03/23/2007 02:01 PM (UTC)
Cyraxs Unprogramed Throw


this was suppose to be his throw in mka

youtube link soon

03/23/2007 09:54 PM (UTC)
I noticed this a while ago, the computer threw me with MK:DA's throw yet when you throw it's a grab and flip....I asked what this was about a while ago but nobody addressed the issue until now.

Interesting though.Next MK game I hear rumors that it'll support patches and stuff for the 360 anyway....that would be sweet.A few things I'm sure of though, Sub and Scorpion will be back.They'll always come back.I hope Ermac is in but not sure about him obviously.

Boon hinted at a spectator mode among multiple people in a lobby at once like UMK3 for the 360 kind of.That would be sweet.A tag team mode would be nice too but who knows about that one.

I'm curious about this new fighting style thing, since Boon and midway said that they're ditching multiple styles all together.
03/24/2007 01:39 AM (UTC)
I hope they don't ditch the concept of using martial arts in MK. I think using martial arts styles really fits with MK. To me, they had the right idea with 2 styles (either 1 hand-to-hand and 1 weapon or 2 hand-to-hand styles) like in MKA.

About Cyrax's throw, yeah, I had noticed that before already. Oh well, it's not like it would do much for his overall gameplay anyway.
03/24/2007 03:31 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I hope they don't ditch the concept of using martial arts in MK. I think using martial arts styles really fits with MK. To me, they had the right idea with 2 styles (either 1 hand-to-hand and 1 weapon or 2 hand-to-hand styles) like in MKA.

About Cyrax's throw, yeah, I had noticed that before already. Oh well, it's not like it would do much for his overall gameplay anyway.

Yeah, it means nothing the Cyrax (two throws) ....

But yeah on your other point I completely agree 100%, I like the authentic martial art styles they implemented into the MK universe with the 3D games.
03/24/2007 04:25 AM (UTC)
thanks for the feedback guys, ive seen it so long ago but never thought anything of it till now

but i dont think u guys realize... that was the throw he was suppose to have but they only programmed it for the cpu. and gave us the shitty one.

plus it would be a infinite like jades throw, so they may have taken it out and gave him a shittier one

yet jade still has it, and now cyrax ( and cage ) have her oldthrow from MKD, coincidence?

it was mainly posted to show that midway doesnt finish their games nor do they have worthy testers for it

by any chance, have either of you guys ever gotten cage to throw you against the cpu? im pretty sure his throw is the same as the one he was programmed with. but he never throws! that makes me happy, hehe ; ) its like fighting a character from mkd konquest, lol. they never throw either ( which is a good thing!!!!!!! without throw escapes of course )

they all just have these original names, yet share the same throw. look at mokap, sonya, daegon, etc.. they all have orignal names for their throws, but share the same one.

did i mention throw escapes?grin where are the 8 frame escapes they promised.. we've known this for a while that midway doesnt test their games, this is just proof that they dont, and the lack of effort you can expect for mk8

03/24/2007 04:47 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I hope they don't ditch the concept of using martial arts in MK. I think using martial arts styles really fits with MK. To me, they had the right idea with 2 styles (either 1 hand-to-hand and 1 weapon or 2 hand-to-hand styles) like in MKA.

About Cyrax's throw, yeah, I had noticed that before already. Oh well, it's not like it would do much for his overall gameplay anyway.

Yeah, it means nothing the Cyrax (two throws) ....

But yeah on your other point I completely agree 100%, I like the authentic martial art styles they implemented into the MK universe with the 3D games.

Well, unfortunately, I can't consider them all authentic as there are various errors, some of which are just flat-out ridiculous. I'm not looking for 100% accuracy as other games (not even the Virtua Fighter games) have 100% accuracy. It's just that I'd like to see the kind of accuracy that styles like Snake and Pi Gua (MKDA versions) had, know what I mean?

To Check: Yes, yes, I know that Cyrax's MKDA throw in MKA can only be done by the CPU. When I first saw it, whenever the hell how long ago it was, I was puzzled. But even if his MKDA throw led to an infinite combo, it still wouldn't have made much difference.

