10/18/2006 03:33 AM (UTC)
I play on live man I with good players trust me.The thing is I haven't put myself in a position to get caught in that noob ball move, it's slow and I see it coming.

There are a few players online that use Noob well that I've played but he's not exactly the most popular ninja.

But for the parry, I don't see any problems with it.So, if you don't mind can you please explain why you don't like the parry?

10/18/2006 04:36 AM (UTC)
Do you guys think the new characters from deception kind of got screwed over?

Most of them seem a lot less powerful than they were in deception.
10/18/2006 04:40 AM (UTC)
seltzer3 Wrote:
Do you guys think the new characters from deception kind of got screwed over?

Most of them seem a lot less powerful than they were in deception.

Ashrah: not exactly (not like she needed Ba Gua to be good)
Dairou: yes (would've liked him with a greatly toned up Wing Chun instead of Mi Zong)
Darrius: yes (would've liked him with Hung Gar instead of Goju Ryu)
Kira: no (she got a bit better in this game)
Kobra: yes (but I'm glad about it)
Shujinko: sort of (Shaolin Fist was his best style in MKD, but he's still pretty good)
Onaga: no
Hotaru: sort of (Pi Gua is still good and he has new specials, both of which are pretty decent, but Naginata still has no mids)
Havik: sort of (has ok styles, but is overall quite mediocre)
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10/18/2006 04:59 AM (UTC)
I really, truly fail to see what makes the Ice Clone so useful. Maybe I just suck with it, but it just never works for me. When is the best time to use it?
10/18/2006 05:13 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
I really, truly fail to see what makes the Ice Clone so useful. Maybe I just suck with it, but it just never works for me. When is the best time to use it?

The Ice Clone is something that should be used often. Sub-Zero is more of a defense fighter despite having a much more offense-oriented fighting style like Shotokan....What I suppose you could do is when doing the Ice Clone, stand near it.

Also, if the opponent comes towards you with a physical attack or even a physical special, the Ice Clone would be good to use. Up close, while the Ice Clone may not work, 1, 1, 3 is good stuff.
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10/18/2006 05:43 AM (UTC)
Trust me, the air ice clone is very effective. Ive got so many people to waste their breakers on that. Tonight i even got called a cheeser cause one guy got caught in the clone too many times.

Even though he kicked my ass alot, i got Chimage from these boards to walk into an air clone a decent amount of the time. Given the skill level that he has got, i think its safe to assume that the air clone is very useful.

I personally wont use 1,1,3 without a freeze since the first two hits are high but ill experiment with it. Is it safe on block?
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10/18/2006 06:20 AM (UTC)
Well, you could stop there with Sub-Zero's 1,1,3... but I believe that making it 1,1,3,F+3 makes it a launcher, yes? I also think that it's high, high, mid, high, but I could be mistaken.
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10/18/2006 06:28 AM (UTC)
yeah, but i basically use 3,b+2 which is a launcher and 3 is a midhit.
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10/18/2006 06:45 AM (UTC)
SubXer0 Wrote:
yeah, but i basically use 3,b+2 which is a launcher and 3 is a midhit.

Yea, it's just too bad that you can simply standblock the whole thing.

What sucks for me is that I haven't played any human competition yet, so being I fight the CPU I find the Icy Pillar useful. lol.
10/18/2006 08:12 AM (UTC)
Look at this way. With 3, F + 3 and 1, 1, 3, F + 3, you can push away the opponent and if the opponent tries to come towards you after he/she blocks, maybe do an Ice Clone or poke with D + 1. Am I right?
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10/18/2006 08:22 AM (UTC)
I dont know if its just me but i think 1,1,3,f+3 tracks as well. But yeah you are right in what you stated in your post.
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10/18/2006 03:08 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Look at this way. With 3, F + 3 and 1, 1, 3, F + 3, you can push away the opponent and if the opponent tries to come towards you after he/she blocks, maybe do an Ice Clone or poke with D + 1. Am I right?

You are right.

If they attempt any kind of wakeup, I'd throw an Ice Clone out then too.
10/18/2006 04:42 PM (UTC)
wonch-toi Wrote:
can you explain the parry cancel glitch ?

Parry Cancel

(Not done by me)
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10/18/2006 06:16 PM (UTC)
I personally believe that the parry move has made me one of the best players on MKA. I'm a sleeper pick I'm tellin you. Fight me and you will see how good I am wit em.

Also, the Ice clone is probably one of the best moves in the game imo. For me it is one of the best. But My Rain is even BETTER then my Subzero!! I can't believe it!

I'm startin to get better wit Stryker but still need improvement. My Kintaro is comin along nice as shit. I'm gonna surprise some people. Watch, dis nigga is nice(talkin bout myself)

Btw, I did the Kife try out thing yesterday.(just so I could get some good matches in) and it was actually the best fights I've had so far, in terms of enjoy ment. I had to fight like 3 or 4 of them in a gauntlet type thing and beat them all out for a total score of 8-3 when you calculate it.

