08/28/2006 01:13 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

To Check: The 1, 1, 3, B + 2 combo in Shotokan does 33% damage in MKA? Damn...that's pretty good. That is actually quite fitting considering that Shotokan is a kind of a power style due to the Shorei Ryu influences.

Totally agreed about 3 in Hapkido. It doesn't surprise me though. Either they aren't aware of that or maybe they are and purposely want Scorpion to be broken..AGAIN.


yes sir, i seen it in subs ending with blaze, and i agree with shotokan being a power stance and such, nice post.

haha, i love it ; ) axe kick to hell part 3!!!!!! grin

but u want sub to be able to inf with his ice clone? im confused... ; (

its one thing to turtle after a clone, but its another to be able to do it again

and again

and again and call yourself the greatest sub zero.
08/28/2006 01:23 AM (UTC)
Check Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

To Check: The 1, 1, 3, B + 2 combo in Shotokan does 33% damage in MKA? Damn...that's pretty good. That is actually quite fitting considering that Shotokan is a kind of a power style due to the Shorei Ryu influences.

Totally agreed about 3 in Hapkido. It doesn't surprise me though. Either they aren't aware of that or maybe they are and purposely want Scorpion to be broken..AGAIN.


yes sir, i seen it in subs ending with blaze, and i agree with shotokan being a power stance and such, nice post.

haha, i love it ; ) axe kick to hell part 3!!!!!! grin

but u want sub to be able to inf with his ice clone? im confused... ; (

its one thing to turtle after a clone, but its another to be able to do it again

and again

and again and call yourself the greatest sub zero.

About the Shotokan stuff, well, yeah, I'm crazy, remember? wink

lol about the Axe Kick. Axe Kick part 3? What is this, Darkman? No wait, it's Scorpion...part 3...Die Scorpion Die...Oh wait.....That's right. Scorpion's ALREADY dead! Yay! The Jason Voorhees of MK has come to save the day!!! *plays triumphant music*

Well...maybe not. tongue But yeah, he's gonna be a bitch since he has 3, B + 1 to push away and 3, U + 4 to launch so...yeah...just lovely...

Anyway, when did I say about being able to infinite with the Ice Clone? confused I don't recall saying that...I certainly wouldn't want that to happen, but I do want his Ice Clone to be good and useful, that's all.
About Me

I Rock

08/28/2006 01:30 AM (UTC)
Question for those who played GC,

Shao Khan seems unchanged, he still has Tai Tzu and his Hammer.

Will he be weak again, like he was in MKD?

We got sticked!
08/28/2006 02:06 AM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:
Question for those who played GC,

Shao Khan seems unchanged, he still has Tai Tzu and his Hammer.

Will he be weak again, like he was in MKD?

We got sticked!

Yeah, probably....

Shao Kahn: Feel the wrrrath of Shao Kahn! *does his throw, which ends up doing only 5 damage* WHAT THE FUCK??!! O_o

Opponent: So much for the "wrrrath" of Shao Kahn.

Shao Kahn: I'm so screwed....sad

Anyway, I'm surprised you didn't notice the stickying earlier. I'm glad this thread was stickied. I'm trying to hope for the best with the gameplay at least.
08/28/2006 02:38 AM (UTC)
Does anyone know anything on Kung Lao?
08/28/2006 02:39 AM (UTC)
Shao_Kahn88 Wrote:
Does anyone know anything on Kung Lao?

Well, not really. I will say this.

Since Shujinko has Mantis, I'm sure Kung Lao will have Shaolin Fist (hopefully the MKD version due to moves like D + 1, F + 1, D + 3, and 4) and probably Broadsword.
08/28/2006 02:52 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Shao_Kahn88 Wrote:
Does anyone know anything on Kung Lao?

Well, not really. I will say this.

Since Shujinko has Mantis, I'm sure Kung Lao will have Shaolin Fist (hopefully the MKD version due to moves like D + 1, F + 1, D + 3, and 4) and probably Broadsword.

Nooooooooooooooooooo I hope your wrong. I loved the Mantis. If Shukinko gets it. Ill be so pissed.
08/28/2006 03:10 AM (UTC)
Shao_Kahn88 Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Shao_Kahn88 Wrote:
Does anyone know anything on Kung Lao?

Well, not really. I will say this.

