01/26/2007 02:24 AM (UTC)
Yeah, no kidding lol.Turtling with her and mixing up 50/50's in weapon along with that damn insanely fast charge move, I think that's honestly equivalent to Dairou's MK:D TS drop..the speed of that move comes out so fast you can either block or parry(luck parry) as I like to call it with that move and how fast it comes out.

Turtle and throw knives all day....she is a bitch lol.She's fun to play though, definitely a challenge.

01/26/2007 02:37 AM (UTC)
Hehe, I was able to juggle with her knives three times in a row. The maximum is 6 right?
01/26/2007 01:16 PM (UTC)
Maximum is 6 if you catch them AA (anti-air) with the knives.

After f,f,+1, the maximum is 5 knives.

After, first stance, 2,b+1, the maximum is 4 knives I think.

The more hits you add to juggle them the less knives you can do.

If it wasn't for the limit,she could obviously infinite-combo you with the knives in the air forever.

Sareena is a beast because of the knives.She can keep you pressured and guessing from full screen away.No other character can really do that besides Dairou.

A great distance and turtling game (that makes the opponent chase you,and not vice versa) + other decent and damging tools = at least a top 5 character in the 3D MK world (i.e. Drahmin in MK:DA, Dairou and to some lesser extent BRC in MK:D, and Sareena and Dairou in MK:A).

Another reason Sareena is good is because of f,f+1.I blame the lag for its safety when it gets blocked.There is simply no way this move can be that safe online considering you're frozen for 2 fucking seconds off-line when it gets blocked.Oddly,when it whiffs,it's 100% safe.
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01/26/2007 05:37 PM (UTC)
Sorry if it has been all discussed about before. I don't feel like looking through so many pages.

Well I haven't been on here since last time I played this game. I haven't played MKA since after a week that it was released. Honestly all I have left to do in the game is beat it with a few more characters to see their endings. All in all this game just became a huge disappointment for me like it did for many others.

Anyways... Since I haven't played it nearly as much as probably most of you still on these boards, I therefore won't really criticize the tier list. However I am confused about Noob Saibot being top tier??? He was the first character I played with in MKA and probably one of the characters I've played with the most in MKA, and I honest to the elder gods thought he flat out sucked in this game and was gonna be low tier.... yet he is top? Just wondering if some one could explain for me?
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I Rock

01/26/2007 07:20 PM (UTC)
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
Sorry if it has been all discussed about before. I don't feel like looking through so many pages.

Well I haven't been on here since last time I played this game. I haven't played MKA since after a week that it was released. Honestly all I have left to do in the game is beat it with a few more characters to see their endings. All in all this game just became a huge disappointment for me like it did for many others.

Anyways... Since I haven't played it nearly as much as probably most of you still on these boards, I therefore won't really criticize the tier list. However I am confused about Noob Saibot being top tier??? He was the first character I played with in MKA and probably one of the characters I've played with the most in MKA, and I honest to the elder gods thought he flat out sucked in this game and was gonna be low tier.... yet he is top? Just wondering if some one could explain for me?

Three main reasons:

A. d+4, one of the best lows in the game

B. 2,4 - mostly safe online, can be spammed and parry canceld, cancellled into d+4 and some more. The recovry of this move changes according to lag.

After it hits,

d,f+3 2,1,1,cs easy ass 50%

C. Invisiblty, he can be an even more pain in the ass while invisible.
01/27/2007 12:52 AM (UTC)
HJS is right but read this. If you play very agressive and like to combo spam hes not for you. Use scorp if thats your style. You need to be more defensive with him. Bait and Punish with him. His High damagin combos and high damaging unbreakables are all rewarding. I would put him as 5th best Top Tier.
01/27/2007 05:52 PM (UTC)
I have a question with this combo i do wth Cyrax. It mightve been talked about before.

Cyrax 49% - Ninjitsu, 1, 1, B+1, (B, F+1) or (F, B+1) Pulse Blade Air 1, 1, 2 1, 1, 3, 4

Also if you add another B+1 the combo does 52%.

