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Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

03/18/2015 01:50 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
What kind of a stupid name is "Erron Black" anyway?

Just one of those names that take a while to get used to.
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

03/18/2015 01:55 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
On the positive - Shinnok's alt is seriously my favorite look in the game. Well done NRS!

Now give him his very own reveal trailer. He deserves it. He'd get so many people hyped. Who'd think a 3D era character aside from Quan Chi and Kenshi
had that possibility, eh? *sips tea*.
You guys and your theory that NRS hates 3D characters is stupid. Most of the fans and critics hated and ripped apart the 3D characters for the most part. And now all of the sudden you guys want 3D characters back? Get real. It's the majority of the fans fault why the 3D characters besides Kenshi and Quan Chi have been gone so long. Stop.
About Me

Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

03/18/2015 01:58 AM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
On the positive - Shinnok's alt is seriously my favorite look in the game. Well done NRS!

Now give him his very own reveal trailer. He deserves it. He'd get so many people hyped. Who'd think a 3D era character aside from Quan Chi and Kenshi
had that possibility, eh? *sips tea*.
You guys and your theory that NRS hates 3D characters is stupid. Most of the fans and critics hated and ripped apart the 3D characters for the most part. And now all of the sudden you guys want 3D characters back? Get real. It's the majority of the fans fault why the 3D characters besides Kenshi and Quan Chi have been gone so long. Stop.

I don't think Ahnka was trying to be negative.

And I agree, Shinnok definitely deserves a trailer.
About Me

-sig by MINION

03/18/2015 01:59 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
What kind of a stupid name is "Erron Black" anyway?
I think I like it better than Salazar.
03/18/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
On the positive - Shinnok's alt is seriously my favorite look in the game. Well done NRS!

Now give him his very own reveal trailer. He deserves it. He'd get so many people hyped. Who'd think a 3D era character aside from Quan Chi and Kenshi
had that possibility, eh? *sips tea*.
You guys and your theory that NRS hates 3D characters is stupid. Most of the fans and critics hated and ripped apart the 3D characters for the most part. And now all of the sudden you guys want 3D characters back? Get real. It's the majority of the fans fault why the 3D characters besides Kenshi and Quan Chi have been gone so long. Stop.

Most of them are not that great but characters like Fujin,Havik,Tanya and a few others stuck around.

Kenshi was made from the start to be a badass and awesome, other characters didn't have the same feel to them. I get where you are coming from, It's true a lot of 3D Era Characters were hated but not all of them, certainly not just the two you mentioned.

I don't agree much with people saying "NRS hates 3D Era characters", NRS likes Bo,Tanya,Li Mei and yet some of them might not be playable. It's about playing it safe, they want what they think will work, not what "might" work.

Mark my words, after this game Shinnok will become an awesome character and gains a big fanbase.
03/18/2015 02:03 AM (UTC)

There are people like ProfAnkha who see one glimpse of Rain and they suddenly believe that he's going to be in the game and playable. It's better to lower your expectations because if you go in expecting Rain, Baraka, Fujin etc to be playable, you're going to be disappointed. He's trying to reason with people so they don't freak out when it ends up to be the opposite. The forum isn't just for hype and hopes, it's for discussion. Everything he posts is valid and reasonable, and people are freaking out over nothing.

You're just acting like a child by saying shit like "Cyboring" and "Dogjo" seriously? How old are you? Oh wait, you already told us, you're 13. No fucking wonder.
03/18/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)

You are exactly the example of what I was talking about, you are really so blinded that you don't see what's right in front of you. Sorry if I come of as aggressive, I'm just trying to be honest and I hope that's what you want me to be.

You just said in your post "This forum is here for discussion" or something along these lines and yet in the next breath you said that he is trying to lower ProfesserAhnka's expectations so that he won't be disappointed, but if that's true and ProfesserAhnka does lower his expectations and starts to think "Rain is not in" or even "Rain may not in" then wouldn't that ruin the discussion for ProfesserAhnka? He will be upset and won't be in the mood to discuss things related to Rain, because he thinks Rain won't be in so he will find it a bit useless to discuss Rain in MKX, because in his mind Rain is not in MKX.

We know that Rain is in the story and you can say that he could discuss things related to Rain in the story, but what if he doesn't care about the story and only cares for gameplay?

Cyborg always does this, always goes on to posts and says the same shit, it all can be summed up in a few sentences.

Don't get hyped he might not be in.
Stop being happy for a moment because you will be disappointed.
Don't try and speculate at what his role will be, because he might not be in and just a story cameo.

I don't keep creepy ass records like him, so I don't know the exact things he says, but what I gave you is pretty much from memory and sums up his whole character.