Since Shujinko has Mantis, I'm sure Kung Lao will have Shaolin Fist (hopefully the MKD version due to moves like D + 1, F + 1, D + 3, and 4) and probably Broadsword.

Nooooooooooooooooooo I hope your wrong. I loved the Mantis. If Shukinko gets it. Ill be so pissed.


Anyway...Shujinko currently has Mantis and will most likely have it in the final version. If I had my way, I'd give him Southern Mantis and give Seven Star Mantis back to Kung Lao, but it's not going to be happening in this game, that's for sure.
08/28/2006 04:22 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Check Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

To Check: The 1, 1, 3, B + 2 combo in Shotokan does 33% damage in MKA? Damn...that's pretty good. That is actually quite fitting considering that Shotokan is a kind of a power style due to the Shorei Ryu influences.

Totally agreed about 3 in Hapkido. It doesn't surprise me though. Either they aren't aware of that or maybe they are and purposely want Scorpion to be broken..AGAIN.


yes sir, i seen it in subs ending with blaze, and i agree with shotokan being a power stance and such, nice post.

haha, i love it ; ) axe kick to hell part 3!!!!!! grin

but u want sub to be able to inf with his ice clone? im confused... ; (

its one thing to turtle after a clone, but its another to be able to do it again

and again

and again and call yourself the greatest sub zero.

About the Shotokan stuff, well, yeah, I'm crazy, remember? wink

lol about the Axe Kick. Axe Kick part 3? What is this, Darkman? No wait, it's Scorpion...part 3...Die Scorpion Die...Oh wait.....That's right. Scorpion's ALREADY dead! Yay! The Jason Voorhees of MK has come to save the day!!! *plays triumphant music*

Well...maybe not. tongue But yeah, he's gonna be a bitch since he has 3, B + 1 to push away and 3, U + 4 to launch so...yeah...just lovely...

Anyway, when did I say about being able to infinite with the Ice Clone? confused I don't recall saying that...I certainly wouldn't want that to happen, but I do want his Ice Clone to be good and useful, that's all.

lol i remember smile i should have known youd post it. im just saying i was gonna post it too, and there u were, lol.

on the other hand... lol.. wtf?? darkman 3? man, that movie is the SHIT!!! grin but what i was saying was from something we were talking about a while back and u had said " its always fun to axe kick people to hell " and i thought it was funny. considering its what i been doing to people since mkda. add it up, mkda mkd and mka tongue mka = axe kick to hell part 3!! ; )

cant wait, ss 3b1 ss 3b1 ss 3b1 will finally happen!!!!!!

i know, i know, 4 in mian chuans better, right? sleepsleepsleep i will axekick her to hell.... again!! grin

as for ur sub comment, my friend, u said youd rather have the ps2/xbox version of the clone, i mean sub. why would u want that when he can just inf with his clone and turtle? clone bdc ss bdc ss bdc clone, repeat, with a few freeze balls in there to slow down any rushdowns. THIS IS AN INF. no player can get past the ice clone, the closest he can come is right in subs face but sub can sidestep back down INTO his clone, hence making any attack not happening by chance. sub waits a sec, then does another clone, and here we go again, that is an inf. and as far as im concerned, only a scrub would play sub zero like that, cuz he couldnt take a loss with a shitty character he/she picked..

bottom line, how sub was in gc was how he should of been with a little less delay on his 2nd clone, there has to be a risk reward system for everything, bo would also suffer greatly from this, would u want him to be able to puke like he does in ps2 xbox? same thing.

just stating the facts, i know for a fact, i have the best sub zero online and offline as far as im concerned, playing on gc taught me how sub was really played, and when i did that i won 50% of my games as opposed to nearly all of them. and even then i would stop after the 3rd of 4th clone because that is just dumb, im sorry, the game is suppose to be fun, that is so lame, i pity anyone who used sub like that for a year and calls himself the greatest, gets the big L O L

just my 2 cents, and yea, this thread is good, but i feel his main post could have been posted in dans glitch thread and to consider the amount of the same stuff there, well.. not surpised by a same exact thread being made stickied instead because noone posted in the other. i know all about that with the combo thread, lol..

peace though, carry on.... id love to know what all the characters stances are. so far we know about 10 or 15.

