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10/16/2006 05:20 PM (UTC)
Are you trying to make me look stupid? It seems mad risky to use. You miss you die. I didn't think it was practical. plz reread my post, You must have seen it before edit maybe? I gace an explanation on why im scared to use spear.
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Xbox live gametag- scoot magee

10/16/2006 05:29 PM (UTC)
And damn damage scaling is reduced like crazy if you just use U+4 for the combo. I was always doing the full chain leading to the u+4 and did the same juggle b+1, 2, 2-3-cs and it only does like 32%

But yeah is spear quick enough to catch someone good? Should I be using it point blank or something? Again it looks risky to me and no im not joking...
10/16/2006 05:34 PM (UTC)
i usally spear when i know a projectile is coming. i also usally do it after a parry or block...or when the opponent is coming in to combo -backdash, then spear....side step, then spear. theres tons of ways.

you can land it after any pop up attack, but it usally makes some combos do less damage afterwards depending on the combo.
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10/16/2006 05:36 PM (UTC)
Hey m2dave, how do you think normal charatcers stack up against the boss characters? Is it a lost cause if i exclusively play as sub-zero online and try to fight moloch/kintaro or other boss characters (havent played any yet)? I mean Sub-zero is definitely not the strongest in terms of damadge and being safe.

Also this is a question for any Sub-zero player or someone who is good in finding combos: Does Sub-zero have any guaranteed combo that does 30% or more damadge. The best i could find was 29% but that is also scaled down to 18% if i freeze the opponent. This is utter bs, btw.

Thanks in advance.
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Xbox live gametag- scoot magee

10/16/2006 05:40 PM (UTC)
Ok cool thanks for the info it' def helpfull.

Man liu kangs 1 in jun fan doesnt hit crouch block anymore? I could have sworn it did in mkd.
10/16/2006 05:45 PM (UTC)
btw, the u+4-2.-2-3-cs does 39%

with hellfire at the end you get 43%

when you do it with spear and hellfire, you get 8 hits 52%.
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Xbox live gametag- scoot magee

10/16/2006 06:08 PM (UTC)
Just went online and tried it all out. The combo works fine offline but online it's damn near impossible for me to juggle. It always whiffs on the way down and I get punished.

Tried some spear setups but everytime I set it up right the spear went right through them lollol. Man the lag really messes with this game hardcore. Edit got a good connection and i was able to pull all the stuff off. Finally!! lol.
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Xbox live gametag- scoot magee

10/16/2006 06:39 PM (UTC)
So far form what I see the game seems to bebnefit the defensive player. Parry and ss seem to help this. That usually stops though if someone capatalizes on a knockdown then it turns into some high/low mixup offense. I'm a nooby though so I'm probably wrong lol.

Imo the characters that usually benefit best from offense are the teleporters with quick high low mixups. That shit can be a real bitch to deal with. I remember in MKD if someone tried to tp with raiden I could input attack commands as he was teleporting and it would hit them out everytime. Didn't seem to work in this.
10/16/2006 06:47 PM (UTC)
(kori blade)
b+2-cs-1-2-1-2-bf4 6 hits 36%
du2-1-2-1-2-bf4 6 hits 41%

kung lao
2-1-1-3-cs-(air)1-1-2-1-1-3-4 13 hits 41%

2-1-1-cs-cs-1-1-cs 9 hits 49% (damage varies depending if you wiff any of the hits. if all connect its 49%, if you wiff some, it will range from 40-49%)

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Xbox live gametag- scoot magee

10/16/2006 07:02 PM (UTC)
johnny cage

Like the one you posted it can go anywhere from 40-45% depending on if one of the hits whiff.

1-1-4, 1-1, 2-1-1-3-3. Pretty decent damage. I'm going to mess with him some more to see if i can get more out of that. It almost seems like he can infinite when you juggle with 1-1 but I always miss the 3rd rep. Something might work though.
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10/16/2006 07:36 PM (UTC)
Konqrr Wrote:
Scorpion is better in this game than he was in MKD and he was ranked around 6 or 7 in that game so go figure.

Smoke is still very good as is Noob.

Shang, I'm not sure about, he still has his broken damage 3-D fireballs, but that doesn't save him from say, Shinnok...don't know.

Smoke and Noob very good? confused

Could some one tell me why and how??

Noob was the first character I played with, wich I haven't played with since then. So yeah been nearly a week since I played with him, I may have missed some thing or a few things with him. From what I played with him he seems like one of the worst to me. Wouldn't suprise me though if I missed some thing(s) with him.

