Spirit_Wolf Wrote:
I agree with Queve. Just because there is blood and dismemberment, doesn't mean it's a good fatality.
And also... as some suggest that we do not need to worry because there is dlc. That is no excuse either. Making "mediocre" fatality's so they can sell "awesome" fatality's through dlc, is the same as leaving stuff out of a game on purpose.
Untill now, I like most of the fatality's, but there are just a few too blant or not executed well.
queve Wrote:
I really REALLY disagree with your point B and some of your opinions.
I'm sorry, but, the reason Fatalities can end up being bland, boring, and uninspired is exactly because of that kind of mentality (your opinion B).
Fatalities do not need to show tons of blood and gore in order to be cool or well done. Are you kidding me? You can get some of the most powerful and twisted effects and reactions by cruel Fatalities that involve poison, fire, electricity, magic, etc.
Shang Tsung's MK2-MK3 soul stealer is still better than most Fatalities we have seen for this game. And imagine how amazing Sonya's MKDA Fatality could be with their current technology and a creative twist. Those are just 2 simple examples of something that can work much better than extreme dismemberments if you play around with creativity.
"Cruel" ways of dying can have better effects than extreme gore.
Lokheit Wrote:
B) The fact that you're seeing all this members sliced is beacause a fatality is bloody gore, you can't do a "poison and see how he dies painfully in the floor" fatality for example because despite it would be cruel, it isn't the tribal style of crude violence this game needs to show. And while you have some bodyparts slice fatality you have:...............
B) The fact that you're seeing all this members sliced is beacause a fatality is bloody gore, you can't do a "poison and see how he dies painfully in the floor" fatality for example because despite it would be cruel, it isn't the tribal style of crude violence this game needs to show. And while you have some bodyparts slice fatality you have:...............
I really REALLY disagree with your point B and some of your opinions.
I'm sorry, but, the reason Fatalities can end up being bland, boring, and uninspired is exactly because of that kind of mentality (your opinion B).
Fatalities do not need to show tons of blood and gore in order to be cool or well done. Are you kidding me? You can get some of the most powerful and twisted effects and reactions by cruel Fatalities that involve poison, fire, electricity, magic, etc.
Shang Tsung's MK2-MK3 soul stealer is still better than most Fatalities we have seen for this game. And imagine how amazing Sonya's MKDA Fatality could be with their current technology and a creative twist. Those are just 2 simple examples of something that can work much better than extreme dismemberments if you play around with creativity.
"Cruel" ways of dying can have better effects than extreme gore.
I agree with Queve. Just because there is blood and dismemberment, doesn't mean it's a good fatality.
And also... as some suggest that we do not need to worry because there is dlc. That is no excuse either. Making "mediocre" fatality's so they can sell "awesome" fatality's through dlc, is the same as leaving stuff out of a game on purpose.
Untill now, I like most of the fatality's, but there are just a few too blant or not executed well.
Sure you can have "cool ways" of killing people with for example poison (later on my post I included exploding the body, so I include electricity and magic on the gore list), BUT one of the things with this game is that the style of the violence is purely TRIBAL, there are a lot of tribal them music on the game, and all the "hold trophies" helps with the idea, so doing an intoxication fatality wouldn't go with the spirit of the game unless the effects of the poison shows heavely on the character with terrible disforming effects, but this isn't just a cruel game, the fatalities are a tribal element and simple use of "cruel poison" has nothing to do with tear the body of your enemy and keep his head as a trophy.
A poison fatality would be a kill, but not a FATALITY, it needs to have a visual impact, when native americans made trophies with the skins of their enemy there was a simple reason: inspire fear. If you see your enemy riping the body of your comrade and geting a shower with his blood or ripping his soul from his body you will fear him a lot more than if the guys just posion him with an injection. Visual impact = fear, members sliced in gore-mode = fear, weird green energy being absorbed from the body and then see him dying = fear, this is the spirit of the fatalities.
Anyway, it's just my opinion.

Just noticed something about the Kitana Decap Fatality.
Blood everywhere... on the floor, on the opponent, on Kitana but not on her fans. She must have been super fast with those things, since she didn't get a drop of blood on it
Would be cool though, if it was smeared in blood.
Blood everywhere... on the floor, on the opponent, on Kitana but not on her fans. She must have been super fast with those things, since she didn't get a drop of blood on it
Would be cool though, if it was smeared in blood.

