03/17/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
Sharefrock. Dude. (I'm going to continue addressing you thusly)

Your theory about the Tarkatan pic being a Baraka alt is possible, though still unlikely. That still doesn't explain the incredibly low poly model, and the lack of any significant or interesting detail/markings in the design. If this is Baraka, it's a truly horrible one.

Really look at that pic of "Baraka" again, then look at this pic of Erron Black. Notice the difference in detail, poly count, and texture resolution found in a confirmed playable character.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
He only missed one freaking game (Gold counts as MK4 for me).

Exactly, Which is why I have no idea why people are acting like it's impossible Baraka perhaps could have made the cut. Seriously, we're not talking Nitara or fucking Ashrah- we're talking BARAKA, someone who's popularity I'd argue is bigger than that melon head- Jax.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 06:42 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Sharefrock. Dude. (I'm going to continue addressing you thusly)

Your theory about the Tarkatan pic being a Baraka alt is possible, though still unlikely. That still doesn't explain the incredibly low poly model, and the lack of any significant or interesting detail/markings in the design. If this is Baraka, it's a truly horrible one.

Really look at that pic of "Baraka" again, then look at this pic of Erron Black. Notice the difference in detail, poly count, and texture resolution found in a confirmed playable character.

Two completely different angles with one obviously being a cut scene. You're stretching.
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

03/17/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
To be fair, Black has some pretty shitty textures on him in other newly leaked pics.
About Me

-sig by MINION

03/17/2015 06:46 PM (UTC)
If that is Baraka they're definitely phoning in the design. Same with Reptile so I believe it's him tbh.
03/17/2015 06:49 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
I may be overbearing with my opinion

*claps* You're making progress hunni! Acknowledging the great Cyborg has a few malfunctions. That's deep and I appreciate it. Even though you once again couldn't resist in dipping into your Ahnka black room storage of quotes to fire back at me. I Would not be surprised if you had a picture of me on the front of your dart board or a giant collage of pictures of me and my family or even better yet a sculpture of my head made out of three week old meat loaf and spaghetti hidden in your closet. But I guess it's the thought that counts. ;)

You're a controlling person and I fear for those in your personal life.

That said- I have everything screencapped. The truth will be known and I'll be ready. I'm not going to lie- I'd rub it in your face so hard you'd think you were Sasha Gray. Call it childish but I would dance a jig of glee seeing you take back your words just like you're trying to do with Shinnok. I'm going to be a straight up dick about everything once the truth is learned.

Now I see why the Kitana fans were so testy when she was revealed. They had to deal with so much shit and people acting like they knew she wouldn't be in and so much flack from other people that they couldn't help but rub it in in a little bit especially when the same haters were orgasming over her new look.

If I'm wrong?

*puts on sunglasses* Oh well. I'll deal. But no backtracking for me.

Like, seriously am I the only one aware of how terrible a user ProfessorAhnka has been for the past decade or so? He makes MKFLegend look like Pred

I'll bet you my account that Rain and Baraka will not be playable in this game pre-DLC. If you actually believe the bullshit you've been spouting, you'll put your account on the line. If they're in, I'm out of here. If they're not in, you have to leave the site for good.
03/17/2015 06:50 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Sharefrock. Dude. (I'm going to continue addressing you thusly)

Your theory about the Tarkatan pic being a Baraka alt is possible, though still unlikely. That still doesn't explain the incredibly low poly model, and the lack of any significant or interesting detail/markings in the design. If this is Baraka, it's a truly horrible one.

Really look at that pic of "Baraka" again, then look at this pic of Erron Black. Notice the difference in detail, poly count, and texture resolution found in a confirmed playable character.

Two completely different angles with one obviously being a cut scene. You're stretching.

"Obviously a cutscene"? Have you seen Kitana's fatality?
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 06:55 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Sharefrock. Dude. (I'm going to continue addressing you thusly)

Your theory about the Tarkatan pic being a Baraka alt is possible, though still unlikely. That still doesn't explain the incredibly low poly model, and the lack of any significant or interesting detail/markings in the design. If this is Baraka, it's a truly horrible one.

Really look at that pic of "Baraka" again, then look at this pic of Erron Black. Notice the difference in detail, poly count, and texture resolution found in a confirmed playable character.