It's sad that it seemed like Ed Boon and the programmers and such know their stuff yet when we get the final product, it turns out to be another crapfest. I know that the execs at Midway have a part in rushing the MK team, but I'd really like to know just what the hell goes on with the MK team themselves and how all these big glitches have gone unnoticed/undetected or whatever.

Then again, I think that the same kind of problems stem from the lack of fixing the core design on the mechanics, which have a very weak foundation.

So basically, it's more likely a matter of having a core with strong, solid foundations, namely the following:

-string combos
-proper and logical risk/reward system
-smooth, fluid animations
-logical animation speeds
-throw escapes
-wake up game
-a bunch of other things

I'm sure we all (unfortunately) remember the OTGs in MKD, which were definitely caused by the lack of a wake up game.

It comes down to not only a lack of the essentials, but in MKA's case, with wake ups and parries (not counting aerial kombat as that's just garbage), it's also about the lack of quality in those mechanics themselves. I mean, what is up with the parries? They are stiff, block-looking animations. Parries are deflections for crying the fuck out loud!

As for wake ups, well, not only do we not have an indefinite amount of time to stay on the ground, from what I've read, ALL of the wake up attacks are 100% sidesteppable, which of course makes me wanna go "Hulk smash!", but I digress...
03/24/2007 06:59 AM (UTC)
They probably lack knowledge of how some of the gameplay elements ought to function.They don't put enough effort and thought into their games.And most important of all,they don't test their games.

No one can get it right the first time.It doesn't make a difference what company it is.Tekken 5 was broken,and has some serious character-balance issues.Namco has corrected that (with Tekken 5: DR) by running the game through numerous beta tests (and even making it available for the public to play.)

Fighting games must be tested,especially now days with the character rosters and move lists getting bigger and bigger.

I believe the X-Box 360 has its own server like the PS3.Hopefully,Midway will take advantage of this some day by releasing downloadable patches/fixes.
03/24/2007 08:33 PM (UTC)
Well, one thing I've noticed is that Midway tends to RUSH the MK team of promising games to fans.That's not the teams fault, that's Midway's.Though I admit the testers could test better or perhaps they should hire some new ones?

Honestly I believe guys like Check since he finds these things should consider a Midway job.Show them, make vids whatever dude.I'm sure they'll be impressed then talk with their hiring PR not joking.I would do this if I felt I had the talent to find every bug in the game.

I had a feeling the Cyrax throw was meant for players to use one or the other, in a way I guess it's better we didn't get that shoulder throw as you said Check, it would only lead to infinites....like jades.

Cage, nope can't remember a time where he threw me now that you mention it.

I believe the team does have talent, but tends to be rushed which I don't like.This an MK game every year....not sure I like that idea personally but that's what Midway's new goal is so even if the team wanted more time they answer to Midway so nothing they can do as far as time is concerned.

New testers I'm all for, I don't believe however MK8 will suck or be disappointing overall.I don't know yet but neither does anyone else.Just trying to be fair here on everyones end know what I mean?

I'll bet throw escapes will be in MK8, new style all together and hopefully no free throws.I doubt AC will be an issue since I believe we will NOT see air kombat again.Jump kicks perhaps, but not air kombat.I want them to scrap that personally.

Now for the 360 they can indeed have patches, PS3 I won't say because I have no interest in PS3 what so ever so far though 360 is the better system of the two online.

To subzero7th, well I know there are some things they added for kicks or made up styles like Drahmins Oni for example but there are authentic moves in those styles, not saying every single move or that they made the most out of the styles.No fighting game does that.There are always some "eye candy" moves that are added for zest.

A lot of the styles are accurate enough from what I've seen, read on real life martial arts.There's way too many moves though to implement into a fighting game, and that would turn me off personally.Just give me a few pokes, few sweeps some punches and kicks and I'm good.No need for the whole bruce lee library in each character.