I swear to god, you can replace him with one of those nightbots and you won't feel a difference because he doesn't do anything other than try and de-hype people.

This forum is for Speculation/Hype build/Discussion and having fun in those months before the game, even if some of the characters we get happy about won't be in, at least we will be happy for a while.

On the other hand, if we never believe those characters will be in, we won't get happy before or after the game.

I believed for a while that Sektor will be in the game and I was happy and I mean very happy, now Sektor is looking like he won't be in.

Am I sad? No, I'm actually happy that I had my fun thinking of what will Sektor do in MKX because I believed he is in.

That's why I feel like other character's fans like Baraka's fans or Rain's fans should have their fun speculating and hoping. It is what we are here for after all, to discuss.

If we all believed those characters won't be in, then what will we discuss?

I admit, it was a bit childish of me to call them Cyboring and Dogjo, even if it fits their personalities.

And also you saying I'm 13 and trying to use it against is kind of childish, not only childish but makes you captain obvious and that title doesn't belong to you, lel.

Funny I cared enough to explain to you things from my perspective, because I actually think you might have a legit reason to hate me, maybe you just think I'm an asshole all the time. Either way, I still believe even after explaining it from my perspective, you'll still see things the way you want to see them. But just one last thing you should know.

You call me childish, and you think of yourself as a grown up.

Yet you try and defend people on the grounds of you like them, instead of what you think is right.

You talk before understanding the full situation which makes you the childish one. I never had an ill will towards you, never had it towards Cyborg and his friend. Until they acted like dicks with me and then things changed, I treat people the same way they treat me.

The first time I talked with Cyborg is when he quoted me and suggested that I am a kid(Don't even bother pointing out the 13 years old thing, because even if it is true, he didn't know at that point.), his friend attacked me for speculating. Yet I'm sure you have no idea about this, because it's like I said, People will believe what they want to believe.

I'm not upset that a few people on this forum hate me, or think of me as a dick. I don't care, because I know that people on this forum who had discussions with me and were nice to me, know that I am just as nice.

While others who hate me usually don't even know me and just go by what others say, hence the sheep thing, they emulate what others say, hence why they all say the same exact words.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/18/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
On the positive - Shinnok's alt is seriously my favorite look in the game. Well done NRS!

Now give him his very own reveal trailer. He deserves it. He'd get so many people hyped. Who'd think a 3D era character aside from Quan Chi and Kenshi
had that possibility, eh? *sips tea*.
You guys and your theory that NRS hates 3D characters is stupid. Most of the fans and critics hated and ripped apart the 3D characters for the most part. And now all of the sudden you guys want 3D characters back? Get real. It's the majority of the fans fault why the 3D characters besides Kenshi and Quan Chi have been gone so long. Stop.

Um...that post wasn't aimed at NRS lmao. It was aimed at the people who indeed does nothing but bash the 3D characters.

Glad you agree :)
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/18/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
On the positive - Shinnok's alt is seriously my favorite look in the game. Well done NRS!

Now give him his very own reveal trailer. He deserves it. He'd get so many people hyped. Who'd think a 3D era character aside from Quan Chi and Kenshi
had that possibility, eh? *sips tea*.
You guys and your theory that NRS hates 3D characters is stupid. Most of the fans and critics hated and ripped apart the 3D characters for the most part. And now all of the sudden you guys want 3D characters back? Get real. It's the majority of the fans fault why the 3D characters besides Kenshi and Quan Chi have been gone so long. Stop.

I don't think Ahnka was trying to be negative.

And I agree, Shinnok definitely deserves a trailer.

Exactly, if anything it was positive. It shows the fact that a 3D character can be whipped into shape! He is easily the best looking character in the game. All he needs is a good trailer and he's good to go. With some of the 3D characters, that's all it takes- a new look, improved move set, and they're good to go.

Unlike those other people who claim that everyone from that era is shit aside from Quan Chi/Kenshi, Shinnok totally proves them wrong. They can be something if given effort. That's all I'm saying!
03/18/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

I don't feel like i'm blind. I browsed through this thread and I just saw a bunch of bullshit arguing. Maybe I was too aggressive initially, and I can see where you're coming from, but when you say shit like "Cyborg and Django are dicks" and go on to insult them i'm going to say something.

ProfesserAhnka is very aggressive to other users about his favorite characters, he feels the need to personally attack people who disagree with him. Yeah he'll be upset but at the end of the day I think Cyborg's intentions were for the better. He doesn't want people to be upset or sad that their favorites wont make it in, he's trying to be a realist. How likely can you say that Fujin, Rain, Baraka, etc will actually be playable on the initial roster?

