Li Mei as an earthrealm protector
posted07/26/2014 05:11 AM (UTC)by
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01/23/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
Seeing how Mileena got her backstory completely changed/retconed, i assume the same can happen for other characters in order to make them fit into the new storyline.

Li Mei can now become one of the earthrealm warriors and help Raiden/the others to protect earthrealm, she's still damn young.

FUN FACT: Li Mei was originally planned to be a human from earthrealm in MKDA, before being changed into an outwrorlder. Source:
07/19/2014 02:23 AM (UTC)
It's plausible, not going to deny that. Just hope that if she is to be in this game, they do something with her to make her a bit more interesting to play as.

I'll admit, she was probably one of the last characters in Deadly Alliance for me to play as because she looked so bland and unappealing. And then reading her story, I just hated it. It got a little better in Deception, but not by much. I just hope they do something with her that's much better than what she was in the original timeline. Whether to make her an Earthrealm warrior or anything else. Just something, that's all I ask for.
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07/19/2014 02:35 AM (UTC)
I strongly hope this doesn't happen for two reasons.

First being that retconning ANYTHING is bad. Consistency is the cornerstone of good writing However, sometimes it is necessary. Given the nature of fighting games, it's incredibly hard to tell a consistent story because you're dealing with unforeseeable elements and mandates. That doesn't make them good; that just makes them necessary. So if they retcon Li Mei's original storyline for NO REASON, I would be severely disappointed in the developers.

The second (more important) reason is that Li Mei's original story was great and fits within the current 25-year MKX margin. There's literally no reason to change anything about her. Just make her appear halfway into the story mode.
Icebaby Wrote:
I just hope they do something with her that's much better than what she was in the original timeline.

She won the tournament set up by the Deadly Alliance and then became Bo Rai Cho's new protege while fighting the darkness in her soul from Onaga's essence.
How is this not the northside of awesome?
07/19/2014 02:41 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
She won the tournament set up by the Deadly Alliance and then became Bo Rai Cho's new protege while fighting the darkness in her soul from Onaga's essence.

How is this not the northside of awesome?

This might sound stupid, but her Deception ending killed it for me. Everything about her was great until I saw this. They gave her such a schmolty ending that ruined her whole character. I like her up until this.
07/19/2014 02:46 AM (UTC)
Fuck Li Mei and every post-MK4 character except Kenshi.

Fuck them all in their stupid asses.
07/19/2014 02:48 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Fuck Li Mei and every post-MK4 character except Kenshi.

Fuck them all in their stupid asses.

I never realized that the rear end of a human being can be considered stupid.

I'll take note of that.
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07/19/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
This might sound stupid, but her Deception ending killed it for me. Everything about her was great until I saw this. They gave her such a schmolty ending that ruined her whole character. I like her up until this.

I actually agree. I was okay with it (sorta) at the time because I thought it was non-canon... and maybe it was. Either way, we never saw the girl ever again outside of a Netherrealm battle in MKA, so canon or not, that was the curtain close for Li Mei.

Stupid curtains.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Fuck Li Mei and every post-MK4 character except Kenshi.

Fuck them all in their stupid asses.

But how do you really feel?
07/19/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
I personally like her MKD ending, becoming Onaga's Queen. Yet, I wouldn't want her in as that, but, something new. I would like to have her as a dark character in which see wields Voodoo powers for a variation.
07/19/2014 03:06 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Fuck Li Mei and every post-MK4 character except Kenshi.

Fuck them all in their stupid asses.

Cool story, bro.

Anyway, I think Li Mei would be fine remaining the Defender of the People's of Outworld. I really like her as a character; very much like a female Liu Kang. But adding that little touch of darkness to her in Deception was a nice addition. It gave her personality, something to struggle against. A sinister force to either come to terms with, or fall prey to.

I feel like NRS really has the time and resources to make Li Mei stand out and shine as a true A-lister. Hope she's one of the returning characters from the 3D era. smile
07/19/2014 03:18 AM (UTC)
Li Mei is a dumb character from thirteen years ago. She was a waste of space then and she'd be a waste of space now. She even managed to lose in her own ending, Chrissakes.

