04/07/2007 05:27 AM (UTC)
Removed what I originally wrote here but I can't delete the message.
04/08/2007 02:11 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
scorpio Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
scorpio Wrote:
it is both midways and the mk teams fault. midway for rusing the team, and not hiring new people. and the mk team for not having any experience.

im actually suprised mk even made it this far. the game wasnt inteded to be a success. it was just a quick project thrown out there. and it became popular. the mk team didnt know what they were doing back then, and they still dont. they just go with what they know. they repeat the same mistakes over and over again.



I wouldn't say the MK team is inexperienced, remember this is the same team that brought us MK2, MK3 and UMK3.Very good games which a lot of people forget.....

Out of the newer MK's I think it's just mere opinion, I mean one guy will say MK:DA is the best, another MK:D and some MK:A.

I am for more and better testers however, but the MK team has a lot of experienced veterans on their team such as Boon, Vogel, Himmerick etc.I noticed that the testers of the older MK's are not the same as the ones of the newer ones.

I still say the people that find the flaws in the recent MK's should try to get jobs at midway.

thats my point. mk wasnt planned to be a sucess. it was a quick project that became popular. boon is an experienced programmer yes, but not a good fighting game programmer. ever since mk1 they have had their head in the clouds. all they did was keep remaking the same game, while adding and tweaking shit.

people forget mk2, 3, and umk3 cause they really werent that great. they were good mk games, but not very good fighting games.

thile those old games were actually improvements, this curretn gen of mk games was a complete massacre thats been goin downhill ever since mkda came out. mkda was good. then came the turd known as mk deception, folowed by mka.

what i say mkda was the best of this gen, i mean it. its not opnion, its a fact. some people will say mka is better, etc...but thats their opnion if they like one thing more then the other...im not going based on which one i like the best...mkda was the most balanced, least broke, etc of the 3 games.

if they would have kept mkda, then added breakers, parries, and a revised wakeup game, that would have been the bomb. (if you are reading this boon, stop woring about lame ass characters like khameleon and re-release mkda with ONLINE play)

the only thing good about this gen of mk: mkda. i liked mksm as well, but it had its faults as well.

It does come down to view man lol, I mean everywhere I read on the xbox forums there's these two guys that believe MKD is the best out of the 3D ones, others MKA and some like yourself MK:DA.But seriously you should check out the live forums and you'll see some MKD lovers.I believe that all of them have something that the other lacks.Example, wake up is the best in MKA easily, online play is the best for MKD easily there's none for MK:DA and it's shitty for MKA, characters well MKA obviously...etc, etc there's some more but I'm tired right now and I'll get back to them another time.Just making a point.

I like them all but the flaws in those games are a million times easier to abuse then say UMK3 ones.I play all MK's often, I know this for fact.

I did enjoy MK:DA though, I loved Ermac in MKD that's one of my favorite things about it.MKA I love Ermac, Fujin especially since they're my favs.

Cyrax is great too but sadly not in MK:DA or in MKA.

opinion means shit vs facts. someone can beleive that mkd is the best, but that doesnt meant hat it is. and someone that says that honestly ddont dont jack about gameplay what so ever.

appearently you dont play mk often enough. "Cyrax is great too but sadly not in MK:DA or in MKA". cyrax IS in mkda.
04/08/2007 09:03 PM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure he's saying that Cyrax's gameplay is not good in MKDA or MKA, not that Cyrax isn't in MKDA.
04/09/2007 12:51 AM (UTC)
scorpio Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
scorpio Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
scorpio Wrote:
it is both midways and the mk teams fault. midway for rusing the team, and not hiring new people. and the mk team for not having any experience.

im actually suprised mk even made it this far. the game wasnt inteded to be a success. it was just a quick project thrown out there. and it became popular. the mk team didnt know what they were doing back then, and they still dont. they just go with what they know. they repeat the same mistakes over and over again.



I wouldn't say the MK team is inexperienced, remember this is the same team that brought us MK2, MK3 and UMK3.Very good games which a lot of people forget.....

Out of the newer MK's I think it's just mere opinion, I mean one guy will say MK:DA is the best, another MK:D and some MK:A.

I am for more and better testers however, but the MK team has a lot of experienced veterans on their team such as Boon, Vogel, Himmerick etc.I noticed that the testers of the older MK's are not the same as the ones of the newer ones.

