m0s3pH Wrote:
Well, Midway doesn't exist, so they wouldn't have to worry about finances, now would they? I keep forgetting that reading posts before arguing is not a forte of this community.
Stop trying to justify what is unnecessary. They don't need the money, so there isn't a requirement to turn us upside down and shake us until all the money falls out of our pockets.
Well, Midway doesn't exist, so they wouldn't have to worry about finances, now would they? I keep forgetting that reading posts before arguing is not a forte of this community.
Stop trying to justify what is unnecessary. They don't need the money, so there isn't a requirement to turn us upside down and shake us until all the money falls out of our pockets.
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.

SubxZero Wrote:
I know it's not going to be a game suited fully for hardcore fans; they'd lose out on so much money if they aimed it at us mostly. I know we deserve it for the years of sub-par 3D MK games that have been released, but unfortunately NRS are part of WB now, and WB want money. That's their prime concern. Not saying that I agree with this, just stating this viewpoint, I think a lot of users get a little narrow-minded and forget about the games presence in the real world of business. Besides, yeah we have Kratos in the PS3 version, and yeah we have pre-order exclusives, but besides that what do we have? A game that's turning out to be a brilliant re-launch of the series. If one guest character and a few costumes ruin the game for you, then it's a sad day indeed.
I know it's not going to be a game suited fully for hardcore fans; they'd lose out on so much money if they aimed it at us mostly. I know we deserve it for the years of sub-par 3D MK games that have been released, but unfortunately NRS are part of WB now, and WB want money. That's their prime concern. Not saying that I agree with this, just stating this viewpoint, I think a lot of users get a little narrow-minded and forget about the games presence in the real world of business. Besides, yeah we have Kratos in the PS3 version, and yeah we have pre-order exclusives, but besides that what do we have? A game that's turning out to be a brilliant re-launch of the series. If one guest character and a few costumes ruin the game for you, then it's a sad day indeed.
Being lied to and prodded for money leaves a sour taste in anyone's mouth.
You're going to the extreme, which is just poor argument. No one here isn't buying the game because of this, which instantly makes your argument invalid.
It doesn't ruin the game for me, but it sure does make it a hell of a lot worse, and upsets me.

SubxZero Wrote:
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
Everyone knows why they're doing this crap. No one needs to ponder this nonsense.
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
If you agree with us, then agree. But don't justify them and then agree, cause that shit doesn't make sense.
There have also been heaps of praise laid upon the return to 2D mechanics, the attempt to build a solid fighting system, the presence of a classic roster, and with the exception of how certain females dress, the overall look and aesthetic of the game. Really, the only major points of contention I've seen have been over how it'll affect the original timeline, Kitana and Sonya's clothing, Kratos, and now the exclusive DLC. Overall the reception for this game has been great.
EDIT: Which isn't to suggest that I'm okay with this. I'm pre-ordering at GameStop, and I'll be downloading Sub-Zero's fatality and alt off a friend's profile - if he doesn't just give me his download code - and I'll silently curse when I have no choice but to pay for Reptile's goods.
Folks, get ready for a lot more of this. Like, for each character. They'll probably do fatality packs.
EDIT: Which isn't to suggest that I'm okay with this. I'm pre-ordering at GameStop, and I'll be downloading Sub-Zero's fatality and alt off a friend's profile - if he doesn't just give me his download code - and I'll silently curse when I have no choice but to pay for Reptile's goods.
Folks, get ready for a lot more of this. Like, for each character. They'll probably do fatality packs.

