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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
As was the case with Rain?
As was the case with Li Mei?
As was the case with Fujin?
As will be the case with Smoke?

Now we get Baraka.

30+ playable characters confirmed!!!!!1

There will be NPC fights in story mode.

Exactly what you said about Shinnok. Guess I'm not the only two-faced nut around here, eh?

I've thought Shinnok would playable since the jamesmk leak, about 2 months ago, so please, show me proof of me claiming "Shinnok won't be playable!" that you are claiming.

Every time I make a claim about something you've said, I have actual proof backing it.

If you have proof of me saying "Shinnok won't be playable!" due to a screenshot or story cameo, I'd love to see it. Because I'm quite positive I've never said "Shinnok will just be a NPC in MKX" as if it were fact.

Not only that, I have audio proof of myself saying he likely will be playable for months, hoping that he would be, and only a couple times showing uncertainty, but never claiming he wouldn't be without a shadow of doubt. So please, deliver on these claims.

*crackles* Boy look at you squirming and backtracking already mr. 'Shinnok's just a cameo".

This is ONLY the beginning of you looking ridiculous.

For the record I don't have a problem with people being cautious. I have a problem with people preaching their opinions as truth and making those who believe the roster is more than 24 are just imbeciles.

You've been proven wrong with Shinnok. With more leaks happening this is only the beginning. Screencapping all of this for the big day when it's all revealed.grin

I find this very entertaining lol.

Although you shouldn't become a stalker like him, Ahnka.

Cyboring is just a sad person, enjoy the speculation, don't listen to people who are here to ruin the mood :p.

You're right. Lol I'll just relax and enjoy the show. Let the game itself prove them wrong
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
I made a thread not too long ago asking about the chances of fighting NPCs in story mode (Rain, Sindel ect.) and everyone who replied said that they were deconfirmed and won't happen, so don't spin that bullshit saying they WILL be NPC fights because they aren't. I'd love for Baraka to be playable and a part of me does believe he will be, although I'm leaning towards him being someone you fight in the Living Towers but I can't deny that Baraka is in a fight in that screenshot.

blackcyborg, I respect you, I really do, but you have a chronic condition of trying to convince people that they are wrong to hype certain things up. If these people want to believe Baraka is in, let them. Remember what I said in the achievements thread? We'll deal with our expectations and you deal with yours.

Thank you.
03/17/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
*crackles* Boy look at you squirming and backtracking ready mr. 'Shinnok's just a cameo".

This is ONLY the beginning of you looking ridiculous.

For the record I don't have a problem with people being cautious. I have a problem with people preaching their opinions as truth and making those who believe the roster is more than 24 are imbeciles.

You've been proven wrong with Shinnok. With more leaked happening this is only the beginning. Screencapping all of this for the big day when it's all revealed.grin

Asking for actual proof of these claims, is squirming? Proof that you coincidentally decided not to deliver.

You have a problem with people preaching their opinions as truth and making those who don't believe out to be imbeciles? I'll just leave this here...

Btw, the jamesmk leaked roster has 25 characters, not 24, and it doesn't have to be 100% accurate. There could be another secret in there that NRS has held on to. It could be 26, maybe even 27, not impossible. But to jump to conclusions every time you see a glimpse of a character in story mode, and start calling people names for not taking it as proof of their playability...perfectly acceptable.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Nah it's just fun proving condescending people wrong. :p

That's the difference here. I may be overbearing with my opinion, but at least I don't call people "thick headed" "moronic" "idiot" "wet towel" "pea brained" etc. or correct their grammar/spelling to try and make myself feel superior, or put others down. That's condescending.
03/17/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
But the thing is this isn't story mode we're talking about this is an achievement leak where Jax, Shinnok and Erron Black are featured as well.

And they're playable.

I get that you're trying to de-hype us to keep our hopes down so we don't disappoint ourselves but you have to admit there is a chance for Baraka.
03/17/2015 04:21 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
But the thing is this isn't story mode we're talking about this is an achievement leak where Jax, Shinnok and Erron Black are featured as well.

And they're playable.

I get that you're trying to de-hype us to keep our hopes down so we don't disappoint ourselves but you have to admit there is a chance for Baraka.

Shouldn't we be hyped for the game and the characters? so why try and de-hype us? Meh... What ifs.

@ProfesserAhnka Run for the hills, this guy is creepy as hell, saving things you said on his computer. Shesh... Creepy.
03/17/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Lmao who f cares if somebody thought somebody wouldn't be playable along time ago and was wrong about it? Does it matter?

