07/19/2014 10:50 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
So how about let's just discuss this character and ignore the obvious annoyance? Would anyone change up her moveset or have an idea for her fatalities if she's in?

I agree with your earlier post regarding her pressure point fatality. Was amusing to say the least and again seemed to characterize her as a female Liu Kang (of course, she was trained by Bo Rai, so some similarities in style make sense), but I'd like to see her get some new fatals this time around.

I was also rather fond of her sword combat style in Deception. That could make a return and I wouldn't complain. grin
07/19/2014 11:23 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Jade and Mileena are way better characters (movesets, storywise etc) and are much more iconic. They put Li Mei to shame.

This is exactly the opposite, Li Mei is a far superior character to Mileena, Jade and Kitana together (has more history, more relevance, originality, better looking, more personality, more impact on gameplay and only loses because she took a set of gameplay bad, but even the "classics" had bad gameplay in these games, and Li Mei was one of the best gameplays of these games). What about "iconic" is only a vulgar excuse for nostalgic fans defend that all games should be repetitions of each other. Actually it has not appeared much means she, unlike the other is not supersaturated. Jade was just a minon Kitana in all its tragedória. Li Mei was already the champion of a land subdued by Warlords and a good person there (something we had not seen).

So why see it if we have new characters? Because she has a base unsaturated development that can contribute to the game so that few new characters can and this is not the case with Kitana, but this should bring the pegunto to see it because we have new characters?

Also because her character is not only a game, as Taven, Shujinko Sindel and (it should have been, she had specific function, and only became redudante and hindered the development of Kitana in MKD).

This topic demonstrates what I said, that was the first errors are viewed with indulgence (as it was defending evil characters and made ​​irrelevant this season) while the hits like Li Mei's 3D era are viewed with suspicion (because it was a more relevant character and Kung Lao Kung Lao is a major character, but the nostalgic boring will never admit it.
07/19/2014 11:28 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
This is exactly the opposite, Li Mei is a far superior character to Mileena, Jade and Kitana together

Now, this is just incorrect. You can like and root for Li Mei all you want, but there's no need to try and make her something more than what she really is.
07/19/2014 11:34 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
So how about let's just discuss this character and ignore the obvious annoyance? Would anyone change up her moveset or have an idea for her fatalities if she's in?

The initial design had ideas about elements of Chinese Magic:

- Stationery pump.
- Ink
- Manipulating Fabric (such as the Rose Streeet Fighter).

What do you think?
07/20/2014 02:48 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
So how about let's just discuss this character and ignore the obvious annoyance? Would anyone change up her moveset or have an idea for her fatalities if she's in?

Li Mei should be MK's version of Dazzler/Jubilee. Kind of like mini explosions or fireworks as a power. Her Carnival Kick already kind of is like that. Hell, maybe even make her have gambits powers?

Either way her projectile could be like a sparkling burst or something. I know sounds generic, but just imagine like an exploding sparkler thrown at someone.

A fatality could be her placing on of these sparkling balls in someone's mouth and then holding it shut. Then the head just explodes right there in front of her.

Only MK fans can get away with coming up with this shit.lol.
About Me

07/20/2014 07:47 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
God damn it, where are you in our hour of need Crow?

Crow? Dude, Crow's been gone for ages. All we have is Mick...

And I weep for the site.

Ona nother note, why are you intent on making Li Mei a Rose/Jubilee/Gambit ripoff? I swear, most of the time I see people tring to put something into MK they just grab and pull something they like, and call it a day.

07/20/2014 10:31 AM (UTC)
Okay, I'll add something constructive to the conversation:

Avoid the whole MKDA generic Asian look and hell no to the MKD pirate-looking costume. I realize Outworlders are similiar to Earthrealm's Asians but I'd like to see Netherrealm invest in a solid character design into Outworld's denizens that doesn't just copy real-world Asians.

Entirely new moveset but maybe keep the flying rapid punch technique as I think that's her most iconic move.

As I stated before, I don't see Li Mei having a purpose in MKX since the whole storyline that involved her with the Deadly Alliance has been scrapped due to the time change. If this story does involve Shinnok wanting to conquer all of the realms, then I can see her showing up as a potential defender of Outworld, but not of Earthrealm.

07/20/2014 12:50 PM (UTC)
I do believe that people who like Li Mei are fanatic Tekken players.

I want all the Li Mei fans to tell me they play tekken or not, because they should play it as it holds tons of Li Mei-like characters.
07/20/2014 12:51 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Ona nother note, why are you intent on making Li Mei a Rose/Jubilee/Gambit ripoff? I swear, most of the time I see people tring to put something into MK they just grab and pull something they like, and call it a day.