Thinking back on it, fuck them. I'm not paying nearly twice the price for the exact same game and a book full of artwork that will most likely be in the Krypt anyway, or for nostalgic fatalities that rightfully should be in the game anyway. They have some amount of nerve announcing these costumes as DLC when we've yet to even see half of the roster's renders or gameplay footage.
A week, even two weeks before the game has launched? Yeah, fair enough. But 4 months from the games release and we're being pressurised into spending more money on a game we still have seen very little about, and for things that by all means necessary should be in the game more so than Kratos's inclusion. I'm expected to pay extra just to see Scorpion do his Toasty?? Or pay even more to have Reptile's classical outfit?? These are classic elements of MK1&2, why should we have to pay for them when they should just be in the game from the get-go? Or even unlockable? What a crock of shit!
I think I'll take a break from reading about Mortal Kombat for a while. Anything that's supposed to be Good news is just turning out to be bad news lately, I'm a fan of the games and all but this week has just seriously been a kick in the teeth for long time fans and I'm begining to become very bitter towards the MK team for the way they're "rewarding" long term followers.
Our reward for following the series for so long is paying extra to see the things that ironically is being pitched as the main selling point of this game. You want nostalgia? Then pay extra for it. What a fucking joke!
A week, even two weeks before the game has launched? Yeah, fair enough. But 4 months from the games release and we're being pressurised into spending more money on a game we still have seen very little about, and for things that by all means necessary should be in the game more so than Kratos's inclusion. I'm expected to pay extra just to see Scorpion do his Toasty?? Or pay even more to have Reptile's classical outfit?? These are classic elements of MK1&2, why should we have to pay for them when they should just be in the game from the get-go? Or even unlockable? What a crock of shit!
I think I'll take a break from reading about Mortal Kombat for a while. Anything that's supposed to be Good news is just turning out to be bad news lately, I'm a fan of the games and all but this week has just seriously been a kick in the teeth for long time fans and I'm begining to become very bitter towards the MK team for the way they're "rewarding" long term followers.
Our reward for following the series for so long is paying extra to see the things that ironically is being pitched as the main selling point of this game. You want nostalgia? Then pay extra for it. What a fucking joke!
LucaTurilli Wrote:
I have no idea what your point is. Not trying to be a dick, but I just can't derive anything from this. Seems like you're all over the place.
SubxZero Wrote:
I didn't say I agree with everything present. I'm talking about the gameplay and feel of the game, how it operates using the 2D system. You can't say there hasn't been any other "new" features placed into the game apart from Kratos, because all of the characters have had a revamp in costume, to say the least. And even if Boon has said that, it doesn't neccessarily mean it's true. Yeah, it'll be true to some degree, but not fully. It'll be true in terms of how the actual game is being made, but not in terms of pre-order exclusives and console exclusives, because they're just being used as marketing gimmicks to allow WB to rake in extra pennies.
I didn't say I agree with everything present. I'm talking about the gameplay and feel of the game, how it operates using the 2D system. You can't say there hasn't been any other "new" features placed into the game apart from Kratos, because all of the characters have had a revamp in costume, to say the least. And even if Boon has said that, it doesn't neccessarily mean it's true. Yeah, it'll be true to some degree, but not fully. It'll be true in terms of how the actual game is being made, but not in terms of pre-order exclusives and console exclusives, because they're just being used as marketing gimmicks to allow WB to rake in extra pennies.
I have no idea what your point is. Not trying to be a dick, but I just can't derive anything from this. Seems like you're all over the place.
I was replying to this haha: Yes, being killed by Kratos will certainly herald waves of nostalgia.
Boon has said many times "WB is letting us do our thing".
I was stating that, the nostalgia factor in my eyes is the actual gameplay, which in turn gives it the old school 'feel' of MK. Or at least, it better do. Secondly I was stating that, people seem to be getting mad over the inclusion of Kratos, as though he is 'tainting' the game and making it 'unpure', when infact we have already been shown a variety of re-worked costumes, which aren't close to the original (e.g. Sonya). Do these costumes not make the game 'unpure', as they are not close to the original?
In the last part I was referring to your comment about Ed Boon. Sorry if none of this makes sense, i'm tired and it's near enough 3AM here in England haha! Glad you weren't aggressive like a lot of users here.
LucaTurilli Wrote:
Everyone knows why they're doing this crap. No one needs to ponder this nonsense.
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
If you agree with us, then agree. But don't justify them and then agree, cause that shit doesn't make sense.
You're going to the extreme, which is just poor argument. No one here isn't buying the game because of this, which instantly makes your argument invalid.
SubxZero Wrote:
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
Everyone knows why they're doing this crap. No one needs to ponder this nonsense.
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
If you agree with us, then agree. But don't justify them and then agree, cause that shit doesn't make sense.
You're going to the extreme, which is just poor argument. No one here isn't buying the game because of this, which instantly makes your argument invalid.
There's such a thing as seeing both sides of the argument, you know. You'd be suprised, just because you personally understand why they're doing this, some forum users really don't, because to them it's just a huge betrayal and they can't see the logic behind it. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure I HAVE seen users saying they will not be buying the game, due to the inclusion of Kratos. This being before these pre-order exclusives were announced... There's no need to act all dominant over this, i'm merely discussing my view on the pre-order exclusives, i'm entitled to an opinion as much as any other person, including yourself. You don't see me belittling your opinion with offensive remarks such as "that shit don't make sense." do you?