Yeah, we got that screenshot of Baraka on the kove and that definitely gives him a better chance, but it's better not to get our hopes up because it's such a unlikely chance that he will actually be playable. It's better not to expect anything because we've all had our hopes shattered at some point or another by NRS. I feel the same way, I really want Fujin but he's probably not gonna be playable. I'm still hype for the game either way, but I don't personally attack people who disagree with me and who think Fujin shouldn't be in.

I'm guessing ProfesserAhnka doesn't really give a shit about the gameplay. I've never seen him once discuss gameplay related things, but I might have missed it.

Honestly there are always going to be people who see one screenshot and go on to say "Omg he's probably gonna be playable" and go on to post a shit ton of evidence pointing towards that. Cyborg is just trying to get people to face the realism of the situation, and that's not a bad thing. People can get pretty upset about the roster, and some people on this forum aren't willing to accept that the leak was correct. I don't like it and i'm kinda pissed about it, but I've accepted it.

"I don't keep creepy ass records like him, so I don't know the exact things he says, but what I gave you is pretty much from memory and sums up his whole character."

lol I don't understand what's creepy about providing evidence that contradicts something that he's saying. You can't post something and not expect it to bite you in the ass later if it turns out to be false.

"I swear to god, you can replace him with one of those nightbots and you won't feel a difference because he doesn't do anything other than try and de-hype people."

lol this is also false. Cyborg has been very hype about MKX, the netherkast proves that. He was also very vocal about wanting Jason to be one of the guest characters, and he's shown that he's pretty hype now that it's confirmed.

It's one month before release. I wouldn't mind this type of discussion a few months before, but now it's time to get serious. These characters are most likely NPC's, and those who can't deal with it are just setting themselves up for disappointment.

I can understand that you're 13 and when you're that age you say shit you don't mean and a couple years later when you've aged and matured, look back and say "What the fuck was I thinking"?

I've felt that way many times, I joined this forum when I was like 9 or 10 (17 now) and I can't believe some of the shit I said back in the day. If you look at some of the old ass threads I posted, you'll see what I mean. So I can relate to you in that aspect, but I feel like you say things without realizing that it will offend people. Like in that one thread someone said he was taking an absence because of spoilers , you basically called him and his thread useless and people were like wtf?

03/18/2015 04:18 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

I don't feel like i'm blind. I browsed through this thread and I just saw a bunch of bullshit arguing. Maybe I was too aggressive initially, and I can see where you're coming from, but when you say shit like "Cyborg and Django are dicks" and go on to insult them i'm going to say something.

ProfesserAhnka is very aggressive to other users about his favorite characters, he feels the need to personally attack people who disagree with him. Yeah he'll be upset but at the end of the day I think Cyborg's intentions were for the better. He doesn't want people to be upset or sad that their favorites wont make it in, he's trying to be a realist. How likely can you say that Fujin, Rain, Baraka, etc will actually be playable on the initial roster?

Yeah, we got that screenshot of Baraka on the kove and that definitely gives him a better chance, but it's better not to get our hopes up because it's such a unlikely chance that he will actually be playable. It's better not to expect anything because we've all had our hopes shattered at some point or another by NRS. I feel the same way, I really want Fujin but he's probably not gonna be playable. I'm still hype for the game either way, but I don't personally attack people who disagree with me and who think Fujin shouldn't be in.

I'm guessing ProfesserAhnka doesn't really give a shit about the gameplay. I've never seen him once discuss gameplay related things, but I might have missed it.

Honestly there are always going to be people who see one screenshot and go on to say "Omg he's probably gonna be playable" and go on to post a shit ton of evidence pointing towards that. Cyborg is just trying to get people to face the realism of the situation, and that's not a bad thing. People can get pretty upset about the roster, and some people on this forum aren't willing to accept that the leak was correct. I don't like it and i'm kinda pissed about it, but I've accepted it.

"I don't keep creepy ass records like him, so I don't know the exact things he says, but what I gave you is pretty much from memory and sums up his whole character."

lol I don't understand what's creepy about providing evidence that contradicts something that he's saying. You can't post something and not expect it to bite you in the ass later if it turns out to be false.

"I swear to god, you can replace him with one of those nightbots and you won't feel a difference because he doesn't do anything other than try and de-hype people."

lol this is also false. Cyborg has been very hype about MKX, the netherkast proves that. He was also very vocal about wanting Jason to be one of the guest characters, and he's shown that he's pretty hype now that it's confirmed.