Two completely different angles with one obviously being a cut scene. You're stretching.

"Obviously a cutscene"? Have you seen Kitana's fatality?

Still, like Kill switch said, Erron have had some bad textures in certain screenshots as well. Not everyone looks great with their new design. I find Reptile's new look to be very low quality and lazy, yes he's a fleshed out playable character.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
I may be overbearing with my opinion

*claps* You're making progress hunni! Acknowledging the great Cyborg has a few malfunctions. That's deep and I appreciate it. Even though you once again couldn't resist in dipping into your Ahnka black room storage of quotes to fire back at me. I Would not be surprised if you had a picture of me on the front of your dart board or a giant collage of pictures of me and my family or even better yet a sculpture of my head made out of three week old meat loaf and spaghetti hidden in your closet. But I guess it's the thought that counts. ;)

You're a controlling person and I fear for those in your personal life.

That said- I have everything screencapped. The truth will be known and I'll be ready. I'm not going to lie- I'd rub it in your face so hard you'd think you were Sasha Gray. Call it childish but I would dance a jig of glee seeing you take back your words just like you're trying to do with Shinnok. I'm going to be a straight up dick about everything once the truth is learned.

Now I see why the Kitana fans were so testy when she was revealed. They had to deal with so much shit and people acting like they knew she wouldn't be in and so much flack from other people that they couldn't help but rub it in in a little bit especially when the same haters were orgasming over her new look.

If I'm wrong?

*puts on sunglasses* Oh well. I'll deal. But no backtracking for me.

Like, seriously am I the only one aware of how terrible a user ProfessorAhnka has been for the past decade or so? He makes MKFLegend look like Pred

I'll bet you my account that Rain and Baraka will not be playable in this game pre-DLC. If you actually believe the bullshit you've been spouting, you'll put your account on the line. If they're in, I'm out of here. If they're not in, you have to leave the site for good.

Has it been a decade? My how time flies! You're making me feel old!

Anyway- no I'm not leaving so why would I just say it and then not do it? If you don't like my posts that much (Which you clearly don't since you've taken time out in the past to randomly hurl insults at me even though I have no idea who you are) then scroll past them. Problem solved.

Back on the actual topic-

They need to keep these leaks comin'grin
03/17/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
Jesus this thread.

About Me

03/17/2015 07:01 PM (UTC)
You people are getting way too pissed off over something with jack shit for info.


You people are getting way too pissed off over a video game for people over ten years old.
03/17/2015 07:06 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Sharefrock. Dude. (I'm going to continue addressing you thusly)

Your theory about the Tarkatan pic being a Baraka alt is possible, though still unlikely. That still doesn't explain the incredibly low poly model, and the lack of any significant or interesting detail/markings in the design. If this is Baraka, it's a truly horrible one.

Really look at that pic of "Baraka" again, then look at this pic of Erron Black. Notice the difference in detail, poly count, and texture resolution found in a confirmed playable character.

Two completely different angles with one obviously being a cut scene. You're stretching.

"Obviously a cutscene"? Have you seen Kitana's fatality?

Still, like Kill switch said, Erron have had some bad textures in certain screenshots as well. Not everyone looks great with their new design. I find Reptile's new look to be very low quality and lazy, yes he's a fleshed out playable character.

I feel like you guys are missing the point. In every image of Erron Black (and Reptile) their DESIGN is specific and detailed. Textures may pop in and out, but design doesn't. Bandoleers, intricate armor, unique sashes/pieces of cloth and clothing, high poly count, specific markings, etc. ; these are all things that do not vary from image to image.

I don't care whether Baraka is in or not, personally. I don't have a horse in this race. I'm just looking at the facts and doing some simple comparisons. The evidence isn't concrete either way, but if we're playing the odds then it's wise to assume this is likely a mid-ranked Tarkatan. Even that snippit of Rain was more detailed design-wise than this character. Everything about this screams Generic Tarkatan a la MK9 Challenge Tower.

It's just data at this point.
03/17/2015 07:07 PM (UTC)
PrincessAhnka Wrote:
Has it been a decade? My how time flies! You're making me feel old!

