Make up your own character!
posted11/12/2005 06:57 PM (UTC)by
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06/15/2004 08:05 AM (UTC)
Yo. Here you can post your own character with his own backround/story and how he looks like(if you can try to draw a picture) and moves, styles, weapon, fatalities etc. Its like your own dream character. And MAYBE(!!!) Ed boon or someone will see it and think its a good char. and put it in the game(but thatd probably NEVER happen lol) Hmmm... you could say its kind of a competition for who has the best char.
So good luck and...
06/04/2005 04:46 PM (UTC)
I posted these ideas before and recommended that they be included in some other future MK spin-off fighting game, since not many fit into the whole MK universe, So here they are...


A "ninja ganster" type character


Name: (undecided)
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Location: Earthrealm/Outworld
Powers: None
Alignment: Neutral


A 22 year old black man born in Outworld but later escaped to Earthrealm (in a "gangster" town) at the age of 8. He had a fascination with ninja's and tried to be one when he was young and in outworld. He trained every day and was renowned for his skills. Eventually, Shao Kahn destroyed the village but the guy was able to escape to earthrealm. While there, he picked up on the culture and became a mix of "kick ass ninja" with "tough street gangster". He later returned to Outworld to seek revenge on Shao Kahn...


His main color scheme would be black and red. He'd have a hooded black sweatshirt and a black face mask that covers his nose and mouth, like any other ninja. He'd have some black gloves that have cut off fingers and a square hole on the back side of his hand. He'd also have black baggy pants and black boots. His main weapons would be two big pistol-like guns, but he'd also have ninja stars and retractable metal claw things coming out of his sleeves and pant legs that the old ninjas use to use for climbing up walls/trees. He'd also have a dagger hidden under his right pant leg...


He'd have an "anti-hero" attitude but still be a good guy that helps out people when he can...

A noble mexican samurai


Name: Salvador Reyes
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Location: Outworld, small village
Powers: Red energy
Alignment: Good


His father was a former mexican bandit who turned good when his people needed him. Shao Kahn had started his assault on earthrealm and began attacking all the couintries that he saw fit. When his army arrived in a small town in mexico, Salvadors father (who at the time didn't have his son or even a wife, because he was younger. About 24 years old) wasn't going to just let them destroy his home. He and his band of bandits retaliated and was able to supress the army long enough to save many of the townsfolk. But later Shao Kahn himself arrived and threatened to kill him and his small army. Wanting to save his fellow bandits who had been like a family to him, Salvador's father offered to work for Saho Kahn in return for him sparing his town. Shao Kahn agreed and took him to his palace in outworld where he trained him to be one of his soldiers. Salvador was a bandit, but he did have his own sense of honor and dignity. He'd never kill women, children or anyone defenseless. Shao Kahn wanted him to slaughter the innocent and destroy their homes. Salvador couldn't bring himself to do it, but he always found a way to make it seem like he was a vicious murderer and make it look like he carried out his mission. He eventually climbed the ranks of Shao Kahns army and even became a general. He was awarded with a special samurai sword that was created by Shang Tsung. Although he didn't know how to use it, he kept it. But all the while he was working for the emperor, he planned to overthrow him and stop his reign over outworld. One day, when he felt the time was right, he surprised Shao Kahn while they were alone. He was able to damage Shao Kahn pretty badly but in the end, Shao was still too much for him. He managed to escape but could never find out how to return to earthrealm. He decided to stay at a small secluded village and marry a former sorceress. Eventually, they had a child. He was (you guessed it) Salvador Reyes. As a young child, he loved martial arts and wanted to be a great fighter. His father raised him to have a good sense of honor and pride. When Salvador's father saw him practicing swordplay with a stick, he was surprised to see how talented he was. Eventually, when Salvador got older, his father gave him the samurai sword he recieved from Shao Kahn. As soon as he revieved it, Salvador began using it like he trained with it all his life. But he also learned that his sorceress mother had passed down some magic abilities to him. He had the ability to manipulate energy which he would turn into the red color. Combined with his samurai skills, Salvador became a master swordsman and fighter. As he got older, he chose to become the proctector of his village and would slay anyone who dared attack it. He cut through tartaka as if they were nothing and kicked ass like nobody's business. He later heard of his father's ordeal with Shao Kahn and decided to finish what his father started. He set out to defeat Shao Kahn and bring peace to the realms once and for all...


I haven't really thought of his looks that much. I always thought of him as a very fit fighter with a mustache and shirtless outfit. I thought he'd wear purple pants (because that seems to be the theme of outworld) with a black belt and outworld shoes. He'd carry his sword on his side for quick slashing...


A very dignified fighter who puts the lives of his loved ones on top of everything else...

A female drunken fighter


Name: Sakiko
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Location: Earthrealm, Japan
Powers: None
Alignment: Good


I'm not too sure about the story. She'd probably be a highly trained martial artists who teaches other kids in her village. Then mabye when Sektor's Tekunin started to rise, it'd be up to her to recruit people and fight againt the robotic army and save Japan...


Just a regular karate uniform with wooden sandals...


She'd be a joker. Kind of silly and carefree, but still know when to be serious...


Tell me what you guys think...

I haven't thought of the fatalites, hara-kiris or special moves yet, but I'll think of some later. And if you want, you guys can make up some stuff for my characters...
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06/04/2005 07:19 PM (UTC)
lol nice! i liked the first two. The third one too but you could make her like Bo rai cho's Rival, in a friendly way. Like they both want to be the better master!
06/04/2005 07:53 PM (UTC)
I just want a new character named Rust!!!!!!!!!

Rust is a ninja just like all the other ninjas Sub-Zero,Scorpion,Ermac,Reptile,Smoke,Noob,Rain,Cyrax,Sektor.

Rust is a mysterious ninja that comes from Earth Realm,he has had lots of training through time and is now ready for battle in Mortal Kombat,he's unsure which side to fight for,so at the moment he's neutral,although he is leaning towards the good side,for Earth Sub-Zero with ice,Ermac with telekenisis,Scorpion with fire,Reptile with acid and so forth.Rust's powers are like sub-zero's ice freeze only with rust,he can form rust on his opponent and kind of make them stiff to move for a free hit.His power's are like that.Rumor's have it that he was trained by the Lin Kuei.He is a total mystery to all,where he lies in the fight between the Earth Realm Warriors and Evil is unknown for now.

His looks are a dark rusty burnt orange color ninja outfit silmilar to the other ninja's with a rusty corroded look,possibly with his flesh kind of peeling off as an alternate costume.It wouldn't look like Scorpion's color he's a yellow orange,rust would be darker and more corroded looking.

Rust ball/firball
Rust corrosion(like a stun move like the freeze,or kabal's spin)
Rust shield(like nightwolf's reflect move,except if you touch rust you get hurt,think of it as a rust harden yourself move)
Rust Drain( this move is like jade's anti-projectile move,except if his opponent touches Rust,he takes their energy from them healing himself because he's rusty) Rust's Throw:He grabs you then grinds you really hard on hisknee,then salms your face hard off of your knee for a knock down.

About Me

06/04/2005 09:27 PM (UTC)
lol your obsessed with rust! lol kidding but nice idea tho.
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art by fear-sAs
06/04/2005 09:37 PM (UTC)
I'll make a quick mock up

Name: Tyrande
Sex: Female
Height: 6'7
Race: Sentinal (Creator descendant)
Alliance: Good
Realm: Elune
Power: Unclassified
Status: Priestess
Weapon: Astro Blade

Tyrande is a priestess of a long forgotten realm called Elune. This realm was a type of Nirvana, unknown to all of creation.The Creators, a race of mystic beings created this realm and escaped to it once creating the existense we know now. After creating what is now known as existence, the Creators fell into a deep sleep for an untold amount of time, giving thier essence to a newer generation The Creators believed in peace and knowledge instead of warfare. Although the Creators left this plane of existence, their work did not end. Seperated from everything, they created a plane called Elune. Their they would bare the children known as Sentinals. The Sentinals would be the embodiment of the Creators essence once thier task was finished and they passed on. One of the Sentinals would eventually become seduced by his lust for power and would make a way to our plane, assuming the form of the One Being. Sensing a disturnance, the one Sentinal was chosen to go after the One Being. Her name was Tyrande, a priestess of the highest caliber in the the Sentinal Society. Her strong connection to the Creators made her the most intune to take up this mission. She accepted the quest but to make the journey to another plane, she would need to harness a great deal of power. She slipped into a state of meditation called the Lunar Dream. The latent energy in her body would augment her power and give her the ability to cross the planes. Tyrande has finally gathered enough energy to make the voyage and is now on her way.

Skin Tone: Light purple. She also has glowing blue runes on her body. Her forehead has a crescent moon in the center.
Eyes: Glow with a star-like blue
Hair: Deep blue
Body: Tyrande wears an amazon like breast plate a crescent moon in the center. Her pauladrons have a white, silk like fabric underneath, the fabric does have an almost energy like quality to it, but's definetly solid. Her armor is a deep blue color. It's curved precisely to her body shape. It's segemented with an vine-like architecture. She carries the Astro Blade on her hip and her back is covered by a magestic cape.
06/04/2005 10:57 PM (UTC)
Ok, I have been working on 5 new characters for my MK7. Some of these stories intertwine with other stories from my MK7 ideas. I've posted thses in other places but thought Id post here too for those who ahvent seen the other threads. These are the three girls, Peiran, Roxie and Lorelei. I'm working on Angelu, a male vampire, and Yharr, a male edenian general. There will be alternate/ secondary bios too but IM nto done with them.

