I just saw Kitana's fatality.....and while I'm disappointed that it's just another dismemberment/decapitation, I'm impressed with the way the blood flows out. They've been doing great with that, now all they have to do is start being a little more creative.
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"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy." ― Kalu Kalu
i'll admit that the limb slicing and chopping IS getting redundant. but what can you do? there's gonna be 2 different fatalities for each character.........all 26+ of them. so.....they have to program at least 52 different fatalities in all. i certainly can't think of 52 ways to kill a person. can you? 

About Me
no one will ever be immortal
S0nofKrypton Wrote:
i'll admit that the limb slicing and chopping IS getting redundant. but what can you do? there's gonna be 2 different fatalities for each character.........all 26+ of them. so.....they have to program at least 52 different fatalities in all. i certainly can't think of 52 ways to kill a person. can you?
i'll admit that the limb slicing and chopping IS getting redundant. but what can you do? there's gonna be 2 different fatalities for each character.........all 26+ of them. so.....they have to program at least 52 different fatalities in all. i certainly can't think of 52 ways to kill a person. can you?
You've obvisiously never seen 1000 ways to die and I think they can do it.

S0nofKrypton Wrote:
i'll admit that the limb slicing and chopping IS getting redundant. but what can you do? there's gonna be 2 different fatalities for each character.........all 26+ of them. sooooo they have to program at least 52 different fatalities in all. i certainly can't think of 52 ways to kill a person. can you?
i'll admit that the limb slicing and chopping IS getting redundant. but what can you do? there's gonna be 2 different fatalities for each character.........all 26+ of them. sooooo they have to program at least 52 different fatalities in all. i certainly can't think of 52 ways to kill a person. can you?
If each character had 5, and I was creating them, they'd ALL be unique.
About Me
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy." ― Kalu Kalu
TortureLegend Wrote:
If each character had 5, and I was creating them, they'd ALL be unique.
If each character had 5, and I was creating them, they'd ALL be unique.
that, good sir, sounds like a challenge!

But the fact of the matter is, i'm not saying all, but alot of MK fatalities revolve around dismemberment. I try not to think "Oh it's just another slicing fatality!" I think of how it's executed. And I love every fatality that i've seen so far!
Sincubus Wrote:
I'm hoping her second fatality revolves around her kissing and blowing up characters, I wouldn't like to see another fatality with her fans... as that would probably mean another cut and slash fatality... there are only a few things you can do with slash weapons, and Kung Lao already got the best of them.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Kitana's fatality is alright. I agree that it's redundant given other fatalities, but I love the camera movement at the decapitation. Nice and theatrical.
Kitana's fatality is alright. I agree that it's redundant given other fatalities, but I love the camera movement at the decapitation. Nice and theatrical.
I'm hoping her second fatality revolves around her kissing and blowing up characters, I wouldn't like to see another fatality with her fans... as that would probably mean another cut and slash fatality... there are only a few things you can do with slash weapons, and Kung Lao already got the best of them.
i would like for her to do a kiss fatality but instead of exploding, when her opponent gets big she should take her fan and slice them in the middle of the stomach so their guts fall out. very gruesome
Kitana's fatality is ok. They defeintly arent getting any better. Kung Lao's is still my favorite. The winning poses on the other hand are amazing. Kung Lao's did dissapoint me just throwing his hat at the screen but Nightwolf's was truly epic. Cant wait to see more and hope the fatalities become more creative!

About Me

I agree that they should be a little more creative with the fatalities, although I do like Kitana's dismemberment fatality. It's adds just a bit more than the original MK2 head decap. I like how they stuck to her original fatality and added the extra arm slice. On the other hand, her second fatality should be something a little bit more exciting. In my opinion, if each character has two fatalities, I think one should be a classic or enhanced classic (such as Kitana's) and the other one should be completely new and mindblowing. That would please us all!

S0nofKrypton Wrote:
that, good sir, sounds like a challenge!
TortureLegend Wrote:
If each character had 5, and I was creating them, they'd ALL be unique.
If each character had 5, and I was creating them, they'd ALL be unique.
that, good sir, sounds like a challenge!
It is, now all they have to do is hire me, and you guys would be the happiest MK fans ever.

