12/14/2010 01:35 AM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Best solution, preorder regular edition from all 3 places, download the codes for costumes and fatalities, then return to both bestbuy and gamestop, keep amazon copy not to deal with the shipping headache.

Unfortunately I don't have 200 dollars to tie up, or I would do this.

Refunds can be a pain in the ass some times! I suppose if you do it with cash it'd be much better. Maybe I'll be more financially sound by the time this game comes out.

Gahhhhh! But I don't wanna drive so far to get Sub-Zero, but he's my favorite! Fuuuuuuuuuck. The amount of gas I'd eat up makes it not worth it...

*sigh* I really hope reptile's and scorpion's DLC becomes available soon after the release, I hate not having a complete game, especially when the content is good.

I don't think this game will ever be complete....
About Me
12/14/2010 01:36 AM (UTC)
I believe Batman Arkham Asylum for PS3 had exclusive content where you could play as the Joker.
That never came to 360.
About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

12/14/2010 01:37 AM (UTC)
BecomingDeath13 Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
OK, so after reading the e-mail containing the details of the various editions, I'd like to say the following:

1- I will be upgrading to the Kollector's Edition and will be hitting the Amazon and/or eBay markets to try to get a fight stick separately. I'd rather have the Scorpion/Sub-Zero figurines and the art book, as I don't trust my skills with an arcade stick.

2- Furthermore, why make what's in each edition mutually exclusive apart from the free DLC? Oh, that's right, they want us to buy both the KE and the TE. More tease, more dollars. Any decision to make multiple special editions with varying content (and by that I mean that one edition has A, the other has B, not one has A and the other has A and B, which is what companies who actually... never mind, I'm not going to say it) is another red flag thrown in my face that this is a money grab. I'm certain that there are people on this site who will buy both the KE and the TE. I won't be one of them. At least Bungie has gotten it right with Halo 2, 3, and Reach.

3- Great, I pre-ordered at GameStop months ago. I'm stuck with Scorpion. I've been asking for a return to the human outfit for Reptile for YEARS, and now I'm locked into getting Scorpion because I didn't order at Amazon. Not that I dislike Scorpion or anything, but come on, really? RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGE.

4- Kratos isn't DLC. Sonofabitch.

5- At least #3 means I'll have the Toasty in my game. Actually, this has to mean that the Spine Rip we saw was the Best Buy exclusive, I mean what else could be Sub-Zero's "original" fatality? Sub will have another fatality that we haven't seen yet, that has to be true. As for Reptile, I hope his "original" is the Invisible Slice, but I highly doubt it.

You aren't locked in. You can cancel your preorder and they'll refund your money. I've done that before at gamestop. I actually preordered a game I didn't want just for the (credit bonus). Then I canceled it and kept the extra money lol :D

Not sure where you're from, but GameStops around my parts don't let you cancel pre-orders, much less move money around between different pre-orders without giving you a hard time. The two GameStops that I frequent are full of pricks, but I go there because they're convenient.
12/14/2010 01:37 AM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
I believe Batman Arkham Asylum for PS3 had exclusive content where you could play as the Joker.
That never came to 360.

ughm I would have to look it up because I could have sworn I eventually saw it on the xbox dlc but like a year after it came out around when the GOTY edition came out. I am not exactly sure about that one though
12/14/2010 01:38 AM (UTC)
Heres my complaint

Exclusive skins only to retailers? WTF

I can accept figures and box art and other misc crap as retailer excusives. But Classic Reptile, Scorpion and Sub-Zero skins should be avaliable to all editions furious
12/14/2010 01:39 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Other companies aren't, though, it's really just Capcom. Bungie has always knocked their special editions out of the park by giving fans awesome value for the money and by not having to pick between things. Treyarch did the same with Black Ops. At least we got the same content with MKA regardless of where we bought the special edition from, all that was different was the artwork on the case. If I'm missing a glaring example here, please enlighten me, but I don't see why game companies that have engaged in this type of thing can't just suck it up and make the bonus material and pricing fan-friendly.

Ain't just Capcom. That whole Juggernaught scandal was ridiculous with MUA 2. If I remember correctly, EA restricted an entire mode of play with Army of Two:40th Day for a month to players who didn't pre-order.

It doesn't really matter how many there are, though. It's bullshit.

I'm all for pre-order bonuses, as long as they're memorabilia. But when it's significant in-game content. That's just incredibly fucked up. It just goes to show you how much this industry is willing to sell out.

