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08/29/2006 06:47 PM (UTC)
Moloch has been revealed, Drhamin has Hung Gar, wtf?

First post updated.
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PSN: Eazail70x7

08/29/2006 08:20 PM (UTC)
Jade's attacks are not as strong in MKA. Her 3 hits in Fan Zi used to be 24% now its only 17% from the video I seen. sad
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
08/29/2006 10:14 PM (UTC)
Jade better get Kuo Shou back with upgrades! furious Bojutsu needs to be safer too.

As for Frost, Yuan Yuang would be far better for her, imo. I found it much better than Tong Bei. It looked sexier too.

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49ers: 2-1. They will go 10-6 and win the NFCW. Just Touchdowns O'Sullivan Is the next montana.
08/29/2006 11:01 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
Jade better get Kuo Shou back with upgrades! furious Bojutsu needs to be safer too.

As for Frost, Yuan Yuang would be far better for her, imo. I found it much better than Tong Bei. It looked sexier too.

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08/29/2006 11:32 PM (UTC)
Versatile Wrote:
RIP competitive Jade.

well if 3 hits mid, they give her a sweet little low poke, make 4 safe, add the power back, and fine tune bojutsu... she might get to mid tier.

Im almost certain the talented testers probably thought she needed to be toned down. Thanks a lot guys... now what are you gonna do to Shang?

aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggghh !
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08/29/2006 11:58 PM (UTC)
kitanas Ba Gua looks to be like ashrahs in MKD w/ a couple new combos, nothing worth using tho. that combo that ends in 4 is dumb better off cs to end in weapon or do 1,2,2,3
weapons new combos look interesting the "low poke" combo 2,2,2,4 looks to end in a low poke, only positive could be that B+2 is a mid now allowing for some 50/50 mixups w/ it. i could be wrong it could already be one in MKD ill have to re look when i get home.

i dont get why the teleport?? she already has the flying punch move right? if its just like sonyas why have a teleport when they both work the same?? confused

id rather have her

flying air punch and another move that goes in the air like the flying punch move but instead of going behind her foe she goes in front of them, kinda like a half screen air fly move. idk i just dont get why have the 2 moves confused

i do like the fan toss and the FAN WAVE looks useful again grin she doesnt sit there for 2 hours any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope sindels scream last that short time also.

another positive is its just a tap back and forth move. those work so much better (IMO) then the tap 3 x's either way moves furious like sindel scream furious
08/30/2006 12:15 AM (UTC)
redsaleen02 Wrote:
first off to the guy who said i wouldnt beat him, LOl bring it on. ill hook up my lag station if i hav too.

now on too the gameplay.

1. a low parry is not possible,,, no possible buttom combination is left. if b+blk does both, thats gay and stupid.

plus also there has to be some plants, u hav to hav some type of 50/50, without it the gameplay is to shallow.

throws also should not be parryable.

either should lows, only thing a low does is sweep and poke, why make that parryable. only mids and high should.

what u people dont realize is there is not ground game anymore, without branch combos u are now narrowed dont to lil 3 hit combos. forceing u to use air combo, which is universal for each guy.... this is why u will be able to use all 64 guys with ease, and its nothing more than mk4 now. they added stuff to fix, but fix what they dismantled the whole gameplay.

I disagree with your MK 4 theory, MK 4 everyone had the same exact combos virtually, MK:A everyone has different styles which alone makes every character different, I like the whole jumping game back, the wake up game will add more depth to gameplay and it'll be the best 3D mk yet I believe from what I'm reading.
08/30/2006 12:35 AM (UTC)
i was referingthe the gay air konbat is mk4, it was universal just like the air combo is in mka.
08/30/2006 12:47 AM (UTC)
redsaleen02 Wrote:
i was referingthe the gay air konbat is mk4, it was universal just like the air combo is in mka.

Ohh.Anyway, this vid isn't working for mesad
If anyone knows another way or youtube it, please let me know thanks.

Also, did I miss something but you can parry in mid combo now as oppose to at first only in the beginning of the combo at E3 time?

Low parries huh?hhmmm, I wonder what the command will be.I doubt they'll make it >+Block because that's the breaker command, of course they can always alter it but still.

This game is going to be EXTREMELY defensive, most likely one of the most yet, if not the most so far in the MK series.

With all of these safety nets, nobody is going to do anything lol.

Also, Sektor with Kenpo=hmmmmm, not the worst style but definitely not the best he should be interesting.

I'm going to assume that Cyrax gets Ninjutsu back.Fast with jabs but not that great, I wonder what weapon he'll get back.

