08/14/2005 03:41 AM (UTC)
Hurricane (another Ninja...)

This guy was thought up back in the MK3 days, when I hacked his colours into my PC copy of UMK3. So, he might not be all Canon-ified with MK4, MK:DA, and MK:D. I'll work on fixing any problems that come up as I catch them.

Name: Hurricane
Creator: Arac (the extra 'c' is just to get my name up to five letters =p)
Age: 20-30
Sex: Male
Weight: 56 kilograms
Height: 1.78 meters
Race: Human
Family: None
Alignment: Good
Group: A tribe of Outworld nomads.
Status: Ninja, trapped on Outworld.
Allies: Elder Sub-Zero (many years ago), Rain, Reptile (until the end of MK3), Scorpion (now)
Foes: Noob Saibot, now Reptile (he hopes to help them both to their better states, although he doubts either one will simply, 'turn back,' without a fight.), Quan-Chi, Jax, Sonya, Cyrax, Kenshi, Shao Kahn, Baraka.

Eyes: A deep violet.

Hair: Dyed dark blue, done in cornrows by the Nomads.

Dress: The classics MK ninja outfit, in midnight blue, altered slightly to more accomidate the nomadic lifestyle. Baggier, more padded pants, sholder pades removed and sewn on to cover weak spots on sides, etc. Generall, the outfit is a lot more practical for a nomadic life, while still retaining a ninja look.

Ninjitsu: One of the two primary ninja arts (along with Ninpo), Ninjitsu focusses less on asceticism and philosophy and more on diversified pragmatic training with a single guiding philosophy of what honour is. 'Cheating is more honourable than fighting fairly, if you are able to cheat, for otherwise, you are cheating, insulting, and dishonouring your foe by not showing your full potential.'
Waterfall: An incredibly hard to fight against style, it works on the same principal as a waterfall; once you are hit by it, you are caught in it; once you are caught in it, there is no way. This style focusses on long, deadly, combination attacks often killing the victim before they have a chance to strike. However, just like a waterfall, if it's flow is broken, it sputters in the process of getting back in, and during those sputters, this style is as effective as an unarmed sniper.

Weapons: Hurricane's power over wind, rain, and lightning are most useful in correlation with the Kusari-gama (chain-scythe or chain-kama), which Hurricane has thus taken as his weapon.

Special Moves:
Wind Toss: A vortex of windtosses the opponent across the arena. Useful for bridging the gaps if a Waterfall style kombo is interrupted.
Vortex: A harsh, spiralling wind appears, as if out of nowhere, in the direction Hurricane is facing. If it is used anyhwere near water, it triggers the Tsunami attack.
Tsumani: Water of any volume is flung with enough force to deal signifigant damage.
Thundercall: Three random lightning strikes, which do not harm Hurrican, occur in quick succession across the arena. Possibility for multiple hit. Leaves victim stunned.
Hurricane Attack: The attack from which Hurricane took his name, this combines all three of his main powers into a single, devastating attack. First, a centralized thundercall electrifies Hurrican'e Kusari-gama, then wind power is used to increase the force of a Kusarigama swing such that the blade goes entirely through the victim, who is then, also by wind, blown back, to stand right in front of Hurrican, who then, using a powerful tidal-wave attack conjured from his hands, painfully rips them off the blade and then hurls them under immens pressure into the ground. Kills weaker foes almost certainly, and is very dangerous, even to the strongest fighters.
Gale Dart: Wind of such velocity that the tiny dust particles in it cut like razours. Knocks foe back and stuns them. Procetile 1.
Riptide: A powerful sphere of water that bludgeons the target and knocks them back. Projectile 2.
Lighning Blast: A ball of lightning that deals damage and momentarily stuns opponent. Projectile 3.

1. A random item from the stage goes flying as Hurrican conjurs a literal hurricane. The item, depending on what it is, kills the opponent by decapitation, impalation, etc. This would be very difficult to do, as Hurricane rarely kills his foes.
2. A smaller version of Fatality 1's hurrican captures the opponent and flings them into a wall or other such solid object. They don't get up, but Hurricane goes over and checks their pulse, then nods.