I understand that companies need money to survive, but lets be fucking serious here. Before this generation, there was no in-game pre-orders restricted content. Companies would be just fine without it.

We're just gonna keep bending over, and they're just gonna keep looking for new ways to siphon our wallets and creating prerequisites for things we've had unconditionally in the past.
12/14/2010 01:40 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
...have there actually been examples in gaming where exclusive DLC didn't later become purchasable DLC for the masses? I don't often do the DLC bit, as I don't buy many games, but this has been the story with both Transformers: WFC and SFIV. I'm not too worried.

it's rare but it does happen. I know Halo ODST had one and it was never DLC.
12/14/2010 01:41 AM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
I believe Batman Arkham Asylum for PS3 had exclusive content where you could play as the Joker.
That never came to 360.

Yea, that one was pretty fucked up too.
12/14/2010 01:41 AM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
If they come out here i would expect to pay.

£40 for the game alone,

£60 for the Kollector's Edition,

£70 for the Tournament Edition.

I really hope we find out what we get a when we get it soon in europe.
I remember not getting a solid date for MKDs release here until about 2 weeks before it came out. That sucked donkey balls.

I highly doubt that the Tournament Edition will be £70, you know how it goes over here! :P I remember the Tekken 6 Arcade Stick edition costing over £100 brand new in GAME?
12/14/2010 01:43 AM (UTC)
Cross187 Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
...have there actually been examples in gaming where exclusive DLC didn't later become purchasable DLC for the masses? I don't often do the DLC bit, as I don't buy many games, but this has been the story with both Transformers: WFC and SFIV. I'm not too worried.

it's rare but it does happen. I know Halo ODST had one and it was never DLC.

yea but odst was bad enough to not even make me want to go on to use my SGT Johnson lmao
12/14/2010 01:43 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
...have there actually been examples in gaming where exclusive DLC didn't later become purchasable DLC for the masses?

Brutal Legend has one. It's just a skin for the character's guitar that makes Tenacious D related sound clips play.

But as a huge Tenacious D fan, and a guy who didn't even know there was a preorder bonus and just waited and bought the game when it came out, my disappointment will apparently be eternal.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

12/14/2010 01:46 AM (UTC)
Wow. Great news and disappointing at the same time.

Scorpion's Toasty Fatality confirmed not to be in the game (unless you pay for it).
Scorpion's quick horrible fatality is here to stay.

Avatar Awards are obviously not gonna make it in the 360 version. :(
12/14/2010 01:47 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
BecomingDeath13 Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
OK, so after reading the e-mail containing the details of the various editions, I'd like to say the following:

1- I will be upgrading to the Kollector's Edition and will be hitting the Amazon and/or eBay markets to try to get a fight stick separately. I'd rather have the Scorpion/Sub-Zero figurines and the art book, as I don't trust my skills with an arcade stick.

2- Furthermore, why make what's in each edition mutually exclusive apart from the free DLC? Oh, that's right, they want us to buy both the KE and the TE. More tease, more dollars. Any decision to make multiple special editions with varying content (and by that I mean that one edition has A, the other has B, not one has A and the other has A and B, which is what companies who actually... never mind, I'm not going to say it) is another red flag thrown in my face that this is a money grab. I'm certain that there are people on this site who will buy both the KE and the TE. I won't be one of them. At least Bungie has gotten it right with Halo 2, 3, and Reach.

3- Great, I pre-ordered at GameStop months ago. I'm stuck with Scorpion. I've been asking for a return to the human outfit for Reptile for YEARS, and now I'm locked into getting Scorpion because I didn't order at Amazon. Not that I dislike Scorpion or anything, but come on, really? RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGE.

4- Kratos isn't DLC. Sonofabitch.

5- At least #3 means I'll have the Toasty in my game. Actually, this has to mean that the Spine Rip we saw was the Best Buy exclusive, I mean what else could be Sub-Zero's "original" fatality? Sub will have another fatality that we haven't seen yet, that has to be true. As for Reptile, I hope his "original" is the Invisible Slice, but I highly doubt it.

You aren't locked in. You can cancel your preorder and they'll refund your money. I've done that before at gamestop. I actually preordered a game I didn't want just for the (credit bonus). Then I canceled it and kept the extra money lol :D

Not sure where you're from, but GameStops around my parts don't let you cancel pre-orders, much less move money around between different pre-orders without giving you a hard time. The two GameStops that I frequent are full of pricks, but I go there because they're convenient.

