CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
O yea i wanted to say some shit.
HJS is the worst person to manage this stuff.
1. Hes a noob.
2. I see everything in the first page can be approved wit better tactics and combos. EXample you didnt put the 1,1,cs in drahmin is a good combo SUPER SAFE.
3. He pulls in matches, if you want proof go to mkacentral.com
Basically its like letting a noob right shit for noobs. How does that make sense. Get the elites to do this.
Remeber when you talked that shit about me and spread your lies?
How does it feel to get raped by me 8-3 THAN YOU QUIT? Just so you know im NAA SpeC FORCES.
Now i hear that you think your supposedly the best on Xbox? HAHAHAHAHA Well i know your the best at sucking faggets dicks.
Sorry for the flamin MODS just felt like it was appropiate that everyone knows that HJS, and MKF are FAKE ELITES.
O yea i wanted to say some shit.
HJS is the worst person to manage this stuff.
1. Hes a noob.
2. I see everything in the first page can be approved wit better tactics and combos. EXample you didnt put the 1,1,cs in drahmin is a good combo SUPER SAFE.
3. He pulls in matches, if you want proof go to mkacentral.com
Basically its like letting a noob right shit for noobs. How does that make sense. Get the elites to do this.
Remeber when you talked that shit about me and spread your lies?
How does it feel to get raped by me 8-3 THAN YOU QUIT? Just so you know im NAA SpeC FORCES.
Now i hear that you think your supposedly the best on Xbox? HAHAHAHAHA Well i know your the best at sucking faggets dicks.
Sorry for the flamin MODS just felt like it was appropiate that everyone knows that HJS, and MKF are FAKE ELITES.
Actually, it was 8-4 stop posting inaccurate shit.I left with that score since I beat you the last two matches and you kept bitching I wanted no part of players that bitch constantly on the mic.Second, you have to be one of the biggest pussies ever.I heard every word you said sadly and you sound like a 14 year old wansta LOL.Pathetic.I was trying hard not to laugh at how you sound LMAO....and if you seriously think 8-4 is owning then you're on crack.That's FAR from owning someone 10-2, 12-0 is owning 8-4 is not owning and I beat you worse the last time we played which was 5-1 me.The only fake elite here is your pathetic bitchy ass.
But aside from that, you're pathetic for being afraid of Dairou, Stryker and Ermac.You also posted bs because my fujin raped your horrible kobra.So, what the hell are you talking about my Fujin sucks? lol nobody on xbox can match mine.Mav has the best right up there with mine and nobody I've ever seen as of yet has one near to either of us as far as Fujin's concerned.
I went to Stryker and Dairou, you wouldn't play just stood there like a baby saying " fuck that, fuck that" dude you know as well as I do he killed you and lucky for you I didn't know who you were otherwise you would have just got my best guys, Dairou, Kabal, Fujin etc.
I gave you Chameleon since you wouldn't play like a little baby if I didn't pick him yet you STILL almost lost that match.Point is I hardly use him...
Ohh yeah and if you want to do totals, last time when I beat you 5-1 and yes I'm counting that extra win since you pulled like a douche add this series 8-4 you =9-8 me.Read it and weep bitch.
And don't even start with your MKF won 4-3 last time because you jade did the jade infinite and picked moloch then you pulled.In legit play all 3 of those would be disqualified meaning 5-1 me.You beat me once legitametely last time.Everyone knows wins with those three things against regular characters isn't legit so save it before you even think of posting shit.
In a series vs. me my best vs. your best (bosses and KAK's excluded) you know you would lose which is why you constantly waited to see who I picked and secondly bitched about and wouldn't play if I put the icon on Dairou, Stryker or Ermac.You wanted Chameleon so you could counter.What a whiney twit you sound like over the mic also.Hope puberty kicks in sometime for you.The ladies don't like whiney sounding guys like yourself.ha, ha.
I win!
BTW, I never talked shit about you just posted your scrubby BS tactics such as picking moloch, jade infinite and crying over Dairou, Ermac, Stryker or characters you can't beat enough said.
I will give you this much, aside from your horrible whiney attitude and scared of certain character nonsense your Noob and Raiden aren't bad.Too bad your lame attitude kills your overall character.
Everyone already knows about you ghost ops or special forces now what ever....I made sure to that, I was actually saying to myself you know this guy isn't bad but then that completely changed when you kept counterpicking me waiting to see who I picked every match never picking first and when you also bitched on the mic when I went to dairou, stryker and ermac.
You know you would lose that's why you didn't want me picking them.Enough said.
I might not be the best player on xbox but I know for a fact I'm a better challenge then you because you're afraid of certain characters and you either always counterpick or pick bosses.Players like you are pure jokes.