Hurricane trained with the Lin Kuei, where he gained early respect and notoriety for his strange talents, close to those of Sub-Zero, leading people to believe them related. Something they both denied, or at least, denied any knowledge of.
Hurricane was, however, removed from the clan once his training was over, because he refused to kill his opponent in the match that would determine who would enter the Lin Kuei, even after he won. His opponent was the first Sub-Zero, who, while he didn't agree with Hurricane's notions, now had a respect for them, feelings similar to Hurricane's about Sub-Zero's beliefs.
Following his old friend to the first tournament, Hurrican watched his death, and originally intended to avenge him by Killing Scorpion until he met the yellow-garbed ninja, who's quest he came to understand. Since then, he and the ninja-spectre have been unlikely but close allies.
Hurrican made himself many more enemies during that time. After Kano, Sonya, and Johnny Cage battled Goro, and eventually believed they defeated him, they then found the mourning Hurricane. Believing him to be one of Shang Tsung's minions, Kano and Sonya battled him. After he defeated both of them, leaving them alive, he found that, strangely, the part of the island they were in wasn't crumbling like the rest.
Finding that they had been teleported to a strange place called 'outworld,' as prisoners for the evil ruler Shao Kahn, Hurricane, at first, kept on a deception of being in mourning meditation. Then, after his arms were placed in shackles, as he was being lifted onto the stockades that were to hold him, he called lightning down do his shackles, electifiying them. Sending terrible blows of the shocking chains to his unexpecting, would-be captors, he was able to escape their grasp, only to find a grotesque creature blocking his way. As the metal stockades began to melt from the electricity, the battle began, without any inhibitions on either warrior. The battle appeared to be heading into Baraka's favour, until Hurricane's swift leg sweep revealed his incompetance to be yet another feint. Baraka thought it a lucky hit, and picked himself up. He'd just wiped out an entire sect of Shaolin monks; one ninja should be no trouble. Unfortunately, he found his overconfidence his deepest weakness, as he got up too swiftly, only to take a solid, stunning punch to the face. A long, fast series of those punches followed, and Barka finally slumped against a wall, missing three of his deranged teeth, and unable to open one eye at all, and blind in the other from all the blood dripping off his forehead. He expected the ninja to kill him, but instead found a foot coming towards his face, slamming his head into the wall before he could even feel it, knocking him unconcious. Leaving the broken mutant behind, Hurricane found a green-garbed ninja, and thought he had another fight on his hands.
What he found was another thing entirely; safe passage and blood-brotherhood in exchange for help in deceptions and generally the reviving of the Saurian people when the times came. Dragging his Kusarigama across 'Reptile''s wrist, as the raptor pressed his axe into Hurricane's, the pact was sealed, and the two were blood brothers.
Hurricane escaped to live with a tribe of Outworld's nomads, this one of mixed human and mutant heritage, and one of the few disloyal to Shao Kahn's rule. Under the wise reign of their Kahn, Hurricane trained, contemplated, wrote poetry, and rode out the second majour battle.
However, seeing a way home when the third conflict came, and Shao Kahn stole the souls of those on Earth, Hurricane realized he didn't want to return.
It was during this tournament that Hurrican found things changing rapidly, all around him. Sub-Zero's younger brother was now well known, and fighting against Shao-Kahn, and Scorpion was protecting him. Reptile, too, had a strange request. Hurrican was to cause a terrible storm, during one of Shao Kahn's battles, to distract the Emperor further so that Reptile could escape the emperor who was to betray him. Apparently, Shang Tsung's magics had (when blackmailed with death) created a clone suitable enough to replace Reptile for a while, with it's own personality even. Hurricane, of course, abided by his friend and blood-brother's request, causing the storm. He planned, too, to abide by Reptile's second request, killing the clone as soon as it was feasable. He said the poor thing might live in misery for an eternity of Hurrican didn't. Hurrican never knew if Reptile's plan worked or not, but seeing, later, what 'Reptile,' was, he decided to put it out of it's misery if it didn't show any signs of the old Reptile in it.
The Special Forces, now with metal-armed Jax in tow, were also hunting Hurricane, but in a less friendly way. Still believing him to be one of Shao Kahn's agents (even after witnessing his capture, escape and battle with Baraka), they attacked and tried to capture them. He defeated both, using lightning to negate Jax's strength by disabling his arms, temporarily, and flinging him and Sonya into one-another with bursts of wind. When they were left helpless, he spared their lives, hoping to teach them he meant them no harm. Unforunately, they took it as a mockery, and continue to hunt him as an enemy of earth.
Perhaps, though, his greatest shock of all was to clearly recognize his old friend as a the pure evil shadow that was Noob Saibot. Trying to speak with the netherspirit, Hurricane was tossed off the edge of Shao Kahn's tower by Noob Saibot. Saibot, thinking him dead, resumed his course of murder, much to Hurricane's dismay.
Baraka was out for revenge, and his Master still angry about the missing prisoner, leading to further conflict, and forcing Hurricane to leave his tribe for a year, so as not to hurt them. He was deeply glad when the whole mess was done with and the Earth warriors had left. Returning to his tribe when it was again safe, he remained with them for a long time, mentally combatting himself on how to best deal with the whole situation, including the regressing, maddenned Reptile he had seen.
After the rise of the Onaga, at least one question was solved. However, seeing a good man like Smoke fall into Noob's control was enough to tell him the other matter needed to be solved.
08/14/2005 09:13 PM (UTC)
if u remember i created a knight about a month ago caled coltess i havent been on due to famly tragity [my father drownd] but smokenc017 told me to make him better and i will
coltess Wrote:
i got one he's a knight
origin:earthrealm [england 1347]
name:coltess status:knight of canterbury alignment:good
story: long ago there was a great knight named coltess, word reached raiden of this knight so raiden bent time and space to find him. when raiden found him he was almost too late coltess; was on his death bed. then raiden said i am the thunder god raiden if you promise to help me destroy evil i will restore your health and youth and give you powers
beyond your wildest dreams and i'll teach you eastern fighting styles . coltess stuggled to say i promise . then lightning went from raiden's eyes into coltess's, then coltess grew younger when. raiden was done coltess said thank you now where is this evil. raiden explained that they had to go to the future ,coltess said ok after a LONG discussion. here i have armer for you said raiden ,no! my runite armour ax shield and magical ring were forged by the lady of the lake!!! ok put it on said raiden. coltess slipped the ring on his right ring finger put on the heavy armour straped the shield to his left arm and picked up the ax and said lets go , ok said raiden then they went to the future [presentday]
costume: coltess has blond hair and and short beard he wears: a viking helmat that has a large safire in the center of it there is galic writing around the safire. his chain mail has a small dimond in the chest . is legs have two emeralds over his nees. on his shield he has four rubys in a sqare in the center a safire . he has a yellow cape that has a picture of two swords against each other. on his right hand you can see a ring with a purple gem . all of his armour is bluishgreen