Anyway- no I'm not leaving so why would I just say it and then not do it? If you don't like my posts that much (Which you clearly don't since you've taken time out in the past to randomly hurl insults at me even though I have no idea who you are) then scroll past them. Problem solved.

Because you're a nuisance on these forums and its hard to scroll past your giant heaps of bullshit. How you haven't been reprimanded or banned yet is beyond me. Sharing your opinion is one thing. Insulting people that disagree with you is another.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 07:10 PM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
PrincessAhnka Wrote:
Has it been a decade? My how time flies! You're making me feel old!

Anyway- no I'm not leaving so why would I just say it and then not do it? If you don't like my posts that much (Which you clearly don't since you've taken time out in the past to randomly hurl insults at me even though I have no idea who you are) then scroll past them. Problem solved.

Because you're a nuisance on these forums and its hard to scroll past your giant heaps of bullshit. How you haven't been reprimanded or banned yet is beyond me. Sharing your opinion is one thing. Insulting people that disagree with you is another.

Oh, just like the other day when during a debate I had with BlackCyborg you randomly chimed in with-

"you're a moron" and then skipped off?

Those who live in wooden huts shouldn't set fires.

Now I'm done with you. YOU'RE the one drawing this out. Convo deaded.
About Me
03/17/2015 07:14 PM (UTC)
Wait, did Ankha liken himself to one of those Kitana fans?

How did I miss that.

It all makes sense. Lmao
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Sharefrock. Dude. (I'm going to continue addressing you thusly)

Your theory about the Tarkatan pic being a Baraka alt is possible, though still unlikely. That still doesn't explain the incredibly low poly model, and the lack of any significant or interesting detail/markings in the design. If this is Baraka, it's a truly horrible one.

Really look at that pic of "Baraka" again, then look at this pic of Erron Black. Notice the difference in detail, poly count, and texture resolution found in a confirmed playable character.

Two completely different angles with one obviously being a cut scene. You're stretching.

"Obviously a cutscene"? Have you seen Kitana's fatality?

Still, like Kill switch said, Erron have had some bad textures in certain screenshots as well. Not everyone looks great with their new design. I find Reptile's new look to be very low quality and lazy, yes he's a fleshed out playable character.

I feel like you guys are missing the point. In every image of Erron Black (and Reptile) their DESIGN is specific and detailed. Textures may pop in and out, but design doesn't. Bandoleers, intricate armor, unique sashes/pieces of cloth and clothing, high poly count, specific markings, etc. ; these are all things that do not vary from image to image.

I don't care whether Baraka is in or not, personally. I don't have a horse in this race. I'm just looking at the facts and doing some simple comparisons. The evidence isn't concrete either way, but if we're playing the odds then it's wise to assume this is likely a mid-ranked Tarkatan. Even that snippit of Rain was more detailed design-wise than this character. Everything about this screams Generic Tarkatan a la MK9 Challenge Tower.

It's just data at this point.

Well we can't argue opinion so I guess we'll agree to disagree. Some good points you raised though. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. I just don't see how he can miss this game what with Mileena being so important and she has yet to have an ally playable(aside from Goro) while Kotal has ALL of his lackeys in action.
03/17/2015 07:16 PM (UTC)
But you are a moron.
03/17/2015 07:21 PM (UTC)
PointGuard_Material Wrote:
I think I'm the only that thinks Jax is a NPC.... I'm not sold on him making the initial roster

He has several costumes, including one unlocked through the mobile version. He is 100% playable, whether you want him to be or not.

Denizen Wrote:
I thought it was stated this game will allow things that could never be done before like adding hundreds of fights against NPC. I think it is a given that some of the revenants and MK9 lackeys will be the NPCs.

"Hundreds of fights against NPCs?" What? That hasn't been said anywhere. This sounds like a rumour that someone started that's just being passed around as fact now.
03/17/2015 07:25 PM (UTC)
Wow, just wow. I can't believe all this talk about this being Baraka and wether he's playable or not. Every time this happens, doubters are proven false. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but when I was right about the tower characters being Jax and Mileena, people were trying to say I'm wrong. Look what happened, they are in fact playable and in the game.