Origin: The Heavens
Status: Goddess of Nature
Alignment: Good
Allies: Fujin, The Elder Gods
Foes: Shinnok, Shao Khan, Those Who Threaten Earth

As Mother Nature, Peiran has become increasingly worried of the damage which has been sustained to her world. She was called upon by the Elder Gods after they were made aware of the actions of Rayden, and the needless death of two of Earths warriors. Although Rayden’s anger at the warriors of Earth is understandable, such needless killing cannot be allowed to continue. While Fujin concentrates on recruiting new warriors to fight in the continuing struggle with the forces of evil, Peiran has been ordered to watch the actions of The Thunder God closely, and if need be, strip the enraged deity of his power. Never before has Peiran seen Rayden fuelled with such immense anger. Peiran worries that she may have no choice but to intervene if the Thunder Gods anger towards the beings he has protected for so long continues.

(N.B. In My MK7 story, Rayden destroys Shujinko infront of Jax, Sonya, Kitana, Kung Lao and Johnny Cage. Thinking he has gone berserk, and outraged, Jax attacks Rayden......only to meet the same fate).

Peiran would be the goddess of Nature. She would have short green hair, greeny eyes and green lips. her skin would be very aple, and her outfit would be kind of minamilist. She would be fully clothed however, in a brown and green outfit....a kind of all in one outfit. It would be decorated with swirling vines and have a belt around the waist which looked like waves of water.

Origin: Earthrealm
Status: Follower of Fujin
Alignment: Good
Allies: Fujin, Khameleon, Kung Lao
Foes: Nitara

Fujin had been appointed by the Elder Gods to recruit new fighters in the continuing struggle against evil. While he scanned the Earth from the heavens, he received mental images of the massacre of many people by a gang of vampires. As he searched, he located the area of the massacre.....a small farming community on mainland Europe. He travelled there to be met by a small group of survivors. One of their recruits was a woman named Roxie. She greeted Fujin, and told him what she knew of the gang who ambushed her village, and that it was she who drove off their leader. As she described the events, Fujin came to realise that the images in his mind matches that of hers. Fujin asked Roxie if she would join him in the fight against evil. Roxie’s telepathy would prove invaluable to Fujin and the Earth’s warriors. With the ability to read minds, Roxie could be the link to defeating evil that Earthrealm had been looking for. With the Vampire people adding to the threat to Earth, Fujin ordered Roxie to follow the gang along with Kung Lao and his new Ally, Khameleon, and gain knowledge on the Vampire gang’s leader, Nitara.

I know what you're probably gonna say. Roxie's story needs some work, and I agree. I want her teleoathy to play a major role in the story. I also think it's high time we had a new female representative from Earth. Sonya is kinda dull, so hopefully Roxie will be a breath of fresh air. I'm not entirely sure on her look, but I'm thinking a Blue and Yellow colour scheme. And I ahvent decided if Roxie (and Yharr) will be the final names for these characters, but I need something just now, so they suffice.

Origin: Chaosrealm
Status: Sorceress
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Onaga, Havik, Kitana
Foes: Blaze, Shao Kahn

After Shao Kahn betrayed Onaga in order to take control of Outworld, Onaga’s head sorceress, Lorelei, feared death and went into hiding. She returned to her homeworld- The land where chaos ruled. She hid here for centuries, recluse until news reached her of the return of her former master in Outworld. Intrigued, Lorelei chose to end her seclusion, and set out to Outworld. Whilst travelling, Lorelei was ambushed by a pair of cloaked fighters. They were no match for Lorelei’s sorcery; however it had been many years since Lorelei had battled, and as she focussed on one, the other warrior managed to escape. As she questioned the fallen warrior, a blast of magma knocked Lorelei off her feet. A firey figure stood before her, and leaned over the body of her attacker. Weakened by his blast, and unwilling to risk her demise, Lorelei escaped and again set out for Outworld, where she hoped to find Onaga, and the man who’s crest was on the cloaks of her attacker- Shao Kahn.

For Lorelei's look, I was thinking of a dark orange cloak which fastens with one buckle across her chest/clavicle. Her clothing would be kinda of old an dowdy, and be of orange and yellow tones. She would wear a top which had two bucklesaround the midriff, and 'bum-bag' like belt where she would keep her mystical stones and stuff. haven't decided on her lower half yet.
About Me

06/05/2005 04:21 PM (UTC)
Tyrande - Nice idea there hasnt been a female robot in long time. And nice to make up an entire realm!

Perain - There hasnt been a female god in the MK series yet so this would be a good idea.
Roxie - A follower of a god. Kinda nice but a bit uninteresting! lol but nice tho.
Lorelei - Nice to have a evil sorceress its a good story really nice!
06/05/2005 05:46 PM (UTC)
I have one more:

Tranzwarp XT 7:

Tranzwarp XT 7 is a new cyborg from outworld created by a mysterious sorcerer,wheater or not it's Shang Tsung or Quan-Chi is unknown,rumors have it that it's another sorcerer from Chaos Realm.The name is unknown for the time being.This sorcerer managed to scout the ninja Noob-Saibot for his own reasons,after eventually witnessing the death of Noob-Saibot thanks to Ashrah,he took what ever knowlegde was left over from Noob's body and mind.
The Sorcerer used his powers combined with the nano-technology that he discovered from Noob-Saibot and created this new cyberborg creature called Tranzwarp XT 7.However, though the sorcerer created this new and very powerful cyberborg ninja,he also underestimated Tranzwarp's power.The sorcerer commanded Tranzwarp but Tranzwarp was reluctant to do his bidding.Tranzwarp destroyed the sorcerer that created him and is now lost in Outworld somewhere.Although Tranzwarp is lost after killing his creator,his mind contains the knowlegde that Noob-Saibot once had.Tranwarp's knowlegde of Noob-Saibot means nothing to him,but he feels the powerful evil within him,as he searches for answers he encounters another cyborg called Sektor in outworld.


Tranzwarp's moves:
Warp Teleport
Flame Thrower
Flame Fireball
Throw move:Sequence Crush(picks you up over his head crushes you a little then tosses you to the ground hard.

About Me

06/05/2005 08:04 PM (UTC)
Nice idea but dont really like the name, Its a bit too long! But its a nice story and all that.

Everyone, post fatalities too!!
About Me

06/06/2005 03:51 PM (UTC)
Hmmm... ill make up one myself: Info Name: Zaber Sex: Male Age: 25 Race: Human Alliance: Neutral Origin: Earthrealm Powers: Legendary earth power granted by the Gravity Mace Weapon: Gravity Mace Story One completely normal day some school kids were playing soccer out on a field. A 15 years old boy named Zaber shot the ball a bit too far, right in to the forest. So he, and two other kids went to search for the ball but they were suddenly captured buy a strange man. So when they woke up, they were in a dungeon, all in the same cell. Zaber noticed a man sneaking around with a white cape and a gods hat(Raiden). So he thought that Raiden was one of them. Then Shao Khan came to a machine right next to them. They started screaming: "What are you doing" "You monster" "Heeelp someone". Shao Kahn pressed a red button and laser came in to their cell. BOOM!! A great explosion destroyed the dungeon but Shao Kahn and Raiden escaped. Suddenly Zaber woke up and looked at his dead friends. He watched his hands... they were a bit older. He went to whatevers left of the machine and saw the screen saying: Process 100% complete. Zaber is now ten years older. Bzzzz bzzz unfortunatly bzzzz other kids bzzzzz dead. Bzzt an intruder bzzzz detected bzzz the Elder gods bzzzz. Congratulations bzzzz have bzzzzzz process is compl... bzzz Good job Shao Kahn Bzzzz. Zaber is furious. "Why would they want me of all the other kids?? This god guy must have helped Shao Kahn in secret. I will have my revenge on these two!" He found a Mace in the dungeon. There was a text next to it: "Whoever takes this Gravity Mace will have the power of earth." He took it and got amazing powers. So he trained in the dungeons until he got very strong. Now, to make those two who made this to him pay!! Description Costume: He wears blue pants with a white line on the side. And he has a red shirtless shirt. He has black shoes and headphones on his head. Alternate Costume: His alternate is like any other ninja but with brown clothes. Like a brown Sub Zero or a brown Scorpion. Abilities Styles= Style 1: Hwa Rang Do Style 2: Tae Soo Do Weapon: Gravity Mace Moves= Earth attack: Just like Scorpions Flame attack in MK:DA when he puts out flames from the ground in front of him. But instead of flame, earth rocks comes out. Flame Rock: He shoots a flaming rock at the opponent. Rock Leg: He jumps and while in the air turns his legs to rocks and lands on the ground and waves comes around him (Just like Jax and Bo rai chos attack). Only way to dodge it is by jumping. Rock Reflect: Just like Nightwolfs reflect move except he makes a Rock shield. Rock Statue: He shoots a strange rock thing and turns the opponent into a statue for a little while(just like Sub Zero's freeze move). Rock Throw: He holds his opponent and takes his leg back(his own leg not the opponents), and turns it into a rock piece, then kicks the opponent really hard. While the opponent falls to the ground he turns his leg back to normal. Fatalities= Statue Crusher: He turns his opponent into a statue just like the Rock Statue-move and then he turns his own arm to a rock piece and smashes the statue into thousand pieces. Then the opponent turns back from a statue to human again. So you see him in thousand pieces meat(not statued). Head Combo: He turns his both arms to rock(just like Jax's metal arms) and then he keeps punching the opponents head several times. then he spins one of his arms(like they usually do in cartoons) and punchs the head really really hard, and the head flies off far away. Then the headless body falls to the ground. Hara-Kiri= Statue Crusher 2: He turns himself into a statue except his arm. Then he pushes himself with his arm. He falls and breaks, into a thousand pieces and turns back from statue to human again(just like the fatality Statue Crusher). So, What do you guys think? Is it good?
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/06/2005 04:56 PM (UTC)
Ryoko is a character I made pre-MKD when many believed Ashrah could be a goddess of Light. i hope you like her.

Name: Ryoko-Hikari (Meaning: Force of Light)

Owner: tgrant

Age: Eternal

Sex: Female

Weight: Unknown

Height: Unknown

Race: God (Goddess)

Family: Unknown

Alignment: Good

Group: Earth warrior (Although she is unknown to all except Raiden)

Status/Occupation: Rogue Stealth Ninja Assassin Goddess. Destroys potential threats to Earth.

