshaku noticed, he was quite unnerved by the whole celebration. How can he sha...no matter, I am next!
-And I bestow my good will, my friendship, and good leadership toward this child of Seudo, for he becomes now a Guard of piece, harmony and law. Obey the Sacred Order every time under any circumstances! -I obey and serve the will of my forefathers and the will of the Council, for they guide me on the path of righteousness!
Then something strange hapened. A strange feeling of foreboding overcame him as the High Councelor touched his head. And most importantly, why did he say „Most excellent“? That was not a custom of the ritual. No matter, I will become a High Guard!
As the High Councelor left the courtyard alone, nobody noticed the smile on his face, not even the instant flash of something reminiscent of a red light in his eyes. A faint laugh was maybe heard by the first kid in the row. He became aware of something, but maintained a cool head, and played along with the rituals rules. But he could not overcome the feeling like that something terrible has happened.
Chapter two: Glory and decline
Templar was a child of Seudo. A promising seed in his youth, he has been selected to the very royal elite of the preservers of law and order. The child soon became a reknown fighter, and a celebrated young of his age. However on the first battlefield he was struck down by spellfor-ce. Templar fell, and wasn't found for a long time to come.
Hiss. The sound of the sword sliding through the air right before his eyes made his somehow curious. What would have happened if the blade would actually strike him? What would happen? A wound? A drip of blood on his armor? Irrelevant. He was superior to them in every way. The armies of the opposing side has been poorly equiped and their leadership was a waste of army generals. However on the battlefield all theese things does'nt matter to the soldier.
-Onward and upward! We conquer heavens!
The battlecry thrilled him. He spotted the marching unit of his own flag. Thrusting his sword into the opponent who actually tried to stop him, he stepped forward to join them. The codes dictated that should a units survivor loose his own team of High guards, he should immediatly join up to the other nearest. The silver haired leader yelled commands, and prepared them for the upcoming manouvering. The plan dictated that his unit should circle around the enforced walls of the pagoda, and penetrate from inside. He quickly runned down to them wawing his banner from the distance to signal his presence. Koshaku felt enthrilled to see this hero.
Hotaru, leader of the couple of warriors preparing the ambush nodded as he explained his situation, and request for joining his team for further participation in the battle. Hotaru knew him well, they both been the shining stars of the High Guard. Both of them were ferocious and fearfull in battle, both of them were specially selected to undergo the training of High Guard. Kowledge and power, both imbued in their veins, they were the pride of any military force known in the universe. Discipline and effectivity was their trademark.
-Very well, request accepted Sei' gau Koshaku. Take your place in the formation and prepare your weapon. Umm, go forth to the front line, your sword would be welcomed at my side. -I'm honored Sei' gama Hotaru, I shall head there immediatly! -Very well, however only assault opponents that are sure to fall before you. Expected are so-me spellbinders and sorcerers, so don’t get cought off guard by some vile sorcerous trickery! -Understood Sei’gau Hotaru. No show of force from my side towards sorcerors!
The charge was planned and executed perfecty. No one stood in their way, and those who indeed dared to do so, were crushed by the twenty-two warriors of the Seidan unit. Soon they reached the hill where the reinforced walls of the pagoda stood. Then a painfull flash of light and...
Hotaru opened his eyes after a minute or so, and saw the unit scattered, surrouned by a count-less tide of warriors of the opposing mercenary batallion. He stood up, raising the naginata in his hands.
-You should have been never born. Hotaru makes sure that you never get out of this massacre alive! -he swung his bladed weapon, decapitating the nearest attacker and instantly stabbing the other from behind with his naginatas end. A cunning bearded warrior, unclean, covered in warpaint and blood struck at him with his fist, knocking the seidan almost off his feet. This time was long enough for the mercenary to draw a dagger and stab it into the leader. Hotaru looked up. His armor, stopping the stiletto in its path protected him from a painfull wound.
-For this insolance you shall pay dearly! -he raised his palm, and the fires from the deepest earth has burned the flesh from the skull on his attacker. The others hesitated. No one dared aproach the mighty Hotaru. Not on the battlefield.
Hotaru after dealing with those not running fast enough looked over. The majority of his group held the feet of the hill, those who have fallen, well, they were insignificant in the battle anyway. But where..? He turned over and saw Koshaku flying through the air with a battlecry, assaulting a cloaked person standing on the top of the rock formations near them, murmuring something, while surroundded by a ever-growing radiation of power. Hotarus eyes opened wide.
-No, don't he's not your targ...
The spell knocked him off. Koshaku flew backwards now, and slammed into a massive rock sculpture, native to the terrain here. Before he could react, a large scale of mercenaries ran over the place, cutting him from his group, and separating him on the battlefield. Hotaru twisted his neck. The sound of his muscles and his constant heartbeat made him feel in place. Battle and danger often came together. So be it!
-he thought, and jumped into the first lines of the enemy. He had abattle to win, and to bring the survivors out of here. Losses would be counted later.
However he survived. Someone or something had plans with him and moved his almost deceased body to earth. This ancient being recovered from his wounds and slowly he began to remember things. Things about his murky past. He joined earthrealm warriors on their fights and battled demons, men and women alike who were a threat to the order and piece of man-kind. The templar survived the historical ages and met many people on his journey. He even battled and helped the Warrior Kings in earths past and sworn friendship with them, while disposing a bitter and powerful demon from the netherrealm.