Nah it's just fun proving condescending people wrong. :p

Yeah it is sometime lol

BTW my comment wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular lol
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/17/2015 04:25 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg on point yet again.
03/17/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
I just think people need to relax a bit, getting this worked up over who said what about a character being in or not is a little silly lol
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03/17/2015 04:30 PM (UTC)
Just my opinion... But I think Baraka will be a NPC as well. Something about that picture.. his face doesn't look detailed and his skin looks rubbery.. Not as realistic as the rest of the characters.. While I like him, I think there are many other characters who are much more desired that deserve a spot in this game more than Baraka. The Focus on this game is STORY. Baraka never adds anything to the games story, he shows up and is basically a grunt to beat up several times in story mode... and his story hasn't really changed in the last 3 games... at all...

I think he could be brutal, and very fun to fight.. but I would rather have some one else take a spot on the roster.

If he is a playable character feel free to rub in in my face when the game comes out. But until then, don't be a dick, just because I don't share some peoples opinions that he is FOR SURE playable.
03/17/2015 04:31 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
But the thing is this isn't story mode we're talking about this is an achievement leak where Jax, Shinnok and Erron Black are featured as well.

And they're playable.

I get that you're trying to de-hype us to keep our hopes down so we don't disappoint ourselves but you have to admit there is a chance for Baraka.

There's always a chance. I never tried implying otherwise. I just think those chances are very low, and I don't think this particular example is enough evidence to change those chances by much.

For the record, I love Baraka. I'd love for him to be in this game. It seems some think I just want this leaked roster to be 100% accurate. That I care more about being "right", than to have it be wrong and us all get more characters in the game. That's absolute horse shit reasoning. Of course I want more characters. I'd happily get Fujin, Rain, Li Mei, Smoke, and/or Baraka etc... Hell, I don't even have my own favorite character in the game, and that disappoints me. I'd be over the moon to get more characters, and would be super happy for anyone else to get their favorite character.

But from what I've personally heard, the leaked jamesmk is accurate, but it doesn't have to be final. There could be another 1 or 2 added and kept super secret. The deciding factor is whether they were able to squeeze a couple more in. However, I also have heard that there will be NPC fights in story mode. We've seen several get new costumes/models, and I don't think it is likely that that means they are all going to be playable. That's all.

I've said several times I'd love to be wrong on that feeling/thought.

sharefrock Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
But the thing is this isn't story mode we're talking about this is an achievement leak where Jax, Shinnok and Erron Black are featured as well.

And they're playable.

I get that you're trying to de-hype us to keep our hopes down so we don't disappoint ourselves but you have to admit there is a chance for Baraka.

Shouldn't we be hyped for the game and the characters? so why try and de-hype us? Meh... What ifs.

@ProfesserAhnka Run for the hills, this guy is creepy as hell, saving things you said on his computer. Shesh... Creepy.

That's a piss-poor attempt at discrediting what he said, sharefrock. I know that you're hanging onto Ankha's nuts just because blackcyborg punked your ass a while back, but try making it less obvious.
03/17/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I'm glad somebody brought Ahnka's blubbering existential crisis from when Rain got BTFO in the comic back into the light.
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03/17/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
@ProfesserAhnka Run for the hills, this guy is creepy as hell, saving things you said on his computer. Shesh... Creepy.

I'm not Cy, but

>using your own words as evidence to prove a point

What the fuck am I reading?
03/17/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Baraka never adds anything to the games story, he shows up and is basically a grunt to beat up several times in story mode...


Spoke have been truthen.

That's true, Baraka doesn't add much to the story, but Reiko is adding a lot to the story at this point and he doesn't seem to show up anywhere in the game at this point.

But Reptile didn't add anything in MK9, he did the same thing Baraka did and yet he showed up.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
I may be overbearing with my opinion

*claps* You're making progress hunni! Acknowledging the great Cyborg has a few malfunctions. That's deep and I appreciate it. Even though you once again couldn't resist in dipping into your Ahnka black room storage of quotes to fire back at me. I Would not be surprised if you had a picture of me on the front of your dart board or a giant collage of pictures of me and my family or even better yet a sculpture of my head made out of three week old meat loaf and spaghetti hidden in your closet. But I guess it's the thought that counts. ;)

You're a controlling person and I fear for those in your personal life.

That said- I have everything screencapped. The truth will be known and I'll be ready. I'm not going to lie- I'd rub it in your face so hard you'd think you were Sasha Gray. Call it childish but I would dance a jig of glee seeing you take back your words just like you're trying to do with Shinnok. I'm going to be a straight up dick about everything once the truth is learned.

Now I see why the Kitana fans were so testy when she was revealed. They had to deal with so much shit and people acting like they knew she wouldn't be in and so much flack from other people that they couldn't help but rub it in in a little bit especially when the same haters were orgasming over her new look.

If I'm wrong?

