03/17/2015 07:37 PM (UTC)
I'm really glad that Erron is in and playable. Hopefully his game-play, voice acting and storyline will be epic.

But let's be honest, while he does look super cool... He isn't as well textured or modelled as some other characters and he still looks a lot better in the comic than he does in game.

03/17/2015 07:40 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
I'm really glad that Erron is in and playable. Hopefully his game-play, voice acting and storyline will be epic.

But let's be honest, while he does look super cool... He isn't as well textured or modelled as some other characters and he completely still looks a lot better in the comic than he does in game.

A lot of these screens look like they're from an older build, many of the characters don't look as well textured or modelled as they're supposed to. So don't assume this is exactly how Erron's going to look in the final game.
03/17/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Believe what you will guys, but this has been proven time and time again. Baraka will be playable, trust me.

With all due respect, when was it proven time and time again? The last I checked, the other characters in question, who we've only seen either a screenshot or clip of in story mode, weren't proven to be anything. Fujin, Li Mei, Rain, Smoke...if you are going to count Baraka as 100% playable, then you might as well count these characters too. Because they have the same amount of evidence.

Baraka has more of a shot of being in than Fujin, Rain or anyone else because he was in MK2. Every MK1 and 2 character is in MKX with the exception of Shang Tsung (haven't heard anything about him yet). The only ones missing from MK1 and 2 that were playable in those games are Baraka and Shang. If we're going by that, and clearly we almost certainly have Baraka.
03/17/2015 07:48 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Wow, just wow. I can't believe all this talk about this being Baraka and wether he's playable or not. Every time this happens, doubters are proven false. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but when I was right about the tower characters being Jax and Mileena, people were trying to say I'm wrong. Look what happened, they are in fact playable and in the game.

To whoever said Baraka looks too low res, not enough detailed, check out the high res version: High Res Baraka

He looks pretty detailed to me, and on par with designs like Mileena, Reptile, Kung Lao. For all we know the one who was thought to be Baraka in the story trailer could've been an older version of him.

Again there's plenty of reason why this character is Baraka, AND PLAYABLE.

-Baraka is a classic character introduced in MK2.
-Has been in every MK game except MK3, UMK3, MK4, MKDA.
-Did not die in MK9, even though death has no meaning in MK.
-General of the Tarkatan army, whose prescence is clearly there in the story of MKX
-His appearance in the achievements screenshot sports a different and more detailed design than the other goons in the army.
-Not as detailed as Deception Baraka? Compare Scorpions design in Deception and MKX. Much more goin on, they are going for simplicity for MKX. Same thing could be said about Subzero from Deception compared to MKX. Some characters do have very detailed costumes but some do not.
-E3 character select screen had sillouettes on hints of characters that would be revealed later on. One of them was Barrack Obama = Baraka.

Believe what you will guys, but this has been proven time and time again. Baraka will be playable, trust me.

QFT. I'm not going to get worked up like some, but no one who has said there will be NPC fights in story mode has been able to prove it.

Claiming Baraka is low quality means you must have only looked at his picture, because many characters we know are playable look lower quality than Baraka in that picture.

And none of this is to mention all the other aspects of why that is likely Baraka. A random goon NPC from story mode as the picture of an achievement not relating to story mode? Yeah, okay.
03/17/2015 07:56 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
I'm really glad that Erron is in and playable. Hopefully his game-play, voice acting and storyline will be epic.

But let's be honest, while he does look super cool... He isn't as well textured or modelled as some other characters and he still looks a lot better in the comic than he does in game.

Doesn't everybody look better in the comic though? At least when Dexter Soy pens them anyway.

But yeah Erron Black looks great. I can't wait to see some gameplay.
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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

03/17/2015 09:11 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
I may be overbearing with my opinion

*claps* You're making progress hunni! Acknowledging the great Cyborg has a few malfunctions. That's deep and I appreciate it. Even though you once again couldn't resist in dipping into your Ahnka black room storage of quotes to fire back at me. I Would not be surprised if you had a picture of me on the front of your dart board or a giant collage of pictures of me and my family or even better yet a sculpture of my head made out of three week old meat loaf and spaghetti hidden in your closet. But I guess it's the thought that counts. ;)

You're a controlling person and I fear for those in your personal life.