About Me
Skaven13 Wrote:
After watching these videos, I did notice one gripe that kinda annoyed me. Now this is just aesthetic, but it kinda rubs against the grain of each character being different and having their own animations. In between rounds, you will notice that the characters share the anmations for getting back up after being knocked on their backs. It's the same animation from MKvsDCU. Again, nothing huge, but it does kinda cheapen the package for me, and I really hope they fix this for the final build. My guess is they will. I really liked in MKD how a majority of the characters had their own unique ways to get up after a round. I am hoping they incorporate some of those ideas here.
After watching these videos, I did notice one gripe that kinda annoyed me. Now this is just aesthetic, but it kinda rubs against the grain of each character being different and having their own animations. In between rounds, you will notice that the characters share the anmations for getting back up after being knocked on their backs. It's the same animation from MKvsDCU. Again, nothing huge, but it does kinda cheapen the package for me, and I really hope they fix this for the final build. My guess is they will. I really liked in MKD how a majority of the characters had their own unique ways to get up after a round. I am hoping they incorporate some of those ideas here.
all the jump kicks look the same too....
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:
Just noticed something about the Kitana Decap Fatality.
Blood everywhere... on the floor, on the opponent, on Kitana but not on her fans. She must have been super fast with those things, since she didn't get a drop of blood on it
Would be cool though, if it was smeared in blood.
Just noticed something about the Kitana Decap Fatality.
Blood everywhere... on the floor, on the opponent, on Kitana but not on her fans. She must have been super fast with those things, since she didn't get a drop of blood on it
Would be cool though, if it was smeared in blood.
I noticed this too and I'm hoping they fix that for the final build.
the samething with scorpion. no blood on his weapon after fatality

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
all the jump kicks look the same too....
Skaven13 Wrote:
After watching these videos, I did notice one gripe that kinda annoyed me. Now this is just aesthetic, but it kinda rubs against the grain of each character being different and having their own animations. In between rounds, you will notice that the characters share the anmations for getting back up after being knocked on their backs. It's the same animation from MKvsDCU. Again, nothing huge, but it does kinda cheapen the package for me, and I really hope they fix this for the final build. My guess is they will. I really liked in MKD how a majority of the characters had their own unique ways to get up after a round. I am hoping they incorporate some of those ideas here.
After watching these videos, I did notice one gripe that kinda annoyed me. Now this is just aesthetic, but it kinda rubs against the grain of each character being different and having their own animations. In between rounds, you will notice that the characters share the anmations for getting back up after being knocked on their backs. It's the same animation from MKvsDCU. Again, nothing huge, but it does kinda cheapen the package for me, and I really hope they fix this for the final build. My guess is they will. I really liked in MKD how a majority of the characters had their own unique ways to get up after a round. I am hoping they incorporate some of those ideas here.
all the jump kicks look the same too....
In regards to the get up animations, they'll be fine in the release build. I've seen pre-release MK vs DC footage that had very generic get ups where they just stood up afterwards, which were changed for the final version.
As pertaining to jump kicks, there isn't honestly that many ways they can make a jump kick look different.

Johnny Cage's fatality.
I didn't watch it cause i'm saving it for when the game comes out.
I didn't watch it cause i'm saving it for when the game comes out.
About Me

XD that was awesome
Boon: Is Stryker in the game?
Giant Bomb: Well, we can't really talk-
Boon: Yeah, what bullshit is that?

SubMan799 Wrote:
XD that was awesome
Boon: Is Stryker in the game?
Giant Bomb: Well, we can't really talk-
Boon: Yeah, what bullshit is that?
XD that was awesome
Boon: Is Stryker in the game?
Giant Bomb: Well, we can't really talk-
Boon: Yeah, what bullshit is that?
That's a definite yes. Only if MINION was here, he'd freak.

Haha, I can't stop laughing at Boon saying all sarcasticly, "WOAh woah, wanna elaborate on that?!"

I wish the jumping were more old school like the high flipping-in-a-ball style. Well I guess it sort of is that way but it does seem a little slow and shallow from the ground. Always loved MK's air-game.
EcstasyTuesday Wrote:
That's a definite yes. Only if MINION was here, he'd freak.
SubMan799 Wrote:
XD that was awesome
Boon: Is Stryker in the game?
Giant Bomb: Well, we can't really talk-
Boon: Yeah, what bullshit is that?
XD that was awesome
Boon: Is Stryker in the game?
Giant Bomb: Well, we can't really talk-
Boon: Yeah, what bullshit is that?
That's a definite yes. Only if MINION was here, he'd freak.
I don't get how that means Stryker's in??