I still say the people that find the flaws in the recent MK's should try to get jobs at midway.

thats my point. mk wasnt planned to be a sucess. it was a quick project that became popular. boon is an experienced programmer yes, but not a good fighting game programmer. ever since mk1 they have had their head in the clouds. all they did was keep remaking the same game, while adding and tweaking shit.

people forget mk2, 3, and umk3 cause they really werent that great. they were good mk games, but not very good fighting games.

thile those old games were actually improvements, this curretn gen of mk games was a complete massacre thats been goin downhill ever since mkda came out. mkda was good. then came the turd known as mk deception, folowed by mka.

what i say mkda was the best of this gen, i mean it. its not opnion, its a fact. some people will say mka is better, etc...but thats their opnion if they like one thing more then the other...im not going based on which one i like the best...mkda was the most balanced, least broke, etc of the 3 games.

if they would have kept mkda, then added breakers, parries, and a revised wakeup game, that would have been the bomb. (if you are reading this boon, stop woring about lame ass characters like khameleon and re-release mkda with ONLINE play)

the only thing good about this gen of mk: mkda. i liked mksm as well, but it had its faults as well.

It does come down to view man lol, I mean everywhere I read on the xbox forums there's these two guys that believe MKD is the best out of the 3D ones, others MKA and some like yourself MK:DA.But seriously you should check out the live forums and you'll see some MKD lovers.I believe that all of them have something that the other lacks.Example, wake up is the best in MKA easily, online play is the best for MKD easily there's none for MK:DA and it's shitty for MKA, characters well MKA obviously...etc, etc there's some more but I'm tired right now and I'll get back to them another time.Just making a point.

I like them all but the flaws in those games are a million times easier to abuse then say UMK3 ones.I play all MK's often, I know this for fact.

I did enjoy MK:DA though, I loved Ermac in MKD that's one of my favorite things about it.MKA I love Ermac, Fujin especially since they're my favs.

Cyrax is great too but sadly not in MK:DA or in MKA.

opinion means shit vs facts. someone can beleive that mkd is the best, but that doesnt meant hat it is. and someone that says that honestly ddont dont jack about gameplay what so ever.

appearently you dont play mk often enough. "Cyrax is great too but sadly not in MK:DA or in MKA". cyrax IS in mkda.

Well, I'm a person that would believe an "elite players views" before the next critic anyday being since I play MK's at high level.

If you were to ask me, if you want straight up facts despite which 3D mk you enjoy the most, they all can't hold a lick to UMK3's gameplay.

What people have to sometimes understand is not to get opinions confused with facts which on this site happens much I'm afraid in general.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I'm pretty sure he's saying that Cyrax's gameplay is not good in MKDA or MKA, not that Cyrax isn't in MKDA.
Hit the nail right on the head man. ^^.
04/10/2007 12:14 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I'm pretty sure he's saying that Cyrax's gameplay is not good in MKDA or MKA, not that Cyrax isn't in MKDA.


"Cyrax is great too but sadly not in MK:DA or in MKA." anyway, umk3 is too broke. every character in umk3 that has a pop up attack, has an infinite. and thats probably half of the roster. the original mk, and mkda are the only ones to deliver the most sold gameplay of the bunch.
04/10/2007 02:49 AM (UTC)
scorpio Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I'm pretty sure he's saying that Cyrax's gameplay is not good in MKDA or MKA, not that Cyrax isn't in MKDA.


"Cyrax is great too but sadly not in MK:DA or in MKA."

anyway, umk3 is too broke. every character in umk3 that has a pop up attack, has an infinite. and thats probably half of the roster.

the original mk, and mkda are the only ones to deliver the most sold gameplay of the bunch.

Ok, lets put it this way.Allow me to be more specific here man.Cyrax has lots of potential and is a beast in Mk3 and UMK3 when used at high level, if you're not aware of this I suggest playing that game a few hours with him and then playing with him in MK:DA and in MKA.

Trust me, you'll see exactly what Sub and I are talking about.Most know this already though and being that I'm a huge Cyrax fan, I knew this the second I played with him in the newer MK's.

I was so disappointed in his gameplay, first off he lost his net, his style sucks, his weapon isn't that great, his bombs are slow as shit and have slow recovery time in the newer games and he's got jack shit for good damaging combos in the 3D.And his newer moves the grinder and spin kick leave a lot to be desired.

He's a very good character to play with in the older MK's MK3/UMK3 but not in the newer ones.That's what I'm saying.