Smoke however is one of the characters that I've really tested to the best I could do I believe and he seemed to not be that good.

So yeah I'm confused confused
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10/16/2006 07:55 PM (UTC)
has anyone found a good setup for sub-zero's ice pillar move?
10/16/2006 09:24 PM (UTC)
noob is actually my main character. he is extremely good in monkey u have his (circle)super fast popup that hits mid(safe with backdash) u have down+x and down+square really good pokes and back+x his good sweep. thats pretty much his entire game just throw in some shruyikens and telegrab(when ppl projectile) also go invisible makes him really good. also with his popup u can parry during lag time almost makes u invincible. honestly noob is top teir his hammer sucks tho.

another thing i found useful is that shadow thing u shoot 1 up then jump kick someone into it. gives u a free unblockable popup
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10/17/2006 01:53 AM (UTC)
Ermac top tier according to Prima?

That means he'll be like, low-mid when we're done making our list lol.
10/17/2006 04:01 AM (UTC)
noob is broke as fuck. and i dont mean broke as in cheap, i mean broke as in he needs fixed. that blackhole move is sooo freakin buggy. ive seen it get stuck in air, and stay on the ground. when this happens, all other projectiles (like his ninja stars) wont hit the opponent, they just go right thru them. wtf.
10/17/2006 03:32 PM (UTC)
I don't think anyone has posted thisd yet i figured out that at least with kang if you start a launcher for example x,x towards a launch them jump up with air juggle that bounces you back off the ground then with perfect timing if you hit the x,x toward a(right before it looks like they are going to hit ground)you can hit with the add on air juggle but intead of finishing off the air juggle it will reset the launcher.I'm sure you can do this with a lot of them.if you fuck around with this you an link a lot of shit, But of course it's a cool lokinf infinite if you want it to be.
10/17/2006 05:38 PM (UTC)
Man fuck that parry cancel glitch. It gives you so much range for a throw now.
10/17/2006 06:48 PM (UTC)
can you explain the parry cancel glitch ?
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10/17/2006 08:00 PM (UTC)
Ok being in Europe, I had to get an "unofficial" version of MKA on the Xbox. Some comments:

Kira has improved, thank god. 4, 4, u+3 hits mid and is safe. Her kiss move also doesn't reduce damage anymore. The highest combo I've gotten with her is 41%

Smoke isn't broken anymore but he's still very effective. Judo is better than I thought it would be regardless of having no mids. It's cool that even his throw combos juggle. He still has the good u+4 in Mi Tzu of course. The best thing about him is that his stinky fingers can hit on a juggle. That way you can pop them up in Mi Tzu, do stinky fingers, and switch to Judo for his bigger combos.

Air combat is a little stiff and the timing is strange, I still prefer using ground juggles.

Kabal's 4 in Hookswords now plants them so you can't do his juggles from MKD. However Mavado's 4 still has the same properties and you can do some great combos with it. I got a 51% without even really trying.

Is it just me or does Shang Tsung not have a popup with the straight sword? That's a shame because I love that style. Too bad it's not in KAK...He only has one popup in Snake, and it sucks. Tsung got screwed.

The boss characters are unfair. They take less damage and can't be juggled. There's no way to compensate for this as there are no long dial-a-combos to do on them.

I've been hearing things about Shinnok and he is pretty damn good. His throw gives you a free ground hand grab.

That's all for now. Long day tomorrow.
10/17/2006 10:13 PM (UTC)
To mkflegend: Blaze's Steam Roller hits mid and is blockable, so all you have to do is stand block or jump over it.

To SubXer0: Told ya Sub-Zero doesn't suck in MKA. wink You know, I think the Air Ice Clone isn't all that great. He would've been much better if he flipped back after doing it like in the older MKs. The recovery from the Air Ice Clone is bad. I agree about the Icy Pillar being essentially useless. I'd personally say that the Ice Clone is his only real useful special in this game.

To Liu_Kang187: It seems to me that Shang Tsung is amongst the several characters whose strengths lie much more in special moves. I was very unimpressed with both Snake and Straight Sword.

To firebrandxx: How are D + 1 and D + 3 in Monkey good pokes? I thought in terms of lows that D + 4 (and maybe B + 3) were worth using.

m0s3pH Wrote:
Ermac top tier according to Prima?

That means he'll be like, low-mid when we're done making our list lol.

