About Me

06/13/2005 10:19 AM (UTC)
Oleen sounds really nice but frost is already existing lol.
06/13/2005 07:24 PM (UTC)
My characte would be a wresler/kick boxer.
He would be bout 6 feet tall and 220 pounds
He would be a neutral character that ends up fighting for the earth worriors.
He would have a mask on but wear normal clothes. The mask is to just hide his identity becuse after all he is a wresler. the mask would be like the undertakers origianal mask. His fatality would be something like boxing them till there head comes off or there is a hole in there chest.
Here are some of his stats and features:
Eyes: green
hair: long black
Occupation: wrestler
Race: human
He would be more strong than anything with high defence but low speed
He is an earth worrior that Raiden clles apon for the next mortal kombat turnament to fight for the earth realm. He is 37 years old when this happens. When he is traveling to the place of the turnamen he is ambushed by bandits and has to find a way out of there camp when they kidnap him. He wonders through the wods fo days when he comes across a cave. He enters it for shelter and finds some sort of alter in it. He touches it and it grants him some sort of strength that he cant explain. He leaves the cave the next morning to continue his journey but as he leaves the cafe it dissapears and all he can see is the forrest. He makes his way to the turnament to meat Raiden abd on his way he learns of his new abillities.
He is now stronger that he has ever been and his skin has taken on some kind of outer layer that is tough like leather.
Forgive me if this is to cheesyglasses
About Me

out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

06/13/2005 08:15 PM (UTC)
I would make a mafia type character for an MK3 side-story game.

Name: haven't decided
allies: Bruno, Jimmy (two other mafia characters. Bruno is a big guy in a tank-top and moustache, Jimmy is a little guy in a jacket)
enemies: Tommy (aka Kobra: he changed his name after MK3)
height: 6'1"
eyes: brown
hair: black, ponytail
styles:Judo, 9mm (16 bullets), monkey wrench
origin: New Jersey, Earthrealm
appearance: think Steven Seagal in black

Kobra killed a few mobsters while defending some innocents. the boss sent /mafia guy/ to take care of the goody-two-shoes menace.during a chase, Shao Kahn's forces invaded. for the mean time, he'll pretend put his differences aside until the right time. what the boss says, goes; and when you mess with the boss's orders, you mess with the family
About Me

06/13/2005 08:42 PM (UTC)
OK, this is where my character story continues after the cut-off:

Tsung sat before him in the tavern. They have both been travelling. Tsungs missions included search for power, and knowledge. „For there is no knowledge that is not power“ as once the trickster Shang Tsung repeated some kind of ancient wisdom. The curernt one was a pesky one. Templar, leader of Shao Khans Third Western Army and regent, personal protector of Shang Tsung on several missions, alongside the elusive Reptile accompanied him on this dangerous mission to seach and destroy a rebellious spellcaster who was traced back to the city of Lei Chen.
-The supplies are all gone. Someone must have traced our progress. –said Koshaku calmly. –We must find them. –Shang Tsung was looking sleepy, but his mind already worked at maximum efficiency. His thoughts circled around the possibilities. They have been constantly wandering about in the dark. The spellcaster indeed did a ghood job. Seven Shadow Priests have disappeared before the Imperial Comission pinpointed that Shang Tsung should look after theese disappearances. Being no more a Shadow Priest, but still their mental leader, Tsung was the only one free at the time. Besides, he was already interested in the sorcerer, becouse he suspected who this enigmatic figure may be in the reality.
-They are outside. Seven at least. They are keeping us traced through the rooftops. Maybe the Thieves Guild was lying? –Templar wondered: the Thieves Guild was contacted yesterday and their velcoming comitee wasn’t friendly or anything. He could not blame them. Both Shang Tsung and he had a vicious reputation. Alas, they knew only little themselves. Funny. The Thieves Guild knew little about newcomer underground organizations? -You go. I‘ll follow you and make sure none of the rats make it out of the trap I planned.
-So you’re saying that with little luck we could find their lair? –Templar was well suprised at Shang Tsungs speed of thinking. -Probably. -there was a thin smile on his friends face. Tsung was always like this when they faced danger. Always a little bit cynical and enigmatic, but in the last few days he’s been really acting somehow...more adrken than ever before. No suprise, in a circle that consisted of nothing but scheming, power, gain and losses, favors and deaths, no sane man would keep his faith in the „good“ side of the world. Not even he, who was already a betrayer, and a enforcer of Shao Khans will.
-Let’s get this over with! -Shang Tsung replied, and they shook hands. This was an act before every move that came with imminent danger, both of them insisted on this. They had theese little acts: Shang tsung was bending and twisting his long nailed fingers, and Templar always slid his fingers through his blades blood channel.
Both of them were „ambushed“ at the marketplace while wandering about, searching for their men. They came to them eventually. Black hooded assasins, the stereotypicly shameless killer orders of Outworld. Templar was a little unnerved, and Shang Tsung was very well annoyed.
-Your journey ends here. The locals looked at them baffled when the murederers pulled their shotr blades out. They were at least around seven or nine, but there were more in shouting range probably. -Beg pardon? Shang Tsung replied. –Was this not the velcoming comitee of the hiding sorce-ror of Lei Chen? How rude.. –he smiled. -I don’t know from where you have that arrogant tounge, but I make sure that it will lay life-less on our masters dining plate! -Wait, there is no need to resort to violence. –Templar interrupted. We only want to see your master on his own behalf. We ask that he surrenders himself before the ever-watchful Shao Khan, so that he may spare his life. -No need for violence? –the supposed to be leader of the brigands stepped forward. –We know your reputation Templar, and you and the goatbeard will die right here. Accept it! Your fate has been sealed. –his eyes flashed with bloodlust, Templar knew that this won’t end well. -Again, there is no need for violence! Please, for your own sake don’t pull that sword! -How about this for non-violence! –the scar-faced leader grabbed a nearby commoner woman and bent his arm, forcing her to go down, and in an instant, he slit her throat.
Silence. Shang Tsung became unnerved.
Templar looked at the dead woman, and with a shaking hand he pointed at the marauder: -You have passed redemption, you fool! -then battle commenced.
Templar with an insane pace runned down the scar-faced brigand who tried to raide his blade to stab him, but as he looked into the eyes of his opponent, he began to scream. The closed fingers penetrated his stomach and clawed at his intestines. Then, as the fingers moved around the ribcages lower side, and grappled into them, he began to feel his lungs were about to slow-ly fall off. Coughing and suffocating in his own blood, he witnessed as his murderer with a firm grapple raised him into the airripped his guts out.
-Most excellent! Shang Tsung commented and blasted an extinguished life force of a soul into his nearest opponent. The screaming skull flew right into the rogue, punched through his rib-cage, and burned a hole into the place where once the heart resided. They both pulled their swords and began the slaughter. Templar was intoxicated with the battle. No one was good enough to stand before him. The remnants after a minute: two men slightly wounded began to run away, towards the docks.
-Let me after them1 I will make sure they suffer! -Better than that, we let them lead us to their master. How about that? -Excellent! Follow me! –the seemingly possessed Templar followed them with a fast pace.
The inner chambers were quiet and a thick darkness surrounded the lower room. They both entered. No guard was now alive, they fell either to Shang Tsungs blasphemous magic, or to Templars rage. In the inner sanctum, four crystals were enplaced on pedestals in a geometrical form, every one of them radiated potent magic. Shang Tsung immediatly recognized the type of this magic. Conjurative necromancy. „So, so, this is what it is all about“-he thought.
-Come in, witness your undoing. –the sound of the voice was somehow not natural, it was like a shredding saws noise, used in tortures. The man stepped forward. He wore a black cape and a grey tunic with blood red flame symbols about it’s surface. His head bald, except for three tails ormed out of silvery hair, and a tattoed face. -In the name of Shao Khan, surrender. Or not. I prefer the latter. –Shang Tsungs enpowering will of supremacy was something to be recognized instantly by outsiders. To tell the truth, he was superb compared to the other sorcerers running around in outworld. There were a few who were that powerfull as he, but they kept a low profile. -Ah, Shang Tsung in person. I never thought that my creation and my hunter would emerge at the same time.
Templars head became clear. What did he mean by „my creation“? And why was Shang Tsung hunting him for so long? This was quite obvious, afterall, it explained the enthusiasm Shang Tsung showed in this matter.
-You look baffled my child. Are you allright? Ah, I see that anger has almost devoured you from the inside. What was it like? Seeing your beloved ones die? Killing someone acciden-tally? Or just being recless about killing yourself, but failing in all attempts? Tell me! -What are you monster? –Templar was shocked to say at least, and Tsung was confused at the same time. What was the tie between the Death yeller and his companion? Curious... –No, I am not a monster. The only monster here is you. You slaughtered those who stood in your way, yet, you claimed before that a peacefull arrangement could have been made. You killed them eventually. Such like you slaughtered those who stood before you in the first battle. You are a tool of destruction, serving our purposes well. But now i tis time to put the tool aside and find anew one. -What are you saying? -I’m saying that you are a seed of evil! You have been infested with a potent will that has driven you halfly insane just for us to use! You are a ragdoll, a marionette for nothing but killing and you have became a liability for us. If the spirit would have found your core, you would be nothing but a drooling half-corpse now! But no! You had to fight against it, instead embracing the temporary piece it offered! Did you hear it’s lies? Why didn’t you listened to them? You would have became a true demon!
He continued ater he swallowed his fluids coming from his mouth. Actually a few drops acted like acid on the floor and dissolved the solid rock with ease. He collected himself and spoke:
-You became something you always despised. A chaosvessel. This is why you have been senctenced to death, the Seidans knew of your crimes instantly after you committed them. It was very easy, you don’t know how manipulative is the Seidan Council. And as for you, there is nothing but death awaiting you and therefor.....
Templars thoughts slipped away. He was standing in a Void, facing the figure who defeated him in the Pekaran chambers. The old man was apearing alongside with his efllow spirits.
-You don’t have to die, as long as you have a duty. And your duty is being a warrior. A true warrior, who is not a killer. The warriors respect life, becouse they have the ability to take it. Know this: even though you are infested with this haunting, it is you who makes the decisi-ons. Remember this well. Go on now., and make the Pekara proud.
A flash.
A thundering storm and he found hinmself in the middle of it. On the top of a mountain. A tall figure with a staff appeared in the distance, his silvery hair flying over his shoulders, he began to speak to him. Templar did understand the words. He felt empy. He was however nota lone. He felt the presence of his nearest comrades: the Warrior Kings, the figure, the Pekara, and even Shang Tsung, the only man who had the opportunity to know him.
As the figure finished, he smiled. There was something in there alongside the darkness that ripped him apart every day. It was him. No longer the shell, but the will. The will of steel.
...therefore you should probably go without any show of resistance. Hows that my child? Shang Tsung was baffled. He didn’t suspect that the thing he saw in him was some kind of a mental parasite, sure he had his suspicions, but this...amazing, the idea was great, so his thoughts were rallying about both of the mental parasite, and both of the current situation. Anyway, he was ready to act. This filled him with something to what he refered as his own „battlejoy“.
Templar moved, his head hung and his black hair was a mess while he was grappling into it with his left hand. He was shaking, his sight fixed right before him, and his breathing was al-most inaccurate.
-Come now. Don’t deny the fact of your death. You feel it deeep inside, this is the time to go! –he pulled a dagger from his robes belt and hid it behind his forearm. Shang Tsung however noticed something...deep inside his mind there was something fighting the anguish:
„I came back to face what's growing in my head please get away from me! Take advantage of what I feel, yes you do, this day you'll pay for me!“ all thinking came to a sudden end...
-This is where we embrace my child. –the death yeler pulled his dagger out as they embraced. -Yes. This where your evil ends. –and to the Death Yellers horror, from the massive steel ar-mor brooks of molten metal were running out. The inferno what followed almost blinded the sorceror, he could only witness the pillar of fire from behind his forearm. He heard the scream of the Death yeller, no longer deafening, but rather dying as he was burned to crisps by the magmatic fluid templar released.
Templar awoke, and the first thing he saw was Shang Tsung, his arms risen above him, directing the green shine that would be the Death Yellers soul, soon to be devoured and extinguished by the demon spellcaster, forever bound to his minds supremacy.
-You don’t have to do that. You and I were very similar. –Templar sighed. -You know the law of outworld: Seize every opportunity or die! –replied Tsung still focusing. -That is true, but it is the choice that makes us what we are. -What are you suggesting? –Shang looked at him while finishing the devouring. He was now somehow unnerved. Templar sounded very different. Almost as he... -My place is not here, not with you anymore. You aren’t what you used and promised to be. -You‘re still bound to my command. –Tsung replied. He saw where this conversation is hea-ded. He knew what templar was thinking. He could not blame him however. A small spark of sympathy rised in his mind, if not in the memory of his lost soul. He knew the anguish. -Release me, friend. You know that I cannot stay. -Very well, but you owe me one final service, on that you will swear! Shao Khan will be most displeased. Well, you met your final death in that inferno, am I right? -Yes. And thank you old friend. May the Heavens be my witness, for I swear one last act of service toward my master, no matter the cost and no matter the circumstances! This I swear!
As he left Shang Tsung already planned his next moves of schemings. His primary concern was that how could he benefit from the Death Eaters soul, while tricking one of his wealthy rivals into his demise. And later, somewhere in the mysts of the future, Khan, and his fall by his hands...he could feel it. And the future aid of someone quite familiar to him. Maybe that would be the hour where he will call on Templ ... he looked at his hand. Thevery hand that Templar held when he rescued him from certainly dangerous situations. He will not. Templar will know, they both will know the time when they will meet up again. A smile raised on his cheeks. His face became somehow more...human-like.
My friend, you don’t know what we will accomplish in the future. You don’t know... he wal-ked away, happily, and laughing. But this laugh was not filled with malice or pride, it was fil-led with something that Shang Tsung never felt since a very long time.
Chapter six: rebirth in the present
Templar has been hunted down again, and got buried under rocks during a cave temples collapse. The seidan guard could not confirm that he was eradicated, and so they left him under the mountain that buried him. A small outpost was built over it and Templar using his preservation went into a slumber under the fortress. This fortress was later Shang Tsungs palace.
Hotaru was seemingly strick and cold a sever, but deep inside he was feeling a little guilty. He was the one, who actually did this act of finality. Ther will be no more who challenged the authority of the Council. One of the renegades, one who was almost his frined in some way, was about to die.
„I can take no more“...
He nodded when the second in command aasked for permission to collapse the cave, thus making the cave a living grave for this man, who was once his fellow High Guard.

