09/09/2010 12:30 PM (UTC)
They just need to give her other hair, this looks too much like her mother, and I hope they can change the hair volume, if not things look really bad for sindel :(
09/09/2010 01:38 PM (UTC)
Sweet video of kitana ^_^ Her entry pose is really awsome.

Did anyone else notice after Sektor won the first round how he glided back with his hands? Reminded me alot of ironman haha.

Lovvvveeee Shao Kahn's arena!!! He looks so badass sitting on his throne with 2 slaves tied up and the tormentor and crowd in the backround. Loving the stages.
09/09/2010 02:09 PM (UTC)
Ryukeshen Wrote:
Finally! Some extended Kitana footage and a fatality performed on her! =D


Plus you can see Tanya in the background, I believe.

Edit: Also, some implications on her character presentation this time around. At the start of the fight, she says "You will learn respect!" or something similar. Seems like she's being presented as the assassin badass she's supposed to be rather than some kind of pretty little princess.

good video ,thought i was hoping there would not be the fatality blackout on the arena.
09/09/2010 02:11 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:

Sure you can have "cool ways" of killing people with for example poison (later on my post I included exploding the body, so I include electricity and magic on the gore list), BUT one of the things with this game is that the style of the violence is purely TRIBAL, there are a lot of tribal them music on the game, and all the "hold trophies" helps with the idea, so doing an intoxication fatality wouldn't go with the spirit of the game unless the effects of the poison shows heavely on the character with terrible disforming effects, but this isn't just a cruel game, the fatalities are a tribal element and simple use of "cruel poison" has nothing to do with tear the body of your enemy and keep his head as a trophy.

A poison fatality would be a kill, but not a FATALITY, it needs to have a visual impact, when native americans made trophies with the skins of their enemy there was a simple reason: inspire fear. If you see your enemy riping the body of your comrade and geting a shower with his blood or ripping his soul from his body you will fear him a lot more than if the guys just posion him with an injection. Visual impact = fear, members sliced in gore-mode = fear, weird green energy being absorbed from the body and then see him dying = fear, this is the spirit of the fatalities.

Anyway, it's just my opinion.

I agree with you regarding the "visual impact" part.

But I have to disagree with your general opinion not because I want to argue, but because I still think that you seem to be limiting the possibilities for some reason.

Again, a Poison Fatality and even a (to take this to an extreme of what you wouldn't consider a good Fatality) a suffocation Fatality could work wonderfully!

They could have a powerful visual impact and be much much better than another silly gory boring dismemberment.

Just as a small/quick example, take Sonya's Poisonous Kiss Fatality from MKDA. Back then its supposed to show first some blood from internal body damage and then some gross food and body parts or whatever.

Well, with todays technology you can have that again only a thousand times better (and without the head stomp):

Sonya's Poisonous Kiss of Death FATALITY

1) You can have the camera zoom in to show you the victims body being affected by the poisonous kiss (bloated ugly green veins, purple veins, swelling in some areas, pus, growing pimples, etc).

2) Then you can have them puking their own blood.

3) Then they will start to throw up severed and mutilated body organs (because of the poison of the kiss, of course) from their own mouth.

4) Then their skin could start to peel off from their body as if it was paper.

5) Fatality.

That's a poison Fatality that could be twisted in many ways and would certainly be more visually powerful for the eyes and the mind of the players.

You can play around with different twists like making their eyes explode, having their entire fingernails fall apart, making them loose their hair, having pus coming out of their ears, foam from their mouths, veins popping everywhere....its disgusting, its morbid, its better than what we've gotten so far.

You can even make a "Suffocation" death a great Fatality, you just need to start thinking about the creative possibilities.
09/09/2010 03:30 PM (UTC)
Ed Boon is Sexy Lol, that giant Bomb interview was pretty funny.

I hope Stryker isn't in the game though!!
09/09/2010 04:13 PM (UTC)
09/09/2010 04:22 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
cyrax vs cage


That one's old :P
09/09/2010 04:27 PM (UTC)
if they want the Kiss of Death fatal to be cooler they just need to make the head explode instead of their whole body.

Nobody's scared of having their whole body blow up, but everybody's felt like their head was gonna pop open once in a while.

This way, you can scar little kids who play this game. when their relatives kiss them, you can squeeze their temples and say, "Wow, I think you're heads gonna burst. It's starting to swell a little." '

Mass panic starts among child circles, and boom, MK is back to its original glory.
09/09/2010 04:42 PM (UTC)
Tanya's kiss was the best. All your joints suddenly twisting the wrong way is way more gross than an explosion.
09/09/2010 04:44 PM (UTC)
i not big fan of explosion fatality's unless they show the body part in slow motion like Sektor''s fatality.
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-Let Mortal Kombat Begin

09/09/2010 05:28 PM (UTC)
Sillytails Wrote:
Sweet video of kitana ^_^ Her entry pose is really awsome.

Did anyone else notice after Sektor won the first round how he glided back with his hands? Reminded me alot of ironman haha.

Lovvvveeee Shao Kahn's arena!!! He looks so badass sitting on his throne with 2 slaves tied up and the tormentor and crowd in the backround. Loving the stages.