*puts on sunglasses* Oh well. I'll deal. But no backtracking for me.
03/17/2015 04:37 PM (UTC)
To talk about that "Baraka" pic in a non speculative way, the evidence of him being an NPC is pretty convincing.

First he looks super low poly and low res. Those textures, where present, are pretty rough. The geometry of the model itself looks unpolished and jagged. Not good signs when compared to pics of confirmed playables.

Second, nothing about this design is indicative of Baraka at all. Ropes everywhere? Generic armor? This seems more like a lower to mid ranged Tarkatan grunt, and not a General, as Baraka is.

Third and lastly, If this is Baraka, it's his single worst design ever. Even his MK9 design was better than this. In MK9 his clothing had ornate trim and nice leather. This Tarkatan in the pic is wearing ropes, rags, and a generic breastplate. If NRS was going to create a new design for Baraka, I don't thing they would go with all solid colors, no detail, and cheap, low res ropes.

Look at the "Baraka" pic, and then look at the pic of Erron Black looking down with his gun pointing at the screen. Interesting detail everywhere. Sharp, nice textures. Just look at the leather on his chest straps. That's the kind of detail you put on a playable character. Then go look at that Tarkatan again.

The evidence is pretty damning, for better or worse.
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03/17/2015 04:38 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
That's a piss-poor attempt at discrediting what he said, sharefrock. I know that you're hanging onto Ankha's nuts just because blackcyborg punked your ass a while back, but try making it less obvious.

03/17/2015 04:39 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
But the thing is this isn't story mode we're talking about this is an achievement leak where Jax, Shinnok and Erron Black are featured as well.

And they're playable.

I get that you're trying to de-hype us to keep our hopes down so we don't disappoint ourselves but you have to admit there is a chance for Baraka.

Shouldn't we be hyped for the game and the characters? so why try and de-hype us? Meh... What ifs.

@ProfesserAhnka Run for the hills, this guy is creepy as hell, saving things you said on his computer. Shesh... Creepy.

That's a piss-poor attempt at discrediting what he said, sharefrock. I know that you're hanging onto Ankha's nuts just because blackcyborg punked your ass a while back, but try making it less obvious.

I will try to make less obvious next time, as long as you promise to make sense from now on.

How did Blackcyborg "punk" me, just because I agree with someone doesn't mean I'm hanging onto their nuts. by your flawed logic, You're hanging onto NRS's nuts like a good dog :).

T-rex Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
@ProfesserAhnka Run for the hills, this guy is creepy as hell, saving things you said on his computer. Shesh... Creepy.

I'm not Cy, but

>using your own words as evidence to prove a point

What the fuck am I reading?

What's creepy about it, is saving things they say on your computer, not using their words against them.
03/17/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
Baraka is in the story, Mileena's ally, general, Tarkatans are part of the army, Tarkatan Wastelands are mentioned so to say he's just a character who you beat up a few times is silly. However, all characters so far have lines or the potential to have lines. They could make Reptile talk, so Baraka shouldn't be a problem but I have a feeling this limits his chances.

His character itself screams brutal, dark, evil and would fit this game over plenty of characters who are in. Unfortunately, NRS decides who they develop and want in the story. Take Rain, he has in interesting story but highly unlikely to make it anyway. So I guess story involvement or potential is also not enough. It basically comes down to who NRS wants.
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03/17/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
It's really fuckin not. You still see her janky hair bent at pointy angles.

You tellin me NRS can't fix that still even with "the transition to new-gen"?

Except it is when you look at the details.
I'm just going to drop it and say We'll see what happens

I do think giving him a whole (Not his worst outfit btw that special award goes to MK4) new outfit just to keep him as an NPC is a cunt move.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/17/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
Baraka from the Story trailer. Notice the brown bands on his biceps? How buff he looks - like Barka's always looked?

The guy in this shot doesn't have those brown bands, has cheek spikes, which Baraka never had to date, and he's scrawnier. His pants seem a bit redder too.

Yeah, this ain't Baraka IMO. This is a goon.
03/17/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)
Ah, I see that we have larger pics of the trophy images now. Good.

Can't believe Shinnok's showing some skin in that alt, though. Didn't see that kind of outfit coming.

Hm, no as-of-yet unrevealed characters in the trophy images, though, save for possibly Baraka (see surrounding comments for shitstorm about that).

SEEMS like a relatively simple plat, but getting each Faction to 50 might be like getting to Level 100 in Injustice....several times over. Can't wait!
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03/17/2015 04:48 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
What's creepy about it, is saving things they say on your computer, not using their words against them.

You do realize that he probably just decided that it'd be much faster and easier to double-back through the Rain thread, copypaste the juiciest bits to Word, take a screenshot of it and post the image here instead of making a long post filled with quotes and fucking around with html tags for ten minutes, right..?

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