“What are we fighting for?“
Inside he felt something. He was uncertain that the Councils judgement was wrong. They made mistakes, yes, but rarely. Always preserving the good of the community, but this time...

“You are my brothers, each one I would die for“...
This was something to which the community didn’t had a damn thing. It was an execution, a most horrible one, but they could not take the risk of having Koshaku escape death again.

“Please just let it go“...
This is not right. The Council did the right thing, and he should be punished. BUt why did he getray the High Guards, and thus, Seudo? There was no reason for him to do that. Was his life on the Realm known as Earthrealm a mere accident? Did they really had enough info to claim that he’s guilty of treason?

“All the heads are blown“..
No, the investigation was proper a sever, but there was much more behind this. This was quite unnerving. He had to give the command loudly for the Guards to fier the War Cannons. But when he is the one ciommiting a crime against a former guardsman, victim of somesort of scheming?
„Let's just take the stage“...
Nonsense. Who would scheme against Seudo, and how absurd is to think that the Senate members actualy play a game of powermongers just becouse of their greed. The mere thought was blasphemy. He shold really talk about this with the High Priests. He needs an iron will to be a High Guard. Theese thoughts should not cruise through his head, especially not in a war heros head. They are the tools of Order and harmony.
„And remember what we fighting for“...
Truth and order must prevail everytime, under any circumstances! I am such a tool to do this. -Fire the war cannons on my mark! NOW!
However Templar was avoken when Onaga returned and Raiden sacrificed himself. The ethereal blast has reestablished his memory and abilities and templar fought his way up to the surface. While the bond between them was active, Templar could not find Tsung and later after a visit in a village he was shocked that the one who freed his life was dead. or was he? Templar suspected something sinister, and went after the calling of his pact. Was Tsung really dead? Having been betrayed and confronted by the nature of deceptive humans, Templar faith is broken, and he clings to the last remnants of his belief, protecting every form of truth and honor he has left.
Countless time has passed. There was noone. just the sound of the blowing forest wind. on the cliffside the armored figure stood still. The chilling winds of the north haven't touched him. His eyes were closed and he breathed slowly. You are nowhere, yet I still feel your presence. Somewhere beyond and far. But here. He opened his eyes. The call has been made. Now only he had to do is to find his lord. Shang Tsung. How long has it been? The jouneys they took on together. The times when they saved each others existence with sword and sorcery? Shangh Tsungs cynical laughter, his wisdom over words and history, and his nobility when he spared lives from his anger-when he called out to him to remember the pact they made?
Tsung became evil and vile afterwards, but he was still his master for that one final command. Somehow, he felt strange. If Tsung was dead, how comes that his legacy endures? What mischief the trickster sorceror was planning? Tsung. Again his thoughts wandered back to this complex character. He was free, should Tsung is indeed dead, but what should he do? The mercenary life and the former aimless existence was over. He was a man of reason, a warrior of order, the protector of everything true. For Earth he was too distant, for Seudo he was corupted, for Tsung he was a reliable ally. For himself, he was...what he had to find. Each answer will be sought out. Each wound must be questio-ned, each day of sorrow will be redeemed. Everyone who have betrayed him shall be found, and will be answered. Faith? Thats what he had left. Honor? He has to regain it. Trust? he must learn to find it. Life? He has to keep it. Sanity? ... will he lose it?
All that remains is hoping. Just the way he likes it...
He just prayed to be strong enough to keep to theese rules he set for himself. As the winds silenced themselves, he began his journey downward into Outworld smiling.
He encountered on his journey Hotaru, who actually felt sympathy towards him while he knew the laws that forced him to terminate the templars existence. However, Hotaru was distracted by his current assignment of leading the city of Lei Chen. But he promised to himself, that he will reason Koshaku, and bring him before the Council again, this time for the last time. This is what he owed towards him: a fair judication, and a proper senctence.
Recently, Templar has became aware of the existence of Kenshi, who was a descendant of the Warrior Kings. The templar is eager to learn more about this young figh-ter and the potence he possesses. Also, he learned and witnessed his defeat, and he redirected Sub-Zeros path with a landslide to allow him to find the battered body of Kenshi. Doing so, Templar has ensured the survival of the blind swordsman.
His goals are now unkown.
About Me

