12/28/2006 01:34 AM (UTC)
Grandam i cant answer that question my line up is deagon, kobra, liu kang, jade, meat, darrius, moloch and soon to be motaro.

Let me clear some things up gaijian im 100% sure that 4 stars means perfect connection im serious dude everyone but you seems to know that.

MKF i just notice youve been bashing on Raiden becuase u THINK i said he TOP TIER Dude youre miss readin everything i said from the beggining > all i said is hes a monster>>> what ever monster means to you but what it means to me is hes a really good char like top mid tier.

Gaijian i hope youre not calling me a noob because some asshole like mkf starts falmin.

Let me explain what really happened

1. Jade vs Ermac YOUR WIN NICE ERMAC
2. Jade vs Ermac MY WIN You cant infinite with JADE you dumbass ITS CALLED BREAKERS and unless the level is endless where you never run into a wall.
3. ? vs Kabal YOUR WIN but did u not notice u fucking retard when i wasnt fighting the second round???? o thats because my 360 controller went out on batteries and i was trying to FIND THE FUCKING WIRE!
4. Moloch vs Scorp MY WIN i used moloch cause u were an ass for killing me when i wasnt fighting back >>> i wanted to even that round out.
5. Kobra vs Dairou YOUR WIN NICE DAIROU
6. Kobra vs Fujin My win i was wooping your ass and when i was about to fucking rip ur fuijin apart my pieace of shit cousin opened lime wire and there was disco.
7 somewhere in there was another match with ur kabal and YOU WON.

So the real tally was 3 to 4 YOU So FUCK YOU MKF you are by far the biggest LIAR ive ever seen but the only person who can see it is me cause ur fucking known here and who the fuck is going to belieave me right??? SO YOU can FLAME and LIE all you want but you had nothing on me and ive been on this game almost a month and you how many years???

You got no right to call me a noob when you talk like a noob and bitch like a noob.

ezedvin1 hit me up if you got a ball sac...... unless youre a bitch then you wouldnt have one would you?

Back to the Tier disscusion > can someone explain why
SCorp, sub, noob, shinnok, serenna, kenshi, tanya,movado,drahmin,kung,QUAN are top tiers just something brief.

12/28/2006 03:19 AM (UTC)
Well I'm not a self-appointed expert (and I'd likely get my ass kicked by many of the people here), but I'll provide what insight I can about the top tiers, especially since nobody's been answering Grandam.

Tanya: Yue Chuan has some of the best lows in the game with d+1, d+3, and d+4. d+4 has good range, is safe, unparryble, and causes the opponent to stumble. 3,2 in Yue Chuan starts with a mid and I think gives free throw. Kobu Jutsu shares the same moves as Jax's Tonfas and Stryker's Nightsticks, except it's the strongest version of the three. b+2,1,1,u+1 does 42% damage on its own, and that's not even a juggle. Use it in a juggle for even more damage. u+4 sidesteps, hits mid, and is a popup. Yue Chuan is great for mixups and Kobu Jutsu is good for raw power. The specials are also great. Combine invisibility with any of Tanya's specials and they become really difficult to anticipate. Split kick is long range and hits mid, Human Drill has long range and juggles, Air Fireball dodges ground attacks and standard projectiles.

Quan Chi: Magnet Force is ridiculous. It destroys the enemy's weapon for one round, which cripples characters like Jarek, Jade or Li Mei. Telestomp is also great. It can be sidestepped, but it's unblockable and is great against projectile happy characters since it immediately puts you in close range even if it misses. Heel Slide goes under projectiles and juggles. Escrima and Broadswords are both two of the best styles in the game. b+1 in Escrima is safe, hits mid and juggles. 2,3,b+3 in Broadswords hits high, low, mid, and I think it's the only combo in the game of its kind.

Drahmin: Well, you can 50/50 with Propeller Clock and Ground Smash or Propeller Clock and his throw. All three of these are popup moves. Propeller Clock has good range, hits mid, and is safe. Ground Smash is unblockable and has great range. His throw is a popup, which means Drahmin has one of the best throw games in MKA: about 30% damage whereas most characters will only do 13-16. Great lows in Hung Gar and Iron Club.

Kung Lao: Only character in the game with a low popup move, and his style branch combo ends with it. Mix up f+1 in Shaolin Fist (mid, juggles) with the style branch combo or mix up b+2 in Broadsword with b+3. Followup with 1,1,f+3 on juggles. Whirlwind Kicks is safe.