Chapter three: Unlikely future
Templar looked up from his cup and carefully examined the troublemaker. It was a well-dres-sed young man, wearing fine silks, a furcoat and several golden rings. His appearance was so-mehow noble, but altogether childish in a certain way. Templar knew that before the man even bothered to speak with him.
The young man examined the warrior with full certainity of that, that his rank puts him above and before of the ragged caped wanderer. The man looked like he was in his prime, maybe a war veretran, his eyes were moving slowly, but sharp, yes, that’s it, he’s a war veteran, possibly a captain! But still, something lingered about him, something sad and cold. But this was hidden from the average sight of the merchant prince.
-You there. Armored one, you look like an adventurer. Entertain me with your tales! -I am not an adventurer, please my fair lord, leave this humble servant of justice. -You are NOT in position to request anything. Now, tell your tale! Or should I resort to more drastic measures? –the spoiled merchant prince look furious. His thugs closed around his table and looked like very serious about getting their payment by doing their jobs. -Leave. -I’m not leaving without proper entertainment! –yelled the prince and pulled his blade out. However he never had the opportunity to use it. His eyes opened wide after he discovered that the would-be fatal blow on the shoulders didn’t even put a scratch on the insolent vagabund before him. Templars seidan armor was not fully reforged by him, but it protected him well against theese kinds of situations. He didn’t even bother to move aside, and took the slice on his shoulder plate. The blade slid down on his right arm, and fell on the floor from the weake-ned grasp of the spoiled brat. Templar stood up, revealing his towering form, his eyes glowing like pure gold... –Leave damnit, leave! –his face changed rapidly. It became more vicious, and flames were leaving his sight, tangling into themselves in the air.
The prince didn’t dared oppose the ironclad. It is murmured that he went insane, and spoke about a demon knight, who’s eyes glowed in hells fires, and spoke foreign language even to heaven. The inquisiton on Earth took care of the troubled one, and gave him a lifetime asylum in one of their fort temples for a lifetime, never to be bothered again. He died in piece after-wards looking like an old man, consumed by the consequences of his arrogance. He was 36.
The sandy beaches of the sea offered something more than solace and piece for the templar. His time, when he was too tired of duty, he often watched the sea in the early morning. It was somehow so majestic, and reminded him how much nature influenced his behavior.
Things were about to improve. He found the people of the East more friendlier than the ones back on the Old Continent. He had a purpose, he served the local cities as a mercenary for the greater good, somwhat like a freelancer knight without a lord. He had some companionship with the people of the nearby city of Wen Shi, and he even met a small group of wise men called the Few Shaolin, that even revealed his origin.Templar wasn’t shocked. This came as a suprise for him, but he wasn’t shocked. Maybe becouse he knew deep inside that he was only partially human. His blood was Seidan as the elders described. A plane of an existence, a realm of Order. This made him enthrilled about it, but also very cautious. This Seudo was a world of pure order, something what he wished for as a home maybe, becouse verything chaotic was somehow distant and alien for him. He would liked to find out more about the facts about this distant homeworld of his, and of course, he was fascinated by the tales of the Outworld, and many more myths.
Such myth was the legend of the Warrior Kings. They were somehow tied into every myth about wars and battles, things that were familiar for the templar. And becouse the Warrior Kings visited many realms and they were supreme fighters, they probably had some amount of information about Seudo. To his luck, the Tomb where a few of theese powerfull beings rested was told to be nearby.
The cave entrance was almost overflooded with the seas water. The island hid the War Tomb beneath it’s surface, deep inside the mountains towering out of the sea surface. Templar found a path that has lead him to cave on the shore. This one was different from the rest. It was very well hidden, and the sculptors that worked on the ornaments of the entrance were doing their job with supreme calculation. The statuary actually worked as a damn or as a wavebreaker for the entrance, and it allowed entry for some periods of time, before the cave was fillled with water. He entered.
The chambers were amazing. A giant inner palace of somesort, seven statues serving as pillars for the artifical roof held the arches high above his head. Treasures, not gold or other wealth, but weapons were placed in line before eachof theese statues. „They should be the great ones the elder spoke about“ –he thought and begun his journey toward each of the statues.
Something bashed into his chestplate with enormous strenght, and he flew backward, downward from the risen stage emerging from the cave floor. An old figure, glowing in a pale green light, slightly translucent walked toward him. He was a very old man with a long beard and hair, wearing a robe similar to the ones the wise men spoke about in their tales.
-You are not permitted to enter this sacred ground. Leave! -I am here on behalf of the wise men of the shaolin. I bow before you ancestors, and ask you for your help. –by saying things so, Templar bowed himself after he got up. While taking a look on his chestplate, he was astonished to see the imprint of the old mans fists in them. -We help no one! That is not our path to take. Begone, and never dare rousing our attention! -Then I dare to challenge you for the decision to make! –Templars thought were quick. He needed to fight the old one for getting the lore out of them. And besides, the wise men could also benefit from this knowledge.
The old man said nothing but took a fighting stance unfamiliar to the templar, and nodded. Templar stood up, walked to the center of the circle in the middle of the room, and took on his everyday pugilist stance. He soon discovered he was no match for the ancient. The fight was going bad, but when the old one duplicated his efforts in hitting him, it has gone much worse for him. Like a single attack was done, but the ancient instead punching him on vital points after each previous blow, he simply showed three shadowy forearms closing in on him, and punching him off his feet, all hitting in the same time.