TortureLegend Wrote:
It is, now all they have to do is hire me, and you guys would be the happiest MK fans ever.
S0nofKrypton Wrote:
that, good sir, sounds like a challenge!
TortureLegend Wrote:
If each character had 5, and I was creating them, they'd ALL be unique.
If each character had 5, and I was creating them, they'd ALL be unique.
that, good sir, sounds like a challenge!
It is, now all they have to do is hire me, and you guys would be the happiest MK fans ever.
I have faith in you my good man. Hire him at once!
As S0nofKrypton said, there are at least 52 fatalities or more. Sure, you can say you would be more original, but there are supposed to be:
A) Each fatality need to has something to do with the character skills.
B) The fact that you're seeing all this members sliced is beacause a fatality is bloody gore, you can't do a "poison and see how he dies painfully in the floor" fatality for example because despite it would be cruel, it isn't the tribal style of crude violence this game needs to show. And while you have some bodyparts slice fatality you have:
-Kung Lao buzz saw fatality, wich is a remake but still my favourite one on this game.
-Kung Lao boomerang fatality then vertical slice (you can say, oh yeah, another decapitation, but the fact is that a body doesn't have 52 different bodyparts to dismember, the originality is in the way this bodyparts are cut, the other only way to show blood is making it explode instead of riping(slicing the body).
-Mileena face eater.
-Sektor missile annihilation.
-Cyrax net.
-Sub-Zero spin ripe, then freeze, then shatter with spin.
-Reptile acid to mouth then substract organ.
-Sub-Zero leg freeze and torso rip, wich is brutal because his spin is frozen and he only has to pull from the neck.
You guys are complaining because:
Cyrax Kitana, Nightwolf and Scorpion slice body parts, and Cage also has a torso rip wich sub-zero has (and probably Mileena but this last one hasn't been proved in game) but:
-Cage, before the torso rip, TEARS THE F#*@G HEAD WITH A PUNCH!! WITH A PUNCH!! Then torso rip and then catch in middle air the guy's head! I think thathow brutal is what he does with the first punch makes this fatality a really good one.
-Cyrax and Scorpion are similar in that they slice and then kick, but hey, you have to apreciate the art in both fatalities: Cyrax cut the opponent in 5 parts with just 3 slices thanks to the axis form of number 2 and 3 cuts, while Scorpion shows his maestry putting the opponent head in the perfect site to cut it in 2 with a single and classy move.
-You can complain because Kitana fatality is simple and also slice bodyparts, but this was really the only way to keep her looking like an elegant edenian princess and use her fans in the process, sure she will have a different styled one, but this ones fits her personality.
-About Nightwolf, he has some resemblances with other fatalitys (specially with Kung Lao projectile decapitation theme) but he used his trademark green weapons in the process and the fact the the first shoot is so brutal and then he use the axe to hold the head as a trophy, this makes it more personal and this is also an improvement over his deception fat.
-Scorpion second fatality looks like the worse one, because it doesn't add too much that his first one doesn't have and he could be using his fire skull.
So guys, you are complaining a LOT about the poor inspired fatalities, but the majority of them seems inspired and the rest at least try to maintain the spirit of the character wich is good for me.
A) Each fatality need to has something to do with the character skills.
B) The fact that you're seeing all this members sliced is beacause a fatality is bloody gore, you can't do a "poison and see how he dies painfully in the floor" fatality for example because despite it would be cruel, it isn't the tribal style of crude violence this game needs to show. And while you have some bodyparts slice fatality you have:
-Kung Lao buzz saw fatality, wich is a remake but still my favourite one on this game.
-Kung Lao boomerang fatality then vertical slice (you can say, oh yeah, another decapitation, but the fact is that a body doesn't have 52 different bodyparts to dismember, the originality is in the way this bodyparts are cut, the other only way to show blood is making it explode instead of riping(slicing the body).
-Mileena face eater.
-Sektor missile annihilation.
-Cyrax net.
-Sub-Zero spin ripe, then freeze, then shatter with spin.
-Reptile acid to mouth then substract organ.
-Sub-Zero leg freeze and torso rip, wich is brutal because his spin is frozen and he only has to pull from the neck.
You guys are complaining because:
Cyrax Kitana, Nightwolf and Scorpion slice body parts, and Cage also has a torso rip wich sub-zero has (and probably Mileena but this last one hasn't been proved in game) but:
-Cage, before the torso rip, TEARS THE F#*@G HEAD WITH A PUNCH!! WITH A PUNCH!! Then torso rip and then catch in middle air the guy's head! I think thathow brutal is what he does with the first punch makes this fatality a really good one.
-Cyrax and Scorpion are similar in that they slice and then kick, but hey, you have to apreciate the art in both fatalities: Cyrax cut the opponent in 5 parts with just 3 slices thanks to the axis form of number 2 and 3 cuts, while Scorpion shows his maestry putting the opponent head in the perfect site to cut it in 2 with a single and classy move.
-You can complain because Kitana fatality is simple and also slice bodyparts, but this was really the only way to keep her looking like an elegant edenian princess and use her fans in the process, sure she will have a different styled one, but this ones fits her personality.
-About Nightwolf, he has some resemblances with other fatalitys (specially with Kung Lao projectile decapitation theme) but he used his trademark green weapons in the process and the fact the the first shoot is so brutal and then he use the axe to hold the head as a trophy, this makes it more personal and this is also an improvement over his deception fat.
-Scorpion second fatality looks like the worse one, because it doesn't add too much that his first one doesn't have and he could be using his fire skull.
So guys, you are complaining a LOT about the poor inspired fatalities, but the majority of them seems inspired and the rest at least try to maintain the spirit of the character wich is good for me.
My hope for fatalities would be something like this, I will post a more complete version later on in another thread;
Liu Kang
1) Inner Fire fatality (new style)
2) Dragon fatality (new style)
3) Screen throwing fireball fatality (new style)
Johnny Cage
1) Head uppercut and torso rip.
2) Johnny Statue helicopter drop on target (much like Liu's arcade cast)
3) Kais ripping fatality from MK4.
Sonya Blade
1) Fire Kiss fatality
2) Leg breaker fatality (she rips you appart in her handstand mode)
3) Energy kiss (she kisses the victim and the victim turns into a extremly energy-full person, he starts to freak out and blows up.)
1) Toasty hell breath
2) Get over here into hell
3) The slice fatality that was already shown.
1) Icycle (something with an icycle)
2) Freezes the victim solid and breaks it above its head.
3) Spine ripper with freezing specials.
1) Heart rip and bite like an apple, then dislikes the taste and punshes the heart into the still standing victims face.
2) Lazer eyes
3) Flesh eating beetles (Kano drops a bottle with flesh eating beetles before the victims feet and they eat the victim till only bones remain.
1) Electrocution above its head (like in mk4)
2) Lighting strikes (much like Rains fatality in MKtrilogy, but after many lightnings strike the victim only his feet and head explodes)
3) Torpedo (Raiden does his torpedo move and cuts off the torso from the other bodyparts.)
Shang Tsung
1) Soul Steal
2) Cobra bite, Shang tsung turns into a fiery cobra and eats the victim whole, then spits its burning remains out.
3) Boss Shapeshift (First he turns into Kintaro, then into Motaro and at last into Shao Kahn, finishing the victim off with shoa kahns hammer.)
1) Something with its tongue (can be done invisible aswel)
2) Something with his acid (can be done invisible aswel)
3) Something with lethal, terrible poison (can be done invisible aswel)
1) Something with impalement
2) Scorpions second fatality suits baraka, he catches the flying head with one of his armblades and bites it like an apple.
3) Slashes victims tummy open and all organs fall out fatality.
1) Rips out arms and crushes head with own arms.
2) Earth based fatality, the earth swallows the victim.
3) Arms turn into knives and slashes the victim into parts.
1) Something cruel with the fans.
