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wtfitsdaveyj Wrote:
The Kollectors Edition. You get everything but the stick.
DragonThresh Wrote:
Ok I am confused and anxious for someone to tell me the truth.
So what I want is everything except the stick, what is my best option? Keep in mind I live in Canada.
Ok I am confused and anxious for someone to tell me the truth.
So what I want is everything except the stick, what is my best option? Keep in mind I live in Canada.
The Kollectors Edition. You get everything but the stick.
Wrong, he gets a buttload more stuff then just skipping on the stick.
He gets an art book and figures. I say screw the stick, i am used to the ps3 controller since trillogy, and the stick isn't going to add anything to technique. Since, If by going by the old games, its an mortal kombat game and not a twitch sensitive frame counting whore like street fighter.
Although i could be wrong.

Kollector's Edition (PS3)
Kollector's Edition (Xbox 360)
Tournament Edition (PS3)
Tournament Edition (Xbox 360)
I'm not sure if anyone has posted these links, but the TE and KE are available for pre-order at Amazon.
Kollector's Edition (Xbox 360)
Tournament Edition (PS3)
Tournament Edition (Xbox 360)
I'm not sure if anyone has posted these links, but the TE and KE are available for pre-order at Amazon.
About Me
i am going to set the kollectors edition at gamestop does anyone know how much it will be i couldnt find it on gamestop.com

I hate these awful decisions....
I believe what I will be doing is -
Amazon - MK Game with Reptile Skin
Best Buy- Kollectors Edition
Gamestop - Tournament Edition.
My issue with this plan is as said...OCD!
For you see, I still need to get a PS3, and have been waiting to get one since its release for this very game. MKvsDCU was not worth it IMO.
So roughly this is about $600 of equipment lol.
Unbelievable, but MK is the only game I ever really look forward to.
Granted, I could always be patient and wait, but I pretty much want everything they've got to offer lol. I could loose the figurines and be ok, but I need the artbook and I think the stick shall be an interesting purchase :)
And if all fails, EBAY!
Anyways, on to my issue,
Has anyone by any chance found a link to the Best Buy Kollectors Edition pre-order? I found all others just fine, but as far as I can see Best Buy only has the Game itself available for pre-order.
I believe what I will be doing is -
Amazon - MK Game with Reptile Skin
Best Buy- Kollectors Edition
Gamestop - Tournament Edition.
My issue with this plan is as said...OCD!
For you see, I still need to get a PS3, and have been waiting to get one since its release for this very game. MKvsDCU was not worth it IMO.
So roughly this is about $600 of equipment lol.
Unbelievable, but MK is the only game I ever really look forward to.
Granted, I could always be patient and wait, but I pretty much want everything they've got to offer lol. I could loose the figurines and be ok, but I need the artbook and I think the stick shall be an interesting purchase :)
And if all fails, EBAY!
Anyways, on to my issue,
Has anyone by any chance found a link to the Best Buy Kollectors Edition pre-order? I found all others just fine, but as far as I can see Best Buy only has the Game itself available for pre-order.

I have a question regarding the klassic costumes for Reptile, Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Are all 3 costumes going to be palette swaps or are these three unique costumes? because when I think of Sub-Zero's classic suit, I think of the one he wore in MK Mythologies/MK4..which as most of you know is way different than the early suits he wore in the early MK games.
With Scorpion's classic costume I think of the suit he wore in UMK3, MK4 and his alternate suit he wore in MKD/MKA
SInce we already know Reptile's costume, I dont really have to mention it here (which is fine because it looked the way I pictured it would.)
With Scorpion's classic costume I think of the suit he wore in UMK3, MK4 and his alternate suit he wore in MKD/MKA
SInce we already know Reptile's costume, I dont really have to mention it here (which is fine because it looked the way I pictured it would.)

Shohayabusa Wrote:
Wrong, he gets a buttload more stuff then just skipping on the stick.
He gets an art book and figures. I say screw the stick, i am used to the ps3 controller since trillogy, and the stick isn't going to add anything to technique. Since, If by going by the old games, its an mortal kombat game and not a twitch sensitive frame counting whore like street fighter.
Although i could be wrong.
wtfitsdaveyj Wrote:
The Kollectors Edition. You get everything but the stick.
DragonThresh Wrote:
Ok I am confused and anxious for someone to tell me the truth.
So what I want is everything except the stick, what is my best option? Keep in mind I live in Canada.
Ok I am confused and anxious for someone to tell me the truth.
So what I want is everything except the stick, what is my best option? Keep in mind I live in Canada.
The Kollectors Edition. You get everything but the stick.
Wrong, he gets a buttload more stuff then just skipping on the stick.
He gets an art book and figures. I say screw the stick, i am used to the ps3 controller since trillogy, and the stick isn't going to add anything to technique. Since, If by going by the old games, its an mortal kombat game and not a twitch sensitive frame counting whore like street fighter.
Although i could be wrong.
Ok wait so if I pre-order a Kollecotrs Edition at say EB Games in Canada (Canadian gamestop) I will get the game, art book, figure, and exclusive classic costumes?

DragonThresh Wrote:
Ok wait so if I pre-order a Kollecotrs Edition at say EB Games in Canada (Canadian gamestop) I will get the game, art book, figure, and exclusive classic costumes?
Ok wait so if I pre-order a Kollecotrs Edition at say EB Games in Canada (Canadian gamestop) I will get the game, art book, figure, and exclusive classic costumes?
Two figures, actually, not just one. But yes, you get all that stuff.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Two figures, actually, not just one. But yes, you get all that stuff.
DragonThresh Wrote:
Ok wait so if I pre-order a Kollecotrs Edition at say EB Games in Canada (Canadian gamestop) I will get the game, art book, figure, and exclusive classic costumes?
Ok wait so if I pre-order a Kollecotrs Edition at say EB Games in Canada (Canadian gamestop) I will get the game, art book, figure, and exclusive classic costumes?
Two figures, actually, not just one. But yes, you get all that stuff.
Its a shame you can't get all 3 classic skins though for the ninjas. I guess I have to do Amazon to get Reptile's or will all 3 be available for download after the release?

Ouch, better save up, looks like I'm about to be spending tons of money, getting both kollectors and tournament edition for both the ps3 and 360.
Guess I'll be reserving at Best Buy and hope the classic Scorpion and Reptile will be available later on.
Guess I'll be reserving at Best Buy and hope the classic Scorpion and Reptile will be available later on.

DragonThresh Wrote:
I have to do Amazon to get Reptile's or will all 3 be available for download after the release?
I have to do Amazon to get Reptile's or will all 3 be available for download after the release?
They'll be put up as regular DLC after the game comes out, yeah.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
They'll be put up as regular DLC after the game comes out, yeah.
DragonThresh Wrote:
I have to do Amazon to get Reptile's or will all 3 be available for download after the release?
I have to do Amazon to get Reptile's or will all 3 be available for download after the release?
They'll be put up as regular DLC after the game comes out, yeah.
Oh alright good, cause I was planning on getting it pre ordered at gamestop. Thanks dude!
I was hoping that they would include a special behind-the-scenes dvd as part of the special edition...
better yet, i was really hoping for them to officially announce and include as a special bundle the mortal kombat HD kollection with the special edition...
better yet, i was really hoping for them to officially announce and include as a special bundle the mortal kombat HD kollection with the special edition...
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