Yeah, I know what you mean. ProudNintendoFan was telling me some things about the ratings from the Prima guide, and a lot of them made me go "wtf?".

scorpio Wrote:
noob is broke as fuck. and i dont mean broke as in cheap, i mean broke as in he needs fixed. that blackhole move is sooo freakin buggy. ive seen it get stuck in air, and stay on the ground. when this happens, all other projectiles (like his ninja stars) wont hit the opponent, they just go right thru them. wtf.

Yay, more bugs....NOT! tongue

To IVLIVS: Yeah, I too noticed the contrast between Mavado's and Kabal's versions of the Hookswords. It seems to me that Mavado is one of the better characters of the game. Long Fist got some nice touchups such as a nice D + 1 poke, a combo mix up between 1, 1, 3 (high, high, mid) and 1, 1, CS (high, high, low/high). Since Mavado's Hookswords are like Kabal's MKD version, he can dish out some pretty good damage. What I found kind of bad was that B + 2 and B + 4 in Long Fist hit high in this game. Overall, I'd say Mavado is a huge improvement over his MKDA self.
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10/18/2006 12:16 AM (UTC)
To Sub-Zero_7th: I use the air clone because my online experience shows alot of people are not that wary of the ice clone when i jump towards them. Also subby can create the air ice clone inches off the ground which is what i am looking for. People tend to start their dial-a-combos as soon as i am about to land. So, if i get the distance right, they walk right into it. Mind you though, that if you misjudge the distance, you are in for a thrashing but its still useful once you get used to it. Man, if only the ice clone were like the one in MK3. Subby could so use that.
10/18/2006 12:40 AM (UTC)
SubXer0 Wrote:
To Sub-Zero_7th: I use the air clone because my online experience shows alot of people are not that wary of the ice clone when i jump towards them. Also subby can create the air ice clone inches off the ground which is what i am looking for. People tend to start their dial-a-combos as soon as i am about to land. So, if i get the distance right, they walk right into it. Mind you though, that if you misjudge the distance, you are in for a thrashing but its still useful once you get used to it. Man, if only the ice clone were like the one in MK3. Subby could so use that.

Does online play make the recovery of the Ice Clone faster or something?

If Sub-Zero had the MK3 version of the Ice Clone, he would be extremely dangerous. tongue
10/18/2006 12:45 AM (UTC)
i like to use the air clone against less experienced peeps. sometimes you can manage to pull off a low air ice along with a tak juggle. as for pillar set ups, i usally go for it after a block or parry...or when i see a projectile gettin ready to come off.. im usally doing things like parry-pillar-1-2-1-2-coldsholder for 41%

anyone here play as jax yet? boy what a hunk of shit he turned out to be. he was so awesome and fast in mkda. they totally raped him in mka. all his punches come off very slow and with some wierd ass delay that makes his attacks feel sluggish as fuck. i played him for about 2 min and ill never pick him again.

if anyone has any high damage combos and infs to share, hit me up with a pm. i cant believe how many has been found so far. would it even be possible to patch mka? i dont see it happening on the ps2 version. unless there was some way to add it ona memcard.
10/18/2006 02:03 AM (UTC)
To sub and dave yeah I know now lol.It's just when the computer hits you with the rolly move, it does it again before you can even get up literally.But yeah I blocked it a few times the other day, so my mistake.

For the dude that had a beef with the parry, I don't see any reasons to complain about the parries?What exactly are you referring to, because the parry is great in this game.No more crowding nonsense into 50/50's and it makes those "offensive" players online think twice.Trust me, I play this game online and the parries are VERY useful as the other online players here will tell you.

It's bailed my ass out of trouble on more then one occassion, I love it.

Noob is not that great with that move if you ask me, anyone who's attempted it on me online has yet to connect it.His star move is fast and his invisibility move is useful assuming you know what you're doing.His troll hammer, although slow pretty good in the right hands.

Other then that he's not bad in any way.He's got good combos but that's just how some characters play out, some have better or higher ones then others.

I love Motaro, he's cool.Slow, but powerful.

Shinnok has that OTG after fireball with the skeleton hand grab.Unless you can escape it.

10/18/2006 02:03 AM (UTC)
sorry sub i ment d+4 not d+3. D+3 is actually mid my bad lol (btw B+3 is a sweep not poke)grin And about the parry glitch , u can parry during characters recovery time. For example lets say u do a popup when the opponents blocks your popup they automatically get to hit u after because its a high risk good damage move but with the parry glitch u can parry during that lag time making it so the other character doesnt get a free hit which hes suppose to get. Mklegend u have to play someone good with noob in order to abuse his (circle) with parry glitch if u want i can show u my game name is fire666
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