At the same time, it's a game so you can't be TOO realistic otherwise it kills the whole video game factor if you ask me.Why the older MK's kicked more ass, the concept was there not too realistic....not too fake.Just right if you ask me.

I think MK8 should take the UMK3 roots of styles personally.

Some people think they'll make up styles but I'm against that personally.My opinion.
03/28/2007 07:20 PM (UTC)
I was wondering if someone could verify something about gameplay mechanics. Does using a stun move give free unblockables (aside from throws)? Example is Mugai Ryu 2,2,1 giving a free Hellfire, but I'm wondering if it works for other characters like Bo Rai Cho, Jax, Taven, etc.
03/30/2007 04:57 AM (UTC)
Radical Wrote:
I was wondering if someone could verify something about gameplay mechanics. Does using a stun move give free unblockables (aside from throws)? Example is Mugai Ryu 2,2,1 giving a free Hellfire, but I'm wondering if it works for other characters like Bo Rai Cho, Jax, Taven, etc.

Yes. Most "pound" attacks can be performed after stun attacks and when your opponent is grounded. The exceptions are drops (i.e. Dairou's TS Drop, Sheeva's, Goro's, Drahmin's, etc. unblockables). These can never be executed after stun attacks and when your opponent is grounded. The 3D MK engines don't allow that.

But most of the characters don't have any useful moves that lead into their unblockables (except Scorpion as a connected HellFire gives a free throw as well). Pound attacks do limited damage. You might as well throw instead of them if you have the free opportunity.
03/30/2007 05:47 AM (UTC)
I believe MKA doesn't allow throws after a stun actually. I'm pretty sure they just whiff. But thanks for the verification in any case. Does Chameleon get a free d,u+2 after Crane 1,1,1?
03/31/2007 12:54 AM (UTC)
Hey, you guys see the new wake up addition in the wii version?Surprised nobody mentioned it.

Where you can literally lay down at will, this will definitely help out a little bit at least with some things at least...

03/31/2007 09:35 AM (UTC)
Radical Wrote:
I believe MKA doesn't allow throws after a stun actually. I'm pretty sure they just whiff. But thanks for the verification in any case.

Does Chameleon get a free d,u+2 after Crane 1,1,1?

Side Step, throw should connect. Throws won't whiff when done correctly. Just side step and then peform the throw.

I don't believe that will work, though, with Cham. d,u+2 is too slow anyway.

MKF, link, please?
03/31/2007 06:24 PM (UTC)
Can anyone give me their opinion on Sheeva? I'm pretty sure she's one of the best non-top tier characters in the game, and I am even prepared to back that up to an extent, but I'd like to hear some analyses from other people (preferrably better players).
03/31/2007 07:20 PM (UTC)
m2dave Wrote:
Radical Wrote:
I believe MKA doesn't allow throws after a stun actually. I'm pretty sure they just whiff. But thanks for the verification in any case.

Does Chameleon get a free d,u+2 after Crane 1,1,1?

Side Step, throw should connect. Throws won't whiff when done correctly. Just side step and then peform the throw.

I don't believe that will work, though, with Cham. d,u+2 is too slow anyway.

MKF, link, please?

Go to the news on here man, the one that says March 29th, 2007 where Ed boon demos MKA for the wii on gamespot "On the Spot" it's the first one of the show so don't worry, once the beginning starts Ed Boon is the first guest.

Watch the demo, you'll see Boon and Shawn Himmer perform this new feature a few times.
About Me

03/31/2007 08:00 PM (UTC)
hsu hao

are all non-top tiers and are all better than sheeva in my opinion. But then again, there isnt anyone online who plays sheeva at a high level. None that i have seen on the ps2 for sure.

03/31/2007 10:48 PM (UTC)
So, is this game broken?

04/01/2007 12:39 AM (UTC)
Alright, I've dropped Shinnok as a main, replacing him with Darrius instead.


d,f+2 whiffs too much [on some planted opponents, I don't throw it out unless I'm sure it'll hit]

His teleport is nigh useless.

