The Hotaru infinite link takes you to the Moloch one instead. Here's the correct link.

Kung lao should be in top tier and kenshi should be in mid tier.
And why are you guys posting infs on this site?
And why are you guys posting infs on this site?
m2dave Wrote:
2,4 is safe when your connection sucks (i.e. 2 or less stars).
Dan is right.I'd rather play Doohoo's Noob than his Raiden with Dairou.
I'm 100% sure that neither the X-Box or the PAL PS2 even use Dairou,and if players use him,they're probably not even using him correctly.Just because MK:A Dairou isn't as broken and as easy to use as MK:D Dairou that doesn't mean he isn't good any more.
2,4 is safe when your connection sucks (i.e. 2 or less stars).
Dan is right.I'd rather play Doohoo's Noob than his Raiden with Dairou.
I'm 100% sure that neither the X-Box or the PAL PS2 even use Dairou,and if players use him,they're probably not even using him correctly.Just because MK:A Dairou isn't as broken and as easy to use as MK:D Dairou that doesn't mean he isn't good any more.
You need to play mine on xbox sometime.
More players NOW finally are using him or trying to, but I have been using him.
But he's not my best, that would have to go to Fujin, Ermac, Jarek and Kabal right now on live.BTW, Fujin is extremely underrated.At least the way I use him.
I agree with the Dairou not being as powerful as in mkd but still good comment, the can be said for Ermac in a way.He's toned down without the Hua Chuan but yet is STILL a great character to use and to prove this I've taken out plenty of KAK's, higher tiers online with ermac just to give you guys an idea.Ermac is the man and he still has the free 46% if near a corner.Mixing up the 4, 4, 4 with throws, anticipating parry whores, waiting then attacking is a great tactic.A good ermac player will not just charge constantly.
One tactic that NOBODY does with him but me is the proper use of his leviation, you can play soooo many mind games with that move it's ridiculous.Trust me, if any here think that move is useless you're wrong.What people don't realize is that most will jump back, thus the timer drains with you winning=less time for them to get near you and win meaning.....you (the ermac player) has the edge in these kind of situations.
"So Mokap has good stuff: Mids, projectiles, teleslam. He has very quick low pokes but they are parryble.
He also has bad stuff: His throw is horrible, his damage is midocre and he lacks good unparryble lows"
Just thought you should know.
Mokap's d1 in wing chun is a great unparryable low poke. It is fast with good range too.
"So Mokap has good stuff: Mids, projectiles, teleslam. He has very quick low pokes but they are parryble.
He also has bad stuff: His throw is horrible, his damage is midocre and he lacks good unparryble lows"
Just thought you should know.
Mokap's d1 in wing chun is a great unparryable low poke. It is fast with good range too.
I see all these elite players being crazy good with every char beside top tiers. I know its more challenging with chars under top tier but i wanna see someone who can use Scorp, sub, quan etc like the monsters they are.
Anyone have tips with Ashrah Frost Kung Reptile and Shinnok
Alot to ask for i know just i like these chars alot.
Anyone have tips with Ashrah Frost Kung Reptile and Shinnok
Alot to ask for i know just i like these chars alot.
queve Wrote:
Can the BEST players please write some analysis on Sheeva's gameplay and best attacks? How good is she in this game and what are her weaknesses? What tier? I keep hearing she is very powerful, Im guessing mid tier.
Can the BEST players please write some analysis on Sheeva's gameplay and best attacks? How good is she in this game and what are her weaknesses? What tier? I keep hearing she is very powerful, Im guessing mid tier.
Can someone else do that as well as Queve's request.
Thanks in advance!
queve Wrote:
Can the BEST players please write some analysis on Sonyas gameplay and best attacks? How good is she in this game and what are her weaknesses? What tier? I keep hearing she is very powerful, Im guessing mid tier.
Can the BEST players please write some analysis on Sonyas gameplay and best attacks? How good is she in this game and what are her weaknesses? What tier? I keep hearing she is very powerful, Im guessing mid tier.
Sonya is underastimated.
Her Kiss is her best tool, it's safe, fast, and the best new thing to MKA is that it doesn't reduce damage like past MK's.
In Taw Kawn Do you need to use mostly the low unparryble kicks:
b+3,3 - Two low kicks.