To whoever said Baraka looks too low res, not enough detailed, check out the high res version: High Res Baraka

He looks pretty detailed to me, and on par with designs like Mileena, Reptile, Kung Lao. For all we know the one who was thought to be Baraka in the story trailer could've been an older version of him.

Again there's plenty of reason why this character is Baraka, AND PLAYABLE.

-Baraka is a classic character introduced in MK2.
-Has been in every MK game except MK3, UMK3, MK4, MKDA.
-Did not die in MK9, even though death has no meaning in MK.
-General of the Tarkatan army, whose prescence is clearly there in the story of MKX
-His appearance in the achievements screenshot sports a different and more detailed design than the other goons in the army.
-Not as detailed as Deception Baraka? Compare Scorpions design in Deception and MKX. Much more goin on, they are going for simplicity for MKX. Same thing could be said about Subzero from Deception compared to MKX. Some characters do have very detailed costumes but some do not.
-E3 character select screen had sillouettes on hints of characters that would be revealed later on. One of them was Barrack Obama = Baraka.

Believe what you will guys, but this has been proven time and time again. Baraka will be playable, trust me.
About Me

03/17/2015 07:30 PM (UTC)
You guys can't judge Baraka based on his lower quality model. Look at Cassie's alt from the same achievement list. Look at how plastic her skin details are, her hair looks like a Kraft Single lol. She looks very similar to how she looked when she was first announced.
03/17/2015 07:33 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Believe what you will guys, but this has been proven time and time again. Baraka will be playable, trust me.

With all due respect, when was it proven time and time again? The last I checked, the other characters in question, who we've only seen either a screenshot or clip of in story mode, weren't proven to be anything. Fujin, Li Mei, Rain, Smoke...if you are going to count Baraka as 100% playable, then you might as well count these characters too. Because they have the same amount of evidence.
03/17/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
These are old screen shots. Remember in one old screenshot johnny cage had black hair? They scrapped that idea. Maybe this is an early Baraka and the one we saw in the story trailer is the current model.
03/17/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Sharefrock. Dude. (I'm going to continue addressing you thusly)

Your theory about the Tarkatan pic being a Baraka alt is possible, though still unlikely. That still doesn't explain the incredibly low poly model, and the lack of any significant or interesting detail/markings in the design. If this is Baraka, it's a truly horrible one.

Really look at that pic of "Baraka" again, then look at this pic of Erron Black. Notice the difference in detail, poly count, and texture resolution found in a confirmed playable character.

Two completely different angles with one obviously being a cut scene. You're stretching.

"Obviously a cutscene"? Have you seen Kitana's fatality?

Still, like Kill switch said, Erron have had some bad textures in certain screenshots as well. Not everyone looks great with their new design. I find Reptile's new look to be very low quality and lazy, yes he's a fleshed out playable character.

I feel like you guys are missing the point. In every image of Erron Black (and Reptile) their DESIGN is specific and detailed. Textures may pop in and out, but design doesn't. Bandoleers, intricate armor, unique sashes/pieces of cloth and clothing, high poly count, specific markings, etc. ; these are all things that do not vary from image to image.

I don't care whether Baraka is in or not, personally. I don't have a horse in this race. I'm just looking at the facts and doing some simple comparisons. The evidence isn't concrete either way, but if we're playing the odds then it's wise to assume this is likely a mid-ranked Tarkatan. Even that snippit of Rain was more detailed design-wise than this character. Everything about this screams Generic Tarkatan a la MK9 Challenge Tower.

It's just data at this point.

Sonya and Johnny both have dull outfits
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

03/17/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:

Erron Black looks absolutely epic in that picture. I can not wait for actual gameplay. I still do not know why WB has not revealed this guy officially. He has already made a very good impression. Incredible design.
03/17/2015 07:37 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Believe what you will guys, but this has been proven time and time again. Baraka will be playable, trust me.

With all due respect, when was it proven time and time again? The last I checked, the other characters in question, who we've only seen either a screenshot or clip of in story mode, weren't proven to be anything. Fujin, Li Mei, Rain, Smoke...if you are going to count Baraka as 100% playable, then you might as well count these characters too. Because they have the same amount of evidence.

None of them are on the achievements list with the other playable characters.
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