12/24/2006 03:17 PM (UTC)
Hello, I was a member here for couple years, but I didn't post much until now.

I want to ask you that where does Tanya excel to be a top tier? I am the biggest fan of Tanya and I saw the MKD Tier list a while back that puts her all the way to the bottom, and all of a sudden, she has bumped up to the Top tier in MKA? I didn't see any upgrade whatsoever with her. She is still easy to use and still my favorite, and yes, I was thrilled to see her up there, but I was wonderring, what makes her that good in MKA? She lost one of her fighting style(as everybody did) and I don't see any speed upgrade(felt the same), No new special moves, and stayed pretty much the same, and Prima even gave her a very low score.

Just curious. Thanx.
12/24/2006 04:38 PM (UTC)
BTW Subbie, 0 stars is GOOD ping, every star you have is a sign of LAG... And the connection was fine.

I am really tired of this entire tier thread, since its not really about tier, its about crybabies who want to see their characters listed as top tier. I find it very funny that you see someone post. "XXXXX is TOP TIER hes so great..." all the while they have obviously spent 20+ photoshop hours making their avatar of that character.

The REAL pros of mk know who is top tier, they dont need a list. Trying to explain why someone is a good character in text is like trying to describe a taste or a color. Most people who say, "Nah XXXX isn't top tier", likely has not played against someone who is godly with him. Those who defend their decision to the teeth are just afraid of being wrong. Despite the authors description, I have not seen the tier list change once since it was posted, and expect that it wont. Even if it was accurate, it serves no purpose... "Oh no he picked XXXX hes number 5 on the tier list, I'd better be careful" ... give me a break.

This thread was born to cause flames.
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12/24/2006 05:09 PM (UTC)
0 stars is worst connection. im pretty sure about tht.
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Thanks to DeathBlitzX for the tag!
12/24/2006 06:21 PM (UTC)
Actually SubXer0 is right, the more stars you have, the better the connection. I too used to think that less stars meant less lag but it's actually the other way around.
12/24/2006 07:33 PM (UTC)
Stars is a measure of PING

the more the stars the greater the ping. Its the same in ALL online games. Starcraft, warcraft diablo... its a measure of ping.

Unless I see some official Midway explanation, Im going to go with what I know. But I'll admit that I could be wrong, I havent read anything concrete either way but I havent been able to connect with anyone with lots of stars...
12/24/2006 08:39 PM (UTC)
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
MKF dude raidens a monster what you smokin, youre main reason is he can be punished on teleport??? I use tele to smart to be punished, You can only punish a tele if the Raiden player used it when there was no true purpose for it > like if the raiden player got impatiant because the other player just keeps ss and staying a large distance.

I can say the samething about jarek > i punish his Drop, charge and lasso and parry kick axe EASY all the time with smoke, subby AND RAIDEN(ETC). Raiden is a monster any way you look at it. HIS STAFF and REG STYLE ARE both monsters. His style are hard to be punished with all the buffering, jumping parrying tele and etc.

Raidens good ....... REAL GOOD. MAD EASY TO USE TOO!!!!!

Dude, I play this game online every day just about or as much as I can and been since day one.Raiden is NOT that great.There are also others in here that have said the same.

He's not that good.

Example, you teleport against my Ermac...You eat a free 1, 3, 4, 4, 4 and can't do shit about it.Don't believe me?I'll punish him with Ermac, Jarek, Scorpion, Dairou, or Kabal.Play me and try to it and you'll see how easily I counter Raiden.Jarek is a different character all together, I'm talking about Raiden.Jarek' TS is punished off a jump, nothing else since it's unblockable.Where Raiden's teleport doesn't have to jumped to be avoided or countered.

He's not a monster, if he was then he would be in the top 10 tier which he's NOT.HIs teleport has too much recovery time and can be punished.I've done it countless times, if you don't believe me.Ask the top raiden players on xbox named dirty lova and raidenwins.People have to realize that Raiden is a fun character, not bad and has potential to win is used right.However, that doesn't make him a great character or any where near top tier.

Just because you're good with a character doesn't make him automatically a top tier.