Cyrax 52% - Ninjitsu, 1, 1, B+1, B+1, (B, F+1) or (F, B+1) Pulse Blade Air 1, 1, 2 1, 1, 3, 4

The Bomb seems to be free as long as you do it right away. BUT IS THE BOMB FREE>??????

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My MK Tribute Video (NEW version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGO5ozJy584

01/28/2007 12:36 AM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
Sorry if it has been all discussed about before. I don't feel like looking through so many pages.

Well I haven't been on here since last time I played this game. I haven't played MKA since after a week that it was released. Honestly all I have left to do in the game is beat it with a few more characters to see their endings. All in all this game just became a huge disappointment for me like it did for many others.

Anyways... Since I haven't played it nearly as much as probably most of you still on these boards, I therefore won't really criticize the tier list. However I am confused about Noob Saibot being top tier??? He was the first character I played with in MKA and probably one of the characters I've played with the most in MKA, and I honest to the elder gods thought he flat out sucked in this game and was gonna be low tier.... yet he is top? Just wondering if some one could explain for me?

Three main reasons:

A. d+4, one of the best lows in the game

B. 2,4 - mostly safe online, can be spammed and parry canceld, cancellled into d+4 and some more. The recovry of this move changes according to lag.

After it hits,

d,f+3 2,1,1,cs easy ass 50%

C. Invisiblty, he can be an even more pain in the ass while invisible.

easy ass 50%??? I tried and tried and could not successfully do that combo.... I'm about to try again right now, but this time just in practice mode rather against the computer.
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My MK Tribute Video (NEW version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGO5ozJy584

01/28/2007 02:34 AM (UTC)
Never mind I'm able to do the combo. Don't know why I was having trouble before... but it only does 44% not 50%.

Anyways I'm not sure weither to make a new thread and ask or just ask here, so I'll just ask here first... Reptile... I haven't played this game much though I've had it since it came out. From what I remember back when I did play this game before and just now playing with Reptile some, he doesn't seem to be very good and well I'm really not sure how to play with Reptile. So rather than taking possibly hours to figure every thing out with Reptile, I was wondering if yall could post his good combo's and moves and how he is best played.
01/28/2007 03:54 AM (UTC)
It just does 44%. 2,1,1,b+2, d,f+3, 2,1,1,cs does 50%.
01/28/2007 07:06 AM (UTC)
I repeat

I have a question with this combo i do wth Cyrax. It mightve been talked about before.

Cyrax 49% - Ninjitsu, 1, 1, B+1, (B, F+1) or (F, B+1) Pulse Blade Air 1, 1, 2 1, 1, 3, 4

Also if you add another B+1 the combo does 52%.

Cyrax 52% - Ninjitsu, 1, 1, B+1, B+1, (B, F+1) or (F, B+1) Pulse Blade Air 1, 1, 2 1, 1, 3, 4

The Bomb seems to be free as long as you do it right away. BUT IS THE BOMB FREE>??????
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I Rock

01/28/2007 09:50 AM (UTC)
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
Never mind I'm able to do the combo. Don't know why I was having trouble before... but it only does 44% not 50%.

Anyways I'm not sure weither to make a new thread and ask or just ask here, so I'll just ask here first... Reptile... I haven't played this game much though I've had it since it came out. From what I remember back when I did play this game before and just now playing with Reptile some, he doesn't seem to be very good and well I'm really not sure how to play with Reptile. So rather than taking possibly hours to figure every thing out with Reptile, I was wondering if yall could post his good combo's and moves and how he is best played.

Reptile is mid tier.

Pao Choi - d+4, u+4 / 4,u+4 - And invisibilty is baisicly all you should use.

Reptile has sevreal things that keeps him from being top tier.

Crappy throw, bad damage from juggles - 30%

What you should do is go invisible and mix up d+4 and u+4 / 4,u+4.

Simple as that.

