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06/13/2014 08:29 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:

"New" Sub-Zero is, in fact, Frost having undergone a sex change. The rage which she used on Sub-Zero in the original timeline was caused by repressed gender identity issues. Without Sub-Zero to project her feelings, and ultimately rage onto, Frost was forced to come to terms with the fact that she was a man trapped in a woman's body and underwent gender-reassignment surgery.

Seriously, I'm a loyal Sub-Zero fan, but lighten up. If MK3 suspenders couldn't kill him, nothing can.

We also seem to have a rumor about Sub-Zero being called Felix Bingham.
06/13/2014 08:50 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:

Whatever. Emofans illogical teary outbursts are fun. It is hilarious to see, how some people could get crazy about even tiny insignificant details.
And Sub-Zero is not only Kuai Liang. It's objective fact. Deal with it.

If there is a reason not to have Noob Saibot and instead have Bi-Han as Sub-Zero once more - I am OK with this. I am always for radical changes and mixing things up, especially when things are stale. MKX is all about mixing things up and providing new blood for the series. So, if developers decide, that Sub-Zero is Bi-Han or whoever, but not Kuai Liang - they got my support. If he is Kuai Liang - I am OK with this too. Even if no one of my favorites is in the game - I am OK with this, because NRS has reasons not to include them. Not to spite me, or anyone, but actual reasons. But I guess it takes some levelheadedness to understand this.
You can't have everything.

Sam ti lox.

Quakeman Wrote:
You probably got hit in the groin a lot as a child.

And you probably have manners of an angsty pig, so? grin

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
... you're the one bringing the hatred into the thread.

Just reaction on baseless assumptions.
And entertainment.
06/13/2014 09:26 AM (UTC)
I refuse to sympathize with a fan base whose favorite character will always be in the series. Get over it. Some of us have favorites who have a small chance each time we get a new MK.
06/13/2014 10:03 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Yeah, I don't get why Sub-Zero fans can't complain about their character, but others can? Makes no sense. Looking at it that way is almost hipster-ish. Like eww those guys like Sub-Zero they don't get to have an opinion because they like a popular character. It's bull is what it is.

It's not that they "don't have the right to complain". It's just that the game hasn't even come out yet. We don't know the story. We don't know who this Sub Zero is. And people are already comlaining and whinning about it. He is in the game alright. As a human. NRS clrearly listened to Sub Zero's fans and brought him back! Alive. AND not as a cyborg.
So it makes no sense whatsoever to jump into conclusions so soon and act as a spoilt brat. Coz to me that's what it is when a new user makes a thread complaining that his fav character (who has appeared in every game btw) MIGHT no be the same Sub Zero. It is just annoying.
You guys have every right to complain when the team mistreats a character you love. Hell even I was pissed off at what they did to Sub Zero in MK9 and I don't even like him that much. It's just not the place and time to do that now.

phishstix17 Wrote:
I think people are finding it hard to be empathetic because you guys have it soooo easy. Sub-Zero and Scorpion have been and will be in every game! Meanwhile, we're all facing the big possibility our favorites will never be seen again.

Sorry you don't like the way they're portraying one of the only characters they're deciding to keep though.

The pain of my loss is just too much to sympathize though tongue

mkmileena Wrote:
Sign me up for the "it's subzero, he's in every game so why are you complaining" band wagon

But really.

I'm not saying to have your worries are wrong, but to post about it now with the rest of the cast and fan favorites not confirmed is a bit of a slap in the face to us who are hoping for their characters to make an appearance who are likely not to be in the game with all this new character bull.

Exactly my point.

T-rex Wrote:
Say, you seem to be a Mileena fan.

Would it be okay with you if the current Mileena got replaced by one of Shang's abominations that escaped from the Flesh Pits and killed Mileena off-screen, but then decided to start wearing her clothes and copying her moves for no apparent reason?


Ehh..this kinda happened if you ask me. I was annoyed yeah but if you remember it was everyone complaining about the changes. Not just Mileena fans. I specifically remember Razor making a thread about all the un-needed changes in MK9. Personally I wasn't that butthurt. Annoyed yes. But I didn't wanna complain since my fav character was the freaggin poster girl of MK's reboot!!
06/13/2014 10:35 AM (UTC)
Funny people get mad about this, but when Marty McFly goes back in time and wipes his REAL parents, the lame ones, out of existence and replaces them with new parents - no one cares.

