12/14/2010 12:50 AM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
It's very disappointing that fatalities are pre-order specials. What kind of evil bullshit is this? WB, I has a sad.

It's really common now a days. The pre order is there for the store to get more buyers then the others. Seeing as gamestop has Scorp odds are they are going to get the most pre orders.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

12/14/2010 12:51 AM (UTC)
OK, so after reading the e-mail containing the details of the various editions, I'd like to say the following:

1- I will be upgrading to the Kollector's Edition and will be hitting the Amazon and/or eBay markets to try to get a fight stick separately. I'd rather have the Scorpion/Sub-Zero figurines and the art book, as I don't trust my skills with an arcade stick.

2- Furthermore, why make what's in each edition mutually exclusive apart from the free DLC? Oh, that's right, they want us to buy both the KE and the TE. More tease, more dollars. Any decision to make multiple special editions with varying content (and by that I mean that one edition has A, the other has B, not one has A and the other has A and B, which is what companies who actually... never mind, I'm not going to say it) is another red flag thrown in my face that this is a money grab. I'm certain that there are people on this site who will buy both the KE and the TE. I won't be one of them. At least Bungie has gotten it right with Halo 2, 3, and Reach.

3- Great, I pre-ordered at GameStop months ago. I'm stuck with Scorpion. I've been asking for a return to the human outfit for Reptile for YEARS, and now I'm locked into getting Scorpion because I didn't order at Amazon. Not that I dislike Scorpion or anything, but come on, really? RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGE.

4- Kratos isn't DLC. Sonofabitch.

5- At least #3 means I'll have the Toasty in my game. Actually, this has to mean that the Spine Rip we saw was the Best Buy exclusive, I mean what else could be Sub-Zero's "original" fatality? Sub will have another fatality that we haven't seen yet, that has to be true. As for Reptile, I hope his "original" is the Invisible Slice, but I highly doubt it.
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12/14/2010 12:55 AM (UTC)
Cross187 Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
It's very disappointing that fatalities are pre-order specials. What kind of evil bullshit is this? WB, I has a sad.

It's really common now a days. The pre order is there for the store to get more buyers then the others. Seeing as gamestop has Scorp odds are they are going to get the most pre orders.

Yeah, but you can't fuck with fatalities! It's like if back in the day, only certain arcades had Toasty and others had Spine Rip instead.

I'm still buying the game, but my anticipation has decreased significantly.
12/14/2010 12:58 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
OK, so after reading the e-mail containing the details of the various editions, I'd like to say the following:

1- I will be upgrading to the Kollector's Edition and will be hitting the Amazon and/or eBay markets to try to get a fight stick separately. I'd rather have the Scorpion/Sub-Zero figurines and the art book, as I don't trust my skills with an arcade stick.

2- Furthermore, why make what's in each edition mutually exclusive apart from the free DLC? Oh, that's right, they want us to buy both the KE and the TE. More tease, more dollars. Any decision to make multiple special editions with varying content (and by that I mean that one edition has A, the other has B, not one has A and the other has A and B, which is what companies who actually... never mind, I'm not going to say it) is another red flag thrown in my face that this is a money grab. I'm certain that there are people on this site who will buy both the KE and the TE. I won't be one of them. At least Bungie has gotten it right with Halo 2, 3, and Reach.

3- Great, I pre-ordered at GameStop months ago. I'm stuck with Scorpion. I've been asking for a return to the human outfit for Reptile for YEARS, and now I'm locked into getting Scorpion because I didn't order at Amazon. Not that I dislike Scorpion or anything, but come on, really? RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGE.

4- Kratos isn't DLC. Sonofabitch.

5- At least #3 means I'll have the Toasty in my game. Actually, this has to mean that the Spine Rip we saw was the Best Buy exclusive, I mean what else could be Sub-Zero's "original" fatality? Sub will have another fatality that we haven't seen yet, that has to be true. As for Reptile, I hope his "original" is the Invisible Slice, but I highly doubt it.

so u order the game first and then u get to upgrade is that how this works?
12/14/2010 12:59 AM (UTC)
I hate the justification for all this Pre-Order/Exclusive bullshit being "oh, well other companies are doing it". I guess as long as other companies are pissing on their fans, it'll be okay for NRS to do it too.
12/14/2010 12:59 AM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
It's very disappointing that fatalities are pre-order specials. What kind of evil bullshit is this? WB, I has a sad.

