Damn, this just makes me want to pre-order sooner because I'm afraid they will sell out of special editions, and I still think there needs to be more info on the Tournament edition, because it doesnt seem worth it, unless the portable(wtf) stick is badass, and whats a portable stick anyways like how is it portable?
So I'm on the fence on which special edition to buy.
But I think I will go with Gamestop andget the scorpion DLC, and EB games counts as Gamespot right?
So I'm on the fence on which special edition to buy.
But I think I will go with Gamestop andget the scorpion DLC, and EB games counts as Gamespot right?

Well, there really needs to be more information all around.
We don't even know the prices, and the orders aren't available, so I don't think you'll have any problems with them running out of stock before you get your order in.
We don't even know the prices, and the orders aren't available, so I don't think you'll have any problems with them running out of stock before you get your order in.
LucaTurilli Wrote:
Holy shit, lol. Are you trolling me to death or something? Let me try and make this as clear as I can for you.
I do care about having to drive 20 fucking miles to get my Sub-Zero costume because Gamestop's exclusive is Scorpion. All retailers should get the same shit.
Retailer exclusive content is bullshit. Is that clear enough for you. Comprehendo? Do you understand my point?
Open your mouth, the helicopter is coming in. Vrrooooooom!
That's a good boy.
Fenix Wrote:
Look man, if you don't have a point you should stop talking. You want everything for free. I get it. Just say that, so NRS can bankrupt another publisher and we can all go play more madden and cod.
Look man, if you don't have a point you should stop talking. You want everything for free. I get it. Just say that, so NRS can bankrupt another publisher and we can all go play more madden and cod.
Holy shit, lol. Are you trolling me to death or something? Let me try and make this as clear as I can for you.
I do care about having to drive 20 fucking miles to get my Sub-Zero costume because Gamestop's exclusive is Scorpion. All retailers should get the same shit.
Retailer exclusive content is bullshit. Is that clear enough for you. Comprehendo? Do you understand my point?
Open your mouth, the helicopter is coming in. Vrrooooooom!
That's a good boy.
I agree about the retailer exclusive content sucking, but they've already gone this route before with exclusive box art. Exclusive content is a whole other level above box art though. I just hope the DLC is available right away for the stuff that the other stores have. I'm still considering the whole buy them all and return the best buy and gamestop copies after I have the codes.

About Me

SEGAmaniac7 Wrote:
But I think I will go with Gamestop andget the scorpion DLC, and EB games counts as Gamespot right?
But I think I will go with Gamestop andget the scorpion DLC, and EB games counts as Gamespot right?
I don't know about where you are, but here in Canada-land, it doesn't. I just hope Best Buy is doing this whole preorder thing here...
Edit: Don't quote me on that yet, someone in another thread said that they already ordered their Scorpion preorder bonus from EB here in Canada, so they might be doing it this time. Usually we get shafted.
I'm thinking these costumes and fatalities that accompanies the pre-order bonuses will eventually end up on PSN and Live sometime for a price. So I wouldn't fret too much about only getting one.
GueroCA Wrote:
Yep, Gamestop owns EB Games. I'm also getting the Kollector's Edition at Gamestop.
Yep, Gamestop owns EB Games. I'm also getting the Kollector's Edition at Gamestop.
I will have to see the figures before ordering, they better be nicely sculped, detailed, and have articulation as well as being nicely painted.
They better not be cheaply made or look like a kids toy.
Because its not worth wasting money for.
Ive been waiting for Mortal Kombat figures since Shaolin Monks. And these would make a nice display.
Plus I love art books, and I hope it gets a hand painted cover like MKvsDC.

About Me
Fare Thee Well
Welp kollectors at gamestop, already had it at gamestop might as well put 10 dollars more for kollectors. Also Scorps classic fatality sounds cool to see, i wonder if the subzero is the on keif did on GT. ha.
Maybe I might be looking at this the wrong way but if you get the Kollector's or Tournament edition technically aren't you getting 2 character skins?
I don't see them making 6 different versions of the game (each store). I'm kind of assuming at this point that the kollector & tournament versions let you pick which character you want, and if you pre-order the game based on the store they will give you an additional code for a specific character.
Usually store pre-order specials are separate from game packaged content. They're never packaged inside the game.
It would definetly help cut down one ones choose of which version of the game to get, and what store to pre-order it from. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
As far as which version I'm getting I'm probably going to get the Gamestop Kollector's version for the PS3, and the 360 tournament edition from Best Buy. I've never been a huge fan of reptile.
I don't see them making 6 different versions of the game (each store). I'm kind of assuming at this point that the kollector & tournament versions let you pick which character you want, and if you pre-order the game based on the store they will give you an additional code for a specific character.
Usually store pre-order specials are separate from game packaged content. They're never packaged inside the game.
It would definetly help cut down one ones choose of which version of the game to get, and what store to pre-order it from. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
As far as which version I'm getting I'm probably going to get the Gamestop Kollector's version for the PS3, and the 360 tournament edition from Best Buy. I've never been a huge fan of reptile.
Shohayabusa Wrote:
Welp kollectors at gamestop, already had it at gamestop might as well put 10 dollars more for kollectors. Also Scorps classic fatality sounds cool to see, i wonder if the subzero is the on keif did on GT. ha.
Welp kollectors at gamestop, already had it at gamestop might as well put 10 dollars more for kollectors. Also Scorps classic fatality sounds cool to see, i wonder if the subzero is the on keif did on GT. ha.
10 dollars?
It will be way more, maybe like 20-30 more around 80-90$.

