Oh, I dont know if you guys heard but power ups are back!
Shwen Hammrick said the big guys will have them.
I always thought power ups were good. I think they should take more time to preform, so you'll be able to throw a projectile and stop them or something like that.
Shwen Hammrick said the big guys will have them.
I always thought power ups were good. I think they should take more time to preform, so you'll be able to throw a projectile and stop them or something like that.
HJS: There is nothing to fight over unless we're living in Check's world where dodging challenges and playing with no throws means you're the best.
OK OK couldn't help myself. I'm officially done with Sir Psycho Crazy.
*Officially Back On Topic*
Are you sure Moloch is smaller than Li Mei, or are you just being sarcastic? I haven't seen any gameplay videos of him, but I did see one pic, and it was kind of blurry. I would find it hard to believe that he's smaller than Li Mei. Are you talking about in height, bulk or both? Hmmm...I won't be playing him anymore.
Imagine if Onaga had his MKD Throw...brokennnnn. His new throw looks very cool though. Somebody in my clan(DNBHEAD) will be using him. Hope he's solid.
One thing people aren't realizing is that Steel Fans sucked in MKD. Both that and Ba Gua were worthless.
Eagle Claw! Where Art Thou?
EDIT - Power Ups were super fast, but perhaps they'll be so slow that power ups will help balance them out.
OK OK couldn't help myself. I'm officially done with Sir Psycho Crazy.
*Officially Back On Topic*
Are you sure Moloch is smaller than Li Mei, or are you just being sarcastic? I haven't seen any gameplay videos of him, but I did see one pic, and it was kind of blurry. I would find it hard to believe that he's smaller than Li Mei. Are you talking about in height, bulk or both? Hmmm...I won't be playing him anymore.
Imagine if Onaga had his MKD Throw...brokennnnn. His new throw looks very cool though. Somebody in my clan(DNBHEAD) will be using him. Hope he's solid.
One thing people aren't realizing is that Steel Fans sucked in MKD. Both that and Ba Gua were worthless.
Eagle Claw! Where Art Thou?
EDIT - Power Ups were super fast, but perhaps they'll be so slow that power ups will help balance them out.
Im new to the online gaming of mk, but im going to come to mka and with the teachings from versa im gonna be kickin some ass lol. Na im j/k,= bout the kicking ass part, im glad mk fixed the engine, it seems like a very respectable fightign game now.
P.S. Hjs, whats kai's fighting stance?
P.S. Hjs, whats kai's fighting stance?

Nvm the question I had.
Versatile Wrote:
HJS: There is nothing to fight over unless we're living in Check's world where dodging challenges and playing with no throws means you're the best.
OK OK couldn't help myself. I'm officially done with Sir Psycho Crazy.
*Officially Back On Topic*
HJS: There is nothing to fight over unless we're living in Check's world where dodging challenges and playing with no throws means you're the best.
OK OK couldn't help myself. I'm officially done with Sir Psycho Crazy.
*Officially Back On Topic*
thats why u lost 65% of the time, right scrub? right
lol, the game is more fun and balanced without throws, wtf are you smoking ? you like broken gameplay dont you? we all know you love infs, silly child.
ok, ok i admit, i ducked people who are not as good as me, because they are a waste of my time and i prefer playing better players, sorry whoever u are, im sure u lag like a bitch too and just want to play me cuz u know u have that lag advantage over me. that proves everything, just as versatile, he doesnt lag, u wont miss the stars with ns for 40 games straight or only be able to do one lift with ermac against him, he is SOLID, and his clan is just wow, is all i can say.
he also loves to bring personal shit into a video game discussion like his also sane friend dnbhead, and when they are doing it, everyrone, listen closely, THEY ARE JOKING, they will tell u "i hope u trailer topples over" and they are just giving u a good laugh!
now the question, what are you going to say next that i can not easily counter? the dodging challenges again? u do realize i am the best player to ever play this game, right? and have done more outside the fighting portion than u have turtled and cloned.
btw, i will be in jersey in october, if u have any balls youll come meet me whereever the fuck u want, and we can finally do this, ive wanted to pound on u when i was junkie playing mkda. have a good day christopher.
ill let this get back on topic, since hjs is my boy, carry on u fools, thanks for reminding me why i cant stand these forums.
lol, peace
What I'm really concerned about is Ermac. Choy Lay Fut had like all high hits, but he should be ok with Axe.