alternate costume:coltess'es older self he has long grey hair his beard is longer and his helmat is straped to his back

fighting styles: airikudo,longfist,wepon battle ax

special moves: ring blast: he shoots a ball of purple fire out of his ring.
cape choke: he raps his cape around the oponents throat and chokes them untill they break free.
shield jump:he jumps in the air puts his legs on his shield and lands on his oponent.
shield bash: he grabs the shield by the end and bashes his oponent in the head

fatality crystal: coltess reads the wrighting on his helmat then his sword glows he slashes his oponent in the gut then his oponent crystlizes and coltess smashes him

fatality crack!!! coltess raps his cape around the oponents head then he twists realy hard and breaks his oponents neck

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
08/15/2005 05:42 AM (UTC)
Contortionist (NO name given yet)

A man from Chaosrealm who'se main quality is his contortionism... and YES! he is strangely similar to Dhalsim... but F it...
Styles- Chaos
(he has no real styles! He thrives in chaos!)
Weapon-Bone Blades- he pops bones out of his arms so they can be used as blades... they look kinda like these blades:

Instead of a fireball he can extend his fingertips across the screen
He can spin his arm like a corkscrew... etc. etc... u kno.. the works...

the Judge (Not name... no real name given either)
A high judge from Seido... there to replace the DEAD hotaru
weapon- Mega-hammer
moves- Light Triangle
Binding Circle
Square Dash (Like Square wave punch but moves to the side instead of up)

Fatality-Death Cube - Enemy is enclosed by 12 blades that form a cube arround them.. the cube starts to spin and rotate and it chops the enemy into pieces
Fat2- ORDER! - with his massive hammer the Judge crushes the vitcim into a packed cube of flesh
HaraKiri- Thesseract- Many cubes of light flow into the judge till he explodes

08/15/2005 07:20 AM (UTC)
how do u make your own forum
08/15/2005 11:49 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
how do u make your own forum

U can't make a forum just liek that.... but if u mean a topic (Like a thread such as Make up your own character) then go to the main forum page (be it classic Mk, Fan art, etc etc) and clcik on Post Message, on the top left
08/16/2005 07:34 PM (UTC)
thanks now visit my thread
08/17/2005 02:34 AM (UTC)
Oleen's Fatalities:
1. Oleen pulls hand back, but you can't see it
2. She Lauches her hand at her opponents heasd as fast as she can
3. The headless body falls on the ground
4. She raises her hand in victory as we discover the opponents head on her finger blades.