Eyes: White. She can make them glow and emit a visible light in order to light rooms and passages. Or she can produce a more powerful blast to temporarily blind the opponent. Her hands can also glow.

Hair: Details unknown. (Known to be a silvery colour to the deities.)

Look: Ryokos skins glows faintly (hardly ever noticeable.) In the day it has a gold/yellowish hue about it whilst it becomes silver at night. (Still working on a suitable art concept for her.)

Styles and weapons: Ryoko is trained in the way of the ninja assassin. Her godly abilities combined with her ninja training have rendered her a most formidable opponent. Due to training, her own godly strengths have been increased along with her powers. Her godly abilities have allowed her to take the training she has learnt and adapt it, making it more lethal and deadly. Adding her legendary stealth to all of this, Ryoko is the ultimate assassin!

Ryoko is trained in many ninja styles. She has learnt the unarmed fighting style, Tai-jutsu. She knows Ninjitsu and several other stances. In weapon training, she is skilled in Tessen-jutsu (steel fan), sai-jutsu (sai), staff and kama as well as being skilled with her own dagger weapon. Her weapon of choice (and the one she is most skilled with) is the Kyoujin-Hikari, which is also known as the Dagger of Light.

Ryoko sometimes uses the weapon known as the karasi-gama, which is a chain with a kama on one end and a spear tip on the other. It is a long-range weapon used in similar fashion to the nunchaku.

Ryoko also knows the sword fighting styles Kendo, Iaido, Fencing and Ninja-to.

Weapon of choice: The Dagger of Light (Kyoujin-Hikari): The evil destroying blade

The Dagger of Light is a weapon that is made from a mix of steel and light. The blade glows with a mysterious glow. Light can be seen flowing within the blade, appearing as a liquid metal mixed with light even though the blade itself is solid. The dagger holds the power of light and good within it. Because of this, evil can never wield it.

The dagger has the ability to heal, but it can only heal the good. This property makes it useful to expose traitors and potential evil persons. In order to heal, it must be placed over the wound. Also has advanced healing properties that can cure disease. It must make contact with the victims blood.

The dagger protects the wielder from dark magic, spells and curses. Can also be used to break spells and curses on others. Also, in Kombat, the dagger can absorb projectiles from the enemy. They are destroyed within the blades� interior.

The Dagger of Light destroys evil in a unique way. It causes the victim to feel the pain and suffering they have inflicted upon others. Also, the victims focusing their vengeance into the blade causes more pain. It is this pain and vengeance, along with the pure good energy contained within the blade that kills the opponent. They die, consumed by the light of good. With the cry �Yami e kaere� (Meaning: return to darkness), Ryoko will finish off her victim.

Powers: Wields the power of light and its force of good. Ryoko ability to manipulate light at will gives her incredibly powerful attacks. These include light beams, laser beams and heat beams. Ryoko can fly like the other gods and uses her ninja abilities to enable to glide at incredible speeds. Her ninja training has enhanced her fighting abilities to an extreme. She can also rebound off walls and has attacks/combos that involve using walls to her advantage.

Ryoko`s trademark ability is the one that has rendered her legend and unknown. Her ability to render herself completely invisible with no shadow has enabled her to become the deadly assassin that she is. Her stealth is matched no thing and no one!

Ryokos body absorbs sunlight like a plant does. In extreme sunlight (and intense light sources) her body powers up and becomes stronger and faster. Her already strong powers are made even more powerful and her most devastating attacks can be unleashed. At night, strong moonlight can give her a slight power increase also.

Special Moves:

Invisibility: Uses her powers of light manipulation to refract light away from her body rendering her completely invisible. (No shadow is cast, as light cannot hit the body at all. Refraction is the bending of light as it travels between different mediums � as in traveling from air to water. Ryoko bends light away from her body regardless of the medium, making her invisible and freeing herself of a shadow.) This lasts for a short amount of time. The time increases in extreme sunlight. Primarily used when assassinating a target. However, she cannot become invisible at night.

Flash: Creates a temporarily blinding flash. Allows for free attacks.

Teleport: The same as always!

Mirage: Ryoko uses light manipulation to create mirages and changes the opponents� perspective of the arena and world around them to cloud their vision. Allows for free attacks.

Mirage 2: This time Ryoko uses the mirages to create copies of herself. Through careful light manipulation, she can fool the enemy into thinking there are many of her and have each mirage launch fake attacks whilst she attacks them.

Aurora Blast: A beam of light energy is fired at the opponent! (Projectile attack.)

Spectrum Blast: Powerful beams of light are released from Ryoko�s hands, however, these beams arc in a half circle and hit the enemy from the sides. (Like Shangs 3d fire) Because they curve, the light splits into rainbow colours!

Blitz Kick: Ryoko teleports behind the opponent, reappearing at head height. Ryoko brings her right foot across the left side of his/her face and then the same foot back across the other way (hitting with the heel this time.) Then for the final strike she quickly brings her left leg straight up (in a flip motion and still in the air) sending them sailing skyward. Ryoko lands just as the opponent is starting to fall back down leaving an easy juggle option open.

Extreme Speed: In a walled area, Ryoko uses the Dash attack to great effect. Moving at incredible speeds, she charges at the enemy but veers to the side, slashing them with her dagger as she passes them. Still running, she then immediately propels herself off a wall by performing a jumping spin kick and then launches herself back at the opponent for another attack. The wall jump is done two times. This move does three hits and in game would be done during a sidestep.

Super Attacks: (Only available in extreme sunlight.)

Light Speed Dash: (Unavoidable, except by deities) This dash attack sees Ryoko launching herself at the opponent at the speed of light, making this attack unavoidable and very powerful. Because of the speed of the attack, Ryoko can return to where she was stood before anyone even notices that she has moved.

Solar Beam: This is one of Ryokos most powerful attacks. In extreme sunlight, she can release a huge beam of focused sunlight energy. The beam can be split and directed towards multiple targets. (Only available in extreme sunlight.)

Fatalities: (Only one at the moment.)

See no more: Ryoko summons the powers of light and concentrates on her opponent. Their eyes begin to glow and they howl in pain. The light is really a concentrated, heated light. Ryoko stops and the light disappears revealing two scorched eyes. Ryoko takes her dagger and rams it into the opponent�s eyes, yanking them both out. She then slashes their throat and as they fall, she tosses the dagger into the air. As they land face down, the dagger lands in the back of their head.

Bio: Of all the deities of old, there is one unknown, an enigma. Her name is known only amongst the ancients. Her identity has been hidden from evil and as such, her skills and power have been regarded by the legions of evil as mere legend and superstition. And the legend of Ryoko-Hikari, the goddess of light, continues.

Bestowed with the powers of light and the ability to manipulate it at will, Ryoko-Hikari is one of the most powerful forces of good. It is this power that has kept her hidden and allowed her to strike fear into the very hearts of evil! This power is also the key to her most deadliest weapon � her stealth!

Ryoko uses stealth to overcome her enemies. Unlike most that would abuse her power, she has trained in the way of the ninja in order to enhance her abilities and be prepared to attack if exposed. And of course, her ninja skills help in her line of work � eliminating potential threats to Earth. This stealth has and her work has earned her the title of �The ArchAngel� amongst the ranks of evil.

Because of her powers, Ryoko appointed herself as a rogue protector of Earth, a mercenary, despite the Elder Gods warnings. She would assassinate anyone who was destined to be a threat to Earth. Ryoko was not however permitted to eliminate anyone involved with the Mortal Kombat tournament. The Elder Gods forbade this. She was not to interfere. This one rule she followed, to show that she was still loyal to the Elder Gods. However, this rule was soon to be broken...

None of Ryokos victims ever lived once she had targeted them as a possible threat and chosen to destroy them. (None had lived to tell what she looked like.) However, the man known as Mavado had evaded her, simply by becoming involved with the tournament. Ryoko recalled how one other person had evaded her by doing the same thing - a man called Kano. She is now angered that her targets are eluding her. She will enter the fray and hunt them both down at any cost. Although she would enter the battle for Earth to kill Mavado and Kano, she would soon find her mission would change.

Upon entering the tournament, Ryoko would reveal herself to all. Her appearance would strike fear into the many evil hearts surrounding the tournament. The many stories of her exploits would come back to haunt them. She would take pleasure in their fear.

As for Raiden and the earth warriors, fighting alongside them would be for the greater good. Her enigmatic lifestyle would soon be unveiled and tossed aside and all would know her name.

My thanks to TomTaz for allowing me to use the Blitz Kick special move on Ryoko.

And thanks to nindz who gave me the styles and weapons (with the exception ot the Dagger of Light) to use to make Ryoko authentic.
About Me

06/06/2005 06:42 PM (UTC)
Nice story and moves and stuff, But....
1.Too many moves and theyre ALMIGHTY, i mean imagine her fighting Tanya she would like KICK HER ASS! But all the moves are really nice!
2. She has more than 2 styles and about a million weapons lol. they sound cool tho.
3. She has a really great story.
4. Is Flash like the same as sub zeros freeze move? Or how do you mean blinded?
5. Solarbeam says it can hit several opponents... theres only one that your fighting.
6. It says "Only in extreme sunlight" do you mean a stage when its morning and not in a inside stage?

Nice godess... she is a bit TOO good... lol.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/06/2005 07:21 PM (UTC)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Tyrande - Nice idea there hasnt been a female robot in long time. And nice to make up an entire realm!

I guess I should've been more clear. Tyrande is a "sentinal' in a different sense. It doesn't mean that she is a robot, it refers to her stature and strength. but I am working on a new female robot that'll be up shortly.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/06/2005 08:53 PM (UTC)
This is a character I've been working on for a bit. He's not finished yet, since his story keeps evolving, and i also need a level design for him. People who were participants in the second tournament might recognize part of his story.