The problem is Axe 1,3,4,4,4 was one of the more effective combos Ermac has, but with the Parry that will PROBABLY be raped. Think about it folks: 1,*parry the 3*, raped. I especially hope I can block the first hit and then parry the 2nd, 3rd or whenever.
I hope Cage has a solid stance. Karate is shitty, and so is Nunchuku. Shit aint looking good for my boy. It's fucked up how they give both him and Liu nunchuku. I know a lot of character don't like Check, but DAMN.
The problem is Axe 1,3,4,4,4 was one of the more effective combos Ermac has, but with the Parry that will PROBABLY be raped. Think about it folks: 1,*parry the 3*, raped. I especially hope I can block the first hit and then parry the 2nd, 3rd or whenever.
I hope Cage has a solid stance. Karate is shitty, and so is Nunchuku. Shit aint looking good for my boy. It's fucked up how they give both him and Liu nunchuku. I know a lot of character don't like Check, but DAMN.
Versatile Wrote:
Kyle, lets leave Check alone. This is not new for any of us. I am very used to him inflating(and downright making up) scores, blocking out losses and acting like he's the best when he's afraid of you and Karate(which is why he wont play him with throws). His chemical imbalance problem is extreme and let us all pray for him instead of giving into his tantrums. Be like the wise man Dancock and ignore.
"*OOPSIE* maybe "owning" me verbally could be a possibility if your tweaked out brain could form a coherent sentence rational enough for at least one member/guest on here to actually read. For now... just keep hanging out in that crack baby head of yours where things only make sense to you, until someone can actually pump you full of enough medication to ease your multitude of personality disorders. I said gooddaySir."
Dont say shit like that. Lets just be the sane people here and leave him be. Let him believe what he wants.
Lets get this back on topic.
Kyle, lets leave Check alone. This is not new for any of us. I am very used to him inflating(and downright making up) scores, blocking out losses and acting like he's the best when he's afraid of you and Karate(which is why he wont play him with throws). His chemical imbalance problem is extreme and let us all pray for him instead of giving into his tantrums. Be like the wise man Dancock and ignore.
"*OOPSIE* maybe "owning" me verbally could be a possibility if your tweaked out brain could form a coherent sentence rational enough for at least one member/guest on here to actually read. For now... just keep hanging out in that crack baby head of yours where things only make sense to you, until someone can actually pump you full of enough medication to ease your multitude of personality disorders. I said gooddaySir."
Dont say shit like that. Lets just be the sane people here and leave him be. Let him believe what he wants.
Lets get this back on topic.
funny funny funny what do u call me beating drumz every time ive played him, and i wasnt even in my prime? LOL same with karate, dude maybe u should ask him the scores when i played him, and when i do without throws, ITS THE SAME SCORES, 20-2, 20-5, etc.
lol dude, u are in so much denial its not even funny, ill just let u and ur ego that everyone seems to follow keep leading people down the wrong path, and u love to cover it up with ur "gameplay tips" that u write when ur "bored" haha, u could of given a shit when u werent bored, eh scrub?
dude u and everyone else ive had a conversation with always submits, this doesnt have to end, all u can do is ignore and hide behind your denial, everything you are saying about me is you, and ur boy, please, do not bother me with that chemical imbalance stuff,. have u looked at the facts? with everything ive given u, u think u can just turn it around on me because i use xtc twice a year? wow dude, i can only imagine how messed up ur head would be if u ever tried it
ur a serious mental case, you have not beaten me more than i have beaten you, for the 100th time, get that thru ur head, u lag like theres no tommorow, and you STILL ignore the fact ALL I DID was call u out on ur bullshit tactic with sub, an infinite with his clone, and have taken it beyond what it meant to be, you and your incoherant friend.
so try to understand this one more time versatile, you are not good with sub zero, you use a infinitie which allows sub zero to turtle without any risk, and hide behid it the whole match and will never approach because youre SCARED, to lose, and not be the best in ur little e t shaped head. that coherant enough for u to understand?
