03/17/2015 03:32 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
As was the case with Rain?
As was the case with Li Mei?
As was the case with Fujin?
As will be the case with Smoke?

Now we get Baraka.

30+ playable characters confirmed!!!!!1

There will be NPC fights in story mode.

Exactly what you said about Shinnok. Guess I'm not the only two-faced nut around here, eh?

I've thought Shinnok would playable since the jamesmk leak, about 2 months ago, so please, show me proof of me claiming "Shinnok won't be playable!" that you are claiming.

Every time I make a claim about something you've said, I have actual proof backing it.

If you have proof of me saying "Shinnok won't be playable!" due to a screenshot or story cameo, I'd love to see it. Because I'm quite positive I've never said "Shinnok will just be a NPC in MKX" as if it were fact.

Not only that, I have audio proof of myself saying he likely will be playable for months, hoping that he would be, and only a couple times showing uncertainty, but never claiming he wouldn't be without a shadow of doubt. So please, deliver on these claims.
About Me

03/17/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
NPC fights with main stay characters would be the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

What is preventing them from being playable at that point.

24 characters was the goal and NRS has said multiple times that they kept adding characters once they completed the original goal

Who says you actually fight these nps? Most of the revenant show up in chapter one of the story ( Smoke, Kabal, Sindel ect.) but you only actually fight Jax. Who is playable.

Non playable character fights could be simple cutscenes/QTE.
About Me
03/17/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
NPC fights with main stay characters would be the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

What is preventing them from being playable at that point.

24 characters was the goal and NRS has said multiple times that they kept adding characters once they completed the original goal

MKD Konquest.
03/17/2015 03:37 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
As was the case with Rain?
As was the case with Li Mei?
As was the case with Fujin?
As will be the case with Smoke?

Now we get Baraka.

30+ playable characters confirmed!!!!!1

There will be NPC fights in story mode.

But we don't know for sure about those characters either.

Why make an entirely new model (Even the fucking eyes are changed) for him and Rain when we get MK9 Sindel?

Why go that far? Just to treat them as NPCs? Then that would make NRS as a whole a bunch of dicks for keeping these shiny new characters and models story jobbers?

Fuck that noise, The hope is real.

All the presumed npc's we've seen so far have new designs, Sindel included. Doesn't mean much. They told us we'd see lot's of npc in the story.

I'd love a playable Baraka but he doesn't look quite as nice or detailed as the other playable characters, hell, he looked better in MK9 imo. Not sure how his picture relates to that achievement, but I'm not optimistic about his playability.

And you don't think it's strange for an NPC to be a trophy picture? More than that the ONLY NPC character has a trophy picture?

I don't know why people are still thinking Baraka is not in honestly.

- New design.

-As lon3008 pointed out, a trophy picture.

-He fits the game more so than ANYBODY else, considering he is the brutal character of MK.

-He survived in MK9 and there is a role for him in this game considering this civil war involves Mileena and we saw the tarkatas with her. So why wouldn't Baraka be there and playable?

Also just wanted to point out, Sindel doesn't have a new design, it's the EXACT same MK9 design with updated textures.
daryui Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
NPC fights with main stay characters would be the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

What is preventing them from being playable at that point.

24 characters was the goal and NRS has said multiple times that they kept adding characters once they completed the original goal

MKD Konquest.

You mean the old models from Deadly Alliance?
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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

03/17/2015 03:39 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Baraka playable? Not buying it.

Why exactly? What is so damn unbelievable about that?

Beats me, Baraka is brutal as fuck. the word they have been using to describe MKX is brutal. So Baraka was kind of a lock from the start, I'm actually a bit upset we didn't see it from the start and we doubted it.

But after that pic, anybody who doubts Baraka being playable, is a little "worrying" to put it nicely.

Smh. Thickheaded people. Oh well they can believe whatever their little pea brains has the compacity of believing but I for one can't wait to see the backtracking they'll do if proven wrong like with Shinnok.

Little stupid kid once again get to the computer?
Can't even argue about character presence in the roster without calling people "idiots" "thickheaded" or "peaheads"...I'd take the only one real idiot here is you, creepy obsessed looser.
About Me
03/17/2015 03:45 PM (UTC)
MKDA to MKD was the same generation of consoles and made immediately afterwards.

MK9 to MKX is a transition to a new gen, with more advanced tech and character models. Of course they would make newer models for the NPCs.