Essentially that's what MK has done. There will never be a character like you liked them again, or at least not how they were. I'm a Sub-Zero fan -ask any MKO vet about the "dreaded MK 2 Sub-Zero portrait" - but times change and so must games. Sub-Zero is about to regenerate.
06/13/2014 11:59 AM (UTC)
I could've sworn all these years people preferred Bi-Han as Sub-Zero. Guess not?
06/13/2014 01:14 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
... you're the one bringing the hatred into the thread.

Just reaction on baseless assumptions.
And entertainment.

Well, you get the respect you deserve. Which is none.
06/13/2014 03:35 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Y'know, just the other day I actually took Mythologies off of my shelf because I had a sudden urge to reread the lore in the back of the manual, and I gotta say, for as much shit as I usually give Tobias for MK4, this is the best stuff he's ever written, and no matter how many times I read it, it never fails to reinvigorate my respect for the man.

That's why it was so upsetting to watch NRS fuck with it.

Aside from completely botching Sindel's resurrection, they rewote the backstory of the Sub-Zero brothers to remove any mention of their father or anything else to suggest that the Sub-Zero name has generations of legacy behind it. If you didn't know any better, you could think that the entire Sub-Zero lineage started right there with these two clowns, because there's nothing in the game to suggest otherwise. I suppose the wording in the bio and the vignette was vague enough to allow for the possibility that the canon established by Tobias still applies, but I wouldn't hold my breath at this point.

So let me ask you, then, if it's not Kuai we're seeing here on these screenshots, who the hell else would pick up the mantle?

A new guy?

Sure, I suppose there's nothing really stopping them from fucking up the Mythologies canon even harder.

They could claim that there was nothing inherently unique about the Sub-Zero bloodline, because as it turns out, there's actually a bunch of cryomancers just running around everywhere! I mean, yeah, there was Frost, and we never did figure out what her deal was, so I guess that's a possibility.

Or, alternatively, they could cheapen the entire concept of Kori powers by claiming that one does not have to be born with the ability, and any random fuck could learn and master them if he tried really-really hard.

I'm honestly not sure which is worse.


The only reason that the Soulnado thing worked in MKDA is because Scorpion is, at his heart of hearts, not an evil person, and the Elder Gods must have recognized that, or else they would not have made him their Champion and emissary.

Bi-Han is the biggest prick in the MK universe. Why would they bother purifying this asshole's soul and give him an opportunity to redeem himself? He is a villainous bastard, and he's great at it.

Hell, is there anybody here who didn't like him as Noob? So why would anybody want him to fucking backpedal through his entire development back to its starting point?

I just don't understand...

Some kind of demented fusion of the two brothers?

Why, so he could have some stupid split personality gimmick? Why in the name of fuck would anybody want that?

So even though it's probably hopeless, I'm still hoping for Kuai.

Transplanted from a parallel timeline or escaping Netherrealm with Sareena's help to discover the tomb of his ancestors, whatever, I don't give a shit at this point.

There is no denying that he was by far and away the most developed character in the OT. I'm pretty sure Vogel and the rest of the story guys are aware of that. Just as they're aware of the massive backlash on account of Cyber-Zero. And I think creating a bit of a buzz in the community by relying on shock value certainly wasn't worth throwing away several games worth of character development of one of your A-listers like a used napkin.

[jimmies status = rustled]

This Just give us Kuai, lets see how he gets the scar and ascends to become the GM of LK.
06/13/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Viser Wrote:

Whatever. Emofans illogical teary outbursts are fun. It is hilarious to see, how some people could get crazy about even tiny insignificant details.
And Sub-Zero is not only Kuai Liang. It's objective fact. Deal with it.

If there is a reason not to have Noob Saibot and instead have Bi-Han as Sub-Zero once more - I am OK with this. I am always for radical changes and mixing things up, especially when things are stale. MKX is all about mixing things up and providing new blood for the series. So, if developers decide, that Sub-Zero is Bi-Han or whoever, but not Kuai Liang - they got my support. If he is Kuai Liang - I am OK with this too. Even if no one of my favorites is in the game - I am OK with this, because NRS has reasons not to include them. Not to spite me, or anyone, but actual reasons. But I guess it takes some levelheadedness to understand this.
You can't have everything.

Sam ti lox.

Quakeman Wrote:
You probably got hit in the groin a lot as a child.

And you probably have manners of an angsty pig, so? grin

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
... you're the one bringing the hatred into the thread.

Just reaction on baseless assumptions.
And entertainment.

Honestly i would give you my 2 cents, but it would just come of as me being an internet tough guy, so i wont.