Shinnok: Don't know too much about Shinnok. Style branch combo ends with a low that stumbles. You get a free Summoned Fiend on every knockdown.

Sareena: Throwing Knives is probably the best projectile in the entire game. It's fast and recovers almost instantly. You can practically spam it all day against certain characters. Watch out for characters who will teleport or slide under it. Skull bash is a high priority mid pop up move. Ba Shan Fan has relatively few moves but basically has all the options you need. 1,b+3 hits high, low. Mix it up with 1,3, 2,b+1, or 2,1,cs, all of which end with a mid. Demon Fang is great, although Sareena doesn't necessarily need to use it. d+1 is a safe, quick tracking low. 2,b+3 hits mid, does 23% damage, and is amazingly safe.

Mavado: One of the most powerful legitimate jugglers in the game, along with Hsu Hao and Chameleon -- and by this I mean no wall and no air cancel. Hookswords are great. u+2 hits low, high for a total of 16 damage and is unparryble. u+3 hits low and sidesteps, and I think is also unparryble. Mavado's Hookswords are also better than Kabal's since his 1,1,4 doesn't cause a knockdown, which makes his juggles much more powerful. I don't know too much about Long Fist but I hear it's great too. Low Grapple Slide hits low, goes under projectiles, has long range, and causes a knockdown.
12/28/2006 05:35 AM (UTC)
I am saying that I agree that Raiden is NOT top tier. I have agreed with everything he has said. I would have a ton more respect for you if you just said, "Ok hes not top tier, but I think hes very powerful" Simply sticking to your story that hes a "Monster" either makes you very dilligent, or a total biased troll. You pick.

I have made my points regarding the lag system. The only people who dont understand how ping works are noobs.

I said it before, If I am wrong, show me in black and white. Just you saying its true dont make it so, neither with me. I didnt make the rules, if it is how you say, then it is backwards from most online games. And It does label the stars as "Ping" not as "Connection Rating" more stars=more ping. Your confusing the system with movie reviews.

Im happy to be wrong about the issue. What do I care about how it is? ....someone just prove it to me. Your logic, well ESPECIALLY your logic just does not prove it.. This whole thing is in response to that subbie guy not playing me twice
About Me

Do not underestimate humour, you'll be dying of laughter!

12/28/2006 06:11 AM (UTC)
CyraxFreak . .add me "Alexei09"

We need more elites on Xboxgrin
About Me

12/28/2006 06:18 AM (UTC)
Gaijin, if you are implyin that i "ran" away makin an excuse than you are very mistaken. why would i run away? Didnt i beat you both times? Wasnt it me who challenged you in the first place (both here and on the server)? wasnt it me who posted his gamertag on these forums to set up a match?

I had major lag while playin you both times, and you had 0 stars each time. the only reason i played you was to show why subbie is top tier and how anyone relying on kori is not a good sub at all. i am pretty sure i made my point. If you are still not convinced, fight anyone out of versa, riu or jadeown to further convince yourself. Maybe they will have a better connection with you than i did. Sub-zero is top tier no matter what you think.
12/28/2006 08:48 PM (UTC)
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
dude mkf send me a friend request because now ur lying, i know who u were now the me 262 or something right?

i didnt infintie u asshole nore did i pull,
1 it ended with 4 to 3 YOU okay
2 im at my cousins house who used the internet sorry he runs a crappy dsl the second he turned on limewire it disco didnt meant it at all, if that was you ur goodokay.
3 again send me friends request ill play you if it discos its because of his crappy connection well see who wins, youre kabal and dairou were good i admit >>>> but i didnt lie about anything else nor was i playing bad u didnt woop me at all it was good matches.
I WOOPED UR fuijin ur lucky it disco u should htanx goD!!!!! it wouldve been 4 4
ALSO did u wonder at all when u were kabal that i wasnt fighting???? i play on a xbox360 controller and battery went out dont call me a scrub u didnt win anything at all maybe 2 fairly.

just send me a Friend and well play to 10 then u can talk all the shit u want.

Also youre not cool at all falming some bs lies. Fucking play me straight ten wether you beat me 1 to 10 or 9 to 10 dont care lets just do it

Stop over exagreating you fucking low life > i played 1 month and you how many years???


ha, ha yes you did stop lying you noob.....I owned your ass and you resorted to the jade infinite in which you JUST barely beat my ermac and then you waited to see who I picked and you countered with moloch.Lame scrub mentality and you pulled because as soon as I found your lame ass again, I went to Kabal who killed you prior a few matches and funny how the screen just......froze.