I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

06/13/2005 10:33 PM (UTC)

Name: Hellchip
Status: Cyborg Oni
Origin: Netherrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: none
Foes: All who gets in his way
Special Abilities: Rocket Punch
Black Fireball
Cloaking Device
Stun Gun
Flaming Torpedo Charge
Story: The first of the of the Cybernetic Demons created by Noob Saibot & Smoke, Hellchip betrayed his creators by slaying them & taking command of their Cyborg army. An ambitious, powerful, & cunning asassin, Hellchip is a force to be reckonned with. With his powerful militia and a hatred for everything who challenges him, he will stop at nothing to achieve the title, "Master over all".

Fighting Styles:
Netherblade ( a sword who's blade is made of fire)

Fatality: Hellchip impales his foe with the Netherblade. Flames burst out of the victim's mouth & eyes. Then, Hellchip fires a heatseeking missle. You can just guess what happens after that.........

Apearence: Wears black & orange cyborg armor similar to that of Cyrax or Sektor. Head is exposed, has two ram-like horns, & looks like a combination of Reptile from MKDA & Baraka. Hands & feet are also exposed. Skin color is a dingy grayish-green.
06/14/2005 01:37 AM (UTC)
o yeah babd boy, i 4got to mention, i think that she should return as a cyborg. lol. and for Oleen, i couldnt think of an Mortal Kombatish name, so i used my sister's grin
About Me

06/14/2005 06:40 AM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
o yeah babd boy, i 4got to mention, i think that she should return as a cyborg. lol. and for Oleen, i couldnt think of an Mortal Kombatish name, so i used my sister's grin

lol nice name. Frost has a really nice story.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
06/14/2005 08:32 PM (UTC)
Previous Name: Mai Kusanagi
Name: Mirage
Project Name: Lithium Flower
Age(s): Human-21, Cyborg-3 years old
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Former College Student turned Tekunin Soldier.
Hair color: Changes color due to nanites, used to be brown, shoulder length
Eye Color: Hazel/Green
Skin Tone: Mocha
Measurements: 36B-30W-34H
Cyborg Classification: TK-00003129, Reconnaissance, Saboteur, Assassin unit.
Allegiance: Tekunin Clan
Fighting Styles: Storm Dragon, Capoeira
Abilities-Full Camouflage. (Optical, Radar, Heat Sensor.) Energy manipulation

Storm Dragon: Storm Dragon is a variation of the standard Dragon style in Kung Fu. However the Tekunin have adapted it to fit Mirage’s unique power. The Storm Dragon style focuses on quick hits to the ribs, knees, sides, and chest, along with grapples and pressure points. This style is further enhanced by Mirage’s ability to harness extremely painful or even fatal amounts of electricity into each strike.

Capoeira: (Brazil) a beautiful and dramatic Brazilian martial discipline founded by African slaves more than 300 years ago in Angola and practiced as a religious dance before being brought to Brazil where it was transformed into a self-defense system. The system uses gymnastic type back flips, cart wheels, sweeping movements and high kicks for evasion rather than blocks to avoid attack. Many counter kicks are done from a hand stand-position, and most offensive techniques employ the feet.

Power Blades
State of the art weapons that use super heated plasma suspended in a magnetic field as their blades. The blades are curved downward protecting the fingers. The blades are 7 inches in length from the top of the handle down to the point. With Mai’s power to charge up electricity, she can augment the blades for stronger damage by feeding her power into them. The blades can also attach to her arms via a magnetic pulse allowing for an upgrade known as the “Dagger Tail”.
Sub Mode: Dagger Tail:
In this mode the handles of the blades straighten making them into a typical shaped dagger. The daggers are then charged with enough energy to make them into a stream of plasma, contained in a magnetic field. The plasma feeds into the handle of the daggers from her wrists. This makes a link from her blades to herself, which lets them to be swung around without an actual cable in the way.

Design: Mai’s bottom part of the face, from the nose down is covered in a metal face guard, making identification impossible. Her hair drapes over her eyes, anime style. Since she is mostly a reconnaissance droid, there is no need for heavy armor. However, that's far from saying that she's defenseless. Her neck, shoulders, arms, and legs are all covered with triple re-enforced liquid titanium. Her torso and inner thighs are flesh. She wears a one piece white bikini to cover her self. Around her waist she carries a small utility belt . Her spine sticks out her back and is also made of metal. When she enters battle mode, her spine extends her frontal armor in segments, completely covering her front side with the same type of armor that's on her arms and legs. The armor is simplistic in design. It has a platinum type polish, as well, as circuit lines running in between some of her plates which can be identified by their neon glow. She looks very sleek, and stylish, the best way to describe her is thinking of Vanessa from P.N.03 for the Game Cube.

