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Fare Thee Well

12/13/2010 11:42 PM (UTC)
robs727 Wrote:
Shohayabusa Wrote:
remember its wireless, wonder if its better than the SF wireless ones.

If you look closely in the opened stick, there is a cable in there. So it's cabled version.

Personally I think the SFIV looked better. They had a much nicer sleeker design. This one looks big and bulky.

Actually thats the charger usb cable i belive. so no its wireless, even says in description.
Would it be so horrible for Scorpion or Sub-Zero to get an MK1 Klassic Kostume?
12/13/2010 11:45 PM (UTC)
That Scorpion figure figure looks sweet as hell.
And box art is ight to.
But the button configuration is weird on the acrade stick.
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12/13/2010 11:46 PM (UTC)
I'm poor ya know, so I'm only gonna be getting one version of the game and that's it. No decisions for me! Haha...ha..ha....ha....
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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

12/13/2010 11:48 PM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
Okay, the stick looks good. I see what they mean by portable, and it's a good idea. However, the restricted area makes me worry about the quality and responsiveness of it.

The parts don't seem to be sanwa either, as I don't think they make that kind of joystick, though I could be wrong.

Those are clearly Happ/iL parts. At least I hope they are Happ/iL and not some cheap knockoff.

At the very least it looks like everything uses quick disconnects so modding the thing looks to be a breeze. My only beef with it is that it looks like that plastic bottom has a bazillion screws in it. That's going to be a bitch to crack open.
12/13/2010 11:51 PM (UTC)
TheNinjasRock071394 Wrote:
StatueofLiberty Wrote:
And because he's one of the most popular and iconic characters of the entire series.

I am not doubting that and I agree that he is ridiculously popular but don't you think that if Scorpion wasn't Ed Boon's favorite then they would try to promote Liu Kang on stuff alot more considering the fact that has a tendency of ya know... Winning the tournament lol

Kang just doesn't get the love that Scorp and Sub do.

Subby is my favorite character, I'm not ashamed to admit it. I don't care how popular he gets... he's still a badass character design. Scorpion wasn't all that great for me, he was cool, but he didn't have enough hellfire going on until recent installments.

But yea... I love Kang, but for some reason, a lot of people tend to really dislike him.
12/13/2010 11:53 PM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
TheNinjasRock071394 Wrote:
StatueofLiberty Wrote:
And because he's one of the most popular and iconic characters of the entire series.

I am not doubting that and I agree that he is ridiculously popular but don't you think that if Scorpion wasn't Ed Boon's favorite then they would try to promote Liu Kang on stuff alot more considering the fact that has a tendency of ya know... Winning the tournament lol

Kang just doesn't get the love that Scorp and Sub do.

Subby is my favorite character, I'm not ashamed to admit it. I don't care how popular he gets... he's still a badass character design. Scorpion wasn't all that great for me, he was cool, but he didn't have enough hellfire going on until recent installments.

But yea... I love Kang, but for some reason, a lot of people tend to really dislike him.

Yea I like Subby too if I had to pick between him and Scorpion. But my all time favorite is still Kabal.

But I am just saying that like you think he would be on more posters if Boon didn't have Scorpion as a favorite because it would make sense to have the guy wins the tournaments on posters and all. Yes Scorpion has a big fanbase but with all the arguing that goes on about the story and all of these games they may as well just put Kang on the front
12/13/2010 11:54 PM (UTC)
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
Those are clearly HAPP/iL parts. At least I hope they are HAPP/iL and not some cheap knockoff.

At the very least it looks like everything uses quick disconnects so modding the thing looks to be a breeze. My only beef with it is that it looks like that plastic bottom has a bazillion screws in it. That's going to be a bitch to crack open.

As long as screws are the only thing in my way, I'm fine.
12/13/2010 11:55 PM (UTC)
I sort of hope that Sub-Zero and Scorpion aren't straight up pallet swaps of the Reptile outfit.

To me, this was Sub-Zero's "klassic" costume:

And this is Scorpion's "klassic" costume:

12/14/2010 12:01 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
I sort of hope that Sub-Zero and Scorpion aren't straight up pallet swaps of the Reptile outfit.

To me, this was Sub-Zero's "klassic" costume:

And this is Scorpion's "klassic" costume:

See, if I was going to personalize each of them, I agree that Mythologies is the best choice for Subby...but I've always associated that quilted pattern on the vest/loincloth with Scorpion, and it actually kinda bugs me to see it on Reptile.
12/14/2010 12:03 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:
I sort of hope that Sub-Zero and Scorpion aren't straight up pallet swaps of the Reptile outfit.

To me, this was Sub-Zero's "klassic" costume:

And this is Scorpion's "klassic" costume:

See, if I was going to personalize each of them, I agree that Mythologies is the best choice for Subby...but I've always associated that quilted pattern on the vest/loincloth with Scorpion, and it actually kinda bugs me to see it on Reptile.