BTW, it sucks to be caught in a lie doesn't it?I don't have the jade/ermac (lucky for you)match but I do have the kobra vs. dairou and the moloch against my scorp on tape.So, I'd like to see you lie against a tape dork.

BTW, I didn't see you saying ohhh I only played for a month before I played you lol.

And BTW, I asked all of those guys you "claimed to beat:" they said never has anyone under that tag or recently beat them unless it was an elite player from that site.So, another lie I caught you in scrub.Keep on trying to justify why you lost or lie....because it's funny how you remembered CERTAIN facts.

I have no doubt they whipped you also.But don't worry like I said, that whole place knows of your name now.You're a celeb man, be happy. ; )

Please, my fujin was winning until it disc......very rarely does he lose unless I'm going up against a top tier or a boss.

If you count every match it was 5-1 me, reason why that's the real score is this.Again, you DID infinite me but you're such a noob you don't even know what's legit or not or you're just lying.So, taking that win away.Moloch vs. regular character.Again, NOT legit or fair.That match that disc, I was winning but hey just to be fair.Lets say it didn't happen.Then it would still be 4-1 me.

Say I count your moloch win off my scorpion but NOT your jade infinite that you abused the teleport, throw, repeat 4 times at the end of the second match.That's called an infinite genius...meaning NOT LEGIT.

Please beg to differ.,...this whole site and everyone else who plays this game knows this...you won't win that argument no matter what you say.

I mean not to take anything serious, but when you counterpick me with a boss or jade infinite me everyone here knows that bs.

Fine, you remembered the tag.Next time I see you, you pick jade remember NO infinites.I assure you I'll be ready, so don't try anything.And no bosses against my regular characters.No KAK's either.

First to ten, regular cast.I'm only talking shit because you lie about beating elite players, you didn't even use raiden who in your mind is a top tier...and you cheated to get your few wins off me.Ohh yeah and those kids you said you beat never mentioned you.They all mention players that beat them, including myself on there so...yeah.Now you're saying ohh I was only playing for a month, well for someone that's played for a month you sure have a lot to say....

You might have played them, but you certainly didn't beat them in any series.Now that I've played you, I can definitely tell that.

That's why I'm talking shit, and have every right too.

If you pulled that shit in a tourney, you would banned instantly.Your excuse with your cousins dsl...I was playing on HS DSL, no problems for me.

And your battery juice ran out and all....yeah what ever...I'm so sure.

Some things you said are correct, but you're still leaving out the fact that you picked a boss against me cause you were losing.Admit it...and you did the jade infinite.Those two wins aren't legit.Ask anyone.Moloch is a top tier boss that does insane damage, jade infinite or any for that matter is not legit at all.

Like I said, I have the moloch one and the kobra vs. dairou fight.

BTW, you can't escape the jade infinite dumbass.That's why I backed towards the wall because you were trying to do it.Again, second match not counting you cheated enough said scrub.WOW, this kid knows nothing.Alex, don't waste your time on this scrub.I'm not kidding, he's FAR from elite level.You'll destroy him with your eyes closed.
Alsom by saying someone is a monster, you're implying that they're a top tier.Example, noob and scorpion and sareena are monsters in this game.DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.*long sigh*
12/28/2006 09:41 PM (UTC)
Wassup Cyraxfan...I dont remember playing you but just so I can clear this up, what was your old gamertag?? MKF had told me that you said you beat me or whatever and I was just wondering who you were. And if you did win, let's get some more games in to settle the score lol.
12/28/2006 11:45 PM (UTC)
Okay mkf you didnt catch me on any lie WTF are you talkin about dude>>>

So u have a video of your kabal and the moloch fight ??? OKAY so show the kabal fight where my batteries died and u got a free win O YEA U DONT HAVE THAT ONE, or show my jade infinite that u claimed o wait u said u didnt record that one??? FUNNY HUH! O yea SHOW ME the Fuijin MATCH where I WAS WINNIN O YEA U DONT HAVE THAT ONE EITHER!

MKF i hope me and you can stop posting about this shit for good because this is the last time i will, dude i hope we can become friends cause i can learn from you and im getting scared of you. Your going to fucking flip and fucking send a missle at my house.