Every character has a new design and Model.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
AFKAW Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Baraka playable? Not buying it.

Why exactly? What is so damn unbelievable about that?

Beats me, Baraka is brutal as fuck. the word they have been using to describe MKX is brutal. So Baraka was kind of a lock from the start, I'm actually a bit upset we didn't see it from the start and we doubted it.

But after that pic, anybody who doubts Baraka being playable, is a little "worrying" to put it nicely.

Smh. Thickheaded people. Oh well they can believe whatever their little pea brains has the compacity of believing but I for one can't wait to see the backtracking they'll do if proven wrong like with Shinnok.

Little stupid kid once again get to the computer?
Can't even argue about character presence in the roster without calling people "idiots" "thickheaded" or "peaheads"...I'd take the only one real idiot here is you, creepy obsessed looser.

It's *loser, hun. <3
03/17/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
Lmao who f cares if somebody thought somebody wouldn't be playable along time ago and was wrong about it? Does it matter?
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 03:51 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
As was the case with Rain?
As was the case with Li Mei?
As was the case with Fujin?
As will be the case with Smoke?

Now we get Baraka.

30+ playable characters confirmed!!!!!1

There will be NPC fights in story mode.

Exactly what you said about Shinnok. Guess I'm not the only two-faced nut around here, eh?

I've thought Shinnok would playable since the jamesmk leak, about 2 months ago, so please, show me proof of me claiming "Shinnok won't be playable!" that you are claiming.

Every time I make a claim about something you've said, I have actual proof backing it.

If you have proof of me saying "Shinnok won't be playable!" due to a screenshot or story cameo, I'd love to see it. Because I'm quite positive I've never said "Shinnok will just be a NPC in MKX" as if it were fact.

Not only that, I have audio proof of myself saying he likely will be playable for months, hoping that he would be, and only a couple times showing uncertainty, but never claiming he wouldn't be without a shadow of doubt. So please, deliver on these claims.

*crackles* Boy look at you squirming and backtracking already mr. 'Shinnok's just a cameo".

This is ONLY the beginning of you looking ridiculous.

For the record I don't have a problem with people being cautious. I have a problem with people preaching their opinions as truth and making those who believe the roster is more than 24 seem like imbeciles.

You've been proven wrong with Shinnok. With more leaks happening this is only the beginning. Screencapping all of this for the big day when it's all revealed.grin
03/17/2015 03:53 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
NPC fights with main stay characters would be the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

What is preventing them from being playable at that point.

24 characters was the goal and NRS has said multiple times that they kept adding characters once they completed the original goal

Who says you actually fight these nps? Most of the revenant show up in chapter one of the story ( Smoke, Kabal, Sindel ect.) but you only actually fight Jax. Who is playable.

Non playable character fights could be simple cutscenes/QTE.

I agree, we will probably see NPC in cuts cents like li mei.

But that Baraka picture is from a fight.
03/17/2015 03:53 PM (UTC)
lol This thread became derp berries.

Baraka is 80% likely to be unplayable. Just like my boy Fujin. And Rain.

Believe what you will. Soon the truth will be known.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 03:54 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Lmao who f cares if somebody thought somebody wouldn't be playable along time ago and was wrong about it? Does it matter?

Nah it's just fun proving condescending people wrong. :p
03/17/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
It would be very silly if you can fight Baraka but not play with him somehow...that's like teasing what could've been. I get fights in story mode cutscenes but actual battles, no!
daryui Wrote:
MKDA to MKD was the same generation of consoles and made immediately afterwards.

MK9 to MKX is a transition to a new gen, with more advanced tech and character models. Of course they would make newer models for the NPCs.

Every character has a new design and Model.

A transition made easier by ripping Sindel out of MK9 and giving her just slight modifications.

Could've simply gave him an updated MK9 outfit and be done with it but they didn't.

Now that could mean he's DLC or he's in the game but I HEAVILY doubt he's just an NPC you're not going to play as.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 03:58 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
lol This thread became derp berries.

Baraka is 80% likely to be unplayable. Just like my boy Fujin. And Rain.

Believe what you will. Soon the truth will be known.

Oh it definietly will.wink
About Me
03/17/2015 04:01 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
MKDA to MKD was the same generation of consoles and made immediately afterwards.

MK9 to MKX is a transition to a new gen, with more advanced tech and character models. Of course they would make newer models for the NPCs.