-You are no match for me. Your skills are pathetic, your concentration is weak, your will is broken and your efforts are laughable! -You will be suprised... Templar tried something he hasn’t tried in ages. He sometimes re-membered things from his past instinctively, although he could not recall any memories about those things. They simply came to the surface. Templar began to quickly melt, and in a heart-beat of time, he fell to dozens of silvery little snakes. The elder stopped for a second and he looked suprised, but more importantly, impressed. Templar instinctively reformed behind the guardian, and silently delivered a joint attack with his fists. Nothing. The attack slid through the ghost he was fighting. Tired and giving up, Templar collapsed under the heavy metal suit of his chainmail, and sighed. This is it, the guardian perhaps finishes him off.
Nothing happened. The apparition walked towards him and began to speak in his ghastly manner:
-I haven’t seen a seidan elemental bearer in millenias. You are sure you are not a mere mortal born on this realm? -I am Seidan, but my mind lost every tie towards my homeland. Please shed light on this man, for he knows not what he should become. -I know. But you are more than a talented fighter. Even though you are so pathetic and weak, you hold promise. I offer you an exchange. You will prove your worth by completely destroy-ing a powerfull demon from the Nethers. If you succeed, you will have my memories of Seu-do, under the restriction of that I can’t fully restore your battered mind. Do youn accept?
The beast was dead. And Templar...totally obliberated. He climbed out of the cave with the help of one hand and his sword. The others... the Warrior Kings manifestations who had battled the abominations were walking behind him, examining his efforts. The ghost warriors showed great power and potence, and they were amused and interested in the seidans efforts. Few could be capable of finishing the nethereralm tormentor Drahmin, and banishing it back to the fifth plane of the Nether.
When they finally reached the resting grounds the shadows, and the warriors long forgotten begun to examine the bleeding and half-dead fighter. His armor destroyed by the strikes of that menacing iron club, his face torn by almost apart by it’s claws. But he fough valiantly. He wasn’t betrayed by them, and the Warriors from now onward kept an eye on the ironclad.
He awoke. The chamber was almost flooded again. The turquise waters reflections danced on the caves roof. The pale green shine of the apparition was far away, next to a collumn that strangely resembld him, and it waved his hand in the air. Those of the Warrior Kings still among the living have already left. They were good companions, he became even to speak with them. Angus, Arimoto, Kashuka, no Cunemaru, Tai die’Tau and the others became his frineds during the days of the travel toward the nether portal. They got along pretty well.
-Remember, the Warrior Kings always hold to their word. You now are a fighter supreme, for one who proves himself before us, the Pekara, knows the art of warfare. Farewell young one, and know we’re always watchful over those who win our respect. But act against the morals of a warrior true, you temp our wrath beyond the grave.
Templar resumed his journey, visiting the ancient White Lotus Society, and countless men of wisdom. He grew beyond the knowledge of parchments and books, and he left earth through a portal that led him into the desolate plains of Outworld. On Earth, Templars role was gone, it was taken over by the legend of the iron warrior.
However Seudo's agents rarely let things out of their grasp. He was eventually found and since his beliefs were tarnished and stained by earthly beliefs in humanity and the earthly equivalent of valor, he was senctenced to death. On the night before his execution a young sorcerer-renegade visited him, and offered him freedom. Under the condition of serving Khan, Templars will for living was strong enough to cast away the false promise of deserved death, and under the lead and tutelage of Tsung, they left on a journey serving the will of Khan.
Chapter four: Betrayal by betrayal
-I already told you, I was not aware of my identity then! the orderguard Koshaku dared yelling on the Council. In normal conditions this was punishable with the instant and lethal intervention of a nearby guard.
-Leash your tongue, dog! You're nothing but a disgrace to our people and it's name! May your name and ancestors be forever erased from our tomes and from our memories. Wanish, unclean one!
The senctence according to Seidan laws and the Order is...Death!
The chained figure could barely withhold his anger. The very blood of his fathers have senctenced him for death. No remorse, no regret, he was sent to die. How can one society be so cruel? How can someo-ne be so ignorant? Every time he confronted his past, sorrow followed him. But this.. this has developed a strange feeling of cozy insanity within him. His eyes rolled and were burning in suspicion. Constant paranoia has overwhelmed him for the past weeks. Constant punishment in the holding cells, memories about being one of the most celebrated High Guards, now, nothing more than an animal, and people spitting on his name and face. Constant torment however fueled something inside. Something more terrible than his own thirst for revenge.
He felt it sometimes, behind his eye, something terrible. Maybe it was his own feel of guilt, the fear of the punishment becouse of the failure. His Seidan way of thinking sometimes took over, and he felt that he deserved to die. But the constant itch and pain of the survival instinct that battled with the morals made his life into a living hell.
But was something more worse than death? Yes, the pain his comrades inflicted on him. The tortures in the cell seemed like heaven compared to the chambers beyond the iron doors. Wounds being rubbed into salt, being almost suffocated to death in hot tar, only for the hea-lers to nurse him back to health... and the torture began anew. They played with his body, his thoughts, murmuring something about cleansing, and by that time, he really didn’t bother to separate day from night, places from other locations, and he lost all connection to reality.