CyRaXFaNzBaK -

The bombs will not hit after a pop. U can simply wake up and they'll miss.

Two combos with Cyrax -

Pop up - Pulse Blade air cancel over and over again. Or pop up, ninjitsu 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1,cs - 40%+
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01/28/2007 10:15 AM (UTC)
Reppy is a good mid tier in this game.

1st stance ~ 4,3 gives a free throw.

he dashes foward real fast in 1st stance. the dash foward is a good tool. dash foward and throw real quick, dash foward and 4,3. go invisable and it makes it harder to defend. add in his clip (b+3) he ends up being a pretty decent 50/50 character.

pretty much dash foward and throw or b+3/d+4 to get them to duck alot
proceed to dash foward and 4,3 ~ free throw.
his combo 4,1,1, b+2 is real safe online you can J/C or P/C after. same w/ the 4/4,up+4.

combos why?? lol 4,3 then free throw = 30% ish.

dont bother w/ his weapon stance, it looks kool, but thats it tho.

his moves all suck but his invisability. his roll move is good at countering folks that love to J/C, jump around or throw fireballs (it goes under the fireball).
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
Never mind I'm able to do the combo. Don't know why I was having trouble before... but it only does 44% not 50%.

Anyways I'm not sure weither to make a new thread and ask or just ask here, so I'll just ask here first... Reptile... I haven't played this game much though I've had it since it came out. From what I remember back when I did play this game before and just now playing with Reptile some, he doesn't seem to be very good and well I'm really not sure how to play with Reptile. So rather than taking possibly hours to figure every thing out with Reptile, I was wondering if yall could post his good combo's and moves and how he is best played.
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My MK Tribute Video (NEW version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGO5ozJy584

01/28/2007 10:44 AM (UTC)
Best damage I seem to do with Reptile is 34% :(

Starting in Pao Chui -
4, u+4 4,1,1,cs d,b+4 (rolling spikes special hit them while they are down)

Got a couple questions... is 4 and/or u+4 mid? And is d+4 his best low? or is b+3 better?

man I really hate that reppy isn't better than this.... I wish he still had Hung Gar like he had in DA. Master of the MKDA Hung Gar right now lol.
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01/28/2007 03:17 PM (UTC)
When I played this game (pre-UMK3 XBLA), I'd do Pao u4, cs, d2, dash for 30% and stay invis for as long as possible. Pao owns.
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My MK Tribute Video (NEW version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGO5ozJy584

01/29/2007 07:41 PM (UTC)
alrighty! I've been really learning and getting pretty good with a bit of the characters. One thing that has helped is in the first post, hjs-Q has posted best moves for most the characters. So thanks for saving me much time.
Well one character (among others) doesn't have any thing posted... Kenshi... You got him as top tier, and like with all the other top tier characters I want to understand why, so I'm learning to play with him right now. Anyways was wondering what are his best moves/combos?

might as well ask... About Sareena... well she simply does kick ass, but I was wondering if there is some really good combo she has? I couldn't figure any thing out over 34%....
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I Rock

01/29/2007 11:16 PM (UTC)
Liu_Kang187 Wrote:
alrighty! I've been really learning and getting pretty good with a bit of the characters. One thing that has helped is in the first post, hjs-Q has posted best moves for most the characters. So thanks for saving me much time.
Well one character (among others) doesn't have any thing posted... Kenshi... You got him as top tier, and like with all the other top tier characters I want to understand why, so I'm learning to play with him right now. Anyways was wondering what are his best moves/combos?

might as well ask... About Sareena... well she simply does kick ass, but I was wondering if there is some really good combo she has? I couldn't figure any thing out over 34%....


Kenshi -

u+2 is safe online. From that you can get almost 50%.

3 in Tai Chi hits mid and gives a free throw. You can do as many 3's as you want after it hits. I do 2 and a throw - 3, 3, throw - nice damage.

d+4 in Tai Chi is your low.