Special Moves:

Stealth Mode: Mirage uses her masking ability to camouflage herself with the surrounding environment, rendering her completely invisible.

Power Surge:- A ball of high voltage energy is formed between Mirage's palms and shot like a fireball at the opponent, filling them with 1,000 kilowatts of energy for a split second, bringing them to the brink of death, while also stunning them. This move is usually used to take out large amounts of electronic hardware from an outside source; usually a normal socket does the job.

Tesla Generator: When escape is not an option to Mirage and combat is necessary her Tesla Generator comes in handy. It has two special effects. 1) Tesla Shield: Surrounds Mirage with a high voltage E.M.P. shield, electrocuting anything it touches, and instantly shutting down any electrical device. 2) Nova: The Tesla Generator begins to generate a large amount of energy while confining it into a small space. As the build up increases the charge gets stronger, damaging Mirage in the processes from the build up. When the power level has reached critical mass, it is released in a huge blast of energy, like a small super nova, completely destroying, or severely damaging anything by the feedback.

Energy Cycle: Mirage spins her Power Blades from side to side at breakneck speed. As the blades pass through the air around them, they super heat that as well, which makes the blades grow larger because of the extra plasma. Then in one burst, the plasma chain extends and the front of the weapon is shot at the opponent, spinning like a buzz saw. If contact is made, the opponent is filled with plasma, an untapped source of energy not yet controllable by man. The attack is almost like getting hit with a super powerful laser. After the initial contact, the blade power down and retracts back to Mirage, and into its Power Blade form. The drawback is that this move is telegraphed from the start, so the opponent can see it clearly, and can avoid it. But if it connects, it does an enormous amount of damage.

Time Flux:
Basically, all it is, is a burst of hyper sonic speed, delivered by the nano bots in her body. She moves so fast that it looks like time itself fluctuates and everything slows down. Her only visible trail is a neon green burst of light every couple of seconds which is a silhouette of her body.


Warp Slash:
Mai uses her Time Flux ability with her Power Blades to finish her opponent. She powers up her blades, causing them to glow a bright neon green as they surge with energy. Then she instantly vanishes. Suddenly, seven flashes are shown on screen, each showing her silhouette next to the opponent at different angles. On the seventh slash, Mai comes back into the frame, her armor is covered in blood. Behind her, the opponent, erupts in a cloud of blood as they fall apart into seven pieces on the floor.

Energy Convergence:
Mai powers up her fists with 10,000 kilowatts of pure energy. She unleashes it all in a 30 hit combo to all the opponents’ vitals. The opponent still remains on their feet, as they begin to smoke while energy surges through them. Finally Mai pulls back and punches straight through the opponents’ chest. The energy in the screaming opponent converges in that one spot and begins to react violently. Then as it pulses, Mai tightens her fist and the energy erupts like a bomb, blowing the opponent apart around her fist, covering her with blood, and some gore as her fist remains stretched out, pulsing with energy.

Mai Kusanagi was a college student in Osaka Japan. However, one day during her commute through the Shinjuku Bus terminal in Tokyo, the entire place fell under attack by the Tekunin clan, a clan of terrorist cyborgs led by Sektor. The cyborgs were quick to act and completely incinerated the entire terminal while bringing down the buildings with their ballistics. The entire terminal was completely decimated within the span of 5 minutes. Mai Kusanagi was one of the survivors, but her arms and legs, as well as her spine where completely shattered from the debris. Seeing as how his clan needed to grow, Sektor took all of the survivors to the Tekunin base for automation. A background check on Mai indicated that she was a well versed student in the art of Kung Fu. Seeing as she was the most youthful and useful candidate out of the survivors, Sektor order for her to undergo a new, experimental automation procedure. Instead of having her entire body replaced with machines, she would first have her memory wiped and then fitted with a new endo-exoskeleton. A state of the art nano port would replace her broken spine, and new appendages were crafted to link up with. The automation was a success and she became the state of the art recruit for the Tekunin. Her sleek frame and electro manipulation properties made her the top reconnaissance soldier. However, every now and then she would have strange memory lapses rush through her head, crippling her entire body. Sektor knew that this was the side-effect of the memory wipe she received. As such she would go through constant battle training and psycho-therapy to keep her in check. Mai Kusanagi died in Shinjuku, now only the unit known as Mirage remains.
Mirage was recently sent to the recent Mortal Kombat tournament to originally scout for more candidates to be taken in as soldiers for the Tekunin. In the process she ran across Unit LK-7T2 a.k.a. Smoke. However before she could take him, the wraith known as Noob Saibot got to him first and reprogrammed him as his new companion. After reporting her find to Sektor, she was given orders to tail the two fighters and in due time subdue both and bring them to the Tekunin still functional. If the situation became critical she was to terminate them on sight. Mirage would end up following Noob and Smoke to the Netherealm, and witness Noob’s defeat by Ashrahs’ Kriss blade. Although she has acquired her target, she has now become stranded in the Netherealm. Mirage now searches for a way back home to complete her mission, all the while trying to suppress her forgotten memories.
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06/16/2005 12:19 PM (UTC)
Really nice story. Storm dragon and power blades are nice. But capoeira... i dont know what u think but it doesnt really fit into the MK world but it would be nice to have capoeira to kick some ass! And her outfit is nice she seems to be hot! lol. As for the Energy cycle do you have to equip power blades to do it?
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