Lifted Wrote:
I don't get how that means Stryker's in??
EcstasyTuesday Wrote:
That's a definite yes. Only if MINION was here, he'd freak.
SubMan799 Wrote:
XD that was awesome
Boon: Is Stryker in the game?
Giant Bomb: Well, we can't really talk-
Boon: Yeah, what bullshit is that?
XD that was awesome
Boon: Is Stryker in the game?
Giant Bomb: Well, we can't really talk-
Boon: Yeah, what bullshit is that?
That's a definite yes. Only if MINION was here, he'd freak.
I don't get how that means Stryker's in??
It's pretty much a givin. He wouldn't single out Stryker for no reason. PLUS, (Drake) MINION always harasses Boon on his twitter account about stryker.
Ed Boon is chewing on my wallet, please stop him

O.O Kitana's fatality was better than I was expecting, I like it. That being said, I'd like to see something a bit more interesting for her second.
About Me

EcstasyTuesday Wrote:
It's pretty much a givin. He wouldn't single out Stryker for no reason. PLUS, (Drake) MINION always harasses Boon on his twitter account about stryker.
Lifted Wrote:
I don't get how that means Stryker's in??
EcstasyTuesday Wrote:
That's a definite yes. Only if MINION was here, he'd freak.
SubMan799 Wrote:
XD that was awesome
Boon: Is Stryker in the game?
Giant Bomb: Well, we can't really talk-
Boon: Yeah, what bullshit is that?
XD that was awesome
Boon: Is Stryker in the game?
Giant Bomb: Well, we can't really talk-
Boon: Yeah, what bullshit is that?
That's a definite yes. Only if MINION was here, he'd freak.
I don't get how that means Stryker's in??
It's pretty much a givin. He wouldn't single out Stryker for no reason. PLUS, (Drake) MINION always harasses Boon on his twitter account about stryker.
he mentioned stryker because the guy Boon was asking was the same guy who asked Boon about Stryker at e3