I'm talking about the character in general in every game he's been in, not just how he is in MKA.
04/10/2007 05:17 AM (UTC)
then you should edit your statements. cause when you say cyrax isnt in a game, call me crazy, but some people might think you are saying he isnt in the game.
About Me

04/10/2007 08:19 AM (UTC)
he never said he wasnt in those games!
04/10/2007 06:32 PM (UTC)
i realize that now. i was skimming thru the post. it was like 2 am and was tired, lol.

things make more sense when you are awake, lol. my bad
04/10/2007 09:38 PM (UTC)
SubXer0 Wrote:
he never said he wasnt in those games!

Yeah dude lol, ^^.About to say when did I ever say that?

It's fine.
04/14/2007 04:37 AM (UTC)
Can anyone give me any tips on Rain?
04/15/2007 02:55 AM (UTC)
Has a tier list been completed yet? There is a small list on the first page, but the mid tier characters aren't listed in order. I'm probably asking too much, but was just wondering if it will ever be completed.

04/18/2007 02:17 AM (UTC)
scorpio Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I'm pretty sure he's saying that Cyrax's gameplay is not good in MKDA or MKA, not that Cyrax isn't in MKDA.


"Cyrax is great too but sadly not in MK:DA or in MKA."

anyway, umk3 is too broke. every character in umk3 that has a pop up attack, has an infinite. and thats probably half of the roster.

the original mk, and mkda are the only ones to deliver the most sold gameplay of the bunch.

UMK3 is not broke, trust me, if it was broke, it would turn into MKD where whoever does the 100% combo first.
in UMK3 high level play, you would not see that much, just check the videos out on youtube.
04/18/2007 05:47 PM (UTC)
so just because people arent going for 100% combos everytime doesnt make the game broke? fish paste.

i remember my very first umk3 mame match online. i had a kung lao inf done on me in the first round.

most of the 100% on mkd didnt reqire any skill so even the newest player could do them. in umk3, most of them require skill and timing so you dont see it as much...from the jump in pop up combos, to the easy ass kung lao inf variations.

04/19/2007 03:06 AM (UTC)
I agree with lori.UMK3 is the best MK game gameplay wise, it's NOT a broken game.Why people keep saying this puzzles me.The infinites are extremely difficult in that game, no insanely broken glitches, it's flaws are trivial and as I said before, take actual skill to pull off.

Example, Reptile's infinite.Try that the whole round until the opponents meter is empty as oppose to N/S's infinite in MKD or the MKA infinites....

One takes some practice, the other takes actually skill....besides TONS of practice in UMK3 infinites.

It's factually the most balanced and best MK game gameplay wise.

To save time, go to a site called www.ultimatemk.com or the classic forums on here and they'll explain why UMK3 is a great game.

05/16/2007 12:19 PM (UTC)
Snake26 Wrote:
Has a tier list been completed yet? There is a small list on the first page, but the mid tier characters aren't listed in order. I'm probably asking too much, but was just wondering if it will ever be completed.


I was wondering the same exact thing
About Me

05/18/2007 05:57 AM (UTC)
i dont think there ever will be a COMPREHENSIVE tier list for mka.

-64 characters
-online variations

make the process seem impossible. Even for an offline tier list, 64 characters are too many to put them inany total order.

So, ppl roughly know the top 10-15, bottom 10-15 and everyone else is thrown in mid tier.

05/24/2007 09:17 PM (UTC)
scorpio Wrote:
so just because people arent going for 100% combos everytime doesnt make the game broke? fish paste.

i remember my very first umk3 mame match online. i had a kung lao inf done on me in the first round.

most of the 100% on mkd didnt reqire any skill so even the newest player could do them. in umk3, most of them require skill and timing so you dont see it as much...from the jump in pop up combos, to the easy ass kung lao inf variations.

the spin can be easily avoided, and there is cheaper moves than that as well.
most infinites in UMk3 can only be done on certain characters and are really difficult so you would not even have to worry about them.
here is what shock says
"UMK3 is the most balanced game in the series. It's one of the more balanced 2D fighters in general. There are some broken aspects, but none are as abusable as things in many other games."
^that guy is one of the greatest MK players so he knows what he is talking about. also, have you considered the fact that 90% of fighting games have infs, it doesn't make them broken now does it?
05/28/2007 01:43 AM (UTC)
Iori9 Wrote:
scorpio Wrote:
so just because people arent going for 100% combos everytime doesnt make the game broke? fish paste.