One guy used his KAK 7 times in a row against me, Kifeblue. Kifedevl, the leader, I beat 2-0 easily. GotKife, I beat 2-0 with relative ease. Only one that gave me trouble was Kifeblue's KAK. But it was fun as hell taking this challenge. Btw, I joined temperarily but DO NOT CHEAT! I DON"T DO NO BULL SHIT! I take my losses like a man. Thats why I have so many losses lol. Takes losing to win. Now I'm beginning to dominate with EASE.
10/18/2006 06:23 PM (UTC)
Anyone else using Mokap online? I'm admittingly not an elite player by any means, but I do enjoy using Mr. Pesina against the hordes of KAKs, Ninjas, and Taven. His teleslam combos decently, especially in Wing Chun, but I'm hoping to find some better combos and such.
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10/18/2006 08:12 PM (UTC)
The_Senator Wrote:
Anyone else using Mokap online? I'm admittingly not an elite player by any means, but I do enjoy using Mr. Pesina against the hordes of KAKs, Ninjas, and Taven. His teleslam combos decently, especially in Wing Chun, but I'm hoping to find some better combos and such.

f+2, 1,1 jump, 3,3 1,1,4

f+2 1,1 d,b+2, 1,1 b,f+1

These are nice easy combos...........
10/18/2006 10:02 PM (UTC)
Could someone please fill me in on Sonya, Mileena, Sindel & Tanya? I'm dying to know how they are and I don't want to wait until the 27th to find out.
10/19/2006 03:22 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Could someone please fill me in on Sonya, Mileena, Sindel & Tanya? I'm dying to know how they are and I don't want to wait until the 27th to find out.

Sonya is good but nowhere near the powerhouse everyone assumed she would be. almost all her attacks in kali sticks can be parried but she's still pretty solid. Mileena and Tanya are both excellent due to their good lows, free throws and Tanya because of her high damage combos in her weapon stance. Sindel just flat out sucks. sad
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10/19/2006 03:47 AM (UTC)
Ugh, Ermac gets absolutely nerfed in Air Kombat if you start wth a TK Slam as opposed to CLF B+2 or Axe B+2.

Best ones I've done so far is Axe B+2, jump, 1,1,3,4 and CLF TK Slam, B+2, jump, 1,1,3,1,1,3.
10/19/2006 05:06 AM (UTC)
You know, I hate the fact that Ermac's projectile is still lacking.

Is it me, or did they put Bo' Rai Cho on speed? This guy is fucking crazy. His movement in Drunken Fist is quite fast and they sped up F + 3 in Jojutsu, which simply has the 3 command. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to lead to a free throw like in MKD, but I could be wrong. Also, it looks to me like they got rid of the Puke Puddle glitch.

Anybody have thoughts on the gasman?
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10/19/2006 05:44 AM (UTC)
Sonya can blow out constant Kisses of Death, she can actually land two of them on you legitimately. There seems to be no recovery frames for her as long as she does not connect with the mist. If she does connect, she can pull off one more, then she has to wait 3 seconds to perform another Kiss of Death. In MKA, the Kiss of death does not reduce the overall damage like it did in MKD.

By the way, I fail to see the usefulness of the parry cancel, unless it causes parry-cancelled moves to become invincible, causing any traded hits to be parried without causing damage to the person using the parry cancel technique.

The only real use of it that is viable in to parry cancel into a throw, but how often are you going to land that in an actual match?
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10/19/2006 07:09 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
You know, I hate the fact that Ermac's projectile is still lacking.

Is it me, or did they put Bo' Rai Cho on speed? This guy is fucking crazy. His movement in Drunken Fist is quite fast and they sped up F + 3 in Jojutsu, which simply has the 3 command. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to lead to a free throw like in MKD, but I could be wrong. Also, it looks to me like they got rid of the Puke Puddle glitch.

Anybody have thoughts on the gasman?

Ermac's projectile is absolute garbage unless you want to use it right after a juggle combo. Then it becomes somewhat effective. However, the Mystic Bomb is a better option if you're quick. It just looks cool. That's about it.

Actually, I take back what I said about Ermac's juggles and airs, because with some of the stuff I've discovered, you can make your opponent run through their breakers pretty quickly grin
10/19/2006 08:43 AM (UTC)
I just discovered something that while most likely useless is kinda odd nonetheless.

Kabal's nomad's touch does damage to boss characters without actually doing the animation. I've been using this to annoy the hell out of the at range. It hits instantly so you can punish or counter any move and since it doesn't change your distance since the animation doesn't happen you can pretty much spam it endlessly until they manage to get close to you. Again not sure if it's usefull at all though.
10/19/2006 11:02 AM (UTC)
"By the way, I fail to see the usefulness of the parry cancel, unless it causes parry-cancelled moves to become invincible, causing any traded hits to be parried without causing damage to the person using the parry cancel technique. "

That is what id like to know cauz i parry cancel pretty much all my moves now.Anybody already tested if there's proprieties added to the parry cancel except added range?
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10/19/2006 12:03 PM (UTC)
Combos updated on first post.

Some are from Juggerment, some from NukesgoesBoom and some are mine.

If you have combos, post them.
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