2) Kiss of fatness
3) Kiss of ageing (turns into a very old man and dies into a skeleton.)
1) The one we've seen before, the face eater.
2) Bone Spitter or something like Haviks fatality with the arm eater.
3) Something with the sais.
Kung Lao
1) The one we've seen
2) The one we've seen
3) His fatality from deadly alliance!
1) Staff shaker
2) Kiss of plant growth (vines start to grow out of the victims body, ripping her/him appart.)
3) Something like her head-staff fatality of mkdeception.
1) Smoke frome the inside (he enters your body and x-ray shows organs blowing up, then the victim throws up blood and smoke and finally explodes and than a very bloody smoke stands there where the victim was kneeling)
2) Smoke Cloud (a cloud surrounds the victim and burns it into an ashy corpse.
3) Really don't know yet
1) Resident evil net.
2) Helicopter + suicide
3) Pull into his body fatality from Deadly Alliance variant.
1) The very cool missile fatality
2) Something cruel with his flamethrower.
3) The crusher machine from his belly.
1) Skin screamer fatality
2) Something cruel with her hair.
3) Flying fatality (sindel lifts the victim up and flies offscreen with it, then she drops him from a great hight.)
1) Something with bombs.
2) Something cruel with his nightsticks.
3) Gun shots (he shoots the victim with his gun, and then the victim will spray blood from all the bullet holes until he's bled dry, then stryker shoots the victim through the head.)
1) Werewolf + wolf pack fatality
2) Holy light + holy spirits fatality
3) Something more original with his axes, the lightning strike in the head on the axe for example.
1) Fatality with his speed.
2) Fatality with his groundsaw.
3) Fatality with his face and hookswords.
1) Telekinetic slam fatality
2) Telekinetic ripping fatality.
3) Telepathic horror fatality (ermac overflows the victim minds with painfull and horrible images, the victim screams and commits suicide (if there is a stage fatality it will do the stage fatality)
1) Whirlwind terror (a whirlwind rips the victim into pieces)
2) Water fatality (A huge bubble of animated water surrounds the victim and starts to drown the victim, then rain cuts the victim and the bubble of water starts to turn red with blood in the end the water bubble will shrink with the victim still in it crushing it entirely)
3) Acid Rain fatality
1) Skin ripper fatality
2) Teleport stomp fatality, she jumps on your stumic and you spit a fountain of blood everytime she jumps on your chest, and in the end the head of the victim pops, just like a bottle when you jump on it a couple of times)
3) Limb ripper, she ripps off all your limbs (arms and legs) at the same time.
Quan Chi
1) Skeleton hands (much like off shinnocks fatalities)
2) Skeleton animation (Quan Chi animates the skeleton of the victim and the skeleton tears itself free from the flesh)
3) Leg rip (his fatality from MK4)
1) Inner demon (her demon form breaks free and eats the victim slowly)
2) Shuriken barrage (the fatality of reiko, but more bloody)
3) Demon kiss (she kisses you and an demon rips its way free from the victims chest, much like alien)
Liu Kang
1) Inner Fire fatality (new style)
2) Dragon fatality (new style)
3) Screen throwing fireball fatality (new style)
Johnny Cage
1) Head uppercut and torso rip.
2) Johnny Statue helicopter drop on target (much like Liu's arcade cast)
3) Kais ripping fatality from MK4.
Sonya Blade
1) Fire Kiss fatality
2) Leg breaker fatality (she rips you appart in her handstand mode)
3) Energy kiss (she kisses the victim and the victim turns into a extremly energy-full person, he starts to freak out and blows up.)
1) Toasty hell breath
2) Get over here into hell
3) The slice fatality that was already shown.
1) Icycle (something with an icycle)
2) Freezes the victim solid and breaks it above its head.
3) Spine ripper with freezing specials.
1) Heart rip and bite like an apple, then dislikes the taste and punshes the heart into the still standing victims face.
2) Lazer eyes
3) Flesh eating beetles (Kano drops a bottle with flesh eating beetles before the victims feet and they eat the victim till only bones remain.
1) Electrocution above its head (like in mk4)
2) Lighting strikes (much like Rains fatality in MKtrilogy, but after many lightnings strike the victim only his feet and head explodes)
3) Torpedo (Raiden does his torpedo move and cuts off the torso from the other bodyparts.)
Shang Tsung
1) Soul Steal
2) Cobra bite, Shang tsung turns into a fiery cobra and eats the victim whole, then spits its burning remains out.
3) Boss Shapeshift (First he turns into Kintaro, then into Motaro and at last into Shao Kahn, finishing the victim off with shoa kahns hammer.)
1) Something with its tongue (can be done invisible aswel)
2) Something with his acid (can be done invisible aswel)
3) Something with lethal, terrible poison (can be done invisible aswel)
1) Something with impalement
2) Scorpions second fatality suits baraka, he catches the flying head with one of his armblades and bites it like an apple.
3) Slashes victims tummy open and all organs fall out fatality.
1) Rips out arms and crushes head with own arms.
2) Earth based fatality, the earth swallows the victim.
3) Arms turn into knives and slashes the victim into parts.
1) Something cruel with the fans.
2) Kiss of fatness
3) Kiss of ageing (turns into a very old man and dies into a skeleton.)
1) The one we've seen before, the face eater.
2) Bone Spitter or something like Haviks fatality with the arm eater.
3) Something with the sais.
Kung Lao
1) The one we've seen
2) The one we've seen
3) His fatality from deadly alliance!
1) Staff shaker
2) Kiss of plant growth (vines start to grow out of the victims body, ripping her/him appart.)
3) Something like her head-staff fatality of mkdeception.
1) Smoke frome the inside (he enters your body and x-ray shows organs blowing up, then the victim throws up blood and smoke and finally explodes and than a very bloody smoke stands there where the victim was kneeling)
2) Smoke Cloud (a cloud surrounds the victim and burns it into an ashy corpse.
3) Really don't know yet
1) Resident evil net.
2) Helicopter + suicide
3) Pull into his body fatality from Deadly Alliance variant.
1) The very cool missile fatality
2) Something cruel with his flamethrower.
3) The crusher machine from his belly.
1) Skin screamer fatality
2) Something cruel with her hair.
3) Flying fatality (sindel lifts the victim up and flies offscreen with it, then she drops him from a great hight.)
1) Something with bombs.
2) Something cruel with his nightsticks.
3) Gun shots (he shoots the victim with his gun, and then the victim will spray blood from all the bullet holes until he's bled dry, then stryker shoots the victim through the head.)
1) Werewolf + wolf pack fatality
2) Holy light + holy spirits fatality
3) Something more original with his axes, the lightning strike in the head on the axe for example.
1) Fatality with his speed.
2) Fatality with his groundsaw.
3) Fatality with his face and hookswords.
1) Telekinetic slam fatality
2) Telekinetic ripping fatality.
3) Telepathic horror fatality (ermac overflows the victim minds with painfull and horrible images, the victim screams and commits suicide (if there is a stage fatality it will do the stage fatality)
1) Whirlwind terror (a whirlwind rips the victim into pieces)
2) Water fatality (A huge bubble of animated water surrounds the victim and starts to drown the victim, then rain cuts the victim and the bubble of water starts to turn red with blood in the end the water bubble will shrink with the victim still in it crushing it entirely)
3) Acid Rain fatality
1) Skin ripper fatality
2) Teleport stomp fatality, she jumps on your stumic and you spit a fountain of blood everytime she jumps on your chest, and in the end the head of the victim pops, just like a bottle when you jump on it a couple of times)
3) Limb ripper, she ripps off all your limbs (arms and legs) at the same time.
Quan Chi
1) Skeleton hands (much like off shinnocks fatalities)
2) Skeleton animation (Quan Chi animates the skeleton of the victim and the skeleton tears itself free from the flesh)
3) Leg rip (his fatality from MK4)
1) Inner demon (her demon form breaks free and eats the victim slowly)
2) Shuriken barrage (the fatality of reiko, but more bloody)
3) Demon kiss (she kisses you and an demon rips its way free from the victims chest, much like alien)
I'll admit, I thought Kitana's arm/head slice seemed generic when I read it. However, when I saw the footage, it looked pretty good. The slicing doesn't seem to be perfect "clean cuts", which makes it look more brutal. The areas of "extraction" look chunky and "meaty", which adds more to it. But that's just me.