1.slices neck with a finger blade
2.roundhouse kicks the head off

Hara Kiri:
Impales stomach with all off her finger blades

08/23/2005 12:48 AM (UTC)

nemesis is a fukin power house hell he would kick goro kintaro motaro and shao kahnes ass in 1 fukin hit die mutha fukas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!furiousfurious
08/23/2005 05:24 AM (UTC)
name:unknown his codename is RedSkuLL
age: was 79 then became immortal
weight:237 lbs
eye color: none
hair color: none
skin color: red
affiliation: neutral, founder and leader of secret society called the watchers.
location: chaosrealm/orderrealm/outworld/earthrealm/edenia/netherrealm (has used his vast powers to create a way for him to view all realms, everywhere, at all times, though his lair in outworld.it lair is physically located in outworld, but once you step in you are in a negative zone outside the realms.
occupation: spiritual leader
allies: his followers, and his inner circle of sorcerers, who all originated in each of the realms, (there are six of them including RedSkuLL) kung lao of earthrealm, brought back from the dead, RedSkuLL being from outworld, minion from the netherrealm, chaos from orderrealm, order from chaosrealm, and codename:WiSdOm.
foes: none

bio: ill write it if people like my charecter.grin
08/23/2005 03:13 PM (UTC)
Name: Spectre
Age: Unknown
Weight: 0lbs
Height: 5' 8"
Sex: Male
Alignment: Unknown

Long ago, Spectre was a living and healthly man. he had mastered several fighting stlyes and has also mastered how to use a simple hand scythe attached to a chain. But he was murdered by an evil sorcerer. the sorcerer stole his memories for his own self gain. But Spectre wouldn't rest until he retirved his beloved memories. so he is set on discovering who the evil sorcerer is and getting his memories back through the death of the evil man.

just thought of it, might be a little holie, but i'll fix it i guess.
About Me

08/28/2005 10:35 AM (UTC)
RedSkuLL is nice but... he's immortal?? Then whats the point of fighting him? confused
Spectre has a nice story too but, who's the sorcerer? Shang?
09/10/2005 01:59 AM (UTC)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
RedSkuLL is nice but... he's immortal?? Then whats the point of fighting him? confused
Spectre has a nice story too but, who's the sorcerer? Shang?

yeah, but most mk charecters never stay dead anyway. he's more of a leader of fighters, like raiden is for the earthrealm warriors. you ever heard of the watcher from marvel comics? like him. he isnt bound to a physical body perse, but he can posess his followers in times of need. like all forms of immortality, it has a price. he has to stay inside his lair at ALL times. if any part of him ever leaves (exept his mind), he will fade away forever. no plot holes, no returning. heres an add on to his profile.

he has many allies in the mk universe, who have been crucial to the mortal kombat plot. for instance, he was the trainer of an abnormally gifted child, bo' rai cho, and was sent to do what he cannot. he cannot interfere with the realms, but he can get other people to do it for him. thats why he chose someone from his own realm, so they cant actually fight. another of his recent deciples was (wow) scorpion. the ninja spectre himself was taught by redskull. he learned his flying spear technique from redskull, by controlling his chakras and channeling them through his unbreakable rope. he chose scorpion because he was a lone soul, who would go to any lengths to avenge his fallen clan. he was brought back to life and taught how to control his anger, and channel it into energy. his body was not of his own, however, and he had possessed the body of a fallen warrior who had had his flesh burned down to the bone. scorpion had asked redskull for one more favor: the ability to mask his bony appearance as to reveal it to the ones that he kills, hence his "toasty" fatality. he later became the champion of the elder gods at the reccomendation of redskull, wh said that he would complete any mission like a robot, but still can spare the weakest of souls. the last ones ill mention, for now, are the earthrealm gods, raiden, fujin, and two of my other created people, sinju and jinku. when they were created they needed a mentor, and none but redskull were powerful enough to do it. he gave them each a power according to their personalities: raiden, the usually calm but when angry, a force to be reckoned with. thus, he was given the power of lightning, and leadership over the other gods. fujin was a carefree and happy god, so he was given the wind. sinju and jinku were polar opposites, one being a slacker and the other being a focused and very determined god. so the former was given the power of water, and the latter of fire. (to clear up confusion, sinju is fire and jinku water.) and alas, after giving powers to these new gods his powers were cut short by the elder gods themselves. they feared he would be too powerful, and he would meddle in the affairs of the realms. so they bound him to the lair he now calls home, and let him operate from there. to be continued...wink
09/10/2005 04:54 AM (UTC)
Name: Dark Rider
Allignment: neutral
Origin: Earthrealm
Allies: none
Enemies: Kitana, Sindel, jade

