06/27/2005 04:07 AM (UTC)
To kick off Ling's own starting cutscene:

Ling grabbed the revolver out of her hand, and pointed it at the mysterious man. She fired only to see lightning stream out of his hands and deflect it. "Do not be afraid." the man said in an echo-like voice. He lit up the room to reveal an empty training room. The mysterious man was Raiden. "Now tell me," Ling yelled, aiming for Raiden's head, "why am I here and where is Kurtis?" Raiden shot a lightning bolt at a nearby projector, showing Stryker being tortured by Tarkatan troops. As the movie stopped, Raiden fiercely said "If you want to see your husband, you will have to rescue him." A strange figure crawled out of the door. "GET OVER HERE!" it said in a very menacing voice. Ling jumped like a cat, and took out a knife and cut the spear. Scorpion ran to Ling as if he was going to kill her. With quick speed, Raiden used his staff to cage the spectre in lightning. "Come," Raiden said, "we must head out to the other warriors."

Alternate Bio:

Ling met Raiden in a vacant training room, where the vicious Netherrealm spectre Scorpion attempted to assasinate the young Ling. Raiden saved her life by trapping Scorpion. For that, she returned the favour by joining Earth's forces.


Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Ling defeated the Dragon King and, with the aid of Scorpion, the eternal queen Li Mei. Learning Raiden sent Stryker to the Netherrealm, she killed the thunder god and rescued Stryker. The Earth Warriors owe her a lot for saving their lives.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/27/2005 04:51 AM (UTC)
Ling Ann needs to be more refined. Her backstory makes no sense, no soul can make an implosion like she did. Shw wouldn't have the capacity to do that in her state. Kahn has probably absorbed countless armies in his rule of Outworld and Edenia, what's to make somebody like Ling Ann so special that she is able to take down one of the most feared rulers in all of the realms, especially if her life wasn't spared like the other warriors. Also, there's nothing to indicate that she would have the strengh to take out Raiden. The concept has some good idea's but it's flawed by poor execution. I suggest you review the character and try to expand a bit.
About Me

06/27/2005 06:36 AM (UTC)
yeah ling's backstory makes no sense now here is my guy.

LA cop
Name:nick holao[wholao]
Location: Earthrealm/LA
Fighting styes:Karate judo
Looks:Looks like raiden without the hat and he has black hair and a black shirt and black pants
Story:Nick was standing face to face to with Sho Khan nick qickly puched him then ran away but standing in front of him there was ermac and scorpion nick shot them then escaped to be telaported to La Raiden was standing there in front of him "who are you" nick said "I am Raiden" he said
06/27/2005 07:38 AM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
Ling Ann needs to be more refined. Her backstory makes no sense, no soul can make an implosion like she did. Shw wouldn't have the capacity to do that in her state. Kahn has probably absorbed countless armies in his rule of Outworld and Edenia, what's to make somebody like Ling Ann so special that she is able to take down one of the most feared rulers in all of the realms, especially if her life wasn't spared like the other warriors. Also, there's nothing to indicate that she would have the strengh to take out Raiden. The concept has some good idea's but it's flawed by poor execution. I suggest you review the character and try to expand a bit.

Yeah, I noticed, so here's the reasons why:

When Ling went to the heavens, watching Stryker "die" (although, to the backstory, just captured), she went straight to the head of the elder gods, Raiden. In order to let Ling to the earthrealm, she needed to pass two tests. The first was to go into anyone's body and use her soul to explode. In order to receive that, she would have to bring down her toughest opponent, but in a temporary form. It was Kurtis Stryker. With skill, she was able to kill the temporary Stryker. The second was to receive powers beyond her wildest dreams. She had to face against all four Elder Gods. At first, she found it impossible, but remembering she had her new powers, and the Elder Gods were using temporary souls and bodies, she used the Soul Implosion to take out the elder gods. Although the elder gods are not dead, Raiden was impressed, and gave her powers. Ling has yet to learn how to properly use them, but one of them is to do anything against the odds.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/27/2005 11:13 PM (UTC)
An old character I had lying around. So I decided to post him here.
Name: Mai Zhou Lin
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 6'ft
Weight: 187 lbs
Alignment: Neutral
Hair: Bald
Eye color: Red and black
Fighting Styles: Shaolin Kung Fu, Mantis, twin straight swords,
Special Ability: Chi exertion
P.o.O.: Thailand, now roaming the deserts of Outworld.
Quote: "Leave now, before I loose my sanity"

Mai follows the tradition of his heritage, and wears the standard shaolin uniform, only crafted to his liking. He wears a dark blue sash which drapes over his left side and slightly down his arm. He wears black pants which tuck into his steel shin gaurds. He wears white socks and sandals, as well as arm gaurds. His right side has a tribal tattoo covering his entire right side up to his neck and stopping before the forearm. He has nine dots, arranged in three rows on his head indicating that he is of the highest calibur of warrior in the Shaolin community.