Will be DLC eventually.
12/14/2010 01:00 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
OK, so after reading the e-mail containing the details of the various editions, I'd like to say the following:

1- I will be upgrading to the Kollector's Edition and will be hitting the Amazon and/or eBay markets to try to get a fight stick separately. I'd rather have the Scorpion/Sub-Zero figurines and the art book, as I don't trust my skills with an arcade stick.

2- Furthermore, why make what's in each edition mutually exclusive apart from the free DLC? Oh, that's right, they want us to buy both the KE and the TE. More tease, more dollars. Any decision to make multiple special editions with varying content (and by that I mean that one edition has A, the other has B, not one has A and the other has A and B, which is what companies who actually... never mind, I'm not going to say it) is another red flag thrown in my face that this is a money grab. I'm certain that there are people on this site who will buy both the KE and the TE. I won't be one of them. At least Bungie has gotten it right with Halo 2, 3, and Reach.

3- Great, I pre-ordered at GameStop months ago. I'm stuck with Scorpion. I've been asking for a return to the human outfit for Reptile for YEARS, and now I'm locked into getting Scorpion because I didn't order at Amazon. Not that I dislike Scorpion or anything, but come on, really? RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGE.

4- Kratos isn't DLC. Sonofabitch.

5- At least #3 means I'll have the Toasty in my game. Actually, this has to mean that the Spine Rip we saw was the Best Buy exclusive, I mean what else could be Sub-Zero's "original" fatality? Sub will have another fatality that we haven't seen yet, that has to be true. As for Reptile, I hope his "original" is the Invisible Slice, but I highly doubt it.

1- Seems like a good idea but I can just go to your room and look at your statue whenever so I will just buy an arcade stick.

2- Yep. Ed Boon and the rest of NRS continue their recent spree of screwing over fans into not even wanting the game anymore

3- yeaaa, I didn't figure this was going to be the exact exclusive DLC but I know there usually is something with most hyped games so I waited.

4- I know he isn't and I am really sorry that your disc for the PS3 will be tainted with that P.O.S

5- Lucky lol. As much as I hate scorpion the toasty is pretty nice. Ido enjoy both of reptile's though so whichever one i get I will be fine with it
12/14/2010 01:01 AM (UTC)
Can someone clairfy for me please if these editions will be available at all in Europe? Living in Dublin here and would greatly appreciate being able to get my hands on that Art book, Retro Fatality and Figurines.
12/14/2010 01:02 AM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
Cross187 Wrote:
NS922 Wrote:
It's very disappointing that fatalities are pre-order specials. What kind of evil bullshit is this? WB, I has a sad.

It's really common now a days. The pre order is there for the store to get more buyers then the others. Seeing as gamestop has Scorp odds are they are going to get the most pre orders.

Yeah, but you can't fuck with fatalities! It's like if back in the day, only certain arcades had Toasty and others had Spine Rip instead.

I'm still buying the game, but my anticipation has decreased significantly.

I understand where you're coming from. The game it self ships with 2 fatalities pre char and pre orders will add a 3rd for the 3 ninja's, and maybe 1 more based on what the CE/Stick gives you.

I'm lucky and will be getting 2/3 of pre others and if i'm lucky I can pull a few stings and get the last one.
12/14/2010 01:02 AM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
I hate the justification for all this Pre-Order/Exclusive bullshit being "oh, well other companies are doing it". I guess as long as other companies are pissing on their fans, it'll be okay for NRS to do it too.