all that matters is scorpion has hapkido and sub has shotokan!!!!!!!! all i need is for kenshi to have tai chi ( 222cs!!! cs will be u2 smile ) and raiden to have nan chuan, which i think he does! gringrin and ill be happy

so far all the styles they have for other characters, except pi gua for reiko which i like are horrible. jarek with dragon, havik with escrima, not good, not good at all, none of them are. sad bad sign

ok im done, that is all, good bye, right now, i swear, right...........here.
About Me


08/28/2006 06:26 AM (UTC)
Kitana has BaGua
sindel w/ Zha

WTF im one pissed mo fo right now. there ya go

low tiers for my bitches again

63 kitana
64 sindel

furious furious furious furious furious
08/28/2006 07:54 AM (UTC)

you can now hold block when grounded to stay lying on the ground.

mkuniverse Wrote:
ich war gestern auf der gc und habs natürlich auch gespielt da viel mir gleich das neue blocksystem auf....

wenn man fliegt oder fällt war es ja so sonst so das man gleich wieder aufgestanden ist und der gegner konnte weiter schön drauf einprügeln... aber jetzt wenn man blocken gedrückt hält

kann man am boden liegen bleiben und sich entweder wegrollen oder mit einen tritt oder schlag wieder aufstehen

ziemlich geil wie ich finde macht das spiel gleich viel interessanter und durchdachter was haltet ihr davon?

die air moves sind sowieso das beste! gibt sehr viele varianten

sorry falls ich schon "bekanntes" poste
08/28/2006 10:25 AM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
Kitana has BaGua
sindel w/ Zha

WTF im one pissed mo fo right now. there ya go

low tiers for my bitches again

63 kitana
64 sindel

furious furious furious furious furious

I know! furious

I can live with Sindel having Zha Chuan if it's completely renovated. Which it won't be. So I'm so screwed.
As for Kitana, Eagle Claw suits her so much more than Ba Gua does. The stance is perfect for her appearence and character and as a style it's great to use. Ba Gua is too close range, to rigid for Kitana.


Anyone know Sonya's styles? Tae Kwan Do and Kali?
About Me

I Rock

08/28/2006 10:51 AM (UTC)
Galactic Wrote:

you can now hold block when grounded to stay lying on the ground.

mkuniverse Wrote:
ich war gestern auf der gc und habs natürlich auch gespielt da viel mir gleich das neue blocksystem auf....

wenn man fliegt oder fällt war es ja so sonst so das man gleich wieder aufgestanden ist und der gegner konnte weiter schön drauf einprügeln... aber jetzt wenn man blocken gedrückt hält

kann man am boden liegen bleiben und sich entweder wegrollen oder mit einen tritt oder schlag wieder aufstehen

ziemlich geil wie ich finde macht das spiel gleich viel interessanter und durchdachter was haltet ihr davon?

die air moves sind sowieso das beste! gibt sehr viele varianten

sorry falls ich schon "bekanntes" poste

WOW that's great! can you translate the whole thing?

Kitana - So Ba Gua and Steel Fans........

Low tier? Ba Gua is ok, not the best but fine. Still looks like she will be low tier.

Kung Lao - He will probably get Shaolin Fist, one of the best styles of MKD

fist post updated
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
08/28/2006 11:19 AM (UTC)
Poor Kitana and Sindel.

Hopefully Kung Lao gets Shaolin Fist, but I hope it's improved.

I hear Fujin has a Wind Staff. If they've given Mileena back Mian Chuan, what the hell is his first style going to be?

As for Darrius being watered down, I say good. He's an asshole and deserves it!

Parrying weapon hits is brilliant. Fuck you Bo, Kobra and Darrius! grin
08/28/2006 01:20 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
Poor Kitana and Sindel.

Hopefully Kung Lao gets Shaolin Fist, but I hope it's improved.

I hear Fujin has a Wind Staff. If they've given Mileena back Mian Chuan, what the hell is his first style going to be?

As for Darrius being watered down, I say good. He's an asshole and deserves it!

Parrying weapon hits is brilliant. Fuck you Bo, Kobra and Darrius! grin

I feel bad for Kitana and Sindel. Well at least Kwan Dao is decent. Again they might not be bad because they are getting beefed up movesets per style, we arent getting the same ba gua and zha chuan from MKD. I seriously doubt that Mileena is getting Mian chuan because in one of the recent German conference videos Fujin had mian chuan and wind staff as his weapons.
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I Rock

08/28/2006 01:26 PM (UTC)
I wanna discuss Chameleon.

The guy has crane, I never played DA for real, I remember 2 was a safe mid pop, d+4 was a good sweep and it many pokes and combos.