If that is an attack on my Kai + Byakko Form idea, than you're totally wrong.
07/20/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I do believe that people who like Li Mei are fanatic Tekken players.

I want all the Li Mei fans to tell me they play tekken or not, because they should play it as it holds tons of Li Mei-like characters.

The last Tekken game I played was way, WAY back. I think it had an unlockable Kangaroo and Raptor with boxing gloves (Alex?).

Honestly, games like Tekken and Street Fighter do absolutely *nothing* for me. I find them bland, boring, and just really unfun to play. I tried, with several fighting games, but I lose interest pretty fast. Even Injustice failed to hold my attention for long. There's just something special about Mortal Kombat that keeps me coming back for more.

So, yeah, not all Li Mei fans are just Tekken players in disguise. ;)

I like Li Mei the same way you like Kai. That simple.
07/20/2014 05:15 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I do believe that people who like Li Mei are fanatic Tekken players.

I want all the Li Mei fans to tell me they play tekken or not, because they should play it as it holds tons of Li Mei-like characters.

The last Tekken game I played was way, WAY back. I think it had an unlockable Kangaroo and Raptor with boxing gloves (Alex?).

Honestly, games like Tekken and Street Fighter do absolutely *nothing* for me. I find them bland, boring, and just really unfun to play. I tried, with several fighting games, but I lose interest pretty fast. Even Injustice failed to hold my attention for long. There's just something special about Mortal Kombat that keeps me coming back for more.

So, yeah, not all Li Mei fans are just Tekken players in disguise. ;)

I like Li Mei the same way you like Kai. That simple.

I only like Kai because I made something out of him, something more interesting for myself.

Did you do the same with Li Mei? Or do you just like an asian women without anything special on her.

The only look of her I accept is the one with the ancient armor, BUT the name still annoys me.
07/20/2014 05:33 PM (UTC)
Another thing I don't like about Li Mei is that she becomes evil in her ending and starts to date Onaga...

Sounds like Tanya, not like Li Mei...
About Me
07/20/2014 05:51 PM (UTC)
Li Meis soul was corrupted and being drawn towards Onaga.
07/20/2014 05:56 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I do believe that people who like Li Mei are fanatic Tekken players.

I want all the Li Mei fans to tell me they play tekken or not, because they should play it as it holds tons of Li Mei-like characters.

The last Tekken game I played was way, WAY back. I think it had an unlockable Kangaroo and Raptor with boxing gloves (Alex?).

Honestly, games like Tekken and Street Fighter do absolutely *nothing* for me. I find them bland, boring, and just really unfun to play. I tried, with several fighting games, but I lose interest pretty fast. Even Injustice failed to hold my attention for long. There's just something special about Mortal Kombat that keeps me coming back for more.

So, yeah, not all Li Mei fans are just Tekken players in disguise. ;)

I like Li Mei the same way you like Kai. That simple.

I only like Kai because I made something out of him, something more interesting for myself.

Did you do the same with Li Mei? Or do you just like an asian women without anything special on her.

The only look of her I accept is the one with the ancient armor, BUT the name still annoys me.

You know, I was going to write a detailed rebuttal, but really, what's the point? It would likely just come off as a condescending post and I don't want that.

You don't like Li Mei, and that's cool. You like Kai, which is also cool. More power to you, friend.

I'll just say, I like Li Mei. In my own personal opinion, I thought she was one of the more interesting characters to come out of the 3D era. I don't find her bland, or unassuming.

I simply find her cool.

And that's my prerogative. smile
07/20/2014 05:59 PM (UTC)
Jubilee is probably one of the weirdest X-Men characters. Ain't she a vampire now or something?

Nah, Li Mei doesn't need fireworks for her specials, I'd rather see her have a combination of her kicks/flying punch moves for one variation. Sword fighting for another (that's much different than Scorpion's obviously) and then her projectiles. Thing is, she's a small character that can move really fast. So her first variation I mentioned should be all fast paced and she should have some fastness to her.

I liked her brutality fatality, but it could always be changed to do something different.

That's really all I got.
07/20/2014 06:30 PM (UTC)
Li Mei simply has the best design in MKD out of all the females and is the best female from MK1-MKA besides Sareena and Tanya.
07/20/2014 06:53 PM (UTC)
Games like Tekken and SF have such enormous fan bases that they can afford to pump out game after game of the same shit, with maybe one or two new characters, without changing much, whereas games like MK at least try to switch it up from game to game.