06/16/2005 07:56 PM (UTC)
(just to tick off Chrome grin)
Name: Alexander P. Winthrope AKA Ice P
styles: wupass, pimp, da gat,

pimp slap
smack a ho
grab da booty

fatality1: pimp slaps your head off

fatality 2: Ice P tries to bust a phat ass flow. your character gets so annoyed, he commits suicide

hara kiri:he signs a record deal with Shuq Night and dies in a drive-by. just like Biggie and Tupac

friendship: he offends you in a flow and to appologize, he sings a duet with you. Britney Spears and Elton John dance in the background

animality: turns into a dawgg, foo

born in a rich white family in Reno, he was never satisfied with his luxury. at the age of 12 he escaped from those mayo-eating crackas and found the hood life. because of his "skin tone deficiency" he soon became rich and famous. he bought a thirty million-dollar mansion and sang about his poverty in his built-in recording studio.then, heoffended Johnny Cage by calling him a "rich stupid fat honkey". Johnny wasn't fat! so to appologize, they sang together and became best friends. they skipped through fields of flowers and watched clowds together. and when Rayden warned Johnny about the upcoming threat of the one being, Ice P enthusiactly volunteered to help Johnny fight off the menace.
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06/16/2005 08:17 PM (UTC)
Uhahaha. That last one made my day. Thanks dude.

People, sign up for the 4th Kreate a Karacter tournament NOW!
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art by fear-sAs
06/17/2005 02:42 AM (UTC)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
Really nice story. Storm dragon and power blades are nice. But capoeira... i dont know what u think but it doesnt really fit into the MK world but it would be nice to have capoeira to kick some ass! And her outfit is nice she seems to be hot! lol. As for the Energy cycle do you have to equip power blades to do it?

Glad you like the character. The reason I chose Capoeira as a fighting style is because I need something that would transition nicely from a balance style like Kung Fu (Storm Dragon) to something with more fluient movement like Capoeira. So if Mai was to throw out a side kick in Storm Dragon, should could quickly and smoothly transition into Capoeira and go into a hand stand, continuing the strand. Plus, I needed a style that lets it self to attacking grounded opponents who roll on the floor and then pop them up for a combo.

With the energy cycle, yes you need the Power Blades out to do the move.
About Me

06/17/2005 09:29 PM (UTC)
ok smokenc. But whatever happened to Grave if u finished his story would u mind posting him? thanks

Chrome where do i sign up for the "4th Kreate a Karacter tournament"?

Everyone else keep posting karacters!
About Me

Silence is the true friend that never betrays

06/17/2005 11:05 PM (UTC)
short and simple

Name: death

Alliance: any one that can be used to help him in his aid

Orgin:Nether Realm

Factality1: He crushes there body by grabbing there ribs and and squizzies in caving there insides. They have a slow and painfull death

Factality2: He rips the flesh from there face and stabs his sword through
thier neck

weapon: Ashria's sword

Story: Krago was born into slavery in the Nether Realm his family was murdered by General Rekio by orders of shau kaghn. Being only 7yrs old he is all alone and roams the Netherrealm where he finds the sword that ashria drops in here ending in MKD, he also crosses pathes with noob saibot.after learning the way of the Wriath Krago puts his past behind him and becomes Death himself and starts his long konquest for revenge agianst any and all who serve shau kaghn he will not rest untill all of the followers of the great shau kaghn are dead.

Look: he would be dressed in black and have red trim his mask would be black with a red spiral that raps around his mask and down his body like the god of war look.
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art by fear-sAs
06/17/2005 11:47 PM (UTC)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
ok smokenc. But whatever happened to Grave if u finished his story would u mind posting him? thanks

Chrome where do i sign up for the "4th Kreate a Karacter tournament"?

Everyone else keep posting karacters!

Sign up for the fourth tournament in the Fan Submission site. Just go through the threads, it's most likely toward the bottom of the first page. As for Grave, I can't post the remainder of his story because I'm still in the 3rd tournament. Plus, I need to create a level for him, and I have a picture I want to post with it to finish it off. Until then, I'll post some other characters later on.
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art by fear-sAs
06/18/2005 12:26 AM (UTC)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
ok smokenc. But whatever happened to Grave if u finished his story would u mind posting him? thanks

Here's a picture of one of Grave's outifts though.

06/19/2005 06:46 AM (UTC)
place of origin-realm of order
enemies-havik, shao kahn
alliance good

seidan a mystical and ancient ruler of the realm of order, he was the first to rule the realm of order, and was assinated by havik, due to currption in the government, the code of seidan was once a glorious achievement but, after his death the council had currupted the government and changed many things. with seidan alive once again, his mission is to unite the realm of order with all realms and oppress all chaotic and evil realms, and take down shao kahn and his murderer havik, and let order reign.
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06/19/2005 10:08 PM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
Bad_Boy Wrote:
ok smokenc. But whatever happened to Grave if u finished his story would u mind posting him? thanks

Here's a picture of one of Grave's outifts though.

Niice he looks awesome! Did you draw it?
But i thought he would look like Laurens boyfriend, Brook in unreal championship 2 or whatever his name is.
This guy kinda looks a bit like Magneto, Xmen.
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art by fear-sAs
06/19/2005 10:41 PM (UTC)
You're talking about Brock. I was actually planing on making a character that would be inspired by him. Yes, I did draw this, and I'm planing on putting up his alternate outfit later on.
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art by fear-sAs
06/20/2005 02:55 AM (UTC)
Name: Brendan Crosshair
Age: 29
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair: Black, short
Eyes; Black with a red iris.
Origin: New Orleans, Louisiana Earthrealm
Alliance: Black
Fighting Styles: Bojitsu, Hapkido, Hwarang-do, Battojitsu
Weapon: Collapseable staff.
Specialties: Explosives, unmatched coordination.
Enterance Quote: You're in some serious trouble now chere.
Winning Quote: Ya'll welcome to try again, that is, after you regain consciuosness.
Special Interests: Kira

Description: Brendan wears a platinum colored trench caot with a face the kangi "The World Is Mine" on the back. Underneath he wears a kevlar vest with two holesters underneath each arm. He wears a thick utility belt with a plain squared steel belt buckle. He wears black combat pants with a bandalier around his right thigh. He wears high boots that have thick belt buckles that go down from just under his knees to right above his ankles. The straps stick out just a bit. The boots have chains on the bottom so the make a rattling noise when Brendan takes a step. He usually wears sunglasses because of the color of his eyes. but when he gets angry they burn bright making them visible through the lenses.