Im talking to my boy from MKO(Ermac36) on the phone, and he's saying we can expect some new info around 10:00 am their time. Right now it's 5:42 am in Germany(12:42 here), so about 6 more hours.
Us gameplay fans(sounds so sad to say, but most dont care about gameplay) are supposed to be receiving full move lists, and character videos for half the roster. Unfortunately, they didn't use anyone really. Oh well, most of my characters got played.
Shit, if you guys wanna talk about getting watered down, imagine how bad Smoke will be. I hope people used him. He will be one of my 10.
Us gameplay fans(sounds so sad to say, but most dont care about gameplay) are supposed to be receiving full move lists, and character videos for half the roster. Unfortunately, they didn't use anyone really. Oh well, most of my characters got played.
Shit, if you guys wanna talk about getting watered down, imagine how bad Smoke will be. I hope people used him. He will be one of my 10.
lol, thats what i thought.
man i cant wait for konqrr to show u inf with sub zero for 30 straight matches wow that was sad, and u lost all of them, LMAO, oh im sorry it was 40-5, sorry!
LOL, konqrr please POST THOSE, show how scared this dude is of me.
just remember, ive beaten you ALOT more than u have me, and you have never beaten me as bad as i have beaten you. you will always be second remember that, and u lag like a bitch! wow! now that is sad!
but b2 is safe right?
riiiiight, im crazy for thinking b2 is safe, funny stuff
anytime u wanna get verbally caught, post up fool!! and thanks for ducking my gameplay question this entire u inf using scrub who lags
man i cant wait for konqrr to show u inf with sub zero for 30 straight matches wow that was sad, and u lost all of them, LMAO, oh im sorry it was 40-5, sorry!
LOL, konqrr please POST THOSE, show how scared this dude is of me.
just remember, ive beaten you ALOT more than u have me, and you have never beaten me as bad as i have beaten you. you will always be second remember that, and u lag like a bitch! wow! now that is sad!
but b2 is safe right?
riiiiight, im crazy for thinking b2 is safe, funny stuff
anytime u wanna get verbally caught, post up fool!! and thanks for ducking my gameplay question this entire u inf using scrub who lags
Versatile Wrote:
Im talking to my boy from MKO(Ermac36) on the phone, and he's saying we can expect some new info around 10:00 am their time. Right now it's 5:42 am in Germany(12:42 here), so about 6 more hours.
Us gameplay fans(sounds so sad to say, but most dont care about gameplay) are supposed to be receiving full move lists, and character videos for half the roster. Unfortunately, they didn't use anyone really. Oh well, most of my characters got played.
Shit, if you guys wanna talk about getting watered down, imagine how bad Smoke will be. I hope people used him. He will be one of my 10.
Im talking to my boy from MKO(Ermac36) on the phone, and he's saying we can expect some new info around 10:00 am their time. Right now it's 5:42 am in Germany(12:42 here), so about 6 more hours.
Us gameplay fans(sounds so sad to say, but most dont care about gameplay) are supposed to be receiving full move lists, and character videos for half the roster. Unfortunately, they didn't use anyone really. Oh well, most of my characters got played.
Shit, if you guys wanna talk about getting watered down, imagine how bad Smoke will be. I hope people used him. He will be one of my 10.
cmon versatile, u gonna run some more? do u inf with sub zero, yes or no? and if no, why and how do u get past the clone when i approach u, u either sidestep up or down back into clone, wait for the opponent to react and do another clone.
u got nothing kid, i should of inf'd u when i had the chance.
yea lets all be like dancock and just ignore even posting ggs in a final for a tourny, thats real class, real class from a sore loser!! kinda like u versa! so scared to lose he'll inf
so u gonna show up in nj? i plan on beating the ever living fuck out of you, are you scared? show up, if u got any heart, gonna hope my house falls apart? you low-life scum, i cannnot wait for october. october 20- november 8 pick a day, a time, and a location, except for one day or 2 where ill be chilling with thug on his bday the 28th to be exact. dont be scared, PM me the time and location.