4,b+3,3 - 4 is a mid into low kicks.
You can also throw a 2 here and there. It's a mid juggle. When it connects do cs, 1,1,2,4,b+3 for 30%+. It's unsafe.
Kali Sticks are a big disapointment, it's all because everything besides 3 - is parryble.
Still b+3 is preety much safe online, mid, 18%, crushes all lows.
u+3 is also good.
d+3 is one of the quickest pokes in the game.
d+1 and d+4 are also good. d+3 is the best, if you wanna be versatile use d+1 and d+4.
you can throw 2,4,b+3/ 2,4,3 here and there.
Her d,f+2 projectile is ok, you can duck under some projectiles and use it.
Her throw sucks.
d,b+2 and f,f+3 are useless, don't use them.
So what you should do with Sonya in a fight:
Use the Kiss, ALOT!
You can spam it like a mf.
Stay in Taw Kuan Do (Kali is all parryble).
Mix up low kicks, throw alot of b+3 and then b+3,3. Use 4,b+3 and 4,b+3,3. d+4 is also great.
Use 2 when they start ducking.
The trick is to use Kali Sticks only as a suprise, do things like Taw Kuan Do - d+4, d+4, d+4 quick cs b+3.
Turlte with Sonya, this is very important, up close many characters are much better then her. Turtle and spam those kisses. Throw your kises nonstop, when they get close use your low kicks in Taw Kuan Do. If they try ducking your kisses with low pokes and kicks b+3 in Kali will always get them since it crushes lows.
Sonya is a fun character to use and can be a pain in the ass to fight against. She is mid tier. Maybe mid-low.
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
I see all these elite players being crazy good with every char beside top tiers. I know its more challenging with chars under top tier but i wanna see someone who can use Scorp, sub, quan etc like the monsters they are.
Anyone have tips with Ashrah Frost Kung Reptile and Shinnok
Alot to ask for i know just i like these chars alot.
I see all these elite players being crazy good with every char beside top tiers. I know its more challenging with chars under top tier but i wanna see someone who can use Scorp, sub, quan etc like the monsters they are.
Anyone have tips with Ashrah Frost Kung Reptile and Shinnok
Alot to ask for i know just i like these chars alot.
Frost -
Use d,b+3 and d,b+1.
d,b+3 is a low freeze.
d,b+1 is an unblockable freeze.
When either of them connects do - Daggers - b+3, b+3, 1,1,2 - about 20-30% depends on what you starts the juggle with.
d,b+4 is a nice teleport. It's kinda safe and fast. It's hard connecting a combo with it online so do after it d,f+4.
Tong Bei is horrible.
The range of it is just a joke. Everything is parryble, just don't use it.
Daggers are not much better but still:
d+1 is quick low but parryble.
d+4 is a mid.
I don't use any of Frost's moves besides d,b+1, d,b+3 and d,b+4.
Turtle and when get close to you use d,b+1. If they corner you get out of there with d,b+4.
When they throw a projectile on you you can trade hits with them with d,b+3 or do d,b+4 and hit them.
Can someone from a high gameplay point of view tell me why SUB is Top Tier? I find it easier to use characters like liukang,kung lao, mileena and some more. But when i use Sub hes probably the worst to use. Maybe someone can make like a SUPER Guide on him explainin it.
Than with sub if you have to play HEAVY on turtling and baiting also you have to play him with alot of smarts and strats That should mean hes NOT Top Tier.
Any player can use mileena agreesivly and make here monstrous, I find that to be better. Also hes got a lack of combos that have range, mid starting and speed all in one.
Id say frost is better because of her specials.
Any player can use mileena agreesivly and make here monstrous, I find that to be better. Also hes got a lack of combos that have range, mid starting and speed all in one.
Id say frost is better because of her specials.
just because he isnt scrub friendly DOES NOT mean he isnt top tier.
Sub has almost NO bad matchups. Only probable bad matchups are sareena and scorp.
d+1 in shoto is one of the best pokes in the game.
3 in shoto hits mid and is a FT. Sub has a strong 50/50 game.
if you are scared to use d+1 poke, use d+4 to lead into more 50/50.
if played correctly, sub is very hard to touch and frustrating to play against.