Name: Grave
Age: Unknown
Former Name: Jericho Magnus
Weight: 215 lbs
Height: 6’6
Eye Color: Unknown, glow red
Hair Color: Unknown. It was black in his former life.
Skin Tone: Unknown
Disciplines: Command Sambo, Xynyi Liuhe Quan. Armageddon (Hajin Mon/Hayabusa mixed Ninjitsu)
Weapon: Lost Soul as well as concealed wrist blades.
Place of Origin: Unknown (Suspected to be Nocturne).
Alliance: The One Being
Power Specialty: Necromancy, Alchemy
Quote: “Don’t make your life any shorter then it already is.”

Grave appears as a ninja crossed with a necromancer in his solid state. His outfit consists of a cross between ninja chain mail, necro-armor, and leather type material which is outfitted with a skeletal design. His head is masked with a ninja hood that completely covers his face, exposing only his eyes. A spine-shaped piece of armor stretches from the back of his head, over the top and then down to his chin and separates his face in half. From that spine, rib-shaped armor stretches to both sides, covering his face. The ribs make up the metal portion of his face guard and start from the top of the mouth, and end at the bottom, wrapping his head in almost a type of cage. The ribs latch on to the back of the spine, and complete the mask. From where his spine starts, another extension goes from the mask, all the way down to his tail bone, also in the shape of a spine. From that, another set of ribs stretches across his chest and forms the chest plate portion of his armor. The ribs converge in the center and create a sternum from where he has a series of jet black panels set behind the ribs to from the final piece of his chest plate. His fore arms are wrapped with gauntlets. The gauntlets, as well as his boots also share the same rib out line as his chest and helm. The gauntlets have plates which stick out of his leather material and make up the body of its protection. The rib design then overlaps the plates and wraps around the arms. He has a cloak that is crimson red, wrapped round most of his body. If examined closely, the cloak has outlines of screaming faces embedded into it. Through untold generations, the cloak has absorbed the blood of those who were foolish enough to take on grave and paid with their lives. The cloak drapes over both of his shoulders and has a tattered appearance. It actually gives of a low moan which comes from the helpless cries of Graves’s victims. The cloak has several offensive and defensive purposes. The leather material which is strewn through out his body is much like Spawn’s armor. It has many neural connectors all over the body which make it more then just fabric. The fabrics color is red and black. The black is used to most of Grave’s muscle mass, while the red is used to highlight it. On several places of his body, Grave has metal plates which are strewn from the leather fabric, his gauntlets and boots are two places, but he also has several plates on his thighs, on his abdomen, and on his shoulders. He also has a set of armlets and anklets on his body which shimmer like gold and show up strongly against the black and red background colors. He has fabric on the inside of his gauntlets, around the palm area also on both calves. His whole outfit acts as one unit which gives him great power. However, unlike all the other fighters, his outfit is only a physical shell for his essence, any body he can take over will immediately transmute into the above form if he wills it or his shell is destroyed. He also has two hidden arm blades which come out of his forearms, from underneath the armor. On his forehead resides a fabled gem, the Philosopher Stone.

Design 2:
Grave wears an overall body suit just like in his first outfit, but it's black instead of red. He has a chest plate with a strange emblem in the center. His abdomen is also covered in plating except it's more broken up into individual pieces. His body suit has several places where instead of it being the same material, it's more like a mesh, this is usually around his biceps. His left shoulder has a skull plate covering some of the other texture on his body. His forearms are covered with gaurds that look like a surrounding rib cage. In between the ribs, are Garve's actuall muscle fibers for his arms. His belt has the same emblem that his chest plate does with two red sashes coming down each side, draping over one thigh, while the other drapes down a bit lower. His right leg is covered in armor from his upper thigh all the way down. The frame of the armor is a metalic color, while the plating itself is red. Grave's skin tone is slightly tan, and he has an X shaped scar in the center of his face. His right eye is blank out, but his left has a red iris. He has his long black hair which would go reach half way down his back. Although it's not shown, his hair has red highlights in a few places. This would be the form he mostly appears in, but with his head covered by a hood which would rest on his shoulders, connecting to his cape.

Fighting Styles

Command Sambo
The Central Asian region of the Soviet Union is a vast storehouse of martial arts. Sambo is a technique developed by combining over 200 types of regional martial arts in the area. Its advanced moves, which target the joints, are feared by many. The damage toward the joints is definitive, immediately obliterating the opponent’s ability to fight. Of course, this carefully constructed system gets real results in battle.
Command Sambo is a military martial art form based on Sambo, as developed by the Soviet Union to focus completely on the offensive. Command Sambo leaves no room for mercy. It’s a cold, mechanical martial art created for the purpose for surviving modern warfare and the constant struggle between life and death.

Xynyi Liuhe Quan
Xynyi Liuhe Quan is a powerful form of martial art capable of ending a battle in a single blow. In fact, it’s considered by many to be the most powerful of all Chinese martial arts, and is a secret martial art form passed down through the ultimate secrecy of the Kaizoku (Chinese followers of Islam). Xynyi Liuhe Quan was introduced into the world recently, and its deadly combat characteristics became quickly well-known, Today there is virtually no martial art that doesn’t know of its existence.
Xynyi Liuhe Quan completely ignores any weakness on the part of the user, who aggressively engages in battle at close range. The intended result is to defeat before one can be defeated. Therefore, the offensive is extremely heavy and damaging, often not even allowing time for the opponent to retaliate. Headbutts and bodily collisions are its main weapons.

Hajin Mon
The backside of the Mugen Tenshin style of Ninjitsu; a well-kept secret within the already secretive Ninja society Mugen Tenshin. Members of this side are believed to possess superhuman physical strength and battle technique. Additionally, they’re said to have magical powers, and this makes them all the more feared.
The members of this side of Mugen Tenshin- a very exclusive group- are known to provide background support to the Tenjin Mon. the Hajin Mon possess unbelievable powers, but, strangely they’re sworn to utmost obedience to the Tenjinmon.

Hayabusa Ninjitsu
This is another faction of Ninjitsu. The Hayabusa don’t form a large tribe as the Mugen Tenshin do, but instead carry forth their legacy through the skills of elite individuals. They’re undoubtedly close to the Mugen Tenshin in terms of technique, but as with all shinobi history there is no documentation that explains how these two tribes are related.
The Hayabusa are considered to have the closest relationship with the Yamabushi and Tengu, and are accorded much respect.

By combing these two sets of Ninjitsu, grave has formed a new style known only to him as Armageddon . This style is a rare sight because of its destructive potential. This style has only been witnessed in battle once, and those who have seen it, now lie buried in their graves. It’s also an incredibly difficult system to not only master, but to use in general.

Lost Soul:
Grave uses his powers of Necromancy and Alchemy to form a powerful blade made of a strange glowing metal and the bones of the dead from beneath the ground. By using his power of Necromancy, Grave forms the hilt of his sword which is made of reinforced bones. The sword has two spines going down each side, leaving an opening in the middle. The blade is fused with a bone design which connects it to the hilt. Unlike a normal blade which has a gradual decrease in the blade as it goes from hilt to point, this blade has outlying segments and a more square look to it for maximum damage. At the bottom of the hilt, the handle has a finger guard which is also razor sharp. It lets itself for a quick sneak attack at close range when the blade can’t be swung. On the very bottom of the sword, there is a red globe, filled with a swirling red energy which emits a powerful aura of despair. The actual blade of the sword is made from Grave’s blood using a transmuting technique known as Equivalent Exchange. Grave gives up some of his blood, a vital part of anything living to create a blade that is unbreakable, and tainted with evil. The metal that is made from this technique constantly pulses with hatred. Those who have been cut by its blade are said to have been driven mad before being put out of their misery by its finishing blow. The blade grows stronger when it is soaked with blood and surges with the energy of pure hatred every time it’s wielded. Its true potential has never been seen, but rumors stated that it has been able to split mountains and shatter the sky.

Command List: Command Sambo

Palm Arrow- Diagonal BU, 1
Tomahawk Elbow- Diagonal FU, 1
Smash Uppercut- U,U, 1
Rising Tomahawk- Diagonal FU, 2
Javelin Kick- U, 2
Body Sabot- 3+2
Blast Trass- B, 1,2
Blast Drive Knee- B,1,F,2
Smash- (hold diagonal DF, 1)
Heel Hammer- B, 2
Head Butt- 1+2
Arm Grenade- F, 1+2
Flame Knuckle- F, F, 1
Reverse Double Hammer B, 1+2,1
Leg Spike- (Diagonal DB, 2)
Solid Crush- F, 1, 1, 1
Crush Leg Spike- F, 1, 1, D, 2
Stomach Break F, 1, 2
Rush Sabot-1, F, 1, 2
Rush Leg Spike- 1, F, 1, D, 2
Storm Hook- 1, 1, 1
Storm Blast Knuckle- 1, 1, B, 1
Turn Low Javelin- D, 3+2

Desert Cross Hold- 3, 1
Neck Hanging Tree- B, 3+1
Neck Hanging Blow (next to wall) B, 3+1
Desert Falcon- (half circle forward, 3+1)
Ground Submission- D, 3+1 (to opponent on the ground)

Throw Combos:
Note: The * symbol means pause
Half Boston Crab- Half Circle Forward, 1+3, Half Circle Backward, 1+3, *, D, 1+3
STF- Diagonal FD, Diagonal FD, 1+3, *, D, D, 1+3
Crazy Crash (Low throw combo)- D, 1+3, *, D, 1+3, *, D, D, 1+3