It's one month before release. I wouldn't mind this type of discussion a few months before, but now it's time to get serious. These characters are most likely NPC's, and those who can't deal with it are just setting themselves up for disappointment.

I can understand that you're 13 and when you're that age you say shit you don't mean and a couple years later when you've aged and matured, look back and say "What the fuck was I thinking"?

I've felt that way many times, I joined this forum when I was like 9 or 10 (17 now) and I can't believe some of the shit I said back in the day. If you look at some of the old ass threads I posted, you'll see what I mean. So I can relate to you in that aspect, but I feel like you say things without realizing that it will offend people. Like in that one thread someone said he was taking an absence because of spoilers , you basically called him and his thread useless and people were like wtf?

I know what you mean about people being over hyped, but why not let them? Again it's all in the name of fun and it's really good to at least be happy for a while than not happy at all.

If you look at life it's a very long journey(unfortunately for some it's short :( ), but our lives are just point A to point B.

We are born and we know we are going to do at some point, should we all sit around and say "I can't do that" or "I shouldn't get my hopes up of succeeding in this exam ,because I might not succeed."

I feel like it's the same thing, only difference we know when MKX is coming out.

I'd rather have fun waiting for it, rather than say "I shouldn't hype myself, and start thinking Sektor might be in."

You are right that the game is sooo close and we should get realistic around this time, but that's the problem. He didn't start doing it now, when Shinnok was revealed in the story trailer, if I remember correctly, he was one of the people that said "He might be story cameo, don't get hyped just yet"

When Rain showed up in that story trailer, same thing.

Now Baraka, here he is saying the exact same thing.

I know he has been on this forum for a very long time and good for him, I certainly have respect for his MK dedication, but I don't have respect for his bland personality of "De-hype yourself, might not happen".

He might be a cool person in real life but he is no different than someone I argued with a long while back. I think he's name was Razor or something like that, Well he is actually a bit different than that guy, he is a bit reasonable, that guy was as smart as a wall.

He said Johnny's Shadow moves can only be found in a person that inherits them, I pointed out that Jade has the same exact move which is also called "Shadow kick". He then started pointing out stuff from MK3 and UMK3 that make Jade's shadow kick not green, probably glitches like the one that turned Johnny's green shadow kick into a red one. He forced it as canon to prove a point, after arguing for a while he started being racist and started implying that my mother is a hooker. After I realized that he was truly just a person that doesn't want to see what other's think but force his point, I left him. The next day I found out he was banned.

So it wasn't just me who thought he was wrong, he even wrote a long ass letter, not to apologize but to show he was right. People called him out on that and they said he was truly being a racist, all that because I disagreed with him.

Again Cyborg is more reasonable and understanding, and maybe it was my fault that I took what he said to heart so fast.

As for the hype thing, ProfesserAhnka is a royal fan to Rain, it's understandable that he'd get angry soo fast about something saying he is not him. doesn't give him the right to react to everybody who disagrees with an aggressive nature, but that's who he is, he is a loyalist and loves his character, he wants to discuss and HOPE for him. That's not wrong, but Cyborg keeps rubbing it in, he wants to force his point of "Don't get hyped" on him.

He backs it up by saying "I don't want people to be upset, because I love people that I don't even know" See the flawed logic behind it.

Tell me my friend, Why does he keep records of what someone is saying on his computer? It feels like one of those stalkers who will make sure to know everything about you and what you say/do.

And if your point is that he wants to use against ProfesserAhnka, wouldn't that mean that he has hostile intentions towards him? He is basically coming in the room with a gun ready to shot when ProfesserAhnka makes the simplest mistake, which is speculating and getting hyped.

Like I said, Life is like the situation we have here.

Waiting for something to come, we can wait and not try to reach or we can have fun and try to reach, our hopes and expectations may be too high to reach and unrealistic, but yet again, if that's how everybody thought, we wouldn't have reached the moon and became so adv in tech.

His friend on the other hand, I think is kind of entertaining and at this point me and him are just playing who can be the smart-ass.

As for the last guy you mentioned.

-It was a valid question, although I shouldn't have said he is useless , so I apologize for that.

-He tried to insult me before, so I guess I take that back now, because I had the right to insult someone who tried to insult me.

I don't want things between us to end on a bad note, because I feel like you might be one of the few people who are actually good in this forum, and are trying to do the right thing.

MINION is a great example, he is one of the great people I met on this forum, we had a bit of misunderstanding once, but he wasn't being a dick, we sorted that out and now I have nothing but respect for him.