I'm from South Carolina lol but all the employees there are really cool. I guarantee its because all of your employees are asses lol. Fuck em.
12/14/2010 01:48 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Avatar Awards are obviously not gonna make it in the 360 version. :(

What draws you to this conclusion?
12/14/2010 01:48 AM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
If they come out here i would expect to pay.

£40 for the game alone,

£60 for the Kollector's Edition,

£70 for the Tournament Edition.

I really hope we find out what we get a when we get it soon in europe.
I remember not getting a solid date for MKDs release here until about 2 weeks before it came out. That sucked donkey balls.

Oh, my bad, thats in euro so ohhh..

I saved myself from acting like a dumbass

But I still think your prices are wrong

The tournament edition is quite limited and will be 80-90 euro,
12/14/2010 01:49 AM (UTC)
TheNinjasRock071394 Wrote:
Cross187 Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
...have there actually been examples in gaming where exclusive DLC didn't later become purchasable DLC for the masses? I don't often do the DLC bit, as I don't buy many games, but this has been the story with both Transformers: WFC and SFIV. I'm not too worried.

it's rare but it does happen. I know Halo ODST had one and it was never DLC.

yea but odst was bad enough to not even make me want to go on to use my SGT Johnson lmao

Yeah he did nothing other then look kind of cool. Tho it was asked if any pre order DLC was never added to MP and this was all i could think of.

WeaponTheory Wrote:
Wow. Great news and disappointing at the same time.

Scorpion's Toasty Fatality confirmed not to be in the game (unless you pay for it).
Scorpion's quick horrible fatality is here to stay.

Avatar Awards are obviously not gonna make it in the 360 version. :(

pre order from gamestop and its free and we don't know if there are Avatar Awards or not. I'm going to say no bc they can make more money off them.
12/14/2010 01:52 AM (UTC)
BecomingDeath13 Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
BecomingDeath13 Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
OK, so after reading the e-mail containing the details of the various editions, I'd like to say the following:

1- I will be upgrading to the Kollector's Edition and will be hitting the Amazon and/or eBay markets to try to get a fight stick separately. I'd rather have the Scorpion/Sub-Zero figurines and the art book, as I don't trust my skills with an arcade stick.

2- Furthermore, why make what's in each edition mutually exclusive apart from the free DLC? Oh, that's right, they want us to buy both the KE and the TE. More tease, more dollars. Any decision to make multiple special editions with varying content (and by that I mean that one edition has A, the other has B, not one has A and the other has A and B, which is what companies who actually... never mind, I'm not going to say it) is another red flag thrown in my face that this is a money grab. I'm certain that there are people on this site who will buy both the KE and the TE. I won't be one of them. At least Bungie has gotten it right with Halo 2, 3, and Reach.

3- Great, I pre-ordered at GameStop months ago. I'm stuck with Scorpion. I've been asking for a return to the human outfit for Reptile for YEARS, and now I'm locked into getting Scorpion because I didn't order at Amazon. Not that I dislike Scorpion or anything, but come on, really? RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGE.

4- Kratos isn't DLC. Sonofabitch.

5- At least #3 means I'll have the Toasty in my game. Actually, this has to mean that the Spine Rip we saw was the Best Buy exclusive, I mean what else could be Sub-Zero's "original" fatality? Sub will have another fatality that we haven't seen yet, that has to be true. As for Reptile, I hope his "original" is the Invisible Slice, but I highly doubt it.

You aren't locked in. You can cancel your preorder and they'll refund your money. I've done that before at gamestop. I actually preordered a game I didn't want just for the (credit bonus). Then I canceled it and kept the extra money lol :D

Not sure where you're from, but GameStops around my parts don't let you cancel pre-orders, much less move money around between different pre-orders without giving you a hard time. The two GameStops that I frequent are full of pricks, but I go there because they're convenient.

I'm from South Carolina lol but all the employees there are really cool. I guarantee its because all of your employees are asses lol. Fuck em.

Lol there are 2 gamestops where me and m0s3pH live. one is in our mall... the other is across the street -_-

The sad thing is we know all of the workers in the mall and like talk to them but they can still be assholes
12/14/2010 01:53 AM (UTC)
Shohayabusa Wrote:
Actually thats the charger usb cable i belive. so no its wireless, even says in description.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but which description are you talking about? Only one i've seen is on the press release and all it says is "portable", which I don't equate to wireless as a wired controller is still portable.