What you should do is mix up Tai Chi d+4 and Sword u+2, when sword u+2 hits go for the almost 50%.


You can get up to 6 knifes and then magic throw (press R1 when the projectile hits and you can connect any throw from anywhere). That 30% unbreakable damage.

Easier damage will be things like - pop up, knife, knife, 2,b+3 / 2,1,cs - 30%+

If you wanna you also have easy Air Cancel in sword.
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My MK Tribute Video (NEW version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGO5ozJy584

01/29/2007 11:32 PM (UTC)
Exactly what do I do for that near 50% with Kenshi? Sorry I just can't seem to figure it out for some reason confused
01/30/2007 06:43 AM (UTC)
3 or 33 leads to and unblockable u2
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01/30/2007 11:12 AM (UTC)
Yo, I was playing with Nakm the other day and I think we might have found an infinite, probably not but...lol. Maybe at least a 50/50.

Throw, 3, sidestep, throw, 3, sidestep...

I forget which style the 3 is in, but it's the kick that knocks them down the same way Hotaru's ridge hand chop does for his inf.

I think he might have a free throw too. 1 in Morning Star and then free throw?

I think Cyrax might have a free throw too. 2 in Pulse blade and then free throw?

Can someone give me the verdict on all of this? grin
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I Rock

01/30/2007 01:42 PM (UTC)
-Jago- Wrote:
Yo, I was playing with Nakm the other day and I think we might have found an infinite, probably not but...lol. Maybe at least a 50/50.

Throw, 3, sidestep, throw, 3, sidestep...

I forget which style the 3 is in, but it's the kick that knocks them down the same way Hotaru's ridge hand chop does for his inf.

I think he might have a free throw too. 1 in Morning Star and then free throw?

I think Cyrax might have a free throw too. 2 in Pulse blade and then free throw?

Can someone give me the verdict on all of this? grin

If you're talking about Havik then he has two infinites. One of them is throw, f+3, throw f+3..... (in Tang Soo Do).

Kanshi has no infinite from his throw.

1 in morning star is a free throw indeed.

Don't really know about Cyrax pulse blade 2 but you really shouldn't use much outside of b+3 and b+4.

Liu Kang187 - Kenshi - You can get the air cancel if you want.

On ground combo:

Katana: u+2, cs, 2, 2, cs, 1, b,d,b+1, cs, 2, 2, 2, 2, d,b+4 - about 50% could be a bit less.

As Redsaleen said, you can add 3 before it for more damage.
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My MK Tribute Video (NEW version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGO5ozJy584

01/31/2007 01:55 AM (UTC)
i cant seem to do that combo at all
02/01/2007 07:56 AM (UTC)
I have a few corrections to the original post if no one minds.

Hookswords b+2 hits high.

Lui He Ba Fa 2 hits high.

Jun Fan 1,1 hits special mid so it can be blocked crouching. (However Jeet Kune Do 1,1 hits regular mid and will break crouch blocks.)
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My MK Tribute Video (NEW version): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGO5ozJy584

02/01/2007 07:17 PM (UTC)
Jun Fan 1,1 is special mid? damn Liu Kang isn't nearly as good as he was in MKD is he? Liu is like Low Mid probably huh?

Anyways yeah when I said I can't do that Kenshi combo, that is because I think you posted the combo incorrectly. From me trying again and again and again, it just don't seem like it can be done.... I don't know if I'm doing some thing wrong, or if the combo is wrong...
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I Rock

02/01/2007 08:04 PM (UTC)
1,1 in Jun Fan and in Jet Kuan do are mid.

Kenshi -

Don't what to tell you man. You can always go for the easy combos like Katana - u+2, 2,2,4 - that's about 30% I think.

The combo again incase I made a mistake:

Katana - u+2, cs, 2, 2, 2, b,d,b+1, 2, 2, 2, 2, d,b+4

It will be good if you'll tell me what part you can't do maybe I'll be able to help you.

* Liu Kang is not low mid tier, he's very good actually.
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