Am I actually hearing people bitch because there's a collector's edition and pre-order bonuses? EVERY high profile title released in the last few years has done this. Why would MK be any different?

Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Am I actually hearing people bitch because there's a collector's edition and pre-order bonuses? EVERY high profile title released in the last few years has done this. Why would MK be any different?
Am I actually hearing people bitch because there's a collector's edition and pre-order bonuses? EVERY high profile title released in the last few years has done this. Why would MK be any different?
Thank you, my point exactly

There be a lot of babies here.

About Me
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Am I actually hearing people bitch because there's a collector's edition and pre-order bonuses? EVERY high profile title released in the last few years has done this. Why would MK be any different?
Am I actually hearing people bitch because there's a collector's edition and pre-order bonuses? EVERY high profile title released in the last few years has done this. Why would MK be any different?
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Am I actually hearing people bitch because there's a collector's edition and pre-order bonuses? EVERY high profile title released in the last few years has done this. Why would MK be any different?
Am I actually hearing people bitch because there's a collector's edition and pre-order bonuses? EVERY high profile title released in the last few years has done this. Why would MK be any different?
Why would anyone bitch about a CE? I can understand pre orders from more then one store but a CE?
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Am I actually hearing people bitch because there's a collector's edition and pre-order bonuses? EVERY high profile title released in the last few years has done this. Why would MK be any different?
Am I actually hearing people bitch because there's a collector's edition and pre-order bonuses? EVERY high profile title released in the last few years has done this. Why would MK be any different?
This, indeed! It's a marketing tactic, which has been continued. I know it sucks for fanboys, but it's not as if it's not always happened with the last few games...

Shadaloo Wrote:
I'm personally fucking ecstatic over the CE and KE. I can't wait to play that stick. It's the exclusive classic fatalities that bother me. Otherwise I'm golden.
I'm personally fucking ecstatic over the CE and KE. I can't wait to play that stick. It's the exclusive classic fatalities that bother me. Otherwise I'm golden.
Im still debating on which version to buy :(
I just can't wait to get my hands on the game; finally a re-boot to the classic era upon which Mortal Kombat is based! I'm content already: I see no need to nit-pick over little details such as bonus/exclusive content. Sure, they can be good/bad, but overall they're just ADDITIONS and the game will be brilliant, with or without them!