i remember my very first umk3 mame match online. i had a kung lao inf done on me in the first round.

most of the 100% on mkd didnt reqire any skill so even the newest player could do them. in umk3, most of them require skill and timing so you dont see it as much...from the jump in pop up combos, to the easy ass kung lao inf variations.

the spin can be easily avoided, and there is cheaper moves than that as well.
most infinites in UMk3 can only be done on certain characters and are really difficult so you would not even have to worry about them.
here is what shock says
"UMK3 is the most balanced game in the series. It's one of the more balanced 2D fighters in general. There are some broken aspects, but none are as abusable as things in many other games."
^that guy is one of the greatest MK players so he knows what he is talking about.
also, have you considered the fact that 90% of fighting games have infs, it doesn't make them broken now does it?

Great point man ^^, that last part especially that's why I laugh at some people(not saying scorpio) but others that will bitch about MK being "broken" yet most fighters have flaws and or infinites in general...
im new to this site....

i kno alot bout mortal kombat tho
07/23/2007 05:22 AM (UTC)
woah I just read through one huge argument and it means shit to me, I mean how good the games are is based on opinion nothing more. Like with me personally I think that Cryax is awesome in every mk game man, in the newer ones he just takes practice, and every game is gonna have minor and major flaws but the thing is that there are over 3 million mortal kombat fans out there and they all have something that they want put in and that they hope for. Sure the testers may need to be improved but that what I am sayin is that it mainly because of fans wants and needs.

ps. to anyone who says something like that was like a two months ago I know I am just throwing my two cents ingrin
08/09/2007 08:53 AM (UTC)
Man I feel sorry for cyrax man, they shoulda made him alot better, his best and hard to land ground combo and is only 31% damagewow
Detenator, (ninjitsu style) 1,1,cs
08/09/2007 03:10 PM (UTC)
Hat-Toss Wrote:
woah I just read through one huge argument and it means shit to me, I mean how good the games are is based on opinion nothing more. Like with me personally I think that Cryax is awesome in every mk game man, in the newer ones he just takes practice, and every game is gonna have minor and major flaws but the thing is that there are over 3 million mortal kombat fans out there and they all have something that they want put in and that they hope for. Sure the testers may need to be improved but that what I am sayin is that it mainly because of fans wants and needs.

ps. to anyone who says something like that was like a two months ago I know I am just throwing my two cents ingrin

This is a stickied thread, so you don't really have to worry about bumping it.

What you're saying is something that has been said by others in the past. You are ignorant of the fact that how good the characters' gameplay styles are is not something based on opinions, but facts. They are based on what kind of moves each character has and how good they are.

For example, let's bring up Cyrax, who you think is awesome in every MK game. I think what you're thinking is that he's very fun for you to play as, therefore, you think he's awesome. However, fun factor has nothing to do with how good the character's gameplay actually is. In both MKDA and MKA, he is in the bottom tier, because his damage is poor and he has very few useful tools, and I mean VERY few.

The problem with these last few MK fighters is that the major problems, which severely hamper the quality, have not really been fixed at all.
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I Rock

08/14/2007 11:28 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
The problem with these last few MK fighters is that the major problems, which severely hamper the quality, have not really been fixed at all.

So true.

I mean, all Midway did from MKDA to MKD to MKA is to add little fixes. The problem is that the core ingine is so so bad that it can never be any good.
08/16/2007 07:38 AM (UTC)
Iori9 Wrote:
scorpio Wrote:
so just because people arent going for 100% combos everytime doesnt make the game broke? fish paste.

i remember my very first umk3 mame match online. i had a kung lao inf done on me in the first round.

most of the 100% on mkd didnt reqire any skill so even the newest player could do them. in umk3, most of them require skill and timing so you dont see it as much...from the jump in pop up combos, to the easy ass kung lao inf variations.

the spin can be easily avoided, and there is cheaper moves than that as well.
most infinites in UMk3 can only be done on certain characters and are really difficult so you would not even have to worry about them.
here is what shock says
"UMK3 is the most balanced game in the series. It's one of the more balanced 2D fighters in general. There are some broken aspects, but none are as abusable as things in many other games."
^that guy is one of the greatest MK players so he knows what he is talking about.
also, have you considered the fact that 90% of fighting games have infs, it doesn't make them broken now does it?

who is one of the most greatest mk players?
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