In this outift, Mai wears a grey body suit with the top off and tied around his waist. His arms are portected by arm guards, an so are his legs. His tattoo is completely visibile on the back, showing the portrait of his village during the naplam strike. he wears prayer beads around his right hand, which look a bit like Raiden's only much smaller. And on his head he wears the rice hat that's identical to the one Raiden used to wear. He still wears his white socks and his training sandals, but on the sides of his legs he has his straight swords holstered. Under neath his hat, you can see that his eyes glow a subtle red.

Shaolin Fist:
Mai energies his fist with dark chi and unleashes it in the form of a violent ball of energy at his opponent.

Thundering Palm:
Mai lines his palms with his spirit energy and delivers a three hit combo to the stomach, ribs, and spine of the opponent, causing hem to roll in the other direction.

Awakened Power:
Mai surges chi energy into all parts of his body, causing him to glow in a dark aura for a short time. By doing so, his physical, as well as energy attacks become greatly increased. The sacrifice is that every strike drains some life. This move taps into the person’s spirit, there by draining it every time it's used.

Wind Walker:
Mai channels his chi into his legs, giving him an incredible boost of speed, too fast for the naked eye. While in this state, Kim moves faster then sound. The only trace he leaves is a gust of wind and faint shadows were he was. By pressing an attack button the move also changes to Howling Wind.

Howling Wind:
While using Wind Walker, Mai can perform a series of augmented strikes at his opponent in rapid succession, each being indicated by a blinding flash on the opponent’s body caused by the release of chi powered strikes. The move happens with the span of several seconds with the opponent being tossed around like a rag doll.

Rising Whirlwind: A four kick combo which starts out with a pop-up sweep and then goes into a series of three rising flip kicks.

Dragon Breaker: Mai takes the opponent and tosses him into the air. He jumps after them and kicks them back towards the ground where he waits. He raises his foot straight up into the air, and the opponent falls right on top of it.

Stone Crusher Stomp:
Mai runs up his opponent’s legs, then chest and then leaps twenty feet into the air. He does a couple of front flips charging up his feet with his dark chi energy. He then comes down directly on the opponents head, driving it down between the shoulders and into their abdomen. The pressure is so great, that anything, and everything inside, shoots out the front of the opponents chest, leaving the head to fall into the open mid section. The initial force also causes the persons body to split vertically in half.

Death Touch:
To start off the fatality, Mai shoots his two blades into the opponent’s thighs, stapling them in place. He then charges his palm up with energy and walks up to the opponent. He then carefully looks them over and then touches their right arm. We are shown the persons own chi energy building up in the same place. The persons arm begins to swell and pulse. Suddenly, the opponent’s arm explodes. The opponent starts screaming in pain. Mai then looks them over again coldly. He then touches their other arm and again it explodes. The person is now a fountain of blood. He finally touches their chest and we see a type of x-ray with all the energy building up into their heart. Mai then steps back and walks away, we see an over the shoulder shot of the opponents center starting to swell up and pulsate and then being blown away, leaving a hole in the middle, where their heart, lungs, and ribs were with blood spewing out in gallons. Mai then retracts his blades and the corpse falls to the ground, shooting blood out in short, but violent bursts like a fountain.

Mai takes his twin straight swords and throws them into the distance. He then uses Wind Walker to run past them and stop in front of them, inches before impact. The blades lodge themselves into his body, one in the head, and the other in the chest.