Ah yes, the distant cousin of the good old "There are children starving in Africa!" argument.
12/14/2010 01:02 AM (UTC)
Here's what puzzling me, certain stores have certain Klassic Skins if you pre-order from their store. But lets say I don't pre-order and I just get the Kollecter's Edition, then who's retro-ninja skin am I getting?confused
12/14/2010 01:03 AM (UTC)
I usually hate store exclusives simply because it makes it so you can't have a complete game with everything, but as long as it all ends up as downloadable for everyone at some point I am extremely happy with this. I love nostalgia, I love klassic kustumes, and I love klassic fatalities. So I am digging the fact that they are even offering this, regardless if we have to pay a few extra bucks to obtain it all. When it comes to DLC, nobody has to buy it if they don't like to pay a little more, so it's completely up to you. I for one support this kind of extra stuff, and have no problem paying some more money as long as the content is worth the price.

I am undecided on exactly which version I want, and which store I want to get it from. I am not a huge supporter of either of those 3 ninjas, but out of the 3 Sub-Zero is the one I like to use the most. However, my friend's favorite is Sub-Zero, so it's guranteed that he'll get that one...so hmmm. That Human Reptile sure does look pretty awesome, but idk if I can wait any extra time for the thing to ship to play this game. Decisions decisions...

I am happy with the Avatar Kostumes as well. I have yet to pay for any sort of Avatar kostumes, because I think paying for a virtual kostume is retarded, but I have always said the only 2 franchises that would tempt me to the point where I would prob. give in are Mortal Kombat and Batman. So...yeah...WB has me by the balls on that one lol. So it's cool that they're doing that.

Overall, it's awesome to see WB obviously does see what they have with this franchise, and they are doing their best to get it back to AAA status. NRS is really bringing their A game this time. We as fans, little setbacks or disagreements aside, should be pretty happy with the quality of the game this time around.
12/14/2010 01:21 AM (UTC)
Best solution, preorder regular edition from all 3 places, download the codes for costumes and fatalities, then return to both bestbuy and gamestop, keep amazon copy not to deal with the shipping headache.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
12/14/2010 01:23 AM (UTC)
Well, a cursory inquiry on the first day reveals that neither EB/Gamestop or Best Buy in Montreal, QC have any of this in their system yet. Of course. :/
12/14/2010 01:23 AM (UTC)
If the price will be from 80 to 100. I will get the kollecter edition. If the price is more then that. Then no just get the game.
12/14/2010 01:26 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
OK, so after reading the e-mail containing the details of the various editions, I'd like to say the following:

1- I will be upgrading to the Kollector's Edition and will be hitting the Amazon and/or eBay markets to try to get a fight stick separately. I'd rather have the Scorpion/Sub-Zero figurines and the art book, as I don't trust my skills with an arcade stick.

2- Furthermore, why make what's in each edition mutually exclusive apart from the free DLC? Oh, that's right, they want us to buy both the KE and the TE. More tease, more dollars. Any decision to make multiple special editions with varying content (and by that I mean that one edition has A, the other has B, not one has A and the other has A and B, which is what companies who actually... never mind, I'm not going to say it) is another red flag thrown in my face that this is a money grab. I'm certain that there are people on this site who will buy both the KE and the TE. I won't be one of them. At least Bungie has gotten it right with Halo 2, 3, and Reach.

3- Great, I pre-ordered at GameStop months ago. I'm stuck with Scorpion. I've been asking for a return to the human outfit for Reptile for YEARS, and now I'm locked into getting Scorpion because I didn't order at Amazon. Not that I dislike Scorpion or anything, but come on, really? RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGE.

4- Kratos isn't DLC. Sonofabitch.

5- At least #3 means I'll have the Toasty in my game. Actually, this has to mean that the Spine Rip we saw was the Best Buy exclusive, I mean what else could be Sub-Zero's "original" fatality? Sub will have another fatality that we haven't seen yet, that has to be true. As for Reptile, I hope his "original" is the Invisible Slice, but I highly doubt it.