I for one, really liked Kitana's fatality. Fuck it, ya know? I am playing the game for gameplay, not just "hmmm how can I kill someone?"
Sure, I love fatalities but, I am not disappointed in any so far. I like it.
Sure, I love fatalities but, I am not disappointed in any so far. I like it.
Okay hell why not
Noob Saibot
1) Togheter we are stronger (Noob saibot summons his shadow clone and togheter they rip the victim appart by both grabbing one arm.)
2) Afraid in the dark (The screen turns totally black, and then much screams are heard, when the light turns back on the sight ain't gonna be pretty and all parts are shattered over the entire level in a bloody mess)
3) Black Hole (He opens a black hole and the victim is sucked into it, then it closes. He then opens another hole and all the victims parts are falling out of it in one bloody messy rain.)
Noob Saibot
1) Togheter we are stronger (Noob saibot summons his shadow clone and togheter they rip the victim appart by both grabbing one arm.)
2) Afraid in the dark (The screen turns totally black, and then much screams are heard, when the light turns back on the sight ain't gonna be pretty and all parts are shattered over the entire level in a bloody mess)
3) Black Hole (He opens a black hole and the victim is sucked into it, then it closes. He then opens another hole and all the victims parts are falling out of it in one bloody messy rain.)
Sincubus Wrote:
Kung Lao
1) The one we've seen
2) The one we've seen
3) His fatality from deadly alliance!
Kung Lao
1) The one we've seen
2) The one we've seen
3) His fatality from deadly alliance!
I loved his deadly alliance fatality, the way he walked unworried and then how he get back his hat from his opponent chest hitting his torso with his feet is all awasome! I think he has the best fatality repertory of this game and adding this one would be super!
My fav. character is Young-Subby, but I like KL nearly as much as I like YSZ, probably if Kung Lao would have make the roster for the first MK game I played I could be more fond on him than on Subby.
Anyway I like your idea and many of the fats. of your lists seems to be good and on character (but a lot of them need to be designed as they are just concept of what to use in the fatality, but a very good list anyway).
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*Applause for Lokheit*