Yeah Sektor is definitely heavily influenced by Ironman this time around but I think that's a good thing because it kinda extends what they can do with his move-set and personality!

Also you can see that the crowd throws bloody body parts into the arena. You can see it best right after Sektor flies backwards. AWESOME!!
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

09/09/2010 05:30 PM (UTC)
In the video of Kitana VS Cyrax, Cyraxs intro is supposed to burn kitana before the fight even starts given their distance from each other lol. I love Kahns arena, especially the way he watches the fight and taunts once a while. The monster seems cool too, hopefully a stage fatality.
09/09/2010 05:34 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
In the video of Kitana VS Cyrax, Cyraxs intro is supposed to burn kitana before the fight even starts given their distance from each other lol.

I love Kahns arena, especially the way he watches the fight and taunts once a while. The monster seems cool too, hopefully a stage fatality.

Definitely enjoyed the cameo by Tanya in the background, along with Kira. Kahn of course is cool as always, and I love the monster they fighting in the background.

Kitana is also looking much better once we start seeing what she can actually do. It sounds like she's got a very strong, defiant attitude, which is a HUGE relief considering I've viewed her as changing into a more quiet, soft-spoken person. Seeing her with a bit of sass and boldness, even arrogance, is a great relief and I love seeing that from her. These intros and outros have done so much to instill some personality into the fighters.
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Fare Thee Well

09/09/2010 05:37 PM (UTC)
new, video

looks at 1:28, kitana crouch punch by johnny cage! dam she got caged! And confirmed, the fatalitys are in early stages, so that means they probley will change them up and add more detail!
09/09/2010 05:47 PM (UTC)
I too am loving that Kitana entrance. So sharp, sexy and with some attitude too! Great stuff.

Now, hopefully they'll work a bit more on her hair animation and I just wish she would actually have the fans attached to her back when she's not using them, or somewhere else on her body instead of them just magically disappearing.

Anyway, overall I'm pleased with what I saw from Kitana so far and I assume they gonna work further on her (and other characters) so she should be quite awesome in the final build of the game. Her model on the select screen looks fantastic!
09/09/2010 05:47 PM (UTC)
Shohayabusa Wrote:
new, video

looks at 1:28, kitana crouch punch by johnny cage! dam she got caged!

And confirmed, the fatalitys are in early stages, so that means they probley will change them up and add more detail!

Great interview. Straight from the mouth of Hector. We're experiencing beta animation and fatalities. No reason not to expect polish when the game actually releases.
09/09/2010 06:00 PM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
Shohayabusa Wrote:
new, video

looks at 1:28, kitana crouch punch by johnny cage! dam she got caged!

And confirmed, the fatalitys are in early stages, so that means they probley will change them up and add more detail!

Great interview. Straight from the mouth of Hector. We're experiencing beta animation and fatalities. No reason not to expect polish when the game actually releases.

What makes me excited is that what we're seeing ALREADY looks like the most polished, deep, and violent MK ever. So knowing this stuff is still "early beta" at best is very exciting.
09/09/2010 06:24 PM (UTC)
Shohayabusa Wrote:
new, video

looks at 1:28, kitana crouch punch by johnny cage! dam she got caged!

And confirmed, the fatalitys are in early stages, so that means they probley will change them up and add more detail!

Damn, they seem to have a lot of quality footage. I wonder if they put those online seperatly. grin
09/09/2010 06:56 PM (UTC)
Don't know if this one has already been posted:


Nothing new.
Scorpion vs Sub-Zero; Scorpion Fatality
Wow you'd think PAX is still going on after all these videos have come out, not that I'm complaining.

09/09/2010 07:17 PM (UTC)
So super moves are done by using the same input, but holding down a trigger or bumper.
09/09/2010 08:28 PM (UTC)
Ha I knew that this game was on the way to all the tournaments.When this gets to evo it will finally take it place back among the best in the buissness.
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XBLGT: Canvas of Souls
09/09/2010 08:29 PM (UTC)
Loving that Hector Sanchez interview.
09/09/2010 08:31 PM (UTC)
Registheman Wrote:
Ha I knew that this game was on the way to all the tournaments.When this gets to evo it will finally take it place back among the best in the buissness.

I hope so. I've been so tired of "hardcore" fighting fans calling the MK series a joke... while Smash Bros. and Soul Calibur IV with Yoda get accepted.
09/09/2010 08:43 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Registheman Wrote:
Ha I knew that this game was on the way to all the tournaments.When this gets to evo it will finally take it place back among the best in the buissness.

I hope so. I've been so tired of "hardcore" fighting fans calling the MK series a joke... while Smash Bros. and Soul Calibur IV with Yoda get accepted.

Im tired of Modern Warfare addicts who play nothing but Modern Warefare 2 and talk shit about MK like its a fucking joke and not a game that revilutionized fighting games, and took blood, gore, realism, and graphics to a whole new level. All they fucking play is Modern Warefare 2 with random 13 year olds who talk shit all day, and yet they treat Mortal Kombat like a damn joke and nothing more.
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