With characters like Li Mei and the whole switching between realistic fighting styles, I wonder if MKDA was an attempt to copy some of Tekken.
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07/20/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Games like Tekken and SF have such enormous fan bases that they can afford to pump out game after game of the same shit, with maybe one or two new characters, without changing much, whereas games like MK at least try to switch it up from game to game.

With characters like Li Mei and the whole switching between realistic fighting styles, I wonder if MKDA was an attempt to copy some of Tekken.

It has more to do with the gamer mentality of the east. They simply expect different things in their games and in their narratives. Though Tekken does regularly change up stuff, for example Jin completely switches his fighting style from Tekken 3 and is justified in story. That had gameplay consequences.

And yes, MKDA was EXACTLY inspired by a complete rewamp of the series, not just realistic fighting styles, but the whole transference to 3D. MK4 sales were low + arcades died out, critical reception was mixed and frankly they did not seem to really know what to do with the series.

Contrast the designs and de3corations, the overall plot of MKDA to MK4. No pseudo dieselpunk contraptions with false-gothic mood architecture. Back to Chinese/Japanese/Semite mythology, no big imminent threat of a single being who is a warlord/god/demon etc. The whole idea back then was to go back to the roots. MK Deception even brought back characters from MK3 and gave them pretty oriental redesigns.

i short, your last statement is seemingly correct.
07/20/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
Ed attempting to copy Tekken and Soul Calibur with Deadly Alliance is fairly common knowledge, I think. He's at least once in interviews admitted the influence. That is indeed the reason they drastically reduced the amount of magic special moves every character has and put so much emphasis on the real world styles and weapons instead.
07/20/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
And that was a mistake on their part imo. There's a reason why The original trilogy + MK9 are the most popular and successful games. MK started as SF with gore and was very successful, and now that they're back to that, MK is on top again.
07/20/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I do believe that people who like Li Mei are fanatic Tekken players.

I want all the Li Mei fans to tell me they play tekken or not, because they should play it as it holds tons of Li Mei-like characters.

I don't care fot Tekken at all, and i've played like 2 Tekken games at most, yet i am one of the biggest Li Mei supporters, so you are factually wrong.
07/20/2014 09:53 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
And that was a mistake on their part imo. There's a reason why The original trilogy + MK9 are the most popular and successful games. MK started as SF with gore and was very successful, and now that they're back to that, MK is on top again.

Well 2D fighters were dead in the late 90's/early 2000s, 3D fighters with sideways walking and real world martial arts was the "in" thing.
07/20/2014 10:02 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
And that was a mistake on their part imo. There's a reason why The original trilogy + MK9 are the most popular and successful games. MK started as SF with gore and was very successful, and now that they're back to that, MK is on top again.

Well 2D fighters were dead in the late 90's/early 2000s, 3D fighters with sideways walking and real world martial arts was the "in" thing.

But following the trend did damage the MK brand (especially the characters, due to 3D gameplay engine limitations, a lot of classic characters lost most of their signature moves, and the new ones ended up sharing moves with many others), i mean, i think MK is the only FG series to change so much during its entire run. SF came back from the dead 10 years after its last installement, still with 2D gameplay, and proved to be successful.
07/20/2014 10:31 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
But following the trend did damage the MK brand

You can't know that staying 2D would have been successful at a time when the entire marketplace was rejecting 2D fighters as old fashioned and demanding games like MK become more advanced and go the 3D route.

At the time, 3D wasn't seen as an "option" or just another style or genre like it is now. It was seen as the inevitable future of all games. 2D only came back because it became retro and nostalgic.

But if you never made the new stuff, the desire for retro versions would never exist and you'd just be seen as an old fashioned franchise who never grew up or tried anything new and just kept making the same game year after year and franchises that do that become unsuccessful over time too.

Also, Deadly Alliance and Deception were VERY successful games at the time they were released. Not AS successful as MK9, sure, but they were not flops. We only look poorly on them NOW.
07/20/2014 10:33 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
And that was a mistake on their part imo. There's a reason why The original trilogy + MK9 are the most popular and successful games. MK started as SF with gore and was very successful, and now that they're back to that, MK is on top again.

Well 2D fighters were dead in the late 90's/early 2000s, 3D fighters with sideways walking and real world martial arts was the "in" thing.

But following the trend did damage the MK brand (especially the characters, due to 3D gameplay engine limitations, a lot of classic characters lost most of their signature moves, and the new ones ended up sharing moves with many others), i mean, i think MK is the only FG series to change so much during its entire run. SF came back from the dead 10 years after its last installement, still with 2D gameplay, and proved to be successful.

But from what I know about SF, the last game has just been followed by subsequent "updates".

Super SF 4
Super SF 4: Arcade Edition
Ultra Super SF 4

The creators are just milking it now.
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