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no one will ever be immortal
Sincubus Wrote:
Okay hell why not
Noob Saibot
1) Togheter we are stronger (Noob saibot summons his shadow clone and togheter they rip the victim appart by both grabbing one arm.)
2) Afraid in the dark (The screen turns totally black, and then much screams are heard, when the light turns back on the sight ain't gonna be pretty and all parts are shattered over the entire level in a bloody mess)
3) Black Hole (He opens a black hole and the victim is sucked into it, then it closes. He then opens another hole and all the victims parts are falling out of it in one bloody messy rain.)
Okay hell why not
Noob Saibot
1) Togheter we are stronger (Noob saibot summons his shadow clone and togheter they rip the victim appart by both grabbing one arm.)
2) Afraid in the dark (The screen turns totally black, and then much screams are heard, when the light turns back on the sight ain't gonna be pretty and all parts are shattered over the entire level in a bloody mess)
3) Black Hole (He opens a black hole and the victim is sucked into it, then it closes. He then opens another hole and all the victims parts are falling out of it in one bloody messy rain.)
I like these back to the classics

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Lifted Wrote:
A quick vid. Reptile vs. Reptile
his dash looks nice.
A quick vid. Reptile vs. Reptile
his dash looks nice.
Damn, was that a unique wake-up attack at 0:24, or do you now have the ability to do special moves as wake-up attacks (and immediatly out of recovery rolls)?