I am a bounty hunter. I am on no ones side. I slay people with my sword for koins. Now I have been hired by Shao Kahn to slay Sindel. This is the biggest bounty I have ever seen. 100,000 gold koins! It is a hard task. I have slain many Edenian warriors to find Sindel. No luck, but now I face Sindels daughter, Kitana, which will have to serve as a hostage. Soon Sindel will send warriors to attack me, but it won't work. I will kill them and then Sindel will have to come. 100,000 gold koins here I come!!! Moves: Berserk Slash, charges after you with his swords. Paralyzing Slice, sorta like barakas projectile attack except it paralyzes the opponent. Sword Play, Juggles the swords. If someone gets close he hits them with the sword.
Questions, why is shao doin' this.
Answer, Onaga was killed by Shujinko then Shao took over. Shao fought his clone for the throne and 1 of them won. Shao Kahn wants to rule all realms faster so he tries merge the kamidogu.

Question, why are the kamidogu there? I thought Shunjinko destroyed them
Answer, People also said Micheal jackson was innocentgrinyeah I just said thatgrin

So what do you guys think?
09/10/2005 06:45 PM (UTC)
my charecter REdskUll (or however you spell it) looks like this:
imagin a long flowing mage outfit with a huge red skull on the back of it. the main color of the outfit is dark blue, with light red for the detailed patterns. he is a being of unimaginable power, yet unable to use most of it. only a fraction so small, numbers cannot record it, is able to be used. his face just a skull, with weird tatoos all over it in a language so ancient, only he and the elder gods know it. like grave, he would be too powerful to be in a game, but he could posess some one of even meager strength, and make them win. while a being of such great power, he is also a laid back easygoing guy who NEVER killed anyone for any reason. his kindness paid a price, when shinnok revolted against the elder gods. he was fully able to kill him, but chose not to. that gave shinnok a chance to use one of his own spells against him, the inprisonment of power. a large portion of redskulls power was locked away inside the one thing shinnok thought he would never lose: his amulet. thats why it is of such importance. not only for whatever reason it was already (i didnt play mk4 and mythologies that much) but for the vast power imprisoned inside it.

i would draw a pic of redskull, but i am a crappy artist. this was mostly just a add on to his ever increacing bio, and a little detail on his looks. if someone would be so kind as to draw a pic of him for me, that would be great.
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

09/10/2005 10:13 PM (UTC)
Odkins (odd-kins)


Very red skin, chains around his wrists, the earthrealm symbol on the back of his shirt, along with a kick me sign.

Odkins is a village moron who often gets into lots of trouble. One day he stumbles upon a portal to the netherrealm and he enters, cuz hes stupid. In the netherrealm Odkins gets arrested for telling the guards that they need to put on sunblock. Odkins is then tortured for eons until word of the Dragon Kings return is heard and the guards go to worship him leaving Odkins tied up. Later Sareena shows up and frees Odkins. Odkins falls down, takes his chains, and wraps them around her neck and then he breaks her neck. After all those years of torture, Odkins idiodicy turns into pain and hatred. He uses his claws to open a portal into the realms, and he leaves to the chaos realm. There he gathers an army of chaos troops and then opens another portal and goes to earthrealm. By the time he gets to earthrealm with his army, onaga is defeated, and the new threat is Sektor and his Cybernetic army. In earthrealm Odkins finds scorpion and asks him to join his army in the quest to defeat Sektor.

After all the fights, all that is left is Sektor, Odkins, and Scorpion. Sektor throws a sensor bomb at Scorpion and knocks him out cold. Sektor than bargains with Odkins. "If you join me, we will rule all the realms!" At that time the bargain sounded good to Odkins. "All you have to do is use your claws to dump off Scorpion in the deepest parts of the netherrealm." Odkins knew that since Scorpion is the tool of the gods, otherwise known as the Champion, he would be shredded to bits in the netherrealm. Odkins does what he is told. Once Odkins comes back, Sektor then tells Odkins to bow down, to show him that he is loyal to Sektor Army. Odkins goes towards Sektor, bows down, whips out his chains and ripps off Sektors head. He thought to himself, "No one tells me to bow down!"

