10/20/2006 09:42 AM (UTC)
Hey whats up all.

I found a pretty good combo with Mavado. So if ne 1 likes hime the combo starts in the first stance hit back square stance change square square circle square square circle stance change back square.grin

If ne 1 finds out more about Mavado please post. And hope to see u all on MKA


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I Rock

10/20/2006 11:52 AM (UTC)
Check Wrote:
hjs-Q Wrote:
Check Wrote:
HJS, you know ive been working my ass off on a combo movie since day one

theres no way in hell im posting anything before its finished, i learned from my mistakes and overjoy from doing it in deception.

so i know you all think youre finding stuff, but its been well found and pretty obvious finds unless your doing what im doing. hence why i havent released anything actually worth posting.

because unless your doing air combos, theres nothing to "find" its all the same shit except a few minor hits

anyway, just dont think because im not posting any of them doesnt mean im not working day and night everyday on them, because i am, i sacrificed going online for this, just as i did for mkd for a VERY VERY long time. nothing compared to this game.

this video will be out in early November, try not to spoil too much, and keep the topic about gameplay.


With all due respect,

Just because you're making a combo vid doesn't mean I or anyone else can't talk or post combos.

Should everyone stop playing Tanya because I'll realese a guide on her in December?

If this combos are known, so what? If they are unknown, so what?

I'm not in a competition with someone over combos.

I play 10 minutes in practice and what I find I post here.

If you want to post combos, post them, if you don't, don't post them.

you know what? nevermind, these combos being posted are ridiculously easy, and for the most part not whats in the vid, combos in general in this game are easy and short. but they are definitly ALOT on your front page that i dotn even wanna bother doing anymore because theyve been posted, catch my drift?

your not helping my situation, lol

and in return, i havent helped yours ; )

thanks anyway, sorry u dont understand what it is i am saying.

everythings been found and will be posted in 2 or 3 weeks tops.and will not be released till the vid is done, thats how i want it, that because i found everything, and you didnt

carry on

Actually it's you who don't understand.

Did I ever said, "these are the greatest combos EVER"

No I don't care for this shit and I don't care who found it. It's stupid combos,

You're making it look like you just discoverd the cure for HIV and I'm stealing it from you.

And besides, these are combos which were found in 10 minutes, and as you said, they are very easy.

I don't and I won't spend nights of finding combos cause I don't care, so you can chill, I won't "steal" your huge combos.
About Me

I Rock

10/20/2006 11:53 AM (UTC)
nukesgoboom Wrote:

i would deeply appreciate it if you show which combos you got from others. if you got a combo from someone, all you have to do is say "By ThisPerson" next to the combo. i did this with my MKDA combos thread and everyone was happy. i saw that you said "some by juggernaut and nukesgoboom" on page 37 and i thank you very much for that, its kind of you to give credit, but please also put it on the first page and not just page 37 lol. for combos you found, put By hjs-Q. its easy.

your thread is stickied so its your responisbility to honor the work of other people in the first post. if you dont give credit to players when they post and find something, it will make them angry, frustrated, and they will not post thier finds anymore. is that what you want man? a community that keeps all thier finds secret?

also if someone has a video on youtube or something, you can link to it.

The MKA video is being worked on every day!! and it will be released in about 3 weeks, around november 15!!


Give me the combos you found, I'll edit it with your name.
10/20/2006 01:12 PM (UTC)
mastermalone Wrote:
I have parry canceled my opponents, in fact I did it today. But guess what? Other than increasing your throw range, you are not safe if you trade hits during any other type of parry cancelled move. You still get the parry effect, but you get hit/knocked down with whatever your opponet was going for thus, making the function pointless other than the "Kara-throw" effect as in SF3: 3rd Strike. Not to mention I got my throws parried quite often.


Thats the point: Use it to gain range for a throw/attack. Why would you want to trade hits when trying to cancel from the parry? Theres no point as the parry hasn't even gone into it's active window yet but it still gives you mega range to cancel from.

Seriously why ARE you trying to trade hits from it? Use it when they are not expecting it. You might even use it to bait an attack since you can cancel into a duck.

Probably the biggest use you could find with it is with the slower characters because with a slow character someone is not just going to let you walk up and throw them, they could use that extra range.
About Me

I Rock

10/20/2006 04:18 PM (UTC)
New Sonya 55%

Tae Kwon Do - 2, cs, 1,1,2,4,b+3 (wall), jump, 1,1,2 1,1,3,4 -55%

10/20/2006 05:13 PM (UTC)
MK_krazy and Mastermalone....
i'm new to this parry cancel thing....i read it in this topic and few hours ago i tried in the game to learn about what is this thing....and i managed to find a thing but i'm not sure 100% that is the same parry cancel feature that are you talking about..

i found that pressing b+block (to do a parry) and istantly (i do a slide with my finger....like for some attacks in Tekken) pressing the throw button, make you cancel your parry in a throw and you gain some free space....

is this the same thing?
also i read about cancelling in an attack....is the same thing? must i press istantly a button attack after the parry (is harder lol!)?