Would be really odd if they do go wireless especially when noting "Tournament Edition", as almost all tournament players tend to prefer a wired controller to play.
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12/14/2010 01:54 AM (UTC)
Fine print on back of MK box

* Does not come with any costumes, fatalities, moves, or plot for Scorpion, Sub Zero, and Reptile unless pre-ordered.
* Does not feature any characters or content beyond the PAX build, in order to make ample dev resources available for Kratos' development.
* [PS3 Only] - Every third match the game auto selects Kratos for both players. * Every time DLC is introduced it is auto-downloaded and charged to your credit card on file or siphoned from your nearby surroundings via MK (Money Kollector) VAC technology.

Seriously you guys. 20 minutes ago this game was a tribute to the greatest MK ever. Two TOTALLY FREE opportunities later, NRS has betrayed the law. WTF is wrong with fandom?
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

12/14/2010 01:55 AM (UTC)
12/14/2010 01:59 AM (UTC)
SEGAmaniac7 Wrote:
mkdfan Wrote:
If they come out here i would expect to pay.

£40 for the game alone,

£60 for the Kollector's Edition,

£70 for the Tournament Edition.

I really hope we find out what we get a when we get it soon in europe.
I remember not getting a solid date for MKDs release here until about 2 weeks before it came out. That sucked donkey balls.

Oh, my bad, thats in euro so ohhh..

I saved myself from acting like a dumbass

But I still think your prices are wrong

The tournament edition is quite limited and will be 80-90 euro,

Dude, that's not the Euro sign. That's a pound sign, as in British money, £? It's different to the Euro... To be honest, you Americans/Canadians are lucky, you get videogames at a cheaper price compared to our exchange rates and currency values.
12/14/2010 02:00 AM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Best solution, preorder regular edition from all 3 places, download the codes for costumes and fatalities, then return to both bestbuy and gamestop, keep amazon copy not to deal with the shipping headache.

Idk Its possible the dlc code is inside the box when you get it.
12/14/2010 02:00 AM (UTC)
Fenix Wrote:
Fine print on back of MK box

* Does not come with any costumes, fatalities, moves, or plot for Scorpion, Sub Zero, and Reptile unless pre-ordered.
* Does not feature any characters or content beyond the PAX build, in order to make ample dev resources available for Kratos' development.
* [PS3 Only] - Every third match the game auto selects Kratos for both players. * Every time DLC is introduced it is auto-downloaded and charged to your credit card on file or siphoned from your nearby surroundings via MK (Money Kollector) VAC technology.

Seriously you guys. 20 minutes ago this game was a tribute to the greatest MK ever. Two TOTALLY FREE opportunities later, NRS has betrayed the law. WTF is wrong with fandom?

You seriously have no clue what's going on, do you?
About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

12/14/2010 02:01 AM (UTC)
Fenix Wrote:
Fine print on back of MK box

* Does not come with any costumes, fatalities, moves, or plot for Scorpion, Sub Zero, and Reptile unless pre-ordered.
* Does not feature any characters or content beyond the PAX build, in order to make ample dev resources available for Kratos' development.
* [PS3 Only] - Every third match the game auto selects Kratos for both players. * Every time DLC is introduced it is auto-downloaded and charged to your credit card on file or siphoned from your nearby surroundings via MK (Money Kollector) VAC technology.

Seriously you guys. 20 minutes ago this game was a tribute to the greatest MK ever. Two TOTALLY FREE opportunities later, NRS has betrayed the law. WTF is wrong with fandom?


It's because for all the talk about this being a fan service tribute to the first three games via retelling, we now have nothing like it. We have Kratos, we have exclusives and options and DLC that is anti-fan, pro-bankroll, and fatalities that we have to pay for. You tell me what's wrong with this picture. I'm not going to walk away from this game in a huff, but as a lifelong fan of this series, each new "update" being made to what we know of this game makes it increasingly more difficult for me to keep a straight face when I tell my friends that this game is going to kick ass and that they should all buy it too.

I apologize, sir, that my opinion differs from yours, because clearly that's your problem.
12/14/2010 02:04 AM (UTC)
Fenix Wrote:

Seriously you guys. 20 minutes ago this game was a tribute to the greatest MK ever. Two TOTALLY FREE opportunities later, NRS has betrayed the law. WTF is wrong with fandom?

People have been criticizing this game since it was announced and oversimplification makes for a crappy argument.
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