That said- I have everything screencapped. The truth will be known and I'll be ready. I'm not going to lie- I'd rub it in your face so hard you'd think you were Sasha Gray. Call it childish but I would dance a jig of glee seeing you take back your words just like you're trying to do with Shinnok. I'm going to be a straight up dick about everything once the truth is learned.

Now I see why the Kitana fans were so testy when she was revealed. They had to deal with so much shit and people acting like they knew she wouldn't be in and so much flack from other people that they couldn't help but rub it in in a little bit especially when the same haters were orgasming over her new look.

If I'm wrong?

*puts on sunglasses* Oh well. I'll deal. But no backtracking for me.

You certainly need a doctor.
Or several hours of spanking to put your brain where it should be and your ego a bit lower.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/17/2015 09:20 PM (UTC)
Where is this Baraka achievement picture, people speak of?
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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03/17/2015 09:23 PM (UTC)
Oh are we discussing if that's Baraka?

Clearly that is him. That is all.
03/17/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Where is this Baraka achievement picture, people speak of?

High Res Baraka
03/17/2015 09:27 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:Doesn't everybody look better in the comic though? At least when Dexter Soy pens them anyway.

Most do yeah, a good pose and a fantastic artist can make any character look better but I meant design wise. Look at the little differences, though they are minor changes they ultimately make him look more badass and cooler in the comic.

  • The comic version has a different shaped hat.

  • White/Grey pants and under shirt.

  • The more Orange tint mixed with the different shades of brown in the comic as opposed to all brown in the game.

  • Cooler Knee pads.

  • His Sash/Cape thing/whatever it's called is on top of his chest straps and is facing more forward in the comic. Looks much better.

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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

03/17/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Oh are we discussing if that's Baraka?

Clearly that is him. That is all.

Model of this Tarkatan undeniably looks quite lowpoly. It's especially noticeable on his head and hands. While there is possibility, that this is an early model or how some desperate characters put it "a very specific lighting and angle", it's quite a difference from other truly playable characters.

barakall Wrote:
His character itself screams brutal, dark, evil and would fit this game over plenty of characters who are in. Unfortunately, NRS decides who they develop and want in the story. Take Rain, he has in interesting story but highly unlikely to make it anyway. So I guess story involvement or potential is also not enough. It basically comes down to who NRS wants.

Horrible, isn't it? tongue

JadedReign Wrote:
Can't believe Shinnok's showing some skin in that alt, though. Didn't see that kind of outfit coming.

He wasn't always a grim manipulator, you know. wink
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/17/2015 09:46 PM (UTC)

What an ugly picture of Baraka, no pun attended.
I can understand why Django believe it's a NPC, and I'm almost on the verge of siding with him, but another person do has a point, this is just based one picture.

I do believe this is Baraka and not a "goon". Character design wise, he's too detailed to look like a "goon". Fuck man, spikes on his face?

Someone pointed out the difference between the Story Trailer version and this picture which is the arm band gear.
Variations tell?

But no matter what, Baraka or whatever the fuck this creature is, will be playable by modders if they're not in the roster.
And I personally think it's silly to do all that work, just to not have Baraka playable.

If they can bullshit three variations for Reptile, they can do it for Baraka.

And also, to have a Tarkatan army, and Baraka not present? What the hell? Unless he gets off'd in the Story, then there's going to be a lot of angry mofos.
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03/17/2015 09:52 PM (UTC)
I suppose NRS putting extra effort into the little things is just preposterous?

Don't answer that.

Maybe they just want to put a little extra effort in, for once? Their design team has been doing some impressive work. Maybe you guys are looking too deeply into something that doesn't really mean anything?

Fuck me right?
03/17/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
dibula Wrote:
I suppose NRS putting extra effort into the little things is just preposterous?

Don't answer that.

Maybe they just want to put a little extra effort in, for once? Their design team has been doing some impressive work. Maybe you guys are looking too deeply into something that doesn't really mean anything?