SubxZero Wrote:
There's such a thing as seeing both sides of the argument, you know. You'd be suprised, just because you personally understand why they're doing this, some forum users really don't, because to them it's just a huge betrayal and they can't see the logic behind it.
LucaTurilli Wrote:
Everyone knows why they're doing this crap. No one needs to ponder this nonsense.
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
If you agree with us, then agree. But don't justify them and then agree, cause that shit doesn't make sense.
SubxZero Wrote:
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
Everyone knows why they're doing this crap. No one needs to ponder this nonsense.
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
If you agree with us, then agree. But don't justify them and then agree, cause that shit doesn't make sense.
There's such a thing as seeing both sides of the argument, you know. You'd be suprised, just because you personally understand why they're doing this, some forum users really don't, because to them it's just a huge betrayal and they can't see the logic behind it.
I personally understand why their doing it, but that doesnt change the fact it annoys me. Why announce now, with 4 months still to go, that classical features like Toasty, or Humanoid Reptile, are strictly purchased DLC? These are elements that were in the classic games, and this upcoming title is being marketed as a nostalgic remake of the classic games. They should rightfully be in the game from the get-go, not as an extra way to pinch money from the die hard fans who want to see them.
We've yet to see a glimpse of Goro, Kabal, Sindel, Ermac or even Smoke in this game, or even a vignette about any of the other warriors we ALREADY know about bar Scorpion or Sub-Zero. I wouldn't personally mind if we knew much more about this game first before the preasure was on for paying extra with DLC, but we've yet to see even half of the content that we should have seen by now.
And yet despite this, already we're being jamjarred into spending extra money with store exclusive material. They're playing on what the old time fans want to see most just to make a profit on material that should be included as non DLC features .
They have some fucking nerve. How is behaving like this going to draw in their old fanbase? A smart move after the Kratos revelation would just be to tell us the classic outfits and fatalities were unlockable in the game already, maybe even show us renders or videos of them. They've been so fucking stupid with their marketing with this game I'm honestly amazed that the people behind it call themselves professional!
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Im still debating on which version to buy :(
Shadaloo Wrote:
I'm personally fucking ecstatic over the CE and KE. I can't wait to play that stick. It's the exclusive classic fatalities that bother me. Otherwise I'm golden.
I'm personally fucking ecstatic over the CE and KE. I can't wait to play that stick. It's the exclusive classic fatalities that bother me. Otherwise I'm golden.
Im still debating on which version to buy :(
If you're lucky enough to have a buddy who's also getting it and doesn't care much for the extras, do what I'm doing: Buy the stick, have him preorder the KE, and just buy the figures off him for whatever the surplus over the normal retail price is.
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
I personally understand why their doing it, but that doesnt change the fact it annoys me. Why announce now, with 4 months still to go, that classical features like Toasty, or Humanoid Reptile, are strictly purchased DLC? These are elements that were in the classic games, and this upcoming title is being marketed as a nostalgic remake of the classic games. They should rightfully be in the game from the get-go, not as an extra way to pinch money from the die hard fans who want to see them.
We've yet to see a glimpse of Goro, Kabal, Sindel, Ermac or even Smoke in this game, or even a vignette about any of the other warriors we ALREADY know about bar Scorpion or Sub-Zero. I wouldn't personally mind if we knew much more about this game first before the preasure was on for paying extra with DLC, but we've yet to see even half of the content that we should have seen by now.
And yet despite this, already we're being jamjarred into spending extra money with store exclusive material. They're playing on what the old time fans want to see most just to make a profit on material that should be included as non DLC features .
They have some fucking nerve. How is behaving like this going to draw in their old fanbase? A smart move after the Kratos revelation would just be to tell us the classic outfits and fatalities were unlockable in the game already, maybe even show us renders or videos of them. They've been so fucking stupid with their marketing with this game I'm honestly amazed that the people behind it call themselves professional!
SubxZero Wrote:
There's such a thing as seeing both sides of the argument, you know. You'd be suprised, just because you personally understand why they're doing this, some forum users really don't, because to them it's just a huge betrayal and they can't see the logic behind it.
LucaTurilli Wrote:
Everyone knows why they're doing this crap. No one needs to ponder this nonsense.
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
If you agree with us, then agree. But don't justify them and then agree, cause that shit doesn't make sense.
SubxZero Wrote:
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
Everyone knows why they're doing this crap. No one needs to ponder this nonsense.
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
If you agree with us, then agree. But don't justify them and then agree, cause that shit doesn't make sense.
There's such a thing as seeing both sides of the argument, you know. You'd be suprised, just because you personally understand why they're doing this, some forum users really don't, because to them it's just a huge betrayal and they can't see the logic behind it.
I personally understand why their doing it, but that doesnt change the fact it annoys me. Why announce now, with 4 months still to go, that classical features like Toasty, or Humanoid Reptile, are strictly purchased DLC? These are elements that were in the classic games, and this upcoming title is being marketed as a nostalgic remake of the classic games. They should rightfully be in the game from the get-go, not as an extra way to pinch money from the die hard fans who want to see them.
We've yet to see a glimpse of Goro, Kabal, Sindel, Ermac or even Smoke in this game, or even a vignette about any of the other warriors we ALREADY know about bar Scorpion or Sub-Zero. I wouldn't personally mind if we knew much more about this game first before the preasure was on for paying extra with DLC, but we've yet to see even half of the content that we should have seen by now.
And yet despite this, already we're being jamjarred into spending extra money with store exclusive material. They're playing on what the old time fans want to see most just to make a profit on material that should be included as non DLC features .
They have some fucking nerve. How is behaving like this going to draw in their old fanbase? A smart move after the Kratos revelation would just be to tell us the classic outfits and fatalities were unlockable in the game already, maybe even show us renders or videos of them. They've been so fucking stupid with their marketing with this game I'm honestly amazed that the people behind it call themselves professional!
I know what you're saying, it is irritating that some classic features are being introduced as DLC and exclusives. But, it's just WB trying to adhere to marketing practise. As someone earlier stated, Midway (NRS) have done this before, offering exclusives just like any major game released.For all we know, Boon and the team at NRS may not even have a say in this, they may have wanted this material to be available at the get-go. Plus, these things aren't exactly essential to play the game. Besides, who knows, maybe if WB get a lot of income from this game's sales, they'll give NRS even more freedom with the next game when they prove that the series is still currently as popular as it used to be? Then NRS will really have the tools to expand the MK franchise, and restore it back to its former glory.