BTW, I hope you have a 360 because I want your ass in UMK3 once I buy one and see if your dumb counterpick or other tricks work on me hehehe.The select screen in that game picks automatically so please....when that time comes I'll gladly play chicken with you and you'll be sorry.
BTW, if we meet again you're getting nothing but my best.You bitch I leave and post about your scrubby, whiney attitude everywhere on here.Then again everyone already knows about you and doesn't even take you seriously.You'll just whine like a little girl when you don't get your way.
I won't speak for HJS since I don't know him at all really, but as far as I'm concered I'm a 10X legit player then you'll ever dream to be.I don't pull like a punk ass for one, bitch like a little girl if someone picks dairou or sareena or someone and don't make up shit.
I'm happy you hate me for exposing your joke for a player ass to everyone on here and on MKAC even though I don't go there anymore.
I let others judge and most know despite what they feel for me or you, I'm the better player of the two.Read it and weep.
To HJS, if you played this joke don't take anything he takes seriously.I know you and I aren't exactly "best buds" or anything but I'm sure we can agree on the fact that this kid is nothing but a wanna be and whiney twit that exagorates things, lies and plays like a real scrub.He cries if he doens't like who you're going to pick and won't play until you pick someone different.
That folks is no definition of an elite player by an margin.Elite players don't whine and threaten not to play on the mic if his opponent is picking someone he doesn't like.You play against him regardless.
btw i didnt read all that rubbish. Last time we played was when i just started the game and it was 4-3 you.
Now you lose 8-3 bitch how does it feel MKF? Just so you know you only won anything is because i picked characters i was bad with bitch.
Now you lose 8-3 bitch how does it feel MKF? Just so you know you only won anything is because i picked characters i was bad with bitch.
4-3 You
1. I won the first match
2. I won with Jade fairly no Infinite
3. I won with Moloch > but i didnt know i couldnt use him because i was brand new to the game.
4. You won 4 matches.
5. A Disco on a character select screen isnt your win. FUCKING FRUIT CAKE.
8-3 ME < REAL SERIES FAGGOT > And you quit < LOSER
YOU LOST big time.
BTW fagget you used your main guys big time. You used ermac, Fuijin, Dai, Jarek > these were the only guys you picked besides one match with your chameleon THAT YOU CHOSE ON YOUR OWN.
Another thing buddy my rep in MKAcentral is ten times better than you and i probably beaten people youve dreamed of beating.
Check in MKAC soon our matches were capped.
1. I won the first match
2. I won with Jade fairly no Infinite
3. I won with Moloch > but i didnt know i couldnt use him because i was brand new to the game.
4. You won 4 matches.
5. A Disco on a character select screen isnt your win. FUCKING FRUIT CAKE.
8-3 ME < REAL SERIES FAGGOT > And you quit < LOSER
YOU LOST big time.
BTW fagget you used your main guys big time. You used ermac, Fuijin, Dai, Jarek > these were the only guys you picked besides one match with your chameleon THAT YOU CHOSE ON YOUR OWN.
Another thing buddy my rep in MKAcentral is ten times better than you and i probably beaten people youve dreamed of beating.
Check in MKAC soon our matches were capped.
CyRaXFaNzBaK, try to cool down, ok? Drink some juice. Eat some cookies. Whatever the hell it takes. We don't want or need this kind of behavior here.
sorry man.
I wanna show everyone how fake MKF is. Go to MKAcentral.com and look at all the forums people made about him saying how wack and how hated he is in this game.
MKF my rep is better than yours now. Sucks for you.
look at mkf in his ghetto scorpion outfit HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I wanna show everyone how fake MKF is. Go to MKAcentral.com and look at all the forums people made about him saying how wack and how hated he is in this game.
MKF my rep is better than yours now. Sucks for you.
look at mkf in his ghetto scorpion outfit HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
mkflegend Wrote:
Actually, it was 8-4 stop posting inaccurate shit.I left with that score since I beat you the last two matches and you kept bitching I wanted no part of players that bitch constantly on the mic.Second, you have to be one of the biggest pussies ever.I heard every word you said sadly and you sound like a 14 year old wansta LOL.Pathetic.I was trying hard not to laugh at how you sound LMAO....and if you seriously think 8-4 is owning then you're on crack.That's FAR from owning someone 10-2, 12-0 is owning 8-4 is not owning and I beat you worse the last time we played which was 5-1 me.The only fake elite here is your pathetic bitchy ass.
But aside from that, you're pathetic for being afraid of Dairou, Stryker and Ermac.You also posted bs because my fujin raped your horrible kobra.So, what the hell are you talking about my Fujin sucks? lol nobody on xbox can match mine.Mav has the best right up there with mine and nobody I've ever seen as of yet has one near to either of us as far as Fujin's concerned.
