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-sig by MINION

03/17/2015 11:17 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
doesn't change the fact that people were still hailing him as a story mode cameo and snapping at those who thought otherwise.
I recall most people wanting him playable but not the boss.
Y'all need to settle this shit in Mortal Kombat.
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03/17/2015 11:19 PM (UTC)
Why did this thread become a Baraka thread anyway?

I for one really like Erron Black's look. I have always been a fan of the whole gunslinger theme since I finished Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" series years ago. Hopefully he can go beyond his design and hold up as a decent character.
03/17/2015 11:20 PM (UTC)
One thing is for sure, in less than one month we will all know how playable Baraka is. I think he probably will be, but we might as well prepare for if he is not. You can only stand to gain something if you don't expect him. All of that said, Jamessmk is full of it.
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-sig by MINION

03/17/2015 11:21 PM (UTC)
He looks dope but I'm nit really a fan of cowboys. I'm more interested in who he is and how he fits into the MK universe.
03/17/2015 11:24 PM (UTC)
We've made it through MKvsDC and Freddy Kreuger, but a debate about a Tarkatan has us fighting each other?

Oh boy.
I dont know those days when Freddy was announced were pretty rough
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03/17/2015 11:29 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
I dont know those days when Freddy was announced were pretty rough

I genuinely thought this forum was going to fall apart due to Freddy. I've never seen a bigger flame war in my life.
03/17/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
Where is this Smoke cameo people keep talking about? I have never seen it.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Where is this Smoke cameo people keep talking about? I have never seen it.

Sadly there's no screenshot of it. But he has an entirely new costume.

Just for funzies of course.
03/17/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Where is this Smoke cameo people keep talking about? I have never seen it.

In the full Chapter 1 of story mode, Smoke is in a cinematic along with several other characters that died in MK9. He is not actually fought in-game though.
03/17/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Where is this Smoke cameo people keep talking about? I have never seen it.

I believe it was something that was seen behind closed doors.
03/17/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Where is this Smoke cameo people keep talking about? I have never seen it.

Last week certain media sites got to play the Johnny build early. In one of the reports, the first chapter, in its entirety, as well as the opening cinematic was described. Smoke was one of the characters, and he is wearing a new outfit.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/17/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
Apparently he was seen during story mode at GDC. No screenshot or vid has made it out thus far.
03/17/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
His arm proportions look weird
Allegedly New.

Apparently there are conflicting reports of if it's new or not
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03/17/2015 11:47 PM (UTC)
11 pages already? Damn. If this beats the Tanya Super Thread I'll be surprised.
03/17/2015 11:51 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Allegedly New.

Apparently there are conflicting reports of if it's new or not

I know someone who attended. According to them, it was new. I trust what they tell me, but I understand if you don't.
03/18/2015 12:02 AM (UTC)
Oh I see. I was wondering if people had Smoke mixed up with Subzero (revenant), when he was seen fighting with Cage.
03/18/2015 12:57 AM (UTC)
He looks good. He has one of his guns to the side so maybe they are always out and he pistol whips people. To be honest his getup looks corny in 3d compared to the comics. Like his poncho thing or whatever wasn't a baby cape. He looks like an American gladiator contestant lol. it will probably look better in motion, baraka too.
03/18/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I'm smarter than you, so it's kind of easy to know who is right after all :).

Thank you, but I can't take your trophy :(. You earned it man.

You just keep insulting people, man. Makes you look more like a prick every time you do it. Just accept it, people have different opinions than yours. Calling them names and deeming them useless individuals is pointless and childish.

So how about you just grow the fuck up? Or is that too much to ask?

Here is your problem, you don't know why I'm talking to him this way. You are exactly like a sheep, because you saw someone saying I'm a bad and childish person you say the same thing.

I have no ill will towards anybody on this forum, except those who have ill will towards me. Am I wrong to treat someone the same way they treat me? Am I supposed to talk to somebody nicely when they don't do the same for me?

I have a lot of good discussions with good people on this forum, and they know I am not a dick, because they were not assholes who act like they know everything. So I had great discussions with them.