Sub has almost NO bad matchups. Only probable bad matchups are sareena and scorp.
d+1 in shoto is one of the best pokes in the game.
3 in shoto hits mid and is a FT. Sub has a strong 50/50 game.
if you are scared to use d+1 poke, use d+4 to lead into more 50/50.
if played correctly, sub is very hard to touch and frustrating to play against.
Radical Wrote:
Frost isn't anywhere near as good as Sub Zero.
DUH!! Frost isn't anywhere near as good as Sub Zero.
i think its pretty safe now to not really pay attention to CyRaXFaNzBaK
after saying a weak character like frost is better then subby.
im almost willing to spend the $50. for Xboxs MKA just to fight him.
if i find the $200.00 bucks i lost, ill go out and buy the game.
CyRaXFaNzBaK ~ pm versatile and ask him to explain in detail why subzero is one of the best characters in MKA.
I play frost pretty good and i find it easy to get combos in with here and catch people with the puddle than the stupid clone.
Dan, read your PM.
On xbox, Malone uses Frost well.Nobody else really uses her on there.
On xbox, Malone uses Frost well.Nobody else really uses her on there.
Subxero you got a good noob dude and subby.
Here's what I posted in the UMK.com forums.But really,I'm tired of discussing the top tiers for this game.See the last post of the following post below to understand why...
Updated tier list below.It's a mixture of an off-line and online tier list as character's both online and off-line gameplay is taken into consideration:
1. Sareena (hardly any mismatches at all,knives are too good at pressuring,aerial cancels are available,complete character)
2. Scorpion (he's also safe online,wep. f+1 is a little less safe,though,lacks aerial cancels but he doesn't really need them as he can do 50%+ of damage without them)
3. Dairou (I'm not putting him at No. 2 until I can beat Check's Scorpion consistantly on a 3-4 star connection,Dairou is still Dairou,though,turtle and run all day,lots of safe moves are available as well as nice aerial cancels for 40%+ damage)
4. Drahmin (1,1,CS is an incredible safe dial-a-combo that launches, 1,1 also gives a free throw,which launches,wep. d+1 is a nice low poke that gves huge advantage and is un-parriable,he lacks aerial cancels,though,which is probably the reason he is not a top 3 character)
5. Sub-Zero (great character overall,hardly any mismatches,has a lot of moves that lead into free throws for decent damage,however,he lacks aerial cancels,which keeps his damage mostly under 40%)
6. Tanya (air-fireball gives a free throw or 50/50 mix ups when it connects,first stance d+4 is the best low in the game in my opinion,easy 50/50 mix ups afterwards,she lacks a somewhat safe mid pop up/mid move but she has aerial cancels,I'm not sure how she does against Scorpion and Sareena but she gives Dairou a lot of trouble)
7. Kung Lao (very,very solid character,wep. b+3/b+2 mix up after the 1,1,f+3 plant if you can move in fast enough,but he lacks a safe mid pop up,wep. b+2 and first stance f+1 aren't really safe at all unless the connection is mediocre,Kung Lao also has aerial cancels available into ridiculous damage potential)
8. Noob (he's very good but I've said it 100 times and I'll say it again: 2,4 is a shitty move on block,the only reason it's fairly safe is because of the lag,d+4 is a nice advantageous low poke,his invisibility move combined with lots of turtling can be a bitch to deal with,Noob has the damage,too,but doesn't really have safe mid pop ups unless the connection is shit)
9. Kenshi (nice turtling character,lots of damage available due to aerial cancels,wep. 2 is fairly safe even off-line depending on distance,you have to turtle with him a lot to use him effectively)
10. Quan Chi (easiest 50/50 mix ups in the game,the Rising Kick goes under high attacks,most of the projectiles,and even some mid attacks,and is fairly safe,the Magnetic Force can easily turn the outcome of the match and give Quan Chi the advantage against characters who heavily rely on their weapon stances,however,give me a 3-4 star connection and he's so limited,wep. d+1,3 is blockable on hit (the last hit) and punishable by jabs, wep. 1,1,4 is parriable (the last hit), Rising Star is punishable by jabs,plus,he must be the slowest character in the game (since in both of his stances he moves very slowly),which means he struggles immensly against turtlers,especially when Quan Chi's opponent has more health and just turtles and lets the clock run out,also,his distances game sucks,his projectile is very slow and recovers very slowly but it does hit mid I think)
The below characters are top tiers online ONLY due them being a lot safer online (compared to off-line where they are less safe)
11. Raiden (he's a very decent character,lots of pokes available,and he even has aerial cancels in his arsenal,wep. d+1 is a great low poke that gives Raiden the advantage upon hit,Teleport is still very good,first stance f+1, and 1,2,CS are annoyingly good online)
12. Mavado and Kabal (both of them are almost played exactly the same way. wep. u+2/4 mix up,Mavado has aerial cancels that probably lead into the best damage available in the game but lacks a safe mid pop up even online to set up the damage,on the contrary,Kabal can set up his damage due to the Flash (which causes huge problems for most characters since the Flash punishes almost everything) but he lacks aerial cancels and damage unlike Mavado,they're only top tier online,though,I'd really put Kabal over Mavado due to the Flash,but off-line,both u+2 and 4 in weapon stance are horribly punishable on block,u+2 gives most characters a free throw at the worst)
13. Shinnok (decent character but he's so un-safe even online,he has aerial cancels,nice combos even without them,d+3 in weapon stance is a deadly low move,etc.)