I'm very good with Fujin and Jarek like very few players if any on xbox, are they a top tier or a monster?Umm no.I rest my case.

There's a guy named Pighut who owns everyone with Cyrax, is he a top tier?Hell no.

To M2dave, only thing I disagree with Jarek's flying kicks being unsafe all the time UNLESS it's jumped and his opponent gets behind him or if there's incredibly shitty lag.You see on block, that move is very safe.It snaps him back into position far away giving you a little time to plan your next attack.One move that's very underrated with him is the F+B+2 grab, it's A.unblockable B.comes out fast and you'd be surprised how many good players on xbox I've caught off guard with it after a poke or a block and it gives you space between you and your opponent.He literally grabs you and kicks you in the ass lol pushing you away.
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12/24/2006 09:13 PM (UTC)
stars is not a measure of ping. It describes the connection quality, nothing else. The more stars, the better connection you have fighting tht guy.
12/24/2006 10:52 PM (UTC)
Okay MKF you dont know what the hell youre talking about, i never said raidens good because the way i use him. Youre making it out to be like raidens game is based on teleporting? are you stupid??? Tgrant and HJS see why Raiden is a monster because htey seen good ones or because they know how to use him. The loss of his high damge combos dont mean shit. Lao has no high damagin combos but that doesnt mean he isnt good.
Unfortunaly on xbox you wont see crazy raidens but Ezedvin1 has one. Raidenwins Raiden is wack wouldnt suggest vs ing him.
About Me

Do not underestimate humour, you'll be dying of laughter!

12/25/2006 06:52 AM (UTC)
Doohoo's Raiden and DirtyLova's Raiden are beasts man, trust me. Raiden is really really good in this game, fuck the teleport . .LoL
12/26/2006 12:41 AM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
m2dave Wrote:
Raiden is decent,but he's not too good.You cannot block for approximately 3 seconds after the execution of the teleport but who cares when you can cancel any move from it?Besides,his teleport still seems to freeze opponents (at least online) a little bit which gives the Raiden player the advantage.However,overall Raiden isn't too good.He can compete against most of the characters in MK:A,though.I just think that his game relies to much on f+1 (first stance) which isn't too safe (sometimes it is thanks to the lag online).f+1 is his only decent and medium-ranged mid that sets up mix ups.In weapon stance he has good moves but no mids at all.With Raiden you're stuck doing f+1,teleport into mix ups.He has lost all of his damaging combos from MK:D because of the lack of a third stance and the fact that MK:D's OTG glitch has been removed in MK:A.
Off-line he's no better than a mid tier in my opinion.f+1 is ridiculously unsafe off-line as are most of his moves.Thus,you're probably going to turtle with him a lot and punish your opponent's moves with 2,1,CS into aerial cancels.Raiden is decent but lag really helps him a lot especially on f+1.

I have to disagree completely. Raiden has so much more than F+1 in Nan Chuan. Any PAL player who has seen me use Raiden can tell you there's more to him than F+1 and how much of a pain he can be. It's not his only mid and most definitely not the one you should be relying on. Also, his combos, throw and sweep create a nightmare mix up if combined well with Staff.

And despite no mids in Staff, he has several excellent moves within the stance that make him own. It's to the point where when I take the Staff out most just turtle.

I can pass on some Raiden knowledge if you like. I'm sure HJS can back me up on how much of a pain Raiden is when used correctly. wink Raiden is way better than you give him credit for. People just don't use him enough.

He is good.Is he better than Sareena,Scorpion,Sub-Zero,Tanya,Dairou, Drahmin,Noob,etc. ?Probably not.This puts him into the mid tier status,or high-mid tier status at best.

Like Alex said,though,Doohoo is a pain in the ass with Raiden,and he does nothing but f+1 and 2,1,CS into teleport into mix ups for his offense.Both of these moves don't let you block for at least 2 seconds off-line so your best bet is to backdash or jump and hope you don't get hit while doing so.Lag helps a Raiden player immensly,however.Also,after his teleport you can parry directly and parry any of his pokes (except his lows obviously) which will make the Raiden player think twice about attacking immediately.
12/26/2006 02:17 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
MKF dude raidens a monster what you smokin, youre main reason is he can be punished on teleport??? I use tele to smart to be punished, You can only punish a tele if the Raiden player used it when there was no true purpose for it > like if the raiden player got impatiant because the other player just keeps ss and staying a large distance.