Somewhere in an underground complex an important man was thinking hard:
-He must be cleansed. The chances are like gambling, and we can’t allow it. More and more torture to keep it at bay. How much more will he endure? Killing him would only solve this problem for a small amount of time. He better not collapses, or dies, but the judication already senctenced him to die by custom execution. What should I do? Damnation, how could he receive such burden? Why do he has to suffer from my hands? What should I do?
He turned onto the writings again, and excamined them again and again and again. After a half an hour he came up with an idea:
-This is..hideous to say at least, but I have no other alternative. The ambassador should do it. I just need to find a proper payment for him. If he get’s him out of here in time, than we may live maybe. But what about the High-Guards? Yes, they will be sent to be reinforcements for Lei Chen, yes, thats an excellent idea! They will be distracted for an hour or so, but this has to be plannd precisely. No matter, it would succeed. But what about the captive? Will he..will he strong enough to endure? And Shang Tsung? Well, do I really have a choice? Even Tsung is better than the cultists. To bad so many of them eluded us when they captured the poor soul for us. Untill then...more tortures.
The great chamber of the Council was swimming in jade green light. The golden lions and dragons mounted at each pillar looked suspicious, well, everything was suspicious. This was him former home, and now, his burial ground. He looked at the sideway. Between the arches of the room, next to the pillars stood a figure dressed in black armor. His silver hair was swinging an twisting in the air blowing in the chambers, his face somehow seemed awfully familiar. And the weapon, yes, he has seen that weapon before...and the flags too!
Take him away! The chains tightened and Koshaku bedned, feeling the pain the bonds provided. He almost fell when one of the guards pulled the chains ends just in case of delivering some agony for him.
-May the gods have mercy on your treasonous soul. Leaving our holy ranks is opposing every sence of honor, punishable by execution. Take this worthless dog out of our sight! -the seidan arbitrator yelled with an aura of justice and the council supported the theory of treason. No straight proofs for his innocence, the word-twisting of the judicators, the coldness of the high archons. Somewhere, somehow went awfully wrong. In a sudden flash he remembered things, things about his service as one of the High Guard, the celebration that once surrounded him and the other one with the silver hair, the battle and ... he passed out.
The cell was cold and lightless. Roaches and rats were near, so dark, just as his thoughts. Bent to revenge, avenge, destroy, kill, law, order, hate, agony, service, honor, innocent, truth, death... savior? Someone was aproaching. The corridors fell silent. Only the thin jade light from the outside was visible when the door opened.
-Get up worm, someone important is here to see you! Bow down! I said bow down worm! Don't you dare passing out or I'll... -Enough! leave this one... or you want to temp the wrath of the all powerfull Shao Khans ambassador?
The guard fell silent. He knew the reputation of the demon sorcerer Shang Tsung. One word from his lips could have costed his life. And becouse he hasn’t heard anything about his arri-val, and becouse he just thought he was some elegant noble from Outworld, he was shaking in his uniform. But thanks to the strict discipline of Seudo, he haven’t said a word afterwards.
-Good, now that's the proper behavior. Get out of here before I'll reduce you to a pile of ash!
Silence. He opened his eyes. A figure with a goatbeard and a black-red robe stood before him. His long hair was black as his thoughts and some-thing wasn't right about him. The conversation began instantly:
-Do you want to live? -the question sounded suprisingly stupid at the time. The situation became even more grotesque. -I have no future. Why take interest in me? –he waited. Tsung was patient, and more suprisingly, he showed to be interested in him. Why him? He became curious:
-Certainly, you're someone powerfull enough to command my guard. More importantly .... to make him fear you. -Shao Khan sends his greetings to you. Again, do you want to live? It would be a shame to see someone so talented executed becouse of treason. -I haven't betrayed ANYONE! -Amusing. You're anger is best directed. You are a pawn. But pawns have an important role in every match. I should really know that. –Tsung smiled. HIs eyes flashed for a moment in the sorcerers magical manifestation, and a green light sparkled in his gaze.
-What are you implying? And who ... what are you? -Your freedom. And a chance to actually make a difference. You want to make a difference.
His thoughts were in despised chaos. However it was somehow conforting. He certainly didn't want to die, but his fate, and the proofs of betrayal were hard evidence on his guilt. And the stranger...
-You are the demon here. And I shall make a difference. They will pay dearly for doing this t.. no, I will not strike against Seudo. Not now, never. But I want to make a difference!
The sorceror smiled. Something terrible came up in Koshakus mind. What if this was a trick? He could already be on his way for execution? But whats the point in that? Torture him before execution? The sorceror bowed down to him. While his dark eyes shined with excitement and something more ancient and more menacing than his attitude shown toward the guard not so long ago, he continued:
-You don't know how near you are from the truth. But actually I am also a pawn moved in a game greater than any of us. I am a sorceror. Powerfull enough to bring you out of here. Do you want, my help? Do you accept this? It is a treason afterall, escaping your own execution. And most important: do you swear fealty to the mighty Shao Khan, conqueror and just ruler of Outworld?
-So be it! I have struck a deal with the ten'gu! Bring me out of here! But know this! Should you be a vessel for evil and disorder, I shall strike you down without tremorse. I hope that I can trust you stranger!