Sindel with Zha Chuan is fine by me as I feel it fits her due to it being graceful and all that. I think the 4, 4, 4, 4 combo should be faster. U + 3 should hit mid and there should be a 4, 4, 4, U + 3 combo in it. I don't think the 4, 4, 4, B + 3 combo is going to work too well. I think mixing up 1, 1, 2 (with 2 hitting mid) and a 1, 1, B + 3 combo could. I'd rather see her with a different weapon, but if she's going to have the Kwan Dao again, that's fine by me.
Kitana having Ba Gua disappoints me. I hope she'll get Eagle Claw in the final version, not only because it fits her, but it was better. Ba Gua kind of sucked in both games except for moves like U + 4. Ba Gua did have fast low pokes in MKDA with D + 1 and D + 2, D + 1 being better. Steel Fans, meh. I hope they'll be greatly improved in MKA.
I'm real glad Mileena has Mian Chuan, and I hope she'll keep it in the final version.
Chameleon's style choices are crap.
hjs-Q: It's Ninja, not Ninga. It wouldn't make sense for 2 in Zha Chuan to hit low or for 4 to hit mid. 3 in Ba Gua already hits mid.
JediTommy8: What are Mokap's styles? Low parry? Awesome. Combo blocker?? Wtf is that?
Versatile: I thought F + 4 and U + 3 in MKD Mantis hit mid....Btw, it's Mugai Ryu.
danadbab: 2 in Zha Chuan should hit mid and be a pop up.
Kitana having Ba Gua disappoints me. I hope she'll get Eagle Claw in the final version, not only because it fits her, but it was better. Ba Gua kind of sucked in both games except for moves like U + 4. Ba Gua did have fast low pokes in MKDA with D + 1 and D + 2, D + 1 being better. Steel Fans, meh. I hope they'll be greatly improved in MKA.
I'm real glad Mileena has Mian Chuan, and I hope she'll keep it in the final version.
Chameleon's style choices are crap.
hjs-Q: It's Ninja, not Ninga. It wouldn't make sense for 2 in Zha Chuan to hit low or for 4 to hit mid. 3 in Ba Gua already hits mid.
JediTommy8: What are Mokap's styles? Low parry? Awesome. Combo blocker?? Wtf is that?
Versatile: I thought F + 4 and U + 3 in MKD Mantis hit mid....Btw, it's Mugai Ryu.
danadbab: 2 in Zha Chuan should hit mid and be a pop up.
Sonya has Twa Kuan Do and Kali
Her specials are Kiss, Square wave punch, flying kick and Kir'as projectile.
Jhonny Cage has Shorin Ryu.
Mokap has Jeet Kuan Do and Wing Chun.
Kobra has his teleport and his throw again.
Frost has Tong Bei, this was a good style if I remember
So far there are like 5 characters with the same toss throw, I hope the'll change it.
Her specials are Kiss, Square wave punch, flying kick and Kir'as projectile.
Jhonny Cage has Shorin Ryu.
Mokap has Jeet Kuan Do and Wing Chun.
Kobra has his teleport and his throw again.
Frost has Tong Bei, this was a good style if I remember
So far there are like 5 characters with the same toss throw, I hope the'll change it.
~Johnny Cage~
wow,WOW WOW!!!! Shit is NOT looking good for my boy right now. Shoryin Ryu was a mediocre stance in MKA. Everything in it hits high or low so you could just duck all day! u+3 is NOT a legitimate mid to base your game off of! Block stun won't really help him, and Nunchuku is ass, too.