Also i think ive might of played you JADEDSCORP and we didnt finsih but

I beat

sir chucks alot
asmodeous mko
killin you
xanax zombie
imkillinyou Gerchap maverick GigaDukeBUG
and probably more

If they deny it i dont GIVE a FUCK its my word against theres and i dont need to prove anything to anyone.

My main tag is

GHOST OPZ - when i played on this name i was a noob and i was a FUCKING ASSHOLE but im better now maybe someone like ALEXEI09 AND GERCHAP can say something about my skillz. I changed and i have only played MKA since it came out so im still new but my skillz are good enough to challenge any eliteplayer. O YEA Gerchap invited me to MKACentral recently to fight for best smoke GO FIGURE but i stoped using him and completly changed me ROSTER.

ezedvin1-my cousins SN and after new years i wont be using this SN.


About Me

Do not underestimate humour, you'll be dying of laughter!

12/28/2006 11:49 PM (UTC)
After some convincing, Cyrax has changed his gamestyle as well as how to win in this game. With the vast knowledge he's got now, he can be very competitive. Start fresh people, is what I have to say. He's got some great characters on his roster.
12/29/2006 03:04 AM (UTC)
CyRaXFaNzBaK Wrote:
Okay mkf you didnt catch me on any lie WTF are you talkin about dude>>>

So u have a video of your kabal and the moloch fight ??? OKAY so show the kabal fight where my batteries died and u got a free win O YEA U DONT HAVE THAT ONE, or show my jade infinite that u claimed o wait u said u didnt record that one??? FUNNY HUH! O yea SHOW ME the Fuijin MATCH where I WAS WINNIN O YEA U DONT HAVE THAT ONE EITHER!

MKF i hope me and you can stop posting about this shit for good because this is the last time i will, dude i hope we can become friends cause i can learn from you and im getting scared of you. Your going to fucking flip and fucking send a missle at my house.

Also i think ive might of played you JADEDSCORP and we didnt finsih but

I beat

sir chucks alot
asmodeous mko
killin you
xanax zombie
and probably more

If they deny it i dont GIVE a FUCK its my word against theres and i dont need to prove anything to anyone.

My main tag is

GHOST OPZ - when i played on this name i was a noob and i was a FUCKING ASSHOLE but im better now maybe someone like ALEXEI09 AND GERCHAP can say something about my skillz. I changed and i have only played MKA since it came out so im still new but my skillz are good enough to challenge any eliteplayer.

O YEA Gerchap invited me to MKACentral recently to fight for best smoke GO FIGURE but i stoped using him and completly changed me ROSTER.

ezedvin1-my cousins SN and after new years i wont be using this SN.


Well, I hear you admitted that you were wrong on the jade infinte not knowing it was.True?yes...good what ever..

That disc match, tell you what it's dismissed all together since the match never ended.Fair enough?

And btw not being wise here or anything but it was my scorpion vs. moloch.

I only have two matches on tape, I use a 30 minute recorder that's portable so I couldn't set the time limit in time when I started playing you.My fault for not being able to tape all the matches.

I'm all up for a truce, perhaps I got a little too aggressive but I don't like being cheated out of wins.I just don't like it when people pick bosses or do infinites on me that's all man, nothing personal.

But you're apparently newer which I can see now, enjoy MK and perhaps if you let me I can help you out with Ermac, Fujin, Kabal characters that I use more.If you wish.

I still honestly find it hard to believe that you didn't know that was a "jade infinite" though.That's not legit.

I've known alex, jades, killer b, mesofly etc, etc for a while now from online kombat.I'm good with just about everyone, except for cheaters like HB and styles so if you wish to start fresh with me, that's fine.

I'm all for that.


P.S. I'm honestly a nice guy, I know you might not believe that but it's the truth.Ask alex, I've talked to him personally lol.But I'm not going to bomb your house or shoot a missle at you lol.I would never do that.
12/29/2006 03:48 AM (UTC)
Oh yah you won against me! It wasnt fun and I muted you after a while because I fought like normal and you said I was cheating. But the past is the past. And yeah, Im burninoni007. I didnt know if you realized that lol but yeah its me.
About Me


12/29/2006 06:18 AM (UTC)
HJS ~ why do you still have Daegon as a low tier?

its retarded for any one to think that after i explained to every one how to use him. i prettty much made his weapon worth while.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

12/29/2006 03:49 PM (UTC)
He has Kano at the bottom too sad
12/29/2006 03:53 PM (UTC)
i wacked ghost optz the other day, and i dont even play this game alot.
12/29/2006 05:09 PM (UTC)
First off lets stop talkin about who beat who. Red saleen keep your fucking dick in your pants cause u never wacked me okay? i havent been on ghost opz for 3 weeks why you BULL SHITTING.