He BETTER get his Net back, all gotta say about that.furious

And who gets invisibility back?Smoke, Tanya or Noob?I hope Smoke does besides Reptile to be honest the way it was in the oldschool days of MK.
08/30/2006 03:22 AM (UTC)
it appears air combos do lead back into regular mkd type juggles. if u watch the chameleon vs scorp match, chameleon does a 28% combo and while scorpion is still spinning in the air, chameleon is already on the ground, but backs off. ( this combo is at 1 minute and 7 seconds of the video )

very promising, im expecting 20 hit, 60%-75% VERY NICE looking combos. cant wait

i also saw on the front page u can stay on the ground by holding block? man this is just getting to be too good, im very excited for this game. i hope its done well.

tracking appears to still be in the game at a close enough range, moves track in mkd the same even by not holding up at a short enough distance. but also the push on moves looks very much like MKDA, main example is scorpions hapkido, his 2 pushes like it does online, lol. which is bad news for online, will push extra far, unless they can emulate offline to online better.

thats about it, i guess im still wondering about drahmin, we know they will have fixed the bugs from mkd, but will they fix the ones from mkda as well? such as drahmins bdc nonsense.

thats about it, carry on
08/30/2006 03:52 AM (UTC)
It's no surprise Scorpion has those styles and will be broke somehow. I'm guessing mid-tier at least and maybe high-mid tier at the most, maybe even top tier.

Drahmin having Hung Gar is stupid as fuck.

Jade having Fan Zi and Bojutsu is no surprise to me. Kuo Shou is fucked up and shouldn't be in any game. I hope Fan Zi and Bojutsu will be toned up. I especially want Jade's movement in Fan Zi to be faster and she was really slow to me. This is the OPPOSITE of what Fan Zi is like. Fan Zi is supposed to be fast, but instead, they made both versions (Ba Shan Fan = Fan Zi) slow.

For Frost, I'd rather see her with both Tong Bei and Yuan Yang. tgrant, well...I guess so...at least it showed some ass, right? tongue

Kitana's teleport seems kind of unnecessary, but I guess it wouldn't hurt. Glad the Pretty Kick hits 4 times and has better distance and all that
08/30/2006 04:01 AM (UTC)
he has f1 again in mugai ryu, but it comes out much slower ( i think ) or takes longer to connect

if he has d1 again, well thats all u need to be the best scorpion with.

mid tier is a fair choice considering the size of the roster. i thought it was funny to see chameleon doing sword like moves from mkda tongue great to see crane back, looks extremly fast

i still say the projectiles are WAY too fast, thats just my 2

08/30/2006 04:11 AM (UTC)
Subzero2 Wrote:
Jade's attacks are not as strong in MKA. Her 3 hits in Fan Zi used to be 24% now its only 17% from the video I seen. sad

her damage was toned down greatly in the gamecube version. it did way too much damage compared to most others branches

her biggest combo on ps2 ( around 80% without a throw or otg ) only does about 29% on gamecube. lol

glad to see they are going the gamecube route.

i did see kobra using his same throw which leads into a inf, but im pretty sure theyre making most things ( espicially ones noted by the people and malone ) tech rollable or even better, with a wake up game!!!!!!!! grin

amazing how much a difference people made by helping, one can only wonder what it would have been without our help smile

08/30/2006 04:23 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
redsaleen02 Wrote:
i was referingthe the gay air konbat is mk4, it was universal just like the air combo is in mka.


Also, did I miss something but you can parry in mid combo now as oppose to at first only in the beginning of the combo at E3 time?


sup mkf, long time no type

from what i hear there is some sort of combo blocker? whatever that means, lol or how that differs from just blocking a combo tongue but thats what i heard, maybe thats what that is about blocking a combo mid way thru.

seems theyre making alot of shit escapable or just as boon put "chance to turn the tables" on your opponent. you are right about this game being very defensive, its going to be very interesting, and hopefully not broken.

in all honesty, i love how they have all the characters in there, but its starting to feel a bit overwhelming. i dunno, just a thought atm.

later dude, umk3 soon wink sorry i havent gotten back to u, i recently went to play and my controller doesnt really work in one direction sad ill try and pick one up when i get mka. grin peace
08/30/2006 05:24 AM (UTC)
HJS, about Moloch's potential mix up with 1,1,d+3/1,1,?.....

I don't think combo mix ups will be effective in this game. If one fears a mix up at after the 2nd 1 they just have to make sure they parry the first 1 or the next. There, mix up negated.

Thanks HJS, for adding Ermac! You are absolutly right, he lacks a mid in Choy Lay Fut, that can only be compensated by quickly changing to weapon stance. His teleslam is blockable mid in MKD. (in contrast to Shujinkos Teleslam, which is mid) Combos in Choy Lay Fut are weak in MKD, maybe this changes with air throws inbetween.

Did you read my article about Combo damage?
Mathematical approach on calculating Combo damage

I proposed a new damage calculation there, with some improvements to the gameplay.
If someone could tell midway about it maybe they see the benefit it brings.

