There is the water bottle next to the beer bottle as well.
And that doesn't exactly look like midway corporate offices.
Just pointing out some other facts about the pic.
And that doesn't exactly look like midway corporate offices.
Just pointing out some other facts about the pic.
lol, I hear the same about coors as well.My friend calls it liquid macaroni with alcohol obviously.
Coors is great ice cold!
Coors is great ice cold!
lmao much props to scorpio for making me laugh so hard my mom wondered wtf was wrong with me.
mortal25, refrain from spamming. I've seen you do the same thing in a thread at another section of the forums. This is my first and last warning.
That's not an infinite, it can be annoying but it's not an infinite all you have to do is duck and poke or block low and counter immediately.It's not hard.
Radical Wrote:
According to HJS the move gives a free throw in a corner. If that's the case you shouldn't be able to duck.
Then again, HJS has been wrong about some of the free throws.
According to HJS the move gives a free throw in a corner. If that's the case you shouldn't be able to duck.
Then again, HJS has been wrong about some of the free throws.
Ohh the FT, you said infinite.When someone says infinite I think of infinite that you can't escape the whole round literally.I've had tons of players do the Up+2 to me online cornertrapped, it's a bitch at times but I've gotten out of it.
The 50/50 mix ups with Up+2 and 4 are a better tactic IMO however
Radical Wrote:
According to HJS the move gives a free throw in a corner. If that's the case you shouldn't be able to duck.
Then again, HJS has been wrong about some of the free throws.
According to HJS the move gives a free throw in a corner. If that's the case you shouldn't be able to duck.
Then again, HJS has been wrong about some of the free throws.
You're probably saying since u+2 gives a free throw in the corner (i.e. it cannot be ducked) another u+2 should free as well since you cannot duck (judging from u+2, throw in corner) leading to a u+2, u+2, u+2, etc. infinite combo.
If you're asking that,the game engine doesn't allow that and doesn't work that way (with a few exceptions).
u+2 gives tremendous advantage on hit.You cannot move AT ALL after it hits (especially in corners because u+2 leaves Kabal very close to you) but you can still BLOCK all incoming attacks.However,since you cannot move at all a throw will be guaranteed since it's an unblockable high.
It's the same reason why BRC's 3 (in weapon stance) still gives a free throw.You can block the next 3 but since you cannot move a throw will be free (because it's unblockable).
The exceptions are:
Kenshi's (first stance) 3,3, 3,3, 3,3, etc.
BRC's (first stance), 4,4, 4,4, 4,4, 4,4, etc.
There's maybe more.These moves above give so much advantage that you can't even block another incoming attack leading to simple infinite combos.
Free throws are because you cant duck not because you cant block low.
For instance 3 in BO you can Block low and stop all lows BUT you cant DUCK so its a free grab.
For instance 3 in BO you can Block low and stop all lows BUT you cant DUCK so its a free grab.
O yea i wanted to say some shit.
HJS is the worst person to manage this stuff.
1. Hes a noob.
2. I see everything in the first page can be approved wit better tactics and combos. EXample you didnt put the 1,1,cs in drahmin is a good combo SUPER SAFE.
3. He pulls in matches, if you want proof go to mkacentral.com
Basically its like letting a noob right shit for noobs. How does that make sense. Get the elites to do this.
Remeber when you talked that shit about me and spread your lies?
How does it feel to get raped by me 8-3 THAN YOU QUIT? Just so you know im NAA SpeC FORCES.
Now i hear that you think your supposedly the best on Xbox? HAHAHAHAHA Well i know your the best at sucking faggets dicks.
Sorry for the flamin MODS just felt like it was appropiate that everyone knows that HJS, and MKF are FAKE ELITES.
HJS is the worst person to manage this stuff.
1. Hes a noob.
2. I see everything in the first page can be approved wit better tactics and combos. EXample you didnt put the 1,1,cs in drahmin is a good combo SUPER SAFE.
3. He pulls in matches, if you want proof go to mkacentral.com
Basically its like letting a noob right shit for noobs. How does that make sense. Get the elites to do this.
Remeber when you talked that shit about me and spread your lies?
How does it feel to get raped by me 8-3 THAN YOU QUIT? Just so you know im NAA SpeC FORCES.
Now i hear that you think your supposedly the best on Xbox? HAHAHAHAHA Well i know your the best at sucking faggets dicks.
Sorry for the flamin MODS just felt like it was appropiate that everyone knows that HJS, and MKF are FAKE ELITES.
"If you can't duck then you shouldn't be able to block low either since blocking low requires ducking..."
^^OK lol radical this sounds stupid to me. Thats like saying how come i cant get a free hit after Scorpions hellfire The guys hands are still in the Air and it requires his hands to be infront of him to block.
Fuck what it looks like on the screen. To block a Low all you have to do is press Block Down, to block high or mid you have to press block up. To evade a Grab you DUCK.
Look a free throw is a glitch. All it does to you is stop you from ducking but you can still BLOCK HIGH OR LOW.
^^OK lol radical this sounds stupid to me. Thats like saying how come i cant get a free hit after Scorpions hellfire The guys hands are still in the Air and it requires his hands to be infront of him to block.
Fuck what it looks like on the screen. To block a Low all you have to do is press Block Down, to block high or mid you have to press block up. To evade a Grab you DUCK.
Look a free throw is a glitch. All it does to you is stop you from ducking but you can still BLOCK HIGH OR LOW.
Radical Wrote:
The only way to duck is by blocking low.
The only way to duck is by blocking low.
Radical your clearly a noob at this game. You can duck by pressing down and back. If you don belieave on this disscussion its your lost and many losses to come wen you play.
You're the functionally illiterate one.
A low block is, for all practical purposes, a duck. It has the all of the same properties as ducking except for one: it'll block low attacks.I'll concede not knowing about pressing down and back. So you can in fact duck without blocking low. But that doesn't change the fact that you generally can't block low without ducking, unless the following assumption I'm making is true...
Can someone with a brain explain this more clearly? Is it that following a free throw move you can hold block and down, and block low attacks, without the character visually being in the low block position? If so wouldn't this constitute a special, fifth blocking state? Thanks to anyone who can write with a modicum of clarity.
Youre a fuking retard. Your so stupid you dont even realize it. Listen you fuck a FREE THROW is a glitch that stops you from ducking. Now even though you cant duck you can hold down BLOCK to block lows. Even though it looks like your just standing there YOU CAN STILL BLOCK LOW. You stupid nub brain needs to realize that it doesnt have to look like your blocking low to fucking block low. Its the command you do not what you see on the screen DUMBASS. Now if you dont belieave me go fuck your self and keep getting u+2 by kabal and claim its an infinite.
LOL and your the one saying i have no brains.
O btw anyone who blocks low on a free grab is stupid JUST LIKE YOU.
LOL and your the one saying i have no brains.
O btw anyone who blocks low on a free grab is stupid JUST LIKE YOU.
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