I'll just say this, I have been here for awhile, and have read a lot of posts, and i can say with utmost certainty that you're a huge D-bag.
06/13/2014 03:40 PM (UTC)
Nobody should worry about Kuai Liang. He's probably kept very warm in his current residence. And he's wearing armor all over his body. He is safe, and protected.
06/13/2014 03:50 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Y'know, just the other day I actually took Mythologies off of my shelf because I had a sudden urge to reread the lore in the back of the manual, and I gotta say, for as much shit as I usually give Tobias for MK4, this is the best stuff he's ever written, and no matter how many times I read it, it never fails to reinvigorate my respect for the man.

That's why it was so upsetting to watch NRS fuck with it.

Aside from completely botching Sindel's resurrection, they rewote the backstory of the Sub-Zero brothers to remove any mention of their father or anything else to suggest that the Sub-Zero name has generations of legacy behind it. If you didn't know any better, you could think that the entire Sub-Zero lineage started right there with these two clowns, because there's nothing in the game to suggest otherwise. I suppose the wording in the bio and the vignette was vague enough to allow for the possibility that the canon established by Tobias still applies, but I wouldn't hold my breath at this point.

So let me ask you, then, if it's not Kuai we're seeing here on these screenshots, who the hell else would pick up the mantle?

A new guy?

Sure, I suppose there's nothing really stopping them from fucking up the Mythologies canon even harder.

They could claim that there was nothing inherently unique about the Sub-Zero bloodline, because as it turns out, there's actually a bunch of cryomancers just running around everywhere! I mean, yeah, there was Frost, and we never did figure out what her deal was, so I guess that's a possibility.

Or, alternatively, they could cheapen the entire concept of Kori powers by claiming that one does not have to be born with the ability, and any random fuck could learn and master them if he tried really-really hard.

I'm honestly not sure which is worse.


The only reason that the Soulnado thing worked in MKDA is because Scorpion is, at his heart of hearts, not an evil person, and the Elder Gods must have recognized that, or else they would not have made him their Champion and emissary.

Bi-Han is the biggest prick in the MK universe. Why would they bother purifying this asshole's soul and give him an opportunity to redeem himself? He is a villainous bastard, and he's great at it.

Hell, is there anybody here who didn't like him as Noob? So why would anybody want him to fucking backpedal through his entire development back to its starting point?

I just don't understand...

Some kind of demented fusion of the two brothers?

Why, so he could have some stupid split personality gimmick? Why in the name of fuck would anybody want that?

So even though it's probably hopeless, I'm still hoping for Kuai.

Transplanted from a parallel timeline or escaping Netherrealm with Sareena's help to discover the tomb of his ancestors, whatever, I don't give a shit at this point.

There is no denying that he was by far and away the most developed character in the OT. I'm pretty sure Vogel and the rest of the story guys are aware of that. Just as they're aware of the massive backlash on account of Cyber-Zero. And I think creating a bit of a buzz in the community by relying on shock value certainly wasn't worth throwing away several games worth of character development of one of your A-listers like a used napkin.

[jimmies status = rustled]

*Sniffs* *Sniffs* No, I'm not crying, I got something in my eye.

I adore this post so god dang much.
06/13/2014 03:57 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Nobody should worry about Kuai Liang. He's probably kept very warm in his current residence. And he's wearing armor all over his body. He is safe, and protected.

Whew! You're right. He's a lot safer than that D-bag of a brother who was obliterated in the soulnado.lol
06/13/2014 04:36 PM (UTC)
Ok this thread is too weird.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/13/2014 06:30 PM (UTC)
The more the KL obsessives talk about him, the more I kinda want BH. KL only really got character to me in MKDA-MKA, in MK2-4 he was the new SZ who isn't an asshole. Having BH as SZ, being an unashamed dickhead might actually give bite to Scorpion vs Sub Zero again.
06/14/2014 02:52 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Well, you get the respect you deserve. Which is none.

Ha-ha. As if I care about respect from random nobodies on internet.

Charybdis Wrote:
The more the KL obsessives talk about him, the more I kinda want BH. KL only really got character to me in MKDA-MKA, in MK2-4 he was the new SZ who isn't an asshole. Having BH as SZ, being an unashamed dickhead might actually give bite to Scorpion vs Sub Zero again.

Great idea.

