10/20/2005 09:33 PM (UTC)
more back story for jubei. .......ah shit I have writer's block.
About Me

10/20/2005 09:44 PM (UTC)
Wow, so many double posts... or should i say, Fiveple or quadriple posts!

All your characters were good!
10/22/2005 05:57 AM (UTC)

Allies: Raiden, Jax, Frost, Kung Lao
Foes: Tanya, Shao Kahn, and the one who betrayed him

He is a Hunter by trade and survives by living off of nature. For money time to time he will help people in need for their services or money. But, one day thinking he was helping a man hunt down a murderer he found himself surrounded by an unknowing clan wanting to kill him. He barely survives thanks to the help of his pet which is a white sabor tooth tiger long lost thought to be incstinct and untamiable. He now wonders form realm to realm searching for the one who put an attempt on his life making friends and foes along the way.

Someone large in size and muscilar. When hunting he wher's a dark green with black outlining leather suite leting him move swiftly and hide in the shadows. When in Kombat he wheres and blood read suite made form plate armor and a metal helm aallowing him to to handle fierce blows. And although big he id still fast and has a bow made from the core of a tree only found in Living Forest and sword that has a orange and red flame surrounding it as if it was forged in hell.

Special Moves
He has a pet that he can command to attack but while he is controling the beast himself he is extremely vulnerable. He can send a flaming spirit from his sword at you(kinda like Liu Kangs fire ball) He can also shoot a very powerful arrow at you but he can only do this at certain distances far from you. He also has one last ability which stuns you when you are close enough.

Fatality 1
He summons his pet and sends it to prowl towards you as you yell in fear the cat pounces on you bringing you to the groun has it claws you on your chest and torso and face mean while you are still fighting and yelling trying to get the cat off you as you quickly start to bleed to death the cat jumps to your throat and in one bight takes your head off bringing it to his master and you then take the head and hold it in the air as your trophy.

Fatality 2
He starts to rapidly shoot arrows into the air shotting about 6. He then walks to you shoving you by the shoulder so you face the camera and then the first arrow hits in the shoulder bringing them to one knee then the back of the leg of the one thats kneeling then the other shoulder bringing the other knee down then the back of that leg then one lands right in front of him missing then he looks up as thanking god he isnt dead when the last arrow goes right through the front of his skull pinning him backwards to the ground with his body twitching.

10/22/2005 02:24 PM (UTC)
double post
10/22/2005 02:31 PM (UTC)
Name: Rey Daix
Look: cyborg look, he is half man half machine in his story you will see why.
he is not like sektor or cyrax, he still have human feeling, his robot half is for what he need to repair himself.

story: Rey Daix lives in the bleak future, some 2 million years after MK:D. it seems that shoa kahn has finnally killed all who stand in his way. now all the realms are merged and under the torture of shao kahns regin. all the earthrealm warrior have died in the attempt of stopping shoa kahn, so have the families of the earthrealm warroir to ensure no great warroirs come about. Rey Daix was horriblly disfigured when shoa kahn led a raid on his sercret underground resistance group.though kahn thought that all where killed, a nomad warrior with the knowlegde of cybernetics help repiar his broken limbs. it turns out that this warrior's famliy dates back to the Lin kuai(subby's clan), so his father taught his son how to use robot parts on human, rembemer the automation process. with Rey Daix rebulit, he looks for a way to defeat kahn. but he realizes that kahn is too powerful in this time to be stopped by anyone. until Rey Daix hears word of an tweaked amulet that create portals through time. he sets out to find on a long quest. turns out the amulet was buried in quan chi's old abandon fortess, hidden deep through a series of trails and traps to get it . once Rey Daix get the amulet he travel back in time some 2 million years back to fight kahn in a weaker state along side the earthrealm heros in hopes to save the future of the realms

more moves and fatalites later or story questions
10/22/2005 08:40 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
skorpionrulz Wrote:
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! scorpion could kick sindels ass any day, all day, every day. now THERES a powerhouse.furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious

actually, she's older than him, she can beat him up.

hasnt anyone told you age dosent matter? stupid bunny, stix are intended for children.
About Me

10/23/2005 01:44 AM (UTC)
skorpionrulz Wrote:
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
skorpionrulz Wrote:
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! scorpion could kick sindels ass any day, all day, every day. now THERES a powerhouse.furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious

actually, she's older than him, she can beat him up.

hasnt anyone told you age dosent matter? stupid bunny, stix are intended for children.