-Call me, Shang Tsung. And I'm a friend of you. For now.
-they disappeared in a quicly opening of a temporary portal. A strong blow of wind and the shining of the energies was left only behind.
Chapter five: Shang Tsung
The sorcerer on the road grew even more ambitious and slowly cast away the belief in righteousness. Templar asked for his freedom, and Tsung, who apparently mislead him on their journey to awaken sympathy and pity in the orderguard agreed to release him, in exchange for one last service what he will name later when they meet again. The two binded themselves to this pact and went separate ways. Koshaku or Templar became a general in Khans armies after he left the sorcerors side. He was known for his disciplinary force, but to many, he was untouchable. For years he rethought and rethought his current state, while leading Khans armies to victory over victory. He grew bored with his role of regent of the province, and he took most of his time with searching for something he has lost so often, and that thing was indeed gone forever. After a decade he wandered off to nowhere, and the authorities didn't bother with this insignificant warrior under Khans banner. Would they do otherwise, great things may have happened.
-Get up! We need to get to the nearest path! -Shang Tsungs voice was like a wild dogs roar in a silent chamber. He had to take care of the prisoner. If there would be another alternative, he would have killed him, and stored his soul in his body for an actual release. They promised some coin for his efforts. Some coins, well, thousands of gold, and the opportunity to have this one. Becouse of the current situation, he needed a companion to be his defender.
-I said get up! Damn, you’re sweating like a waterfall... –Tsungs curernt body was not meant for that kind of fatigue. Their supplies, and the relics he saved from the raid were in the heavy backpack. If not his youth, his powers to keep his rotting body intact kept him going. Such was Tsungs penalty for his crimes. -I’m allright. Just need a lilttle time. –Templar stood up. His face was red from the exhaustion and his breathing slipped frequently into coughing. –Just give me a minute to collect myself and we can move on. -Yes, Shao Khan would certainly like to see you in good shape. He is strickt but just about his decisions. And of course, he will not tolerate your current condition. If we could get you into shape by some means... -What was that? -Templars senses despite his dellirium were keen. Even with his full helmet on he could hear the low sound of the rocks moving. While the world kept spinning around him, he could still make out the siluette of something on the wall. He silently pulled out his claymore, but avoided any stance to use. He kept listening. -Shao Khan is keeping an eye on us, I see... Come out Reptile. –at Tsungs command the siluette began to smoke and the veil of dust that hid the creature during it’s transformation revealed a human standing by them in a green tunic-like robe, dressed in black, his face was hidden beneath a mask. Templar could barely make out the details. -Shao Khan commands that you make haste towards the Edenian Palace at once! His armada and his majesty in person is waiting inpatiently on your arrival. -What! –Shang Tsung was suprised, and certainly, he did not like suprises. But disobeying Shao Khans commands on intention or otherwise was punishable with extrme suffering, if not death by his executioneers. –He gave us time untill tomorrows morning! –while saying this tsung felt an omnipresent weight falling on his shoulders, like if something powerfull was watching him- Bah! No matter, I shall serve my ruler without question. You report him that! We shall be there by the second moonset.
The elusive Reptile grinned as he bowed before the mighty sorceror and disappeared. Templar could sense his presence even though he was only halfly aware of the surroundings. But he did hear another sound, growing more stronger in the distance.
-Now what! -Tsung replied with unhidden fustration. –Oh, some band of rogues, raiders and bandits coming after us, more likely. -No! They march in lines.They are armored. - the sounds of clashing steel surrounded them on the cliffside, as it soon turned out to be a band of tarkatans, led by a group of hooded figures. –Aren’t those Shadow Priests? –templar knew about the enigmatic order led by the sorcerer himself. He explained much on the journey, and if one thing, Templar admired tsungs inteli-gence and wisdom of lore. -No. They aren’t ouworldish as I see. Perhaps from earthrealm, or one of those Outer Planes.
The black-red hooded group stopped at the cliffside, and looked around. Something behind the veil of darkness surrounding his face glew up in a deep and sharp blue color, and yelled something when he gazed at the rock, behind which they hid.
-Just our luck. Seidans, guards, ...my personal lapdog with bad news. –Tsung sighed, as he jumped up on the rock, and began casting an incantation. His eyes began to glow in a deep dark green manner and the air began to blow colder. Templar collected himself as fastest he could and pulled out his claymore which he actually regained while they broke out of the prison. Tsungs portal could only bring them to the top of the Jade Dungeon complex in which he was imprisoned.
The battle started immediatly, Tsung after finished the incantaion, began to fight the horde with his bare hands, striking down anyone who got near enough for him to strike his eyes out, or stab their throats with his long nailed fingers. Tsung fough viciously, and without remorse. While Templar walked into the raging fight, he already killed a few of the raiders. Tsungs impression of a fighter was enough to convince Templar, that this seemingly older man was not only intelligent, but also well deserving of power.
The tarkatan roared as he jumped at templar, who wasn’t covered in any protective gear. The seidans destroyed his armor, and his weapon was the only thing they eventually kept so long, but in time, that too would have fallen into the magma pools of the Guards Barracks. Templar moved asideand with the massive hilt of his weapon, he bashed at the point where the cranium connected with the spinal chord. The sound of the bones breaking was not nice, but Templar already began to feel the rush of the raging battle. He spat on the floor, and swinged the blade at the nearest opponent. Another drooling tarkatan suprised to be intercepted by a sword of a humans humans lenght, quietly aknowledges Templars skills as his ugly head flew off with the grin of that one thought of confusion burned on it.
