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Fare Thee Well

09/08/2010 02:28 AM (UTC)
I really like Kitana's fatality. It's brutal, over the top and quick. I liked how the head flipped off in slow motion.

I'm slightly dissapointed in Nightwolf's victory pose. I love the tomahawks striking down with lightning but thought they could do something better than just make him disappear. Its still pretty cool though. Every other shown victory pose has been was over the top eg Scorpion decending to the Netherealm and Mileena jumping right in your face.

I thought his win pose is great! He throws down his tomahawks, now they could of stoped it there but noooo they make him dissapear as well. Man did he became more powerfull??wow
09/08/2010 03:21 AM (UTC)
Nightwolf's victory pose is awesome, luv it! I really like how the MK team is giving each character their own individual traits and making em very different from the rest.

Kitana's Fatality is pretty cool =), deadly fans
09/08/2010 03:32 AM (UTC)
ya know... it is never a good thing when some victory poses are cooler than fatalities. to be honest, at this point, i would rather not do a fatal if i win with scorpion or nightwolf. i was glad to see the beam of light back from mk3 for nightwolf as he fades away. the lightning striking the axes is exactly what should be done during the head chop fatal.
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09/08/2010 04:19 AM (UTC)
Pink_Ranger Wrote:
Kitana's fatality looks good. I really don't like the overkill of most of the fatalities we've seen. Arm slice, leg slice, decapitate, then head slice. I think a simple fatality is more entertaining. This looks good in its simplicity, minus the weird stance she makes in the beginning. Her fatality win pose is nice too. With that being said, I still think that most of the fatalities we've seen are lacking in creativity.
My thoughts exactly.

Also Nightwolf has the best win pose in a Mortal Kombat game ever.
09/08/2010 06:55 AM (UTC)
I'm loving Nightwolf's victory pose. It also shows they could do his fatality from MK3.

Kitana was to be expected. It's a classic with some extra. Noticed she is doing the same thing as Mileena in the beginning of the fatality: "wondering what to do next".

Never thought I would say it, but I think I won't be executing that much fatality's. The victory poses are way too cool for that.
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XBLGT: Canvas of Souls
09/08/2010 09:23 AM (UTC)
Shohayabusa Wrote:
Theres a new interview out now by crosshairs. They interview hektor rodriguez. Its a nice lengthy interview, but theres nothing new in it.

I did manage to see johnny cage doing a charging move with his hand, so i am thinking maybe there going to have unblockable charge attacks.


Dude that interview is a couple months old, from E3.
09/08/2010 09:31 AM (UTC)
I really like Kitana's fatality. It's brutal, over the top and quick. I liked how the head flipped off in slow motion.

I'm slightly dissapointed in Nightwolf's victory pose. I love the tomahawks striking down with lightning but thought they could do something better than just make him disappear. Its still pretty cool though. Every other shown victory pose has been was over the top eg Scorpion decending to the Netherealm and Mileena jumping right in your face.

A even cooler winning position for him was him turning into a werewolf/wolf and howl.
09/08/2010 09:32 AM (UTC)
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:
I'm loving Nightwolf's victory pose. It also shows they could do his fatality from MK3.

Kitana was to be expected. It's a classic with some extra. Noticed she is doing the same thing as Mileena in the beginning of the fatality: "wondering what to do next".

Never thought I would say it, but I think I won't be executing that much fatality's. The victory poses are way too cool for that.

You forgot about Kung Lao's victory pose, it's not that special and cool too bad...
09/08/2010 10:18 AM (UTC)
Sincubus Wrote:
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:
I'm loving Nightwolf's victory pose. It also shows they could do his fatality from MK3.

Kitana was to be expected. It's a classic with some extra. Noticed she is doing the same thing as Mileena in the beginning of the fatality: "wondering what to do next".

Never thought I would say it, but I think I won't be executing that much fatality's. The victory poses are way too cool for that.

You forgot about Kung Lao's victory pose, it's not that special and cool too bad...

yeah but both of kung lao's fatals are awesome so who cares about his victory pose ;p
09/08/2010 10:19 AM (UTC)
Well I do, I want ALL victory poses to be special and cool.