His 2,4,4, cs is the king of all whiffing moves. Also, d,f+2 isn't guarenteed on trip, which sucks.

He's still a solid mid tier in my opinion, but a very risky character to play.

I think I'll stick to Drahmin, Darrius & Baraka... An answer to the person above me. Is MK:A broken? VERY... EDIT: Here are 2 combos I found for Sub-Zero. If you guys find them useful, maybe Hjs-Q can include them in his combo list. If not... steer clear of them wink Sub-Zero Combos: 1, 2, b+2, 1, 1, 3, cs = 29% damage [It might whiff sometimes, you have to time the 3 when the opponent nearly touches the ground] 1,2, b+2, 1, 2, 3 = 25% damage I hope those help.
About Me

04/01/2007 10:41 AM (UTC)
dont waste your time with sub combos starting with 1,2,b+2. You should either use 113 + Free throw, or 1132 + free throw. These two are his best options.

His most damadging combo is off an ice pillar though:

Ice pillar, 12, 124, cold shoulder for 49%
Ice pillar, 12 12 cs b+2 for 43%
ice pillar , 12 12, cold shoulder for 41%
Ice pillar, 12 113cs for 40%
04/01/2007 11:39 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the ass whooping today Dancock, my poor characters.. X_x Questions: In Choy Lay Fut, can Ermac get a free throw off of 1, 1, 2 or 1, 1, 3? Also, can Tanya get a free throw off of 2? It seems possible, though I haven't tested this online yet. It almost looks as though Cyrax can get a free throw off of 1, 1, 2 [Ninjitsu], it's just speculation though. Can I get confirmation on these?
04/03/2007 03:39 PM (UTC)
it is both midways and the mk teams fault. midway for rusing the team, and not hiring new people. and the mk team for not having any experience.

im actually suprised mk even made it this far. the game wasnt inteded to be a success. it was just a quick project thrown out there. and it became popular. the mk team didnt know what they were doing back then, and they still dont. they just go with what they know. they repeat the same mistakes over and over again.


04/03/2007 08:36 PM (UTC)
scorpio Wrote:
it is both midways and the mk teams fault. midway for rusing the team, and not hiring new people. and the mk team for not having any experience.

im actually suprised mk even made it this far. the game wasnt inteded to be a success. it was just a quick project thrown out there. and it became popular. the mk team didnt know what they were doing back then, and they still dont. they just go with what they know. they repeat the same mistakes over and over again.



I wouldn't say the MK team is inexperienced, remember this is the same team that brought us MK2, MK3 and UMK3.Very good games which a lot of people forget.....

Out of the newer MK's I think it's just mere opinion, I mean one guy will say MK:DA is the best, another MK:D and some MK:A.

I am for more and better testers however, but the MK team has a lot of experienced veterans on their team such as Boon, Vogel, Himmerick etc.I noticed that the testers of the older MK's are not the same as the ones of the newer ones.

I still say the people that find the flaws in the recent MK's should try to get jobs at midway.
04/04/2007 12:49 PM (UTC)
Can anyone get past 38% with Rain?I've tried,and tried,but have never suceeded.

Or is there a certain way you have to use Rain?
04/06/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
scorpio Wrote:
it is both midways and the mk teams fault. midway for rusing the team, and not hiring new people. and the mk team for not having any experience.

im actually suprised mk even made it this far. the game wasnt inteded to be a success. it was just a quick project thrown out there. and it became popular. the mk team didnt know what they were doing back then, and they still dont. they just go with what they know. they repeat the same mistakes over and over again.



I wouldn't say the MK team is inexperienced, remember this is the same team that brought us MK2, MK3 and UMK3.Very good games which a lot of people forget.....

Out of the newer MK's I think it's just mere opinion, I mean one guy will say MK:DA is the best, another MK:D and some MK:A.

I am for more and better testers however, but the MK team has a lot of experienced veterans on their team such as Boon, Vogel, Himmerick etc.I noticed that the testers of the older MK's are not the same as the ones of the newer ones.

