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03/17/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Hey Minion, did you notice that Shinnok looks different in that screenshot where he's jumping over the statue than his story mode appearance? the one in the screenshot is probably his primary outfit since it's on the tower. His hat looks a little different and his arms are bare, whereas his other one has his arms completely covered and jewels everywhere.

I did bro he looks siiiiiick!
03/17/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
NRS stated that anything could stil change, they can easily put this new model instead of the old one in the appearances he makes, which is are not that many probably. Also NRS clearly stated on 2 separate occasions during the stream that they would try to get as many favourites of developers, and squeeze as many characters in as possible. I have no doubt that if Baraka is in, he's one of those late additions.
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PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/17/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote: I'd rub it in your face so hard you'd think you were Sasha Gray.

He/She is not playing about these screencaps LOL!

My popcorn is ready!
03/17/2015 04:54 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
What's creepy about it, is saving things they say on your computer, not using their words against them.

You do realize that he probably just decided that it'd be much faster and easier to double-back through the Rain thread, copypaste the juiciest bits to Word, take a screenshot of it and post the image here instead of making a long post filled with quotes and fucking around with html tags for ten minutes, right..?


I don't know what was his logic behind it. But tell somebody that you are holding everything they say in a saved file on your computer and they'd feel a little weird, wouldn't they?

At this point is useless to try to convince you, because you are siding with him. So you will believe what you want to believe.

But if it was different situation you'll see it differently.
03/17/2015 04:54 PM (UTC)
It's like everyone forgot that you fought generic Tarkatans in MK9's Challenge Tower.
Shadaloo Wrote:
Baraka from the Story trailer. Notice the brown bands on his biceps? How buff he looks - like Baraka's always looked?

The guy in this shot doesn't have those brown bands, has cheek spikes, which Baraka never had to date, and he's scrawnier. His pants seem a bit redder too.

Yeah, this ain't Baraka IMO. This is a goon.

Redder pants and scrawny/buff build isn't as concrete for me.

Cheek Spikes and Armbands would be perfectly suited for Variation differences no?
03/17/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
The arguments for this not being Baraka are goofy. I've seen this plenty of times before, people going out of their way to explain why an obviously confirmed character is fake.

I remember back when MK:DA was in development, people were saying the early pics of Li Mei were fake. Her appearance offending their sensibilities being one reason, another being that her model looked old-gen or something like that. Lot of technical stuff.

If this Tarkata is just a nameless goon, then it's a pretty detailed one. Don't see why they'd bother though, as they could have used the generic models from MK9's challenge tower instead and altered them a bit. They'd only make minor alterations to Sindel's design, but work harder on a random Tarkata's? Ha ha, that's fan logic right there.

But about Erron Black, he's looking good. Oh yeah, the arguments for him not being in the game were goofy too.

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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

03/17/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Yeah, I'm glad somebody brought Ahnka's blubbering existential crisis from when Rain got BTFO in the comic back into the light.
Yet he still feels the need to trash others. His Rain rant will never be forgotten.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/17/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Cheek Spikes and Armbands would be perfectly suited for Variation differences no?

Normally only one major detail is altered about the character to denote a variation change. Cheek spikes would be a very small detail to try and make out in gameplay. Arm bands, maybe, but the guy from the Story trailer doesn't seem to be sporting ropes the way this guy is. It'd be an alternate costume if anything; I just don't think it's the same guy.
03/17/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
If this Tarkata is just a nameless goon, then it's a pretty detailed one. Don't see why they'd bother though, as they could have used the generic models from MK9's challenge tower instead and altered them a bit.

Sooo... when Mk9 came out the Baraka 'goon' came from where? As stated earlier I'm pretty sure all of the designs are new. The only difference I see between this tarkatan and someone like Rain or Sindel is that this looks more likely to be a fight than a cut-scene.
the face spikes throw me off so I am skeptical.
03/17/2015 05:13 PM (UTC)
Spiky variation confirmed :P
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03/17/2015 05:15 PM (UTC)
In the story trailer all the generic Tarkatan goons wore the exact same thing with almost no differences yet this Tarkatan not only has a completely unique and different outfit (as well as looking quite similar to Baraka's quick cameo in the story trailer) but has several distinct design features (face spikes ect.) There's no doubt this is Baraka. Anyone who doubts this just confuses me. The real question here is whether or not he's playable.
03/17/2015 05:22 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
The real question here is whether or not he's playable.

But that is the argument... Everyone is saying this design makes him playable.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/17/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
(as well as looking quite similar to Baraka's quick cameo in the story trailer)

Arm/bicep bands on the trailer's Baraka. Not so here.

We got a female Tarkatan back in the MK9 endings. Having a few of them be different really isn't a stretch, especially in this day and age.