I went to Stryker and Dairou, you wouldn't play just stood there like a baby saying " fuck that, fuck that" dude you know as well as I do he killed you and lucky for you I didn't know who you were otherwise you would have just got my best guys, Dairou, Kabal, Fujin etc.
I gave you Chameleon since you wouldn't play like a little baby if I didn't pick him yet you STILL almost lost that match.Point is I hardly use him...
Ohh yeah and if you want to do totals, last time when I beat you 5-1 and yes I'm counting that extra win since you pulled like a douche add this series 8-4 you =9-8 me.Read it and weep bitch.
And don't even start with your MKF won 4-3 last time because you jade did the jade infinite and picked moloch then you pulled.In legit play all 3 of those would be disqualified meaning 5-1 me.You beat me once legitametely last time.Everyone knows wins with those three things against regular characters isn't legit so save it before you even think of posting shit.
In a series vs. me my best vs. your best (bosses and KAK's excluded) you know you would lose which is why you constantly waited to see who I picked and secondly bitched about and wouldn't play if I put the icon on Dairou, Stryker or Ermac.You wanted Chameleon so you could counter.What a whiney twit you sound like over the mic also.Hope puberty kicks in sometime for you.The ladies don't like whiney sounding guys like yourself.ha, ha.
I win!
BTW, I never talked shit about you just posted your scrubby BS tactics such as picking moloch, jade infinite and crying over Dairou, Ermac, Stryker or characters you can't beat enough said.
I will give you this much, aside from your horrible whiney attitude and scared of certain character nonsense your Noob and Raiden aren't bad.Too bad your lame attitude kills your overall character.
Everyone already knows about you ghost ops or special forces now what ever....I made sure to that, I was actually saying to myself you know this guy isn't bad but then that completely changed when you kept counterpicking me waiting to see who I picked every match never picking first and when you also bitched on the mic when I went to dairou, stryker and ermac.
You know you would lose that's why you didn't want me picking them.Enough said.
I might not be the best player on xbox but I know for a fact I'm a better challenge then you because you're afraid of certain characters and you either always counterpick or pick bosses.Players like you are pure jokes.
BTW, I hope you have a 360 because I want your ass in UMK3 once I buy one and see if your dumb counterpick or other tricks work on me hehehe.The select screen in that game picks automatically so please....when that time comes I'll gladly play chicken with you and you'll be sorry.
BTW, if we meet again you're getting nothing but my best.You bitch I leave and post about your scrubby, whiney attitude everywhere on here.Then again everyone already knows about you and doesn't even take you seriously.You'll just whine like a little girl when you don't get your way.
I won't speak for HJS since I don't know him at all really, but as far as I'm concered I'm a 10X legit player then you'll ever dream to be.I don't pull like a punk ass for one, bitch like a little girl if someone picks dairou or sareena or someone and don't make up shit.
I'm happy you hate me for exposing your joke for a player ass to everyone on here and on MKAC even though I don't go there anymore.
I let others judge and most know despite what they feel for me or you, I'm the better player of the two.Read it and weep.
To HJS, if you played this joke don't take anything he takes seriously.I know you and I aren't exactly "best buds" or anything but I'm sure we can agree on the fact that this kid is nothing but a wanna be and whiney twit that exagorates things, lies and plays like a real scrub.He cries if he doens't like who you're going to pick and won't play until you pick someone different.
That folks is no definition of an elite player by an margin.Elite players don't whine and threaten not to play on the mic if his opponent is picking someone he doesn't like.You play against him regardless.
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
O yea i wanted to say some shit.
HJS is the worst person to manage this stuff.
1. Hes a noob.
2. I see everything in the first page can be approved wit better tactics and combos. EXample you didnt put the 1,1,cs in drahmin is a good combo SUPER SAFE.
3. He pulls in matches, if you want proof go to mkacentral.com
Basically its like letting a noob right shit for noobs. How does that make sense. Get the elites to do this.
Remeber when you talked that shit about me and spread your lies?
How does it feel to get raped by me 8-3 THAN YOU QUIT? Just so you know im NAA SpeC FORCES.
Now i hear that you think your supposedly the best on Xbox? HAHAHAHAHA Well i know your the best at sucking faggets dicks.
Sorry for the flamin MODS just felt like it was appropiate that everyone knows that HJS, and MKF are FAKE ELITES.
O yea i wanted to say some shit.
HJS is the worst person to manage this stuff.
1. Hes a noob.
2. I see everything in the first page can be approved wit better tactics and combos. EXample you didnt put the 1,1,cs in drahmin is a good combo SUPER SAFE.