I can say the samething about jarek > i punish his Drop, charge and lasso and parry kick axe EASY all the time with smoke, subby AND RAIDEN(ETC). Raiden is a monster any way you look at it. HIS STAFF and REG STYLE ARE both monsters. His style are hard to be punished with all the buffering, jumping parrying tele and etc.

Raidens good ....... REAL GOOD. MAD EASY TO USE TOO!!!!!

Dude, I play this game online every day just about or as much as I can and been since day one.Raiden is NOT that great.There are also others in here that have said the same.

He's not that good.

Example, you teleport against my Ermac...You eat a free 1, 3, 4, 4, 4 and can't do shit about it.Don't believe me?I'll punish him with Ermac, Jarek, Scorpion, Dairou, or Kabal.Play me and try to it and you'll see how easily I counter Raiden.Jarek is a different character all together, I'm talking about Raiden.Jarek' TS is punished off a jump, nothing else since it's unblockable.Where Raiden's teleport doesn't have to jumped to be avoided or countered.

He's not a monster, if he was then he would be in the top 10 tier which he's NOT.HIs teleport has too much recovery time and can be punished.I've done it countless times, if you don't believe me.Ask the top raiden players on xbox named dirty lova and raidenwins.People have to realize that Raiden is a fun character, not bad and has potential to win is used right.However, that doesn't make him a great character or any where near top tier.

Just because you're good with a character doesn't make him automatically a top tier.

I'm very good with Fujin and Jarek like very few players if any on xbox, are they a top tier or a monster?Umm no.I rest my case.

There's a guy named Pighut who owns everyone with Cyrax, is he a top tier?Hell no.

To M2dave, only thing I disagree with Jarek's flying kicks being unsafe all the time UNLESS it's jumped and his opponent gets behind him or if there's incredibly shitty lag.You see on block, that move is very safe.It snaps him back into position far away giving you a little time to plan your next attack.One move that's very underrated with him is the F+B+2 grab, it's A.unblockable B.comes out fast and you'd be surprised how many good players on xbox I've caught off guard with it after a poke or a block and it gives you space between you and your opponent.He literally grabs you and kicks you in the ass lol pushing you away.

Your talking to people who don t care, and dont see anything logically. Raiden owns the general public easily because they dont know how to play against him. It appears to be total ownage... however beetween high skilled players they know that all they are going to do with raiden, is teleport a bunch and go for that low, high staff combo. If you block those, and expect the teleport he can be dispatched easily. I do think that raiden is pretty powerful as a character, but against people who know how to play him hes not to tuff, as is everyone mostly. I have been OWNING scorpion lately just by parrying that stupid sword attack that pops you up (I know nothing about scorpion and will NEVER play him) . You are just talking to trolls that just live to smack you down, forget them.

As for the stars discussion. Stars are ping, thats how they have measured lag in online games for over 10 years now. Untill you show me a link to an official Midway explanation stating otherwise, that's what I hold to.
12/26/2006 02:27 AM (UTC)
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
Okay MKF you dont know what the hell youre talking about, i never said raidens good because the way i use him. Youre making it out to be like raidens game is based on teleporting? are you stupid??? Tgrant and HJS see why Raiden is a monster because htey seen good ones or because they know how to use him. The loss of his high damge combos dont mean shit. Lao has no high damagin combos but that doesnt mean he isnt good.
Unfortunaly on xbox you wont see crazy raidens but Ezedvin1 has one. Raidenwins Raiden is wack wouldnt suggest vs ing him.

Dude, I've been playing MK for years at high level mind your manners.So either be quiet with the "I don't know what I'm talking about nonsense" or read what I actually post.

I'll prove it against you if I must if you care to play some on xbox live.

Lets play and see if you can back up your claim then on why Raiden is so great.I'm not saying he sucks, I'm saying he's just NOT a beast like you make him out to be.