About Me
Fare Thee Well
Theres a new interview out now by crosshairs. They interview hektor rodriguez. Its a nice lengthy interview, but theres nothing new in it.
I did manage to see johnny cage doing a charging move with his hand, so i am thinking maybe there going to have unblockable charge attacks.
I did manage to see johnny cage doing a charging move with his hand, so i am thinking maybe there going to have unblockable charge attacks.
kitana's win pose after the fatality is very nice. i applaued any and all effort to make her all about those fans, as they should be. her fatal is just ok but i like how they left behind a meat and bone nub hanging to each shoulder instead of the arm being cleanly cut off. but i have to agree these slice and dice fatals are making me sleepy.... and this is only around 1/3 of the fighters. that said, i will just hope these are some placeholders, or trial fatals, for now as they have half a year yet to go and perhaps did not want to reveal too much fatality awesomeness @ pax.
still would like to see reptile's puke fatal...
still would like to see reptile's puke fatal...

About Me
I really like Kitana's fatality. It's brutal, over the top and quick. I liked how the head flipped off in slow motion.
I'm slightly dissapointed in Nightwolf's victory pose. I love the tomahawks striking down with lightning but thought they could do something better than just make him disappear. Its still pretty cool though. Every other shown victory pose has been was over the top eg Scorpion decending to the Netherealm and Mileena jumping right in your face.
I'm slightly dissapointed in Nightwolf's victory pose. I love the tomahawks striking down with lightning but thought they could do something better than just make him disappear. Its still pretty cool though. Every other shown victory pose has been was over the top eg Scorpion decending to the Netherealm and Mileena jumping right in your face.
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