07/19/2014 08:57 PM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Wow... Hitler comparisons.
I'm done.

Damn I should have seen the connection between Li Mei and Hitler.
You win dude, you are the true "MK_Fan"

Well, Hitler was fond of pink... And he had black hair... Li Mei is totally just like Hitler... *sagenod*
07/19/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
Ah, I see we have someone who doesn't understand the concept of slang and prefers to use the meaning of words in their most literal sense. That could be why you probably have such a hard time communicating with people, especially online. You see, most people use slang words like "suck" to add emphasis to a great disdain, such as Li Mei.
07/19/2014 09:01 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Ah, I see we have someone who doesn't understand the concept of slang and prefers to use the meaning of words in their most literal sense. That could be why you probably have such a hard time communicating with people, especially online. You see, most people use slang words like "suck" to add emphasis to a great disdain, such as Li Mei.

And that is why it isn't factual.
07/19/2014 09:06 PM (UTC)
It is factual, actually. Li Mei figuratively sucks as a character, and that is a fact.
07/19/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
It is factual, actually. Li Mei figuratively sucks as a character, and that is a fact.

Well, you sure live up to your name as a fanatic, as all reason seems to just repel off of you.
About Me

07/19/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

Either way, if Li Mei is in this game, I will repeatedly physically assault her and practice every finishing move on her. There.

Why are you telling us this? Do you need to write this down to reassure yourself in your dislike of a fictious character?

DVorah Wrote:
Well you seem to dislike most characters of the MK world, he hates Li Mei, let him hate in peace! Really hate is the same expression as love.

No. Not really.

As for the question of me hating the majority of characters: yes, I do dislike a good chunk of characters from MK3 to MK4. Also I didn't really like the forced conclusion that Aramgeddon was, and thus, Daegon, Taven, Argus and Delia, the dragons and Blaze really do not sit well with me. The early characters, and MKDA -D is where my tastes lie.

Well, he doesn't like Li Mei (same as me) from MKDA. And most people like the mk1 till 3 characters most and MK4 has a big load of fans too for some characters spare for Jarek.

Many people hate the MKDA and MKD new characters, I don't really mind most of them and even like Kobra and Kira, only hate Li Mei and Mocrap with my entire heart, I believe they can make something out of Bo Rai Cho and even Hsu Hoa.

But are you a big fan of 3D games or do you just like the stories/background more of the characters in MKDA/D?

I believe that MKDA and MKD were the closest of recapturing the original Mortal Kombat's stylistic core of mostly asian-pacific cultural martial arts tournament. I was not against the idea of moving MK out of the asian kung fu schtick, but MK3 was laughably cartoonish, and MK4 was even worse: it had no identifiable stylistic vein aside pseudo steampunk/dieselpunk/gothic architecture from MKM:SZ. And MK4 was a technical failure, Gold: fucking disgrace.

As for story, well, MK is sorta like a weekend cartoon, it's story is basically popcorn entertainment. MKDA was good because it had stakes, it had investment. MKD went back into the Big Cosmic Enemy (Kahn, Shinnok, Onaga, Blaze) that must be defeated format. I didn't like that as much.

MKDA worked because it's villains were not powerful by being boss creatures and rulers, but by simply being that cunning and humane. They had to work for it, and it was the Mortal Kombat that first felt fresh since 1993. And the newbies weren't reskinned alternatives of already existing characters aka Jarek/Kano, Tanya/Kitana, Reiko/Noob, Shang Tsung/Shinnok. Hell, the MK4 version for the PC could be tinkered with to activate Kitana.

So in short: EFFORT went into creating characters there. Same with MKD at least visually.

About Me

07/19/2014 09:13 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I believe my feelings are justified. Why include Li Mei when we can have someone brand new?

This may shock you but she actually has fans (not sais).
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Honestly she may not be good or evil. Probably she will be neutral through the whole story. If she makes it into the roster.

The part that made her "neutral" was Onaga's essence, other than that she was pretty much "good".

Anyone who is a "fan" of Li Mei is NOT a true fan to MK. Sorry. + the other inane shit that you spewed forth in this thread.

I will be as concise and to-the-point as much as possible by channeling Christopher Hitchens: Fuck off.

And that is the last remark anyone should give to your trolling. Fair warning, acting like an ass will get you banned here. BTW someone skull this, mods.
07/19/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
Excuse me, sir, but Mortal Kombat Gold is considered by gaming scholars to be one of the greatest MK games in the series. I would hardly describe it with such vulgarity as a "fucking disgrace".