Tai Chi

Odkins wraps his chains around the opponents neck and then snaps it like a twig!!!

Odkins wraps his chains around the opponents legs, then he twirls the opponent around his head and send them flying to who knows where.

Chain Whip: He whips his opponent with a chain
Eye Lasers: He shoots lasers out of his eyes
Bad Breath: He breaths and causes the opponent to become dizzy, allowing him with a free hit.
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

09/10/2005 10:15 PM (UTC)
Odkins (odd-kins)


Very red skin, chains around his wrists, the earthrealm symbol on the back of his shirt, along with a kick me sign.

Odkins is a village moron who often gets into lots of trouble. One day he stumbles upon a portal to the netherrealm and he enters, cuz hes stupid. In the netherrealm Odkins gets arrested for telling the guards that they need to put on sunblock. Odkins is then tortured for eons until word of the Dragon Kings return is heard and the guards go to worship him leaving Odkins tied up. Later Sareena shows up and frees Odkins. Odkins falls down, takes his chains, and wraps them around her neck and then he breaks her neck. After all those years of torture, Odkins idiodicy turns into pain and hatred. He uses his claws to open a portal into the realms, and he leaves to the chaos realm. There he gathers an army of chaos troops and then opens another portal and goes to earthrealm. By the time he gets to earthrealm with his army, onaga is defeated, and the new threat is Sektor and his Cybernetic army. In earthrealm Odkins finds scorpion and asks him to join his army in the quest to defeat Sektor.

After all the fights, all that is left is Sektor, Odkins, and Scorpion. Sektor throws a sensor bomb at Scorpion and knocks him out cold. Sektor than bargains with Odkins. "If you join me, we will rule all the realms!" At that time the bargain sounded good to Odkins. "All you have to do is use your claws to dump off Scorpion in the deepest parts of the netherrealm." Odkins knew that since Scorpion is the tool of the gods, otherwise known as the Champion, he would be shredded to bits in the netherrealm. Odkins does what he is told. Once Odkins comes back, Sektor then tells Odkins to bow down, to show him that he is loyal to Sektor Army. Odkins goes towards Sektor, bows down, whips out his chains and ripps off Sektors head. He thought to himself, "No one tells me to bow down!"

Tai Chi

Odkins wraps his chains around the opponents neck and then snaps it like a twig!!!

Odkins wraps his chains around the opponents legs, then he twirls the opponent around his head and send them flying to who knows where.

Chain Whip: He whips his opponent with a chain
Eye Lasers: He shoots lasers out of his eyes
Bad Breath: He breaths and causes the opponent to become dizzy, allowing him with a free hit.
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

09/10/2005 10:14 PM (UTC)
Odkins (odd-kins)


Very red skin, chains around his wrists, the earthrealm symbol on the back of his shirt, along with a kick me sign.

Odkins is a village moron who often gets into lots of trouble. One day he stumbles upon a portal to the netherrealm and he enters, cuz hes stupid. In the netherrealm Odkins gets arrested for telling the guards that they need to put on sunblock. Odkins is then tortured for eons until word of the Dragon Kings return is heard and the guards go to worship him leaving Odkins tied up. Later Sareena shows up and frees Odkins. Odkins falls down, takes his chains, and wraps them around her neck and then he breaks her neck. After all those years of torture, Odkins idiodicy turns into pain and hatred. He uses his claws to open a portal into the realms, and he leaves to the chaos realm. There he gathers an army of chaos troops and then opens another portal and goes to earthrealm. By the time he gets to earthrealm with his army, onaga is defeated, and the new threat is Sektor and his Cybernetic army. In earthrealm Odkins finds scorpion and asks him to join his army in the quest to defeat Sektor.

After all the fights, all that is left is Sektor, Odkins, and Scorpion. Sektor throws a sensor bomb at Scorpion and knocks him out cold. Sektor than bargains with Odkins. "If you join me, we will rule all the realms!" At that time the bargain sounded good to Odkins. "All you have to do is use your claws to dump off Scorpion in the deepest parts of the netherrealm." Odkins knew that since Scorpion is the tool of the gods, otherwise known as the Champion, he would be shredded to bits in the netherrealm. Odkins does what he is told. Once Odkins comes back, Sektor then tells Odkins to bow down, to show him that he is loyal to Sektor Army. Odkins goes towards Sektor, bows down, whips out his chains and ripps off Sektors head. He thought to himself, "No one tells me to bow down!"