This is not an official tier list.It's very hard to judge who's above who espeically in the top 10 (besides Sareena and Scorpion,and maybe Dairou).For example,Tanya may not do as well against Scorpion but Drahmin does better than her.However,Tanya does a lot better than Drahmin against Dairou.It's like a long chain of certain match ups that makes you question where certain characters really do stand in the tier list.Combine that with the inconsistent connections and lag online,and it's really impossible to jump to conclusions.However,regardless of that,I think that all of the aforementioned characters are top tiers.
Updated tier list below.It's a mixture of an off-line and online tier list as character's both online and off-line gameplay is taken into consideration:
1. Sareena (hardly any mismatches at all,knives are too good at pressuring,aerial cancels are available,complete character)
2. Scorpion (he's also safe online,wep. f+1 is a little less safe,though,lacks aerial cancels but he doesn't really need them as he can do 50%+ of damage without them)
3. Dairou (I'm not putting him at No. 2 until I can beat Check's Scorpion consistantly on a 3-4 star connection,Dairou is still Dairou,though,turtle and run all day,lots of safe moves are available as well as nice aerial cancels for 40%+ damage)
4. Drahmin (1,1,CS is an incredible safe dial-a-combo that launches, 1,1 also gives a free throw,which launches,wep. d+1 is a nice low poke that gves huge advantage and is un-parriable,he lacks aerial cancels,though,which is probably the reason he is not a top 3 character)
5. Sub-Zero (great character overall,hardly any mismatches,has a lot of moves that lead into free throws for decent damage,however,he lacks aerial cancels,which keeps his damage mostly under 40%)
6. Tanya (air-fireball gives a free throw or 50/50 mix ups when it connects,first stance d+4 is the best low in the game in my opinion,easy 50/50 mix ups afterwards,she lacks a somewhat safe mid pop up/mid move but she has aerial cancels,I'm not sure how she does against Scorpion and Sareena but she gives Dairou a lot of trouble)
7. Kung Lao (very,very solid character,wep. b+3/b+2 mix up after the 1,1,f+3 plant if you can move in fast enough,but he lacks a safe mid pop up,wep. b+2 and first stance f+1 aren't really safe at all unless the connection is mediocre,Kung Lao also has aerial cancels available into ridiculous damage potential)
8. Noob (he's very good but I've said it 100 times and I'll say it again: 2,4 is a shitty move on block,the only reason it's fairly safe is because of the lag,d+4 is a nice advantageous low poke,his invisibility move combined with lots of turtling can be a bitch to deal with,Noob has the damage,too,but doesn't really have safe mid pop ups unless the connection is shit)
9. Kenshi (nice turtling character,lots of damage available due to aerial cancels,wep. 2 is fairly safe even off-line depending on distance,you have to turtle with him a lot to use him effectively)
10. Quan Chi (easiest 50/50 mix ups in the game,the Rising Kick goes under high attacks,most of the projectiles,and even some mid attacks,and is fairly safe,the Magnetic Force can easily turn the outcome of the match and give Quan Chi the advantage against characters who heavily rely on their weapon stances,however,give me a 3-4 star connection and he's so limited,wep. d+1,3 is blockable on hit (the last hit) and punishable by jabs, wep. 1,1,4 is parriable (the last hit), Rising Star is punishable by jabs,plus,he must be the slowest character in the game (since in both of his stances he moves very slowly),which means he struggles immensly against turtlers,especially when Quan Chi's opponent has more health and just turtles and lets the clock run out,also,his distances game sucks,his projectile is very slow and recovers very slowly but it does hit mid I think)
The below characters are top tiers online ONLY due them being a lot safer online (compared to off-line where they are less safe)