3. He pulls in matches, if you want proof go to mkacentral.com
Basically its like letting a noob right shit for noobs. How does that make sense. Get the elites to do this.
Remeber when you talked that shit about me and spread your lies?
How does it feel to get raped by me 8-3 THAN YOU QUIT? Just so you know im NAA SpeC FORCES.
Now i hear that you think your supposedly the best on Xbox? HAHAHAHAHA Well i know your the best at sucking faggets dicks.
Sorry for the flamin MODS just felt like it was appropiate that everyone knows that HJS, and MKF are FAKE ELITES.
Actually, it was 8-4 stop posting inaccurate shit.I left with that score since I beat you the last two matches and you kept bitching I wanted no part of players that bitch constantly on the mic.Second, you have to be one of the biggest pussies ever.I heard every word you said sadly and you sound like a 14 year old wansta LOL.Pathetic.I was trying hard not to laugh at how you sound LMAO....and if you seriously think 8-4 is owning then you're on crack.That's FAR from owning someone 10-2, 12-0 is owning 8-4 is not owning and I beat you worse the last time we played which was 5-1 me.The only fake elite here is your pathetic bitchy ass.
But aside from that, you're pathetic for being afraid of Dairou, Stryker and Ermac.You also posted bs because my fujin raped your horrible kobra.So, what the hell are you talking about my Fujin sucks? lol nobody on xbox can match mine.Mav has the best right up there with mine and nobody I've ever seen as of yet has one near to either of us as far as Fujin's concerned.
I went to Stryker and Dairou, you wouldn't play just stood there like a baby saying " fuck that, fuck that" dude you know as well as I do he killed you and lucky for you I didn't know who you were otherwise you would have just got my best guys, Dairou, Kabal, Fujin etc.
I gave you Chameleon since you wouldn't play like a little baby if I didn't pick him yet you STILL almost lost that match.Point is I hardly use him...
Ohh yeah and if you want to do totals, last time when I beat you 5-1 and yes I'm counting that extra win since you pulled like a douche add this series 8-4 you =9-8 me.Read it and weep bitch.
And don't even start with your MKF won 4-3 last time because you jade did the jade infinite and picked moloch then you pulled.In legit play all 3 of those would be disqualified meaning 5-1 me.You beat me once legitametely last time.Everyone knows wins with those three things against regular characters isn't legit so save it before you even think of posting shit.
In a series vs. me my best vs. your best (bosses and KAK's excluded) you know you would lose which is why you constantly waited to see who I picked and secondly bitched about and wouldn't play if I put the icon on Dairou, Stryker or Ermac.You wanted Chameleon so you could counter.What a whiney twit you sound like over the mic also.Hope puberty kicks in sometime for you.The ladies don't like whiney sounding guys like yourself.ha, ha.
I win!
BTW, I never talked shit about you just posted your scrubby BS tactics such as picking moloch, jade infinite and crying over Dairou, Ermac, Stryker or characters you can't beat enough said.
I will give you this much, aside from your horrible whiney attitude and scared of certain character nonsense your Noob and Raiden aren't bad.Too bad your lame attitude kills your overall character.
Everyone already knows about you ghost ops or special forces now what ever....I made sure to that, I was actually saying to myself you know this guy isn't bad but then that completely changed when you kept counterpicking me waiting to see who I picked every match never picking first and when you also bitched on the mic when I went to dairou, stryker and ermac.
You know you would lose that's why you didn't want me picking them.Enough said.
I might not be the best player on xbox but I know for a fact I'm a better challenge then you because you're afraid of certain characters and you either always counterpick or pick bosses.Players like you are pure jokes.
BTW, I hope you have a 360 because I want your ass in UMK3 once I buy one and see if your dumb counterpick or other tricks work on me hehehe.The select screen in that game picks automatically so please....when that time comes I'll gladly play chicken with you and you'll be sorry.
BTW, if we meet again you're getting nothing but my best.You bitch I leave and post about your scrubby, whiney attitude everywhere on here.Then again everyone already knows about you and doesn't even take you seriously.You'll just whine like a little girl when you don't get your way.
I won't speak for HJS since I don't know him at all really, but as far as I'm concered I'm a 10X legit player then you'll ever dream to be.I don't pull like a punk ass for one, bitch like a little girl if someone picks dairou or sareena or someone and don't make up shit.
I'm happy you hate me for exposing your joke for a player ass to everyone on here and on MKAC even though I don't go there anymore.
I let others judge and most know despite what they feel for me or you, I'm the better player of the two.Read it and weep.