Who are you anywas easytobeat? or ermacdoesexist? SHUT UR MOUTH SALEEN send me a friend than talk shit.
12/29/2006 08:44 PM (UTC)
wow for u to pick 2 random names out, i guess those 2 accounts both must hav wacked u. :)
About Me


12/29/2006 10:30 PM (UTC)
Subzero2 Wrote:
He has Kano at the bottom too sad
saying kano isnt lower tier in this game is like saying kira wasnt low tier in MKD.

if it werent for sindels horrid throw, she would have been mid tier in MKD.
12/29/2006 10:56 PM (UTC)
HAHAHA red i found out ur mkvidsdotnet HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

UR A SCRUB dude i busted ur smoke and kabal like 3 weeks ago ur FUCKING WACK. You sit there and actually lie to people and say you beat me?? Funny how some people got no lives to lie OVER A GAME.

Ill rematch you no PRoblem if you got a sac unless its tucked dont talk shit.

Kano is low tier, but any character can be played in a unique way to make them good

Super fast laser
Charging up move giving enhanced damage
a really fast charging move to catch your opponents off gaurd.
Good mix ups in his combos but not really safe at all
Lacks damage probably a big flaw.
i dont know about his lows and pokes.

12/29/2006 11:28 PM (UTC)
really, i dont use kabal....EVER

i use kung lao, kenshi

u should remeber it was the one air canceling u all over the screen once u wasted ur breakers.

i even posted about u the day i played u, nice try though.

and u didnt no the jade thing was an infin??? bull shit, im sure u randomlt did throw teleport, throw teleport throw, u even try to time it right. u knew exactly what u were trying to do.

and still lost. here u go, was made before mkf even played u. http://www.mkacentral.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6357#post6357
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12/30/2006 05:29 AM (UTC)
ok mkf, i see now why you said subby didnt look top tier to you. I recently went to mka central and there is an xbox player's tier list, where a person known as quest2be1 is the best player for subzero. Coincidentally, the same guy has uploaded a video of him fighting some mileena. If that is the best sub player on xbox, then yea i can see where you are comin from. Believe me, that guy does not have a good sub. I am not tryin to be cocky but that sub is nowhere as good as the subs on the ps2 (which arent many themselves but alot better than tht guy).
About Me

Do not underestimate humour, you'll be dying of laughter!

12/30/2006 07:40 AM (UTC)
I'm sorry to sound anal, but the character tier list in MKA Central is not accurate, its who challenges for the spots. Trust me, I'll master Subzero like Groy and Doohoo in which I find insanely tough. The tiers are not accurate, its who makes the challenges . . unfortunately to say the least. . .that's the truth.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

12/30/2006 01:54 PM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
Subzero2 Wrote:
He has Kano at the bottom too sad
saying kano isnt lower tier in this game is like saying kira wasnt low tier in MKD.

if it werent for sindels horrid throw, she would have been mid tier in MKD.

Kira wasn't Low tier in MKD(J/K).But, she was infact one of my best players. I took down numorous Bo Rai Cho's with her.

But now that I think about it, the only reason I probably won was because it was a miss match and my opponent sucked worse then me. Ah well, Thank goodness for MKA. grin
12/30/2006 10:27 PM (UTC)
subzerox, you misunderstand me man.

I never said I felt subby wasn't top 3 because of mka's list over there, in fact I think I've read that thread like twice or so.I never said I felt list was fact, but nor is this one or any one.

Point is nobody over there or over here has a complete list yet.As a competitive player, I feel I should have a say just like everyone else that's pretty good.

There will always be disagreeing minds so far as we are all individuals.

Subby is definitely top ten, I'm not disagreeing that fact.Top 3 though or so?I don't feel he is personally.He's 5th or 6th around there if you ask me.It all comes down to opinions any how.

I think Noob, Sareena and Scorp are higher if you ask me.My opinion.

About Me

12/30/2006 10:36 PM (UTC)
fair enough. Im kinda done with mka anyways. btw its subxero not subzerox.
12/30/2006 11:45 PM (UTC)
Ohh lol, my fault for messing up your name man.wink

BTW guys, I hear the 360 version has some problems like the camera, can't load your KAK online(my friend has a problem with this) and the controller isn't as good as the xbox one I hear.
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