Just because you own a few noobs with Raiden means diddly shit, go to the live forums or mkcentral to find the REAL xbox players and see what you can do.

And please next time read slowly.I'm only pointing out that his teleport is one of his weaknesses and that lag makes him better at times.

What's so hard for you to understand?
gaijin01 Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
MKF dude raidens a monster what you smokin, youre main reason is he can be punished on teleport??? I use tele to smart to be punished, You can only punish a tele if the Raiden player used it when there was no true purpose for it > like if the raiden player got impatiant because the other player just keeps ss and staying a large distance.

I can say the samething about jarek > i punish his Drop, charge and lasso and parry kick axe EASY all the time with smoke, subby AND RAIDEN(ETC). Raiden is a monster any way you look at it. HIS STAFF and REG STYLE ARE both monsters. His style are hard to be punished with all the buffering, jumping parrying tele and etc.

Raidens good ....... REAL GOOD. MAD EASY TO USE TOO!!!!!

Dude, I play this game online every day just about or as much as I can and been since day one.Raiden is NOT that great.There are also others in here that have said the same.

He's not that good.

Example, you teleport against my Ermac...You eat a free 1, 3, 4, 4, 4 and can't do shit about it.Don't believe me?I'll punish him with Ermac, Jarek, Scorpion, Dairou, or Kabal.Play me and try to it and you'll see how easily I counter Raiden.Jarek is a different character all together, I'm talking about Raiden.Jarek' TS is punished off a jump, nothing else since it's unblockable.Where Raiden's teleport doesn't have to jumped to be avoided or countered.

He's not a monster, if he was then he would be in the top 10 tier which he's NOT.HIs teleport has too much recovery time and can be punished.I've done it countless times, if you don't believe me.Ask the top raiden players on xbox named dirty lova and raidenwins.People have to realize that Raiden is a fun character, not bad and has potential to win is used right.However, that doesn't make him a great character or any where near top tier.

Just because you're good with a character doesn't make him automatically a top tier.

I'm very good with Fujin and Jarek like very few players if any on xbox, are they a top tier or a monster?Umm no.I rest my case.

There's a guy named Pighut who owns everyone with Cyrax, is he a top tier?Hell no.

To M2dave, only thing I disagree with Jarek's flying kicks being unsafe all the time UNLESS it's jumped and his opponent gets behind him or if there's incredibly shitty lag.You see on block, that move is very safe.It snaps him back into position far away giving you a little time to plan your next attack.One move that's very underrated with him is the F+B+2 grab, it's A.unblockable B.comes out fast and you'd be surprised how many good players on xbox I've caught off guard with it after a poke or a block and it gives you space between you and your opponent.He literally grabs you and kicks you in the ass lol pushing you away.

Your talking to people who don t care, and dont see anything logically. Raiden owns the general public easily because they dont know how to play against him. It appears to be total ownage... however beetween high skilled players they know that all they are going to do with raiden, is teleport a bunch and go for that low, high staff combo. If you block those, and expect the teleport he can be dispatched easily. I do think that raiden is pretty powerful as a character, but against people who know how to play him hes not to tuff, as is everyone mostly. I have been OWNING scorpion lately just by parrying that stupid sword attack that pops you up (I know nothing about scorpion and will NEVER play him) . You are just talking to trolls that just live to smack you down, forget them.

As for the stars discussion. Stars are ping, thats how they have measured lag in online games for over 10 years now. Untill you show me a link to an official Midway explanation stating otherwise, that's what I hold to.
Yes, apparently so....I agree with you man.I laugh at these noobs who own other noobs and think that because of that, that character MUST be a higher tier. Now if he says cyrax is a top tier, I'm not even going to post a responce other then pure laughter. I know man, trolls that will never understand the full concept of high level play sadly.It's like alex and dave said, raiden is good but just not great.BTW, alex yeah dude I've played dirty a few times online.His raiden is very good.
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12/26/2006 03:13 AM (UTC)
okay this discussion is getting ridiculous. faded black stars mean better quality than a shiny golden star? and its been like that for over 10 years for online games? Care to back that up?