A massactre started under the red moons light, and the deep purple clouds of the Outworldish terrain hid it from the gods, not to witness the devastation the two accursed souls brought by. Shang Tsung slaughtered dozens of tarkatan soldiers and his straight sword was already dripping of the thick black blood. The bloody mess consisted of several bodyparts maimed and at least twenty body was left dead becouse of Tsungs expertise with fighting techniques. Templar was aimed by a blade swing, when he stabbed his swords end into the attackers fore-head, but he witnessed as one of the cloaked assailants began casting a spell, and Shang tsung was seemingly unaware of this fact. He bounced from the rock floor, and flew before Tsung, who at that moment turned around and was protected by templars body what precisely received a massive blast of somesort of spectral energy. The assassin was shocked, and also, astonished to see the warrior stand up after his attack. He began to cast the spell anew, but this time templar was prepared. Shang Tsung behind him did comprehend the situation and mobilized his damned source of power: thousands of warriors slain and desecrated by his curse to swallow their migh and soul.
The projectile flew off, but before it could hit them, Templar positioned like he was about to embrace the attack, and a golden swirling shield of vortices opened up before him. The pale red projectile made contact with the wall, and slowly twisted into the pull of the devouring and shrieking energetical barrier. One of Templars wounds closed up after the process, and at that exact moment Shang Tsung released his light laugh and alongside with it, three bolts of fiery energy of an extinguished souls at once. The assassin had no chance to counteract the blasphemical attack, and suffered a fate few died: the bolts penetrated his skull trough his eyesockets and while he was screaming in pain, the exploded inside the cranium, leaving a fountain of bloody remnants flying around. The battle has ended.
-Fourty...two. We killed a major group of raiders. –Shang Tsung was very cynical about this fact, but also, he enjoyed it a litle bit. Like toying with them all the time. -Say sorceror, you enjoyed this slaughter? -Seven hells no, theese wretches deserved nothing but a swift death. You will understand it eventually. In Outworld if you wish to survive, you must hold into every chance of survival. And they certainly didn’t wanted us spared. Not unless they wanted to make dinner out of us. –you have a strange sense of humour Tsung. – Templar smiled sceptically. He almost fell to his knees when he saw another band with torches clashing their weapons in the distance. -Be at ease, those are the tarkatan beasts that allied with us. It’s that Barakas strike force. As I can make it out, they are heading towards the Edenian Palace. We should have a realitvely safe journey from now onward.
The Emperor of Outworld was nothing that Templar could ever dream of. A huge towering figure sitting firmly on his throne grasping at his scepter that was at least twice as long as templars height, and had a great glowing red orb on it’s end. He could see his own face in it’s glass-like surface. Shao Khan was tall. Taller than him, and was decissively more muscular than the Shokan standing next to him. His eyes slid toward Shang Tsung, the only person he could see not blending in with the surroundings. His sight was clouded by some fever.
-I .. please my lord...it was not our intetntion to arrive -gasp- so ... late! –Shang Tsung begged before the giant that ruled the Outer Universe, and seemingly he feared him more than death. Shao Khan didn’t said anything, but the Shokan, who’s name was apparently revealed: King Gorbak, ruler of the Astral Planes of the Shokan, made it quite clear that their ruler was most displeased with Tsungs efforts of getting here. Apparently he held the wizard in his upper right hand, and let him hung from it berore the emperor, who seemed to be a little? –no, quite annoyed by Tsungs yawnings.
-Tsung, you have been a thorn in our eyes and spines ever since you appeared with your sorcerous priests! Maybe it is time to search for another, who should take your place? -No! I am still most loyal and grateful towards both of you! You must not do this! You should not do this! -You are THREATENING us, worm? Your dead carcass should be dropped into thelava pools of our throne rooms, and left to be forgotten forever! Now, what was the true couse of your late appearance. I’m warning you Tsung, one lie, and your neck breaks in my grasp! -Speak Shang Tsung! –Shao Khans voice was deep and sounded frightening! Templar almost fell when he first heard the sadistic nature of the voice that echoed through the hallways of the Edenian Palace. He was certain that Shao Khan was not to be trifled with!
The lava pools surrounding the central pod, where the throne resided bursted and a shower of sparks rained down between them. The whole chamber was reshaped to suit the shokans taste. Heat, warm pastel colors and great interiors.The throne room looked nothing like Edenian.
-My Lords, I beg for forgiveness, but we’re attacked by raiders, and we hasn’t had any means to travel instantly to your presence. My newest apprentice was only found recently and I.... –Let me see this aprentice of yours Tsung! Templar shook at Shao Khans command. He didn’t want to show himself before the Emperor, and Tsung suggested that his only job would be being silent. Now what should he do? No chance left, he emerged from the halway and bowed before the trwemendous rulers of the Outer Planes.