I swear that this exact same thing happened when Deception came out; there were like three Tarkatans people mistook for Baraka, lol. I've come to wait until I see a life bar with a name on it when it comes to this guy.
03/17/2015 05:29 PM (UTC)
I would want Baraka playable but I just feel 50/50 whether he will be playable, or a NPC :/

He could be a secret character along with a few of them. But I will wait and see
03/17/2015 05:30 PM (UTC)
I don't understand the people that say that is not Baraka? How do you know for sure it isn't an alt costume?

Argument still stands, but saying "that isn't Baraka", isn't a very good point, because anybody could bring up the point of it could be an alt.
I think I'm the only that thinks Jax is a NPC.... I'm not sold on him making the initial roster
03/17/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
The only thing that tells me this is a generic Tarkatan would be the smaller built and the attire. Doesn't look like something the best tarkatan warrior and defacto leader would wear.
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03/17/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
I thought it was stated this game will allow things that could never be done before like adding hundreds of fights against NPC. I think it is a given that some of the revenants and MK9 lackeys will be the NPCs.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/17/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I don't understand the people that say that is not Baraka? How do you know for sure it isn't an alt costume?

Argument still stands, but saying "that isn't Baraka", isn't a very good point, because anybody could bring up the point of it could be an alt.

How do you know for sure it isn't some other Tarkatan? There's a whole race of them that look similar. Two sides of the same coin, here.

The game of "Guess who's Baraka" comes up so damn often before a game comes out. It's very difficult to say for sure who he is unless he's wearing some variation of his MKII outfit because you've got a whole race of people that look really close to him.

The best way to try and discern who is Baraka and who isn't is to look for a feature that would mark him as a commander, some sort of special armor or something. And even then, you can see Tarkatans in the Story trailer wearing skulls on their armor. If you'd seen one of them alone, you might think that was Baraka, too.

They're getting better at making the race out to be something more than a legion of clones, and that makes this guessing game all the more difficult.
03/17/2015 05:45 PM (UTC)
What if it were, Baraka's son?
PointGuard_Material Wrote:
I think I'm the only that thinks Jax is a NPC.... I'm not sold on him making the initial roster

Yeah, you might be in the Nile.
03/17/2015 05:56 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I don't understand the people that say that is not Baraka? How do you know for sure it isn't an alt costume?

Argument still stands, but saying "that isn't Baraka", isn't a very good point, because anybody could bring up the point of it could be an alt.

you can see Tarkatans in the Story trailer wearing skulls on their armor. If you'd seen one of them alone, you might think that was Baraka, too.

LMFAO. True... True.

Shadaloo Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I don't understand the people that say that is not Baraka? How do you know for sure it isn't an alt costume?

Argument still stands, but saying "that isn't Baraka", isn't a very good point, because anybody could bring up the point of it could be an alt.

How do you know for sure it isn't some other Tarkatan? There's a whole race of them that look similar. Two sides of the same coin, here.

Exactly! You can't know for sure. You even said it before yourself, that everybody mistook a normal Tarkatan for Baraka in previous games.

So how do you know he is truly just a Tarkatan and not Baraka?

I'm just throwing a suggestion here, instead of Baraka because he is not like the Tarkatan we saw in the trailer, or not Baraka because he has spikes on his mouth and a basic design(Which I find cool regardless of whether it's Baraka or not.).

I'm just saying maybe it's an alt, so you the argument of Baraka doesn't have have spikes on his mouth doesn't hold water.

This is the same situation we had we Subby's identity, Bi-Han wouldn't say something like that and Bi-Han would say something like that.

Granted though, in the end people that were saying Bi-Han wouldn't say something like that won.

So who knows, this might end up not being Baraka, but I personally think it is him, or maybe I'm just a fool hoping to see an awesome character, instead of boring ass SF characters.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 06:19 PM (UTC)
On the positive - Shinnok's alt is seriously my favorite look in the game. Well done NRS!

Now give him his very own reveal trailer. He deserves it. He'd get so many people hyped. Who'd think a 3D era character aside from Quan Chi and Kenshi had that possibility, eh? *sips tea*.
03/17/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
These are two things I can agree with as far as Baraka goes:
- he does miss the kind of detail the other characters have, even compared to the other released screenshots
- this outfit does not scream general, leader or anything like the skulls or armour people mentioned.

To the 2nd point though, Baraka has never stood out! This is one fatal flaw in his character and I really think NRS is being lazy with him. They give other Tarkatans more detail than him, which is very odd to say the least. They could easily make him a sub-boss, bigger, stronger and truly a leader of the pack. They are just too lazy to do it, which is weird since he does seem to be among their favourites. He only missed one freaking game (Gold counts as MK4 for me).
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