also, i want to understand if this thing is a programmed feature or is simply a glitch/bug and is lame to use

also, last question please....unfortunatly i noticed that they don't give us these damned throw escapes.....so....is there a NEW WAY (in deception there wasn't) to avoid lame continue throws (i'm not taking about infinities etc....but about lame players that are good only to use throws and nothing else....only throws and few stupid attacks) beside of crouching or try to sidestep?

note: sorry for bad english :D

10/20/2006 05:35 PM (UTC)
Dark_Schneider84 Wrote:
MK_krazy and Mastermalone....
i'm new to this parry cancel thing....i read it in this topic and few hours ago i tried in the game to learn about what is this thing....and i managed to find a thing but i'm not sure 100% that is the same parry cancel feature that are you talking about..

i found that pressing b+block (to do a parry) and istantly (i do a slide with my finger....like for some attacks in Tekken) pressing the throw button, make you cancel your parry in a throw and you gain some free space....

is this the same thing?
also i read about cancelling in an attack....is the same thing? must i press istantly a button attack after the parry (is harder lol!)?

also, i want to understand if this thing is a programmed feature or is simply a glitch/bug and is lame to use

also, last question please....unfortunatly i noticed that they don't give us these damned throw escapes.....so....is there a NEW WAY (in deception there wasn't) to avoid lame continue throws (i'm not taking about infinities etc....but about lame players that are good only to use throws and nothing else....only throws and few stupid attacks) beside of crouching or try to sidestep?

note: sorry for bad english :D


Just look at the video i posted two pages back and make a comparison if it's the same as yours, but yeah, it sounds like you got it right.

I don't think Midway intended to put this in, but just because it's a glitch doesn't mean it's lame to use. Thats why Street Fighter Alpha 3 is better than Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper: because of crouch cancels (and VC's that work properly.)
10/20/2006 05:47 PM (UTC)

i really think that is the same thing...

but in this video i saw also a parry cancel into crouch position.......you can...right?

also can you cancel also into an attack/combo/pop up?

however i saw that you must press very fast the second button O_O...

about the lame fact....well...usually i don't use throws......or however only one, max 2 per both the rounds because i like to win with good combos :)
however i will see if i will use a throw for parry cancels...maybe with lame players :D

however imho is important that you can cancel a parry...is very useful to cancel it because when you do a parry, you are too unsafe :(

also, what about my question about if there is a NEW way to avoid throw, beside crouching or sidestepping?

tnx :D
10/20/2006 05:58 PM (UTC)
man, sub-zero OWNS. i was messing with combos last night and came up with a 3 hit 40% with sub. (i think it may register 4 hits)

in the lower level of the belltower, position yourself correctly (opponents back facing the big dragon gong) do the ice clone where the op should land. walk up, uppercut(kori blade). they'll hit the gong, fly over and land on the clone, then you can uppercut them up into the big bell for 3 hits 40%.

or instead of a uppercut, you can (shotokan)1-2-1-2-bf4 for 50%+

Ive been doing this with other characters as well but it seems to fit sub the best.
10/20/2006 06:20 PM (UTC)
ice clone bouncing trap asd :D

very nice :D

however i really like this new subzero, more than the deception one.......the ice shower is very cool....the air clone is very cool and bastard.....he has new combos in shotokan and 3 hits mid...good
10/20/2006 07:15 PM (UTC)
Here's some more combos...

B+2, BF+1, Throw, cs,jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 12hits 38%
B+2, cs,jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 9hits 33%
Weapon> U+2, U+2, DB+3, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 12hits 33%
Throw, 1,1,2,B+2 6hits 32%
Weapon> U+2, DB+3, BDB+4, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 12hits 32%
B+2, BF1, 1,1,U+3,cs 6hits 31%
B+2, DB+3, cs,jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 11hits 30%

1,4, cs,jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 10hits 32%
1,4, 1,1,3,cs 6hits 32%
Weapon> U+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 9hits 32%
1,4, 1, 2,2,B+2 6hits 31%
DB+4, 1,1,3,cs 5hits 31%
Weapon> DB+4, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 9hits 30%
1,U+2, cs,jump, 3,3,2, 1,1,3,4 10hits 28%

Weapon> B+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 9hits 36%
Throw, cs,jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 10hits 32%
Weapon> B+2, B+2, DB+1 5hits 31%
Weapon> F+3, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 9hits 28%

2,3,U+4, 2,3,cs, DB+2 9hits 33%
U+4, 2, 2,3,cs 6hits 31%
2,3,U+4, 2,3,cs 8hits 30%
Weapon> F+1, BF+1, cs,U+4, cs,jump, 1,1,3,4 8hits 28%

Weapon> B+2,B+1, B+2,1,1,U+1 8hits 34%
Weapon> B+2,B+1, B+1, BF+3 7hits 34%
2,B+1, cs,jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 10hits 30%
Weapon> B+2,B+1, B+1, BF+2 7hits 29%
2,B+1, DB+2 3hits 16%

B+2, 1,2, 1,1,3,cs 6hits 33%
1,2,B+2, cs,jump, 1,1,3,4 8hits 27%

10/20/2006 07:22 PM (UTC)
why the hell does shujinko take more damage then anyone else?
10/20/2006 07:39 PM (UTC)
I'm guessing it's to make up for the fact that he has a shitload of special moves, but to be honest I don't really know. Could be a glitch too.
10/20/2006 08:06 PM (UTC)
Regarding the Parry Glitch...