Tai Chi

Odkins wraps his chains around the opponents neck and then snaps it like a twig!!!

Odkins wraps his chains around the opponents legs, then he twirls the opponent around his head and send them flying to who knows where.

Chain Whip: He whips his opponent with a chain
Eye Lasers: He shoots lasers out of his eyes
Bad Breath: He breaths and causes the opponent to become dizzy, allowing him with a free hit.
09/11/2005 04:25 AM (UTC)
Name: Tai Shou
Origin: EarthRealm
Appearance: Old, balding and grey. He wears a cloak that covers him entirely, but underneith he dons light samurai like navy armour. His weapon of choice is a walking stick.

Story: Tai Shou was a great Lin Kuei Warrior in his time. He has now grown old, but is still a formidible opponent, due to his vast knowledge of many kombat techniques. He was a high ranking official of the Lin Kuei when it was overtaken by Sub Zero. An alliance formed against Sub Zero, lead by Tai Shou. He organised an ambush on Tai Shou and his new ally Kenshi when they first entered Earthrealm. Tai Shou appointed himself the new Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and returned to the original sight of the Lin Kuei were he awated news of his attack on Sub Zero. Sub Zero survived the encounter however, and began recruiting members to his own Lin Kuei. Enfuriated, Tai Shou challenged Sub-Zero to come to the Lin Kuei temple, and face him for the right to call himself the TRUE Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.

Ending: Sub Zero was no match for the wise Lin Kuei master. His strength and speed may have given him an advantage, but he lacked the cunning wit that a true Lin Kuei Warrior held. Sub Zero was blinded by a handful of burning coal, before being visciously slain at the hands of Tai Shou. The new Grandmaster lead the Lin Kuei into an age of great power, and lead the realms into an age of darkness.

Name: Jou Shi
Origin: Earthrealm
Appearance: Shirtless. Kickboxing wristpads/gloves. Black pants with a blue flame design. A blue and black mask which rezembled a mix of luchador masked wrestling and a more traditional ninja mask.
Story: One of Tai Shou's favourite students, he lead the ambush on Kenshi and Sub Zero. He is a skilled streetfighter and boxer, but although this, he fights with cunning, discipline, and great skill. He has tought himself his own techniques, and his viscious punches and strikes have gain him favour with Tai Shou, despite his lack of martial arts knowledge. He was defeated by Sub-Zero, and this shamed him. He would not fail again, he would get his vengence, he would kill sub zero. Slowly and painfully.
Ending: Jou Shi followed Sub Zero to the Lin Kuei Temple. When they were seperated, he challenged Kenshi and defeated him with ease. With Kenshi at his feet, he took kenshis blade and slit a cross cut at his abdomine, then held kenshi up by the throat as his intestines and organs dropped from his body. He tossed what remained off a cliff, and then went onward to spear SubZero in the chest with Kenshis blade. With SubZero at his mercy, he tourchered him for hours. In the end SubZero had not a limb left, and was only kept alive by the snows effect of slowing his bleeding. As he slowly subcomed to darkness, a knife was shoved into sub zeroes eye. He took the medalion of the grandmaster back to Tai Shou, who was most impressed, and, apon presenting it to him, kicked him onto a table, and stabbed him in the throat. All hale, Jou Shi, Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.

09/11/2005 08:44 PM (UTC)
i think i got a good thing goin for redskull, so ill continue with him.

moves list:
various fire, water, wind, earth and lightning moves, such a vast arsenal that it canot be recorded.

fatalities: none. he never kills. he summons a friend to do it for him, by the name of minion. he tears him apart by looking at him, then goes back to the netherrealm.