I myself have played ut2k4 competitvely online for over 2 years and ping was always given in actual numbers. The star system i have seen only on gamespy servers. Even so, i thought it was pretty much common sense that a gold star is always >>>> dull black star. If anything, personal experience should have convinced ppl about that. I doubt midway would make an official statement regarding something this obvious.

So, sub is still not top tier and dull black is considered better than golden? Who are we kidding now.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
12/26/2006 02:02 PM (UTC)
m2dave Wrote:
He is good.Is he better than Sareena,Scorpion,Sub-Zero,Tanya,Dairou, Drahmin,Noob,etc. ?Probably not.This puts him into the mid tier status,or high-mid tier status at best.

Like Alex said,though,Doohoo is a pain in the ass with Raiden,and he does nothing but f+1 and 2,1,CS into teleport into mix ups for his offense.Both of these moves don't let you block for at least 2 seconds off-line so your best bet is to backdash or jump and hope you don't get hit while doing so.Lag helps a Raiden player immensly,however.Also,after his teleport you can parry directly and parry any of his pokes (except his lows obviously) which will make the Raiden player think twice about attacking immediately.

I'm not here to discuss his tier position or whether he is better than Sareena and the rest. He's better than you make him out to be and has more than F+1 as an offense.

And if the Raiden player you speak of really only relies on 2,1,Cs and F+1 then he's wasting a damn good amount of potential that Raiden has from other moves, some of which are far safer than the two aforementioned moves.
12/26/2006 04:32 PM (UTC)
Happy to back it up.

Starcraft is 10 years old. Starcrafts lag system was a bar system. 1 Bar meant you had very low ping. It was coded green as in GOOD ping. 7 Bars meant you had terrible ping It was coded RED as in BAD ping.

BTW: In MK:A what does it say above the stars when you challenge another player? it says PING!

I admit its a silly system, it used to be very confusing, however after playing enough games I have gotten used to it.

And as I said before, think what you will, I am not going to engage the Tier dicsussion anymore cause most who post are just playing favorites and are not being realistic. EVERYONE can not be top tier people!
12/26/2006 09:05 PM (UTC)
Raidens F+1 Safe ONLINE
his 2 1 cs Safe and starts mid
1 1 2 b+2 Safe mids inside combo and B+2 is super spammable
1 1 2 f+1 Good to end combos
d+4 good low
b+2 excellent low tripping move
Grab is good with damage

b+2 good doubble low 18 damge
b+3 longest ranged low in the game does i think 10 damage maybe more
d+4 Good tripping low 10 damge or more
d+1 Great low great damage great range
4,4,b+2 great combo that ends with a double low

All staff moves have super range with safeness (most of them) and
great damage

Projectile good to throw around

tele good to throw in on plants or after f+1 also to unsuspecting victims

If all of this is used right hes a monster Tgrant probably knows alot more than just this too.

Like i said MKF you dont kow what youre talkin about, wether youwere playing for 10 years or 5 mins doesnt make a difference. Raidens a monster. Im a high level player my self you just dont know my gamertag. I just beat asmodeousmko, mesofly, killinyou and burninon(beat him with another gamertag) yesterday under the name ezedvin1 hit me up, not saying im better tan you but ill try. wow
12/26/2006 10:24 PM (UTC)
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
Raidens F+1 Safe ONLINE
his 2 1 cs Safe and starts mid
1 1 2 b+2 Safe mids inside combo and B+2 is super spammable
1 1 2 f+1 Good to end combos
d+4 good low
b+2 excellent low tripping move
Grab is good with damage

b+2 good doubble low 18 damge
b+3 longest ranged low in the game does i think 10 damage maybe more
d+4 Good tripping low 10 damge or more
d+1 Great low great damage great range
4,4,b+2 great combo that ends with a double low

All staff moves have super range with safeness (most of them) and
great damage

Projectile good to throw around

tele good to throw in on plants or after f+1 also to unsuspecting victims

If all of this is used right hes a monster Tgrant probably knows alot more than just this too.

Like i said MKF you dont kow what youre talkin about, wether youwere playing for 10 years or 5 mins doesnt make a difference. Raidens a monster.