About Me
Fare Thee Well
SEGAmaniac7 Wrote:
10 dollars?
It will be way more, maybe like 20-30 more around 80-90$.
Shohayabusa Wrote:
Welp kollectors at gamestop, already had it at gamestop might as well put 10 dollars more for kollectors. Also Scorps classic fatality sounds cool to see, i wonder if the subzero is the on keif did on GT. ha.
Welp kollectors at gamestop, already had it at gamestop might as well put 10 dollars more for kollectors. Also Scorps classic fatality sounds cool to see, i wonder if the subzero is the on keif did on GT. ha.
10 dollars?
It will be way more, maybe like 20-30 more around 80-90$.
not that i remember, usually it is 10, but could goto 20. Remember they said figurings not statues ppl. That means it could be the toys from along time ago, remember the classic plastic ones?
About Me

LucaTurilli Wrote:
Holy shit, lol. Are you trolling me to death or something? Let me try and make this as clear as I can for you.
I do care about having to drive 20 fucking miles to get my Sub-Zero costume because Gamestop's exclusive is Scorpion. All retailers should get the same shit.
Retailer exclusive content is bullshit. Is that clear enough for you. Comprehendo? Do you understand my point?
Open your mouth, the helicopter is coming in. Vrrooooooom!
That's a good boy.
Fenix Wrote:
Look man, if you don't have a point you should stop talking. You want everything for free. I get it. Just say that, so NRS can bankrupt another publisher and we can all go play more madden and cod.
Look man, if you don't have a point you should stop talking. You want everything for free. I get it. Just say that, so NRS can bankrupt another publisher and we can all go play more madden and cod.
Holy shit, lol. Are you trolling me to death or something? Let me try and make this as clear as I can for you.
I do care about having to drive 20 fucking miles to get my Sub-Zero costume because Gamestop's exclusive is Scorpion. All retailers should get the same shit.
Retailer exclusive content is bullshit. Is that clear enough for you. Comprehendo? Do you understand my point?
Open your mouth, the helicopter is coming in. Vrrooooooom!
That's a good boy.
I agree with you about the bullshit store exclusives, but god damn! You're an asshole
btw, is there any info on what costumes you get with the KE?

About Me
Fare Thee Well
~Crow~ Wrote:
Check the front page again for images.
Check the front page again for images.
Crow the last 2 images are comming up as errors, check them again.

SubMan799 Wrote:
I agree with you about the bullshit store exclusives, but god damn! You're an asshole.
I agree with you about the bullshit store exclusives, but god damn! You're an asshole.
I try to be nice but it doesn't get me anywhere. Nor does being a dick, but it's just so much more gratifying.

That Scorpion figure actually looks really good, from what I can see.
This is easy for me!
Pre order CE from gamestop and then have my boyfriend pre order the game from amazon, and take his code
, then after that talk to a few friends and get the last code!
I kind of want the stick but i'm not 100% sure. I have the SF fight pad but I have wanted a stick for sometime now.
Pre order CE from gamestop and then have my boyfriend pre order the game from amazon, and take his code
I kind of want the stick but i'm not 100% sure. I have the SF fight pad but I have wanted a stick for sometime now.

Okay, the stick looks good. I see what they mean by portable, and it's a good idea. However, the restricted area makes me worry about the quality and responsiveness of it.
The parts don't seem to be sanwa either, as I don't think they make that kind of joystick, though I could be wrong.
The parts don't seem to be sanwa either, as I don't think they make that kind of joystick, though I could be wrong.
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Holy jizz fuck that stick looks orgasmic. I play well with a standard stick, but the MK sticks....they are a fickle beast. I doubt I'll be picking it up.
But god damn does it look good
But god damn does it look good
Good to see there are going to be some klassic costumes, Reptile really does look awesome. I'd be happy if the Sub and Scorp ones are almost the same with some slight variations.
I couldn't care less how they're releasing the pre-orders, i'm in AUS so we probably won't get shit.
As much as I would like all this DLC, it's going to cost a mint, so i'll be waiting for the packages/discounts etc...
I do think the DLC fatalities is bullshit though. Although fatalities aren't a major gameplay element, this is MK and many people deem the fatalities more important than the rest of the game. Although that's more than likely the reason WB have done this, as they know people will pay for fatalities.
I couldn't care less how they're releasing the pre-orders, i'm in AUS so we probably won't get shit.
As much as I would like all this DLC, it's going to cost a mint, so i'll be waiting for the packages/discounts etc...
I do think the DLC fatalities is bullshit though. Although fatalities aren't a major gameplay element, this is MK and many people deem the fatalities more important than the rest of the game. Although that's more than likely the reason WB have done this, as they know people will pay for fatalities.

~Crow~ Wrote:
Check the front page again for images.
Check the front page again for images.
I know I shouldn't judge a book or game in this case by its cover but is that the official box art?
If so LoL.
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