I, myself, don't have Ed Boons private e-mail, nor would anyone bother to read my articles, but maybe some of the US Elites can get the attention of Midway.
If anyone likes to promote this idea, I would be grateful!

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I Rock

08/30/2006 10:18 AM (UTC)
Versatile Wrote:
HJS, about Moloch's potential mix up with 1,1,d+3/1,1,?.....

I don't think combo mix ups will be effective in this game. If one fears a mix up at after the 2nd 1 they just have to make sure they parry the first 1 or the next. There, mix up negated.

I thought you can only parry the first hit of combo? crrect me if I'm wrong

Jade - I think it's great they are taking the GC route and tonening down the damage.

I always thought it was stupid every scrub with Shujinko, Jade, Kabal etc could ctach you once and do 50%+

If they are making 3 in fan zi a mid and expand this style with mix ups and combos she can be mid tier.

Uranius - I wish I could reply to your post but I suck at math.... lol
08/30/2006 02:56 PM (UTC)
Just saw the Mileena vs. Sheeva video. Wow Mileena looks bad ass again. She has Mian Chuan and the same throw from Deception, looks like she'll be great again.
Well, you don't have know how the formula works,
just read the chapter:
Consequences when using this formula for damage Calculation.
and say:
Yes, this behavior would be good for combo damage, or
No, this would screw up everything.

(you can look at it like this:
I want a damage calculation that fulfills all points mentioned in that chapter -- what damage calculation do I need?)

08/30/2006 04:00 PM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:

The Bitch is strong, again.

She has Kali and Taw Kwan Do, that's what made her so good in MKDA.

In Kali d+3 and b+3 is all you need for mix ups. You have combo options and juggle options..... This is one of the best styles in MK.

Taw Kwan Do, 2 is safe mid pop up. b+4 was good, if she'll get her old b+4,cs (into b+3) it will be amaizing. b+3 is a good low and mixing up 4/ 4,b+3 / 4,b+3,3 is good.

As for specials, the Kiss is back, Midway toned down the kiss in MKD, now it's done by d,b+1 like in DA so maybe it's the DA version of the kiss.

Square wave punch will probably be a good combo ender. Her flying kick is too unsafe to use it and her projectile is Kira's.

So far Sonya looks, very, very, very good. Very similer to DA Sonya only without Kenpo.

YAY!!!!!! grin

If only she had her bike kick, leg grab and ring toss she would be absolutley flawless in Armageddon. But still, this is fantastic.
08/30/2006 06:12 PM (UTC)
Hey, hows it going? I was wondering if anyone knew if Smoke and Noob are seperate this time? The tag-team was kinda neat in Deception, but I really hope that they are both seperated and unique and have all three sets of styles. Thanks a lot!
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08/30/2006 06:30 PM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:
Jade - I think it's great they are taking the GC route and tonening down the damage.

I'm not sure at what level you play at online, but its not likely that someone will get caught in a branch combo starting from Fan Zi. Even so... 3 breakers go a long way.

With the very limited bojutsu and lack of useful pokes, her damage was the only thing that enabled her to compete. Even then, jade is extremely low tier in mkd. I can only imagine she is Kira status in the gc version.

Taking away her trademark long branches and damage w/out replacing them with speed and pokes will ensure her demise for mka... may God have mercy on our souls.
08/30/2006 07:46 PM (UTC)
Yeah, Check what's up man?Yeah, this game is looking really good.I'm going to laugh at all the MK haters months ago that said MK is crap ha, ha.Think again...

Also, to the dude that thinks Scorpion will be broken, I don't think so?Why say that?Because of his Hapkido?I honestly wouldn't worry about it.

Yeah, check I heard of this "combo blocker" also I wonder if people are getting this confused with that low parry or if it's something else all together?

We'll find out soon, well hey we got what everyone asked for, for the most part.

We wanted a counter move, parrie?Check!we wanted wake up game?Check!Throw escapes? Check! no glitchy FT's or OTG's?Check!Breakers back?Check!

Deeper engine in general?Check!And a new combo blocker?!?!? I won't check this yet since nobody is sure but it's looking good.

This game WILL be better then the previous two easily from what I've read and seen on the vids so far.Can't wait.

BTW, can someone please tell me the youtube gameplay vids of this mkuniverse, the rest of them?

I watched the endings one, sucks that most of them you couldn't even hear lol.

I watched a few gameplay ones, mileena and sheeva, chameleon vs. Motaro but if there are more, I would really appreaciate if someone can POST the LINK to them.Thank you in advance.

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I think I wounded it! Quick! Hand me the bat so I can finish it off!

08/30/2006 09:44 PM (UTC)
Am I the only one who notcied that Moloch lacks his iconic ball/orb at the end in his hand? Perhaps it's a yet-to-to-be added weapon style for him.
08/30/2006 10:40 PM (UTC)
No, he just doesn't have it, and who cares really? It is not a big deal.
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