I still say the people that find the flaws in the recent MK's should try to get jobs at midway.

thats my point. mk wasnt planned to be a sucess. it was a quick project that became popular. boon is an experienced programmer yes, but not a good fighting game programmer. ever since mk1 they have had their head in the clouds. all they did was keep remaking the same game, while adding and tweaking shit.

people forget mk2, 3, and umk3 cause they really werent that great. they were good mk games, but not very good fighting games.

thile those old games were actually improvements, this curretn gen of mk games was a complete massacre thats been goin downhill ever since mkda came out. mkda was good. then came the turd known as mk deception, folowed by mka.

what i say mkda was the best of this gen, i mean it. its not opnion, its a fact. some people will say mka is better, etc...but thats their opnion if they like one thing more then the other...im not going based on which one i like the best...mkda was the most balanced, least broke, etc of the 3 games.

if they would have kept mkda, then added breakers, parries, and a revised wakeup game, that would have been the bomb. (if you are reading this boon, stop woring about lame ass characters like khameleon and re-release mkda with ONLINE play)

the only thing good about this gen of mk: mkda. i liked mksm as well, but it had its faults as well.
04/07/2007 03:33 AM (UTC)
scorpio Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
scorpio Wrote:
it is both midways and the mk teams fault. midway for rusing the team, and not hiring new people. and the mk team for not having any experience.

im actually suprised mk even made it this far. the game wasnt inteded to be a success. it was just a quick project thrown out there. and it became popular. the mk team didnt know what they were doing back then, and they still dont. they just go with what they know. they repeat the same mistakes over and over again.



I wouldn't say the MK team is inexperienced, remember this is the same team that brought us MK2, MK3 and UMK3.Very good games which a lot of people forget.....

Out of the newer MK's I think it's just mere opinion, I mean one guy will say MK:DA is the best, another MK:D and some MK:A.

I am for more and better testers however, but the MK team has a lot of experienced veterans on their team such as Boon, Vogel, Himmerick etc.I noticed that the testers of the older MK's are not the same as the ones of the newer ones.

I still say the people that find the flaws in the recent MK's should try to get jobs at midway.

thats my point. mk wasnt planned to be a sucess. it was a quick project that became popular. boon is an experienced programmer yes, but not a good fighting game programmer. ever since mk1 they have had their head in the clouds. all they did was keep remaking the same game, while adding and tweaking shit.

people forget mk2, 3, and umk3 cause they really werent that great. they were good mk games, but not very good fighting games.

thile those old games were actually improvements, this curretn gen of mk games was a complete massacre thats been goin downhill ever since mkda came out. mkda was good. then came the turd known as mk deception, folowed by mka.

what i say mkda was the best of this gen, i mean it. its not opnion, its a fact. some people will say mka is better, etc...but thats their opnion if they like one thing more then the other...im not going based on which one i like the best...mkda was the most balanced, least broke, etc of the 3 games.

if they would have kept mkda, then added breakers, parries, and a revised wakeup game, that would have been the bomb. (if you are reading this boon, stop woring about lame ass characters like khameleon and re-release mkda with ONLINE play)

the only thing good about this gen of mk: mkda. i liked mksm as well, but it had its faults as well.

It does come down to view man lol, I mean everywhere I read on the xbox forums there's these two guys that believe MKD is the best out of the 3D ones, others MKA and some like yourself MK:DA.But seriously you should check out the live forums and you'll see some MKD lovers.I believe that all of them have something that the other lacks.Example, wake up is the best in MKA easily, online play is the best for MKD easily there's none for MK:DA and it's shitty for MKA, characters well MKA obviously...etc, etc there's some more but I'm tired right now and I'll get back to them another time.Just making a point.

I like them all but the flaws in those games are a million times easier to abuse then say UMK3 ones.I play all MK's often, I know this for fact.

I did enjoy MK:DA though, I loved Ermac in MKD that's one of my favorite things about it.MKA I love Ermac, Fujin especially since they're my favs.

Cyrax is great too but sadly not in MK:DA or in MKA.
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