Im a high level player my self you just dont know my gamertag. I just beat asmodeousmko, mesofly, killinyou and burninon(beat him with another gamertag) yesterday under the name ezedvin1 hit me up, not saying im better tan you but ill try. wow

Dude, seriously you're such a noob.......enough said, you don't know what you're talking about concerning Raiden's tier, he's far from a monster.A monster is someone that's HIGH tier such as Scorpion, Sareena or Noob.You get the point, they are monsters in this game, NOT raiden.What don't you understand about that?Stop letting your love bias towards Raiden blind you.

You realize nobody here feels Raiden is a beast other then yourself right?

Like I said, he's good but not great.BIG difference.

Raiden is NOT a monster, typical ignorant noob.....that's what you sound like man.

Yeah, another thing if you beat those guys they would post about it.I've never heard of that tag ever mentioned with high level players.Like I said, I belong to a site where everyone talks about the best players, nobody has ever mentioned that tag so nice try lying...I'm not buying it.

The only high level players I've heard of NOT on that site are south elite and noobed and I've done well against the both of them for what it's worth.

12/27/2006 02:35 AM (UTC)
Doohoo, dirtlova, alexie, hjs, tgrant, m2dave and ghost opz all think Raidens monster SO FUCK YOU MKF ezedvin1 is a new gamertag asshole and i beat asmodeous, imkillinyou, burininon, mesofly
12/27/2006 03:23 AM (UTC)
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
Doohoo, dirtlova, alexie, hjs, tgrant, m2dave and ghost opz all think Raidens monster SO FUCK YOU MKF ezedvin1 is a new gamertag asshole and i beat asmodeous, imkillinyou, burininon, mesofly

LOL, no they don't m2dave said he was very good, not a monster learn to read genius.

Dirty I talk to personally outside of this site, although he uses him a lot he knows he's not a top tier.

Kid, you're just slow or something seriously.Totally missing what I'm saying.

READ:RAIDEN IS NOT A TOP TIER DO YOU UNDERSTAND?? If you seriously think Raiden is a top tier then you're an idiot seriously, all I have to say.

Doohoo hardly even plays on xbox, alex said he was good but neither of these guys said he was a top tier like you're making him out to be.

Ohh yeah you forgot Raidenwins, he uses Raiden too.Good job listing all the players that play with Raiden the most.....

But that still doesn't prove anything and that's not every high level players opinion.

Most of the Xbox community knows raiden isn't a monster top tier like you think he is.

And I highly doubt you beat burning seriously, I'll ask him lets see what he says.....btw I just asked all of those other players and so far none of them said you've beaten them.If you have the balls, post your old GT that you've supposedly beaten these players on like you say and lets see if your story holds any water.....I'll post your new tag, lets see what they have to say...

Answer this einstein, if Raiden is such a "monster" top tier then why is it MOST on here and on the other site of competitive players don't even have Raiden listed in the top ten.Care to answer that?....thought so.

Later, I'm sure in your mind you think Cyrax is a top tier also....

12/27/2006 05:36 PM (UTC)
Ha, Ha, Ha hey guys I just want to let everyone know that I played this pathetic, ass scrub evedvin1 last night on my friends account and he sucks ass lol.

First match, I rape his jade, then second he wishes I pick the same character then lol he infinites me with the jade infinite teleport, throw etc.

Loser!!!!Then I pick Kabal, murder him.

Then check this out, since I'm owning him in the series 4-1 he gets the one win off the jade infinite and then counterpicks my regular character with Moloch...how gay you seriously are a pure pos scrub that's a liar.So, I'm leading 4-2 then winning the 7th match and then he pulls.I challenge him again and go to Kabal and he pulls again on the select screen as I'm picking Kabal.WOW lol.

Those you said you beat ha, ha, now I know you're lying.Don't even attempt to say you beat them in a series because after playing you there's no way in hell you could beat those guys, you're no where NEAR high level players and how they play...you're an HB kind of player, scrub that uses Jade infinite and bosses and pulls.