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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
From now on I'm linking to this in every horrible thread I have to close.
From now on I'm linking to this in every horrible thread I have to close.
Lokheit Wrote:
Sure you can have "cool ways" of killing people with for example poison (later on my post I included exploding the body, so I include electricity and magic on the gore list), BUT one of the things with this game is that the style of the violence is purely TRIBAL, there are a lot of tribal them music on the game, and all the "hold trophies" helps with the idea, so doing an intoxication fatality wouldn't go with the spirit of the game unless the effects of the poison shows heavely on the character with terrible disforming effects, but this isn't just a cruel game, the fatalities are a tribal element and simple use of "cruel poison" has nothing to do with tear the body of your enemy and keep his head as a trophy.
A poison fatality would be a kill, but not a FATALITY, it needs to have a visual impact, when native americans made trophies with the skins of their enemy there was a simple reason: inspire fear. If you see your enemy riping the body of your comrade and geting a shower with his blood or ripping his soul from his body you will fear him a lot more than if the guys just posion him with an injection. Visual impact = fear, members sliced in gore-mode = fear, weird green energy being absorbed from the body and then see him dying = fear, this is the spirit of the fatalities.
Anyway, it's just my opinion.
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:
I agree with Queve. Just because there is blood and dismemberment, doesn't mean it's a good fatality.
And also... as some suggest that we do not need to worry because there is dlc. That is no excuse either. Making "mediocre" fatality's so they can sell "awesome" fatality's through dlc, is the same as leaving stuff out of a game on purpose.
Untill now, I like most of the fatality's, but there are just a few too blant or not executed well.
queve Wrote:
I really REALLY disagree with your point B and some of your opinions.
I'm sorry, but, the reason Fatalities can end up being bland, boring, and uninspired is exactly because of that kind of mentality (your opinion B).
Fatalities do not need to show tons of blood and gore in order to be cool or well done. Are you kidding me? You can get some of the most powerful and twisted effects and reactions by cruel Fatalities that involve poison, fire, electricity, magic, etc.
Shang Tsung's MK2-MK3 soul stealer is still better than most Fatalities we have seen for this game. And imagine how amazing Sonya's MKDA Fatality could be with their current technology and a creative twist. Those are just 2 simple examples of something that can work much better than extreme dismemberments if you play around with creativity.
"Cruel" ways of dying can have better effects than extreme gore.
Lokheit Wrote:
B) The fact that you're seeing all this members sliced is beacause a fatality is bloody gore, you can't do a "poison and see how he dies painfully in the floor" fatality for example because despite it would be cruel, it isn't the tribal style of crude violence this game needs to show. And while you have some bodyparts slice fatality you have:...............
B) The fact that you're seeing all this members sliced is beacause a fatality is bloody gore, you can't do a "poison and see how he dies painfully in the floor" fatality for example because despite it would be cruel, it isn't the tribal style of crude violence this game needs to show. And while you have some bodyparts slice fatality you have:...............
I really REALLY disagree with your point B and some of your opinions.
I'm sorry, but, the reason Fatalities can end up being bland, boring, and uninspired is exactly because of that kind of mentality (your opinion B).
Fatalities do not need to show tons of blood and gore in order to be cool or well done. Are you kidding me? You can get some of the most powerful and twisted effects and reactions by cruel Fatalities that involve poison, fire, electricity, magic, etc.
Shang Tsung's MK2-MK3 soul stealer is still better than most Fatalities we have seen for this game. And imagine how amazing Sonya's MKDA Fatality could be with their current technology and a creative twist. Those are just 2 simple examples of something that can work much better than extreme dismemberments if you play around with creativity.
"Cruel" ways of dying can have better effects than extreme gore.
I agree with Queve. Just because there is blood and dismemberment, doesn't mean it's a good fatality.
And also... as some suggest that we do not need to worry because there is dlc. That is no excuse either. Making "mediocre" fatality's so they can sell "awesome" fatality's through dlc, is the same as leaving stuff out of a game on purpose.
Untill now, I like most of the fatality's, but there are just a few too blant or not executed well.
Sure you can have "cool ways" of killing people with for example poison (later on my post I included exploding the body, so I include electricity and magic on the gore list), BUT one of the things with this game is that the style of the violence is purely TRIBAL, there are a lot of tribal them music on the game, and all the "hold trophies" helps with the idea, so doing an intoxication fatality wouldn't go with the spirit of the game unless the effects of the poison shows heavely on the character with terrible disforming effects, but this isn't just a cruel game, the fatalities are a tribal element and simple use of "cruel poison" has nothing to do with tear the body of your enemy and keep his head as a trophy.
A poison fatality would be a kill, but not a FATALITY, it needs to have a visual impact, when native americans made trophies with the skins of their enemy there was a simple reason: inspire fear. If you see your enemy riping the body of your comrade and geting a shower with his blood or ripping his soul from his body you will fear him a lot more than if the guys just posion him with an injection. Visual impact = fear, members sliced in gore-mode = fear, weird green energy being absorbed from the body and then see him dying = fear, this is the spirit of the fatalities.
Anyway, it's just my opinion.
Where are you getting this "tribal" stuff from ??

Finally! Some extended Kitana footage and a fatality performed on her! =D
Plus you can see Tanya in the background, I believe.
Edit: Also, some implications on her character presentation this time around. At the start of the fight, she says "You will learn respect!" or something similar. Seems like she's being presented as the assassin badass she's supposed to be rather than some kind of pretty little princess.
Plus you can see Tanya in the background, I believe.
Edit: Also, some implications on her character presentation this time around. At the start of the fight, she says "You will learn respect!" or something similar. Seems like she's being presented as the assassin badass she's supposed to be rather than some kind of pretty little princess.
Man that lady in the background is annoying ...."oh ho ho oh ho".... shut up
And kid, it's called a move list, look at it.
BTW I found this compilation of all shown fatalities, stage fatalities and x-ray moves shown so far.
The music is strange but you can watch it without the music of course.
The music is strange but you can watch it without the music of course.

Sincubus Wrote:
I love that beginning of kitana! But they still need to change that horrible hair!
I love that beginning of kitana! But they still need to change that horrible hair!
Was thinking the same thing. Damn, I love all those intro's and victory poses! Nice close up of her!
I think (hope) they will fix the hair. It's not that it's so much trouble to adjust. Just have to add some more gravity to the hair. I think they gave everybody the same properties for the hair right now.
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