Cyboring and Dogjo are real dicks, Cyboring acts like he knows everything and tries to force his shit on you, when you call him out for it, he starts acting like a victim.

Dogjo was the most hostile person when he first talked to me, because I assumed something.

WOW can you believe that? speculation? I made the biggest mistake and therefore you must act like a dick.

Before you call me childish and start siding with someone, know your facts. Because by accusing me of something I'm not, you become the childish person.

I never really wanted hate between me,you and a couple of other people on the forum. But if you are too "blind"(Tehe) to see the truth, I'm not going to try and force you to, that's Cyboring's job.

You're delusional. Cyborg posts valid fucking reasons and he gets shit on for it. I don't understand what the fuck everyone is on about lately, but i'm sick of this shit.

YOU act like you know everything. YOU act like you're smarter than everybody. Don't even try to fucking act like you don't, because you do. You have such a giant fucking ego, it astounds me.

So, yeah. Like KenshiMaster said, grow the fuck up. Or don't, and continue to make yourself look like a giant prick.

About Me
03/18/2015 01:33 AM (UTC)
What kind of a stupid name is "Erron Black" anyway?
03/18/2015 01:41 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
What kind of a stupid name is "Erron Black" anyway?

Are you always hating on characters people like or what?
blackcyborg Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Allegedly New.

Apparently there are conflicting reports of if it's new or not

I know someone who attended. According to them, it was new. I trust what they tell me, but I understand if you don't.

Nah I'll take your word for it. I'd believe you and your source more than some random person who doesn't play MK that much to know really.

I just heard there were people who say it was new and people who said it wasn't
03/18/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I'm smarter than you, so it's kind of easy to know who is right after all :).

Thank you, but I can't take your trophy :(. You earned it man.

You just keep insulting people, man. Makes you look more like a prick every time you do it. Just accept it, people have different opinions than yours. Calling them names and deeming them useless individuals is pointless and childish.

So how about you just grow the fuck up? Or is that too much to ask?

Here is your problem, you don't know why I'm talking to him this way. You are exactly like a sheep, because you saw someone saying I'm a bad and childish person you say the same thing.

I have no ill will towards anybody on this forum, except those who have ill will towards me. Am I wrong to treat someone the same way they treat me? Am I supposed to talk to somebody nicely when they don't do the same for me?

I have a lot of good discussions with good people on this forum, and they know I am not a dick, because they were not assholes who act like they know everything. So I had great discussions with them.

Cyboring and Dogjo are real dicks, Cyboring acts like he knows everything and tries to force his shit on you, when you call him out for it, he starts acting like a victim.

Dogjo was the most hostile person when he first talked to me, because I assumed something.

WOW can you believe that? speculation? I made the biggest mistake and therefore you must act like a dick.

Before you call me childish and start siding with someone, know your facts. Because by accusing me of something I'm not, you become the childish person.

I never really wanted hate between me,you and a couple of other people on the forum. But if you are too "blind"(Tehe) to see the truth, I'm not going to try and force you to, that's Cyboring's job.

You're delusional. Cyborg posts valid fucking reasons and he gets shit on for it. I don't understand what the fuck everyone is on about lately, but i'm sick of this shit.

YOU act like you know everything. YOU act like you're smarter than everybody. Don't even try to fucking act like you don't, because you do. You have such a giant fucking ego, it astounds me.

So, yeah. Like KenshiMaster said, grow the fuck up. Or don't, and continue to make yourself look like a giant prick.

Smh... Like I said, people are going to believe what they want to believe, Cyboring CLEARLY said he always tries to get everybody's hopes and hype down so that they won't be "upset" or "disappointed" when the game comes out.

Yet this forum is for hype and speculation, plus hopes.

So again tell me how he has valid posts and reasons? Goes back to what I said, people will believe what they want to believe, nothing wrong with that, we are humans after all and this is our nature, some of us might be smart enough though to look for the truth themselves instead of following the group like sheep.

You don't believe me?

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