Fuck me right?

Whoa now Dibula.....according to some on here, we aren't allowed to praise NRS for anything.
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03/17/2015 10:00 PM (UTC)
Shinnok and Erron are my two favorite designs of mkx.

I couldn't pick two before but now I am! Incredible design errorn is! Very The Good The Bad and The Ugly.
03/17/2015 10:12 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Sharefrock. Dude. (I'm going to continue addressing you thusly)

Your theory about the Tarkatan pic being a Baraka alt is possible, though still unlikely. That still doesn't explain the incredibly low poly model, and the lack of any significant or interesting detail/markings in the design. If this is Baraka, it's a truly horrible one.

Really look at that pic of "Baraka" again, then look at this pic of Erron Black. Notice the difference in detail, poly count, and texture resolution found in a confirmed playable character.

Dogjo, Dude, Could you stop saying my name? I'm asking nicely, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

The design might be simple but it isn't horrible, even if it is just a normal Tarkatan, which it isn't.

You hold Erron Black in such a high esteem, His design isn't all that great. He's a cowboy with a mask, Nothing too special about him. People like him not because his design is great and almighty, people like him because it's awesome to have a gunslinger in the MKU.

Johnny Cage has the least detailed design and most boring one and yet he is in the game. So tell me again how because he doesn't have a detailed design that means he isn't Baraka and it's unlikely it's an alt for him.

I think it's Baraka, you think it isn't.

We can't know who is right just yet, but keep this in mind.

I'm smarter than you, so it's kind of easy to know who is right after all :).
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-sig by MINION

03/17/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)
It's not that the design isn't detailed its that the model isn't.
Yeah nah Simple thing: dont give Baraka a brand new look if you have no plans to bring him back.

All you have to do is give him his MK9 outfit to drive that point home but no that "extra effort" ends up biting you in the ass and comes across as a middle finger to Baraka fans who want to play as their favorite character but can't.

This goes to Rain as well, just use his MK9 model. But doing this would be a big tease and you're saying I should appreciate it because "D'awww look how much effort they put in"

How bout fucking No?
03/17/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Yeah nah Simple thing: dont give Baraka a brand new look if you have no plans to bring him back.

All you have to do is give him his MK9 outfit to drive that point home but no that "extra effort" ends up biting you in the ass and comes across as a middle finger to Baraka fans who want to play as their favorite character but can't.

This goes to Rain as well, just use his MK9 model. But doing this would be a big tease and you're saying I should appreciate it because "D'awww look how much effort they put in"

How bout fucking No?

So it's a middle finger to the fans of a character, by giving them extra attention? Wut?

It's only a "big tease" if you're assuming every character with a new outfit should be playable. That's ludicrous. They want to make their game, their characters, and their story look as polished as possible. How is this being twisted into a bad thing?

This is the ultimate example of why you can't make everyone happy. They do what they can to deliver the freshest content, not just copy and pasting old models, and just because you can't play as them, it's considered a "fuck you" to all of their fans.

Are we in Bizarro world?
03/17/2015 10:23 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I'm smarter than you, so it's kind of easy to know who is right after all :).

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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Yeah nah Simple thing: dont give Baraka a brand new look if you have no plans to bring him back.

All you have to do is give him his MK9 outfit to drive that point home but no that "extra effort" ends up biting you in the ass and comes across as a middle finger to Baraka fans who want to play as their favorite character but can't.

This goes to Rain as well, just use his MK9 model. But doing this would be a big tease and you're saying I should appreciate it because "D'awww look how much effort they put in"

How bout fucking No?

LOL. Preach!
03/17/2015 10:27 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Yeah nah Simple thing: dont give Baraka a brand new look if you have no plans to bring him back.

All you have to do is give him his MK9 outfit to drive that point home but no that "extra effort" ends up biting you in the ass and comes across as a middle finger to Baraka fans who want to play as their favorite character but can't.

This goes to Rain as well, just use his MK9 model. But doing this would be a big tease and you're saying I should appreciate it because "D'awww look how much effort they put in"

How bout fucking No?

So it's a middle finger to the fans of a character, by giving them extra attention? Wut?