To HJS, if you played this joke don't take anything he takes seriously.I know you and I aren't exactly "best buds" or anything but I'm sure we can agree on the fact that this kid is nothing but a wanna be and whiney twit that exagorates things, lies and plays like a real scrub.He cries if he doens't like who you're going to pick and won't play until you pick someone different.
That folks is no definition of an elite player by an margin.Elite players don't whine and threaten not to play on the mic if his opponent is picking someone he doesn't like.You play against him regardless.
Hey man,
We had a beef before? I kinda don't remember lol....
Anyways, you're cool, no reason to fight...
As for this scrub...
I wish I knew what to say I just have no idea who he is.
How can he flame me so much when I havn't played a single match against him or said a single word to him is beyond me...
As for what he said:
I updated the "best moves" section the first day it came out. Very quickly, I didn't even played Drhamin, I actually havn't seen his 1,1,cs. That's why I didn't put it. Not because it's not a good move...
Ive seen videos of you HJS pulling and quitting when you lost.
As for MKF i over exagerated the situation a lil. I won 8-3 or 8-4 w/e.
GGs to MKF.
BTW i did not counter pick and you used your main roster. Ermac, jarek, fuijin, Dai
As for MKF i over exagerated the situation a lil. I won 8-3 or 8-4 w/e.
GGs to MKF.
BTW i did not counter pick and you used your main roster. Ermac, jarek, fuijin, Dai
You forgot Kabal ; ).But whatever, I'm not going to flame you and risk getting skulled.Not sure if you're aware or not cyrax fan but flaming is not a good thing on here.Not being witty or anything but seriously, it's not cool.If you did tape the matches, good.Everyone can see that you wouldn't play that one select screen match when I wanted to pick Stryker, Dairou and Ermac.You wouldn't play until I picked Chameleon.....MKAC is a joke for a site run by an idiot for the record, I don't care what people say about me on there.This site is much better.
To hjs, yeah dude it's all good man.A while ago we had a little disagreement about something trivial that almost led to something but yeah it's in the past.My fault for even mentioning it lol.
Yes, that is my main roster but you didn't like my Dairou, Kabal and you didn't want me to pick Stryker and dairou later in the series for what ever reason.
As for the costume, the one bobby posted was a joke from a site or something.The ones I posted however are for real from a 2004 halloween party.The pics were taken prior to the actual party for kicks.
Just next time we play, please don't complain constantly if you don't mind and let me pick my better guys more then once.
My roster does consist of Ermac, Jarek, Dairou, Kabal, Fujin then Mavado, Chameleon and Scorpion after.
My better guys however are Kabal, Fujin, Ermac and Dairou.Then everyone else comes after those guys.
Anyhow, if you do get a 360 later on I'd like to play you in UMK3 down the road.Later.
To hjs, yeah dude it's all good man.A while ago we had a little disagreement about something trivial that almost led to something but yeah it's in the past.My fault for even mentioning it lol.
Yes, that is my main roster but you didn't like my Dairou, Kabal and you didn't want me to pick Stryker and dairou later in the series for what ever reason.
As for the costume, the one bobby posted was a joke from a site or something.The ones I posted however are for real from a 2004 halloween party.The pics were taken prior to the actual party for kicks.
Just next time we play, please don't complain constantly if you don't mind and let me pick my better guys more then once.
My roster does consist of Ermac, Jarek, Dairou, Kabal, Fujin then Mavado, Chameleon and Scorpion after.
My better guys however are Kabal, Fujin, Ermac and Dairou.Then everyone else comes after those guys.
Anyhow, if you do get a 360 later on I'd like to play you in UMK3 down the road.Later.
Okay hold up, you did use your roster just not styrker. Btw i didnt say not to pick him. You first picked chameleon but than i asked you to pick fuijin again and than you didnt. Instead you started picking ermac, dai and others. I was like wtf? So i said fuck it ill play your chameleon.
Dont ever think im afraid of any guys from your roster because thats just pure bullshit.
Dont ever think im afraid of any guys from your roster because thats just pure bullshit.
Two questions.
I've heard Kintaro being referred to as the boss killer. Why is he the 'boss killer?'
Secondly, I've been trying to learn Kenshi, but for some reason the Tele-Slam doesn't work in the combos on the first page. He just stands there and does nothing. Why is this?
I've heard Kintaro being referred to as the boss killer. Why is he the 'boss killer?'
Secondly, I've been trying to learn Kenshi, but for some reason the Tele-Slam doesn't work in the combos on the first page. He just stands there and does nothing. Why is this?
SubXer0 Wrote:
i think you might be doing the 2,2,2 as a combo. They are individual hits separated with a slight pause.
So, its more like 2..2..2.
Hope that helps.
i think you might be doing the 2,2,2 as a combo. They are individual hits separated with a slight pause.