Bojitsu: (Japan/Okinawa) Meaning "art of the staff." A collective term referring to martial systems employing a bo, or long staff (over five feet in length), that developed in Japan, Okinawa, China and elsewhere. The use of the bo dates back to times of legend and is as old as man himself. In Japan hard wood was plentiful and even the poorest individual could easily arm himself. A whole arsenal of poles, staffs, spiked staffs, and long iron clubs were developed. The bo was sometimes tipped in iron and sometimes totally covered by iron. In modern times its practice is an inherent part of many styles of karate and aikido.

To the traditional samurai armed with a cherished sword, the bo was considered plebeian, a weapon of commoners. But because of its effectiveness it became necessary to understand its use, if for nothing other than defensive reasons. In Japan it's study was distinguished by its focus on techniques useful against an opponent armed with a sword or other weapon. Techniques such as blocking, parrying, striking, tripping, throwing off, off-balancing, striking and thrusting were often combined into a single movement, the most powerful of which could break a sword or shatter a bone.

The weapon has the unique advantage of having two ends, thus each successive technique with one end opens up a possible technique with the other. The skill level of a trained exponent is truly remarkable, the speed of movement blurred to the eye. As a wooden instrument, however, the bo was comparably safe compared to the sword and other bladed weapons. Thus the bo, or wooden equivalent of swords and other weapons, are often used as substitutes for actual bladed weapons practice in schools teaching weapon arts.

Hapkido: (Korea) The way of coordinated energy (internal). A Korean martial discipline that combines karate like moves (noted for its spectacular high kicks), judo throws and aikido circularity and joint manipulations combined with Ki (Chi) or internal energy. Hapkido was founded by Young Shui Choi in the late 1930's and early 1940's but was practiced under a variety of names up until the 1960's. Choi had previously studied daito ryu aiki jujitsu which he combined with his native hwarando and taekyon (a kicking art not to be confused with taekwondo).

Hwarang-do: (Korea) "Flower man way," or "The way of the flowering manhood." A broad based and complex Korean martial discipline that combines body movements with kicks, blocks and strikes, throws, joint manipulations, choking and submission techniques, ki training, weapons and the healing arts. The original art is said to have been created over 1800 years ago by a Buddhist priest, Won Kwang Bopsa. He was asked to instruct members of the royal family of Silla (one of three kingdoms that divided the area that is now Korea) in a variety of subjects, and his students went on to become warriors, statesmen and leaders known collectively as the hwarang. Later, during periods of political turmoil, training continued in secret within Buddhist monasteries and was preserved. In the modern era, two brothers, Joo Bang Lee and Joo Sang Lee, trained under the 57th successor of the system, the Buddhist monk Suahm Dosa, and they were given permission to teach publicly in 1960. Since then the art has spread under the direction of the World Hwarang-do Association.

Battojitsu: (Japan) Also Battojutsu. The classical bujitsu art of drawing a sword and cutting in one action. The art from which iaijitsu was later derived. However, Brendan has adapted this style to a one shot attack using his collapseable staff.


Shockwave: Brendan jumps up into the air and extneds his staff. As he comes down, he slams the end of the staff into the ground, causing a tremor to spring forth and at the opponent.

Warp Strike: A technique from the Battojitsu style. Brendan is able to move quicker then the eye can detect for a short time. The attack consists of a quick draw of his staff followed by a dramatic charge with end result being a jab under the throat with butt of the staff.

Projectile Deflection: Just like it sounds. Brendan can spin his staff fast enough to deflect any visible projectile back at the attacker.

Boomerang Staff: Brendan launches his staff at the opponent like a helicopter blade. The staff extends on the way to the opponent causing them to miss judge the distance making the attack very difficult to block. After it hits, the staff returns back to Brendans hand.

Mine Shield: Brendan creates a barrier around himself for a split second consisting of charged spirit energy. If the opponent tries to attack Brendan during this time, they will be blown back with an explosion.

Mine Field:
Brendan charges the area around the opponent with energy. In reality he actually charges up their spiritual energy to an explosive level. With a snap of his fingers, one of the mines behind opponent explodes propelling them forward intp the one infornt of them which also explodes, blowing a hole in their chest. The opponent is blown from place to place across the invisible mine field, eventually being blown to pieces.

Match Stick:
Brendan throws his staff at the opponent, and then takes out his Colt Pythons from his jacket, firing off two shots in the process. The bullets line up end to end as they hit the butt of the staff, propelling it forward with increased velocity. The staff glows red from the air friction before it lunges itself into the opponent's body. Before the opponent has a chance to scream, the red hot staff ignites the gasses inside the opponents' body causing them to go up in flames, with their charred remains falling to the ground shortly after.