Shao Khan became curious when Templar entered the chamber. The ragged and torn warrior certainly looked weak, but there was something about his very presence that was similar to Shang Tsungs damnation. Let’s see what does this pathetic worm hides from us: Khans mind buried itself into templars thoughts. The experience and life of the Seidan warrior cruised through him, and there was something dark lingering in him beyond his very core, and... –I have seen enough. Shang Tsung, you suprised me this time. It turned out that your service is indeed not futile. As second in command and power after me, you are almost as ambitious as myself. This „aprentice“ of yours is promising. Make him worthy being my vassal and ge-neral one of my armies ... and Koshaku ... your choice of royalty was indeed wise.
Tsung and Templar bowed and they left. They walked to their quarters whispering only words. Both of them knew what luck befell them. Templar easily comprehended Khans true nature in instants during the whole situation, and Tsung, he knew already that khan was the only one holding more power in Outworld, than him. Powerfull men needed powerfull allies, and Shang Tsung, demonic sorceror of Outworld, pupil of the Lord himself, knew, that King Gorbaks anger is of no significane, and he is foolish enough to buy his beghavior. Although he did not underestimated the importance of the Shokan King and his talent as a ruler. He may be a fool, but he holds the Shokan to Shao Khans rule, and manages to keep order on the Astral Planes of the Shokan.
-My Lord, I thought you were aware the liability of Tsungs schemings and... -Tsungs schemings are of no consequence to me. But he is too powerfull, and therefore we better keep him as our ally rather than facing him in combat. -Tsung is not that much of a danger to us an.... -Tsung is more powerfull than the entire Shokan Council together! He is my pupil, and therefore he possesses significant amounts of potential in him. He could even mean danger to me!
-Don’t look so baffled, it annoys me, and yes, Shang Tsung is the second powerfullest being on the current face of Outworld. But as I said, he is too greedy to know the full limits of his powers. And becouse of this, he hasn’t uncovered the fact that he should reach out for other possibilities outside his will to increase his power. This is what makes us different: the ruler and the jester, the master and the pupil.
He walked to the balcony and looked down on the world that was his kingdom. His gaze fell on his distant throne, the Black Tower, a construction miles high, towering above the clouds of this desolate world. A world that has been shaped into a wasteland only becouse of him.
-This new warrior is pathetic, but holds promise. He is as dark as Tsung, and posesses Seidan Elemental powers. Intriguing, I wonder what he did to be cast away. And why did that sorce-ror of mine rescue this fool? No matter, he will serve me accordingly of my will. And Shang Tsung, hmmm, seeing him trying to overthrow my rule...is simply worth the time, hahahahaa.
Shao Khans laughter echoed through the mountain ranges of Outworlds newly conquered province, Edenia. A former paradise, but now even though still covered in it’s rich flora and fauna, a grim shadow befell this land. A shadow called Shao Khan.
Tsung sat before him in the tavern. They have both been travelling. Tsungs missions included search for power, and knowledge. „For there is no knowledge that is not power“ as once the trickster Shang Tsung repeated some kind of ancient wisdom. The curernt one was a pesky one. Templar, leader of Shao Khans Third Western Army and regent, personal protector of Shang Tsung on several missions, alongside the elusive Reptile accompanied him on this dangerous mission to seach and destroy a rebellious spellcaster who was traced back to the city of Lei Chen.
-The supplies are all gone. Someone must have traced our progress. –said Koshaku calmly. –We must find them. –Shang Tsung was looking sleepy, but his mind already worked at maximum efficiency. His thoughts circled around the possibilities. They have been constantly wandering about in the dark. The spellcaster indeed did a ghood job. Seven Shadow Priests have disappeared before the Imperial Comission pinpointed that Shang Tsung should look after theese disappearances. Being no more a Shadow Priest, but still their mental leader, Tsung was the only one free at the time. Besides, he was already interested in the sorcerer, becouse he suspected who this enigmatic figure may be in the reality.
-They are outside. Seven at least. They are keeping us traced through the rooftops. Maybe the Thieves Guild was lying? –Templar wondered: the Thieves Guild was contacted yesterday and their velcoming comitee wasn’t friendly or anything. He could not blame them. Both Shang Tsung and he had a vicious reputation. Alas, they knew only little themselves. Funny. The Thieves Guild knew little about newcomer underground organizations? -You go. I‘ll follow you and make sure none of the rats make it out of the trap I planned.
-So you’re saying that with little luck we could find their lair? –Templar was well suprised at Shang Tsungs speed of thinking. -Probably. -there was a thin smile on his friends face. Tsung was always like this when they faced danger. Always a little bit cynical and enigmatic, but in the last few days he’s been really acting somehow...more adrken than ever before. No suprise, in a circle that consisted of nothing but scheming, power, gain and losses, favors and deaths, no sane man would keep his faith in the „good“ side of the world. Not even he, who was already a betrayer, and a enforcer of Shao Khans will.
-Let’s get this over with! -Shang Tsung replied, and they shook hands. This was an act before every move that came with imminent danger, both of them insisted on this. They had theese little acts: Shang tsung was bending and twisting his long nailed fingers, and Templar always slid his fingers through his blades blood channel.
Both of them were „ambushed“ at the marketplace while wandering about, searching for their men. They came to them eventually. Black hooded assasins, the stereotypicly shameless killer orders of Outworld. Templar was a little unnerved, and Shang Tsung was very well annoyed.