IN case of Kung Lao they could have done this to him: He throws his hat to the screen and half of the screen will slowly slide off turning black then he catches his hat again that returns to him like a boomerang.
09/08/2010 02:21 PM (UTC)
Kitana's Fatality

Well, I like her fans-victory pose in the end of the Fatality, and I really love the way the blood flows in slow motion. But the Fatality itself is uninspired. I really hope her second Fatality is original and unique. Come one people, I'm sure that by now you can all come up with 3+ amazing ideas of how to kill a victim with those steel fans of hers, and those ideas can be more creative than what we just saw.

Nightwolf's Wining pose

Very very cool. I love the nostalgic feel of this wining pose. I'm starting to think he could probably have his light beam fatality. Yay! I hope so because the one we saw really sucked.

Lokheit Wrote:
As S0nofKrypton said, there are at least 52 fatalities or more. Sure, you can say you would be more original, but there are supposed to be:

A) Each fatality need to has something to do with the character skills.

B) The fact that you're seeing all this members sliced is beacause a fatality is bloody gore, you can't do a "poison and see how he dies painfully in the floor" fatality for example because despite it would be cruel, it isn't the tribal style of crude violence this game needs to show. And while you have some bodyparts slice fatality you have:...............

So guys, you are complaining a LOT about the poor inspired fatalities, but the majority of them seems inspired and the rest at least try to maintain the spirit of the character wich is good for me.

I really REALLY disagree with your point B and some of your opinions.

I'm sorry, but, the reason Fatalities can end up being bland, boring, and uninspired is exactly because of that kind of mentality (your opinion B).

Fatalities do not need to show tons of blood and gore in order to be cool or well done. Are you kidding me? You can get some of the most powerful and twisted effects and reactions by cruel Fatalities that involve poison, fire, electricity, magic, etc.

Shang Tsung's MK2-MK3 soul stealer is still better than most Fatalities we have seen for this game. And imagine how amazing Sonya's MKDA Fatality could be with their current technology and a creative twist. Those are just 2 simple examples of something that can work much better than extreme dismemberments if you play around with creativity.

"Cruel" ways of dying can have better effects than extreme gore.
09/08/2010 02:25 PM (UTC)
All I gotta say about Nightwolf's victory pose... Bad.Ass. lol Love it.

09/08/2010 02:25 PM (UTC)
Lol queve

All this talk about how to kill a person with, style, poison and fire makes me think you are an axe-murderer ;)
09/08/2010 02:55 PM (UTC)
DieHumanless Wrote:
Sincubus Wrote:
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:
I'm loving Nightwolf's victory pose. It also shows they could do his fatality from MK3.

Kitana was to be expected. It's a classic with some extra. Noticed she is doing the same thing as Mileena in the beginning of the fatality: "wondering what to do next".

Never thought I would say it, but I think I won't be executing that much fatality's. The victory poses are way too cool for that.

You forgot about Kung Lao's victory pose, it's not that special and cool too bad...

yeah but both of kung lao's fatals are awesome so who cares about his victory pose ;p

Exactly :D ... Kung Lao may have a "poor" victory pose, but his fatality's are one of the best. In that case, I don't care about the pose either tongue

... oh yeah, somebody posted this on another thread. But I think it's allowed to post it in here, since it PAX related? (and some will probably already seen it)

Gameplay Johnny Cage vs Cyrax + Johnny Cage fatality.
09/08/2010 03:05 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
B) The fact that you're seeing all this members sliced is beacause a fatality is bloody gore, you can't do a "poison and see how he dies painfully in the floor" fatality for example because despite it would be cruel, it isn't the tribal style of crude violence this game needs to show. And while you have some bodyparts slice fatality you have:...............

I really REALLY disagree with your point B and some of your opinions.

I'm sorry, but, the reason Fatalities can end up being bland, boring, and uninspired is exactly because of that kind of mentality (your opinion B).

Fatalities do not need to show tons of blood and gore in order to be cool or well done. Are you kidding me? You can get some of the most powerful and twisted effects and reactions by cruel Fatalities that involve poison, fire, electricity, magic, etc.