YEA!... Age doesnt matter!... Or does it?... I guess... Dunno... Im just gonna be quiet now.grin
10/23/2005 09:39 PM (UTC)
Name: Whisper
Age: Unknown
Sex: Female
Realm: Edinia
Title: Edinian Warrior Princess
Status: Good
Allies: Kitana, Jade, Sindel
Foes: Mileena, Baraka

Appearence: 5'6'', 115 lbs., white hair, white eyes. Dresses in an all white dress, low cut in front to the navel, split from the kee to mid-thigh. Sleeveless. White belt with diamonds. White elbow length gloves. White heeled boot.

Weapon: Crooked Sword

Light Ball- Whisper shoots a ball of lights from her hands toward her opponent.
Teleport- Teleports behind opponent.
Flip Kick- Flip kicks her opponent with a flash of light.

Fatality 1: Sticks her hand inside her opponents mouth and pulls out their skull.

Fatality 2: Stabs her opponent through the face with her crooked sword, grabs their arms and pulls them off, then tugs on her sword upwards until the opponent's head comes off.

Hara-Kiri: Uses her crooked sword to slice her neck.


I know what you are thinking. Yes, I am an Edinian princess. But what about Kitana?, you ask? I am Whisper, Kitana's real sister, not a clone like Mileena. After the death of my beloved mother, Sindel, at the hands of Onaga, I have decided to help my sister save the Edinia from the hated soul of Shao Khan. I realize that I am nowhere near a experienced as my sister, but with Jade at my side, I cannot fail. Shao Khan will pay all of the trouble that he has brought on to Edinia and Kitana.
10/25/2005 11:56 PM (UTC)
age dosent matter. shinnok was way older than raiden but he still got his ass sent to the netherrealm, with a first class ass whoopin
10/26/2005 02:24 AM (UTC)
skorpionrulz Wrote:
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
skorpionrulz Wrote:
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! scorpion could kick sindels ass any day, all day, every day. now THERES a powerhouse.furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious

actually, she's older than him, she can beat him up.

hasnt anyone told you age dosent matter? stupid bunny, stix are intended for children.

okay okay, its okay, calm down, and if you can be quiet until the big hand reaches the 6 we'll go get some McDonalds
10/27/2005 08:58 PM (UTC)
skorpionrulz Wrote:
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
skorpionrulz Wrote:
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! scorpion could kick sindels ass any day, all day, every day. now THERES a powerhouse.furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious

actually, she's older than him, she can beat him up.

hasnt anyone told you age dosent matter? stupid bunny, stix are intended for children.

Okay okay, shhh clam down. Now if you can be quiet until the big hand reaches the 6, We'll go get some McDonalds
About Me

11/12/2005 06:57 PM (UTC)
Here is a character done by KhaoticKung in the midway forums.
By: KhaoticKung

Name: Celsius
Picture: http://photobucket.com/albums/a105/KhaoticKung/?action=view&current;=Celsius.jpg (His hair is made of Ice, like Frost)

General Information:
Age: 18
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 215
Allies: Sub-Zero
Enemies: Scorpion
Neutral: ALL other MK characters
Alignment: Neutral-Good
Clan: Lin Kuei

Fighting Styles:
1) Lin Kuei (Sub-Zero stance in MK2 and MKSM)
2) Unknown (Sub-Zero stance in MK1 and Ultimate MK3)
3) Ice-Bat (Made out of Frozen air like Kori Blade, exept it is a slender, but thick club)