06/14/2014 03:29 AM (UTC)
Quakeman Wrote:
Ever since he got turned into that damn cyborg I've worried what would become of my Kuai Liang aka the TRUE Sub-Zero, or just Subby for short. Ed boon doesn't really seem to even recognize Subby as a person, just an identity. At least that's the vibe I got from him after he was asked about him during gamespot's E3 coverage. So If that means Subby won't be Kuai Liang, or if Kuai Liang isn't even a character, I will cry sad

This is somewhat tricky. If we do not get Noob or Cyber-Sub...then this Sub-Zero is new. Perhaps if Noob is in, then we have Kuai Liang. If we get Cyber-Sub, then we have Bi-Han.
Overall at this point it is certainly confused (confusing). This is my take on it.
06/14/2014 03:51 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Well, you get the respect you deserve. Which is none.

Ha-ha. As if I care about respect from random nobodies on internet.

Charybdis Wrote:
The more the KL obsessives talk about him, the more I kinda want BH. KL only really got character to me in MKDA-MKA, in MK2-4 he was the new SZ who isn't an asshole. Having BH as SZ, being an unashamed dickhead might actually give bite to Scorpion vs Sub Zero again.

Great idea.

Thats great you dont care, you can gtfo. You dont need to be in this thread go join a thread for one of your amazing well developed characters.
06/14/2014 04:03 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Well, you get the respect you deserve. Which is none.

Ha-ha. As if I care about respect from random nobodies on internet.

Charybdis Wrote:
The more the KL obsessives talk about him, the more I kinda want BH. KL only really got character to me in MKDA-MKA, in MK2-4 he was the new SZ who isn't an asshole. Having BH as SZ, being an unashamed dickhead might actually give bite to Scorpion vs Sub Zero again.

Great idea.

You're a very irritating person. I mean you obviously don't like sub-zero but why do you have to be such a prick? Even your avatar annoys me
06/14/2014 04:10 AM (UTC)
Guys do not feed him. Myself, Razor, and Jaded have all had problems with him in the past. Just ignore him and he will stop.
About Me

06/14/2014 04:13 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
The more the KL obsessives talk about him, the more I kinda want BH. KL only really got character to me in MKDA-MKA, in MK2-4 he was the new SZ who isn't an asshole. Having BH as SZ, being an unashamed dickhead might actually give bite to Scorpion vs Sub Zero again.

Great idea.


A complete regression for both characters?

So much for all of your talk about MK moving forward.
06/14/2014 04:28 AM (UTC)
Well I also just wanted to say to all the folks saying that Sub-Zero is just an identity and nothing more. It's kinda silly to say that. It'ed be kind of like saying Nite Owl from the Watchmen is nothing more than an identity. It is an identity taken by two different guys from different generations, but I know that when I hear that name I think of Dan Drieberg! The sweet, caring superhero with erectile dysfunction! Point being, while there has been past subs, (really only two relevant ones) I think most people will know Kuai as Sub when they hear the name Sub-Zero! The good blue ice ninja with a badass scar on his eye! Also loved when he looked like he was becoming an old man in MKDA, that was too badass.
06/14/2014 04:52 AM (UTC)
Its ok itll all be sweet once the game comes out and just like the idiots that thought Sub-Zero in mk9 will only be bi-han were wrong, they will be so again.

YSZ will be back, no worries. Everytime a new game is announced these dumb theories pop up, and every single time they are wrong.
06/14/2014 04:54 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Guys do not feed him. Myself, Razor, and Jaded have all had problems with him in the past. Just ignore him and he will stop.

Thats ok Scar he is the exact type of person that will be a huge prick online, but i promise you in person he would never run his mouth or be a dick. It's a type. That's ok let him keep running his mouth.
06/14/2014 06:40 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:

You're not that much better dude. All you've done in this thread so far is gang up against him when he clearly replies to other people and not to you. Why even bother? Do you feel better if you are in a majority cursing at someone? I'd say you've kissed Jaded's ass enough so far. Find another hobby now. Coz he is clearly trolling you guys and you fall for it like crazy.
06/14/2014 07:09 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Viser Wrote:

You're not that much better dude. All you've done in this thread so far is gang up against him when he clearly replies to other people and not to you. Why even bother? Do you feel better if you are in a majority cursing at someone? I'd say you've kissed Jaded's ass enough so far. Find another hobby now. Coz he is clearly trolling you guys and you fall for it like crazy.

Na hes just a douchebag and me agreeing with someone is not kissing anyone's ass you can go hop off his nuts. He's trolling and talking shit in every sub-zero thread is annoying, and clearly hes done it before, so we have a right to be mad. Wipe the brown off your lip tho.
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