So, its more like 2..2..2.
Hope that helps.
Thanks, that did help. I can partially do them now.
Anyone got any help as far as Kintaro goes then?
mkflegend Wrote:
and if you seriously think 8-4 is owning then you're on crack.That's FAR from owning someone 10-2, 12-0 is owning 8-4 is not owning and I beat you worse the last time we played which was 5-1 me.The only fake elite here is your pathetic bitchy ass.
Ohh yeah and if you want to do totals, last time when I beat you 5-1 and yes I'm counting that extra win since you pulled like a douche add this series 8-4 you =9-8 me.Read it and weep bitch.
and if you seriously think 8-4 is owning then you're on crack.That's FAR from owning someone 10-2, 12-0 is owning 8-4 is not owning and I beat you worse the last time we played which was 5-1 me.The only fake elite here is your pathetic bitchy ass.
Ohh yeah and if you want to do totals, last time when I beat you 5-1 and yes I'm counting that extra win since you pulled like a douche add this series 8-4 you =9-8 me.Read it and weep bitch.
Next time you wanna retaliate, do some math. I mean seriously, can you not do basic math?
First paragraph you said losing 5-1 is worse then losing 8-4? how in the fuck is that any worse? Either way you look at it, its 4 more wins for the winner.
Second paragraph, you really looked like an idiot. Let me break it down for you.
5-1 (first series) you
4-8 (second series) him
How in the fuck did you come up wit 9-8 your way? Yeah, read it and weep.
One last thing, why are you arguing with a 1 year old in the first place? Your like a decade older then he is
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
Okay hold up, you did use your roster just not styrker. Btw i didnt say not to pick him. You first picked chameleon but than i asked you to pick fuijin again and than you didnt. Instead you started picking ermac, dai and others. I was like wtf? So i said fuck it ill play your chameleon.
Dont ever think im afraid of any guys from your roster because thats just pure bullshit.
Okay hold up, you did use your roster just not styrker. Btw i didnt say not to pick him. You first picked chameleon but than i asked you to pick fuijin again and than you didnt. Instead you started picking ermac, dai and others. I was like wtf? So i said fuck it ill play your chameleon.
Dont ever think im afraid of any guys from your roster because thats just pure bullshit.
I heard you say clear as day "fuck that, nah" when I put my icon on Dairou and you didn't start it, this I know since you didn't wish to play when I went to Dairou after that previous match.Well, first I went to Chameleon initially..you wouldn't start it so I decided to choose Dairou instead.You still didn't start it, then I was like ok maybe if I go to stryker he'll play...you still didn't.
So, when someone does that I get the hint that they want no part a character and it's a bit obvious.Then again most people hated playing my Dairou in MKD so it's really no surprise to see the same at times in MKA.I hardly even use him now days anyway.
Anyway, it doesn't matter now because I have a new policy to stop stuff like that in general when I play online.I'm going to take turns with people for now on instead of picking first and letting my opponents counterpick me for 5 minutes.
I'm going to pick first, then next match opponent, match after I go again and so on.
To subzero, my question for you is what's it to ya? lol I admit I made an error with the math everyone makes mistakes, so I guess everyones idiots at times...but still I don't count jade infinites or boss picks to regular characters for logical reasons I mean...come on for the first series.
About the second part, I have no idea what his age is and I'm not arguing or flaming anyone.Read my posts, I'm simply stating how things went down without flaming and such.Something some people over at MKAC should take into consideration.
tgrant Wrote:
Two questions.
I've heard Kintaro being referred to as the boss killer. Why is he the 'boss killer?'
Two questions.
I've heard Kintaro being referred to as the boss killer. Why is he the 'boss killer?'
He has an infinite combo that works on bosses.I'm not sure if it even is an infinite combo,though,and if it is,it will not work online anyway.
Regardless,he's not a "boss killer".He may be better than Shao Kahn,Goro,and possibly Onaga,but that is meaningless since all of these characters are either very un-safe,lack combos,or have some pretty bad mismatches.
Moloch and Blaze are the best characters in this game,and no regular character or boss character can beat them unless you use a KAK.
There is one trick I've used against Blaze whores that works from a regular character point of view.
Pick Ermac, get in close as fast as you can and mix up D+1 in AXE, with his auto combos 4, 4, 4 and cornertrap Blaze.I remember winning with this tactic against a well known blaze player on xbox who nobody took seriously because that's all he picked.This works if done correctly ermac's speed out does Blazes up close but if you mess up your momemtum you're screwed.
Just something that's worked out for me against Blaze the few times I played annoying blaze players online.