From the looks of it Cage has the potential to be THE WORST character in the game. It's that serious. If they rape him as hard as I think they will, I'm going to have a lot of work to do to make one of my favorite characters competent. Yikes....
Shit, Cage may have to rely SOLEY on hardcore blocking and spacing: looking for parry opportunities and punishing unsafe shit will probably be his only shot unless he has some nasty mids implimented.
*squeezes head*
wow,WOW WOW!!!! Shit is NOT looking good for my boy right now. Shoryin Ryu was a mediocre stance in MKA. Everything in it hits high or low so you could just duck all day! u+3 is NOT a legitimate mid to base your game off of! Block stun won't really help him, and Nunchuku is ass, too.
From the looks of it Cage has the potential to be THE WORST character in the game. It's that serious. If they rape him as hard as I think they will, I'm going to have a lot of work to do to make one of my favorite characters competent. Yikes....
Shit, Cage may have to rely SOLEY on hardcore blocking and spacing: looking for parry opportunities and punishing unsafe shit will probably be his only shot unless he has some nasty mids implimented.
*squeezes head*
Ok new Kitana vid in practice mode reveals alot of information on Kitana and air kombat
Kitana -
Ba Gua ave some new stuff.
1,1 is a combo.
New combo - 1,2,2,4
New branch combo (branch combos are back btw) 1,3,cs
Steel Fans - I don't know if this style has changed cause I havn't played Kitana in DA. I saw 2,2,2,f+2 combo and 2,2,2,b+4 combo.
Special Moves - I just wanna say wow, this is a suprise.
Kitana has a teleport (wtf?) it's kinda slow, just a bit faster than Jade's.
She has a fan throw!!! finally, it's super fast (like all projectiles) and does 9%
Square wave punch, d,b+2 probably will be a good combo ender.
Fan lift - It's back, it's kinda fast for a pop up. Looks like it will also catch jumpers. it's b,f+1
Pretty Kick - It's back and this time it's a 3 hit combo. it's kinda fast and has a good range.
So to sum Kitana up:
She looks ok. I'm thinking she'll probably be a good combo's character with all of her juggles and her fast steel fans. The teleport is a nice addition. The fan throw is really fast........
Ba Gua u+4 and b+4 is good mix up...... I'm guessing mid tier.
Air Kombat -
Wow there are so many moves and combos in the air for each style! air kombat looks bad ass, I hope it's not broken.....
Kitana -
Ba Gua ave some new stuff.
1,1 is a combo.
New combo - 1,2,2,4
New branch combo (branch combos are back btw) 1,3,cs
Steel Fans - I don't know if this style has changed cause I havn't played Kitana in DA. I saw 2,2,2,f+2 combo and 2,2,2,b+4 combo.
Special Moves - I just wanna say wow, this is a suprise.
Kitana has a teleport (wtf?) it's kinda slow, just a bit faster than Jade's.
She has a fan throw!!! finally, it's super fast (like all projectiles) and does 9%
Square wave punch, d,b+2 probably will be a good combo ender.
Fan lift - It's back, it's kinda fast for a pop up. Looks like it will also catch jumpers. it's b,f+1
Pretty Kick - It's back and this time it's a 3 hit combo. it's kinda fast and has a good range.
So to sum Kitana up:
She looks ok. I'm thinking she'll probably be a good combo's character with all of her juggles and her fast steel fans. The teleport is a nice addition. The fan throw is really fast........
Ba Gua u+4 and b+4 is good mix up...... I'm guessing mid tier.
Air Kombat -
Wow there are so many moves and combos in the air for each style! air kombat looks bad ass, I hope it's not broken.....
Wow, with all this negative Cage shit I am hearing at least my favorite girl has some beefy ass shit. Do you guys now see why ultimately tier speculation is pointless?
I totally forgot about the fan lift. Damn, that is going to be some SERIOUS anti air. Sounds like if anybody jumps on Sub-Zero or Kitana they are fucked for some serious damage.
Im not trying to sound like a broken record since HJS covered everything, but damn she sounds tight. Can't wait to use her.