Story: (Still in developement)
As a young kid, Brendan grew up an orphan in New Orleans. The only way he could surivive is through theft. He started small with pick pocketing, and became quite adept at it. As he got older, he also got better with his talents. He displayed an incredible sense of balance and agility, more then humanly thought possible which allowed him to pull off near impossible thefts. He would eventually try to join a local cartel, however he would not pass the initiation. He was to spend one night at the Magnolia Lane Plantation. Magnolia Lane Plantation, New Orleans.A property that no one will live in. Built on a Native American graveyard, later to become one of the cruellest slave plantations during the American Civil War, when a major massacred all his confederate prisoners, rather than setting them free at the end of the conflict. There has been proven poltergiest actvity surrounding this property, and Brendan was to spend one night there. Fully aware of the danger, but a true skeptic, Brendan agreed to go through the initiation. As he set foot onto the hallow ground of the property he could feel an enormous presence nearby. Everywhere he went, he felt completely ice cold, as if something had gripped him in its grasp and wouldn't let go. Still determined to be part of this cartel, he would not leave the grounds. He would soon come to find out that his last chance for salvation would disapear with night fall. As he traversed the plantation grounds he began to see what looked to be figures made from mist. "How can this be possible?" he thought to himself. There was no moon out that night, yet he could see the images clear as day. He would start to hear wailing through the forests on the property, and see bails of leaves crunch under nothingness. Absolutely terrified, Brendan tried to make a run for the main house on the plantation. Unfortunately, that ment having to cross the graveyard infornt of it. Deciding that anything was better then this he made a dash through the graveyard. As he ran by, he began to see the slaves that were killed their, along with the confederate soldiers, wailing on their graves. When he got to the main door, he foolishly opened it and was hit with a spectral wind, the combined force of all those massacered on the plantation. The last thing Brendan heard that night was the sound of his own scream and beating of his heart. The last thing he saw was the full moon appearing from behind the clouds as if summoned by something, and a ghostly figure standing over him, with hallow eyes.
Brendan would find himself in a hospital cuffed to the bed several weeks later. He was apparently found the day after on the main walkway tot he plantation by a man with long hair and a trench coat. While he was out, the hospital did a background check on Brendan and found out about his thefts. He was put under arrest while in a coma. Refusing to get captured he made an escape and left the hospital. As he tried to walk, he felt completely sick, a if he was being torn in half. He came across, a young lady in an alley, and before he could say anything, she screamed, calling him a monster. Confused, Brendan fled from the alley way. As he was walking past a locla electronics store he saw his reflection, it was his eyes, that's what the woman was screaming at. "What the hell happened to me?" he wondered.
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06/21/2005 04:08 PM (UTC)
Sounds really nice. but why does he have 4 styles and 1 weapon?

Btw Graves alt. could be like Brocks outfit.
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art by fear-sAs
06/21/2005 04:57 PM (UTC)
He has two fighting styles, the other two are used in his weapon style.
06/26/2005 12:15 PM (UTC)
Name: Ling Anne Stryker
Age: 23
Gemder: Female
Allegiance: Good
Allies: Stryker, Jax, Johnny Cage
Foes: Shao Kahn, Onaga
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Family Members: Anne Hong (mother), Wu Hong (father), Kurtis Stryker (husband).
Fighting Style: Karate, Tae Kwan Do
Weapon: Nunchaku


During Shao Kahn's invasion, Kurtis' soul was spared, but not his wife. Upon the heavens, Ling swore revenge. The explosion of Shao Kahn was actually a soul implosion, Ling swooped into Shao Kahn's body and used it as a human (or inhuman) bomb. Rayden allowed her to go back into her human body to reunite with Stryker, but when Stryker was killed by the dragon king Onaga, she then swore vengeance. Rayden allowed this, and now she fights for good.

Main Costume:

Blonde long hair with sunglasses. Black jacket with white shirt. Black jeans with revolver holster.

Alternate Costume:

Blonde ponytail without sunglasses. Long white gown with revolver holster.

Special Moves:

Revolver Shot: Takes out gun and shoots.

Soul Shot: Turns into essence and goes into opponent. Implosion, then comes out.

Stryker Morph: Turns into Stryker for limited time. Revolver shot turns into Grenade throw and soul shot turns into nightstick.

06/27/2005 02:46 AM (UTC)
here's a good idea for a character

height: 6,1
allies: raiden liu kang fujin
hair: long blonde
costume: diamond coated white bikini with short skirt and a short cape

story: raiden was asked buy the "champion of the elder gods" confused to train his daughter to fight on the side of good to defeat the the one being
and to use her powers for good. but the one being erased her memory
and sent her to earthrealm to live as a normal teenager. the world later comes into pertil and takara is afriad but the the "champion of the elder gods" confused send her a baby dragon down to guide her and remind her of her powers. after this she quickly defeats hotaru(he sucks) baraka and kano and continues on her quest to try destroy the mighty one being.

corkscrew kick: a spinning kick like the one cammy does on SF
shirnk ray: turns other character into a miget thus making them weaker
damage refect: counters any move
star beam: projectile attack

06/27/2005 04:07 AM (UTC)
To kick off Ling's own starting cutscene:

Ling grabbed the revolver out of her hand, and pointed it at the mysterious man. She fired only to see lightning stream out of his hands and deflect it. "Do not be afraid." the man said in an echo-like voice. He lit up the room to reveal an empty training room. The mysterious man was Raiden. "Now tell me," Ling yelled, aiming for Raiden's head, "why am I here and where is Kurtis?" Raiden shot a lightning bolt at a nearby projector, showing Stryker being tortured by Tarkatan troops. As the movie stopped, Raiden fiercely said "If you want to see your husband, you will have to rescue him." A strange figure crawled out of the door. "GET OVER HERE!" it said in a very menacing voice. Ling jumped like a cat, and took out a knife and cut the spear. Scorpion ran to Ling as if he was going to kill her. With quick speed, Raiden used his staff to cage the spectre in lightning. "Come," Raiden said, "we must head out to the other warriors."

Alternate Bio:

Ling met Raiden in a vacant training room, where the vicious Netherrealm spectre Scorpion attempted to assasinate the young Ling. Raiden saved her life by trapping Scorpion. For that, she returned the favour by joining Earth's forces.


Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Ling defeated the Dragon King and, with the aid of Scorpion, the eternal queen Li Mei. Learning Raiden sent Stryker to the Netherrealm, she killed the thunder god and rescued Stryker. The Earth Warriors owe her a lot for saving their lives.
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