Pick Ermac, get in close as fast as you can and mix up D+1 in AXE, with his auto combos 4, 4, 4 and cornertrap Blaze.I remember winning with this tactic against a well known blaze player on xbox who nobody took seriously because that's all he picked.This works if done correctly ermac's speed out does Blazes up close but if you mess up your momemtum you're screwed.
Just something that's worked out for me against Blaze the few times I played annoying blaze players online.
I was wondering if someone could help me with some info (best moves /strats etc) for particularly Kitana., but also Raiden and Sheeva if anyone could spare it. I have noticed throughout this whole thread Kitana has not been meantioned re her best moves etc. Your help would be REALLY appreciated!
Could I get a quick tell saying whether or not these moves are useful/safe/unsafe etc.?
d+4 = ???
d+1 = ???
b+3 = ???
1, 2, cs = ??? [Seems to give slight pushback on block, however, the recovery doesn't look so good. Doesn't seem to be gaurenteed safety, can I get confirmation on this?]
1, 2 = ???
Tiger Fist:
1, 2 = ???
d+4 = ???
d+1 = ???
d+3 = ???
1, 3, cs = ??? [Does it give pushback on block?]
d+1 = ???
d+3 = ???
3, 3, 3 = ??? [Quite fast, not sure if it's safe on block though]
b+3 = ??? [From what I see, it's a quick low with good range and decent damage. Safe on block?]
3 = ??? [Decently fast pop up, safe?]
Hua Chuan:
1 = ??? [The hell is this move? Mid or low? Quick, good damage, safe?]
3 = ??? [Moderate speed, good damage, shitty range. Safe?]
Night Sticks:
b+3 = ??? [Great range, moderate damage, safe?]
Fu Jow Pai:
b+3 = ??? [Mid range, shitty damage, safe?]
b+1 = ??? [Crap range, crap damage, safe?]
d+1 = ??? [HELLA fast, shit range, shit damage, safe?]
1, 1 = ??? [SICK range, decent damage, safe?]
b+3 = ??? [Mix up potential, crap range, awesome damage, terrible recovery, unsafe I bet]
Special Moves:
Rushing Shoulder = ??? [Moderate speed, good damage, low, unsafe I think]
That's all, any input would be appreciated.
d+4 = ???
d+1 = ???
b+3 = ???
1, 2, cs = ??? [Seems to give slight pushback on block, however, the recovery doesn't look so good. Doesn't seem to be gaurenteed safety, can I get confirmation on this?]
1, 2 = ???
Tiger Fist:
1, 2 = ???
d+4 = ???
d+1 = ???
d+3 = ???
1, 3, cs = ??? [Does it give pushback on block?]
d+1 = ???
d+3 = ???
3, 3, 3 = ??? [Quite fast, not sure if it's safe on block though]
b+3 = ??? [From what I see, it's a quick low with good range and decent damage. Safe on block?]
3 = ??? [Decently fast pop up, safe?]
Hua Chuan:
1 = ??? [The hell is this move? Mid or low? Quick, good damage, safe?]
3 = ??? [Moderate speed, good damage, shitty range. Safe?]
Night Sticks:
b+3 = ??? [Great range, moderate damage, safe?]
Fu Jow Pai:
b+3 = ??? [Mid range, shitty damage, safe?]
b+1 = ??? [Crap range, crap damage, safe?]
d+1 = ??? [HELLA fast, shit range, shit damage, safe?]
1, 1 = ??? [SICK range, decent damage, safe?]
b+3 = ??? [Mix up potential, crap range, awesome damage, terrible recovery, unsafe I bet]
Special Moves:
Rushing Shoulder = ??? [Moderate speed, good damage, low, unsafe I think]
That's all, any input would be appreciated.
Sorry for the double post, but I have a serious problem. I need anti-noob strats. I normally use Drahmin as my main, either him or Shinnok. Any tips?
I'm sick and tired of getting 2,4 into his bullshit 50% mix-ups. M2Dave or HjQ, any advice [Anyone welcome, just asking them as they seem to be very experienced].
I'm sick and tired of getting 2,4 into his bullshit 50% mix-ups. M2Dave or HjQ, any advice [Anyone welcome, just asking them as they seem to be very experienced].
12edeemer Wrote:
Sorry for the double post, but I have a serious problem. I need anti-noob strats. I normally use Drahmin as my main, either him or Shinnok. Any tips?
I'm sick and tired of getting 2,4 into his bullshit 50% mix-ups. M2Dave or HjQ, any advice [Anyone welcome, just asking them as they seem to be very experienced].
Sorry for the double post, but I have a serious problem. I need anti-noob strats. I normally use Drahmin as my main, either him or Shinnok. Any tips?