Frozen Catacombs - room underground of the Arctic frozenlands and the ruins of a people who mastered the element of cold and who's descendants are both SUb-Zero's, Frost, and Celsius. The room is surrounded by Sarcophagus of dead Lin Kuei warriors.
Arena Weapon: Kori Blade
Arena Death Trap: Area where sharp, frozen spikes hang loosely from the roof. When thrown against the wall, the spikes fall and impale the victim multiple times.
Arena Interaction: Edges of Arena are think ice, which is slippery and when stepped on leaves you vulnerable to an attack for a time.

Speacial Move 1: Winter-Fresh- Celsius Blows a gust of freezing air and freezes his opponent.
Speacial Move 2: Thick Ice- Celsius Stomps teh ground and Glacier-spikes shoot upwards from the ground surrounding him, knocking anyone close to the other side of the arena.
Speacial Move 3: Lin-Kuei High- Celsius freezes his own right arm and does a super-uppercut where he jumps upwards while uppercuttign the enemy. The ice shatters around the opponent's face from the impact.

Fatality 1: Celsius Stomps the ground and a single thick, wide Ice-spike rises diagonally behind and toward the victim, The Spike rises upwards with the victim impaled through it, and the tip of the spike has the Victim's heart imapled, outside of the victim's body.
Fatality 2: Celsius freezes his victim entirely, then rips off the head. He slides backwards, he takes out his Ice-bat, he throws the head in the air, and as it falls down, Celsius swings his ice-bat and the head is hit with extreme force against it's own body and everything shatters.

The father of Celsius is the original Sub-Zero, who is now Noob-Saibot. His sister was Frost, hic uncle is the current Sub-Zero. After his father was killed, and was separated form his sister, he wondered the arctic, experimenting with his powers, training himself gradually. He stumbled upon his ansectors frozen catacombs and took refuge in one of the caves from an on-coming Blizzard. Here is where he was found by his uncle, the Current Sub-Zero, who was searching the catacombs for more information about his heritage. Sub-Zero and Celsius talked for a long time and everything was revealed. Celsius was devastated that his father had been kileld by Scorpion, and has lost all humanity when he became a wraith; a member of The Brotherhood of Shadow, who feel no love or humanity at all and would not hesitate to kill his own son. Celsius also found out about Frosts' death, but was not angry at his uncle. Sub-Zero took his nephew under his wing, and brought him into the Lin Kuei, where he further trained his skills and rapidly sped through training. Thoguh still inexperienced, Sub-Zero recognizes his nephew's potential, and he knows that he will be more powerful than any one of his kind before him. After Onaga had been defeated, Sub-Zero and Celsius managed to fully-establish the New Lin Kuei, and conviced the people of earthrealm that they were a force for good. Unfortunately, Scorpion once again ambushed Sub-Zero when he and Celsius were travelling to the Arctic ruins to uncover more of their ansecstors. Scorpion could not take the two of them, and when he was warping, Sub-Zero grabbed onto Scorpion's leg, and the both of them disappeared. Celsius, now alone, and his ever-growing hatred for Scorpion burning deep within him, because Scorpion had taken both his father, and now his uncle, inherits his uncle's belongings, and is made post-grandmaster, in which he must still train and gain mroe experience before the Lin Kuei could accept him as true Grandmaster.

Win Pose 1: He puts his ice-bat over his shoulder and his eyes glow bright blue.
Win Pose 2: He Crosses his fore-arms across his chest and freezes them, with eyes glowing bright Blue.

"I will find my uncle, he is still alive...he must be..."
"I shall make the death of Scorpion more painful than the death of my family."
"Scorpion will pay in blood for what he has done."
"Scorpion will not find it easy to destroy one who has equal hatred and pain as he does."
"May the souls of my murdered people rest in pece"
"Power to the Lin-Kuei!"
"I guess this is a passing Grade?"

Keep this thread alive!smile
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