Then check this out guys, it gets better....we get disconnected in a match I'm winning...then I see his name up there a few minutes later...hmmmm if it's a lefit disco on xbox, his name would have been up there sooner.

I challenge him again, and I go to Kabal and he pulls like a douche.

I went back to optimatch and guess what?No ezedvin1 to be found...didn't see his name the rest of the night.

The only real match he gave me was when he picked Kobra but I killed him with Dairou any how...

This guy is nothing more then a pulling, trash talking, ignorant, dumbass who cheats to attempt to win.Counterpicks with bosses and uses the Jade infinite to win when he's getting his pathetic ass owned, and he pulls too if he doesn't like who you pick..

How do I know?Like I said I played this moron last night and when he pulled on me, the screen froze for a second...then it didn't disconnect then finally did.

Yeah, don't worry though ezedvin1.I'm going to make a nice little post about you making sure everyone knows how your scrub ass plays for real.

Most hilarious part is he didn't even use the "monster Raiden" once lol.This kids a joke, a pathetic one at that.

DON'T play him because if you're winning like I did last night, he'll use the jade infinite, moloch and pull.Pure scrub.Avoid him.I was easily winning the series before he pulled his shit.You know you were getting owned and would have that's why you felt you had to resort to that scrub shit.You're exposed my friend, and there's nothing you can do about it.hehe

I won anyway so....

Kid, you're not even a challenge or NEAR the level of expectations I had you as.You suck straight out and you would get killed if you played me race to 10 no bosses, no jade"lame" infinite, KAK or pulling.Your two wins I don't even count off me since you got one off an infinite and the other off a moloch.If you count the moloch one, that's 5-1 me.You suck horribly in this game, I hope they ban players like you for cheating or embarrassing MK seriously.

You should be ashamed to play the way you do.

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I Rock

12/27/2006 07:10 PM (UTC)
Raiden is mid high tier

Top 20.

He's good but not that good.
12/27/2006 09:21 PM (UTC)
dude mkf send me a friend request because now ur lying, i know who u were now the me 262 or something right?

i didnt infintie u asshole nore did i pull,
1 it ended with 4 to 3 YOU okay
2 im at my cousins house who used the internet sorry he runs a crappy dsl the second he turned on limewire it disco didnt meant it at all, if that was you ur goodokay.
3 again send me friends request ill play you if it discos its because of his crappy connection well see who wins, youre kabal and dairou were good i admit >>>> but i didnt lie about anything else nor was i playing bad u didnt woop me at all it was good matches.
I WOOPED UR fuijin ur lucky it disco u should htanx goD!!!!! it wouldve been 4 4
ALSO did u wonder at all when u were kabal that i wasnt fighting???? i play on a xbox360 controller and battery went out dont call me a scrub u didnt win anything at all maybe 2 fairly.

just send me a Friend and well play to 10 then u can talk all the shit u want.

Also youre not cool at all falming some bs lies. Fucking play me straight ten wether you beat me 1 to 10 or 9 to 10 dont care lets just do it Stop over exagreating you fucking low life > i played 1 month and you how many years??? sleep
12/27/2006 11:46 PM (UTC)
Where is Li Mei?
12/27/2006 11:53 PM (UTC)
I figured they were all talk.

The Jade inf, isnt really inf. There are a few characters that I wont mention that do the same thing. Its a glitch. If you get up with 2, it stops it though. If you get up with anything else, for some reason it won't do it, you'll just get tossed again.

Serious though, moloch? Wow Best part is when you still win anyhow though. I can own pretty much any boss, but have a hard time with Onaga. Hsu Hao pwns them.

GJ silencing them, only 432,273 noobs left to teach the same lesson :(
12/28/2006 12:58 AM (UTC)
Just out of curiosity, and since my last post didn't get any replies, hows Tanya in on-line play? is there any Tanya players?

I am sorry but I just want to know if Tanya is any good on-line, and since I think Tanya pretty much stayed the same, I want to know, what factor made her up in the top tier? since she was dead last in MKD, even though she is still my best/favorite character, in MKD as well, and ever since her debut in MK4.

Sorry to shift the talk from Raiden to Tanya btw.
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