You aren't locked in. You can cancel your preorder and they'll refund your money. I've done that before at gamestop. I actually preordered a game I didn't want just for the (credit bonus). Then I canceled it and kept the extra money lol :D
12/14/2010 01:27 AM (UTC)
Well, this just went from my "Must buy on release date" to the "Under $40 bin" for me. I still want to play the game desperately, but I'm not going to support this stuff strictly on principle. That is, unless Amazon has one of their $20 credit deals on this game again, which technically brings it to the $40 and under bin for me. Thank God for that, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten half the games I bought this year.
12/14/2010 01:28 AM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
Best solution, preorder regular edition from all 3 places, download the codes for costumes and fatalities, then return to both bestbuy and gamestop, keep amazon copy not to deal with the shipping headache.

Unfortunately I don't have 200 dollars to tie up, or I would do this.

Refunds can be a pain in the ass some times! I suppose if you do it with cash it'd be much better. Maybe I'll be more financially sound by the time this game comes out.

Gahhhhh! But I don't wanna drive so far to get Sub-Zero, but he's my favorite! Fuuuuuuuuuck. The amount of gas I'd eat up makes it not worth it...

*sigh* I really hope reptile's and scorpion's DLC becomes available soon after the release, I hate not having a complete game, especially when the content is good.

12/14/2010 01:30 AM (UTC)
Nutlink Wrote:
Well, this just went from my "Must buy on release date" to the "Under $40 bin" for me. I still want to play the game desperately, but I'm not going to support this stuff strictly on principle. That is, unless Amazon has one of their $20 credit deals on this game again, which technically brings it to the $40 and under bin for me. Thank God for that, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten half the games I bought this year.

I know how you feel. I was so excited for this game. More excited than I've ever been for a game in my life (and that's saying a fuck ton). But with this recent outbreak of selling out and gimmicks... I have never felt so disappointed by a game.

I've been mindfucked.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

12/14/2010 01:30 AM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
I hate the justification for all this Pre-Order/Exclusive bullshit being "oh, well other companies are doing it". I guess as long as other companies are pissing on their fans, it'll be okay for NRS to do it too.

Other companies aren't, though, it's really just Capcom. Bungie has always knocked their special editions out of the park by giving fans awesome value for the money and by not having to pick between things. Treyarch did the same with Black Ops. At least we got the same content with MKA regardless of where we bought the special edition from, all that was different was the artwork on the case. If I'm missing a glaring example here, please enlighten me, but I don't see why game companies that have engaged in this type of thing can't just suck it up and make the bonus material and pricing fan-friendly.
12/14/2010 01:30 AM (UTC)

Scorp and Sub about to fight? UGHHHHHHH!!!! I fucking UTTERLY LAME!!
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12/14/2010 01:31 AM (UTC)
If they come out here i would expect to pay.

£40 for the game alone,

£60 for the Kollector's Edition,

£70 for the Tournament Edition.

I really hope we find out what we get a when we get it soon in europe.
I remember not getting a solid date for MKDs release here until about 2 weeks before it came out. That sucked donkey balls.
12/14/2010 01:31 AM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
Nutlink Wrote:
Well, this just went from my "Must buy on release date" to the "Under $40 bin" for me. I still want to play the game desperately, but I'm not going to support this stuff strictly on principle. That is, unless Amazon has one of their $20 credit deals on this game again, which technically brings it to the $40 and under bin for me. Thank God for that, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten half the games I bought this year.

I know how you feel. I was so excited for this game. More excited than I've ever been for a game in my life (and that's saying a fuck ton). But with this recent outbreak of selling out and gimmicks... I have never felt so disappointed by a game.

I've been mindfucked.

It's not even mindfucking at this point as much as its just NRS being a bunch of douchebags.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
12/14/2010 01:31 AM (UTC)
...have there actually been examples in gaming where exclusive DLC didn't later become purchasable DLC for the masses? I don't often do the DLC bit, as I don't buy many games, but this has been the story with both Transformers: WFC and SFIV. I'm not too worried.
12/14/2010 01:33 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
...have there actually been examples in gaming where exclusive DLC didn't later become purchasable DLC for the masses? I don't often do the DLC bit, as I don't buy many games, but this has been the story with both Transformers: WFC and SFIV. I'm not too worried.

Well Black Ops had zombie maps that were from World At War which I believe are not out yet to the public. It wasn't store exclusive DLC but it was Pre order Exclusive
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