It's only a "big tease" if you're assuming every character with a new outfit should be playable. That's ludicrous. They want to make their game, their characters, and their story look as polished as possible. How is this being twisted into a bad thing?

This is the ultimate example of why you can't make everyone happy. They do what they can to deliver the freshest content, not just copy and pasting old models, and just because you can't play as them, it's considered a "fuck you" to all of their fans.

Are we in Bizarro world?


If Kenshi hadn't made it in, I'd much rather him look fresh and have it possible to fight him in Story Mode/Tower/whatever than just have him be a cameo in the background somewhere during some cutscene. But that's just my preference. Realistically, with how dense this game is, we can't have a big roster. Should Baraka have been in to fill the shoes of Mileena lackies? Sure, I agree with that. Same goes for Rain for that matter. But if they at least went through the troubles to sneak these surprises in then its hardly a fuck you to their fans.
03/17/2015 10:27 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:

So it's a middle finger to the fans of a character, by giving them extra attention? Wut?

It's only a "big tease" if you're assuming every character with a new outfit should be playable. That's ludicrous. They want to make their game, their characters, and their story look as polished as possible. How is this being twisted into a bad thing?

This is the ultimate example of why you can't make everyone happy. They do what they can to deliver the freshest content, not just copy and pasting old models, and just because you can't play as them, it's considered a "fuck you" to all of their fans.

Are we in Bizarro world?

I agree with this. It sucks if Baraka isn't playable, but faulting NRS for not phoning it in is bullshit.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Wait, did Ankha liken himself to one of those Kitana fans?

I was just saying I get why they were a little bit "less than graceful" about Kitana's confirmation. You spend months upon months being told that your character won't make it, that "she's dead"(like death means anything in this franchise especially when it comes to popular characters) and then throw on to that the general taunting.

Then Kitana gets revealed and these same people who were doubting her inclusion and attacking those who disagreed are then all freaking out and hyped. Like really? You have the nerve to try and participate in the celebrations after you spent a good 5 months bashing the hope I had for my character making it? I can see why a lot of the Kitana fans took the "rub it in your face" route.

It's like if Baraka, Rain, ect all do indeed end up on the roster- You can bet I'm going to be swinging from the chandeliers like Sia and poking fun at those that doubted. Hopefully they are just honest and don't try and backtrack! lol

"Oh no! I KNEW they would be in, but I just wanted to wait until official confirmation!"

Un huh.
03/17/2015 10:36 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Yeah nah Simple thing: dont give Baraka a brand new look if you have no plans to bring him back.

All you have to do is give him his MK9 outfit to drive that point home but no that "extra effort" ends up biting you in the ass and comes across as a middle finger to Baraka fans who want to play as their favorite character but can't.

This goes to Rain as well, just use his MK9 model. But doing this would be a big tease and you're saying I should appreciate it because "D'awww look how much effort they put in"

How bout fucking No?

This is a dumb way to look at things tho. MKX story mode has been compared to a big holly wood movie production by NRS many times. It also spans 25 years time. Of course NPC's are going to have updated appearances, it would be ridiculously cheap and lazy if they didn't. NRS has been on point with their attention to detail lately, MKX's story mode already looks like it has completely blown MK9's out of the water. Sindel would be the exception here because she just died and it wouldn't make sense for her to be in a completely new outfit since she is essentially a mindless zombie of Quan's now and most likely plays an extremely small role in the story.

If they didn't release info explicitly stating a certain character was on the roster they don't give a flying fuck about what the fans are speculating. Like if YOU get your hopes up for Baraka or Rain being playable on the day one roster thats YOUR mistake. You're making the invalid assumption, if NRS said Baraka made the roster and then come game release he was nowhere to be found, THAT would be your middle finger to Baraka fans. And an updated appearance and role in the story mode IS better than nothing, not to mention and extremely good indicator for DLC (other than Rain).

And lastly, Boon LOVES fucking with the fans on who's in and who's out. He would never make it convenient by clearly distinguishing who is playable and who is a NPC before release so wittle fanboys like you don't get butthurt.
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