-Your journey ends here. The locals looked at them baffled when the murederers pulled their shotr blades out. They were at least around seven or nine, but there were more in shouting range probably. -Beg pardon? Shang Tsung replied. –Was this not the velcoming comitee of the hiding sorce-ror of Lei Chen? How rude.. –he smiled. -I don’t know from where you have that arrogant tounge, but I make sure that it will lay life-less on our masters dining plate! -Wait, there is no need to resort to violence. –Templar interrupted. We only want to see your master on his own behalf. We ask that he surrenders himself before the ever-watchful Shao Khan, so that he may spare his life. -No need for violence? –the supposed to be leader of the brigands stepped forward. –We know your reputation Templar, and you and the goatbeard will die right here. Accept it! Your fate has been sealed. –his eyes flashed with bloodlust, Templar knew that this won’t end well. -Again, there is no need for violence! Please, for your own sake don’t pull that sword! -How about this for non-violence! –the scar-faced leader grabbed a nearby commoner woman and bent his arm, forcing her to go down, and in an instant, he slit her throat.
Silence. Shang Tsung became unnerved.
Templar looked at the dead woman, and wi
About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/11/2005 07:59 PM (UTC)
Ah yes, the great Lord Templar. I was wondering when you'd post him Chrome.
06/12/2005 03:01 AM (UTC)
WOW, thats a lot! i doubt you really had the time to type all that.
06/12/2005 05:14 AM (UTC)
hey man that sounds like a good character.. good story too. heres mine:

Name: Abu Shwarrab
Realm: Netherealm
Clan: The Red Dragon
Alignment: Evil
Sex: Male
Allies: Mavado
Enemies: Kabal, Kenshi
Story: Abu Shwarrab was an amateur fighter when Mavado discovered him. He wanted him to be apart of the Red Dragon Clan to bring power and control over the clan. Not only that, but to finally be able to defeat Kabal.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Very hairy and black
Mustache: Yes- thick, full, long, and black
06/12/2005 07:19 AM (UTC)

Name- Oleen

Realm- Outworld
Alignment- Good
Clan- Tarkatans
Sex- Female
Allies- Mileena, Jade, Kitana
Enemies- Baraka

Story- Oleen was a Outworld mutant forced by Baraka to fight for Shao Kahn. Oleen had no choice but to accept. Her best friend Mileena saw her in her time of struggle, as much as she detested Edenia, she secretly sent her through the portal to Edenia, where she would become pure, but before she left, Mileena forced her to promise that she would return to Outworld, to avoid suspicion from Baraka. Oleen made her promised and left for the portal.

Alternate Story- once Oleen stepped upon Edenian soil, she became pure and holy, but she still remained looking like a gruesome tarkatan creature, Jade found her, she intened on killing her, but she sensed good in her heart. She took her to Kitana, who casted a spell of beauty upon her. Oleen then stayed in Edenia for many seasons, fighting as a freedom fighter along with Jade and the princess, and slowly forgot about her promise.

Baraka and his hoards had traveled to Edenia to capture Oleen and make her pay for her treachery. but before that Oleen found herself in the middle of her longtime friend Mileena, and her new ones, Jade and Kitana. She had to choose between living in an idle paradise, or being forced to kill innocent people.

Mileena found herself being attacked by the three Edenians. Oleen chose to stay with her new allies, and fight off the Outworld mutants. As Baraka found Mileena on the ground, moments from death, his vile savages attacked the Edenian forces. The Edenian freedom fighters easily beat the tarkatans, because the Outworlders were outnumbered. Oleen stood over Baraka, and slowly ripped him apart, for ever forcing her to fight by his side.

Hair- Black, goes down to center of back
Eyes- Brown
Costume- Similar to Jade's alternate, but white. Head band, hair down.
Fighting Styles- Fan Zi, Ba Gua (taught to by Jade, and Kitana)
Weapon- foot long tarkatan like blades sticking out of the 2nd bend of her fingers (10) (put a ruler on that part and see what it's like)
06/12/2005 07:42 AM (UTC)
Realm- Earthrealm
Clan- Brotherhood of shadow
Alignment- evil
Species- CYBORG
Allies- Noob Saibot
Enemies- Sub-Zero, Smoke

Story- Frost had once been Sub-Zero's greatest ally, until she stole his medallion from him. and because she was unable to control it's power, she was consumed by her own freezing ability. Sub-Zero had buried her in Earthrealm. She laid at rest for years, until Sub-Zero's brother, Noob Saibot, had found her.

Alternate Story- Noob had tried all that he could to bring her life back, but he couldn't. Noob decided that because his companion Smoke was beginning to feel good again, he freed his body from the cyborg and put Frost's in it. He programmed her to think that Sub-Zero and Smoke had betrayed her. Noob sent Frost to kill them both along side with him.

Ending- Sub-Zero and Smoke had found them selves cornered by Noob and Frost. Smoke held off Noob, while Sub-Zero Froze Frost and immediatly detroyed the huge block of iced with his bare fist, and to his surprise, out came his former ally, Frost.

As she returned to her original body, her soul was also reinhabited. Frost realized that it was really her own fault for her death, not Sub-Zero's. She turned on Nood Saibot, and immediatly defeted him. Because of her actions, Sub-Zero had decided to let her rejoin the Lin Kuei, as the one who had been responsible for his enemy's death

Costume- Looks exactly like Cyrax, but blue, and her lights are green.
Fighting styles- Toung Bei, Mi Zong
Weapon- Pulse knives
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