His weapon is a ninga sword, it was Scorp's if I remember, I thought Scorps weapon was good....

As for specials, he has Sub's slide - In DA Frost's slide was kinda useless... Scorp's teleport, again, kinda useless. Thunderbolt - I think it's Rain's juggling lighting which is unblockable, a great move acording to m. malone.

He also has Reptile's move from UMK3 that he would run behind you and punch. I wonder how it will work in MKA.

Crane, Ninga Sword and Rain's lightning, I think Chameleon will be good.
08/28/2006 02:09 PM (UTC)
Mokap has two fighting styles,and no weapon.

And heres some new info that involves wake up,parries,etc:

There is a low parry and a comboblocker besides the breakers.
Wake up game can be trained,dunno how far it is expandable.
There are lots more combos than just 2,free your imagination.
For the escapes,they're quite the same as in deception.
The styles don't seem to be expanded much.
08/28/2006 03:35 PM (UTC)

~Shao Kahn~

Well HJS, I am not sure if he's going to be trash again, but I am using him either way. One move with Shao Kahn that I absolutely loved in the GC version of MKD(which he retained for MKA) is b,f+3. It's a mid hitting pop up in which he flies across the screen and knees the opponent in the gut. It covers about half a screen of distance and I guess it will be effective to punish long range shit. I dunno, I'll work with him regardless.


Mantis had no mids and was an average stance at best in MKD. Shujinko is looking to be low tier without Shaolin Fists.


Another one of the characters that will be in my "roster" of 10. Ba Gua was NOT good in MKDA. It had shitty everything except u+4 which hit mid. Who knows how effective Fans will be and whether or not it will be changed. It's not looking good for her. I predict low tier along with Shao Kahn. Eagle Claws was far better and the movement was gorgeous.


First stance from MKD? ummm....yeah....low tier unless she has her weaon back and then we'll see.


Looking top tier. HJS, frost's slide was NOT useless in MKDA. It lead to her infinite(slide,ice,slide,ice).

He has ninja sword? Are you referring to his MKD weapon(mogai ryu) or his true Ninja Sword(MKDA)? His MKDA weapon was worthless, but maybe that was just because Pi Gua was so damn good.

Crane was amazing in MKDA because of the two moves you just said. Wow, Chameleon sounds really,really good. Probably the best character tier wise we've seen so far.

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<img src="http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l294/big_bad_drumma/dnbheadsignaturepsGIF.gif"

08/28/2006 05:37 PM (UTC)
Check Wrote:
why would u want that when he can just inf with his clone and turtle? clone bdc ss bdc ss bdc clone, repeat, with a few freeze balls in there to slow down any rushdowns. THIS IS AN INF. no player can get past the ice clone, the closest he can come is right in subs face but sub can sidestep back down INTO his clone, hence making any attack not happening by chance. sub waits a sec, then does another clone, and here we go again, that is an inf. and as far as im concerned, only a scrub would play sub zero like that, cuz he couldnt take a loss with a shitty character he/she picked..

just stating the facts, i know for a fact, i have the best sub zero online and offline as far as im concerned, playing on gc taught me how sub was really played, and when i did that i won 50% of my games as opposed to nearly all of them. and even then i would stop after the 3rd of 4th clone because that is just dumb, im sorry, the game is suppose to be fun, that is so lame, i pity anyone who used sub like that for a year and calls himself the greatest, gets the big L O L

wow, back from the shadows w/ a vengence huh?

Everyone thought sub was low tier before Versa revolutionized him and brought him to upper-mid. No one has been able to mimic or compete ever since. Even with this so-called 'inf' that apparently only one 'scrub' can even perform, the character still cant beat almost 1/3 of the cast.

Anyone hear anything about MKA getting a "watch-match" option online? I would love to see how the undisputed best sub absolutely crushed the feelings of the guy so proud he'll only fight 2 people.
About Me

I Rock

08/28/2006 05:54 PM (UTC)
We got a low parry!! yay, Midway are doing good stuff to MKA. Im looking forward to it.

Styles will probably not be expanded....... I never thought they will do it. I just hope they'll add mids to styles that dont have them (Mantis, Staff.....)
08/28/2006 05:59 PM (UTC)
Yeah imagine if Shujinko had like...Mantis and Staff...lmao! He theoretically would be imcompetent. Duck = win. Damn I hope his second stance is beefy, or maybe he has Mantis and Shaolin with no weapon. Shu might still be good.