Has anyone been able to fluidly parry cancel into moves like: U+2, D+3, and F+3 with any relative consistency? I've only been able to pull them off a couple of times. The others (throw, instant crouch, neutral moves, jump, and back moves) feel like cake in comparison.

The extra range on sweeps is nice....

Edit: It seems that you can get foward movements like F+3 easier by doing the fireball motion off the parry. You can also fluidly transition into special moves this way. The Up and Down movements are still tough though... especially Up moves.
10/20/2006 08:56 PM (UTC)
infact is very hard to cancel parries into attacks!

for the other user that posted some combos....tnx! i already did these striker combos and they are very nice.....for many days i never used Striker....at the beginning i thought that he wasn't really good...but today i learn better his moves and he is very good and fast.....1 and 3 in hua chuan are mids....his combos in hua chuan and nightsticks are really fast and powerful....
his special moves are good :D
i love him.
however anyone figured how to make a good use of his high grenade and high firing? are they good only for jumping opponents?
also i'm not 100% sure but i think that i've noticed that his low granade, hit blocking enemies....i must check this thing...

what do you think about him?

and what about Reptile?
10/20/2006 09:32 PM (UTC)
Ya Stryker's upward gun is mostly for people who jump back a lot, the taser is also decent at catching them out of the air (good recovery too). The grenades hit mid, so that's probably why they were hitting your blocking opponent, they're too slow to be a practical anti-air though.
10/20/2006 09:41 PM (UTC)
infact the high granade is too slow to catch someone jumping....it hits only if he jumps twice....

but then....how is supposed to be used? if the low granade hit mid, then you can simply use the low granade...right?

10/20/2006 10:39 PM (UTC)
Dark_Schneider84 Wrote:
infact the high granade is too slow to catch someone jumping....it hits only if he jumps twice....

but then....how is supposed to be used? if the low granade hit mid, then you can simply use the low granade...right?


Stick with taser or gun against jumpers. Ya low grenade is better. The only use I've found for high grenade is to buffer it after 2,B+1. Both high grenade and low grenade hit mid.
10/20/2006 11:04 PM (UTC)
mm peraps you can vary high or low granade to confuse opponent....but with the fact that both hit mid, it isn't very usefull.....anyone found something good for this high granade? mmm

10/21/2006 02:46 AM (UTC)
Man, the bosses online get irritating at times lol.

The parry cancel online is not worth the trouble because of lag as one of the reasons, if you're playing offline a lot I can see worrying about it but online most don't even do it or know how to, nor do most parry that often so I don't see what the big deal is honestly.

I've done it a few times, I've benefited from it like once perhaps.And again lag effects online play as we all know, trying to get fancy with this is silly if you ask me, not to mention most throws can be parried when timed correctly.

I'm noticing everyone is cautious to use wake up attacks as oppose to when the game first came out, especially since they wake up attacks can be parried.Perhaps people are learning the drill online.
10/21/2006 03:45 AM (UTC)
Hey guys, I'm a new user, I've been working with Smoke lately, here are some combo I just came up with(hope it hasn't been found yet)

9 hits, 41% damage
Start in Judo
4, 4, b+2[launch]; smokey cut; d+L1+1, 1, 3, 4, L1

I've come up with a few other ones too, but I'm not sure if they would work, they mostly involve launching an opponent, doing Stinky Fingers, and having them land in the cloud and hitting them while they are stunned. I'm not sure if you can block the Sticky Fingers or not. For example,

Judo>4, 4, b+2, stinky figners (then more moves)
10/21/2006 04:55 AM (UTC)
One of my favorite Kitana combos :)

Ba Gua:1,3,cs 1,1,cs 1,2,2,3= 41%
10/21/2006 07:25 AM (UTC)
Sektor combos:
Pulse blades: b2,b4,cs, 112. 7 hits at 36% you can mix the end with 122 or 114.

Timing and distance is important you have to stay away enough so that when you press b4 you get them with all three hits. it also helps to tap the dpad towards the opponent.


pulseblades: b2, b4, then 114 or 211.

you can also start these combos using a 112 in kempo or teleport.

does anyone know any good sub-zero combos?
About Me

10/21/2006 07:31 AM (UTC)
To Vintoks: Anything following sub-zero's 1,1,2 air juggle in kori blade is not a guaranteed combo.
10/21/2006 07:55 AM (UTC)
mklegend....a question please...

how can throws be parried if timing correctly? can't you only avoid them crouching or sidestepping?
maybe there is something new that maybe involves the Parry to block the throws?

tnx :D
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