I'm sick and tired of getting 2,4 into his bullshit 50% mix-ups. M2Dave or HjQ, any advice [Anyone welcome, just asking them as they seem to be very experienced].
Use Drahmin.
You're having problems with Noob's tremendous damage after 2,4,right?
Every time you block Noob's 2,4, you must go for 1,1,CS (or 1,1, free throw) in Drahmin's first stance. 1,1,CS will always be free unless the connection online is pure shit.
1,1,CS is one of the safest things in the entire game.So,even if it gets blocked,you have nothing to worry about.The first "1" (in 1,1,CS) also has a huge range.
Once you start abusing 1,1,CS, then the Noob player will probably resort to abusing d+4 in his first stance (which will go underneath your 1,1,CS because Noob's d+4 is a low attack that has an immediate crouching activation once it is peformed). The best way to deal with Noob's d+4 when you're using Drahim is to resort to spamming b+2 in Drahmin first stance. Again, like 1,1,CS, b+2 is super-safe,so you have nothing to worry about when it gets blocked.
Drahmin kills Noob.1,1,CS will punish 90%+ of the things Noob does.Your worst fear shouldn't be 2,4; it should be lag. However, as long as you can punish Noob's 2,4 (when blocked) with 1,1,CS. You'll be perfectly fine.
Also,Goro sucks.So does Kintaro to a lesser extent (but Kintaro can at least compete with Blaze and Moloch to some extent). Boon and Co. give some of these bosses such horrible recoveries that they become worthless to use. How can you work with moves that freeze you for over two seconds when they are blocked? The fact is that you can't.
Stryker has that move in his first stance (I think it is 2 but I'm not sure). It's a below the waste punch that is un-parriable to my knowledge.It's very safe and a highly annoying poke.Stryker's weapon stance is like Tanya's and Jax's. 1,1 (mid, mid) is useful and gives a lot of advantage (or a free throw in Jax's case) on hit.
I don't use Daegon. PM Dan on here. He will help you answer your Daegon related questions.
Thanks for the tip Dave, it's working. As you predicted, he ducks right into d+4 and heavy side stepping.
d+4 is easy to predict, side-step gives some problems, but then again, we all get caught by it once and awhile. I know I'm not the only one having troubles with some noob players though, he's a pretty effective character online.
Offline, however, I heard that 2,4 can be punished on block. Is this true? One more thing, what they did to Shujinko just.. gets to me. I used to love playing that guy! Now I seem to take way, way too much damage on large combos, let alone smaller ones. Could something be done to fix him? Maybe an MKO petition to have him patched or something? Anything to repair that terrible fault..
d+4 is easy to predict, side-step gives some problems, but then again, we all get caught by it once and awhile. I know I'm not the only one having troubles with some noob players though, he's a pretty effective character online.
Offline, however, I heard that 2,4 can be punished on block. Is this true? One more thing, what they did to Shujinko just.. gets to me. I used to love playing that guy! Now I seem to take way, way too much damage on large combos, let alone smaller ones. Could something be done to fix him? Maybe an MKO petition to have him patched or something? Anything to repair that terrible fault..
12edeemer Wrote:
Thanks for the tip Dave, it's working. As you predicted, he ducks right into d+4 and heavy side stepping.
d+4 is easy to predict, side-step gives some problems, but then again, we all get caught by it once and awhile. I know I'm not the only one having troubles with some noob players though, he's a pretty effective character online.
Offline, however, I heard that 2,4 can be punished on block. Is this true?
One more thing, what they did to Shujinko just.. gets to me. I used to love playing that guy! Now I seem to take way, way too much damage on large combos, let alone smaller ones. Could something be done to fix him? Maybe an MKO petition to have him patched or something? Anything to repair that terrible fault..
Thanks for the tip Dave, it's working. As you predicted, he ducks right into d+4 and heavy side stepping.
d+4 is easy to predict, side-step gives some problems, but then again, we all get caught by it once and awhile. I know I'm not the only one having troubles with some noob players though, he's a pretty effective character online.
Offline, however, I heard that 2,4 can be punished on block. Is this true?
One more thing, what they did to Shujinko just.. gets to me. I used to love playing that guy! Now I seem to take way, way too much damage on large combos, let alone smaller ones. Could something be done to fix him? Maybe an MKO petition to have him patched or something? Anything to repair that terrible fault..
Side step shouldn't be a problem. Just do: U+1,1,CS and it ought to track.
Yeah,off-line 85%+ of the moves in this game are consistantly punishable on block.
Yes,he deals tremendous damage especially when he is in his weapon stance. It's really severe. But there will not be a patch. They're probably working on the next MK game now. But even if they were not, I doubt they would release a patch.
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