She looks to be very turtle oriented: her moves seem VERY unsafe and parryable.
I totally forgot about the fan lift. Damn, that is going to be some SERIOUS anti air. Sounds like if anybody jumps on Sub-Zero or Kitana they are fucked for some serious damage.
Im not trying to sound like a broken record since HJS covered everything, but damn she sounds tight. Can't wait to use her.
She looks to be very turtle oriented: her moves seem VERY unsafe and parryable.
I knew that the styles would be expanded. People just like to jump the gun too much. Kitana is looking a lot better now her fan lift doesn't have as much delay any more, fan throw is good, pretty kick hits four times now has a longer range, overall she seems alot better than MKDA.
Styles didn't change so dramatcly, Ba Gua has two new combos......
Tier prediction doesnt hurt anyone.........
Anyways, Jade is reaveld.
She kept Fan Zi and Bojustsu.
She is weaker if those style don't change.
Fan Zi is crap. Bojustsu is ok for damage but no pokes, pop ups..... 4 is good.....
Her teleport is faster
Tier prediction doesnt hurt anyone.........
Anyways, Jade is reaveld.
She kept Fan Zi and Bojustsu.
She is weaker if those style don't change.
Fan Zi is crap. Bojustsu is ok for damage but no pokes, pop ups..... 4 is good.....
Her teleport is faster
Jade is looking EXTREMELY bad right now. I feel bad for my boy Drumz. That's his girl.
RIP competitive Jade.
RIP competitive Jade.
Man, Scorpion is looking beefy as a mother fucker.
Everything is completely in tact that made Scorpion so good in MKD. Hapkido is still there, Mugai Ryu is still there too. f+1 looks dirty as hell still, but you no longer get free unbreakable damage since Moi Fah is gone.
Scorpion's throw looks like the best one so far. What the hell? It's like he tosses you away and then brings you back close for more damage?
Ed Boon sure knows how to make his favorite character good.
Top Tier-ish looking.
Chameleon looks nasty too. Crane 2 looks unchanged from MKDA, and that = rape on hit. We gotta see now if he still has his sweep(d+4).
*EDIT* Nevermind. The part of Scorpion's throw where he drags you back towards him is just animation. It doesn't actually bring you back for more. That would be gay and broken. It looks cool as hell though. Sub-Zero's throw looked all shitty at E3..lol.
Also, f+1,spear still works.
Everything is completely in tact that made Scorpion so good in MKD. Hapkido is still there, Mugai Ryu is still there too. f+1 looks dirty as hell still, but you no longer get free unbreakable damage since Moi Fah is gone.
Scorpion's throw looks like the best one so far. What the hell? It's like he tosses you away and then brings you back close for more damage?
Ed Boon sure knows how to make his favorite character good.
Top Tier-ish looking.
Chameleon looks nasty too. Crane 2 looks unchanged from MKDA, and that = rape on hit. We gotta see now if he still has his sweep(d+4).
*EDIT* Nevermind. The part of Scorpion's throw where he drags you back towards him is just animation. It doesn't actually bring you back for more. That would be gay and broken. It looks cool as hell though. Sub-Zero's throw looked all shitty at E3..lol.
Also, f+1,spear still works.
Scorpion is top tier for sure.
f+1 still looks overpowerd...... I wish they'll fix it.
His throw is defintly better then what we've seen so far.
No Moi Fah Unbrekable
Spear after pop up is not cool, I hate it.......
Chameloen also looks good. Is it just me or 2 looks like a high now? maybe I'm dreaming.....
He has Rain'l bolt and it looks good, even broken.
He has scorp's DA sword
f+1 still looks overpowerd...... I wish they'll fix it.
His throw is defintly better then what we've seen so far.
No Moi Fah Unbrekable
Spear after pop up is not cool, I hate it.......
Chameloen also looks good. Is it just me or 2 looks like a high now? maybe I'm dreaming.....
He has Rain'l bolt and it looks good, even broken.
He has scorp's DA sword
"But I still think that she was strong in MKDA"
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