Low parry is music to my ears. I told your ass Red! This shit is gonna be so solid.

low parry~kori b+2 for the win!

08/28/2006 06:14 PM (UTC)
shadows with a vengeance???? i never disappeared, i just dont associate with the certain parts of this board that i feel arent worth my time. i must say, it seems your back with a vengeance from out the shadows ; )
im just stating fact, no vengenace just its annoying to see a person talk about how good they are when they used something that wasnt legit, and they know it. despite how much i dont like him as a person.

lol, revolutionized sub... please, u realize he was using a a bullshit tactic with him and that anyone could do it? ANYONE. i couldnt make that general assumption if i didnt feel it was true, ANYONE can do that, considering i invented that inf a long time ago.. then found out how different he was meant to play in gamecubes version. got that part down yet?

its just like smokes cloud inf midscreen: take smoke, do a cloud, and position yourself behind it so that theres nothing they could do..... then do another one right as they are approaching, and another one, that is an inf, discussed many times with the top players. konqrr has done it to me before just as a joke one time against my li mei....lol..... it is no different than the clone. you can watch the opponent to see what they do and all u gotta do is one move and hide behind it, that is not skill............ and yea he is a scrub for that, sorry, ive played sub zero the way he was suppose to be played on gc, and he didnt, he used an inf and called himself the greatest just like he used infs with nightwolf smoke ashrah hotaru, havik, etc, and said he was great with half of them too, and hes in for a rude awakening come mka. sound about right?

your opinions are more than welcomed but i have no interest with fighting with u or starting some long drawn out discussion over the obvious again, i bid u farewell unless you want to waste my time some more, i know your sticking up for your best best buddy, but dont hide behind bullshit like he has and say that isnt an inf, it is and it was, and it wasnt in gc, or he would have been fucked. no vengeance, just the truth. good day

p.s- i am still the greatest thing since ice cubes
08/28/2006 06:17 PM (UTC)
The wake up news and low parry news is great. I'm really amazed by both of these, especially being able to stay on the ground.
Unfortunately, the posts I have been reading about Sindel have really made me cry. I'm hoping she at least retains her kwan do seeing as it seems Frost has her Fu Jow Pai. I'll still use her but...frustrating...

Does anyone know anything about the deathtraps in this game? In MKD, it seemed like a simple jab from half a screen away would send an opponent flying into one at times. Did they at least make it so only power moves send an opponent into a DT?
08/28/2006 06:26 PM (UTC)
anyone know if parries can be done at anytime in a kombo? and not just the first hit? hopefully you can do them mid kombo. that would make for some great matches, and they could take the breakers out all together.
08/28/2006 06:26 PM (UTC)
dnbhead Wrote:
Anyone hear anything about MKA getting a "watch-match" option online? I would love to see how the undisputed best sub absolutely crushed the feelings of the guy so proud he'll only fight 2 people.

oh damn, i missed this part, so youre still mad about the fact im better than you? i know it must hurt your feelings, but if u think i believe a word of your shit about "hey i was just joking! i love everyone on mko!" your full of shit and a joke, this little bit of information proves it. you still talk shit even after being told to end it. its old, your getting old, grow up. you wouldnt have said all that shit about me if u didnt mean it ; )

you just cant seem to accept the fact i dont play for real anymore, the 2 people i play i play without throws and glitches, can u deal with that? why is it u must play me or criticize who i play at this point of time? i havent played seriously in a while, and even when i DIDNT i beat the crap out of him, even with his severe lag advantage that i know u say" wah wah wah it doesnt exist!" i know, it hurts, just relax, its a game, itll all go away in about a month, till then.........

and i have no interest in fighting west coasters i thought i made that clear, or people who lag. stop challenging me or going on every time i sign on ( weird ) thinking ima play u, i dont like u, u dont like me, why are you challenging me? are you mad? you mad i still own everyone? in life and in mk? are we starting this discussion over and over? wow, u just wont quit. i really, really hope the mods ban u, quick, real quick i dont come here for this bullshit anymore. and im sick of seeing yours. you manage to find the one place i post and start with me, knowing i dont come anywhere else, for that very reason/ wow. get a life dude.

and stop challenging me damnit, you or anyone in ur clan/s will ever fight me, remember that. grin
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