origin: redskull was one of the first beings created. originally, there was 1,000,000 people populating the unnamed realm when it was forged, and redskull was one of the originals. he was always powerful, taking on the strongest of the strong, always coming out on top. then one day, a mysterious man came, in black cloak from head to toe, and redskull challenged him. suprisingly to everyone (since he beat EVERYBODY in outworld, and killed no one) he lost after one hit. after helping him to his feet, the mysterious man uttered the words which shaped his life. "i am an elder god, and you are the champion of outworld, now and forever." when he looked up at the man, he was gone. only a mysterious slip of parchment remained behind. it read in a language now forgotton " your name is now RedSkuLL, and you are strongest being inside or outside of outworld. use your new powers to help shape the realms in a new and better way. call forth your champions, who shall remain with you till the end of time." redskull was confused. he didnt have any powers. as he read the last word, a powerful force swept over him, and just like that, he was before the elder gods themelves. they neednt use words, he already knew his mission. after 1 minute of human time, another person came, from a different time. the deceased (now) kung lao (the original), then minion, a great beast of awesome strength, then order, then chaos, then a wise man from the realm of edenia. these were the represenatives of each realm that was to be created, and it was they who would shape them as they see fit. redskull and wisdom (the only ones with codenames) thought they should not meddle in the affairs of their respective realms, while minion wanted leadership over his. order and chaos were rivals and twin brothers, and they both wanted to shape their brothers realm in their image (but originally, all the realms were together, and these men would be the basis of their realms, with the exeption of redskull, who wanted his to be like his original home) they each got to name their realms, after themselves, exept (again) the twins, who named and created each others realms). redskull named his after a book he had recently read, "the scribe of outworld", minion wanted something demonic, but isnt smart enough to make a name, so wisdom thought of netherrealm. order and chaos named each others realms after themselves, so orderrealm and chaosrealm were born. wisdom named his after the biblical garden of eden, and wanted it to be an edenian paradise. kung lao was born in a different time, so he called it what the slang word for their realm was: earth, meaning dirt. and thats how earthrealm, orderrealm, outworld, netherrealm, edenia, and chaosrealm were born. minion went on to give his son leadership over the netherrealm, lucifer. wisdom and redskull retired to his realm in outworld, while the twins gave some of their power to make sure their brothers realm was always in his image. kung lao went back to his time, and met his blood relative liu kang, when kang was a young boy. he convinced him to fight in the mortal kombat tournament, where he would suceed where kung lao failed. he also gave a portion of his spirit in the form of the new warrior, kung lao. with a different personality but the same sense of justice, he would be an exellent warrior, and eventually join his counterpart in redskulls lair, if he chooses so. in the end , they all retired to the lair created by redskull, where they used spells to guarantee them immortality. one spell, however, didnt work out. redskulls spell was misread ( minion read it for him. bad idea) and it caused most of his skin to be burned off, especially in the head area. he easily gave himself skin, but it stayed red, and his face never recovered. he inscribed tatoos on his head that read, as a reminder, " never let minion do spells on ANYONE" minion thought this was very funny, since he would have to live with it forever.

not much more to say. i gave kung lao a part of the original because i want him to have a bigger part than shaolin monk with hat. i probobly will make more, because i really like this charecter. i might even do mini-bios for my supporting charecters minion, order, chaos, and wisdom. we'll see.
About Me

09/11/2005 09:48 PM (UTC)
My character is the one known as Templar. You may see him competing in the Kreate a Karakter tournament.
About Me

09/12/2005 03:14 PM (UTC)
Yeah, ive always liked Templargrin
He's really nice!
09/15/2005 07:09 AM (UTC)
Name:Lee Kang.
Storyline:After Onaga's death at the hands of shujinko Liu Kang's soul was free to leave from life.Although he lost the battle to his body he found out that his brother,Lee,was imprisoned as a meaningless,homeless and a no good murderer being who lost his memory when he left China when he trespassed in an attempt to free himself from the stricked rules of the shaolin temple.He then called Rayden to free his brother Lee and bring him to battle with Liu's body in an attempt to redeem his brother Lee from his meaningless path.Lee was familiar with traditional karate before his downfall in the usa and after five months of constant training from the thunder god,Lee Kang is ready to face his brother's soulless body and give an end to the massacre that began when Liu was ressurected.
Although,Lee will try to find the evil forces who are commanding his brother's body.
For the first time in his life,Lee Kang have found a true purpose to live or, to die for...
(I hope i didn't confused you with "his brother" and all that.Thanks). p.s.The shaolin monks lied to Liu because LEE was the older one.
09/15/2005 08:44 PM (UTC)
scorpionsubzero Wrote:

nemesis is a fukin power house hell he would kick goro kintaro motaro and shao kahnes ass in 1 fukin hit die mutha fukas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!furiousfurious

silly rabbit. They've already made a chacter like that. her name is Sindel.
09/15/2005 09:59 PM (UTC)
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! scorpion could kick sindels ass any day, all day, every day. now THERES a powerhouse.furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious
About Me
art by fear-sAs
09/15/2005 10:43 PM (UTC)
I have a character on here called Grave.
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