I'd rather the post-MKDA team make new, interesting characters, not dumb ones who can't even survive their own endings.
07/19/2014 03:21 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Li Mei is a dumb character from thirteen years ago. She was a waste of space then and she'd be a waste of space now. She even managed to lose in her own ending, Chrissakes.

I'd rather the post-MKDA team make new, interesting characters, not dumb ones who can't even survive their own endings.


Aren't they great? wink
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07/19/2014 03:22 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I'd rather the post-MKDA team make new, interesting characters, not dumb ones who can't even survive their own endings.

It's mostly the same development team. Those characters you hate so much? They were made by the people who are making the new blood in this game.

So if the new characters sucked back then (as is your thesis), what exactly makes you think the MKX newcombers are going to be so much better?
07/19/2014 03:22 AM (UTC)
Not just an opinion. But a FACT.grin
07/19/2014 03:23 AM (UTC)
It's definitely not all the same developers. Also, they have learned from their mistakes, judging by new great characters such as Kotal Kahn and Skarlet in MK9.
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07/19/2014 03:28 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
It's definitely not all the same developers.

Vogel is writing the story and Beran is designing the characters. It's the same guys, dude.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Also, they have learned from their mistakes, judging by new great characters such as Kotal Kahn and Skarlet in MK9.

Skarlet? The chick who had no story beyond literally being a servant girl for Kahn with zero personality and has no canonical achievements?

She's better than Li Mei?
07/19/2014 03:30 AM (UTC)
Skarlet also lost in her own ending, killed her master and rendered herself useless
07/19/2014 03:34 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Not just an opinion. But a FACT.grin

Oh, them there are fightin' words... grin

But seriously, why so sour on Li Mei? The Arcade endings are mostly for shits and giggles anyway (only a few end up being canon, and even though her's was, she still managed to escape permanent enslavement and actually gained more development potential as a result).

And her fighting styles were actually pretty fun in Deception. So why all the hate? She may not have been A-list material in the 3D era, but she wasn't by any means a throw-away. What makes her ineligible for a little polish and a second chance?

And seriously? Skarlet? Come on, now you're just pulling my leg, bro. lol

07/19/2014 03:34 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Li Mei is a dumb character from thirteen years ago. She was a waste of space then and she'd be a waste of space now. She even managed to lose in her own ending, Chrissakes.

I'd rather the post-MKDA team make new, interesting characters, not dumb ones who can't even survive their own endings.

Mortal Kombat 4/Gold endings want to say hello. Remember that game? There were some characters that got themselves killed in their endings, even if they weren't canon, you still had characters, even the popular ones, getting their ass handed to them.

So why this hatred amongst post Mortal Kombat 4 characters because some "died" in their endings is truly astonishing since this isn't a new thing obviously.
07/19/2014 03:34 AM (UTC)
Yes, I would say Skarlet is a way better character than Li Mei. She also has more of a personality befitting to an MK character.
07/19/2014 03:38 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
She also has more of a personality...


What personality...?
About Me
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07/19/2014 03:39 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Not just an opinion. But a FACT.grin

You're trolling. You've been trolling me this whole time. You never had any intention of giving reasons for your opinions, and now, with my help, diirecthit's topic has been completely derailed.

I'm withdrawing from this. I've made my points.
07/19/2014 03:42 AM (UTC)
So making her an Earthrealm character... again, I can see this happen if they really wanted to do this to her.
07/19/2014 03:50 AM (UTC)
The majority of post-MK4 characters were terrible. Most people agree Kenshi is one of the 1 or 2 acceptable ones.

The argument about people dying in their MK4/Gold endings isn't really worth the comparison. Those are main characters that have been around for years. Li Mei, on the other hand, was brand new, and they killed her.

I don't really hate on Li Mei. I'm just pullin' people's balls. But I'd rather see new characters over Li Mei and others like her, especially since the majority of heroes have been killed.
07/19/2014 03:57 AM (UTC)
Le mei is ass. Id rather see Sheeva than her...
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