It was called GOLD for a reason.
07/19/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
Even Canada is contaminated with trolls. Such a shame.
07/19/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
Fair warning, telling other members to "fuck off" for expressing their opinion, is considered being an "ass". Keep it up and I'll have you reported, mister.
07/19/2014 09:19 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Fair warning, telling other members to "fuck off" for expressing their opinion, is considered being an "ass". Keep it up and I'll have you reported, mister.

AHA! So you admit it was just an opinion! This is documented now! HAH! Gotcha. ^^
07/19/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
"Gotcha" in regards to what? You can express both opinions and facts, silly goose. You never actually stated which part. Thanks for making yourself look stupid on the Internet.
07/19/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
"Gotcha" in regards to what? You can express both opinions and facts, silly goose. You never actually stated which part. Thanks for making yourself look stupid on the Internet.

You can't wiggle yourself out of this one, sore loser. ;P
07/19/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
Haha, I don't need to "wiggle" myself out of anything. You're the one making the accusation. You never differentiated which was opinion and fact you were calling me out on and everyone is going to see that. LOL!!

And the funniest thing is, you're a Tanya fan. She was the Li Mei of MK4, come on now. hehe
07/19/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Haha, I don't need to "wiggle" myself out of anything. You're the one making the accusation. You never differentiated which was opinion and fact you were calling me out on and everyone is going to see that. LOL!!

And the funniest thing is, you're a Tanya fan. She was the Li Mei of MK4, come on now. hehe

It's fun to see you try and turn this around. XD

Anyways, to everyone else, sorry about this off-track chat. ^^
07/19/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
So much trolling...

Sad thing is how many people took the bait.
07/19/2014 09:35 PM (UTC)
lol okay sweetie. If "winning" an argument online helps you feel better about your own insecurities in real life, you can have it.

To everyone else, don't be too hard on Jaded-Raven. When someone who sees themselves as an "intellectual" realizes they fucked up, they will go out of their way to avoid responsibility, hence why he/she/it cannot respond to my counter-arguments, because he/she/it has nothing. Typical lol.

But for his/her/its sake, I'll get back on topic and be more clear:
As I stated, it is my personal opinion that an old, figuratively sucky character such as Lil Mei should not be included in MKX, when we could have a brand new, potentially way better character. Also, it doesn't make sense for her to help Earthrealm because there is no Deadly Alliance to involve her and she is from Outworld anyways.
07/19/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
So much trolling...

Sad thing is how many people took the bait.

Expressing personal opinions and facts is not trolling. I'm really hoping MKOnline is not becoming a fascist site. Just because you disagree with someone, does not mean they're trolling.

Also, a little sarcasm (in regards to MKGold being awesome) never hurt anyone and shouldn't be considered trolling, either.

Everyone, grow some skin. Someone with a different opinion and facts is not trolling.
About Me

07/19/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)
Since you know, no facts to bring up...
07/19/2014 09:50 PM (UTC)
I've already brought up facts. Comparing Li Mei to other characters, she is one of the worst choices to bring back to MKX.


Even Kira beats her!!
07/19/2014 10:31 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I've already brought up facts. Comparing Li Mei to other characters, she is one of the worst choices to bring back to MKX.


Even Kira beats her!!

No...you wrote down a list of characters and then spouted off a string of subjective adjectives to describe Li Mei.

Those aren't facts, sir...facts are verifiable...opinions are not...because opinions are subjective...get it?

But...you already made it clear your intent here was to troll fans of Li Mei, and you made that clear on the first page. I fell for it, and I tried to be a good sport about it...because one would think after all but declaring yourself a troll, you'd move along and troll someone else.

But you haven't. And why you're still sticking around, making obvious inflammatory remarks while trying to play innocent, quite honestly baffles me. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, and you've made it very clear that you don't like Li Mei (whether you're being genuine or not). However, I think it's time to move on friend...I doubt the mods are fooled by this game you're playing, just as we here are no longer fooled by it.

Stop while you're ahead, bro...just friendly advice. wink
07/19/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
So how about let's just discuss this character and ignore the obvious annoyance? Would anyone change up her moveset or have an idea for her fatalities if she's in?
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07/19/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
God damn it, where are you in our hour of need Crow?
07/19/2014 10:49 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
God damn it, where are you in our hour of need Crow?

Crow? Dude, Crow's been gone for ages. All we have is Mick...
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/19/2014 10:50 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
So how about let's just discuss this character and ignore the obvious annoyance? Would anyone change up her moveset or have an idea for her fatalities if she's in?

I'd keep her athletic with the use of her energy-based special moves. She should be one of the more quicker characters like her MKD brutality.
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