There are others on this forum I talk with, and they don't find me to be a dick, because I'm only a dick to people who are themselves dicks. And that's why I wasn't a dick to you and actually wanted to explain to you things from my perspective, because I felt you had a valid reason to think of me as horrible person, but I never treated anybody badly, who didn't treat me badly.
03/18/2015 04:21 AM (UTC)
I feel like tone is something that gets misconstrued a lot on here, which leads to many arguments.
03/18/2015 04:27 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
You're forgetting some things;

This is next-gen technology now. They can easily implement new costumes and looks and designs for characters that aren't even playable in the story mode. If that's not your cup of tea, that's fine, but seeing as this story is 25 friggin' years in the future, it's pretty obvious they'd more than likely be dressed differently. Besides, shouldn't we be thrilled they can do all these things with the technology now? Shouldn't we be happy we get to see characters that aren't involved in the story instead of acting like they aren't involved and that characters just drop off the face of the earth for months/years at a time because they weren't in that particular game?

Quick question!

When you first saw Shinnok didn't you think he was a "Story mode cameo" too? Just like everyone else on this site?

Just curious. No ill intention my friend.

Not really, I could see where some would've thought that but I've long thought he'd be either involved in roster or the boss/sub-boss since MK9. What shocked me more was that we saw him as early on as we did, I figured they'd hold back on him like they're doing with Liu Kang.

I agree with people to the degree of faces like Baraka and Rain should be on the roster, but I'd rather have them in new attires and in the Story Mode doing stuff or fightable than limited to MK9 looks, in the background, doing absolutely nothing worthwhile. At least now they have importance and are not being left behind, even if they're not playable. It's honestly better than nothing and I can say with 100% certainty that if Kenshi hadn't made it, I would've preferred that for him over a quick, blink and you'll miss him cameo or nothing at all.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/18/2015 04:32 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
You're forgetting some things;

This is next-gen technology now. They can easily implement new costumes and looks and designs for characters that aren't even playable in the story mode. If that's not your cup of tea, that's fine, but seeing as this story is 25 friggin' years in the future, it's pretty obvious they'd more than likely be dressed differently. Besides, shouldn't we be thrilled they can do all these things with the technology now? Shouldn't we be happy we get to see characters that aren't involved in the story instead of acting like they aren't involved and that characters just drop off the face of the earth for months/years at a time because they weren't in that particular game?

Quick question!

When you first saw Shinnok didn't you think he was a "Story mode cameo" too? Just like everyone else on this site?

Just curious. No ill intention my friend.

Not really, I could see where some would've thought that but I've long thought he'd be either involved in roster or the boss/sub-boss since MK9. What shocked me more was that we saw him as early on as we did, I figured they'd hold back on him like they're doing with Liu Kang.

I agree with people to the degree of faces like Baraka and Rain should be on the roster, but I'd rather have them in new attires and in the Story Mode doing stuff or fightable than limited to MK9 looks, in the background, doing absolutely nothing worthwhile. At least now they have importance and are not being left behind, even if they're not playable. It's honestly better than nothing and I can say with 100% certainty that if Kenshi hadn't made it, I would've preferred that for him over a quick, blink and you'll miss him cameo or nothing at all.

Ah gotcha! Thanks!
03/18/2015 04:36 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Make no mistake I get where you guys are coming from, and I don't harbor any real disrespect to any of you who disagree with me.

Argh this whole thing just greatly annoys me.

Trust me, I understand the hurt, but the thing is Story Mode is now an MK staple and they want to strive for that movie/cinematic feeling so of course they're gonna make everything look shiny and new, characters included. I'd bet money that if any of the leftover trilogy cast is being considered for DLC, it's Baraka and Smoke at this point considering we've heard no word about the cyborgs, along with Fujin and Li Mei from the 3D era but this is all just based on what we've seen thus far. It's probably an added bonus if you can fight against them because then NRS knows they'd be in high demand so I wouldn't worry too much just yet.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/18/2015 12:34 PM (UTC)
Eh... I feel like I'm the only one who's never been that excited for Erron Black. Outworld cowboy doesn't do a lot for me I guess. Still, I'm willing to give him a chance. His gameplay might be the most awesome thing since..... Sonya.
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03/18/2015 12:44 PM (UTC)
Six Shooter from Puppet Master has always been my main guy next to Blade.

Magnum Revolver is my gun of choice.

Black looks to have Colt Peacemakers.

03/18/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
Exactly, he's not some bull riding redneck he's a fucking gun slinger. Wild West shit. I hope he does tricks lol
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03/18/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
I would suffer a friggin spasm attack if Erron fights like Jojo Arcade's Hol Horse.
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03/18/2015 11:41 PM (UTC)
Black looks to have Colt Peacemakers.


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