Does anyone have an idea of what the cost of the Kollecter's Edition might be?

Well I dunno about anybody else, but I'd rather buy DLC as it comes out than wait a year and have to buy a whole new "Ultimate MK9" game with all the new characters, stages, and stuff they made added. This way seems less expensive and tedious to me in the long run.
Though, looking at SSF4, I guess that could happen anyway.
Though, looking at SSF4, I guess that could happen anyway.

About Me
Mortal Kombat -------------------------- 7/10
Mortal Kombat II --------------------- 9.5/10
Mortal Kombat 3 --------------------- 7.5/10
Mortal Kombat 4 ----------------------- 6/10
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance - 10/10
Mortal Kombat: Deception ---------- 8/10
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon ------ 4/10
Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe -- 7/10
Mortal Kombat (2011) -------------- 9.5/10
LucaTurilli Wrote:
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
SubxZero Wrote:
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
You are an individual and WB is a company. A company's main concern is to make money. It's called capitalism.
You are an individual and WB is a company. A company's main concern is to make money. It's called capitalism.
LucaTurilli Wrote:
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
SubxZero Wrote:
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
Just because WB don't NEED the money, doesn't mean they don't want it. These companies operate upon greed... not saying it's a good thing, at all. I just think people need to take a step back and think about the reasons behind this. It does annoy me though, the need to scrape every penny from beneath our feet.
I don't understand why you're posting this. You act like you're trying to justify them just because they want money. I want money too, but I'm not gonna nickel and dime people for it.
You are an individual and WB is a company. A company's main concern is to make money. It's called capitalism.
Exactly. Didn't wanna use the word 'capitalism' incase it ended up turning into a debate that was off-topic
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