Every character has a new design and Model.

A transition made easier by ripping Sindel out of MK9 and giving her just slight modifications.

Could've simply gave him an updated MK9 outfit and be done with it but they didn't.

Now that could mean he's DLC or he's in the game but I HEAVILY doubt he's just an NPC you're not going to play as.

That is a new model for Sindel tho.

I doubt he's anything but canon fodder with his MK9 moves.
03/17/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
As was the case with Rain?
As was the case with Li Mei?
As was the case with Fujin?
As will be the case with Smoke?

Now we get Baraka.

30+ playable characters confirmed!!!!!1

There will be NPC fights in story mode.

Exactly what you said about Shinnok. Guess I'm not the only two-faced nut around here, eh?

I've thought Shinnok would playable since the jamesmk leak, about 2 months ago, so please, show me proof of me claiming "Shinnok won't be playable!" that you are claiming.

Every time I make a claim about something you've said, I have actual proof backing it.

If you have proof of me saying "Shinnok won't be playable!" due to a screenshot or story cameo, I'd love to see it. Because I'm quite positive I've never said "Shinnok will just be a NPC in MKX" as if it were fact.

Not only that, I have audio proof of myself saying he likely will be playable for months, hoping that he would be, and only a couple times showing uncertainty, but never claiming he wouldn't be without a shadow of doubt. So please, deliver on these claims.

*crackles* Boy look at you squirming and backtracking already mr. 'Shinnok's just a cameo".

This is ONLY the beginning of you looking ridiculous.

For the record I don't have a problem with people being cautious. I have a problem with people preaching their opinions as truth and making those who believe the roster is more than 24 are just imbeciles.

You've been proven wrong with Shinnok. With more leaks happening this is only the beginning. Screencapping all of this for the big day when it's all revealed.grin

I find this very entertaining lol.

Although you shouldn't become a stalker like him, Ahnka.

Cyboring is just a sad person, enjoy the speculation, don't listen to people who are here to ruin the mood :p.
It's really fuckin not. You still see her janky hair bent at pointy angles.

You tellin me NRS can't fix that still even with "the transition to new-gen"?
About Me

03/17/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RubberChickenMan Wrote:
Are you guys sure that baraka and not just a tarkatan goon?

Pretty damn detailed for a random Tarkatan goon don't ya think?

Hold on, was he even in the leaked roster?

Because if he wasn't, then things are getting interesting.
I'm not going to attack anyone but C'mon I bet if it was ANYONE but Baraka you'd all be in my position right now.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/17/2015 04:06 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RubberChickenMan Wrote:
Are you guys sure that baraka and not just a tarkatan goon?

Pretty damn detailed for a random Tarkatan goon don't ya think?

Hold on, was he even in the leaked roster?

Because if he wasn't, then things are getting interesting.

Nope- He wasn't. Which is why some people are refusing to believe. They tote that "leaked roster" around like the Holy Bible.
About Me

03/17/2015 04:06 PM (UTC)
I made a thread not too long ago asking about the chances of fighting NPCs in story mode (Rain, Sindel ect.) and everyone who replied said that they were deconfirmed and won't happen, so don't spin that bullshit saying they WILL be NPC fights because they aren't. I'd love for Baraka to be playable and a part of me does believe he will be, although I'm leaning towards him being someone you fight in the Living Towers but I can't deny that Baraka is in a fight in that screenshot.

blackcyborg, I respect you, I really do, but you have a chronic condition of trying to convince people that they are wrong to hype certain things up. If these people want to believe Baraka is in, let them. Remember what I said in the achievements thread? We'll deal with our expectations and you deal with yours.
03/17/2015 04:06 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RubberChickenMan Wrote:
Are you guys sure that baraka and not just a tarkatan goon?

Pretty damn detailed for a random Tarkatan goon don't ya think?

Hold on, was he even in the leaked roster?

Because if he wasn't, then things are getting interesting.

He wasn't, The characters that have not been revealed yet and are on that list.

Erron Black, Liu Kang, Jax.

We saw pictures of Erron Black and Jax though.

The only one we have not seen yet is Liu.
03/17/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
RubberChickenMan Wrote:
Are you guys sure that baraka and not just a tarkatan goon?

Pretty damn detailed for a random Tarkatan goon don't ya think?

Dunno why but the image screams npc.

I hope Im wrong.
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