Command List: Xynyi Liuhe Quan
To- Sho- D, 1
Rensui Tanpa- 1, 1, 1
Tanho Kosonzan- Diagonal DF, 1,1
Kohoto- Diagonal FU, 1
Banchu, Tanho, Kosonzan- F, 1, 1, 1
Banho-Yokei- F, 1,1,1+2
Kaiho, Yosoku- B, 1, 1
Kaiho, Sosui, Soha- B, 1, F, 1, *, 1+2
Choryo- Hold Diagonal FD, 1
Tanapa- F, F, 1
Kosonzan- Diagonal FD, Diagonal FD, 1
Sen- Shippo- Quarter circle forward, 1, 1
Kobokuha- 1+2
Yosokuha- Half circle backward, 1
Ugyu- Haito- Diagonal BD, F, 1
Soha- F, 1+2
Yoshi- Saiken- D, 1+2, *, Quarter circle forward, 1
Toha- B, 1+2
Rokugo- Rihosui- Diagonal BD, 1+2
Yokei- Diagonal FD, 1+2
Hakuja- Honsui- Diagonal BD, 1
Senryu- Ha- Diagonal FD, 2, 1, *, Half circle forward, 1
Keitai, Han- Senpu- Hold F, 2, 2
Sohi- Kyaku- 3+2
Zenso- Tai- D, 3+2

Juji- Kao- 3+1
Shini-i-Ha- B, 3+1
Ryuyo (next to wall)- B, 1+3
Shutai- F, 1+3
Kokai-San-Osa- Quarter circle back, 1+3
Kohaibi (from behind of opponent)- 1+3
Batetto (low throw)- D, 1+3

Throw Combo:
Kokei- F, F, 1+3, *, F, 1+3
Unpei- Rakuho- Quarter circle forward, 1+3, *, 1+3

Command List: Armageddon
Ren-Geki-Dan- 1, 1, 1
Kusen-Zangeki- 1, 1, B, 1, F, 1
Mekki-Tatsumaki- 1, 1, B, 1, 2
Ren-Kikohu-Shintei- 1, 1, 2, 2, 2
Jinpu-Ren-Kyaku- 1, 1, D, 2
Hato-Geri- 1, 2, 2
Hatotsu-Rensho- F, 1, 2, 2
Raishin-Geki- 1, 2, 2
Amatsuki- U, 1
Kushin-Geki- B, 1, F, 1
Hayo-Nagi-Geri- B, 1, 2
Mizore-Uchi- Diagonal, BU, 1
Hazumi-Guruma- 2, 2
Hagen-Koryo-Kyaku- U, 2, 2
Haja- Rensho- F, 2, 2
Ura-Chiso-Kyaku- Diagonal FD, 2, 1, 2
Jusuberi- F, F, 2
Tenshu- Diagonal FU, 2
Tenji, Renchi- 1, 2, D, 2
Rengo-Kyaku- 2, 2, 2
Getsuro-Shu- F, 2, D, 2
Ren-Engetsu- 1, 1, F, 2, 2
Ren-Genraku- 1, 1, F, 1, D, 2

Kasumi-Gaeshi- 1+3
Kegon-Enbu- F, 1+3
Tenro- Kyaku- B, 1+3
Hayabusa-Geri- F, F, 1+3
Ura-Nage (from behind opponent)- 1+3
Kandachi-Otoshi (from behind opponent)- B, 1+3

Throw Combo:
Izuna-Otoshi- Half circle forward, 1+3, *, Half circle upward, 1+3, *, Â3⁄4 circle downward, 1+3
Hien-Saka-Otoshi- U, 1+3, *, B, 1+3
Ibara-Otoshi- F, F, 1+3, *, D, 1+3
Ibara-Kudaki- F, F, 1+3, *, D, 1+3

Special Strikes:
Bone Shield:
Grave raises a shield of bones in front of him to protect himself from an oncoming projectile.

Ba’al Flame:
A searing and freezing jet of undead green and blue fire that is shot out of Graves hands like a flamethrower. The flame can either be used as a direct assault or, used to ensnare the opponent in a ring of fire.

Equivalent Exchange:
Using Alchemy, Grave can either give up a quarter of his health to increase his power four times over, or he can give up some of his power to increase his health. Since the effect is random, this move should be used sparingly.

A fireball formed from the same fire as the Ba’al Flame technique. The blast is unblock able at close range, and if hits, paralyzes the opponent with both hot and cold extremes. If blocked from a distance, the blast won’t paralyze the opponent, but they will still receive some damage.

Wraith Strike:
Grave is able to abandon his physical body and attack his opponent in the form of a wraith, before returning into his physical form.

Torn Sky Blast:
A secret technique used by the Hajin Mon and Mugen Tenshin tribes of Ninjitsu. All the body’s latent energy is gathered into one blast, concentrated into the palm, and shot out in a wave which resembles lightning. The damage received from the blast can be catastrophic, but the wielder also suffers a great deal from using such a technique. Its power makes it a last resort when used in combat.

Kinetic Lightning:
Grave uses alchemy to charge up the air around his hand and his opponent. With one snap of his fingers he sends a small spark from his hand through the super heated air, creating an instant lightning bolt on command. He can send it either through the air, or send it across the floor b touching it.

Grave takes his spectral form and vanishes from sight. Suddenly he reappears behind the opponent and sinks into their body. The opponent instantly goes insane and begins to scream uncontrollably and falls to their knees. They smash their head into the ground several times, leaving a pool of blood on the floor. A cloak shoots out of their back and covers the opponent’s body. A red light glows from under the cloak and a sickening crunch is heard from under the cloak. The pool of blood increases as the cloaked figure stands back up. Grave disappears from sight and in his place is the pool of blood with a scorch mark on the floor.

Judgments Right Hand:
Grave channels energy into his right hand, causing it to glow with mystic, tribal runes. The energy begins to spike out from the hand and hit the ground. With one quick motion, grave charges the opponent. He leaves after images in his path so the opponent can’t follow him. Before the opponent can move, Grave reappears in front of them and grabs them by their face. Grave’s eyes glow red as the energy from his arm begins to surge into the person’s head. Finally, the energy is too much for the opponent to take and it begins to spike out of the opponent’s flesh, causing it to bleed uncontrollably. The energy shoots out of the opponent’s body and into the ground. It begins to swirl and then shoots back up into the air, destroying the opponent’s body with only their head in Grave’s palm.

Eons before the Mortal Kombat tournament, the One Being was torn to pieces, and his consciousness scattered in the form of six mystical items known as the Kamidogu. The Elder gods believed that they have seen the last of this menace, and decided to rest on their laurels, and let humanity take its course a foolish mistake to say the least. Although the One Being was scattered through out the six realms, Order, Chaos, Earth, Nether, Edenia, and Outworld, its power has not diminished, it only laid dormant. From the moment its physical form was destroyed, it began to harness its power through out the ages. For what seemed like an eternity, the One Being’s influence slowly crept through out the realms, eventually tainting the minds of the Elder Gods themselves. With the collaboration of both, humans and deities, Mortal Kombat was born.