Mai Zhou Lin grew up in a small fishing village in Thailand. At the age of 13, his village was showered by a Napalm Strike from a strange group of mechanical soldiers, led by a warrior clad in red and black armor under the suspicion that they were harboring potential candidates for their armada. Everybody in the village was killed, either by the strike or shortly after by a clean up crew who was sent in to search the area. The river ran red with the blood of Mai's family, friends, and elders. Mai was the only one who escaped the clearing by fleeing into the jungle. He hid there for several days, avoiding the ongoing search parties. Shortly afterwards he was found by a couple of monks. It seemed that he had stumbled onto a shaolin society, living in isolation from the everyday world, very rarely having contact with the outside. The monks heard his tale and felt sympathy for the young survivor and took him in. In the coming years Mai learned the ways of Shaolin. He learned discipline, balance and inner peace. The temple became a second family for him and for a time he was happy. However, soon after that, he started to have a reoccurring nightmare. He kept seeing visions of his old village, and the Napalm strike. He kept hearing the voices of little children and adults alike, screaming in pain as their flesh was scorched from their bone by the napalm. He saw how the survivors begged for help from the clearing team, only to get shot in the head and get dragged into the river to cover up everything. This nightmare soon became a part of Kim. It consumed his soul and twisted his mind. He used the brutality and hatred in his training. He rose to the ranks of his mentors. Many feared his skills and questioned his sanity, they were right to do so. Mai became a walking embodiment of oppressed anger. His training became difficult; oppressing his anger was not something that he could do so easily. Because of his drive however, he ascended in spirituality, although, not the way he intended. His ascension gave him the gift to master his chi, but pushed him to the limit of sanity. One day during a match against a fellow monk. Mai was consumed with rage, his dark chi taking him over. Without thought and hesitation, he charged his "brother" and killed the young monk with one lethal strike through the chest. In the Shaolin tradition this was a cardinal sin. Spilling the blood of a brother in blind rage was of the highest disgrace. As he came to, he saw the broken body of his brother on the floor with a look of horror and sorrow that ate Mai alive. His hands soiled with blood he cast himself out of the temple. Seeking revenge on those that implanted this evil seed in his body, Mai has abandoned all honor and morale. He will kill anything, or anyone to get his revenge, his only target is the strange group of soldiers that raided his village almost 9 years ago.
06/28/2005 11:03 AM (UTC)
Tenchu Wrote:
yeah ling's backstory makes no sense now here is my guy.

LA cop
Name:nick holao[wholao]
Location: Earthrealm/LA
Fighting styes:Karate judo
Looks:Looks like raiden without the hat and he has black hair and a black shirt and black pants
Story:Nick was standing face to face to with Sho Khan nick qickly puched him then ran away but standing in front of him there was ermac and scorpion nick shot them then escaped to be telaported to La Raiden was standing there in front of him "who are you" nick said "I am Raiden" he said

That doesn't make sense. How could Nick punch Shao Kahn hard enough to flee, then shoot Ermac and Scorpion so easily?
About Me

06/28/2005 11:11 AM (UTC)
Ok nicks stufed......So this is my new character

shuji_cage34 Wrote:
Tenchu Wrote:
yeah ling's backstory makes no sense now here is my guy.

LA cop
Name:nick holao[wholao]
Location: Earthrealm/LA
Fighting styes:Karate judo
Looks:Looks like raiden without the hat and he has black hair and a black shirt and black pants
Story:Nick was standing face to face to with Sho Khan nick qickly puched him then ran away but standing in front of him there was ermac and scorpion nick shot them then escaped to be telaported to La Raiden was standing there in front of him "who are you" nick said "I am Raiden" he said

That doesn't make sense. How could Nick punch Shao Kahn hard enough to flee, then shoot Ermac and Scorpion so easily?

Ok nicks stufed......I just quote characters
About Me

06/28/2005 11:15 AM (UTC)
Uhh the the thing that says Ok nicks stufed......So this is my new character
should not be they

06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alighment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost to late coltess was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destoy evil i will restore youre health and youth and give you powers
beond your wildest dreams and ill teach you eastern fiting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raidens eyes onto coltesses ,then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thankyou now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and hishelmat is straped to his back

fiting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shieldand lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alighment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost to late coltess was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destoy evil i will restore youre health and youth and give you powers
beond your wildest dreams and ill teach you eastern fiting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raidens eyes onto coltesses ,then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thankyou now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and hishelmat is straped to his back

fiting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shieldand lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alighment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost to late coltess was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destoy evil i will restore youre health and youth and give you powers
beond your wildest dreams and ill teach you eastern fiting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raidens eyes onto coltesses ,then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thankyou now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and hishelmat is straped to his back

fiting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shieldand lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alighment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost to late coltess was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destoy evil i will restore youre health and youth and give you powers
beond your wildest dreams and ill teach you eastern fiting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raidens eyes onto coltesses ,then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thankyou now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and hishelmat is straped to his back

fiting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shieldand lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alighment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost to late coltess was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destoy evil i will restore youre health and youth and give you powers
beond your wildest dreams and ill teach you eastern fiting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raidens eyes onto coltesses ,then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thankyou now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and hishelmat is straped to his back

fiting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shieldand lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alignment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost too late coltess; was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destroy evil i will restore your health and youth and give you powers
beyond your wildest dreams and i'll teach you eastern fighting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raiden's eyes into coltess's, then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thank you now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go , ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and his helmat is straped to his back

fighting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shield and lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
06/30/2005 02:39 PM (UTC)
YoungCam That character you came up with was straight up ausom
About Me

Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

06/30/2005 06:12 PM (UTC)
Name: Maya

Sex: Female

Origin: Edenia

Status: Vampire

Allignment: Good

Allies: Sindel, Kitana, Chloe, Raiden, Nitara

Foes: Shao Kahn

Weapon: Kama

Eyes: Silver

Hair: Long Black hair w/ white streaks

After Maya witnessed the death of her mother, Nitara, she has been looking for Shao Kahn to get revenge. Raiden told her her mother is dead but Maya still belives her mother is still alive. When she meets a male vampire (don't know name yet) he tells Maya that her mother, Nitara is still alive and he will lead her to Nitara. What Maya doesn't know is that he works for Shao Kahn. After he brings Maya to Shao Kahn's base she figures out what is really going on. After Shao Kahn and everyone else jumps out they bring out Nitara. Maya now knows that her mother is alive. After they knock Maya out she figures out they are trying to kill her. Nitara breaks from Mileena's cluches and resucses Maya and together, mother and daughter they kill all of Shao Kahn's men and Shao Kahn as well. After they return to Edenia and become protecters of Edenia.
Salvador sounds like he'd be an awesome character in a future MK gamesmile
07/01/2005 03:36 AM (UTC)
thanks destroyer
About Me

World of Warcraft Characters: Horde
Reclawed 85 Druid
Declawed 85 Druid

07/01/2005 04:26 PM (UTC)
Name: Dark Matter (DM)

Origin: Unkown, before there was time and space there was only dark.

DM.... is the origin or father of all evil. He appears as a shadow, almost like a mist of smoke (black). He wears a dark hooded robe and his eyes seem souless and void. His powers are vast and he can take over the weak minded and enter their bodies to do his will.... They become his slaves.... He is the master of all the bosses, and of all the evil fighters of MK.... They are his slaves........ They do his will.... And that is to bring the univirse as it was before... To undo the creators work.... Dark and empty is his ambition!!!
07/01/2005 06:53 PM (UTC)
Sun Fuhn

Height : 7.2

Hair Color : Bald

Eye Color : Vivid almost neon green

Wieght : 235

Weapon / Fighting styles: Tai Chi, Jeet Kun Do, twin Dragon Swords

Powers : combusts oxygen causing intense explosions.

story : As an assasin for the late Genghis Kahn he earned a reputation for never needing to be close to his targets in order eliminate them. But when exiled and trapped in an ether-cube his target became Ghengis and his mission was escape. Trapped for thousand of years the cube waited for the day for Onagas return with the cube opened Sun was freed but he's found Ghengis is dead so he must kill Shao Kahn.

Fatality 1 Explosive personality. Sun creates a sort of natural time bomb. a close-up of his bleeding opponent drawing his last breath, sut to Sun smiling he combusts the oxygen in their lungs and bloodstream.

Fatality 2 Sun executes death of 1000 cuts. Sun walks to his victim and makes 3 small cuts on their arms he then cuts a large x on their chest., they slowly bleed out.

Hara Kiri
Sun combusts all the oxygen surrounding his body and is consumed in fire, the fire then forms a dregon and dissipates.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/01/2005 07:07 PM (UTC)
The character sounds decent. I like his power, combusting oxygen to create explosives, kind of reminds me of Karasu from Yu-Yu Hakusho. He was able to detonate a person's spirit energy inside of their bodies. There are a few issues though.
1) Genghis Kahn lived in the 13th century, so the whole "1000's of years" part should probably be reduced down to 100's.
2) Where would somebody find an Ether Cube?
3) How would Onaga free him? Onaga would have to invade Earthrealm and search for the cube correct?
4) After being released, why would Sun go up against somebody like Shao Kahn with no clear reason?
5) I doubt he'd know Jeet Kune Do since the style is relatively new.

Overall, this a good start for a character, but it needs to be more refined. Adding some attacks might be helpful as well. So far, all we know is that he can create a minefield around his opponent. Keep working on it. it might turn out to be something great.
07/01/2005 08:47 PM (UTC)
any one like coltess the knight?????confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
07/01/2005 08:47 PM (UTC)
any one like coltess the knight?????confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
07/01/2005 08:47 PM (UTC)
any one like coltess the knight?????confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
07/01/2005 08:51 PM (UTC)
any one like my knight idea confusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
coltess Wrote:
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alignment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost too late coltess; was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destroy evil i will restore your health and youth and give you powers
beyond your wildest dreams and i'll teach you eastern fighting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raiden's eyes into coltess's, then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thank you now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and his helmat is straped to his back

fighting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shieldand lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

any one like him????

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
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