As I said in an earlier post. Give me this costume for all of them ad I will be fine
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

12/14/2010 12:04 AM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
Those are clearly HAPP/iL parts. At least I hope they are HAPP/iL and not some cheap knockoff.

At the very least it looks like everything uses quick disconnects so modding the thing looks to be a breeze. My only beef with it is that it looks like that plastic bottom has a bazillion screws in it. That's going to be a bitch to crack open.

As long as screws are the only thing in my way, I'm fine.

Yeah, it doesn't look to be a big problem or anything. I'm actually liking what I'm seeing.

I do have two problems, though. First off, the panel of auxiliary buttons (L2,R2, Start, Select/Back, PS/Xbox buttons) looks to be too close to the main area. I hope there's a switch to turn off the functionality like on the Mad Catz Fight Stick.

Also, I'm not sure about that PCB. It looks like the auxiliary panel is soldered directly to the main PCB. That might make dual modding this beast a bitch and a half.
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12/14/2010 12:06 AM (UTC)
@ Garlador

Exactly my thoughts. Sub-Zero (klassic) should most certainly be the Mythologies costume (preferably the dark coloured one from the FMV's in Mythologies worn by John Turk). But the style is exactly the same as that drawing.

And for Scorpion, that is the costume I imagine when I think of classic Scorpion.

Agreed 100%
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12/14/2010 12:06 AM (UTC)
Now THIS is bullshit. I have to pick which of these three appealing exclusives I want? How horrible...
12/14/2010 12:12 AM (UTC)
On the plus side though, playable Human Reptile. The fans have wanted that for years, regardless what outfit he's wearing.
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12/14/2010 12:14 AM (UTC)
Motherfuckers, you better pay me $60 if you want me to fuck with either one of them overexposed ninjas. This ain't nostalgia, this is nausea and I ain't paying extra for it, so shove it.

If anything, I'll get the Reptile combo. He's infinitely more interesting to me than Scorpion and Sub-Zero at this point. Plus I've always liked his Head-Eat Fatality so I'd love to have it in this new game!!!

P.S.: I'll pay $5 extra bucks if you tell me he rubs his stomach and goes "Mmm!" at the end XD

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12/14/2010 12:18 AM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
I'm not even going to read that because I know you're not talking about anything relevant to what I've said.

12/14/2010 12:19 AM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
On the plus side though, playable Human Reptile. The fans have wanted that for years, regardless what outfit he's wearing.

This so so true! Its going to be great using him that's for sure.
12/14/2010 12:19 AM (UTC)
well fuck me... as soon as i read this article i sped into my car and floored it to the gamestop near me, i cut off trucks, almost hit a baby (just playing), and just straight up hauled ass. I get there the sonofabitch tells me the skus are not in and i go alright well can u call me when the thing comes, he goes ummm no. I bet he's holding out some for his buddies. I took a business card and now it's a green light for mother fucking telemarketing mode. 5pm everyday ol' gamestop is gonna get a call. I WILL get this tournament edition.
12/14/2010 12:33 AM (UTC)
ive been searching online, i got the option to pre-order the regular game but not a thing shows for the special and tournament edition... where the hell do i start looking. and hey we're all pals here right fuck everyone else that wants it, MKO members stick together (I hope)
12/14/2010 12:35 AM (UTC)

lol , i'm with you on that. My car was at my friends house two miles away cuz i didn't want to drive the other night due to intoxication lol. As soon as I heard the news I started walking to his house to get my car. Then proceeded to drive to the nearest gamestop only to get a look of stupidity from the dude at the register saying that I may be able to reserve it in a couple days if they just announced it today....
12/14/2010 12:42 AM (UTC)
Hummmm this DLC retro-ninja card seems to be including all 3 ninjas, and all of them with swap colour schemes, wich I would love jsut for that classic costume.

According to the testures, this is MK2 version of the ninjas, wich would make sense as the subby we are going to see is the young one.

What really concern me is how the editions will play out of USA.

For Tekken I was lucky to have the collector edition here in Spain, but I'm not sure about how NRS/WB will be doing that.
12/14/2010 12:44 AM (UTC)
haha i never post this much in a single thread but this is a state of urgency, only 20 k of these things I am going to be ruthless to get this shit. I want that joystick and i want to be one of the few to have hooked up mk stuff.

does anybody have any word about the special editions online, and did anyone get a special edition yet?
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12/14/2010 12:44 AM (UTC)
It's very disappointing that fatalities are pre-order specials. What kind of evil bullshit is this? WB, I has a sad.
12/14/2010 12:45 AM (UTC)
i think i will wait for the eventual complete edition in a year.
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