Realms began to fight for power, for greed, and for bloodshed. With each new champion, the One Being’s power and influence grew stronger. Every time a fighter experienced a surge of power before finishing off his opponent, what he felt was the One Beings power surge through them, giving them the strength to thin the ranks, and move forward. By continuing this cycle, the One Being drew ever closer to reassembling itself. Finally, after the hundredth Mortal Kombat tournament, the One Being had enough power to create a vessel into which it could pour its essence. The One Being’s reach was endless, and its power spanned through the realms like a tidal wave, destroying many and corrupting others in the process. The One Being’s search lasted two decades, its power seeping through the realms finally found a suitable vessel to hold its power and carry out its purpose. The vessel it has chosen was a great warrior in his realm. An enforcer to his higher power, he was commander of an unmatched army. He went by the name, Jericho Magnus. A warrior who not only excelled in the art of combat was also well versed in the mystic arts. On the battlefield, he was looked at as a demon. His eyes glowed with the crimson hatred and distaste for his race. He killed without mercy, but also without any sense of pleasure or remorse. His eyes were the last things his victims saw as they took their last breath. Not much is known about his history since anybody who knew it was killed either by Jericho or one of his associates. The fact that Jericho would not talk about his personal history lead to many people questioning his allegiance. However, because of his skills in Alchemy and his devotion into the black art of Necromancy have made him a widely sought after agent. The One Being could see the hatred buried deep in Jericho’s soul, the locked memories in the deepest recesses of his mind although inaccessible, even to the One Being have made him an easy target. The One Being would wait for the perfect time to contaminate him. It was not long after when the One Beings influence had created the perfect opportunity to seize his prize.
The One being would weave his power in an upcoming battle set to take place at the Senaturan Valley, an enormous crater, created by a meteor shower centuries ago. Jericho’s army numbered in the thousands, a see of black armor filled one half of the crater, his opponent’s army, which was equally as massive, led by the a former god stood against him in his pursuit of conquest for the entire plane of Nocturne. On his steed, Jericho paced back and forth for a split second before finally raising his sword into the air and commanding his troops to attack.
Jericho- As long as one of us survives, we are a legion. We fight as one, we fight without fear, and we fight with Nocturne on our side now attack my warriors!!!!
The two armies clashed with the sound of thunder. Their armies merged into a sea of chaos. The sound of metal smashing against metal was deafening. Jericho’s army showed unseen ferociousness in their attacks, within the first 6 hours of battle, the two armies were now knee deep in each other’s blood.
Jericho- I will not be denied this victory by anybody, mortal or god, living or dead!!
Grave leapt off his steed and into the thickness of battle. Carnage rained like never before as those who even took a step towards him were cleaved in half. The battle lasted for what seemed like an eternity; however, with the adrenaline rush that Jericho experienced it made absolutely no difference if this fight would ever end, and he’d take anybody’s life to claim this battle for himself. Powered by blood lust and filled with rage, Jericho opened himself up to the One Being’s influence, and with out him realizing, Jericho was implanted with a dark seed. To set the next part of his plan into motion, the One Being’s power, now having a physical presence to emanate from put Jericho into a state of berserker. Letting out a vicious cry, he lost all consciousness as well as all control of his body. Filled with unimaginable power, Jericho tore through the rest of his adversaries, leaving nobody alive. The leader of resisting army, a former god who was cast from the heavens and became a demon had his head torn off by Jericho’s bare hands. The opposing army soon fell with their lord, however, Jericho wasn’t finished yet. He was still in a state of berserk, and unwittingly turned on his own army, slaughtering them as well. He lost awareness after that and feel into a comma. His next memory was kneeling in front of his king for suspected treason against Nocturne, having no memory of recent events, Jericho pleaded not guilty to his accusation, but it feel on deaf ears. His crime was thought to be inhuman, and giving him death would do nothing more then serve as a release. Instead, he was to have his right arm tattooed with sacred chevrons and sentenced to life in the cells below Tartarus, an active volcano which is what many of us think Hell looks like. A special table was made for Jericho, placed directly in the center of the volcanoes Magma Chamber, Jericho would be chained to it and suspended several hundred feet above the magma pools, just out of the way of the rushing magma. The metal used to craft the chains that suspended him as well as those that bound him to the table were made out of an ancient alchemic mix of unknown materials that could resist even the highest temperatures of a volcanoes core. The heat from the volcano singed Jericho’s skin, searing the chains into his flesh. There he would stay for an eternity, suspended above a constantly erupting pool of liquid rock that would kill any mortal being before ever got within 100 feet of its surface.
Jericho’s mind began to fade, and his humanity began to slip away. His only emotion was anger. Anger for what those he served did to him, as long as his soul survived, they would never know the meaning of the word “Peace”. Now was the time for the One Being to take his prize, to hatch his dark seed inside of Jericho and make him the embodiment of his power. As Jericho began to fade, he also started to hear a low voice in his head. It had no spoken language, but somehow Jericho could hear it perfectly. Its purpose, its desire, and its offer, all of these thing rang clearly in Jericho’s ears.
Jericho- Whoever you are, whatever you are if you release me from this hell, my soul is yours!!!
Silence was the only thing inside of Jericho’s head. The constant magma flow was the only thing that rang in his ears. Suddenly, he felt a stinging pain course through his body. Jericho tried to rip the chains that held him prisoner of the hinges and fling himself into the magma. He tried to do anything within his power to stop the pain. Jericho was able to channel enough power into his arms to break the chains and plummet into the river of liquid rock below. Jericho lost consciousness before his body hit the magma pool seconds later.
Once again, everything was quite, at first glance it looked as if this was where Jericho’s story ended. Suddenly, an enormous force shook the chamber and a pillar of magma shot from the depths of the chamber and through a nearby platform. As the pillar gushed with liquid rock a hand stretched out into the open air. A silhouette stepped through the pillar with frightening power. It is believed that the man once known as Jericho Magnus did in fact die in that pool of lava, and a new demon was born. He wasted no time in claiming what was his from those that betrayed him. The demon stormed the Central Hall of Nocturne and made his way into the inner sanctum. The guards that stood there for protection were killed in a heart beat with a strike to each ones chest, causing their hearts to explode inside their bodies. Without a second thought he grabbed his former ruler by the throat and used his power to turn him inside out before tearing him in half. As his final of vengeance he used the powers given to him by the One Being to set the realm on fire and extinguish nearly all life within the blink of an eye.
From the bones of the dead, he assembled the Chaos Citadel, a tower that plunged the entire realm into everlasting turmoil. From this tower the One Being would continue to pour its influence into the new demon known as Grave granting him the power required to set the final plan into motion.
Through out the centuries, mankind has evolved in the different realms, forgetting of the One Beings existence. However, its avatar was constantly searching for new recruits to add to its army. The newly established Mortal Kombat Tournaments held by the, then young Elder Gods to keep order proved to be a perfect scouting ground. Although they didn’t realize it, every champion from Shang Tsung, to Lui Kang has been marked with the One Beings touch. Grave would pass through their body like a surge of energy, giving them the power they needed to claim their victory. If one of them died, it didn’t matter since Grave’s expertise in Necromancy would restore them back to life when the time is right. However, the recent tournaments have spilled forth more powerful warriors then expected. This has lead to Grave being involved more and more than just surge of power. He would occasionally need to make an appearance to sway the events of the tournament.

As Ashrah and Ryoko are about to depart, they feel a dark aura approaching. Ashrah's Kriss Blade begins to surge uncontrollably and burns her hand. She drops the sword instantly and recoils in pain.
Ashrah-Aaagghh! What the hell was that? I've never felt that sort of power before.
Ryoko-Sensui? No, it's not. This is a power that I haven't felt before. It feels.......empty.
As Ryoko looks around, she can't seem to pinpoint the source of the power. As she lets her guard down she hears a low voice.
Grave-Ba'al Flame.
As soon as she turns around she, and Ashrah are surrounded by a green circle made of fire. Yet it doesn't emanate heat, instead it feels ice cold.
Ryoko-What's the meaning of this? Do you know who I am? Release me at once!
The flames burn brighter
Grave-Know this Ryoko, your Gabrielle has gotten into something much larger then you realize. If you insist on pursuing her, your efforts will not only destroy you, but her as well.
Ryoko-You lie!
Grave-I have peered into your mind, and I have studied your soul. You have grown insecure and self-doubting. You’re powerful true, but power is nothing unless you are willing to use every single ounce of it. That is the difference between you and Sensui. He has abandoned all morale and honor. He has dropped all emotion, he is willing to extinguish all of existence to reach his goal. That is why you won't be the one to beat him.
Ryoko-Are you saying Gabrielle is the one?
Grave-No, if you challenge him head one you will die swiftly.
Ryoko-You dare question my power?! Show yourself and we will see who is stronger.
A silhouette appears beyond the flame, and stares at Ryoko. By this time, Ashrah has gotten over her injury and walks up to Ryoko.
Ashrah-Who is he?
Ryoko-I don't know but if he challenges me, he will be a dead man.
Ashrah looks down at her Kriss blade as it surges with energy. She puts her foot underneath it and kicks it into the air, as it twirls on the way down Ashrah performs a flip kick, sending the surging sword at the silhouette. As it's about to hit, the sword hits a barrier and shoots back at Ashrah who quickly dodges it and lets it shoot through the flame on the other side.
Ryoko-Ashrah, stand your ground I will deal with this idiot myself.
Ashrah-As you wish, just don't get killed.
Ryoko steps forward, full intent on taking on the stranger.
Grave-I may have come from the afterlife, but don't think that I won't send you there.
Ryoko shoots a blast of concentrated light at the silhouette which goes right through.
Ryoko-Gottcha! What?
To her surprise the silhouette reforms.
Grave-You have been warned, if you die here, it is of your own fault.
The figures eyes squint as their glow becomes more intense. The flames around Ryoko and Ashrah intensify, as a blast is created in the place of the silhouette.
The blast is launched at Ryoko and Ashrah with blazing speed. Ryoko is unable to block at such a close range and is hit dead on. The blast shoots through both Ryoko, and Ashrah as the let out a scream and are engulfed in freezing and burning flames. They both collapse to the floor as the flames on their bodies die out. The flames around them morph into an undead dragon and rises to the ceiling before shooting into the ground and disappearing, leaving no trace or markings that it ever existed.
Moments later Nightwolf comes in to find the two warriors on the ground. He quickly rushes over to Ashrah and tries to wake her up.
Nightwolf-Ashrah wake up. C'mon open your eyes!
Ashrah wakes up with a gasp for air.
Ashrah-What the hell was that?!
Nightwolf-What are you talking about?
Ashrah-We were attacked and.....
Nightwolf-Get a hold of yourself. Listen I'll get back to you, I have to go help out Ryoko.
Ashrah-Yes, she was hit harder then I was.
Nightwolf walks up to Ryoko and holds her in his arms.
Nightwolf-She's ice cold! It feels as if her essence was drained. I need to do something.
Nightwolf starts chanting and his body begins to glow a blue flame and the howling of wolves is heard. Nightwolf opens his eyes as they glare white and a wolf spirit leaves his chest and enters Ryoko. She glows blue and instantly revives.
Ryoko-(gasp) what....what was that?
As she looks up she sees Nightwolf come out of his trance.
Nightwolf-Welcome back to the world of the living.

This would be the first time anybody would feel a small portion of Grave’s power for over 10,000 years, and it wouldn’t be the last...

Ryoko has a slight blush as she realizes that she's being cradled and gets up instantly.
Ryoko-Nightwolf, I..Er....That is to say..... thank you.
Nightwolf-Ryoko, I'm glad to see that you haven't lost your sternness. What happened?
Ryoko-On our way out we were attacked.
Nightwolf-You look fine though. Who was it that attacked you? Sensui?
Ryoko-No, somebody else, somebody with great power.
Nightwolf-Listen you need to find Gabrielle, I'll see if I can figure this out. Good luck to you.
Ryoko-Thank you once again. I don't know what we would do with out you. Ashrah, are you coming?
Ashrah-Of course.
Ashrah finds the spot where her Kriss blade was lodged after it went through the flames. As she pulls it out, she discovers that it is all but disintegrated. The sword has turned ash black and has molten cracks on the blade, almost as if it was dipped into lava.
Ashrah-Damn it! Whoever or whatever attacked us definitely has power to do this to my blade. Anyway, let's get going.