Shang Tsung's MK2-MK3 soul stealer is still better than most Fatalities we have seen for this game. And imagine how amazing Sonya's MKDA Fatality could be with their current technology and a creative twist. Those are just 2 simple examples of something that can work much better than extreme dismemberments if you play around with creativity.

"Cruel" ways of dying can have better effects than extreme gore.

I agree with Queve. Just because there is blood and dismemberment, doesn't mean it's a good fatality.

And also... as some suggest that we do not need to worry because there is dlc. That is no excuse either. Making "mediocre" fatality's so they can sell "awesome" fatality's through dlc, is the same as leaving stuff out of a game on purpose.
Untill now, I like most of the fatality's, but there are just a few too blant or not executed well.
09/08/2010 03:22 PM (UTC)
how can you not like Kung Lao's victory pose? His gimmick is that he shows off a lot, and likes to do it with the hat. So doing a boomerang trick with the hat is right.

What we need is a win pose where somebody acknowledges the player. Like a simple thank you for the hard work of helping them win a grueling fight to the death. I am tired of not getting my due.
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09/08/2010 04:28 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure if it was pointed out and I'm not about to cycle through pages upon pages on here to search, but did anyone else catch the moves list for Nightwolf and the moves list for Scorpion in one of the vids?
I'm sure they'll be changin' them by the official release, but if not then...there ya have it
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Fare Thee Well

09/08/2010 04:33 PM (UTC)
Johnny cages fatality, and gameplay!!!

09/08/2010 04:40 PM (UTC)
Shohayabusa Wrote:
Johnny cages fatality, and gameplay!!!


Spirit_Wolf just beat you to the punch...

But on that subject, I approve of Johnny Cage's fatality. While it's a bit silly and redundant to rip their torso off after you already killed them, Johnny Cage isn't about making sense... he's about making it look good. I love the head-catch afterward. It's an honestly "stupid" Fatality, but it's gory and it fits Johnny Cage like a glove.
09/08/2010 04:42 PM (UTC)
I hope his second fatality is like this:
Johnny Cages calls with a mobile phone for his private helicopter, then lights are seen above the victim and a huge, stone Jhonny Cage statue falls from the sky onto the victim.
The victims lower body is crushed and he/she still lives, the victim tries to craw from under the statue and Johnny walks toward him/her, then he gives a photo/autograph to the victim and the victim will spit out blood and dies, Johnny says something about that his statue is covered in blood and somebody comes clean it off.

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Fare Thee Well

09/08/2010 04:47 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Shohayabusa Wrote:
Johnny cages fatality, and gameplay!!!


Spirit_Wolf just beat you to the punch...

But on that subject, I approve of Johnny Cage's fatality. While it's a bit silly and redundant to rip their torso off after you already killed them, Johnny Cage isn't about making sense... he's about making it look good. I love the head-catch afterward. It's an honestly "stupid" Fatality, but it's gory and it fits Johnny Cage like a glove.

gah, didn't see him posted after you quoted him haha.
09/08/2010 06:26 PM (UTC)
cyrax vs scorpion. i think its new...

09/08/2010 06:42 PM (UTC)
Hot chick playing MK?? Noice.
09/08/2010 06:59 PM (UTC)
After watching these videos, I did notice one gripe that kinda annoyed me. Now this is just aesthetic, but it kinda rubs against the grain of each character being different and having their own animations. In between rounds, you will notice that the characters share the anmations for getting back up after being knocked on their backs. It's the same animation from MKvsDCU. Again, nothing huge, but it does kinda cheapen the package for me, and I really hope they fix this for the final build. My guess is they will. I really liked in MKD how a majority of the characters had their own unique ways to get up after a round. I am hoping they incorporate some of those ideas here.
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XBLGT: Canvas of Souls
09/08/2010 07:11 PM (UTC)
Scaraka Wrote:
Hot chick playing MK?? Noice.

Lmfao, bottom of the barrel standards, and definitely not "hot"

Old video though.
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