11. Raiden (he's a very decent character,lots of pokes available,and he even has aerial cancels in his arsenal,wep. d+1 is a great low poke that gives Raiden the advantage upon hit,Teleport is still very good,first stance f+1, and 1,2,CS are annoyingly good online)
12. Mavado and Kabal (both of them are almost played exactly the same way. wep. u+2/4 mix up,Mavado has aerial cancels that probably lead into the best damage available in the game but lacks a safe mid pop up even online to set up the damage,on the contrary,Kabal can set up his damage due to the Flash (which causes huge problems for most characters since the Flash punishes almost everything) but he lacks aerial cancels and damage unlike Mavado,they're only top tier online,though,I'd really put Kabal over Mavado due to the Flash,but off-line,both u+2 and 4 in weapon stance are horribly punishable on block,u+2 gives most characters a free throw at the worst)
13. Shinnok (decent character but he's so un-safe even online,he has aerial cancels,nice combos even without them,d+3 in weapon stance is a deadly low move,etc.)
This is not an official tier list.It's very hard to judge who's above who espeically in the top 10 (besides Sareena and Scorpion,and maybe Dairou).For example,Tanya may not do as well against Scorpion but Drahmin does better than her.However,Tanya does a lot better than Drahmin against Dairou.It's like a long chain of certain match ups that makes you question where certain characters really do stand in the tier list.Combine that with the inconsistent connections and lag online,and it's really impossible to jump to conclusions.However,regardless of that,I think that all of the aforementioned characters are top tiers.
Dave's list above is 100% correct with the exception of Dairou being better than Scorpion. Simply put, Dairou is harder to beat at a high level for most characters. If you look at the top 10, a bunch of them struggle badly vs Dairou. Sub-Zero,Noob and Drahmin come to mind instantly. All 3 of those characters go even with or can atleast compete well with Scorpion. I'm yet to find a way for Sub-Zero to be able to compete with Dairou outside of random Ice Pillars which are extremely risky.
Sareena being the best in the game is a no brainer. She has no bad match ups and can dominate any character this game has to offer. Great job on the list.
Not to be mean, but myself and Dave are the best players online. We know what we're talking about, and believe us when we say this list is coming from high level experience and not bias/favortism towards our favorite characters.
I have not read through this topic since I do not feel like jumping off a cliff due to stupid opinions, but other high level players include Quik,Danadbab,Dnbhead,Krob,JadeOwn,Check,Karate and Riu. Their opinions can be trusted for the most part.
Sareena being the best in the game is a no brainer. She has no bad match ups and can dominate any character this game has to offer. Great job on the list.
Not to be mean, but myself and Dave are the best players online. We know what we're talking about, and believe us when we say this list is coming from high level experience and not bias/favortism towards our favorite characters.
I have not read through this topic since I do not feel like jumping off a cliff due to stupid opinions, but other high level players include Quik,Danadbab,Dnbhead,Krob,JadeOwn,Check,Karate and Riu. Their opinions can be trusted for the most part.

Radical Wrote:
Frost isn't anywhere near as good as Sub Zero.
Frost isn't anywhere near as good as Sub Zero.
We should vs each other. You pick Sub-Zero. And I'll pick Frost.

CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
I play frost pretty good and i find it easy to get combos in with here and catch people with the puddle than the stupid clone.
I play frost pretty good and i find it easy to get combos in with here and catch people with the puddle than the stupid clone.
I agree. You can still block Sub-Zero's clone. But you have to do it the MILISECOND he executes it otherwise your ass is frozen. Whereas Frost's puddle is unblockable.
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