As Kilvan and Piroh laugh and celebrate their new source of knowledge, they are cut short by a strange power. Kilvan stops and looks straight ahead.
Kilvan- You've got a lot of nerve to interrupt me. And know, you will die.
With lightning speed, Kilvan takes his scythe and tosses it over his shoulder, straight at his target. He turns in time to see as it it's about to make contact. However, instead of the figure being cleaved in half, the scythe passes right through and gets imbedded into a near by wall.
Kilvan turns towards Piroh and lets out a laugh from underneath his mask.
Kilvan- Of course, nobody could be that stupid. The coward only sent an astro image to spy on me.
Piroh- Truly a foolish coward.
Kilvan- Indeed, so let's retrieve my weapon and be on our way.
Kilvan and Piroh approach the shadow figure, excepting to walk through and pick the scythe out of the wall. As they approach, Kilvan reaches over, hoping to have his hand pass through image and grab his scythe.
Kilvan- An admirable image. Not many can hold a copy together for this long.
Piroh- Yes, the coward does seem to poses some skill. Unfortunately for him, he'll fall at your feet before long.
Kilvan proceeds to reach through the shadow and extract his weapon. As he does, the image comes to life and grabs Kilvan by his throat with great speed.
Grave- I assure you, I'm quite real.
Kilvan (choking)- What the hell?!
Kilvan- Piroh *cough* banish him from my sight!
Piroh quickly casts a warp spell, and the figure dematerializes. Kilvan quickly takes a breath as he stumbles to one knee. He reaches to his throat and massages it, while extracting the scythe with his other hand. Kilvan- I've never seen a technique like that. That idiot, how dare he mess with a warrior of such skill as me?
Grave- If you truly where great you wouldn't have been caught off guard so easily.
Kilvan turns around and meets a the shadow figure once more, face to face before he is hit hard in the mask with a quick right hand from the figure, sending him into the wall.
Piroh tries to warp the figure once more, but is quickly turned into a statuette by the figures gaze, and falls to the floor, shattering on impact.
Kilvan- You'll pay dearly for that!
He swings at the opponent with his scythe, but the figure raises his forearm, and the scythe hits hard against a bone shaped gauntlet. Then, without warning, the figure puts his foot against Kilvans throat, pinning him to the wall. By applying pressure, he imbeds him into the wall, leaving an imprint.
Kilvan realizes that he can use his Devil Hands and can disable his opponent by applying pressure points. A great plan but as he tries to attack his opponent's legs, his hands pass right through, as if his leg was made of vapor.
Grave- Don't get too full of yourself, Anubis. It's one matter to have a plan, it's quite another to execute it.
The figure grabs Kilvans scythe and throws it to the side.
Grave- I could kill you right now, but I am not your executioner.
The figure retracts his leg and frees Kilvan, letting him fall to the floor.
Kilvan- You may not be my executioner, but I have now become yours!!!
Kilvan uses his power to summon his scythe to him and with one slash, he cuts through the shadow figures mid-section, but just like before it goes completely through.
Kilvan- What's going on?!
Kilvan slashes up dices the figure vertically in half, still he reforms.
Starting to feel fatigued, Kilvan manages to swing once more, but before he can reach enough momentum to swing it, the figure quickly puts his foot on the scythe, preventing it from rising, then he runs up the scythe and knees Kilvan in the bridge of the masks nose, creating a huge dent, then he flips back and lands on the ground.
Kilvan grabs his mask as blood drips from his face slit.
Grave- Don't fool yourself into thinking you're invincible, doing so will lead to your quick and painful downfall.
Kilvan- Shut-up! Once I get the heart of the Dragon King, I will be invincible! My armies will reign supreme.
Grave- How disappointing, you are not the Anubis you think you are.
Kilvan- Silence, you know nothing about me. When I take Onaga's heart and learn the secrets to resurrection....
Kilvan is stopped short as the shadow figure looks over at Piroh's broken body and fire a blast of energy at the pile of rubble. The statue instantly comes together and returns to flesh, bring back the cyclops from the dead.
Kilvan- That's not possible! Who are you?
Grave- Be aware from this point on. You are far from invincible.
With that the figure then fades from view.

As the guards make their way into the junction chamber, they're instantly surrounded by an eerie green flame.
Guard 1-What is this trickery? Come out and face us worm.
A shadow appears behind the guard and grabs him by his neck.
Grave-Drop the body and one of you will live. Refuse and my fist will by the last thing you see in this life.
Gaurd1- don't frighten me, my king will resurrect me if I die.
Grave- Well then, I'm sorry you feel that way.
The shadow tightens his grip on the guard’s neck, cutting off his circulation.
The second guard rushes the shadow from behind, he raises his sword, hoping to cleave the figure in half. However, instead of cleaving the shadow, he splits his comrade in half. The guard splits open vertically as his entrails shoot out of his body and on to the floor.
At this time, Gabrielle and Ryoko rush in to see the guard get dissected.
The other guard, now quivering, drops Hatsuma's body, along with his sword and tries to make a run for it when he realizes that he is completely ensnared in the fiery circle. As he turns around he sees the shadow charging straight at him.
Grave-I'll see you on the other side.
With that, the shadow sinks his fingers into the guards face, then swings around, breaking his neck. The figure fallows up with a horizontal slash, cutting the guard in half, launching his corpse forward, tearing his head off in the process.
Gabrielle and Ryoko run in as the shadow walks over to Hatsuma's body.
Gabrielle- Get away from him!!!
The shadow only looks at her with his blazing red eyes, piercing through the darkness. Without a word, he picks up the body and the circle of fire around him flares, blocking Gabrielle’s view, then subsides, revealing that he, and Hatsuma's body are nowhere to be found.

-Grand Hall-
Kilvan, pleased with his victory takes the time to relax and drink some wine.
Kilvan- Pathetic, she thought that she could actually defeat me. Hmph, I'll deal with her in my own and in my own time. As for now, I suppose I should enjoy the finer things in life.
Kilvan sits in a chair and puts his feet on the table, leaning back. He picks up a glass and swirls the wine inside it. He then puts it to his mouth slit and drinks to his victory.
Kilvan- Piroh? Come forth.
There is no answer, not one to be kept waiting, he screams
Kilvan- Piroh!!
The mini cyclops appears, it seems that he's out of breath.
Kilvan- Do you enjoy keeping me waiting?, no.
Kilvan- You seem a bit jumpy, anything you want to tell me? Hmm.
Piroh- No, no. Piroh has nothing to say.
Kilvan puts the glass of wine down and remains motionless for a second, then in one quick burst, lunges across the table and grabs Piroh by his head. He brings him face to face and a red glow is seen emanating from his eye slits.
Kilvan- Piroh, are you hiding something from me?
Piroh- Of course not. Why would Piroh hide something?
Kilvan- Because you know that I will separate your head from your body if I find out that you are. I'm going to ask one last time. Are you hiding something from me?
Piroh feels his heart jump into his throat and stares Kilvan in the face.
Piroh- I’m not hiding anything.
Kilvan remains silent for a second and the red glow from his mask disappears. He lets go of Piroh and leans back in his chair.
Kilvan- Very well then. Now, what do we do about the Dragon King? His heart is valuable to say the least. We need it to make an indestructible army.
Piroh- But, Kamon has amassed an army that dwarfs even the Dragon Kings by 10 fold. Why do we need his heart to reanimate them?
Kilvan- Giving me that power in this mortal form will let me rule from both sides. This will also rid me of that handicap, Kamon. His true power is still dormant, we must get rid of him before it is awakened.
Piroh- We do it the traditional way, yes?
Kilvan- No, his body holds to much power, doing it that way may shatter the barrier between life and death. We must be cautious, we can't let him know. Bring him to me.
Piroh- Yes, of course.
Piroh fades out and leaves Kilvan to himself.
Kilvan picks up his glass of wine and is about to drink it when he realizes that it's empty.
Kilvan- Who dares.....
He's cut off by a voice in the shadows.
Grave- I do.
A crimson glow emanates from Kilvan's mask, accompanied by a smoke.
Kilvan stands up and punches through the table in a fury.
Kilvan- You will pay for your transgression. My jackals will feast on your corpse when I drag you down into the after life.
Grave- Death doesn't bother me. I have walked that line countless times. Each time getting stronger.
Kilvan- Well then, you won't mind me sending you back!
Kilvan grabs his scythe and swings into the shadows.
Grave- We've already been through this. Do you want to embarrass yourself again?
Kilvan puts the scythe down in anger.
Kilvan- When this is over I will personally hang you from the ceiling.
The shadow quickly lurks across the ground and wrap itself around Kilvan, forming a figure. The shadow puts Kilvan into a lock and bends him to one knee. The shadow then shoots its hand into Kilvans body and out the other side.
Grave- I can tear your heart out right now and you won't even have time to scream. Do you feel that? The ice cold sensation rushing through your body? That is what true due is. The slow realization that you are powerless to do anything about it, no matter how hard you try.
Kilvan- How are you doing this? You can easily make contact with anyone you choose yet I can't harm you. What trickery is this.
Grave-It's a perfect control of ones spectral and physical balance. I call it Surface Contact. I can solidify any part I need to make contact with.
The shadows hand retracts out of Kilvan's chest and he lets off the pressure, allowing him to get to his feet.
Kilvan- Surface Contact, I see. That's why I can't touch you. What do you want with me?
Grave- Want? "Want" is a meaningless word where I come from. I'm not here to take nor give anything from anyone. I'm only here to ensure balance. If necessary, I will TAKE the life I that is intended to preserve that balance. My role in this tournament is much larger then you can fathom. Do not cross me.
Kilvan- What exactly are you?
Grave- Some call me the Grim Reaper. However it makes no difference what they call me, I answer to a higher authority.
Kilvan- The Elder Gods?
Grave- No, nothing as weak as the Elder Gods. My time hear is wasted, you are clearly not the one I'm looking for.
Kilvan- Do you have any idea who I am? I am....
The shadow cuts him off by grabbing him by his throat and lifting him into the air. Two blazing red eyes appear in the darkness.
Grave- Yes, Anubis. I know who you are.
The shadow lets him drop to the ground and lets him catch his breath.
Grave- Do not think that armor can protect you. I have more then enough strength to tear through it and rip your essence right out.
With that, the shadow disappears in on itself leaving Kilvan alone.
At this time, Piroh and Kamon enter the room.

-1st level of Hell-
A ball of energy shoots from the green sky and smashes into the ground like a meteor. Wandering souls, hungry for flesh begins to approach the crater. The flames around the crash site scorch all those who try to get near it. A silhouette appears in the flames, screaming in agony as the they die out. The figure inside is Hatsuma, the ninja killed by Sensui. His deeds under Sensui's control have not gone unexcused. His soul has been sentenced to burn in the depths of Hell. As he regains his consciousness, his memories flood back into his head. He sees Gabrielle, the pain in her eyes is all too clear. They both know that he's going to die, but she still refuses to accept that fact. Hatsuma's next and last memory in the living world is the edge of Sensui's blade. His final sense is the edge of the blade going into his chest and his vision of Gabrielle fading. He sees her heart brake as the walls come tumbling down and her tears flow from her eyes.
Hatsuma- Gabrielle.......
He takes his first step into the fabled underworld. As his foot touches the soil, he is filled with an immense pain. His body ignites in flames, he has now officially entered Hell. His being is stripped completely bare, leaving him defenseless. Hatsuma is barely able to stand, his body is barely holding together. He tries to take another step, again he is filled with the same pain as before. He can feel that Hell itself is alive, breathing, seething, and moving ever so slowly. Skies, filled with fire, forests of bones, and winds of tortured screams, all come together to create a canvas, too nightmarish to imagine.
Once again, Hatsuma falls to his knees, collapsing on the burning soil made of bones fire. Trying to breathe is like trying to inhale fire. Hatsuma looks ahead of him. Huge towers of ash and bone stretch into the sky. As he surveys the area, what looks to be a twisted willow tree catches his eye. It glitters brilliantly against the green sky and the ash black soil. Hatsuma makes his way towards the glowing tree. As he gets closer, his head is filled with screams, and his face with horror, an emotion that has been lost to him for what seems to be an eternity. The glowing lights in the tree are actually cages. The fires burning on its branches are actually people.
-Help me please!
-I've learned my lesson!
-Let me out, please! Even for a second.
-It was all a mistake. I didn't mean to kill them. Please let me out.
Hatsuma- Is this..... Is this the fate the awaits my soul?
-Are you here to help us?
Hatsuma doesn't answer, shedding only a tear.
As Hatsuma is a bout to leave, the ground beneath him begins to quake. Suddenly, something that looks like a serpent shoots from the ground. Its size is enormous, it towers at least 60 feet above Hatsuma, or at least the visible part. It has no skin, and its gore is all too visible, caged in only by its skeletal structure. Its eyes burn with the fires of Hell as it lurks over the damned ninja.
Hatsuma- How is this possible? This can't be the Netherealm? Where am I?
- Ha ha ha. Stupid little soul. You are in Tartarus, you are in Hell.
Hatsuma- Hell? But I was killed in Mortal Kombat!
-We are very well aware of where you died. However, Mortal Kombat has no barring here. All those who die outside the tournament end up here.
Hatsuma- Perhaps you didn't hear me. I said I WAS killed IN Mortal Kombat.
-You were NOT!!!! You were killed in an exhibition match. That has no barring. As well, you were struck down by the Malice Blade. Your soul is was damned from that moment on. Now, prepare to receive your punishment!
The beast lets out a fearsome roar as it lunges at Hatsuma.
-Non Existence!
The serpent opens its mouth, letting its tendrils shoot forth. The dig into Hatsuma's soul, immobilizing him. The serpent shoots him high into the air and opens its gaping mouth beneath him.
-Enjoy your suffering while it lasts. These moments are your final.
As Hatsuma plummets into certain doom, a shadow figure appears from nowhere, slicing the serpents head in half, killing it instantly. its body twitches wildly, and soon disintegrates. The figure shoots into the air, catching Hatsuma at the same time, and delivering him to safety.
Hatsuma reaches into his arms and pulls out the dead serpents tendrils.
Grave- How careless.
Hatsuma- Who, what are you?
Grave- That makes no difference. You should just be grateful I've saved you.
Hatsuma- Saved me? From what?! My release? Look around you? How can you tell me that I'm saved?
The figure grabs Hatsuma by his throat, giving him time to speak.
Grave- Non-existence, is far too an easy path for you. It will not bring you salvation.
Hatsuma- This is Hell. Salvation is non-existent here.
Grave- Not this far out no. But live long enough, and travel far enough and you will find it.
Hatsuma- Travel? Every time I take a step, my body ignites.
Grave- The fire you feel are your sins. you must carry there burden. Only when you reach the end can they be forgiven.
Hatsuma- Tell me. What am I supposed to do?
Grave- Hell is divided into 10 circles. Each representing a different sin. You must traverse these circles to reach salvation in the middle.
Hatsuma- 10 circles? I have been taught that there where 9 layers?
Grave- You speak of the Inferno. That was Dante's own rendition of it. The only way his mortality could cope with it. The visions he saw were only suppressed images. What awaits you is far worse.
Hatsuma- What sort of "salvation" awaits me at the center?
Hatsuma- Life? That can't be! No one has ever escaped from Hell. So, how are you here?
Grave- My from was forged in its fire. I leave this choice to you. You can make the journey, and if you succeed, your life will be restored. If you renounce it, or fail, your soul will become part of this for all eternity.
Hatsuma- How will eye return to life?
Grave- If you make it that far, I will await you there, with your body. If you make it that far, we shall meet again.
Hatsuma- Very well. But who are you? You're not a demon, but I suspect you're far from a saint.
The figure is quiet for a moment.
Grave- Grave.
With that, the figure vanishes, leaving Hatsuma with his trek towards salvation.
About Me

06/06/2005 10:15 PM (UTC)
Man! Coolest story ive ever heard! It should be a movie!!! It took me 30 minutes to read. How long did it take to write it? lol. Keep working on it. Really cool! Hmm.. Are you one of the MK creators??
About Me

06/06/2005 10:16 PM (UTC)
Btw. Who is Hatsuma, Ryoko, Kivlan and Piroh?
06/06/2005 10:43 PM (UTC)
Ok Badboy i'll change the name,so therefore it's the technical name (Tranzwarp XT 7) this is the new name,tell me wha you think,the story and everything remains.Here's the new nam for Tranzwarp a.k.a
06/07/2005 12:14 AM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Made:
A kick ass character

Best character ever...

I'd honestly love to see that character in any fighting game, although I think he'd fight right in the MK universe. Great job...
06/07/2005 01:15 AM (UTC)
since no one has made up a boss i'll give it a shot

realm: outworld
allies: sub-zero, frost noob
enemies: scorpion ,onaga

on the opposite side of outworld from the lair of the dragon king sub-zero unlocks a secret power, but is possesed by it and he becomes abomination and seeks to rule all realms and transform them into icy wastelands.

a big hairy apelike creature with white hair and only one eye like a cyclops
and 12 feet tall


ice breath: shoots a icy beam at the opponent and freezes him/her
blizzard breath: brows the opponent away like fujins wind lift
megaton punch: like donkey kong's punch on super smash brothers and it takes half the opponents life and sends him/her flying into the air
suplex:a spinning throw that crushes the oppenent


blizzard rip: grabs an opponent and lifts him/her up to his face and blows ice at him/her until the opponent is frozen and then rips the person in two

rock anihilation: sort of a "gama crush" type move he jumps up in the air and smashes the oppenent with a rock the size of a mountain

About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/07/2005 01:36 AM (UTC)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Btw. Who is Hatsuma, Ryoko, Kivlan and Piroh?

They were characters in the second Kreate-A-Karakter Tournament. Ryoko has already been posted by tgrant. Kilvan and Piroh belong to Shadaloo, and Hatsuma is one of my old characters. Part of Grave's story is a series of flashbacks to previous tournaments he has been envolved in. I'm gald you like it though.
06/07/2005 01:40 AM (UTC)
New character:Binky

Binky is a character that is created by Fabrics on Shang Tsungs clothes from DA and Deception.Binky is one of the souls from the soulnado and merged into the cloth that Shang Tsung used to wear,With the combined powers of the fabric and the soul,it formed Binky.Binky does not know what path he will take,most likely he will be neutral.Binky is from OutWorld.

Binky's profile:

Binky's moves:
Binky Blast Fireball
Binky Boom Boom(stomp move)
Binky slide teleport
Binky uppercut

Binky Wrap (he wraps around you and then melts you into nothing but a bloody skeleton,then you fall over and break.

Split personality:Binky clones himself and his clone takes his opponent by the head while he take him by the feet and just slam his opponent onto the ground really hard 5 times then just breaks in
About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/07/2005 03:26 AM (UTC)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Man! Coolest story ive ever heard! It should be a movie!!! It took me 30 minutes to read. How long did it take to write it? lol. Keep working on it. Really cool! Hmm.. Are you one of the MK creators??

No, I'm not one of the MK team members. I just happen to have some free time and like creating stuff. Well, I can't say how long it took me to write the story since I'm still changing it, and tweaking it to make it better. But the I came up with concept in my head about around the 3/4 mark in the 2nd K-A-K Tournament. Like I said, I'm glad you guys like it. wink
About Me

06/07/2005 02:17 PM (UTC)
Mkflegend= Steam is a good name.
As for binky he sounds really cool. But what does Binky Uppercut do? Is it just a normal uppercut? cuz everyone can do a uppercut its the most famous move in mk.

Motarorules= Abonimation sounds to be cool but bosses is usually evil right? how could he be evil when his foes are onaga and scorp and his allies are sub, frost and noob? Strange but he has nice story. And the megaton punch takes half the life... then you only need to do it twice and win.

Smokenc-017= Keep working on Grave and later post his entire story if u want cuz he has a great story. Hope they put him in the game!! lol but is "Armaggedon" his weapon?

Keep postin everyone!
06/07/2005 05:05 PM (UTC)
That would be a good idea. I would like to make myself or Hulk Hogan and take on scorpion or sub-zero.glassesglasses
Pages: 9
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